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ERP-system : framgångsfaktorer vid införandet / ERP-System : successfactors when implementingThulin, Anders January 2005 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen har varit att undersöka framgångsfaktorer vid införandet av ERP-system i olika företag. Både kundernas och leverantörens syn på framgångsfaktorer vid införandet har klargjorts. Min empiriska undersökning har utförts på fem olika företag och jag har intervjuat totalt fem personer som samtliga haft mycket centrala roller vid ERP-införandena. Vid intervjuerna har jag använt mig av kvalitativ ansats där informanterna har fått berätta relativt fritt om vad de uppfattat kunna påverka framgången med införandet av ERP-systemen. Jag analyserade det insamlade materialet med hjälp av empirinär kvalitativ bearbetning, i form av innehållsanalys. Undersökningens resultat visar att kunderna och leverantören inte ser helt lika på vilka faktorer som bidrar till framgång. Det finns dock några tydliga samband mellan leverantörens och kundens syn på framgångsfaktorer. Samsyn ligger i att kunden ska göra en dokumenterad processmappning av verksamhetens före och efterläge vilket leder till att leverantörens arbete underlättas och implementeringen av systemet kommer igång snabbare. Vidare samsyn finns kring det faktum att kunden ska förbereda sig på den kommande förändringen genom att utbilda personalen i handhavandet av systemet samt ge personalen ökad förståelse kring förändringsproblematiken. Detta leder till större engagemang hos kunden och snabbare acceptans av systemet i företaget. / The purpose of this report has been to investigate successfactors when implementing ERP-systems in different companies. The opinion of both the supplier and the customer’s point of view about the successfactors has been explained. The empiricalstudy has included five different companies and a total of five persons. I have used a qualitative approach during the different interviews. The material from the interviews was analysed with the qualitative method content analysis. The study shows the supplier and the customers both have and have not the same opinion about which successfactors to consider when implementing. There are a few obvious connections between the supplier and the customer’s point of view. They agree about the importance of linking business processes and information to the system in the feasibility study. This will lead to an easier and more rapid implementation phase. They also agree about the importance of educating the personal, both in practical skills of the system and also information of the reactions of change in the organisation. This will lead to a greater engagement from the customer and quicker system acceptance.
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Enterprise Systems : Achieving an appropriate fit between ERP systems and business processesNchotindoh, Lewis, Kemoum, Armelle January 2009 (has links)
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) system which first emerged in the early 90’s, have become so popular today that almost every large business corporation uses one. Recent years have seen increased spending on this software application package, but sadly not all organizations which invest in ERP systems have gotten back their money’s worth. There have been many instances of unsuccessful ERP implementation attempts and in some cases total failure. Researchers and scholars have long since studied these systems in a bid to provide explanations for the complexity and failure of implementation attempts. This has led to the establishment of critical success factors (CSF), which slightly vary with different authors but have some strong common points. Prominent among these CSF’s is alignment between business processes and ERP built-in processes. This project therefore focuses on alignment issues that arise between the software package and the organization’s business processes during ERP implementation efforts. The main purpose of the work is to establish a set of ‘best practices’ that must be considered or executed in order to secure a good alignment between the system and software package. In order to achieve the main goal of this work, a case study approach has been used. The case in question is a small manufacturing firm in Vetlanda called T-Emballage, which uses an ERP system Jeeves. Mainly using scientific research techniques which comprise a deductive approach and a mixed mode data collection method, some valuable conclusions are drawn from the analysed data. The critical points that are worth considering during ERP implementation, when trying to achieve alignment, arrived at in this study include: carrying out a proper gap analysis, top management leading and following up, choosing software according to needs, simplicity, flexibility, communication and liability of data. This project further investigates the advantages and disadvantages of adapting or altering the software package to fit the organization’s business processes and vice versa. Finally, the work also tries to assess the alignment maturity level that has been attained in the organization by applying the Luftman’s alignment maturity model.
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En objektorienterad tillämpning inom Business Process ReengineeringStrand, Mattias January 1999 (has links)
Utvecklingen inom IT-området har under de senaste åren varit explosionsartad. Allt fler branscher har börjat att leta efter nya sätt att tillämpa de olika framsteg som skett inom området Detta arbete behandlar en kombinerad litteraturstudie och intervjuundersökning kring objektorientering och Business Process Reengineering. Problemställningen för detta arbete har varit: - På vilka sätt kan objektorientering tillämpas för att utveckla de synsätt och de metoder som används inom Business Process Reengineering Syftet med arbetet var att hitta ett antal generella tillämpningsområden utifrån problemställningen, samt att hitta ett antal fördelar, som dessa generella tillämpningar skulle kunna medföra. Resultatet av detta arbete visar att det finns områden inom Business Process Reengineering, där en objektorienterad tillämpning skulle kunna medför stora fördelar. Som exempel på detta kan nämnas förbättrade möjligheter att skapa och anpassa de informationssystem som skall stötta verksamhetsprocesserna. Även möjligheterna att skapa dynamiska metoder, där varje metodsteg utgörs av färdiga moduler som sedan kombineras, bör nämnas som en fördel.
