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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Factors Contributing to Business Process Reengineering Implementation Success

Dell'Aquila, Mary Elizabeth 01 January 2017 (has links)
Organizational leaders continue to use business process reengineering (BPR) as a process improvement methodology even though BPR implementations have had low success rates. To increase BPR success rates, organizational leaders must understand what specific factors contribute to successful BPR implementations. Grounded in Lewin's field theory, the purpose of this nonexperimental, cross-sectional study was to examine the impact of gender and education on BPR. Data collection consisted of nonprobability convenience sample of 122 members from the professional networking website LinkedIn and the professional organizational website American Society for Quality. Data were gathered from a 6-point Likert-type scale survey instrument based on Hammer and Stanton's pre-identified BPR failure factors. The MANOVA results indicated no significant gender, education, or gender and education interaction effect on a linear combination of perception of BPR success factors, F (33.00, 318.00) = .591, p > 0.05, partial eta squared =.058. The results of this study might contribute to social change by helping organizational leaders understand factors that do not appear to be related to successful BPR implementations. The elimination of these factors could allow organizational leaders to focus on other factors for successful BPR implementations. Successful BPR implementations might lead to increased organizational profits, which could allow organizational leaders more opportunity and increase corporate social responsibility, all of which may directly affect the quality of life in a community.

Rediseño del proceso de ingeniería de detalle en una empresa de ingeniería de mecánica industrial

Chiong Rayo, Rodrigo January 2014 (has links)
Ingeniero Civil Industrial / La mejora de procesos es una de las estrategias más utilizadas por las empresas para mejorar su posición competitiva. De sus disciplinas, el rediseño de procesos (BPR, por Business Process Redesign) es una de las más usadas y ha permitido a muchas empresas mejorar la eficiencia y eficacia de sus procesos de forma considerable, dejando de lado las pretensiones de cambios radicales que la literatura de BPR proponía inicialmente. Enercom S.A. es una empresa chilena especializada en el diseño y fabricación de equipos industriales en procesos térmicos, de secado y combustión. Estos son altamente complejos y diseñados a medida según las especificaciones del cliente, clasificando a la empresa como de diseño a la medida (ETO, por Engineered to Order). La gerencia de la empresa desea realizar una revisión de sus procesos, en particular del proceso de ingeniería de detalle que detectan como fuente de numerosos errores. El objetivo del proyecto se centrará en la reducción del número de Productos No Conformes (PNC) originados en el proceso de ingeniería de detalle, basándose en la metodología de Cameron y Braiden [2004]. Una evaluación de la organización permite comprender el funcionamiento y las características particulares del proceso de venta, diseño y fabricación de equipos, que concentra el 90% de sus ingresos anuales. Se detecta en esta etapa que el proceso de ingeniería de detalle concentra el 38,7% de los Productos No Conformes detectados, validando la decisión de rediseñar este proceso particular. El consecuente levantamiento del proceso de ingeniería de detalle, junto con un análisis de causa-efecto y de causa raíz de los PNC detectados, deja en evidencia que la falta de especificación de requerimientos y criterios de diseño y el alto nivel de incertidumbre del proceso son responsables de casi el 80% de las no conformidades detectadas. Durante el rediseño del proceso se pone especial énfasis en mitigar las principales causas de no conformidad detectadas, seleccionando de la literatura las mejores prácticas que reduzcan los costos y mejoren la calidad del proceso. También se rediseñan los sistemas que soportan el proceso: la estructura organizacional y los sistemas de información de la empresa. Finalmente, se incluye una propuesta de plan de implementación como un primer acercamiento hacia la implementación de este rediseño en la empresa. Este trabajo muestra que el proyecto tiene beneficios económicos importantes y que el costo de implementación es relativamente bajo, por lo que se recomienda continuar con las siguientes etapas del proyecto propuestas en la metodología. Se determina que BPR es aplicable a empresas del sector ETO y que permite obtener beneficios importantes, siempre que se limite a procesos unitarios y dentro una misma unidad de negocios.

