Spelling suggestions: "subject:"bohemia"" "subject:"bohemian""
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Hudební činnost sester voršilek v Kutné Hoře během 18. století / The Music Activities of the Ursuline Sisters in Kutná Hora during the 18th CenturyKrálová, Markéta January 2014 (has links)
The task is to describe the music activites of ursuline monastery in Kutna Hora in the 18th century. This was achieved using non-music resources of this monastery preserved in the State Regional Archive Praha-Chodovec, and music collection located in the Czech Museum of Music. The music collection was subsequently analyzed according to various criteria. Musical activity of the Ursulines of Kutná Hora was compared with musical activities of the Ursulines of Prague and Bratislava and the Cistercian nuns of Staré Brno. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Historickogeografická česko-moravská zemská hranice: rekonstrukce, percepce, významy / Historic-geographical land border between Bohemia and Moravia: reconstruction, perception, meaningsChalupa, Jan January 2015 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with relict land border between Bohemia and Moravia in the context of Moravistic movement which appeared in Czechia after 1989. Aim of the thesis is to assess the existence of relict land border in the minds of people and to reflect the role of the land border in relation to the revival of regionalism and nationalism. The first part of the thesis discusses the theory of relict border, regional identity and nation in the literature. The second part compares the course of the land border with territorial reach of declaring Moravian nationality by inhabitants of the districts adjacent to the border in contemporary censuses and also with the range of the success of Moravistic politic parties in elections. The objective is to compare the border with one of the possible contemporary zones which could delimitate Moravia. The third part of the thesis analyzes the forms and contexts of Moravian identity in two selected municipalities adjacent to the land border. These municipalities represent distinct types of the Czech-Moravian borderland which differ by declaring the nationality, achievements of Moravistic parties in elections, population change after 1945 and inclusion to administrative units in Bohemia or in Moravia. Finally, awareness of the course of the land border in these...
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Pravěk Velvarska / Velvary and its surroundings in prehistoryKovandová, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
This work is focused on prehistory in Velvary and its surroundings. The main aim is describe findings of archaeological periods and cultures from palaeolithic to roman period, which were found in localities surrounding Velvary. The attention is on findings in City Museum Velvary. Some of them were archaeological described and published in professional literatures, but most of them were not in the attention of archaeologists. The work is also focused on surface survey in this area. Keywords Central Bohemia, archaeology, prehistory, regional settlement, Velvary
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Lišejníky Trubínského vrchu u Berouna a studie Aspicilia dominiana / Lichens of Trubínský vrch hill near Beroun (central Bohemia) and a study of Aspicilia dominianaLenzová, Veronika January 2015 (has links)
Lichens of Trubínský vrch hill near Beroun (central Bohemia) and a study of Aspicilia dominiana Veronika Lenzová Abstract This diploma thesis is divided into two separate parts. The goal of the first part was to carry out a complete lichenofloristic research of Trubín hill near Beroun. There are diabasic outcrops on the south side of the hill. Due to wide spectrum of the lichen species this substrate is very interesting for the lichenologists. In total I have found 125 lichen species there. 105 lichen species grow on diabasic rocks. A considerable amount of recorded lichens is among endangered species for example Aspicilia dominiana, Caloplaca conversa, Lichinella stipatula, Phaeophyscia constipata. The second part is focused on the taxonomic study of the Aspicilia dominiana and related species. A. domininana is recently known only from a few diabasic localities in the Czech Republic. After revision of the herbarium material based on microscopic and chemical characteristics I have found out that the taxon A. dominiana is similar with the A. intermutans. Compliance of these taxa have been confirmed with the molecular data from the sequencing of the two genes nrITS and mTSS too. Therefore I propose to synonymize these two taxa. According to the phylogenetic tree the lichen A. intermutans is not closely...
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Postglaciální historie lokálních fenoménů horské vegetace západních Čech / Postglacial vegetation history of local phenomena in western BohemiaŠvarcová, Markéta Gabriela January 2012 (has links)
In the sense of postglacial vegetation development, western Bohemia represents one of the least studied regions in the Czech Republic. This area, however, represents a supposed migration route of trees towards northern Europe during the Holocene. The most appropriate area for testing of such proposal might be western Sudetes with Slavkovský les protected landscape area in the Karlovy Vary region. Postglacial vegetation history was studied on the basis of two sedimentary profiles - from the fen bog near Číhanské prameny springs and from the vicinity of Mnichovské hadce serpentines from the nature reserve Mokřady pod Vlčkem. Percentual as well as influx diagrams were constructed on the basis of results of standard pollen analysis. Comparison of these results with the data from other suitable profiles enabled reconstruction of migration history of main tree taxa. The Číhaná profile reflects the period from the Older Dryas up to the Atlantic. The oldest Holocene forest was formed by the dominant Pinus, while Corylus was joining already in the Preboreal. Quercetum mixtum folowed in the begining of the Boreal and spruce quickly gained dominance in the Atlantic. The sedimentation process was probably finished due to rapid accumulation of sediments followed by spontaneous drainage ending with spruce and alder...
