Spelling suggestions: "subject:"byggproduktion"" "subject:"byggproduktions""
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Slöseri med arbetstimmar inom svensk bostadsproduktion sett från en storskalig byggnadsentreprenör / Waste of working hours in Swedish housing production seen from a large-scale construction contractorSöderberg Eriksson, Robert, Ströberg, Hampus January 2019 (has links)
Purpose: Time and resources are wasted away when efficiency within construction is stagnating. Despite being a generally developed industry, there is still light to shed upon the methods and implementation of norms and routines, resulting in unnecessary waste at the work sites. This report aimed to provide with further data in order to argue for a work place with reduced waste and a greater awareness around how a complex work site can be studied with the help of Muda theory. Method: A qualitative study with semi-structured interviews and a literature study as data collection methods. A total of nine interviews were accomplished with two foremen and seven carpenters. Foundation and understanding of the phenomenon were initially sought through literature. This to have an adapted form of interviews through the use of a custom template for the respondent and also to give the analysis theoretical foundation. Findings: The report shows three types of waste that come back more frequently, these are defects (rework), movement and waiting. To prevent waste, and primarily to discover it, the organization must make the clarity for Lean and Muda clearer for all employees. The project phase needs to prioritize where planning awareness about the schedule and building only after construction documents are essential. Furthermore, there is a great potential to improve the knowledge transfer between the projects where major entrepreneurs can benefit from their number of previous projects to systematically evaluate and improve their workplace. Here, a digital platform is proposed for this purpose. Implications: Compiling the analysis established that there are deficiencies within the work with Lean in production. Wastage that occur is caused by many different reasons and are often based upon inadequate planning within the organization. There are also external factors like delays and inefficiency to account for, although it is usually up to the contractor to optimize and adapt best way possible based on the current circumstances. A great emphasis has through this analysis been put on the work with planning with the help of The Last Planner System. It has also been concluded that a working system of knowledge transfer within an organization needs to be established in order to be a leading participant in Swedish building production. Limitations: This report has been angled so that the problem within production is illuminated. This since much of the wastage can be reflected to the design stage and future work can resume with such an angle. The validity of the report is lowered as a result of only screening one company although the report is limited to one Swedish, bigger contractor. In order to further confirm the reality of the problem, other forms of research could have been added, more than just literature studies and interviews, such as observational investigation. Keywords: Waste minimization, Lean Construction, Muda, Lean Production, The Last Planner System, Knowledge transfer
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Just-in-time - En möjlighet för effektivisering i ett byggprojekt? / Just-in-time – A possibility for increased efficiency in a construction project?Sundström, Ellen January 2019 (has links)
Vid dagens byggprojekt blir bristande utrymme på byggarbetsplatsen allt vanligare då det oftabyggs i tätbebyggda områden. Detta innebär att den traditionella lagerföringen påbyggarbetsplatsen blir svår och nya lösningar behöver hittas för att upprätthålla effektivitet ochgod arbetsmiljö.Just-in-time (JIT) har sitt ursprung i Lean och innebär att rätt material levereras tillbyggarbetsplatsen i rätt tid. Materialet lyfts sedan direkt in på sin slutliga plats i byggnadenistället för att lagras på byggarbetsplatsen.Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur företaget YIT Sverige arbetar i dagsläget och hurföretaget skulle kunna ha nytta av JIT vid byggnationen av en friidrottsarena i Gällivare.Friidrottsarenan byggs i tätbebyggt område och utrymmet är begränsat vilket innebär vissaproblem. Dessutom är Gällivare beläget i Norrbottens inland och avstånden till andra städer ärstora.Vid studien framkom att vissa problem som materialskador och bristande kommunikation frånleverantörer förekommer i olika projekt som YIT Sverige genomför. Dessa problem skullekunna undvikas genom användande av JIT. Det är dock svårt att beräkna de kostnader ellerkostnadsminskningar som JIT skulle kunna innebära då det aktuella projektet inte är genomförtännu och studien har en tidsbegränsning.Det finns även fler möjligheter för att förbättra effektiviteten och arbetsmiljö såsom metoden5S och att skapa långsiktiga relationer med leverantörer. Detta är en förutsättning för attanvända sig av JIT men även något som kan användas vid traditionell bygglogistik. Dessutomkan mellanlager vara ett alternativ om det inte finns möjligheter att fullt ut implementera JIT,det skulle innebära fördelar för effektiviteten och arbetsmiljön på byggarbetsplatsen även omalla fördelar med JIT inte nås. / During today’s construction projects lack of space on the construction site is becoming acommonly occurring problem since projects often are placed in urban areas. This means thattraditional storage on the construction site becomes difficult and new solutions need to be foundto maintain efficiency and good working environment.Just-in-time (JIT) originates from Lean production and means that the right material is deliveredto the construction site at the right time. The material is then directly placed in its final locationin the building instead of being stored at the construction site.The purpose of this study is to analyse how the company YIT Sweden is currently working andhow the company could benefit from JIT in the construction of an athletics stadium in Gällivare.The athletics arena is being built in an urban area and the space on the construction site islimited, which causes some problems. In addition, Gällivare is located in Norrbotten and thedistances to other cities are significant.The study showed that certain problems such as material damage and lack of communicationfrom suppliers occur in projects that YIT Sweden is managing. These problems could beavoided by using JIT. However, it is difficult to calculate the costs or cost reductions that JITcould bring as the current project is not yet finished, and the study has a short time frame.There are also other possible ways to improve efficiency and work environment such as themethod 5S and to create long-term relationships with suppliers. This is a prerequisite for usingJIT but also something that can be used in combination with traditional construction logistics.Another possibility is to use interim storage for material. It can be an alternative if there are nopossibilities for YIT Sweden to fully implement JIT. It would mean benefits for the efficiencyand working environment at the construction site even if the full potential of JIT is not fulfilled.
