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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Nüske, Mauro Alberto 04 August 2006 (has links)
The growth of competition, the opening of the markets and the expansion of the education section provide new challenges in the administration of the school institutions. There is also the aspect of quality improvement of public institutions, because of the increase of governments' investments in their education system. According to this reality, it is necessary to change some concepts, which consider that companies or institutions of the same branch of performance should be competitive; on the contrary , they should adopt strategies and united actions, for acting in the Cooperation Net . For Sinodal schools of the Northwest Region of Rio Grande do Sul state, this need is evidenced, reasons for which this present research looked for analyzing the strategical-enterprise factors of competitiveness of 5 Sinodal schools of the Northwest Region of RS, through the application of researches among their managers and among the external customers of their schools. In the methodology, the approach method and procedures were used, and techniques of direct and indirect documentation. The study was descriptive, and the approaches used in the research were the qualitative and the quantitative. Among the researched aspects, it was looked for evaluating the largest "gaps" (intervals) with the research of the managers and the research with the external customers (parents or responsible), which were identified and analyzed. It was also evaluated the aspects considered as load points and about weak points of the Sinodal schools, in each school, and jointly. In the analysis of the group of schools, it is ended that the same ones influence their customers, mainly, for the quality of the teaching and the teachers' qualification, for the pedagogic and curricular proposal, for the efficiency of the teaching and for the extracurricular options of courses. In the managers' optics, they judge that their external customers opt for the school that is driven by them, mainly, for the efficiency and quality of teaching and the teachers' qualification, for the preference of private school, for the extra-curricular options of courses, for the pedagogic and curricular proposals and for community insert. The result of the analyses addresses for which strategic-business factors of competitiveness need to be potentiated, so that those schools can adopt, hereafter, strategies and actions as Cooperation Net. / O crescimento da concorrência, a abertura dos mercados e a expansão do setor educacional proporcionam novos desafios na gestão das instituições escolares. Há ainda o aspecto da melhoria da qualidade das instituições públicas, em virtude do aumento de investimentos dos governos no seu sistema educacional. Para fazer frente a essa realidade é preciso mudar-se alguns conceitos, os quais consideram que empresas ou instituições do mesmo ramo de atuação devem ser concorrentes; ao contrário, devem adotar estratégias e ações conjuntas, para atuarem em Rede de Cooperação. Para as escolas sinodais da Região Noroeste do RS, essa necessidade evidencia-se, razão pela qual a presente pesquisa buscou analisar os fatores de competitividade estratégico-empresariais de cinco escolas sinodais da Região Noroeste do RS, através da aplicação de pesquisas entre seus gestores e entre os clientes externos de suas escolas. Na metodologia, utilizou-se o método de abordagem e de procedimentos, e técnicas de documentação direta e indireta. O estudo foi o descritivo e as abordagens utilizadas na pesquisa foram a qualitativa e a quantitativa. Dentre os aspectos pesquisados, buscou-se avaliar os maiores gaps (intervalos) entre a pesquisa com os gestores e a pesquisa com os clientes externos (pais ou responsáveis), os quais foram identificados e analisados. Avaliaram-se também, os aspectos considerados como pontos fortes e como pontos fracos das escolas sinodais, por escola e conjuntamente. Na análise do conjunto das escolas, conclui-se que as mesmas influenciam seus clientes, principalmente pela qualidade do ensino e qualificação dos professores, pela proposta pedagógica e curricular, pela eficiência do ensino e pelas opções extracurriculares de cursos. Na ótica dos gestores, os mesmo julgam que seus clientes externos optam pelas escolas que dirigem, principalmente pela eficiência e qualidade do ensino e qualificação dos professores, pela preferência por escola particular, pelas opções extracurriculares de cursos, pela proposta pedagógica e curricular e pela inserção comunitária. O resultado das análises direciona para quais fatores de competitividade estratégico-empresariais precisam ser potencializados, para que essas escolas possam adotar, futuramente, estratégias e ações como Rede de Cooperação.

Factores críticos microeconómicos y comerciales que impulsaron la importación al Perú de productos hidrobiológicos: tilapia, jurel y atún para el consumo humano directo en el periodo (2012-2019) / Critical microeconomic and commercial factors that have boost the import to Peru of hydrobiological products: jack mackerel, tilapia and tuna for direct human consumption in the period (2012-2019)

