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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza business modelu spoločnosti Aircraft Industries, a.s. a návrhy na jeho zlepšenie / Business Model Analysis of the Company Aircraft Industries, a.s. and Suggestions for Improvement

Maturkanič, Michal January 2017 (has links)
The graduation theses applies itself to business model analysis of the company Aircraft Industries, a.s. which run a business in production and sales of small civil aircrafts L-410. The company is struggling with period full of uncertainty which caused the fall of sales, fabrication restriction as well as loss in trading incomes. Unfortunately, according to some analysis performed in the diploma work, the current problems have not been caused just by contemporary events, though by long-term inappropriate set of processes in the firm, too. After all, the work shows possible development in the near future, its impact on the company, as well as suggestions which should be received and accepted by management to avoid any further negative impacts on the company.

La construction des Business Models des fournisseurs de services d'infrastructure Cloud Computing (IaaS) / Building "Infrastructure as a Service" (IaaS) providers Business Models

Leon, Franck 24 March 2015 (has links)
L’émergence du Cloud Computing change le paysage des infrastructures qui soutiennent les systèmes informatiques. L’originalité du Cloud Computing réside avant tout dans l’offre d’un nouveau mode de consommation proposé aux clients: les ressources informatiques en tant que service à la demande. Les fournisseurs de "hardware" et de "software" qui ont historiquement fondé leurs revenus sur la vente de produits matériels et de licences logiciels ont fait face à un changement de leurs modèles de revenus, et donc à considérer de nouveau Business Models. Ce travail révèle que les fournisseurs de services d’infrastructure Cloud Computing se définissent comme étant des opérateurs Cloud. Ils ont un rôle d’agrégateur de service et proposent des services d’infrastructures fonctionnelles, disponible à la demande et accessible à distance. Ces fournisseurs construisent un écosystème de partenaires-fournisseurs et un écosystème de partenaires-produits pour accroitre la valeur ajoutée globale. La garantie de niveau de service (SLA) devient l’objet de la transaction entre le fournisseur et le client. Ce dernier se décharge de toutes les problématiques techniques, et les transfère au fournisseur lors de la signature du contrat. Lors de la fixation des prix, une hypothèse de taux d’usage est prise en compte et sera à la base des calculs des coûts. Nous proposons alors trois leviers d’actions aux fournisseurs d’infrastructure Cloud Computing pour accroître leur part de valeur ajoutée : (1) la baisse des coûts par l’innovation technologique, (2) la capacité d’attirer et de garder les clients pour avoir un taux d’usage élevé, et (3) le développement d’un écosystème de services. / The emergence of cloud computing is changing the landscape of the infrastructure supporting IT systems. The originality of cloud computing lies primarily in the offer of a new consumption mode available to consumers: IT resources as a service provided on demand. IT providers that have based their income from products sales (hardware and software licenses) faced a change in their revenue models, and thus have to consider new business models. This research reveals that IaaS provider is defined as cloud operators. They are service aggregator and offer functional infrastructure available on demand available over the network. IaaS providers are building a supplier-partners and product-partners ecosystems to increase the overall value. When consumers sign contract, they declaim all technical issues by transferring them to providers. Service Level Agreement (SLA) becomes the object of transaction between providers and consumers. For the pricing process, rate of use is the basis of cost assessment. We suggest three leverage to IaaS providers in order to increase their share of value added: (1) lower costs through technological innovation, (2) ability to attract and retain customers to have high rate of use, and (3) development of services ecosystem.

STRATEGIC CHALLENGES OF MULTI-SIDED INTERNET START-UPS / Strategické výzvy multi-stranných internetových start-upů

Mucha, Tomáš January 2012 (has links)
The theory of this thesis focuses on particulars of multi-sided platform businesses with special emphasis put on early stage start-ups. The goal is to capture crucial findings and fuse them together to point out specifics which apply only for start-ups that are developed in form of multi-sided platform business. This thesis should provide guidance to all entrepreneurs considering such new business formations. It aims at showing them the most important points leading to positive value creation in multi-sided platform businesses. Specifically, it explains the strategic points hidden behind pricing and network effects utilization. At the same time it depicts what are the unnecessary distractions which just destroy attention and consume time and effort. Consequently, these findings are tested on practical example, where real start-up is modelled using this theoretical framework. Such real application points out strong and weak points. Consequently, the optimal framework is derived based on prior findings. The main suggestions point out what should be examined further by the theory and where the research captured enough knowledge.