Implementace procesního řízení v podmínkách malé obchodní organizace

Semerák, Jiří January 2006 (has links)
Cílem této práce bylo ověřit možnost použití procesního řízení v podmínkách malé obchodní firmy a vytvořit metodiku, která by obecně popsala jednotlivé kroky implementace. Metodika je určena pro malé a střední firmy, které jsou postaveny před potřebu optimalizace podnikových procesů a nebo stojí před problémem transformace ve větší firmu. Práce je rozdělena do tří částí. První část zahrnuje teoretický základ. Skládá se z popisu historického vývoje procesního řízení, definice procesů a procesního řízení s ukázkami přístupů různých autorů. Dále jsou zde popsány metodiky starší i novější. V další, praktické části, je práce zaměřena na samotnou implementaci procesního řízení. Implementace je pojata jako projekt a je rozdělena do analytické části, ve které je rozebrána pozice firmy a její hlavní cíle a částí kde je vypracován návrh nového způsobu řízení, popsána implementace, testování, vyhodnocení a fáze definice dalších možných vylepšení podnikových procesů. V poslední části jsou slovně popsány jednotlivé kroky vyvinuté metodiky implementace procesního řízení v podmínkách malé obchodní firmy, které jsou doplněny schématem postupu implementace.

Caractérisation de la microstructure et comportement à court et long terme d'un Béton de Poudre Réactive extrudable / Caracterization of microstructure and early age/long term behaviour of extrudable Reactive Powder concrete

Cherkaoui, Khalid 15 October 2010 (has links)
Les Bétons de Poudre Réactive (BPR) sont connus pour leur résistance très élevée et leur bonne durabilité, mais aussi pour leur prix élevé. L’objectif de cette étude concerne la mise au point d’une formulation de BPR extrudable (BPR). Des essais préliminaires d’écoulement au mini cône d’Abrams ont été réalisés avec des teneurs variées en superplastifiant et en substituant partiellement la fumée de silice par du quartz broyé. Cinq mélanges ont été retenus et caractérisés de façon systématique au microscope électronique à balayage et en diffraction des Rayons X. Une étude complète de retrait au jeune âge, de résistance mécanique et de durabilité face à l’azote et aux ions chlorure a été menée. Un montage expérimental d’extrusion a été mis au point. Un mélange incorporant du quartz broyé en remplacement d’une fraction de la fumée de silice et une composition optimisée en superplastifiant montre des propriétés intéressantes : extrudabilité, très bonne durabilité, performances mécaniques améliorées et retrait diminué. Sur cette composition, l’étude microstructurale met en évidence le rôle que joue le superplastifiant sur la chimie d’hydratation avec une forte consommation en bélite. Ce mélange permet ainsi de diminuer le coût de fabrication pour un BPR en permettant d’économiser la fumée de silice coûteuse et en ne nécessitant aucun traitement thermique. / Reactive Powder Concrete (RPC) is well known for ultra-high mechanical performances and very good durability as well as for a high cost. The aim of this study is to find an extrudable RPC. Abrams cone preliminary tests were made with various contents of superplasticizer and a partial substitution of silica fume by crushed quartz. Then, fives concrete samples were chosen and systematically characterized by scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction. Then, a complete study was made including early-age shrinkage, mechanical strength, gas permeability and chloride diffusion measurements. An experimental extruder was build. Among the five compositions, one of them, where crushed quartz replaces a part of silica fume, exhibits very good properties: good extrudability, very good durability, and better mechanical strength with an improvement of shrinkage. The microstructural study of this composition highlights the effect of the superplasticizer on hydration, with high belite consumption. This composition allows a lower cost of RPC with a decreasing of silica fume content, without thermal treatment.

A Methodology for Business Process Reengineering Implementation: A Case Study

Wu, Tze-Wei 17 August 2012 (has links)
With the rapid advance of information technology (IT), many organizations are implementing IT to enhance their business processes efficiency intra- and inter-organizations. Prior to deploying the appropriate IT, conducting business process reengineering (BPR) has been considered to be the most important first step. Over the past two decades a considerable effort has been made in BPR implementation in practice. However, the detailed guideline for the BPR implementation is lacking. To alleviate the forgoing problem, the A-company was chosen for this study which had undergone the BPR implementation with the help of two well-known consultant firms. We followed the case study method to investigate what activities were performed when the A-company implemented BPR, how consultants interacted with the A-company in these activities, what input and output were needed, and what methods or models they used during each BPR step. Finally we proposed a comprehensive methodology which has detailed guideline for BPR implementation. With this proposed methodology, the implementing organization can have better understanding and preparation for BPR implementation, and thereby enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of BPR implementation.

