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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

物件導向企業框架之研究-以會計總帳系統為例 / Research of Object Oriented Business Framework : Accounting General Ledger Experience

陳泓志, Chen, Hong Chich Unknown Date (has links)
應用系統的發展從以前的部門資訊系統,到目前的企業整體資源規劃系統(Enterprise Resource Planning, ERP),更而甚之地橫跨企業組織的供應鏈管理系統(Supply Chain Management, SCM);從這樣的趨勢發展我們可以輕易地發現應用系統的範圍逐漸擴大,而且對系統品質及穩定度的要求越來越高,因此也讓軟體從業人員面臨了三大挑戰:系統複雜度提高、開發效率的提升及系統品質的確保。 1997年物件管理委員會(Object Management Group, OMG)通過了統一化塑模語言(Unified Modeling Language, UML)成為物件導向塑模語言的標準之後,物件導向開發方法開始被軟體從業人員所重視。 雖然物件導向系統發展方法從分析到設計階段能有效地讓系統具有低耦合力(low coupling)及高內聚力(high cohesion)之特性,而且企業應用框架(Business Framework)在系統設計到實作、測試及維護階段能夠以其標準化的企業物件、系統開發方式及彈性化的架構讓整體成本下降。然而企業應用框架的提供廠商通常欠缺著一套結合了物件導向分析與設計和企業應用框架的系統發展方法,因此本研究的目的在於透過對物件導向塑模語言、軟體工程及專案管理和企業應用框架的研究與了解,試圖將企業應用框架與UML及Unified Process結合,以彙整出一套系統發展指引,稱為以框架為基礎之元件化系統發展方法(Framework-based Componentized System development Process),以期有效提升軟體的生產力及品質,成為下一代開發應用系統的方法。

以Scrum觀念及SSH框架為基礎進行系統開發之研究 / A study on system development based on scrum concept and SSH framework

宋洪炘, Sung, Hung Hsin Unknown Date (has links)
由於現今商業環境時常變動,使得使用者需求在系統開發過程中頻繁改變。傳統系統開發方式無法迅速回應使用者需求變更,強調彈性開發流程的敏捷開發方式逐漸廣為接受。敏捷開發並未探討系統設計議題而系統設計不佳會導致系統品質低落,使用軟體框架可以快速建立良好的分層結構,有助於穩定產品品質並提高軟體再用性。本研究以Scrum為基礎,結合Struts、Spring、Hibernate整合框架,建立一套系統開發方法,包含敏捷開發方式的彈性流程,兼顧系統擴充性及可維護性,研究方法為概念形成法與系統展示法,並以Java Web-Based雛型系統為例,說明相關作業內容。 / Due to the quick variation in the business environment, user requirements change frequently during the system development process. This induces the rising popularity of agile development method which emphasizes the development flexibility during the process. However, agile development method does not address the design issues and poor system design can easily cause poor system quality. Software framework helps to quickly build a good hierarchy structure and thus improve the product quality and software reusability. This study proposes a system development method based on Scrum with the integration of Struts、Spring and Hibernate frameworks. The method is embedded with the development flexibility from the agile method, as well as the system extensibility and maintainability from the software frameworks. The study is conducted with the research method of concept formulation, and would be continued with a Java Web-Based prototype development as an example to illustrate the relevant activities.

線上題庫與適性測驗證合系統之發展研究 / A reserach in the development of an integrated on-line item bank and computerized adaptive testing system

