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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A comparison of the rate and accuracy of symbol location on visual displays using colour-coded alphabetic and categorisation strategies in Grade 1 to 3 children

Herold, M.P. (Marina Patricia) 14 October 2012 (has links)
The ability to locate symbols on a visual display forms an integral part of the effective use of AAC systems. Characteristics of display design and perceptual features of symbols have been shown to influence rate and accuracy of symbol location (Thistle&Wilkinson, 2009; Wilkinson, Carlin,&Jagaroo, 2006). The current study endeavoured to compare the use of two colour-coded organisational strategies (alphabetical order and categorisation) for their effectiveness in symbol location and to investigate if some bottom-up features influenced the performance of the participants in these tasks. 114 learners in Grade 1 to 3 in a mainstream school were randomly divided into two groups. Both of the groups were exposed to two visual search tests in alternating order. The tests involved searching for 36 visual targets amongst 81 coloured Picture Communication Symbols on a computer screen in one of two colour-coded organizational methods, namely alphabetical order or categorisation. The data from the research task was collected through computer logging of all mouse selections. Findings showed that locating symbols on a computer screen with a categorisation strategy was significantly faster and more accurate than with an alphabetical strategy for the Grade 1 to 3 participants. The rate and accuracy of target symbol location in both the strategies decreased significantly as grade increased, as did the differences between rate and accuracy of target location when using the two strategies. It was also found that although the tests in this study placed heavy top-down processing demands on the participants, there was still evidence of bottom-up factors influencing their performance. Implications for display design in AAC clinical practice were discussed. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2012. / Centre for Augmentative and Alternative Communication / unrestricted

Optimisation de la diffusion de l'énergie dans les smarts-grids / Energy distribution optimisation in Smart Grids

Guérard, Guillaume 27 November 2014 (has links)
Les systèmes technologiques actuels comprennent une composante sociétale due àl’impact des utilisateurs. Ces systèmes, dits complexes, comportent des sous-systèmesdont les acteurs ont des objectifs divergents voire antagoniques.Considéré comme une évolution du réseau énergétique actuel, le Smart Grid est unparfait exemple de système complexe. Ce terme désigne en particulier un réseau électriqueoptimisé intégrant le comportement et les actions des utilisateurs (producteurs,consommateurs, consommacteurs, etc.). L’étude de la dynamique du système a pourobjectif d’améliorer sa qualité et sa sécurité et de réduire son impact environnemental.Cependant, les simulations de Smart Grid actuelles sont généralement basées sur destechnologies spécifiques, limitant l’évolution du modèle proposé.Les défis liés au Smart Grid sont l’hétérogénéité des actions et de leurs intérêts divergeant,et une complexité à toute échelle, que ce soit spatiale ou temporelle. En effet, lesentités du Smart Grid sont en compétition pour l’obtention de la ressource commune.Par exemple, les consommateurs ont des besoins énergétiques à un cout minimal tandisque les producteurs doivent contrôler la consommation, les pics de demande tout enmaximisant leur profit. Les comportements et les relations entre les entités sont doncdifficiles à modéliser. Des pressions externes et internes comme la dynamique des prix oules productions erratiques des énergies renouvelables ont une influence sur la structure,l’organisation et le comportement des sous-systèmes et donc du système global. De plus,une mauvaise gestion peut provoquer de nombreuses défaillances du système telles quedes brownouts, des blackouts ou des ruptures de lignes du réseau.Nous proposons une modélisation intégrative pour aborder le concept de Smart Grid :chaque composante de notre modélisation prend en compte un aspect de ce dernier et leurintrication mène à une modélisation efficace à toute échelle. Les relations entre entitésprennent en compte le caractère dynamique et un superviseur global surveille le réseaupour détecter les seuils critiques ou pour planifier les schémas de consommation future.Cependant, le modèle est impossible à appréhender tel quel et de nombreux scénariostesteront l’influence des divers paramètres, calibreront les algorithmes et ajusteront lagestion locale et globale pour une configuration donnée. Nous proposerons de nouvellesthéories pour améliorer ce modèle au niveau de la structure, de la dynamique des prixou une approche mathématique dans le but de rendre le modèle le plus efficace possible / Current technological systems include a societal component due to the impact of users.These complex systems contain numerous sub-systems which actors have conflicting evenantagonist objectives.Considered as the evolution of the current Power Grid, the Smart Grid is a perfectexample of complex system. This term refers to an electrical optimized network integratingthe behavior and actions of users (generators, consumers, consumactors, etc.).These Power Grid’s upgrades aim to improve quality and security, to reduce environmentalimpact. But current simulations are done on a specific technology and with alimited evolution.Challenges of Smart Grid are related firstly to the heterogeneity of actors with differentinterests and secondly to a spatial and temporal multiscale complexity. Smart Gridactors are in a competitive access to a shared resource. For example, consumers expressenergy requirements with minimal cost while producers have to manage consumption,peaks and to maximize their profits. Dynamics behaviors and relations between entitiesare difficult to model. External and internal pressures as energy pricing, energy losses orthe erratic production of renewable energies influence on the structure, the organizationand the behavior of the subsystems and the overall system. Moreover, a bad managementcauses various structural problems like brownout, blackout, or partial failures.We propose an integrative model to solve the Smart Grid: each component of ourmodel allows to consider one aspect of the grid and it is their intricacy that achieves anefficient modeling. Relations between entities take into account the complex dynamicsand an overall supervisor allows network monitoring to detect critical thresholds or toplan consumption schemes. However, the model is impossible to apprehend like this anddifferent scenarios test the influence of parameters, calibrate algorithms and adjust globaland local monitoring for a specific case. We also propose some theories to enhance thestructural model, to integrate dynamic pricing or to help to calibrate by a mathematicalapproach of the global problem