The Critical Success Factors of implement ERP in SME ¡V Using traditional industry as Example

Lee, Tsung-lung 13 September 2012 (has links)
More than 90% of enterprises in Taiwan are small and medium enterprises. These flexible and efficient forces are one of the important foundations for economic development in Taiwan. How large is the number? Based on the data of ¡§The White book of Small and Medium Enterprises in Year 2011¡¨ from Ministry of Economic Affairs, the number is over one million and two hundred thousand! However; taking on strong competition in emerging markets and enterprise globalization, the small and medium enterprises in Taiwan face many challenges. For large enterprises and electronic industry, implement ERP to manage enterprise resources efficiently to respond to immediate changes is the core of enterprise information technology. With limited budget on information systems and specialties from small and medium enterprises, how should they implement ERP? How could they successfully implement ERP? Should they have change management when implementing ERP? Do they have the same key factors as ERP implementation in the large enterprises? Whether there is any particular attention they should pay on? This study conducted multiple case interviews using semi-structures on the objects of ERP-implemented small and medium enterprises to explore the derivation of the processes of each case, what problems and difficulties have they encountered? How to overcome the problems? By the case corporate practical experiences to assess the key factors of successful implementation, coping with the processes and problems of the implementation derivation, we expected to propose the improvement of core enterprise competition and success rate to the traditional small and medium enterprises that will implement ERP in the future. Keywords: Enterprise Resource Planning, KSF, Traditional Industries, Small and Medium Enterprises, BPR

Business Process Reengineering -Case Company Study

Feng, Mei-Li 28 July 2004 (has links)
Currently global shipping industry has from grew stage advance to mature period. The container ship capacity of supply exceeds the demand and the economy depression impacted traditional industry fiercely more competitors join the market cause freight decline, shipping industry face to a difficult position. The transportation cost raises up accompanies by sources of energy price hike, the container ship performance improvement is getting important with each passing day. The case company depends on ¡§Port and Terminal Integrated Operating System (PATIO), and use super crane, transtainer(TT), tractor, radio data terminal (RDT) and related field partner to complete container handling process. The core competence to case company is focus on standard operating process (SOP), speedy customs formality and flexible practice. From studying academic references, case company¡¦s document and practice learn its business process reengineering rely on PATIO system as a major tool to shorten core process timing, improve vessel productivity and enhance service quality. First, the essay creates a pattern contains four phases and seven procedures for running business process reengineering (BPR), realize some topics on process improvement and management from primary data and secondary data provided by case company. Second, the study is evaluated BPR performance between beginning and finish. Third, the conclusion of key successful factors (KSF) to BPR includes: (1). Build up business vision and company values. (2). High-level management support and fully participation. (3). Equipment modification properly. (4). Management Information System Improvement. (5). Cross function member teamwork. (6). The speed of business process reengineering. (7). Employee and field partner commitment with enthusiastic participation. The conclusion of business process reengineering about case company summarize as following. 1.The pattern of business process reengineering contains four phases and seven procedures. - Planning Phase ¡P Create business vision ¡P Develop business process reengineering concept - Design Phase ¡P Map out business process reengineering contents ¡P Business process reengineering evaluation and design - Implement Phase ¡P Carry out business process reengineering plan - Measurement Phase ¡P Business process reengineering performance evaluation ¡P Continuously improvement 2.Seven key successful factors for achieving business process reengineering. - Build up business vision and company values - High-level management support and fully participation - Equipment modification properly (Bomb Cart Modification) - Management Information System Improvement - Cross function member teamwork - The speed of business process reengineering - Employee and field partner commitment with enthusiastic participation 3.To provide example for the same business to carry out business process reengineering