陳新豐 Unknown Date (has links)
論文名稱:線上題庫與適性測驗整合系統之發展研究 頁數:337 校所系別:國立政治大學教育學系 畢業時間及摘要別:九十學年度第二學期博士論文摘要 指導教授:林邦傑博士、余民寧博士 研究生:陳新豐 論文摘要內容 本研究係結合工具研發、理論驗證與效能評估的研究,旨在開發一個建構在全球資訊網的「線上題庫與適性測驗整合系統」,以提供教師在網際網路環境下的輔助教學評量系統,除了可動態新增題庫之外,並能針對學生提供童身訂做的適性測驗。因此,研究的兩個核心主軸為「線上題庫與適性測驗整合系統」之開發與「線上題庫建置」的理論驗證。 依循這兩個核心主軸,本研究的研究目的有三:(一)開發線上題庫與適性測驗整合系統。(二)驗證建置題庫的相關理論。(三)評估整合系統運作效能與使用者滿意程度。 為達成這三個研究目的,研究者採用結構分析中,Sehlly、Cashmen和Rosenblatt (2001)所提出的「系統開發生命週期」,將「線上題庫與適性測驗整合系統」開發過程分為「系統規劃」、「系統分析」、「系統設計」、「系統建置」、「系統運行與支援」等五個階段逐步開發。 研究樣本方面,第一次預試選用台南市崇明國中三年級學生115人,第二次預試選用台南市建興國中三年級學生191人,正式施測樣本則是台灣地區北、中、南、東、離島等共計九校2567位國中三年級學生為研究對象。此外,在需求調查報告部分,共調查十五位專家對開發系統的意見。 就研究工具來說,本研究主要研究工具為「線上題庫與適性測驗之整合系統」,另外,「功能需求調查問卷」、「硬體設備」、「軟體工具」、「系統評估量表」也是本研究的研究工具。 就資料處理來說,本研究運用ITEMAN、BILOG、MatLab和SPSS套裝軟體進行資料處理,所採用的統計方法包含古典測驗理論與試題反應理論等理論來分析,計有試題分析、IRT三參數估計、因素結構分析等。 研究結果部分,本研究得到如下結論:(一)線上題庫與通性測驗兩個系統可整合為一。(二)線上題庫與遍性測驗之整合系統具有多項功能。(三)結構化分析中之系統開發生命週期是開發整合系統的理想方法。(四)題庫等化轉換常數方法以Mean/Mean和Haebara等方法較佳。(五)線上測驗與紙筆測驗的試題訊息量相近,但難度偏高。(六)線上測驗連結效益良好。(七)本整合系統運作效能良好。(八)使用者對整合系統之功能感到滿意。根據研究結論,本研究針對工具研發、題庫建置、效能評估等提出具體建議。 關鍵字:試題反應理論、題庫、等化、電腦化適性測驗、系統開發生命週期 / A Reserach In The Development of An Integrated On-Line Item Bank and Computerized Adaptive Testing System Abstract This research is to develop an integrated internet system of on-line item bank and computerized adaptive testing (the "System"), which is comprised of the teaching tool development, theory verification, and efficiency evaluation. Except for the addition of new item bank dynamically, the System, an auxiliary teaching evaluation system for teachers, can also provide customarily made adaptive testing for students. Therefore, to develop an integrated on-line item bank and computerized adaptive testing system and to verify the theory of on-line item bank development constitute the two core spindles of this research. Following the aforementioned research spindles, the main purposes of this research are going to: (A). Develop an integrated on-line item bank and computerized adaptive testing system. (B). Verify the related theories concerning the development of on-line item bank. (C). Evaluate the operating efficiency of such System and the degree of users' satisfaction. The "systems development life cycle" (Sehily, Cashmen Rosenblatt, 2001), a structured analysis method, is adopted to conduct the research. The development process of an integrated on-line item bank and computerized adaptive testing system is divided into 5 separate and successive stages, starting from system planning, system analysis, system design, system development, to system operation and support. In terms of research sampling, the selected samples in the first preliminary testing are 115 ninth-grade students of Chiung-Ming High School in Tainan City, Taiwan. The selected samples in the second preliminary testing are 191 ninth-grade students of Cheng-Sing High School in Tainan City, Taiwan. The third and official sampling is 2,567 ninth-grade students who were selected from a total of 9 high schools ranging from Northern, Central, Southern, and Eastern Taiwan, and islands adjacent to Taiwan. Furthermore, in the demand side, an investigation has been conducted to consult with 15 teaching experts for their professional opinions in regard to such System development. As far as research tools are concerned, except for the main research tool - the integrated on-line item bank and computerized adaptive testing system, other research tools employed consist of functional demand questionnaires, hardware equipments, software tools, and scales for system evaluation. In the aspect of data processing, ITEMAN, BILOQ MatLab, and SPSSapplication softwares are used to perform the data processing. The statistical method,like classical true score theory and item response theory and etc., is applied to conduct the following analyses: item analysis, IRT three-parameter estimate, structured analysis of elements, and etc. The results of this research lead to the following conclusion: 1. The on-line item bank: system and the adaptive testing system, the two separate systems, can be integrated into one system. 2. The integrated on-line item bank and adaptive testing system can play multiple functions. 3. "Systems development life cycle" in the structured analysis is an ideal manner to develop an integrated system. 4. "Mean/Mean", "Haebara" and, etc. are the better methods to perform the item bank equating and constant conversion. 5. For users, the information volume provided by on-line testing and traditional written testing are quite similar, but the degree of difficulty of on-line testing is higher than that of traditional written testing. 6. The linking effect of on-line testing is fair. 7. The operating efficiency of the integrated system is fair. 8. Users are satisfied with the functions of the integrated system. Based on research conclusions drawn thereon, suggestions for tool development, item bank development, and efficiency evaluation are also provided. Keywords: item response theory, item bank, equating, computerized adaptive testing,systems development life cycle