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Säkerhet mot fortskridande ras för prefabricerade elementväggar : UNDERSÖKNING AV FLERBOSTADSHUSAl Lafta, Hussein January 2019 (has links)
Progressive collapses may occur when a bearing wall is eliminated for various reasons. It can be a gas explosion or collision accident of a train or a vehicle, but also during renovation of a building component. After the wall has been eliminated, the building should be undamaged and not suffer a progressive collapse. Such an event can be avoided through a vertical link. The purpose of this study is to examine how secure today's vertical strap’sare against progressive collapse, and to find a solution for reduced risk of collapse Method: This study includes a literature review and a case study. The literature review was performed by a deepening of the existing literature that investigated the progressive collapse and the vertical drag strip. The studies found through the database Google school and Discovery. The case study was conducted in Kadesjös which is an engineering office where drawings and calculations were performed. Result: The result indicates that the vertical strap used today cannot withstand the design load if the entire wall (including the screw attachment) is eliminated. The threaded rod will then be pulled out of the floor and a progressive collapse occurs. By mounting a 70x70mm plate in the floor this can be prevented. Without the plate it takes only 58 kN to pull out the threaded rod from the floor, but with the plate the connection’s capacity is increased to 100 kN and then the anchorage pipe limits the capacity. Conclusion: The conclusion of this thesis is that a plate that increases the vertical strap’s capacity and thereby increases the safety against progressive collapse should be used.
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Användning av vakuumisolering i klimatsmart hus : En fallstudieQeit, Harun January 2018 (has links)
No description available.
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Hållbar masshanteringLindfors, Tobias January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Bygg- och anläggningsbranschen står inför en stor utmaning med klimatreducerande åtgärder mot en klimatneutral byggprocess tills 2045. Denna studie är en uppföljning av ett exploateringsprojekt i Skellefteå Kommun med Skanska Sverige AB som entreprenör. Projektet har fått utmärkelse för årets hållbara infrastrukturprojekt samt mottagit Skanskas interna hållbarhetspris. Projektet har prisats för att ha reducerat den förväntade klimatpåverkan från masshanteringen med 93%. Nyckelord: Masshantering, Klimatkalkyl Syfte: Syftet med studien är att ta tillvara på lärdomar från det lyckade projektet Västra Eriksberg och finna nyckelfaktorer som har lett till det goda resultatet. Studien utreder också hur klimatkalkyl ska kunna användas som ett stöd i produktionen. Frågeställningar: - Vilka nyckelfaktorer i projekt möjliggör/försvårar hållbar ”Masshantering”? - Kan produktionsstyrningen förbättras med hjälp av klimatkalkyl? Metod: Studien är utförd som en fallstudie. Intervjuer har utförts med nyckelpersoner kring Västra Eriksberg. Dokumentstudien har innefattat en undersökning av Skanskas produktionsverktyg. Slutsats: Det lyckade resultatet på Västra Eriksberg går att härleda till väl utförd projektledning tillsammans med en väl fungerande samverkan mellan beställare och entreprenör. Detta har tillsammans med gynnsamma geotekniska förhållanden, möjlighet till utrymme för upplag, närliggande verksamheter med behov av massor från projektet lett till ett väldigt gott resultat. För att klimatkalkylen skall kunna fungera som ett verktyg i produktionsstyrningen måste branschens fokus flyttas från den ekonomiska vinningen och låta klimatfrågan ta större plats. Vidare måste kalkylen få en närmare koppling till det verkliga utförandet och vara mer representativ för de arbete som utförs, detta kommer kräva en teknisk utveckling av produktionsverktyget för att göra arbetet med klimatkalkyl mer kvalitetssäkert och användarvänligt.
