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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A criança com cegueira na educação infantil: interação entre os contextos de desenvolvimento

Jesus, Lana Tuan Borges de 31 August 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Lana Jesus (lanatuanborges@hotmail.com) on 2015-11-19T22:31:45Z No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTAÇÃO -LANA BORGES.pdf: 8060743 bytes, checksum: f8e1143e7680c2194c3f1f6fa7d45a08 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Maria Auxiliadora da Silva Lopes (silopes@ufba.br) on 2015-11-24T14:24:00Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTAÇÃO -LANA BORGES.pdf: 8060743 bytes, checksum: f8e1143e7680c2194c3f1f6fa7d45a08 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-11-24T14:24:00Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DISSERTAÇÃO -LANA BORGES.pdf: 8060743 bytes, checksum: f8e1143e7680c2194c3f1f6fa7d45a08 (MD5) / Capes / Esta dissertação de Mestrado pretende abordar a temática do Atendimento Educacional Especializado (AEE) para a inclusão de crianças com cegueira na Educação Infantil,considerando os principais contextos que as mesmas participam: a família, a escola e o Centro de Atendimento Educacional Especializado. Esta pesquisa parte do pressuposto de que atividades assertivas no AEE, realizadas em parceria com os diversos contextos de desenvolvimento que a criança com cegueira está circunscrita, são potencializadoras de vivências escolares positivas, facilitando o seu aprendizado, contribuindo para a eficácia da inclusão escolar. Considerando que o Ministério da Educação, através das Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais para Educação Infantil preconiza para a Educação Infantil como eixos norteadores das práticas pedagógicas com crianças, as interações e a brincadeira, e entendendo que os mesmos englobam diferentes dimensões, amplas e complexas, foi feito um recorte, centrando-se na investigação da construção da identidade e autonomia da criança cega a partir dos referidos eixos. O estudo insere-se no campo das pesquisas qualitativas, do tipo estudo de caso, tendo como objetivo geral compreender as diferentes contribuições do Atendimento Educacional Especializado para a inclusão de crianças com cegueira na Educação Infantil, considerando o desenvolvimento da sua identidade e autonomia, a partir das perspectivas da profissional especializada, da família e da professora da classe comum. O lócus da pesquisa foi o único Centro de Atendimento Educacional Especializado (CAEE) que atende alunos com deficiência visual na faixa etária da Educação Infantil no município de Salvador e duas escolas comuns do município que as crianças do presente estudo estão incluídas, tendo como sujeitos: duas crianças cegas atendidas pelo referido CAEE que estejam incluídas na escola comum, profissionais que realizam Atendimento Educacional Especializado do referido CAEE, as professoras da escola comum que atuam com essas crianças e os familiares responsáveis pelo acompanhamento escolar das crianças. Os principais referenciais teóricos são as concepções da teoria histórico cultural e a teoria bioecológica do desenvolvimento humano. Os dados foram coletados mediante: entrevista semiestruturada, gravada em áudio, com a profissional especializada, a professora da escola comum e o familiar da criança cega; observação sistemática da criança cega no seu contexto escolar, com registro em vídeo; análise dos documentos da instituição sobre o acompanhamento da criança. As informações coletadas foram analisadas através da triangulação de dados, buscando agregar as informações das diferentes fontes da pesquisa, apresentando e discutindo os dados sobre a relevância da interação entre os contextos para a construção da identidade, autonomia e inclusão escolar da criança com cegueira. Os dados revelaram que as crianças cegas investigadas participam de ambientes estimuladores que permitiram que ambas pudessem construir a consciência de si mesmas, definir preferências, desejos e vontades, além de adquirir ações autônomas. As professoras, sob a orientação da equipe multidisciplinar do CAEE, conseguiram realizar estratégias pedagógicas diferenciadas, contemplando as necessidades educacionais específicas de cada criança. / ABSTRACT: This Master's dissertation aims to address the issue of Specialized Educational Service (SES) for the inclusion of blind children in kindergarten, considering the main contexts in which they participate: the family environment, the school environment and the Specialized Educational Service Center. This research assumes that the assertive activities in the SES, carried out in partnership with various development contexts that the blind children are restricted, are intensifying positive school experiences, facilitating their learning, contributing to the effectiveness of educational inclusion. Whereas the Ministry of Education, through the National Curricular Guidelines for Early Childhood Education advocates for Early Childhood Education as guiding principles of pedagogical practices with children, interactions and games, and understanding that they include different, large and complex dimensions, an approach was made, focusing on the research of the construction of identity and autonomy of blind children from these areas. The study is part of the field of qualitative research, case study type, aiming to understand the different contributions of the Specialized Educational Service for the inclusion of blind children in kindergarten as its general goal, considering the development of their identity and autonomy, from the perspective of a specialized professional, the family and the common class teacher. The study locus was the only Specialized Educational Service Center (CAEE in Portuguese) that serves visually impaired children in the age group of childhood education in the city of Salvador, and two regular schools from the city where the children of this study are included, having as subjects: two blind children assisted by the said CAEE who are included in regular schools, professionals who perform Specialized Educational Service in the said CAEE, the regular school teachers who work with these children and the family members responsible for the children’s school support. The main theoretical references are the concepts of cultural and historical theory and the bio-ecological theory of human development. The data were collected through: semistructured interviews, recorded in audio, with the specialized professional; the teacher of the regular school and the family member of the blind children; systematic observation of the blind children in their school environment, with video recording; analysis of the institution's documents on the children's monitoring. The information collected was analyzed by data triangulation, seeking to add the information from the different sources of research, presenting and discussing the data on the importance of interaction among contexts for the construction of identity, autonomy and educational inclusion of blind children. The data revealed that the blind children investigated participate in stimulating environments that allowed both of them to build awareness of themselves, set preferences, wishes and desires, in addition to acquiring autonomous actions. The teachers, under the guidance of the CAEE multidisciplinary team, managed to realize differentiated teaching strategies, considering the specific educational needs of each child.