鄭秀華 Unknown Date (has links)
近年來,許多公司面臨需要透過資訊科技來獲取競爭優勢。各產業對於資訊系統的要求越來愈多,促使資訊系統的開發工作越加複雜,而使得成功完成資訊系統的開發變的日益困難。 軟體工程協會指出軟體能力成熟度整合模式(Capability Maturity Model Integration, CMMI)強調軟體開發需要追求開發程序的改善與程序的最佳化。透過程序的改善以降低軟體開發專案失敗的機率。根據創意的定義,資訊系統開發程序的改善是團隊創意的表現。 目前少有研究從創意的觀點探討資訊系統開發程序的改善。根據社會認知理論指出效能信念是解釋行為/產出的關鍵元素。學者們也證明創意自我效能對於創意的重要性。到目前為止,效能與創意的連結僅限於個人層次的研究。因此,本研究將以資訊系統開發程序改善為研究情境,進行集體效能與創意文獻的連結,提出資訊系統開發團隊集體創意效能之概念,並探討集體創意效能的前置因素與了解干擾集體創意效能形成的因素。 本研究採用部分最小平方法 (Partial Least Squares),分析98組開發資訊系統的學生團隊與61組開發資訊系統的業界團隊資料,以驗證研究模型。結果指出在學生團隊方面,團隊知識程度、成就動機、團隊知識整合能力會正向影響集體創意效能的形成;團隊互動程度會干擾團隊知識程度與集體創意效能的關係、專案複雜度會干擾團隊知識程度與集體創意效能的關係以及干擾團隊知識整合能力與集體創意效能的關係。在業界團隊方面,團隊知識程度、成就動機、團隊知識整合能力會正向影響集體創意效能的形成;團隊互動程度會干擾團隊知識程度與集體創意效能的關係、專案複雜度會干擾團隊知識程度與集體創意效能的關係、成就動機與集體創意效能的關係以及團隊知識整合能力與集體創意效能的關係。此外,本研究亦探討在不同專案複雜度的情境中,影響集體創意效能之前置因素。 / Numerous companies have recently employed information systems to obtain a competitive edge. The demand for many new and different information system (IS) applications has increased the scope and complexity of IS developing. Developing successful IS projects became difficult. Software Engineering Institute proposed Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) that emphasized process optimization of software development. The improvement in software process can reduce the probability failure in development software. According to the definition of creativity, the improvement in software process is team creativity. However, there are few studies which discuss the issues about systems development process improvement from creative perspective. According to the social cognitive theory, efficacy is a key factor for interpreting behavior/products. Scholars demonstrated that creative self-efficacy is important to creativity. Previous researchers which studied the potential link between efficacy and creativity are focus on individual level. Thus, this study combined the literatures of collective efficacy and team creativity to propose a new construct (Collective creative efficacy, CCE) for information systems development teams, and explore the influences and moderators for CCE. 98 student project teams and 61 industry project teams are surveyed. Partial least squares (PLS) results demonstrate that team knowledge, achievement motivation and knowledge integration ability positively influenced CCE, team interaction positively moderated the relationships between team knowledge and CCE, and project complexity negatively moderated the relationships between team knowledge and CCE, and the relationships between knowledge integration capability and CCE in both samples. Project complexity positively moderated the relationships between achievement motivation and CCE in the model of industry project teams. An attempt is also made to understand the antecedents of CCE in different project complexity.