Reform and change in police education: Examining the variations in the top-down and bottom-up structures in the process of implementation.

Kapti, Alican 08 1900 (has links)
This study examines the variations in the practice of implementation in different implementation structures using the case of police education reforms that were undertaken by the Turkish National Police (TNP) in 2001 and 2003. Differentiations and similarities in the top-down and bottom-up structures while practicing the process of implementation were investigated in this study. First, the study provides a comprehensive understanding of the process of implementation and structure of implementation. Second, the study introduces TNP education reforms and explains the reasons for the reform. Third, a quantitative approach is used to measure the success of the TNP educational reforms. Specifically, multiple regression analysis, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA), and post hoc tests are used to clarify if police performance in the TNP has improved since the reforms. Fourth, the study uses a qualitative approach to find out how features associated with top-down or bottom up approaches were involved in the process of implementation of the educational reforms. Finally, based upon the views of the participants in the qualitative analysis, the study examines the variations in the practice of implementation between decision makers and the street level bureaucrats.

Urban building energy modeling : A systematic evaluation of modeling and simulation approaches

Johari, Fatemeh January 2021 (has links)
Urban energy system planning can play a pivotal role in the transition of urban areas towards energy efficiency and carbon neutrality. With the building sector being one of the main components of the urban energy system, there is a great opportunity for improving energy efficiency in cities if the spatio-temporal patterns of energy use in the building sector are accurately identified. A bottom-up engineering energy model of buildings, known as urban building energy model (UBEM), is an analytical tool for modeling buildings on city-levels and evaluating scenarios for an energy-efficient built environment, not only on the building-level but also on the district and city-level. Methods for developing an UBEM vary, yet, the majority of existing models use the same approach to incorporating already established building energy simulation software into the main core of the model. Due to difficulties in accessing building-specific information on the one hand, and the computational cost of UBEMs on the other hand, simplified building modeling is the most common method to make the modeling procedure more efficient. This thesis contributes to the state-of-the-art and advancement of the field of urban building energy modeling by analyzing the capabilities of conventional building simulation tools to handle an UBEM and suggesting modeling guidelines on the zoning configuration and levels of detail of the building models. According to the results from this thesis, it is concluded that with 16% relative difference from the annual measurements, EnergyPlus is the most suitable software that can handle large-scale building energy models efficiently. The results also show that on the individual building-level, a simplified single-zone model results in 6% mean absolute percentage deviation (MAPD) from a detailed multi-zone model. This thesis proposes that on the aggregated levels, simplified building models could contribute to the development of a fast but still accurate UBEM.

Citizen participation in fossil-fuel free energy development : A case study of the Samsø Renewable Energy Island (Denmark)

Krause, Katharina Mara January 2021 (has links)
In the upcoming years there will be a growing need for sustainable energy transitions in a local as well as global context, making it necessary to gain a better understanding of factors influencing their success. In this context, citizen participation is considered an important tool in achieving sustainable energy transitions, as the active participation of the local population may help in lowering obstacles, such as resistance against planned projects. This case study focuses on the role citizen participation plays in the fossil-fuel free energy development on the Danish island Samsø, often referred to as Denmark’s Renewable Energy Island. A qualitative case study approach, centered around expert interviews with stakeholders and relevant policy papers, was adopted. Among other things, a focus on dialogue in participation could be observed, and emerging forms of participation were identified. Citizen participation on Samsø seems to be impacted by its situation as an island and seems relevant especially in legitimatizing the transition and providing relevant resources, however some drawbacks, such as higher difficulties in reaching agreements, could also be observed. For future projects, the findings seem to suggest the need for citizen participation, together with a need for some sort of formal planning and the acknowledgment that ever-changing external and internal conditions, together with the specific local conditions, may impact the way in which participation can and should be implemented.

