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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Design and application of a novel Laser-Doppler Velocimeter for turbulence structural measurements in turbulent boundary layers

Lowe, K. Todd 20 November 2006 (has links)
An advanced laser-Doppler velocimeter is designed to acquire fully-resolved turbulence structural measurements in high Reynolds number two- and three-dimensional turbulent boundary layers. The new instrument combines, for the first time, new techniques allowing for the direct measurement of particle acceleration and sub-measurement-volume-scale position resolution so that second-order 3D particle trajectories may be measured at high repetitions. Using these measurements, several terms in the Reynolds stress transport equations may be directly estimated, giving new data for modeling and understanding the processes leading to the transport of turbulence in boundary layer flows. Due to the unique performance of the probe, many aspects of LDV instrumentation development were addressed. The LDV configuration was optimized for lowest uncertainties by considering the demanding applications of particle position and acceleration measurements. Low noise light detection and signal conditioning was specified for the three electronic channels. A high-throughput data acquisition system allows for exceptional burst rate acquisition. Signal detection and processing algorithms have been implemented which draw from previous techniques but also address distinctive problems with the current system. In short, the instrument was designed to advance the state-of-the-art in LDV systems. Measurements presented include turbulence dissipation rate and fluctuating velocity-pressure gradient correlations that have been measured in 2D and 3D turbulent boundary layers using the unique capabilities of the CompLDV--many of these measurements are the first of their kind ever acquired in high Reynolds number turbulent flows. The flat-plate turbulent boundary layer is studied at several momentum thickness Reynolds numbers up to 7500 to examine Reynolds numbers effects on terms such as the velocity-pressure gradient correlation and the dissipation rate in the Reynolds transport equations. Measurements are also presented in a pressure-driven three-dimensional turbulent boundary layer created upstream from a wing-body junction. The current results complement the extensive data from previous studies and provide even richer depth of knowledge on the most-completely-documented 3D boundary layer flow in existence. Further measurements include the wakes of three circular-cylinder protuberances submerged in a constant pressure turbulent boundary layer. / Ph. D.

Global stability analysis of three-dimensional boundary layer flows

Brynjell-Rahkola, Mattias January 2015 (has links)
This thesis considers the stability and transition of incompressible boundary layers. In particular, the Falkner–Skan–Cooke boundary layer subject to a cylindrical surface roughness, and the Blasius boundary layer with applied localized suction are investigated. These flows are of great importance within the aviation industry, feature complex transition scenarios, and are strongly three-dimensional in nature. Consequently, no assumptions regarding homogeneity in any of the spatial directions are possible, and the stability of the flow is governed by an extensive three-dimensional eigenvalue problem. The stability of these flows is addressed by high-order direct numerical simulations using the spectral element method, in combination with a Krylov subspace projection method. Such techniques target the long-term behavior of the flow and can provide lower limits beyond which transition is unavoidable. The origin of the instabilities, as well as the mechanisms leading to transition in the aforementioned cases are studied and the findings are reported. Additionally, a novel method for computing the optimal forcing of a dynamical system is developed. This type of analysis provides valuable information about the frequencies and structures that cause the largest energy amplification in the system. The method is based on the inverse power method, and is discussed in the context of the one-dimensional Ginzburg–Landau equation and a two-dimensional flow case governed by the Navier–Stokes equations. / <p>QC 20151015</p>

Contribution to peroidic homogenization of a spectral problem and of the wave equation / Contribution à l'homogénéisation périodique d'un problème spectral et de l'équation d'onde