Le modèle économique des structures à finalité sociale : analyse du processus d'articulation avec le business model à travers une approche par les flux de valeur / The economic model of social purpose structures : analysis of the interaction process with the business model through a value flow approach

Lakhal, Mariyam 21 October 2019 (has links)
L’entrepreneuriat social est une nouvelle forme entrepreneuriale tournée vers l’accomplissement d’une mission sociétale. L’étude du modèle économique, concept central dans toute aventure entrepreneuriale, fait pourtant défaut dans les recherches académiques. L’objectif de ce travail est de démontrer la pertinence de l’analyse du modèle économique en entrepreneuriat social au moyen d’une analyse de type «business model». Après une étude qualitative exploratoire, quatre cas ont été étudiés sur la base d’entretiens semi-directifs ayant permis de produire une version narrative des business models et des modèles économiques afférents. La comparaison systématique des résultats relève qu’il n’existe pas de méthode infaillible pour construire un modèle économique viable dans le contexte de l’entrepreneuriat social. En s’inscrivant dans une approche dynamique, nous proposons une nouvelle lecture qui décortique le nœud des liens de valeurs en expliquant les résultats de leurs interactions sur la viabilité d’un projet à utilité sociale. Outre le constat sur l’actualité du débat établi, la thèse propose des pistes pour l’écriture d’un modèle économique viable dans les organisations à finalité sociale et permet d’approfondir l’articulation entre différentes stratégies et pratiques dans la mise en place d’une architecture financière porteuse de vertus sociales et de performances plurielles. / Social entrepreneurship is a new form of entrepreneurship focused on achieving a societal mission. The study of the economic model, a central concept in any entrepreneurial venture, is nevertheless lacking in academic research. The objective of this work is to demonstrate therelevance of analyzing the economic model in social entrepreneurship by a "business model" approach. After an exploratory qualitative study,four cases were studied based onsemi-directive interviews that produced a narrative version of their business and related economic models. The systematic comparison of the results shows that there is no foolproof way to build a viable economic model in the social entrepreneurshipcontext. By adopting a dynamic approach, we propose a new interpretation that analyses the core value relationships by explaining the results of their interactions on the project’ssocially useful viability. In addition to the observation on the topicality of the established debate, the thesis proposes avenues for writing a viable economic model in social purpose organizations and makes it possible to deepen the interaction between different strategies and practices in the implementation of a financial architecture bearing social virtues and plural performances.

FinTech, an Emerging Industry : An Explorative Study of Business Model Innovation on FinTech Companies in Sweden

Arouche, Patricia, Balaj, Blerta January 2020 (has links)
In recent years, the financial and economic decisions have changed which has created and utilized new methods and techniques that have led to new and different products, processes, and services. However, the changing methods and techniques have led to the movement of digital technology and enabling financial services within the financial industry. The changes have resulted in the phenomenon of FinTech that has derived from financial services. In order for companies to be competitive in the industry and create value for their customers, they need to use a business model as a conceptual tool to help improve their performance. High dynamics in technological solutions within the financial industry provides the base for business model innovation. Whilst there is little empirical insight about business model and business model innovation within the qualitative field, this study aims to explore how FinTech companies are developing their business models to enable business model innovation in Sweden, as well as what is influencing business model innovation. An explorative study with semi-structured interviews was conducted to explore how FinTech companies’ business models are built. The empirical findings were supplemented with data from the company’s websites and financial reports. This study’s findings show four key factors within the FinTech companies' business models: Technological innovations, digitization, value propositions, and human resources. All companies have developed innovative technology and software solutions and created new technical systems. Hence, all companies are innovative by creating new processes and methods through their technical development and resulting in different innovations such as API-systems and self-built algorithms. Further, business model innovation within this study has been influenced and driven by exceptional events as the market changes and problems occur within the company that forces innovations to be created for companies to overcome these obstacles. In addition, market pressure has influenced business model innovations by e.g. competitors and customers changing the market demand and making the companies adjust continuously.