A case study on the relationship of business transformation and information technology

Chen, Nai-Chin 15 July 2007 (has links)
Based on permanently operation faiths of enterprise and faced to the strike against recycle of economical prosperity, variation of society and information technology, the main purpose of this case study is to discuss how enterprise will be transform and the relationship between Business Process Re-engineering (BPR) and Information Technology (IT). The object of this case study is Air Asia Company Limited (AACL) which is a 60-years enterprise and goes through verities managements by Arm Forces of USA, American operational company and Taiwanese operational company. This case study goes deep into understand industrial characteristic of AACL and influences from the trend of world economies and development polices of government in first step. Furthermore, this case study will discuss AACL¡¦s development background, company culture and problems of currently business operations and management, expecting by using BPR and IT to bring the transform opportunities for the subject enterprise. The main basement of this case study is mode of¡uThe 5 levels of Business Transformation enabled by Information Technology¡vwhich was raised by Venkatraman in 1995. Writer using the above mentioned mode to examine the Information Technology (IT) plays what kind of rules, the ranges and ways of influences during the development processes of the subject company. However, ¡§People¡¨ is main key elements to the success for leading the results of the above mentioned.

Mining Workflow Instances to Support Workflow Schema Design

Yang, Wan-Shiou 23 May 2000 (has links)
Facing the increasing global competition, modern business organizations have to respond quickly and correctly to the constant changing environment to ensure their competitive advantages. This goal has led to a recent surge of work on Business Process Reengineering (BPR) and Workflow Management. While most work in these areas assume that process definitions are known in a priori, it is widely recognized that defining a process type which totally represents all properties of the underlying business process is a difficult job. This job is currently practiced in a very ad-hoc fashion. In this paper, we postulate an algorithm to discover the process definition from analyzing the existing process instances. We compare our algorithm with other existing algorithms proposed in the literature in terms of time complexity and apply these algorithms through synthetic data sets to measure the qualities of output results. It has been found that our algorithm is able to return the process definitions closer to the real ones in a faster manner.

Enterprise Systems : Achieving an appropriate fit between ERP systems and business processes

Nchotindoh, Lewis, Kemoum, Armelle January 2009 (has links)
<p>Enterprise resource planning (ERP) system which first emerged in the early 90’s, have become</p><p>so popular today that almost every large business corporation uses one. Recent years</p><p>have seen increased spending on this software application package, but sadly not all organizations</p><p>which invest in ERP systems have gotten back their money’s worth. There have</p><p>been many instances of unsuccessful ERP implementation attempts and in some cases total</p><p>failure. Researchers and scholars have long since studied these systems in a bid to provide</p><p>explanations for the complexity and failure of implementation attempts. This has led to the</p><p>establishment of critical success factors (CSF), which slightly vary with different authors</p><p>but have some strong common points. Prominent among these CSF’s is alignment between</p><p>business processes and ERP built-in processes.</p><p>This project therefore focuses on alignment issues that arise between the software package</p><p>and the organization’s business processes during ERP implementation efforts. The main</p><p>purpose of the work is to establish a set of ‘best practices’ that must be considered or executed</p><p>in order to secure a good alignment between the system and software package.</p><p>In order to achieve the main goal of this work, a case study approach has been used. The</p><p>case in question is a small manufacturing firm in Vetlanda called T-Emballage, which uses</p><p>an ERP system Jeeves. Mainly using scientific research techniques which comprise a deductive</p><p>approach and a mixed mode data collection method, some valuable conclusions are</p><p>drawn from the analysed data. The critical points that are worth considering during ERP</p><p>implementation, when trying to achieve alignment, arrived at in this study include: carrying</p><p>out a proper gap analysis, top management leading and following up, choosing software according</p><p>to needs, simplicity, flexibility, communication and liability of data.</p><p>This project further investigates the advantages and disadvantages of adapting or altering</p><p>the software package to fit the organization’s business processes and vice versa. Finally, the</p><p>work also tries to assess the alignment maturity level that has been attained in the organization</p><p>by applying the Luftman’s alignment maturity model.</p>

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