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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Möjligheter till fastighets- och exploateringsrelaterad värdeåterföring i transportinfrastrukturprojekt : En jämförelse av svenska förhållanden med London och Hong Kong / Possibilites for property related value capture in transport infrastructure projects : Swedish institutional arrangements in comparison to London and Hong Kong

Witzell, Jacob January 2013 (has links)
Offentliga investeringar i transportinfrastruktur genererar ofta ökade markvärden. Detta värdesamband kan nyttjas som finansieringskälla för infrastrukturinvesteringar genom att delar av det ökade markvärdet inhämtas till det offentliga genom så kallad värdeåterföring. Möjligheterna till värdeåterföring avgörs av faktorer såsom rådande markägoförhållanden, ansvarsfördelning för planering och genomförande av transportinfrastruktur respektive bebyggelseutveckling liksom utformning av lagstiftning, skatte- och avgiftsinstrument. I detta arbete undersöks möjligheterna till fastighets- och exploateringsrelaterad värdeåterföring i Sverige. Arbetet innehåller en genomgång av relevanta institutionella förhållanden liksom tillgängliga värdeåterföringsmetoder. En fallstudie kring finansieringen av en pendeltågsstation och trafikplats i Vegastaden, Haninge, exemplifierar hur värdeåterföring kan tillämpas under rådande institutionella förhållanden. Fallstudier kring värdeåterföring i London och Hong Kong visar på hur värdeåterföring kan tillämpas under andra institutionella förhållanden. De institutionella förhållandena i Sverige jämförs med London och Hong Kong med hjälp av teorier kring markvärden, klubbar, transaktionskostnader och förhandlingar. En referensmodell kring graden av fragmentisering respektive samlat ansvar i planering respektive genomförande av transportinfrastruktur och bebyggelse tillämpas i syfte att tydliggöra skillnader i institutionella förhållanden. I Sverige är möjligheterna till värdeåterföring starkt knutna till kommunens så kallade planmonopol och därtill hörande värdeåterföringsinstrument. Stat och region/landsting är i hög grad hänvisade till frivilliga avtal respektive offentligt markägande för att direkt kunna tillgodogöra sig värdeåterföring. Planering och genomförande av bebyggelse och transportinfrastruktur är samtidigt fragmenterad i Sverige, med ett flertal offentliga och privata aktörer inblandade. Samverkan och förhandlingsöverenskommelser blir viktiga inslag i planering, finansiering och genomförande. Värdeåterföring i den svenska fallstudien sker genom ad-hoc-artade förhandlingsprocesser. I London ger institutionella förhållanden regionen en starkare roll i planeringen av transportinfrastruktur och bebyggelse än i Sverige, liksom tillgång till särskilda värdeåterföringsinstrument. Planeringen är mindre fragmenterad, men i genomförandet liknar förhållandena de svenska. Värdeåterföring kan ske i mer samlad form genom regionalt samordnade avgifter och skatteuttag. I Hong Kong genomförs samordnade infrastruktur- och bebyggelseprojekt av en samlad aktör med ett brett mandat. Värdeåterföring tillämpas genom internalisering av uppkomna värden till följd av offentligt markinnehav och egen fastighetsutveckling. I Hong Kong tillämpas därmed såväl samlad planering som ett samlat genomförande av transportinfrastruktur och bebyggelse, utifrån institutionella förhållanden som skiljer sig kraftigt från de svenska. Institutionella förändringar i Sverige som skulle kunna minska fragmentiseringen i planeringsfasen skulle kunna vara en stärkt regional planering liksom regionala värdeåterföringsinstrument enligt London-modellen. För att närma sig förhållandena i Hong Kong skulle det krävas betydligt mer långtgående förändringar av institutionella förhållanden rörande planering och genomförande, vilka i grunden skulle kräva starka inskränkningar i den privata äganderätten till mark. / Public investment in transport infrastructure often generates increased land values. This value can be used as a funding source for infrastructure investments by applying methods for value capture. The possibilities for value capture is determined by factors such as land ownership patterns, the organisation of planning and implementation of transport infrastructure and land development, as well as the design of legislation, taxes and charging instruments. This essay explores the possibilities for property relatated value capture in Sweden. The essay includes an overview of relevant institutional arrangements as well as available value capture methods. A case study on the financing of a commuter rail station and traffic junction in Vegastaden, Haninge, exemplifies how value capture can be applied under current institutional arrangements. Case studies on value capture methods in London and Hong Kong show how value feedback can be applied under different institutional arrangements. The institutional conditions in Sweden are compared with those in London and Hong Kong based on theories of land value, club theory, transaction costs and negotiations. A reference model on the degree of fragmentation and assembled responsibility in planning and implementation of transport infrastructure and real estate development is applied in order to clarify the differences in institutional arrangements. In Sweden, the opportunities for value capture are strongly concentrated to the municipality, according to the strong Swedish so called "municipal planning monopoly". The state and regional levels are largely dependent on voluntary agreements or public land ownership to directly benefit from value capture. Further, planning and implementation of real estate development and transport infrastructure is fragmented in Sweden, with a number of involved public and private actors. Collaboration and negotiation are therefore important elements in planning, financing and implementation. Value capture in the Swedish case study is based on ad-hoc-characterized negotiations. In London, institutional arrangements provide the region with a stronger position in the planning of transport infrastructure and real estate development compared to Sweden, as well as access to direct value capture instruments. Planning is less fragmented, but the conditions of implementation are similar to those in Sweden. Value capture by regionally coordinated fees and taxes is possible. In Hong Kong, infrastructure and building projects are often planned and implemented by a single actor based on a broad public mandate. Value capture is practiced by internalization of the generated values as a result of public land holdings and real estate development. The underlying institutional conditions differ significantly from those in Sweden. Institutional changes in Sweden that would reduce fragmentation in the planning phase could consist of a stronger regional planning mandate combined with regional value capture instruments inspired by the London model. In order to approach the situation in Hong Kong, considerably more far-reaching changes to institutional arrangements of planning and implementation would be required, such as strong restrictions on private ownership of land.