Nguyen, Thi trang 03 December 2014 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous présentons des résultats d’homogénéisation périodique d’un problème spectral et de l’équation d’ondes de Bloch. Il permet de modéliser les ondes à basse et haute fréquences. La partie modèle à basse fréquence est bien connu et n’est pas donc abordée dans ce travail. A contrario ; la partie à haute fréquence du modèle, qui représente des oscillations aux échelles microscopiques et macroscopiques, est un problème laissé ouvert. En particulier, les conditions aux limites de l’équation macroscopique à hautes fréquences établies dans [36] n’étaient pas connues avant le début de la thèse. Ce dernier travail apporte trois contributions principales. Les deux premières contributions, portent sur le comportement asymptotique du problème d’homogénéisation périodique du problème spectral et de l’équation des ondes en une dimension. La troisième contribution consiste en une extension du modèle du problème spectral posé dans une bande bi dimensionnelle et bornée. Le résultat d’homogénéisation comprend des effets de couche limite qui se produisent dans les conditions aux limites de l’équation macroscopique à haute fréquence. / In this dissertation, we present the periodic homogenization of a spectral problem and the waveequation with periodic rapidly varying coefficients in a bounded domain. The asymptotic behavioris addressed based on a method of Bloch wave homogenization. It allows modeling both the lowand high frequency waves. The low frequency part is well-known and it is not a new point here.In the opposite, the high frequency part of the model, which represents oscillations occurringat the microscopic and macroscopic scales, was not well understood. Especially, the boundaryconditions of the high-frequency macroscopic equation established in [36] were not known prior to thecommencement of thesis. The latter brings three main contributions. The first two contributions, areabout the asymptotic behavior of the periodic homogenization of the spectral problem and waveequation in one-dimension. The third contribution consists in an extension of the model for thespectral problem to a thin two-dimensional bounded strip Ω = (0; _) _ (0; ") _ R2. The homogenizationresult includes boundary layer effects occurring in the boundary conditions of the high-frequencymacroscopic equation.

Modélisation analytique et caractérisation expérimentale de microphones capacitifs en hautes fréquences : étude des couches limites thermiques, effets des perforations de l’électrode arrière sur la déformée de membrane / Analytical modeling and experimental characterisation of condenser microphones at high frequencies : analysis of the thermal boundary layers, effects of holes in the backing electrode on the displacement field of the membrane

Lavergne, Thomas 30 September 2011 (has links)
Les microphones capacitifs sont des transducteurs réciproques dont les qualités (sensibilité, bande passante et tenue dans le temps) en font des instruments de mesure performants. Couramment utilisés jusqu’à présent en récepteurs dans l’air à pression atmosphérique et à température ambiante, dans la gamme de fréquences audibles, ils sont correctement caractérisés dans ce cadre depuis près de trente ans. Mais aujourd’hui, leur miniaturisation (par procédé MEMS) et leur usage nouveau en métrologie fine (en récepteurs comme en émetteurs) - qui exigent une connaissance précise de leur comportement dans des domaines de fréquences élevées (jusqu’à 100 kHz), dans des mélanges gazeux aux propriétés différentes de celles de l’air et dans des conditions de pression et de température beaucoup plus élevées ou beaucoup plus basses que les conditions standards - nécessitent une caractérisation beaucoup plus approfondie, aussi bien en terme de modélisation qu’en terme de résultats expérimentaux. C’est ainsi que ici -i/ les effets des couches limites thermiques (seules les couches limites visqueuses sont habituellement retenues) sont introduits dans le modèle, ce qui amène dans le chapitre premier à une étude analytique de la diffusion thermique en parois minces (dont la portée dépasse le cadre strict du transducteur), -ii/ l’influence des orifices de l’électrode arrière sur la déformée de la membrane est traitée au départ par une méthode analytique originale, qui permet de traduire les conditions en frontière non uniformes sur la surface de l’électrode sous forme de sources locales virtuelles, associées à des conditions de frontière rendues uniformes (chapitre second), -iii/ des solutions analytiques nouvelles, dépendant à la fois des coordonnées radiales et azimutales, sont obtenues pour le champ de déplacement de la membrane et pour les champs de pression dans les cavités du microphone par usage de théories modales compatibles avec les couplages multiples qui y prennent place (troisième chapitre), -iv/ un modèle de « circuit à constantes localisées » (reporté pour l’essentiel en annexe) est proposé, à des degrés divers de précision, qui permet en particulier d’accéder de façon simple à la sensibilité et au bruit thermique du microphone (fin du quatrième chapitre), -v/ une étude au vibromètre laser à balayage a été réalisée (début du quatrième chapitre), qui permet non seulement de mettre en évidence pour la première fois les déformées de membrane complexes qui apparaissent en hautes fréquences, mais encore de les quantifier et par-delà de valider les résultats théoriques obtenus et donc les modèles proposés (même s’ils restent perfectibles comme indiqué dans la conclusion). / Condenser microphones are reciprocal transducers whose properties (sensitivity, bandwidth and reliability) make them powerful measurement tools. So far, they have been commonly used as receivers in the audible frequency range, in air at atmospheric pressure and ambient temperature, they have been appropriately characterised in this context for nearly thirty years. But nowadays, their miniaturisation (using MEMS processes) and their new use for metrological purposes (as receivers as well as transmitters) require much deeper theoretical and experimental characterisations because they require an accurate knowledge of their behaviour in high frequency ranges (up to 100 kHz), in gas mixtures, whose properties differ from those of air, and under pressure and temperature conditions much higher or much lower than standard conditions. Thus, here, -i/ the effects of the thermal boundary layers are introduced in the model (only viscous boundary layers are usually accounted for), leading, in the first chapter, to an analysis of the thermal diffusion of thin bodies (whose scope is beyond the strict frame of capacitive transducers), ii/ the influence of the holes in the backing electrode on the dynamic behaviour of the membrane is initially handled with an original analytical method which allows expressing the non-uniform boundary conditions at the surface of the backing electrode as fictitious localised sources associated to uniform boundary conditions (second chapter), -iii/ new analytical solutions, depending both on the radial and azimuthal coordinates, for the pressure field and for the displacement field inside the cavities behind the membrane are expressed using modal theories in agreement with the strong couplings which occur between the different parts of the transducer (chapter three), -iv/ "lumped element circuits", which are more or less approximated (presented in the Appendix), more particularly result in expressing and assessing the sensitivity and the thermal noise (end of chapter three), -v/ experimental results, obtained from measurements of the displacement field of the membrane using a laser scanning vibrometer, both highlight and quantify for the first time the complex behaviour of the membrane in the highest frequency range, and finally lead to the validation of the theoretical results and therefore, the models presented here (even if the latter may still be improved as outlined in the conclusion).