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Business Process EngineeringZdražil, Ondřej January 2008 (has links)
V této diplomové práci se zabývám problematikou návrhu business architektury s důrazem na možnost její implementace v reálném tržním subjektu. Práce obsahuje teoretickou část, která poskytuje metodická východiska, a část praktickou, ve které nejprve konstruuji vlastní metodiku návrhu a podle této metodiky pak provádím návrh business architektury subjektu realitního trhu za využití nástroje ProVison. Součástí práce jsou grafické výstupy a jejich popis.
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Procesní řízení ve společnostech zabývajících se distribucí a prodejem energií / Business Process Management in Companies Engaged in the Energy Distribution and TradingPřívratský, Miroslav January 2009 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the issues of Business Process Management (BPM) in companies engaged in the energy distribution and trading in the Czech Republic (with a focus on the electricity and natural gas market). The first part introduces the basic terms and specifies the theoretical principles of Business Process Management in comparison with the classical functional management approach including the benefits, risks and issues associated with the implementation of Business Process Management in the organization. Thesis also outlines the issues and current status in the market with tools for BPM support. Next part of the thesis is devoted to analysis of the energy market in Czech Republic including its specifics and providing a sample of companies into the research which is the subject of the last part of the thesis. The goal of the realized research is to describe the current status of Business Process Management in the selected companies including formulation of conclusions and evaluation of the current level of usage of BPM.
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Procesní řízení - procesní modelování / Business Process Management - Process ModelingKupka, Tomáš January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the topic of Business Process Management, its development and fundamental paradigms in the field of BPM as BPR. The thesis also compares approaches to BPM. Furthermore, it defines the term "process" and describes its classification. The thesis also explains the concept of the process-driven organization, including its characteristics. An integral part of the thesis is the explanation of the holistic approach to BPM and its technical aspect, i.e. the business process modeling which deals with creating the diagrams classified by basic principles of object orientation. The thesis introduces general modeling language UML and its specification in the form of notation BPMN and Eriksson-Penker. Also there are shown few examples of diagrams used in the BPM. All of these findings are then used in the constructing of process models and diagrams in the defined research area of the particular organization.
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Návrh a implementace CRM systému pomocí low-code platformy ve firemním prostředí / Design and Implementation of CRM System Using Low-code Platform in the Corporate EnvironmentObrtlík, Josef January 2021 (has links)
This master's thesis is focusing to create an operational CRM system in web interface of SystemBaker application in company environment – specifically for company named Mathesio s.r.o. In theoretical part there are explained concepts and technologies, which are needed to know to fully comprehend background of the developed application. Then there are introduced possible forms of developing this application, which serve for later assessment of economic benefits of this development form. In practical part there is de-scribed structure of database, use-cases and operational solution of this application and then economical assessment of benefits of this style of development.
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ERP系統開發與導入之策略研究-以某公司為例 / The ERP system developed and implement strategy research劉逸麗, Liu, Paty Unknown Date (has links)
在現今2010年的後金融海嘯時代,當金融海嘯衝擊以後, 各項國內外經濟評估報告均指出經濟已開始復甦,此刻正是企業重整旗鼓逆勢成長的最佳時刻。對於企業來說,企業資源整合管理的落實不僅是其永續經營的成功關鍵,甚至是其生存的命脈。這也是為什麼在經濟不景氣的環境下,仍有許多企業決心導入ERP系統,以及許多國內外調查報告預測ERP系統的需求與產值仍然會持續成長的主要原因。
本研究的動機之一,即是希望企業在經歷產業變化、策略變動與業務規模的改變之下,如果重新評估ERP系統的適用性,不論是ERP系統需做重新建置或階段性轉換,皆可從不同角度重新探討ERP系統開發與導入過 程的重要策略,而能建置一套對企業真正有效益的ERP系統。
本研究發現在個案公司開發及導入ERP系統的過程中,遇到許多的瓶頸,也面臨了很多問題,導入過程中對企業組織產生了很多影響,改變了原有的作業流程,導入實施後增加許多效益,但某些部份仍需持續改進,ERP系統應確保做到系統整合,需重視細部流程整合方面的分析與資料整合方面的分析。找出ERP系統資料與流程之Gap,並應做到變革管理。 / Nowadays, Facing the globalized competition situation, the emerging markets rise, the energy crisis and the financial storm, Taiwan's enterprises is now under the changing and unceasing environment, the only way to hold on the competitive advantage of Taiwan’s enterprises continuously is to find out the market development tendency, and to response to customer demand immediately, and to innovate product and service unceasingly.