Maximizing value capture from AI digital solutions : A case study of a startup in the wind energy industry

Hurmavaara, Anton, Axelsson, Petter January 2023 (has links)
Purpose  The purpose of this study is to extend current literature on the concept of value capture for AI start-ups, focusing on the challenges they face and how to maximize value capture. By investigating relational and economical value capture dimensions, this study aims to identify opportunities for start-ups to extract value from their AI digital solutions. The study further aims to contribute valuable insights to the literature, by building on the link between digital revenue models and value capture.  Method  To fulfill the stated purpose, this study has adopted a qualitative, abductive single case study approach with a focus on an AI start-up in the wind energy industry. The analysis was based on 20 semi-structured interviews which were conducted with different companies active in the wind energy industry. All data was analyzed through a 5-step thematic analysis process.  Findings  Two main challenges a start-up may face were identified which were “Difficulties getting access to partnering companies” and “Difficulties selling as a start-up”. Additionally, it was found that relational value capture can be maximized using pilot studies, which is possible by building trust and close relationships. Regarding economical value capture, this study showcases the importance of adapting the choice of revenue model to the customer where the perceived risk of the investment, in the customers’ point of view, plays a big role.  Theoretical contributions  Previous literature has mainly established a connection between the concept of value capture and revenue models. However, this study further bridges the two, and more in depth displays how revenue models could affect the captured value regarding AI start-ups. Additionally, this study further elaborates on the literature regarding relational value capture, showcasing how it can differ for a start-up and the challenges that arise when AI is involved.  Practical contributions  This study contributes with concrete examples of what challenges a start-up needs to consider when trying to capture value from their product. Additionally, the study contributes with a practical understanding on how a start-up can maximize value capture, by showcasing important factors to consider, both when it comes to relational and economical value capturing. Moreover, a decision tree has been formed, which can support AI start-ups when choosing a suitable revenue model.  Limitations and future research  Firstly, the study's findings may not be applicable to other industries, highlighting the need for multi-industry case studies for generalization and cross-industry comparisons. Secondly, more in-depth research is needed to explore the specific steps and strategies for building relationships, especially in the context of start-ups. Thirdly, this study primarily focuses on the revenue model aspect of value capture, overlooking the concept of value proposition which limits the depth of the findings and contributions and would be of interest to further investigate. / Syfte Syftet med studien är att berika litteraturen kring begreppet värde-fångande för AI start-ups, genom att fokusera på utmaningarna de står inför, samt hur de kan maximera värde-fångande. Genom att undersöka relationella och ekonomiska dimensioner av värde-fångande strävar denna studie efter att identifiera möjligheter för start-ups att utvinna värde från sina AI-baserade digitala lösningar. Studien syftar också till att bidra med värdefulla insikter till litteraturen genom att bygga på sambandet mellan digitala intäktsmodeller och värde-fångande.    Metod För att uppfylla det angivna syftet, har studien antagit en kvalitativ, abduktiv enskild fallstudieansats med fokus på en AI start-up inom vindkraftsbranschen. Analysen baserades på 20 semistrukturerade intervjuer som genomfördes med olika företag verksamma inom vindkraftsbranschen. All data analyserades genom en 5-stegs tematisk analysprocess.  Resultat Studien identifierade två huvudsakliga utmaningar som en start-up kan ställas inför, vilka var “Svårigheter att få tillgång till företag att samarbeta med” och “Svårigheter att sälja som en start-up”. Dessutom visade det sig att relationellt värde-fångande kan maximeras genom att använda pilotstudier, vilket möjliggörs genom att bygga tillit och nära relationer. När det gäller ekonomiskt värde-fångande visar denna studie vikten av att anpassa valet av intäktsmodell till kunden, där den upplevda risken för investeringen, sett ur kundens perspektiv, spelar stor roll.  