Assessment of problems in the transportation of blind and deaf children

Stuart, Colleen Mary January 1977 (has links)
This study was a preliminary step in an assessment of the transportation services accessible to blind and deaf children in Vancouver. It originated in response to the ever increasing concern voiced within the community about the problem of inadequate transportation facilities for handicapped children. The purpose of the research was to determine the extent to which public and special transportation services are accessible to children with visual and hearing impairments and to propose improvements that might be made. In order to research this problem, four basic methods of collecting information were employed, as follows: documentary analysis interviews and correspondence with transportation experts; mailed questionnaires to parents of blind and deaf children; and, personal interviews using the same questionnaire. The sample population was randomly selected from blind and deaf children between the ages of 6 and 19 years who were affiliated with Jericho Hill School in the 1974-75 school term. Sixty-one (48%) questionnaires were completed and used in this study. Findings regarding mobility limitations showed that the sample population was quite mobile and over half reported not having to rely on special aids to help them get around outdoors. Of those requiring some kind of aid, most used either a cane or another person. Travel data were obtained for three trip destinations: school medical facilities, and recreational activities. Findings showed the children were not restricted in travel to recreational activities. Transportation to medical facilities was not found to be a problem because the majority of the children used those provided at Jericho Hill School. Access to school transportation was not reported to be a problem in itself; however, it was found that the trip from home to school was problematic in terms of travel time and safety requirements It is a conclusion of this study that if Jericho Hill School remains as a central facility a more localized shuttle service would be the maximum requirement. However, if decentralization occurs the provision of a parallel system run on a demand-responsive basis would be necessary. It is apparent from this study, which has attempted to review the range of problems and needs for transit of blind and deaf children that problems for them are perhaps common to all handicapped children. / Medicine, Faculty of / Population and Public Health (SPPH), School of / Graduate

Развој мултимодалног система образовне игре за слабовиду и слепу децу / Razvoj multimodalnog sistema obrazovne igre za slabovidu i slepu decu / Development of the multimodal system of educational game for partially sighted and blind children