Macroscopic description of rarefied gas flows in the transition regime

Taheri Bonab, Peyman 01 September 2010 (has links)
The fast-paced growth in microelectromechanical systems (MEMS), microfluidic fabrication, porous media applications, biomedical assemblies, space propulsion, and vacuum technology demands accurate and practical transport equations for rarefied gas flows. It is well-known that in rarefied situations, due to strong deviations from the continuum regime, traditional fluid models such as Navier-Stokes-Fourier (NSF) fail. The shortcoming of continuum models is rooted in nonequilibrium behavior of gas particles in miniaturized and/or low-pressure devices, where the Knudsen number (Kn) is sufficiently large. Since kinetic solutions are computationally very expensive, there has been a great desire to develop macroscopic transport equations for dilute gas flows, and as a result, several sets of extended equations are proposed for gas flow in nonequilibrium states. However, applications of many of these extended equations are limited due to their instabilities and/or the absence of suitable boundary conditions. In this work, we concentrate on regularized 13-moment (R13) equations, which are a set of macroscopic transport equations for flows in the transition regime, i.e., Kn≤1. The R13 system provides a stable set of equations in Super-Burnett order, with a great potential to be a powerful CFD tool for rarefied flow simulations at moderate Knudsen numbers. The goal of this research is to implement the R13 equations for problems of practical interest in arbitrary geometries. This is done by transformation of the R13 equations and boundary conditions into general curvilinear coordinate systems. Next steps include adaptation of the transformed equations in order to solve some of the popular test cases, i.e., shear-driven, force-driven, and temperature-driven flows in both planar and curved flow passages. It is shown that inexpensive analytical solutions of the R13 equations for the considered problems are comparable to expensive numerical solutions of the Boltzmann equation. The new results present a wide range of linear and nonlinear rarefaction effects which alter the classical flow patterns both in the bulk and near boundary regions. Among these, multiple Knudsen boundary layers (mechanocaloric heat flows) and their influence on mass and energy transfer must be highlighted. Furthermore, the phenomenon of temperature dip and Knudsen paradox in Poiseuille flow; Onsager's reciprocity relation, two-way flow pattern, and thermomolecular pressure difference in simultaneous Poiseuille and transpiration flows are described theoretically. Through comparisons it is shown that for Knudsen numbers up to 0.5 the compact R13 solutions exhibit a good agreement with expensive solutions of the Boltzmann equation.

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