Salazar Palomino, Leslie Sabrina, Temoche Devoto, Ruth Denisse 12 August 2021 (has links)
El objetivo principal de la presente tesis tiene como fin conocer si los factores microeconómicos y comerciales, fueron los que han impulsado la importación de productos hidrobiológicos: tilapia y jurel congelado y atún enlatado para el consumo humano directo al Perú entre los años 2012 al 2019. Dentro de los factores microeconómicos se analizaron variables como el precio, los márgenes de ganancia y la calidad. Para los factores comerciales se analizaron variables como oferta, demanda y preferencias del consumidor. Se buscó antecedentes que respalden estas variables con el fin de conocer los factores que han causado este fenómeno. Para la realización de dicha investigación el estudio tuvo un enfoque mixto secuencial, por lo cual tiene una parte cualitativa y otra cuantitativa. Por el lado cualitativo, se realizaron entrevistas a profundidad semi estructuradas a actores relevantes de la industria de hidrobiológicos. Para la parte cuantitativa, se recabó información a través de encuestas a otros actores involucrados en la misma industria. Finalmente, luego del análisis realizado, se concluyó que los factores antes mencionados fueron los que impulsaron el aumento de la importación de productos hidrobiológicos. Además, gracias a esta investigación se encontraron hallazgos relevantes para el sector. / The main objective of this thesis is to know if the microeconomic and commercial factors were the ones that have boosted the importation of hydrobiological products: jack mackerel and frozen tilapia and canned tuna for direct human consumption to Peru between years 2012 to 2019. Within the microeconomic factors, variables such as price, profit margins and quality will be analyzed. For commercial factors, variables such as offer, demand and consumer preferences will be analyzed. Background information was sought to support these variables in order to know the factors that have caused this phenomenon. To carry out this research, the study had a mixed sequential approach, which is why it has a qualitative and a quantitative part. On the qualitative side, semi-structured in-depth interviews were conducted with relevant actors in the hydrobiological industry. For the quantitative part, information was collected through perception surveys to other actors involved in the same industry. Finally, after the analysis carried out, it was concluded that the aforementioned factors were the ones that drove the increase in the import of hydrobiological products. In addition, thanks to this research, relevant findings for the sector were found. / Tesis

Relación entre el comportamiento de compra de cosméticos faciales con el producto, precio, plaza y promoción de las consumidoras de Lima Metropolitana entre 15 y 54 años / Relationship between the behavior of buying facial cosmetics with the price, product, place and promotion of the consumers between 15 and 54 years of Metropolitan Lima

Núñez Tolentino, Maryori, Osorio García, Kenberly Elizabeth 04 December 2020 (has links)
La presente investigación tiene como propósito demostrar cuáles de los elementos del marketing mix (producto, precio, plaza y promoción) son los factores que influyen en la compra de cosméticos faciales de las mujeres de Lima Metropolitana. De esta manera, se espera que los resultados de este estudio contribuyan al entendimiento de las reales motivaciones de compra de las consumidoras de cosméticos faciales, lo cual permita a las empresas del rubro y emprendimientos peruanos mejorar su estrategia de marketing e innovar en sus acciones. Se ha utilizado la metodología descriptiva correlacional mediante la realización de encuestas con una muestra de 400 mujeres de Lima Metropolitana. Para ello, se ha dividido en grupos de edades de 15 a 24, 25 a 34, 35 a 44 y 45 a 54 años, basándose en las generaciones establecidas y las preferencias de cada una. La herramienta estadística utilizada es SPSS. Asimismo, como sustento de esta indagación, se ha considerado un estudio previo denominado: “Factores que afectan la intención de compra de cosméticos faciales de los consumidores chinos (2017)”. El resultado principal de la investigación es que la promoción es el principal factor influyente en la toma de decisiones. Además, sistematizadas las muestras, se identificó que no todos los elementos del marketing mix y sobre todo los elementos de la promoción son similares para efectuar una compra de maquillaje facial, puesto que el comportamiento de las mujeres es diferente por grupos de edades, según sus gustos y preferencias, las tendencias que siguen y experiencias de vida. / The purpose of this research is to demonstrate which of the elements of the marketing mix (product, price, place and promotion) are the factors that influence the purchase of facial cosmetics for women in Metropolitan Lima. In this way, it is hoped that the results of this study will contribute to the understanding of the real purchasing motivations of consumers of facial cosmetics, which will allow Peruvian companies and enterprises to improve their marketing strategy and innovate in their actions. The correlational descriptive methodology has been used by conducting surveys with a sample of 400 women from Metropolitan Lima. To do this, it has been divided into age groups of 15 to 24, 25 to 34, 35 to 44 and 45 to 54 years, based on the established generations and the preferences of each one. The statistical tool used is SPSS. Likewise, as a support for the research, a previous study called: "Factors that affect the purchase intention of facial cosmetics of Chinese consumers (2017)" has been considered. The main result of the research is that promotion is the main influencing factor in decision making. In addition, when the samples were systematized, it was identified that not all the elements of the marketing mix and especially the elements of communication are similar for making a purchase of facial makeup, since the behavior of women is different by age group, according to their tastes and preferences, trends that follow and life experiences / Tesis

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