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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

In vivo blood oxygenation level measurements using photoacoustic microscopy

Sivaramakrishnan, Mathangi 17 September 2007 (has links)
We investigate the possibility of extracting accurate functional information such as local blood oxygenation level using multi-wavelength photoacoustic measurements. Photoacoustic microscope is utilized to acquire images of microvasculature in smallanimal skin. Owing to endogenous optical contrast, optical spectral information obtained from spectral photoacoustic measurements are successfully inverted to yield oxygenation level in blood. Analysis of error propagation from photoacoustic measurements to inverted quantities showed minimum inversion error in the optical wavelength region of 570-600 nm. To obtain accurate and vessel size independent blood oxygenation measurements, transducers with central frequency of more than 25 MHz are needed for the optical region of 570-600 nm used in this study. The effect of transducer focal position on accuracy of blood oxygenation level quantification was found to be negligible. To obtain accurate measurements in vivo, one needs to compensate for factors such as spectral dependent optical attenuation.

Long Term Blood Oxygenation Membranes

Alexander, Joseph V 01 January 2015 (has links)
Hollow fiber membranes are widely used in blood oxygenators to remove carbon dioxide and add oxygen during cardiopulmonary bypass operations. These devices are now widely used off-label by physicians to perform extracorporeal blood oxygenation for patients with lung failure. Unfortunately, the hollow fiber membranes used in these devices fail prematurely due to blood plasma leakage and gas emboli formation. This project formed ultrathin (~100nm) polymer coatings on polymer hollow fiber membranes. The coatings were intended to “block” existing pores on the exterior surfaces while permitting high gas fluxes. This coating is synthesized using surface imitated control radical polymerization. The coating was durable and did not peel or degrade. Fibers modified using this coating technique did not substantially degrade the mechanical properties of the membrane. This coating technique prevented blood plasma leakage and gas emboli formation. The coating permitted blood oxygenation and carbon dioxide removal from in a mock circulation module. Coating formation on polymeric hollow fiber membranes using surface initiated controlled radical polymerization allows for the formation of membranes that have the potential for long term blood oxygenation. This coating technique would allow these long term blood membranes to be produced more inexpensively than currently existing membranes used for long term use.

Skin colour, pigmentation and the perceived health of human faces

Stephen, Ian D. January 2009 (has links)
Many non-human animal species use colour to signal dominance, condition or reproductive status. These signals have not previously been noted in humans. This thesis investigates the effects of skin colouration and pigmentation on the apparent health of human faces. Section 2 showed that individuals with increased fruit and vegetable and carotenoid consumption have yellower skin (Study 1) due to increased carotenoid pigmentation in the skin (Study 2). In Section 3, participants enhanced the redness, yellowness and lightness of the skin portions of colour-calibrated facial photographs to optimise healthy appearance. This suggests roles for blood (red) and carotenoid/melanin (yellow) colouration in providing perceptible cues to health. The contrast between lips and facial skin colour was not found to affect the apparent health of the faces, except in the b* (yellowness) axis, where enhanced facial yellowness caused an apparent blue tint to the lips. In Section 4 participants enhanced empirically-derived oxygenated blood colour more than deoxygenated blood colour to optimise healthy appearance. In two-dimensional trials, when both blood colour axes could be manipulated simultaneously, deoxygenated blood colour was removed and replaced with oxygenated blood colour. Oxygenated blood colouration appears to drive the preference for redness in faces. In Section 5 participants increased carotenoid colour significantly more than they increased melanin colour in both single-axis and two-dimensional trials. Carotenoid colour appears to drive the preference for yellowness in faces. In a cross-cultural study (Section 6), preferences for red and yellow in faces were unaffected by face or participant ethnicity, while African participants lightened faces more than UK participants. A preference for more redness in East Asian faces was explained by this group’s lower initial redness. The thesis concludes that pigments that provide sexually-selected signals of quality in many non-human animal species – carotenoids and oxygenated blood - also provide perceptible cues to health in human faces.