Teoretiska bidrag Tidigare litteratur har främst etablerat en koppling mellan begreppet värde-fångande och intäktsmodeller. Denna studie går ett steg längre och visar mer ingående hur intäktsmodeller kan påverka det fångade värdet för AI start-ups. Dessutom utvecklar denna studie den befintliga litteraturen ytterligare kring relationellt värde-fångande och visar hur det kan skilja sig för en start-up och de utmaningar som uppstår då AI är inblandat. Praktiska bidrag Denna studie bidrar med konkreta exempel på vilka utmaningar en start-up behöver ta hänsyn till när de försöker fånga värde från sin produkt. Dessutom bidrar studien med en praktisk förståelse för hur en start-up kan maximera värde-fångande genom att visa på viktiga faktorer att beakta både när det gäller relationella och ekonomiska dimensioner. Utöver detta har ett beslutsträd utformats, med syfte att stödja start-ups vid val av lämplig intäktsmodell.  Begränsningar och framtida forskning För det första är denna studie begränsad till en specifik bransch, vilket understryker behovet av studier i fler branscher för en ökad generaliserbarhet och jämförelse. För det andra behövs mer ingående forskning för att utforska de specifika stegen och strategierna som krävs för att bygga relationer, särskilt när det gäller start-ups. För det tredje fokuserar denna studie primärt på intäktsmodell aspekten av värde-fångande och bortser från konceptet värdeerbjudande. Detta begränsar djupet i resultatet och skulle därför vara intressant för framtida forskare att undersöka.

Enacting organisational and consumer value capture : a social co-creation perspective

Binti Ishak, Nisrin Alyani January 2018 (has links)
The capability of the organisation in capturing customer value of experience (VoE) has led to continuous social interaction and spawned innovative ways to collaborate and co-create with the customers. This notion of reciprocal engagement is referred to as social co-creation. The co-creation paradigm represents value and is referred to as a function of experience other than the product itself. However, there is a critically needs for the organisation to formulate a 'value capture strategy' through the lens of social co-creation. It is evident that the fundamental question of the causal relationship between social media and co-creation has not been fully explained. The research developed a value capture framework in order to have a clear need to understand the various perceptions of four important conditions, social co-creation, customer engagement, engagement platform and organisation capability on value capture. The theoretical aspect of 'Absorptive Capacity Theory (ACT)' is used to demonstrate the organisational capability in order to recognise, identify, assimilate and implement the VoE in the organisation as part of competitive advantage along with existing of social technologies. In this respect, an original conceptual framework was formulated based on evidence within the current literature where a series of constructs are reported to guide the empirical fieldwork in identifying a 'value capture strategy'. The research adopted a qualitative methodology for the data collection approach which consequently enabled an exploratory and interpretive investigation. This included three pilot studies, twentyeight semi-structured interviews and one validation phase with experienced senior managers involved in co-creation within the technology and services industry who were regarded as valid respondents. The findings addressed external and internal conditions of value capture framework for VoE as a result of the analysis. The external condition focuses on organisation capability in recognising a customer active participation with the engagement platform. The internal condition enables an organisational strategy to assimilate and implement the VoE through co-creation initiatives in capturing the VoE. The research considers the organisation role as an actioner purposes on using a social co-creation for direct communication as part of the organisations practice. 9 The study not only contributes to the knowledge of social co-creation generally, but also extending the needs for the organisation on considering the internal condition for the organisation to identifies the VoE from customer participation. With that regards, the social co-creation engagement works as the interface before extending on cocreation stages which more direct, in-depth conversations with customers internally. The evidence is presented which confirms that a value capture strategy in cocreation is important for organisations stability and enhanced service delivery. By formulating a value capture framework, it creates a much deeper understanding of how each element were related and correlated to reach potential end result for the organisation. The implications of the study are that organisations should carefully consider the role of social media on engaging with the customers and propose to develop an online engagement network with their customers in order to have more direct and effective communication tools. This would allow them to have the right strategy on selecting the right customer to engage, for the right purposes at the right time is far more important from creating a massive communication.