Digital affärsmodellsutveckling för fysiska butiker

Blom, Kristian, Larstorp, Oliver January 2021 (has links)
På senare tid har fysiska butiker hamnat alltmer i skuggan av stora digitala handelsplattformar som CDON eller Amazon och tomma butikslokaler är en allt vanligare syn runtom i Sverige. Som en motreaktion på detta har näringslivsföreningen i Torsby kommun startat ett samarbete där fysiska butiker i kommunen erbjuds möjligheten att ansluta sig till en lokal digital handelsplattform. En av anledningarna till detta är att göra Torsbys butiker mera tillgängliga och på så vis fånga upp kunder som önskar handla lokalt på ett digitalt och bekvämt sätt.  Syftet med studien är att beskriva hur en fysisk butiks affärsmodell kan utvecklas för att möta kundernas alltmer digitala köpbeteende. Projektet som beskrivs ovan går under namnet handla.itorsby.se och är hela studiens nav. En relevant frågeställning är förstås om denna digitala handelsplattform kan hjälpa butikerna i Torsby från att tyna bort? Det finns naturligtvis otaliga sätt att angripa frågor som denna på men vi har valt att titta närmare på butikernas affärsmodeller. Att kontinuerligt arbeta med affärsmodellsutveckling är viktigt men åsidosätts ofta bland företag (Chesbrough, 2007). En av anledningarna kan vara att medveten affärsmodellsutveckling är ett relativt outforskat område (Fjeldstad & Snow, 2018) och tillvägagångsätten för denna process är abstrakta och svårförståeliga.  Studien finner att den digitala handelsplattformen har potentialen att utveckla och förändra de anslutna butikernas affärsmodeller och således motverka eroderingen av dessa. Vägen dit är dock i skrivande stund lång, detta på grund av två anledningar. Nummer ett: den digitaliseringsgrad som krävs för att butiken ska vara en fungerande del av handelsplattformen är, för de flesta, långt ifrån verklighet. Nummer två: det råder en viss tvetydighet om vad syftet med handelsplattformen verkligen är. Näringslivsföreningen menar att projektet går ut på att utbilda samt digitalisera butikerna i Torsby. Kunderna ser handelsplattformen som vilken digital handelsplats som helst och förväntar sig således att den ska fungera som en sådan. Butikerna pendlar mellan dessa två ytterligheter, vissa ser projektet som en chans att utbilda och digitalisera sin verksamhet andra ser det som ytterligare en säljkanal. Plattformen har, som tidigare nämnts, potentialen att utveckla och förändra butikernas affärsmodeller, men för att detta ska bli verklighet så måste syftet vara mer förankrat hos butikerna själva. Många är helt enkelt inte redo för en sådan förändring. / During recent times physical stores have found it hard to survive, which is made noticeable by all the empty shop premises around the country. The reasons are many, but the increasing competition from internet commerce is one of the more severe ones. Many of our respondents experience this competition when the pressure from digital platforms such as Amazon becomes more palpable.  Digital business model development regarding physical stores has been neglected in business model research. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to describe how a physical stores business model can develop to meet the customers' increasingly digital buying behavior. In this study, we have looked closer at the digital business platform: handla.itorsby.se trying to understand if this digital tool can help physical stores to regain some competitiveness. We look at this problem from a business model perspective. To work continuously with business model development is significant but often disregarded. It is crucial since business models lose their relevance as time goes by. The study concludes that the platform is not particularly helpful in developing and changing the physical stores’ business models. There are two main reasons for this. Number one: The degree to which the organizations are up to date digitally. Many of the companies are too far behind digitally to be an active part of the platform. The change needed in their business model is far too radical. These companies' business models have been static for a long time and focused on developing and changing the internal operational processes that are a part of the business. The dynamics of the business model have not changed or developed at all. Therefore, their business models are considered outdated.  The second reason is that there is an ambiguity regarding what role the business platform has. From the project management perspective, the goal is to educate and digitalize the stores in Torsby. From a customer perspective, the platform is a commerce platform. Therefore, they want to be able to see the offers and buy their products. The company perspective is somewhere in between. Some want to be educated and helped to digitalize their business, while others see it more as a tool for selling more products and services. The platform has the potential to help companies develop and change their business models. However, for that to happen, the idea must be more established within the companies. Many of the stores are not ready for such a radical change.

Processus d'innovation de Business Model par une perspective sensemaking : le cas d’un cabinet de conseil en management. / Business Model Innovation process through a sensemaking perspective : a management consulting firm case study

Laszczuk, Alexis 26 September 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse explore la manière dont les acteurs développent un nouveau business model au sein d’une entreprise existante. Reconnu comme une source de performance pour l’entreprise, le développement de nouveaux business models requiert de profonds efforts des acteurs pour l’appréhension de leur environnement et la réinterprétation des mécanismes de création, livraison et capture de la valeur. Par conséquent, nous nous intéressons à la manière dont l’articulation entre cognition et action guide le processus d’innovation de business model. Pour ce faire, nous adoptons la perspective sensemaking afin d’examiner les processus de construction de sens des acteurs qui sous-tendent l’innovation de business model. Ce travail repose sur une démarche ethnographique pour l’étude du développement d’un nouveau business model au sein d’un cabinet de conseil en management. Les résultats montrent qu’au travers d’interactions sociales variées, les processus de construction et de destruction de sens des acteurs façonnent l’innovation de business model. Propres au contexte d’une entreprise existante, les activités initiales de la firme jouent un rôle ambivalent dans le développement d’un nouveau business model : tantôt le favorisant, tantôt l’entravant / This study explores how actors develop a new business model in an established firm. As a firms’ performance improvement source, new business model development require actor’s important efforts for their environment understanding and reinterpretation of value creation, delivery and capture mechanisms. Consequently, we are interested in how the articulation between cognition and action drives the business model innovation process over time. We adopt a sensemaking perspective to shed light actors’ meaning construction processes underlying business model innovation. We studied a new business model development process in a management consulting firm through an ethnographic stance. Findings show that through various social interactions, actors’ construction and destruction meaning processes shape business model innovation. Specific to established firms context, the company’s prevailing activities play an ambivalent role in a new business model development : sometimes favoriting it, sometimes hampering it.