Gurley, Katelyn 01 January 2012 (has links)
This study combines noninvasive hybrid diffuse optical spectroscopies [near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) and diffuse correlation spectroscopy (DCS)] with occlusive calibration for continuous measurement of absolute blood flow (BF), tissue blood oxygenation (StO2), and oxygen consumption rate (VO2) in exercising skeletal muscle. Subjects performed rhythmic dynamic handgrip exercise, while an optical probe connected to a hybrid NIRS/DCS flow-oximeter directly monitored oxy-, deoxy-, and total hemoglobin concentrations ([HbO2], [Hb], and [tHb]), StO2, relative BF (rBF), and relative VO2 (rVO2) in the forearm flexor muscles. Absolute baseline BF and VO2 were obtained through venous and arterial occlusions, respectively, and used to calibrate continuous relative parameters. Previously known problems with muscle fiber motion artifact in optical measurements were mitigated with a novel dynamometer-based gating algorithm. Nine healthy young subjects were measured and results validated against previous literature findings. Ten older subjects with fibromyalgia and thirteen age-matched healthy controls were then successfully measured to observe differences in hemodynamic and metabolic response to exercise. This study demonstrates a novel application of NIRS/DCS technology to simultaneously evaluate quantitative hemodynamic and metabolic parameters in exercising skeletal muscle. This method has broad application to research and clinical assessment of disease (e.g. peripheral vascular disease, fibromyalgia), treatment evaluation, and sports medicine.

2D and 3D multispectral photoacoustic imaging - Application to the evaluation of blood oxygen concentration / Imagerie photoacoustique multispectrale 2D et 3D - Application à l'évaluation de la concentration d'oxygène dans le sang

Dolet, Aneline 05 October 2018 (has links)
L'imagerie photoacoustique est une modalité d'imagerie fonctionnelle basée sur la génération d'ondes acoustiques par des tissus soumis à une illumination optique (impulsion laser). L'utilisation de différentes longueurs d'ondes optiques permet la discrimination des milieux imagés. Cette modalité est prometteuse pour de nombreuses applications médicales liées, par exemple, à la croissance, au vieillissement et à l'évolution de la vascularisation des tissus. En effet, l'accès à l'oxygénation du sang dans les tissus est rendu possible par l'imagerie photoacoustique. Cela permet, entre autres applications, la discrimination de tumeurs bénignes ou malignes et la datation de la mort tissulaire (nécrose). Ce travail de thèse a pour objectif principal la construction d'une chaîne de traitement des données photoacoustiques multispectrales pour le calcul de l'oxygénation du sang dans les tissus. Les principales étapes sont, d'une part, la discrimination des données (clustering), pour extraire les zones d'intérêt, et d'autre part, la quantification des différents constituants présents dans celles-ci (unmixing). Plusieurs méthodes non supervisées de discrimination et de quantification ont été développées et leurs performances comparées sur des données photoacoustiques multispectrales expérimentales. Celles-ci ont été acquises sur la plateforme photoacoustique du laboratoire, lors de collaborations avec d'autres laboratoires et également sur un système commercial. Pour la validation des méthodes développées, de nombreux fantômes contenant différents absorbeurs optiques ont été conçus. Lors du séjour de cotutelle de thèse en Italie, des modes d'imagerie spécifiques pour l'imagerie photoacoustique 2D et 3D temps-réel ont été développés sur un échographe de recherche. Enfin, des acquisitions in vivo sur modèle animal (souris) au moyen d'un système commercial ont été réalisées pour valider ces développements. / Photoacoustic imaging is a functional technique based on the creation of acoustic waves from tissues excited by an optical source (laser pulses). The illumination of a region of interest, with a range of optical wavelengths, allows the discrimination of the imaged media. This modality is promising for various medical applications in which growth, aging and evolution of tissue vascularization have to be studied. Thereby, photoacoustic imaging provides access to blood oxygenation in biological tissues and also allows the discrimination of benign or malignant tumors and the dating of tissue death (necrosis). The present thesis aims at developing a multispectral photoacoustic image processing chain for the calculation of blood oxygenation in biological tissues. The main steps are, first, the data discrimination (clustering), to extract the regions of interest, and second, the quantification of the different media in these regions (unmixing). Several unsupervised clustering and unmixing methods have been developed and their performance compared on experimental multispectral photoacoustic data. They were acquired on the experimental photoacoustic platform of the laboratory, during collaborations with other laboratories and also on a commercial system. For the validation of the developed methods, many phantoms containing different optical absorbers have been produced. During the co-supervision stay in Italy, specific imaging modes for 2D and 3D real-time photoacoustic imaging were developed on a research scanner. Finally, in vivo acquisitions using a commercial system were conducted on animal model (mouse) to validate these developments.