Here to stay : the role of value creation, capture and exchange in limiting the liability of newness for new entrant museums.

Burton, Christine. January 2006 (has links)
This thesis examines the concepts of value creation, capture and exchange in limiting the liability of newness for nonprofit museums entering the sector. There has been considerable examination of cultural value in relation to museums. However, little is known about how value is created, captured and exchanged for stakeholders in new museums. It is posited that value creation, capture and exchange constitute a value cycle. Through this value cycle management in new museums detects and limits the liability of newness. The ability to detect and limit the liability of newness enables the continuation of the museum. If the liability of newness is not limited, it may mean that a new museum exits the sector or is transformed. The concept of a value cycle is derived from an examination of the nonprofit management literature, aspects of the for-profit management literature and the arts and museum management literature. Value creation is a key concept in the three literature areas. Value creation in this context, is specifically defined as the worth of the physical manifestation of the museum. It resides in the building and the collection, services and programs within the building. It is suggested that this value needs to be transformed and consumed by a range of stakeholders. The transformation of value creation is denoted as value capture. Value capture is the appeal of programs, projects and activities. Value capture includes how well the products and services align with particular stakeholders, how accountable the managers are to stakeholders and how products and services are consumed by stakeholders. The measure of how managers have been able to capture value is in the realm of value exchange. Value exchange is the merit of programs, projects and activities. Value exchange is in the form of revenue raised through sponsorship; continuation of revenue investment by the principal stakeholder, the state; time and money transacted by visitors; and intangible exchange such as leadership and reputation enhancement through collaborations. A Value Cycle Framework of New Entrant Museums is then developed as a working analytical tool to assess how the value cycle operates and how the liability of newness is detected and limited by museum management. x The Value Cycle Framework is used to assess four cases. These case studies include the National Museum of Australia as a purpose built new entrant; the Australian National Maritime Museum as a purpose built new entrant; the Mint as a recycled new entrant; and the Earth Exchange as a refurbished new entrant. Each case is assessed discretely using secondary and primary source material and analysing qualitative data generated from interviews with key stakeholders. The cases are then compared in order to track similarities and differences in relation to value creation, capture and exchange. The research findings suggest that a value cycle is operating in relation to new entrant museums. This value cycle is dynamic and non-sequential. Until value creation is floated for a range of stakeholders it is difficult for managers to know the worth of their content, location or their building. Value creation is a nominal starting point, signifying the arrival of a new entrant in the museum marketplace. However, value capture is the zone that is the most vulnerable and volatile for managers of new museums. Typically in these case studies value capture includes a disruptive episode, such as a review process that indicates the liability of newness. Managers within the museum who can respond and resolve contradictions between museological beliefs and the demands of stakeholders (and in so doing limit the liability of newness) are likely to continue museum operations. Senior executives who find such reconciliation more difficult, jeopardize the future operations of the museum to such an extent that the museums close or are transformed within the museum sector. Through these four case studies a revised Value Cycle Framework is developed as an analytical device. This analytical framework can assist in understanding the processes involved in new entry for museums.

National value capture in modern industrial systems : insights for policy development

López Gómez, Carlos Enrique January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Here to stay : the role of value creation, capture and exchange in limiting the liability of newness for new entrant museums.