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Timeefficiency of constructionwork in a developing country / Tidseffektivisering av byggarbete i UlandBruce, Linnéa January 2015 (has links)
Att arbeta tidseffektivt, strukturerat och inte spilla tid är viktiga faktorer vid ett byggarbete. Tid är pengar och desto längre tid ett arbete tar, desto mer pengar kostar det. Enligt teorin finns det ett flertal faktorer som påverkar effektiviteten på en byggarbetsplats. Några av dessa faktorer är struktur- och tidplaner, arbetsberedningar, planeringsmöten, metodförbättring och att identifiera mål. I Sverige arbetar man efter dessa faktorer på de flesta byggen, men i ett U-land är inte byggnationen lika utvecklad och man arbetar ofta dag för dag. Ett land som har problem med effektiviteten på arbetsplatsen är det fattiga landet Filippinerna i Asien. Under en volontärarbetsresa till Filippinerna observerades brister och tidsproblem vid byggnationen. Volontärarbetet ägde rum i en liten by vid namn Los Amigos utanför staden Davao. Arbetet gick ut på att bygga upp och renovera bostäder och området runtom byggnaderna åt rullstolsburna människor som inte har råd med ett eget hem. Vid sidan om volontärarbetsplatsen fanns även en byggarbetsplats som observerades under resan. Byggarbetsplatsen bestod av en basketplan. Denna studie syftar till att observera byggarbetet i Filippinerna för att identifiera problem med byggarbetet och effektiviteten på arbetsplatsen. Genom iakttagelser och intervju med en arbetsledare i byn Los Amigos har de olika tidsproblemen reflekterats och diskuterats. Utifrån de teoretiska referensramarna och med hänsyn till kulturen i landet har förbättringsförslag arbetats fram. Rapporten avslutas med två avsnitt som beskriver hur man kan arbeta mer tidseffektivt, strukturerat och undvika tidsförluster. Det ena avsnittet handlar om byggarbetet på volontärarbetsplatsen och den andra om arbetet på basketplanen som byggs i samma område. Arbetsplatserna är av helt olika karaktär och olika förbättringsförslag har därmed arbetats fram. / To work time efficient, structured and to not waste time are important factors at a construction work. Time is money and the more time a job takes the more money it costs. In theory, there are several factors that affect the efficiency at a construction site. Some of these factors are structural and schedules, work preparation, planning, method improvement and to identify targets. Most of these factors are used in construction work in Sweden, but the construction is not as developed in a developing country and they often work day by day. A country that has problems with efficiency in the workplace is the poor country Philippines in Asia. During a volunteer work trip to the Philippines was the deficiencies and timing problems during construction observed. Volunteer work took place in a small village called Los Amigos outside the town of Davao. The work was to build and renovate homes and the area around the buildings for wheelchair people who can’t afford their own homes. Besides the volunteer work was a construction site that was observed during the trip. The construction site is made up of a basketball court. This study aims to observe the construction work in the Philippines to identify problems with building work and efficiency in the workplace. Through observations and an interview with a supervisor in the village of Los Amigos have the different time problems been reflected and discussed. Based on the theoretical frameworks and taking into account the culture of the country have improvement proposals been worked out. The report ends with two sections that describe how to work more time-efficient, structured and avoid time losses. One section deals with the construction work on volunteer work and the other for a work on the basketball court built in the same area. The workplaces are of completely different character and various improvement proposals have thus been drawn up.