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Reforma křtu v českých zemích od 15. do 17. století: Analýza liturgických textů / The Reform of Baptism in the Czech Lands from the 15th to 17th Century: An Analysis of Liturgical TextsChalupski, Michal January 2012 (has links)
This diploma thesis called "The Reform of Baptism in the Czech Lands from the 15th to 17th Century: An Analysis of Liturgical Texts" is focused on comparation of liturgical texts dealing with baptismal liturgy. The main objects of my interest are Agenda created in our territory from the 15th to 17th Century. In the first part of the thesis there is a short outline of baptismal's liturgy evolution from the New Testament period to the Martin Luther's reform. In the next part there are presented domestic Agenda containing baptismal forms which are the main subject of this thesis. These Agenda comes from Roman Catholic church, from Utraquist church, three Agenda represented the evangelical type and the last item describes the baptism in Unitas Fratrum during the period of Lukáš Pražský. This is list of the Agenda: Agenda Pragensis, the manuscript marked "Křižovníci XVIII G 21", Agenda správy a posluhování církevního na Horách Kutnách by Václav Štefan Teplický, Pravidlo služebností církevních by Tobiáš Závorka Lipenský and Zprávy kněžské by Lukáš Pražský. This thesis is focused on comparation of similarities and differencies in baptismal liturgy recorded in this Agenda and on the research of links between Agenda and the baptismal liturgical tradition which is described in the first chapter, with intention to...
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Domy doby římské a stěhování národů v Čechách / The Roman Age and Migration Period Houses in BohemiaForró, Jana January 2012 (has links)
The master's thesis summarizes existing knowledge of both post houses and sunken floor buildings in the Roman Age and Migration Period in Bohemia. It analyzes a collection of 131 sunken floor houses and available records about the post houses. The sunken floor building were divided in several groups according to preserved traces of their contruction which enables a comparison of the situation in Bohemia with that of neighboring areas. Using statistical methods helped to determine mutual relations between features and to identify certain regional differences. Both kinds of buildings were evaluated from the construction and functional point of view. The knowledge of post houses served as the basis for analyzing a season of an excavation of 1959 in Zalužany, dist. Příbram. Key words Bohemia - Roman Age - Migration Period - settlements - prehistoric construction
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Časopis Krakonoš za Rakouska-Uherska / Magazine Krakonoš during the period of Austria-HungaryPecinová, Hana January 2012 (has links)
Diploma thesis "The Magazine Krakonos During the Period of Austria-Hungary" deals with the development and with the content of the magazine Krakonos in the period of Austria- Hungary. The magazine was published in Jičín during 1872-1875, 1879-1914, 1918-1941. It is the longest-published magazine in the Czech area of those days. Nowadays, the magazine is an important source of knowledge of contemporary life in the area. The author of this thesis describes the historical context as well as social and cultural conditions under which the magazine was published. Afterwards, the author describes the development of the magazine and its publishing and editorial changes between1872-1941. The author uses a combination of quantitative and qualitative methods to analyse the content of the magazine between 1872- 1918. The results of research are described in the summary.
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Sídliště starší doby římské v Berouně - Plzeňském předměstí / Settlement of early Roman period in Beroun - Plzeňské předměstíNičová, Magdaléna January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with the settlement archeology of the Roman period in Bohemia and summarizes the findings of the Beroun settlement in this period. The work is mainly focused on processing and evaluation of archaeological research at the site Beroun - Plzeňské Předměstí, which were carried out by P. Břicháček, P. Charvát and V. Matoušek in years 1979-1981. There were unearthed settlements from the early Roman period with above ground and sunken objects. The main attention was paid to the recessed huts. The ceramic material and chronologically sensitive (metal, bone and antler) items were assessed with quantitative and qualitative analysis. The work also includes a brief description of other objects and their mutual relationships. At the conclusion of the work there is presented the importance of the settlement for Beroun area in Roman period.
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Německý jazyk ve východních Čechách v 1. pol. 17. století na základě jazykově-historického rozboru purkrechtní knihy města Rokytnice v Orlických horách (1572-1666) / German Language in East Bohemia in the First Half of the 17th Century on the Basis of the Diachronic Analysis of the Town Law Book of Rokytnice in the Eagle Mountains (1572-1666)Jakubcová, Lucie January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the diachronic analysis of the Town Law Book of Rokytnice situated in the Eagle Mountains. The work is divided into two parts. The first part is focused on the general introduction to the history of the city, the history of the municipal administration and urban books and the problem of the office language. The second part describes the analysed source, followed by its editorial and lexical analysis. Editorial analysis is focused on the records of purchase and payment in order to determine whether the types of text were written in a standard format. Lexical analysis is aimed at the legal terms. It was found that the unified pattern of the purchase record existed only within an individual scribe, not for the entire Town Law Book. Pattern of payment records varies even within the same scribe. From the editorial point of view it was found out that the legal terms in the law book were mainly described within the municipal administration and business terminology. On the other hand, Latin expressions were used only very rarely. KEYWORDS German Language, Historical Linguistics, Bohemia, 17th Century
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