The ERP system’s appearance had transformed along with the software technology breakthrough and industrial ecology change. Therefore ERP system is no longer only the enterprise computerize and management tools, ERP is even more the basis of the scientific technology innovation. Many company treat the ERP system as the basis of enterprise’s computerize, furthermore to integrate the ERP system with EC, SCM, CRM, KMS, BI…….
In the Late-2010s financial crisis time, after the financial crisis, each domestic and foreign economic appraisal report pointed out that the economy started to recover, It’s the best time to restart and grow up at this moment. The realization of the Enterprise resources integration is not only the key successful factor but also the survival life artery. This is why so many enterprises were still determined to implement the ERP System under the economical depression time, and as well as many domestic and foreign invested report forecast that ERP system's demand and the output value will still continue to grow up.
One of this research's motivation, is hopes to re-estimate the important strategy of the ERP implementation from the different point of view, hopes to establish the beneficial ERP system. To review the suitability of the ERP System when the enterprises under the industry change, strategy change and business scale changes, no matter to build a new ERP System or ERP system phase transforming,
Many enterprises plan the ERP project by the engineering and technical view, It will always occur the unexpected result. It needs to make the careful considering and plans to all the ERP involves, include the business flows, the stake holders, the implemented methodology, the influence, and the implemented strategy….
This research discovery that while the case company developed and implemented ERP system has meets many bottlenecks, and also has faced many problems. It has had many influences to the enterprise organize while implement the ERP system, It has changed the original business flow, and increases many benefits, But still need to continued improved, The ERP system should assured to realize the system integrated, to pay more attention to the analysis of micro process integration and data integration, find out the gap and do the changing management well.
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Business process reengineering (BPR) was analyzed as one of the approaches to considerably improve the performance of the enterprise. The actuality of BPR in times of economic downturn was evaluated. The historic evolution of the concept was examined and findings about the economic nature of BPR emergence were made. The dependence of BPR actuality and simplicity of BPR usage on the level of enterprise business process maturity was shown. A conclusion about optimal point was made via depicting the interrelations graphically. Advantages of BPR usage for enterprises of different sizes were proved and specified. Benefits of BPR were compared with benefits of other related methods like ERP, JIT, TQM and Continuous Improvement. The future possible development of the BPR was analyzed. There offered possible further directions of research in the area of BPR based on current limitations of the concept. Results of the research may be used in companies of maturity level one to three, taking into account size of the company and current state of business process maturity.
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以資訊科技改進蝴蝶蘭產業運銷之研究 / A Study of Improving Phalaenopsis Business by Information Technology葉程佳, Yeh, Cheng-Jia Unknown Date (has links)
自從90年代以來,網際網路商業化的普及,打破了時間和空間的限制,使得諸多不合理的商業制度有了新的解決方案。雖然在蝴蝶蘭產業裡,我國蝴蝶蘭的出口量為世界排名第一位,占全球60%的產量,然而在國際市場上始終只是扮演的生產者角色,最終通路一直為國外中間商所把持。因而長久以來,我國的蝴蝶蘭栽培業者,獲取的利潤非常微薄,議價能力非常有限,風險更需自行承擔。面對即將加入世界貿易組織的壓力,必須及早為產業未來發展的方向做好準備。本研究運用網際網路及資訊科技輔以流程再造的理念來改善蝴蝶蘭運銷上遭遇的瓶頸,從而增進我國蝴蝶蘭產業在全球的競爭力,進而增加花農的利潤。 / The e-commerce is popular since 1990, it breaks the limit of the time and the distance, and it let unreasonable business models get new solutions. The exportation amount of phalaenopsis in Taiwan has sixty percent in the world, however, we have been playing the role of original supplier, and overseas importers have been monopolizing the marketplace. Therefore, the phalaenopsis planters of Taiwan gained slender profits, had limited ability of price negotiations, and should take risks by themselves. To come up against the pressure of joining World Trade Organization, it is necessary to plan a future business model as soon as possible. This paper tries to use Internet, information technology and take advantage of business process reengineering (BPR) to improve the phalaenopsis business, and then to strengthen the competition and to increase profits of planters.
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