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Photogrammetry for health monitoring of bridges : Using point clouds for deflection measurements and as-built BIM modellingDelehag Lundmark, Joel January 2019 (has links)
Road and railway bridges play a crucial role for the infrastructure network in Sweden to work smoothly and keep the traffic flowing. Damage to a bridge can have catastrophic consequences if they are not corrected properly and in due time. Trafikverket in Sweden is responsible for inspection and maintenance of approximately 20 600 bridges throughout the country. This huge number of bridges require large resources in the form of machinery and experienced bridge inspectors who assess the state of the bridges on the spot. At present, the state of a bridge is to a large extent determined by a visual inspection and by manually taking measurements to assess the condition of the bridge. This approach means that the assessment of the condition of the bridge to a large extent is subjective and shifting between different cases depending on the inspector’s experience. New approaches that both could make it easier for inspectors to make more objective decisions and facilitate and reduce the risk concerning the inspection work are therefore under research. In this thesis Close Range Photogrammetry is evaluated as a mean for assessing deflection on concrete bridges and for creating as-built BIM:s for documentation and visualization of the actual condition of a bridge. To evaluate the technique both laboratory experiments and field work are conducted. Laboratory tests are conducted on concrete slabs that are subjected to pressure to inflict deflection on them. The concrete slabs are photographed using close range photogrammetric techniques for different values of deflection. The photographs are later processed into a point cloud in which measurements of deflection are taken and compared to what is measured using displacement transducers during the tests. The field work conducted is in form of photographing a railway bridge using close range photogrammetry and building a point cloud out of the photographs. This point cloud is then used as a basis for evaluating the process on how a point cloud generated through close range photogrammetry can be used to create as-built Building Information Models. Results from the laboratory experiments show that changes in deflection can be visualized by overlapping point clouds generated at different loading stages using the software Cloud Compare. The distance i.e. the deflection can then be measured in the software. The point cloud generated through the field work resulted in a as-built BIM of the railway bridge containing the basic elements. No hard conclusions can be drawn as to how well the method in this thesis can be used to measure deflection on real concrete bridges. The test basis is to small and the human factor can have affected the results. The results though show that millimeter distances can be measured in the point clouds which indicates that with the right approach, Close Range Photogrammetry can be used to measure deflections with good precision. Point clouds generated through Close Range Photogrammetry works good as a basis for creating as-built BIM:s. The colored point cloud is beneficial over other techniques that are generated in gray scale because it makes it easier to distinguish elements from each other and to detect any deficiencies. To create complete as-built BIM:s more than just a point cloud are needed as it only visualizes the shell of the captured object.
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Successiv projektering : En kartläggning av informationsflödetWestring, Johan January 2019 (has links)
A construction project is not the other project alike. Despite this, there are a few subprocesses that a construction project cannot do without. However, the order in which these occur and how far in time these sub-processes extend may differ depending on the project's conditions. What is common is that a construction project is initiated by its project design where project planning documents and later on construction documents are produced before the production begins. But as the construction projects shortens in time, higher demands are placed on streamlining the sub-processes. It has therefore become increasingly common for the project planning to take place gradually along the production. This master thesis is mainly based upon those interviews that were conducted during this study. The interviews were held with different peoples of either contractors or constructors. The main aim with this master thesis were to study the flow of information between those who plans the project and those who executes it, within a project were the project is been planned and designed gradually along the production. In order to form an understanding of how the flow of information work, the tools and methods used to manage information are studied in a project were the project is being planned gradually, seen from both contractors and project designers perspective. It turns out that there are relatively small differences in how the information is handled between a project that is planned gradually versus one that has been planned in advance. The tools used to spread (downstream) and report (upstream) information are the same regardless type of contract. However, what a project that is planned gradually benefits from is the choice of working methods used in the project. These working methods can facilitate the handling of the project information and the information flow created up- and downstream. The conclusions that can be drawn from this thesis are that a project with gradual planning combined with its information flow benefits from a project that is being carried out in cooperation. Which is based on the fact that the communication routes have been clearly identified at an early stage. It will both facilitating and reducing the flow of information compared to if the project would not had been carried out in cooperation. The time gains that are considered to be possible when the project is gradually planned ceases to exist if the project is not carried out in cooperation. In addition, a gain can be seen in being able to streamline the current management of how the information is being both managed and spread from the project planners. Regardless if the project has been planned prior to the production or not. However, given that work tasks such as planning/design and production are particularly close together when planning a project gradually. An efficiency in improving the project planners work while distributing the building document can increase the space for mistakes without impacting on the detailed time schedule.
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Gemensamma kostnader : Det verkliga utfallet / The Common costs : The real outturnGruvborg, Magnus January 2009 (has links)
<p>The aim of this report is to develop an improved basis for calculation of common costs as well as to create a support, showing which steps can be taken for improving the future monitoring at NCC Hus in Karlstad.The objective of this report is to improve the quality of the process of quoting by verifying current key numbers, production of new key numbers and to identify the problems affecting the monitoring of projects.The objective is also to provide suggestions of actions improving quality assurance at NCC Hus in Karlstad.</p>
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Gemensamma kostnader : Det verkliga utfallet / The Common costs : The real outturnGruvborg, Magnus January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this report is to develop an improved basis for calculation of common costs as well as to create a support, showing which steps can be taken for improving the future monitoring at NCC Hus in Karlstad.The objective of this report is to improve the quality of the process of quoting by verifying current key numbers, production of new key numbers and to identify the problems affecting the monitoring of projects.The objective is also to provide suggestions of actions improving quality assurance at NCC Hus in Karlstad.
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