Burton, Christine. January 2006 (has links)
This thesis examines the concepts of value creation, capture and exchange in limiting the liability of newness for nonprofit museums entering the sector. There has been considerable examination of cultural value in relation to museums. However, little is known about how value is created, captured and exchanged for stakeholders in new museums. It is posited that value creation, capture and exchange constitute a value cycle. Through this value cycle management in new museums detects and limits the liability of newness. The ability to detect and limit the liability of newness enables the continuation of the museum. If the liability of newness is not limited, it may mean that a new museum exits the sector or is transformed. The concept of a value cycle is derived from an examination of the nonprofit management literature, aspects of the for-profit management literature and the arts and museum management literature. Value creation is a key concept in the three literature areas. Value creation in this context, is specifically defined as the worth of the physical manifestation of the museum. It resides in the building and the collection, services and programs within the building. It is suggested that this value needs to be transformed and consumed by a range of stakeholders. The transformation of value creation is denoted as value capture. Value capture is the appeal of programs, projects and activities. Value capture includes how well the products and services align with particular stakeholders, how accountable the managers are to stakeholders and how products and services are consumed by stakeholders. The measure of how managers have been able to capture value is in the realm of value exchange. Value exchange is the merit of programs, projects and activities. Value exchange is in the form of revenue raised through sponsorship; continuation of revenue investment by the principal stakeholder, the state; time and money transacted by visitors; and intangible exchange such as leadership and reputation enhancement through collaborations. A Value Cycle Framework of New Entrant Museums is then developed as a working analytical tool to assess how the value cycle operates and how the liability of newness is detected and limited by museum management. x The Value Cycle Framework is used to assess four cases. These case studies include the National Museum of Australia as a purpose built new entrant; the Australian National Maritime Museum as a purpose built new entrant; the Mint as a recycled new entrant; and the Earth Exchange as a refurbished new entrant. Each case is assessed discretely using secondary and primary source material and analysing qualitative data generated from interviews with key stakeholders. The cases are then compared in order to track similarities and differences in relation to value creation, capture and exchange. The research findings suggest that a value cycle is operating in relation to new entrant museums. This value cycle is dynamic and non-sequential. Until value creation is floated for a range of stakeholders it is difficult for managers to know the worth of their content, location or their building. Value creation is a nominal starting point, signifying the arrival of a new entrant in the museum marketplace. However, value capture is the zone that is the most vulnerable and volatile for managers of new museums. Typically in these case studies value capture includes a disruptive episode, such as a review process that indicates the liability of newness. Managers within the museum who can respond and resolve contradictions between museological beliefs and the demands of stakeholders (and in so doing limit the liability of newness) are likely to continue museum operations. Senior executives who find such reconciliation more difficult, jeopardize the future operations of the museum to such an extent that the museums close or are transformed within the museum sector. Through these four case studies a revised Value Cycle Framework is developed as an analytical device. This analytical framework can assist in understanding the processes involved in new entry for museums.

Value Capture through Public-Private Collaboration : an exploratory case study of a South African mining firm

Ramcharan-Kotze, Chantal January 2018 (has links)
The study explored how private firms and their constituents capture value through Public-Private Collaboration (PPC) in South Africa. Partnerships are touted as key enablers of firm innovation and value creation in an increasingly complex global context. Yet, very few studies have provided the evidence base of value creation and capture beyond the ‘feel good’ process considering integrated value for firms. Nor is there clarity on how value can be planned for, operationalised and measured for improved management practice. This study progressed knowledge on practice and evaluation of PPC processes for firms by going beyond traditional linear models that have been found to be deficient in complex contexts. A qualitative case study was explored in the mining sector to provide richer and deeper insights into PPC processes from a firm perspective in its collaboration with government entities. The study provided the evidence base and indicators of value creation and capture for a private firm through a PPC process, exposed generalised assumptions, disaggregated value dimensions, and foregrounded a foundational multi-dimensional model and partnership value framework. The study contributed an integrated strategic value lens and the choices made in aggregation and disaggregation of value constructs in diverse contexts. It demonstrated new combinations of constructs whereby PPC processes created sources of competitive, collaborative and societal advantage for firms through mediated pathways. Contextualised concepts and data gathering of use value, exchange value and transformative value offered the evidence called for on value capture through PPC processes. It revealed the need to disaggregate value dimensions such as intellectual, relational and political value from social value. The role of PPC processes in Balancing Accountability between public and private sectors was suggested as a concept in progressing the field of cross-sector governance. A multi-dimensional model is presented reflecting the iterative and evolving nature of PPC processes and the interaction between value creation and value capture. An extended value indicator framework aims to aid in operationalising the assessment of PPC processes. The study promotes PPC processes as a mechanism to operationalise concepts such as Creating Shared Value (CSV) and respond to the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2018. / Gordon Institute of Business Science (GIBS) / PhD / Unrestricted