Lučić Branko 08 September 2016 (has links)
<p>У дисертацији су приказани развој мултимодалног<br />система за образовну игру Луграм и истраживања<br />везана за његову примену у области редовног и<br />специјализованог основношколског образовања.<br />Извршено је испитивање утицаја Луграма на<br />повишење ефеката учења геометрије у редовној<br />разредној настави, испитивање да ли његову<br />прилагођену мултимодалну верзију могу да користе<br />слабовида и слепа деца и да ли се она може<br />користити за њихову обуку за самосталну употребу<br />рачунарске аудио верзије Луграма.<br />Утврђено је да Луграм има утицаја на пораст успеха<br />у учењу геометрије и да се прилагођена аудио-<br />тактилна верзија може користити у сврху обуке<br />слабовиде и слепе деце за самостално коришћење<br />аудио верзије игре.<br />Резултати истраживања су показали оправданост<br />приступа развоју Луграма као мултимодалног<br />система за игру и усмерили његов даљи развој ка<br />асистивном мултимодалном систему који поседује<br />способност говорне интеракције са корисником и<br />могућност прилагођења различитим категоријама<br />корисника.</p> / <p>U disertaciji su prikazani razvoj multimodalnog<br />sistema za obrazovnu igru Lugram i istraživanja<br />vezana za njegovu primenu u oblasti redovnog i<br />specijalizovanog osnovnoškolskog obrazovanja.<br />Izvršeno je ispitivanje uticaja Lugrama na<br />povišenje efekata učenja geometrije u redovnoj<br />razrednoj nastavi, ispitivanje da li njegovu<br />prilagođenu multimodalnu verziju mogu da koriste<br />slabovida i slepa deca i da li se ona može<br />koristiti za njihovu obuku za samostalnu upotrebu<br />računarske audio verzije Lugrama.<br />Utvrđeno je da Lugram ima uticaja na porast uspeha<br />u učenju geometrije i da se prilagođena audio-<br />taktilna verzija može koristiti u svrhu obuke<br />slabovide i slepe dece za samostalno korišćenje<br />audio verzije igre.<br />Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali opravdanost<br />pristupa razvoju Lugrama kao multimodalnog<br />sistema za igru i usmerili njegov dalji razvoj ka<br />asistivnom multimodalnom sistemu koji poseduje<br />sposobnost govorne interakcije sa korisnikom i<br />mogućnost prilagođenja različitim kategorijama<br />korisnika.</p> / <p>The dissertation presents the development of the multimodal system for the educational game Lugram and the research related to its application in the regular and specialized primary education. The examination of the effect which Lugram has on the improvement in learning geometry in the primary education is done, as well as the testing weather its adapted multimodal version can be used for the training of partially sighted and blind children for the independent use of the computer audio version of Lugram. It is established that Lugram has an influence on the improvement in learning geometry and that adapted audio-tactile version can be used for the training purposes for partially sighted and blind children. Results of the research have justified the approach in the development of Lugram as a multimodal system for the game. Moreover, they focus further development toward assistive multimodal system which has ability of the voice interaction with the user and also ability of adaptation to the different kind of users.</p>

An exploratory study of inclusion of learners with visual impairment into mainstream schools : the learners' parents' and educators' perspectives

Ngxata, Ncediwe Gratia January 2005 (has links)
The study explores the experiences of inclusion of learners with visual impairment into mainstream schools in Mdantsane and Duncan Village in the Eastern Cape. The learners previously attended a special school away from home for the visually impaired in Port Elizabeth. The study delves into the barriers to inclusion as identified by the parents, educators and learners. A study of this nature was essential as many learners with visual impairment, are sent away to special schools on the grounds that they are unfit to attend mainstream schools when they could do well in mainstream schools when provided with appropriate support. As inclusive education is fairly new in South Africa, studies of this kind provide the Department of Education with some understanding of what the situation is with regard to the implementation of inclusive policies. The study attempts to establish from the participants what they think inclusive education is, the reason for introducing inclusive education, the barriers to inclusive education and the kind of support required to implement inclusive education in South Africa. Data collection was through semi-structured interviews and focus groups. A sample of educators, learners and parents was selected from two high schools and one primary school. Coding was used in data reduction and analysis. The study revealed that some learners, educators and parents are not totally against inclusive education as long as they could be provided with the necessary support. The study also revealed the excitement of learners and parents about attending nearby schools which are close to their homes. However two parents and learners are not satisfied due to lack of support and would rather go back to special school. The study ends with recommendations about how inclusive education could be intensified to ensure that learners with disabilities benefit from the mainstream schools. There is no doubt that this research study will be a strong contribution towards inclusive education initiatives particularly with regard to learners with visual impairment in the Eastern Cape Province.

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