Mechanismen und Mediatoren der neurovaskulären Kopplung im Gehirn

Lindauer, Ute 02 October 2001 (has links)
Zwischen neuronaler und glialer Aktivierung, dem Energiemetabolismus und dem zerebralen Gefäßbett besteht eine enge Beziehung - als Phänomen der neurometabolischen und neurovaskulären Kopplung bekannt. Diese Korrelation von elektrischer und metabolischer Aktivität sowie dem regionalen zerebralen Blutfluß besteht räumliche und zeitliche fokussiert und ist charakteristisch für das Gehirn. Das Verständnis um die Mechanismen und Mediatoren der neurovaskulären Kopplung ist von grundlegender Bedeutung für die korrekte Interpretation moderner bildgebender Verfahren im klinischen Einsatz. Ein Schwerpunkt der Untersuchungen lag in der Überprüfung der Hypothese eines frühen Sauerstoff-oder Glukose-Mangels im Gewebe unter funktioneller Stimulation als mögliches primäres Signal für eine nachfolgende vaskuläre Antwort. Anhand der Befunde kann jedoch ausgeschlossen werden, daß ein möglicherweise kurzzeitig auftretender Substratmangel im Gewebe registriert wird, und auf diesem Wege die Blutflußantwort auf funktionelle Stimulation initiiert wird. Die Frage nach dem eigentlichen Signal für die Blutflußantwort und dem primären Ort der Regulation (Arteriole, Kapillare, Venole) bleibt weiterhin ungeklärt. Die qualitative wie auch quantitative Charakterisierung des Verlaufs der Blutfluß- und Blutoxygenierungsveränderungen unter somatosensorischer Stimulation bildet die Grundlage für die Untersuchung von Veränderungen dieses Musters unter pathophyiologischen Bedingungen als sogenannter Fingerabdruck spezifischer zerebraler Schädigungen. Im Rahmen des zweiten Schwerpunkts beschäftigt sich vorliegende Arbeit mit der Rolle des Bioradikals Stickstoffmonoxid (NO) bei der neurovaskulären Kopplung. Ein im kortikalen Gewebe physiologisch vorhandener basaler NO Spiegel moduliert über die Bereitstellung einer basalen cyclischen Guanosin-3',5'-Monophosphat (cGMP) Konzentration vornehmlich in glatten Gefäßmuskelzellen die Reaktivtät zerebraler Gefäße sowohl auf globale vasodilatatorische Stimuli wie die Hyperkapnie als auch auf funktionelle Aktivität wie die Whisker-Stimulation der Ratte. Da die Bereitstellung des basalen NO / cGMP Spiegels im zerebralen Gewebe für physiologische vaskuläre Antworten von grundlegender Bedeutung ist, ist zu erwarten, daß eine Störung desselben durch pathophysiologische Vorgänge weitreichende Folgen für die adequate Versorgung aktivierter Hirnareale haben dürfte. / A tight relation exists between neuronal and glial cell activation, cerebral energy metabolism, and cerebral vasculature - a phenomenon known as neurometabolic and neurovascular coupling. The correlation of electrical and metabolic activity, and regional cerebral blood flow occurs at high temporal and spatial resolution, and is characteristic for the brain. We need to understand the physiology of neurometabolic and neurovascular coupling to fully exploit the potential of modern functional brain imaging, which utilizes vascular responses to map brain activity. Therefore, understanding the signalling cascade of regional vasodilation due to functional activation is of great importance. In the present work, we have shown that there is no evidence neither for an early deoxygenation nor for an early decrease in glucose concentration in the tissue at the onset of increased neuronal activity. The first event inducing regional cerebral blood flow increase as well as the vascular compartment, at which vasodilation starts (arteriole, capillary, venule), is still not known so far and has to be further investigated. In disease neurovascular coupling may be disturbed, while this disturbance may itself further contribute to tissue damage. Therefore a thorough elucidation of the physiology and pathophysiology of neurometabolic and neurovascular coupling may contribute to the development of treatment strategies in acute and chronic CNS disorders. Beside the mechanisms, little is known concerning the mediators of neurovascular coupling. The involvement of the highly diffusible vasodilator bioradical nitric oxide (NO) in the regulation of regional cerebral blood flow is widely accepted. In the present work, it has been shown that NO acts as a modulator rather than a mediator of vascular relaxation due to functional activation or systemic hypercapnia in the cerebral cortex, permitting vasodilation mediated by other agents. This modulation mainly occurs via a basal cyclic guanosin-3',5'-monophosphate (cGMP) production within the vascular smooth muscle cell. The basal modulatory concentration of NO / cyclic GMP may be disturbed during cerebrovascular disease, leading to a mismatch of regional cerebral blood flow and metabolic demand.