ERP系統開發與導入之策略研究-以某公司為例 / The ERP system developed and implement strategy research

劉逸麗, Liu, Paty Unknown Date (has links)
現今的時代,面對全球化的競爭態勢、新興市場崛起、能源危機與金融風暴等因素,台灣的企業在大環境不斷變化之下,掌握市場發展動態,即時回應客戶需求,不斷創新產品與服務,是企業維持競爭優勢不二法門。 ERP隨著軟體技術突破和產業生態蛻變的歷程,其系統面貌也隨之轉換,因此ERP不再只是企業功能的資訊化與經營化,更是科技創新的礎石。許多企業將ERP系統當作企業電子化的基礎,更進一步整合其他的資訊系統,如電子商務(EC)、供應鏈管理(SCM)系統、客戶關係管理(CRM)系統、知識管理系統(KMS)、商業智慧(BI)等。 在現今2010年的後金融海嘯時代,當金融海嘯衝擊以後, 各項國內外經濟評估報告均指出經濟已開始復甦,此刻正是企業重整旗鼓逆勢成長的最佳時刻。對於企業來說,企業資源整合管理的落實不僅是其永續經營的成功關鍵,甚至是其生存的命脈。這也是為什麼在經濟不景氣的環境下,仍有許多企業決心導入ERP系統,以及許多國內外調查報告預測ERP系統的需求與產值仍然會持續成長的主要原因。 本研究的動機之一,即是希望企業在經歷產業變化、策略變動與業務規模的改變之下,如果重新評估ERP系統的適用性,不論是ERP系統需做重新建置或階段性轉換,皆可從不同角度重新探討ERP系統開發與導入過 程的重要策略,而能建置一套對企業真正有效益的ERP系統。 許多企業在發展ERP系統的過程中,都以工程與技術的角度去規劃ERP系統的導入,常會遇到預想不到的結果。對於ERP所涉及的企業流程,利害關係人,導入方法,及對業務流程與關係人的影響,企業導入ERP的策略等,需要做仔細的思考及規劃。 本研究發現在個案公司開發及導入ERP系統的過程中,遇到許多的瓶頸,也面臨了很多問題,導入過程中對企業組織產生了很多影響,改變了原有的作業流程,導入實施後增加許多效益,但某些部份仍需持續改進,ERP系統應確保做到系統整合,需重視細部流程整合方面的分析與資料整合方面的分析。找出ERP系統資料與流程之Gap,並應做到變革管理。 / Nowadays, Facing the globalized competition situation, the emerging markets rise, the energy crisis and the financial storm, Taiwan's enterprises is now under the changing and unceasing environment, the only way to hold on the competitive advantage of Taiwan’s enterprises continuously is to find out the market development tendency, and to response to customer demand immediately, and to innovate product and service unceasingly. The ERP system’s appearance had transformed along with the software technology breakthrough and industrial ecology change. Therefore ERP system is no longer only the enterprise computerize and management tools, ERP is even more the basis of the scientific technology innovation. Many company treat the ERP system as the basis of enterprise’s computerize, furthermore to integrate the ERP system with EC, SCM, CRM, KMS, BI……. In the Late-2010s financial crisis time, after the financial crisis, each domestic and foreign economic appraisal report pointed out that the economy started to recover, It’s the best time to restart and grow up at this moment. The realization of the Enterprise resources integration is not only the key successful factor but also the survival life artery. This is why so many enterprises were still determined to implement the ERP System under the economical depression time, and as well as many domestic and foreign invested report forecast that ERP system's demand and the output value will still continue to grow up. One of this research's motivation, is hopes to re-estimate the important strategy of the ERP implementation from the different point of view, hopes to establish the beneficial ERP system. To review the suitability of the ERP System when the enterprises under the industry change, strategy change and business scale changes, no matter to build a new ERP System or ERP system phase transforming, Many enterprises plan the ERP project by the engineering and technical view, It will always occur the unexpected result. It needs to make the careful considering and plans to all the ERP involves, include the business flows, the stake holders, the implemented methodology, the influence, and the implemented strategy…. This research discovery that while the case company developed and implemented ERP system has meets many bottlenecks, and also has faced many problems. It has had many influences to the enterprise organize while implement the ERP system, It has changed the original business flow, and increases many benefits, But still need to continued improved, The ERP system should assured to realize the system integrated, to pay more attention to the analysis of micro process integration and data integration, find out the gap and do the changing management well.

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