The Complexity of Splay Trees and Skip Lists

Adelyar, Sayed Hassan January 2008 (has links)
Magister Curationis / Binary search trees (BSTs) are important data structures which are widely used in various guises. Splay trees are a specific kind of binary search tree, one without explicit balancing. Skip lists use more space than BSTs and are related to them in terms of much of their run-time behavior. Even though binary search trees have been used for about half a century, there are still many open questions regarding their run-time performance and algorith mic complexity. In many instances, their worst-case, average-case, and best-case behaviors are unknown and need further research. Our analysis provides a basis for selecting more suitable data structures and algorithms for specific processes and applications. We contrast the empirical behavior of splay trees and skip lists with their theoretical behavior. In particular we explore when splay trees outperform skip lists and vice versa. The performance of a splay tree depends on the history of accesses to its el ements. On the other hand, the performance of a skip list depends on an indepen dent randomization of the height of links that lead to specific elements. Therefore, probabilistic methods are used to analyze the operation of splay trees and skip lists. Our main results are that splay trees are faster for sorted insertion, where AVL trees are faster for random insertion. For searching, skip lists are faster than single class top-down splay trees, but two-class and multi-class top-down splay trees can behave better than skip lists.

An fMRI Study on Context‐Dependent Processing of Natural Visual Scenes

Petzold, Antje 03 January 2006 (has links)
Visual attention can be voluntarily focused on a location or automatically attracted by salient features in a visual scene. Studies using functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) suggest two networks of visual attention involved in these complementary mechanisms: a dorsal frontoparietal network and a ventral frontoparietal network of visuospatial attention respectively. However, most studies so far have applied non‐natural schematic stimuli. The present study investigates visual attention in images of natural environmental scenes. Adopting previously used eye‐tracker paradigms, we study the influence of task instruction and luminance contrast modifications in pictures on both eye movements and neural activity using Eye‐Tracking and functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging simultaneously. We expect increased top‐down control of attention in a search task compared to a free viewing condition visible in enhanced neural activation in the intraparietal sulcus (IPS) as part of the dorsal frontoparietal network. Strong modifications of luminance contrast should foster bottom‐up processing activating the temporoparietal junction (TPJ) a crucial area in the ventral frontoparietal network of visual attention. Although the obtained eye‐tracking data shows the expected shift of fixations towards locations of increased luminance contrast, we do not find an influence of luminance contrast modifications on neural processing. Comparison of instructions reveals diverse results across participants possibly due to the long presentation duration of stimuli which allowed participant’s attention to wander independently of task instruction. We find bilateral activation in IPS and parahippocampal place area (PPA) as well as bilateral deactivation in the TPJ region independent of task context. This might indicate similar contributions of these areas to free viewing of and search in visual scenes. However, dissociation of target detection and attention during search by deconvolution analysis of data obtained in this study might reveal a more detailed picture of functional involvement of the IPS and TPJ region in processes of visual attention. Remarkably, results show robust activation of the PPA in both tasks, suggesting that the PPA region might not only be activated by houses and open scenes but by narrow scenes (bushes, leaves) of natural outdoor environment as well.

Inclusion Diagrams for Classes of Deterministic Bottom-up Tree-to-Tree-Series Transformations

Maletti, Andreas 12 November 2012 (has links)
In this paper we investigate the relationship between classes of tree-to-tree-series (for short: t-ts) and o-tree-to-tree-series (for short: o-t-ts) transformations computed by restricted deterministic bottom-up weighted tree transducers (for short: deterministic bu-w-tt). Essentially, deterministic bu-w-tt are deterministic bottom-up tree series transducers [EFV02, FV03, ful, FGV04], but the former are de ned over monoids whereas the latter are de ned over semirings and only use the multiplicative monoid thereof. In particular, the common restrictions of non-deletion, linearity, totality, and homomorphism [Eng75] can equivalently be de ned for deterministic bu-w-tt. Using well-known results of classical tree transducer theory (cf., e.g., [Eng75, Fül91]) and also new results on deterministic bu-w-tt, we order classes of t-ts and o-t-ts transformations computed by restricted deterministic bu-w-tt by set inclusion. More precisely, for every commutative monoid we completely specify the inclusion relation of the classes of t-ts and o-t-ts transformations for all sensible combinations of restrictions by means of inclusion diagrams.