Development of MRI pulse sequences for the investigation of fMRI contrasts

Tuznik, Marius 08 1900 (has links)
L’imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM) est un outil important pour l’investigation qualitative et quantitative de la physiologie du cerveau. L’investigation de l’activité neuronale à l’aide de cette modalité est possible grâce à la détection de changements hémodynamiques qui surviennent de manière concomitante aux activités de signalisation des neurones, tels l’augmentation régionale du débit sanguin cérébral (CBF) ou encore la variation de la concentration de désoxyhémoglobine dans les vaisseaux veineux. Pour étudier la formation de contrastes fonctionnels qui découlent de ces phénomènes, deux séquences de pulses ont été développées en vue d’expériences en IRM fonctionnelle (IRMf) visant l’imagerie du signal oxygéno-dépendant BOLD ainsi que de la perfusion. Le premier objectif de cette thèse fut le développement d’une séquence de type écho-planar (EPI) permettant l’acquisition entrelacée d’images en mode échos de gradient (GRE-EPI) ainsi qu’en mode échos de spins (SE-EPI) pour l’évaluation de la performance de ces deux méthodes d’imagerie au cours d’une expérience en IRMf BOLD impliquant l’utilisation d’un stimulus visuel chez 4 sujets adultes sains. Le deuxième objectif principal de cette thèse fut le développement d’une séquence de marquage de spins artériels employant un module de marquage fonctionnant en mode pseudo-continu (pCASL) pour la quantification du CBF au repos. Cette séquence fut testée chez 3 sujets adultes en bonne santé et sa performance fut comparée à celle d’une séquence similaire développée par un groupe de recherche extérieur. Les résultats de l’expérience portant sur le contraste BOLD indiquent une supériorité de la performance du mode GRE-EPI vis-à-vis celle du mode SE-EPI en termes des valeurs moyennes du pourcentage de l’ampleur d’effet et du score t associés à l’activité neuronale en réponse au stimulus. L’expérience visant la quantification du CBF démontra la capacité de la séquence pCASL développée au cours de ce projet de calculer des valeurs de la perfusion de la matière grise ainsi que du cerveau entier se retrouvant dans une plage de valeurs qui sont physiologiquement acceptables, mais qui demeurent inférieures à celles obtenues par la séquence pCASL développée par le groupe de recherche extérieur. Des expériences futures seront effectuées pour optimiser le fonctionnement des séquences présentées dans ce mémoire en plus de quantifier l’efficacité d’inversion de la séquence pCASL. / Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an important tool for the qualitative and quantitative investigation of brain physiology. The investigation of neuronal activation using this modality is made possible by the detection of concomitantly-arising hemodynamic changes in the brain’s vasculature, such as localized increases of the cerebral blood flow (CBF) or the variation of the concentration of paramagnetic deoxyhemoglobin in venous vessels. To study the formation of functional contrasts that stem from these changes in MRI, two pulse sequences were developed in this thesis to carry out experiments in blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) and perfusion functional MRI (fMRI). The first objective laid out in this work was the development of an echo planar imaging (EPI) sequence permitting the interleaved acquisition of images using gradient-echo EPI and spin-echo EPI to assess the performances of these imaging techniques in a BOLD fMRI experiment involving a visual stimulation paradigm in 4 healthy adult subjects. The second main objective of this thesis was the development of a pseudo-continuous arterial spin labelling (pCASL) sequence for the quantification of cerebral blood flow (CBF) at rest. This sequence was tested on 3 healthy adult subjects and compared to an externally-developed pCASL sequence to assess its performance. The results of the BOLD fMRI experiment indicated that the performance of GRE-EPI was superior to that of SE-EPI in terms of the average percent effect size and t-score associated with stimulus-driven neuronal activation. The CBF quantification experiment demonstrated the ability of the in-house pCASL sequence to compute values of CBF that are within a range of physiologically-acceptable values while remaining inferior to those computed using the externally-developed pCASL sequence. Future experiments will focus on the optimization of the sequences presented in this thesis as well as on the quantification of the pCASL sequence’s labelling efficiency.