Impact of Digitalization on the Publlc Sector Organizations' Business Model : A case study of Ljungby Municipality

Abubakar, Nuhuman, Shrestha, Rumee January 2020 (has links)
Background: The public sector like all other sectors of the economy has been influenced by digitalization. Governments and policy makers are forced to rethink their operational models and business logics. Digitalization offers organizations new ways of creating, delivering and capturing values at the same time new relationships are ensured. However, to leverage these opportunities and to avoid being stagnant, organizations need to rethink their strategies and adapt their operations to suit the digital technologies. Purpose: This paper aims to understand the digitalization impact on the public organizations’ business models and managing the impact. The identified limited empirics in this context informed the purpose of this study. Design/methodology/approach: This study was designed as exploratory with a case study carried out. In total four semi-structured interviews were conducted with representatives of a municipality. A combined data and concept driven strategies were used to analyse the data collected to identify how digitalization impact the way the municipality create, deliver and capture value and subsequently how they innovate their business model to adopt to digitalization Findings: The findings revealed that digitalization is relevant to the municipality and impacts the majority of the business model components of the municipality. Thus, it was identified the municipality engaged in business model innovation to be able to adapt. The strategic agility meta-capabilities appeared to be relevant in managing the changes to the business model components.

Is it game over for physical retailers? : A study on Swedish video game industry

Farhana, Mosarrat, Swietlicki, Daniel January 2020 (has links)
Purpose - The purpose of this study is to extend the understanding of the business model of video game retailers using online and physical stores focusing on the impact of digital platforms on the retailing industry within the context of video game industry considering different actor’s perspectives like retailers and consumers. Design/methodology/approach - This is a multiple-case study based on deductive reasoning. In this qualitative study, two cases of click-and-mortar retailers operating in the Swedish video game industry have been considered along with feedback from customers. Online personal interviews and semi-structured interviews have been conducted with retailers and customers respectively. Both primary and secondary data have been used to conduct the study. Findings - Findings show that video game retailers need to encourage engagement through incentives and other activities in order to create value and change up their formats and sales strategies through pricing to reach new customers and focus on design of their online store fronts to convey trustworthiness.  Research limitations - A major limitation has been the COVID-19 pandemic spreading during the writing of this paper, which resulted in companies backing out to refocus their efforts. Another limitation has been the legal aspect as companies owned by bigger publishers denied to take part in the study to avoid revealing sensitive information. Practical implications - It offers some insightful practical suggestions to retailers who are struggling hard to adopt digital transformations in the industry. Originality - Authors’ proposed research model, based on Sorescu et al. (2011)’s retail business model and the empirical findings, contribute in the less explored domain of research on business models from retailer’s perspectives. Moreover, it adds values in industry specific study like the video game industry in Sweden considering all actors, which is argued as scarce.

Exploring the mechanisms of digitalization in business model innovation : A business model dimension perspective

Gunnarsson, Caroline, Håkansson, Alicia January 2022 (has links)
Background: How business is conducted is constantly developing and the design of the business model is a crucial part to have a clear vision of the company’s goals. Simultaneously, technologies are developed which generate new business opportunities. To fully exploit these opportunities, companies need to innovate their business model. The description of digitalization within previous literature has been mainly holistic, without much reference to specific mechanisms and activities enabling business model innovation. Little is known about the mechanisms of digitalization and their effect on business model innovation.  Purpose: The purpose of this is to understand how digitalization affects business model innovation in firms. It aims to identify mechanisms of digitalization and how they affect the underlying dimensions of business model innovation.  Method: An exploratory research design was applied within this qualitative study to fulfill the purpose. The data collection was done through nine semi-structured interviews with employees at manufacturing companies with good insight of the company’s digitalization process. Using an inductive approach, the data has been analyzed through a thematic analysis.  Conclusion: This study has shown what mechanisms of digitalization affect each of the dimensions of the business model. Further, it has contributed with an understanding of how the dimensions are affected by the mechanisms. The analysis resulted in the development of an emergent framework which depicts what the mechanisms are and how they can lead to a perceived positive effect on business operations.

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