Územní studie krajiny jako nástroj řešení krajiny v územním plánování / Landscape planning study as a tool for physical planning

Masojídková, Petra January 2020 (has links)
The diploma thesis focuses on the new tool Landscape planning study for the municipality with extended competence. The main aim of this work is to find out, how Landscape planning study can be used, who can use it and how it may change the landscape. The thesis uses the case study methods of three selected municipalities with extended competence, namely Votice, Humpolec and Vodňany. The theoretical part discusses the concept of landscape and anchoring in planning activities. In next part, the thesis deals with the basic forms of tools that regulate the planning and using of landscape in Czechia, focusing mainly on spatial planning. Furthermore, the thesis deals with models that currently affect space planning, namely top-down and bottom-up models. Two basic hypotheses of the diploma thesis are set based on theoretical frameworks. There are two qualitative research methods used in the practical part of the thesis. The first method is the analysis of Landscape planning studies, second method are semi-structured interviews with selected respondents. The results of both methods show that Landscape planning study can be used only to a limited extent, mainly as an information source. However, the implementation rate of specific measures is very low now. The identified causes are the lack of...

Gait analysis using computer vision for the early detection of elderly syndromes. A formal proposal

Nieto-Hidalgo, Mario 03 March 2017 (has links)
El objetivo principal de esta tesis es el desarrollo de un sistema de análisis de la marcha basado en visión que permita clasificar la marcha patológica. Este objetivo general se divide en tres subobjetivos específicos más concretos: definición formal de la marcha, especificación e implementación de un sistema de obtención de parámetros de la marcha basado en visión y clasificación de la marcha patológica. En el primer subobjetivo, definición formal de la marcha, nuestros esfuerzos consisten en obtener una definición de la marcha que incluya la visión por computador pero sin excluir otros métodos y que sea lo suficientemente abierta como para incluir todos los casos de marcha humana. La definición propuesta es la siguiente: "Gait is the anthropomorphic upright self-displacement, in an alternating stepping of two feet, with no additional fulcra, keeping at least a point of support at every time, on a horizontal or slightly inclined surface." A partir de esta definición, las variables que consideramos son tiempos y longitudes de paso y zancada, tiempos de apoyo monopodal y bipodal, velocidad, cadencia, etc... Para el segundo subobjetivo, especificación e implementación de un sistema de obtención de parámetros de la marcha basado en visión, nos centramos en el análisis de la marcha mediante visión por computador utilizando únicamente una cámara RGB, que obtenga imágenes laterales y frontales del sujeto. El algoritmo propuesto es capaz de extraer las variables de la marcha, establecidas en la definición del objetivo de especificación, con suficiente precisión, de modo que la marcha puede ser interpretada y clasificada. La decisión de limitar la infraestructura necesaria a una única cámara RGB, obedece al interés por abaratar los costes del sistema y que sea sostenible medioambientalmente, ya que no requiere de energía adicional para capturar la imagen, sino que utiliza la radiación lumínica que inunda el escenario, ya sea de forma natural o artificial. Este sistema actúa como interfaz de entrada del subobjetivo tres que son las variables de la marcha propuestas en el subobjetivo uno. Por tanto, el subobjetivo dos puede ser reemplazado por otro sistema basado en otro fenómeno como es el caso de un sistema inercial, siempre y cuando pueda proporcionar las variables definidas en el subobjetivo uno. El subobjetivo tres, clasificador de la marcha patológica, usa las variables proporcionadas por el sistema del subobjetivo dos para caracterizar la marcha y clasificarla. Mediante una serie de casos de entrenamiento, el sistema genera los modelos de marcha patológica y normal. A partir de estos modelos, el clasificador es capaz de determinar a qué modelo pertenece la entrada de parámetros de la marcha proporcionada por el subobjetivo dos. El objetivo de formalización nos ha llevado a profundizar en los aspectos conceptuales y procedimentales del conocimiento y de su creación, con la consecuencia de aportar sendas definiciones para problema y modelo, así como hallar una justificación formal, basada en la teoría de conjuntos, que confiere coherencia causal al método experimental. Además de encontrar formalmente la justificación causal del método científico, hemos podido encajar en ese marco formal los enfoques divide et vinces, model driven y top-down de resolución de problemas ingenieriles. Al tiempo que hemos encontrado que la técnica top-down de diseño es coincidente con el método científico de resolución de problemas, el método bottom-up es coherente con la implementación de prototipos, lo cual justifica la restricción de su utilización al diseño de instancias para las que ya se conoce solución.

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