Expanding the role of functional mri in rehabilitation research

Glielmi, Christopher B. 06 April 2009 (has links)
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) based on blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) contrast has become a universal methodology in functional neuroimaging. However, the BOLD signal consists of a mix of physiological parameters and has relatively poor reproducibility. As fMRI becomes a prominent research tool for rehabilitation studies involving repeated measures of the human brain, more quantitative and stable fMRI contrasts are needed. This dissertation enhances quantitative measures to complement BOLD fMRI. These additional markers, cerebral blood flow (CBF) and cerebral blood volume (CBV) (and hence cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen (CMRO₂) modeling) are more specific imaging markers of neuronal activity than BOLD. The first aim of this dissertation assesses feasibility of complementing BOLD with quantitative fMRI measures in subjects with central visual impairment. Second, image acquisition and analysis are developed to enhance quantitative fMRI by quantifying CBV while simultaneously acquiring CBF and BOLD images. This aim seeks to relax assumptions related to existing methods that are not suitable for patient populations. Finally, CBF acquisition using a low-cost local labeling coil, which improves image quality, is combined with simultaneous acquisition of two types of traditional BOLD contrast. The demonstrated enhancement of CBF, CBV and CMRO₂measures can lead to better characterization of pathophysiology and treatment effects.

Nichtinvasive Messung von regionalen cerebralen Oxygenerierungsänderungen während Leao´s ´corticale depression und spontaner Depolarisation bei fokaler verebraler Ischämie mit der Nah-Infrarot-Spektroskopoie

Wolf, Tilo 11 May 1998 (has links)
In this thesis the optical method of Near-Infrared-Spectroscopy (NIRS) is evaluated with regards to its capability of non-invasive detection of Leão´s cortical spreading depression (CSD) and spontaneous peri-infarct-depolarizations (PID). With the NIR-spectrometer NIRO 500 (Hamamatsu, Japan) regional cerebral oxy-genation (rCBO) changes were measured during CSD in 9, and during PID in 10 barbiturate anesthatized rats. The method if NIRS that relies on oxygen-dependent absorption changes of hemo-globin and cytochrome oxydase as well as the high penetrability of biologic tissues for light in the range between 700 and 1000 nm proved suitable to detect and to distinguish both CSD and PID experimentally. This distinction relies on the robust decrease of deoxy- and increase of oxyhemo-globin concentrations (i.e. a relative hyperoxemia) during CSD while PID is cha-racterized by an initial increase of deoxy- and decrease of oxyhemoglobin (relative hypooxemia). Despite the profound anatomical differences between gyrencephalic humans and lyssencephalic rats, the observed patterns of rCBO changes may guide the inter-pretation of future NIRS measurements in patients with migraines with aura (CSD) or stroke (PID). However, for concentration changes of oxydized cytochrome aa3 with its low con-centration compared to the hemoglobins, the pathophysiological interpretation of the data obtained with NIRO 500 is confounded by the limits of attenuation mea-surements at only four wavelengths. A validation of the cytochrome oxydase signal and an improved quantification of all concentration changes is highly desirable and may be achieved by employment of a continuous-wavelength device measuring the full spectral range of the near infrared. It would also allow to measure the mean optical pathlength in the highly scattering tissue and to correct for its physiologically occuring changes e.g. by measurements at the water absorption peak. Similar improvements would enhance the value of the method for further physiolo-gical and pathophysiological studies because NIRS provides the unique opportu-nity to obtain simultaneous data on blood oxygenation as well as the redox state of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxydase.


Jason David Ummel (10724028) 29 April 2021 (has links)
<p>The last two decades have shown a boom in the field of wearable sensing technology. Particularly in the consumer industry, growing trends towards personalized health have pushed new devices to report many vital signs, with a demand for high accuracy and reliability. The most common technique used to gather these vitals is photoplethysmography or PPG. PPG devices are ideal for wearable applications as they are simple, power-efficient, and can be implemented on almost any area of the body. Traditionally PPGs were utilized for capturing just heart rate, however, recent advancements in hardware and digital processing have led to other metrics including respiratory rate (RR) and peripheral oxygen saturation (SpO2), to be reported as well. Our research investigates the potential for wearable devices to be used for outpatient apnea monitoring, and particularly the ability to detect opioid misuse resulting in respiratory depression. Ultimately, the long-term goal of this work is to develop a wearable device that can be used in the rehabilitation process to ensure both accountability and safety of the wearer. This document details contributions towards this goal through the design, development, and evaluation of a device called “Kick Ring”. Primarily, we investigate the ability of Kick Ring to record heartrate (HR), RR, and SpO2. Moreover, we show that the device can calculate RR in real time and can provide an immediate indication of abnormal events such as respiratory depression. Finally, we explore a novel method for reporting apnea events through the use of several PPG characteristics. Kick Ring reliably gathers respiratory metrics and offers a combination of features that does not exist in the current wearables space. These advancements will help to move the field forward, and eventually aid in early detection of life-threatening events.</p>

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