Models of Internationalization: A Business Model Approach to Professional Service Firm Internationalization

McQuillan, Deirdre, Scott, P.S. January 2015 (has links)
Yes / The leading frameworks of internationalization have contributed significantly to our knowledge of how firms internationalize, but do not fully explain how firms actually create and capture value from customers when internationalizing their activities. Understanding the value creation and capture activities defining their business model(s) is critical for firms moving into less familiar markets, and is particularly relevant for service firms where variability is an inherent feature of the firm/client experience. To address this gap, we take a business model perspective to analyze 144 internationalization events of 10 professional service firms. We find that the case firms adopted four different business models when internationalizing, and that single firms may utilize portfolios of business models. Our findings contribute to both the services internationalization and business model literatures by showing how variability in the internationalization process substantiates the need for business model portfolios.

Unlocking Forestry's Potential : A Comprehensive Strategy for Creating and Capturing Value from Sustainability in the Forestry Industry

Fahlström Forsgren, Max, Broström, Max January 2023 (has links)
Sustainability has become a crucial aspect in the fight against climate change, with the European Union focusing on bio-economies as a tool for transitioning away from fossil fuel dependencies through sustainable substitutes. Forestry plays a pivotal role in bio-economies and holds the potential to spearhead this transition. However, the industry faces challenges in creating- and capturing the appropriate types of value. The purpose of this study is to explore strategies for creating and capturing value from sustainability within the forestry industry to ensure resilience and sustainable development in the market. Employing a single case study of the Swedish forest company Sveaskog, as well as 17 interviews with four internal employees, six ecosystem partners, two benchmarked companies in other raw resource industries, and fivesubject matter experts, the study delves into ways of maximizing the created- and captured value arising from sustainable initiatives within forestry. A strategy framework, consisting of four strategies; The Economic-, The Environmental-, The Social- and The Maximized strategy is proposed to maximize value capture from sustainable initiatives. Examining these strategies reveals the risks and opportunities associated with each approach, emphasizing the need for a balanced, holistic strategy to ensure long-term resilience and sustainability in the market. The findings provide valuable insights for forestry companies seeking to adopt sustainable business models and contribute to the broader goal of sustainable development.

Uppfattningar om markvärdestegring och dess fördelning : En fallstudie på den planerade spårvägsinvestering i södra Uppsala - Ultunalänken och Kunskapsspåret

Sellén, Johan January 2019 (has links)
I dagens samhälle finns ett problem för den offentliga makten att finansiera ny hållbar transportinfrastruktur i städer. Syftet med denna undersökning är att klargöra hur olika parter uppfattar markvärdestegring vid en ny omfattande spårvägsinvestering samt hur det uppfattar en rättvis fördelning av denna. Parternas uppfattningar analyseras utifrån litteraturen om spårvägsinvesteringars samband med markvärdestegring och teori om rättvis fördelning. Undersökningens metod är en fallstudie på den planerade spårvägsinvestering i södra Uppsala - Ultunalänken och Kunskapsspåret. Fallstudien baseras på en mindre dokumentanalys samt på kvalitativa intervjuer med fastighetsägare och kommunala tjänstemän. Undersökningens resultat visar att flertalet av parterna generellt uppfattar att det sker en markvärdestegring som beror på främst den ökade tillgängligheten. Parterna uppfattar också att andra faktorer än ökad tillgänglighet påverkar markvärdestegringen både positivt och negativt. Parternas uppfattningar om markvärdestegring skiljer sig från litteraturen. Det verkar möjligtvis vara så att markvärdestegringen varierar än mer än vad som är beskrivet i litteraturen och än mer än vad parterna känner till. Generellt uppfattar också flera av parterna att en rättvis fördelning innebär att den som utför en insats förtjänar åtminstone en del av den markvärdestegring som denna insats frambringar.

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