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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Derivations on smooth Hensel-Steinitz algebras

Hebert, Shelley David 10 May 2024 (has links) (PDF)
I define and analyze the Hensel-Steinitz algebra ����(��), a crossed product C∗-algebra associated with multiplication maps on continuous functions on the ring of ��-adic integers. In ����(��), I define an ideal and identify it with a known algebra. From this, I construct a short exact sequence conveying the structure of the algebras. I further identify smooth subalgebras within both ����(��) and its ideal, classify derivations on those algebras, and compare the classification with derivations on other smooth algebras. I also analyze the algebras associated with multiplication maps based on the multiplier being a root of unity, not a root of unity, or not invertible in the ��-adic integers. In the case of the multiplier being a root of unity and the quotient group therefore being finite, unexpected additional structure is found.

C*-algebras from actions of congruence monoids

Bruce, Chris 20 April 2020 (has links)
We initiate the study of a new class of semigroup C*-algebras arising from number-theoretic considerations; namely, we generalize the construction of Cuntz, Deninger, and Laca by considering the left regular C*-algebras of ax+b-semigroups from actions of congruence monoids on rings of algebraic integers in number fields. Our motivation for considering actions of congruence monoids comes from class field theory and work on Bost–Connes type systems. We give two presentations and a groupoid model for these algebras, and establish a faithfulness criterion for their representations. We then explicitly compute the primitive ideal space, give a semigroup crossed product description of the boundary quotient, and prove that the construction is functorial in the appropriate sense. These C*-algebras carry canonical time evolutions, so that our construction also produces a new class of C*-dynamical systems. We classify the KMS (equilibrium) states for this canonical time evolution, and show that there are several phase transitions whose complexity depends on properties of a generalized ideal class group. We compute the type of all high temperature KMS states, and consider several related C*-dynamical systems. / Graduate

Isometries of real and complex Hilbert C*-modules

Hsu, Ming-Hsiu 23 July 2012 (has links)
Let A and B be real or complex C*-algebras. Let V and W be real or complex (right) full Hilbert C*-modules over A and B, respectively. Let T be a linear bijective map from V onto W. We show the following four statements are equivalent. (a) T is a unitary operator, i.e., there is a ∗-isomorphism £\ : A ¡÷ B such that <Tx,Ty> = £\(<x,y>), ∀ x,y∈ V ; (b) T preserves TRO products, i.e., T(x<y,z>) =Tx<Ty,Tz>, ∀ x,y,z in V ; (c) T is a 2-isometry; (d) T is a complete isometry. Moreover, if A and B are commutative, the four statements are also equivalent to (e) T is a isometry. On the other hand, if V and W are complex Hilbert C*-modules over complex C*-algebras, then T is unitary if and only if it is a module map, i.e., T(xa) = (Tx)£\(a), ∀ x ∈ V,a ∈ A.

Estados coerentes e seus usos em teorias de campos em espaços curvos / Coherent states and its uses in field theories on curved spacetimes.

Freire, Renê Soares 07 August 2015 (has links)
A questão de como sistemas quânticos correspondem a sistemas clássicos existe desde o surgimento da mecânica quântica e parece ser algo natural de se perguntar. E também desde o principio da mecânica quântica estados coerentes são usados para responder esse tipo de questão, já que eles são, em certo sentido, os estados quânticos mais próximos a estados que descrevem sistemas clássicos. Seguindo os resultados de Hepp, que mostrou a correspondência tantopara o caso da mecânica quântica não relativística quanto para o caso de camposBosônicos relativísticos, mostramos a correspondência entre sistemas Bosônicos livres em um espaço-tempo de de Sitter e soluções da equação de Klein-Gordon neste mesmo espaço.Após introduzir os conceitos relevantes e construir a álgebra que descreve sistemas Bosônicos livres em um espaço globalmente hiperbólico, construímos estados coerentes para álgebras CCR na forma de Weyl e provamos o limite semi-clássico para uma região próxima à origem (ou, para um tempo fixo, em todo espaço de de Sitter). Além disso provamos que este limite independe do estado de vácuo---que, em geral, não é único. / The question of the correspondence between quantum and classical systems is an issue since the beginnings of quantum mechanics and it seems like a natural question. Also since the start of quantum mechanics coherent states were used to answer this sort of question, since they are, in a sense, the quantum states closest to states that describe classical systems. Following the results of Hepp, who showed the correspondence for the case of non-relativistic quantum mechanics as well as for relativistic Bosonic fields, we show the correspondence between free Bosonic field in a de Sitter space-time and the solutions of the Klein-Gordon equation in that same space-time. After introducing the relevant concepts and the construction of the algebra that describes free Bosonic systems in a globally hyperbolic space-time, we construct coherent states for CCR algebras in Weyls form, and we prove the semi-classical limit for a region close to the origin (or, for a fixed time, in the whole de Sitter space-time). We also prove that this limit is independent of the vacuum statewhich might not be unique.

The Tracial Rokhlin Property for Countable Discrete Amenable Group Actions on Nuclear Tracially Approximately Divisible C*-Algebras

Sun, Michael 29 September 2014 (has links)
In this dissertation we explore the question of existence of a property of group actions on C*-algebras known as the tracial Rokhlin property. We prove existence of the property in a very general setting as well as specialise the question to specific situations of interest. For every countable discrete elementary amenable group G, we show that there always exists a G-action ω with the tracial Rokhlin property on any unital simple nuclear tracially approximately divisible C*-algebra A. For the ω we construct, we show that if A is unital simple and Z-stable with rational tracial rank at most one and G belongs to the class of countable discrete groups generated by finite and abelian groups under increasing unions and subgroups, then the crossed product A 􏰃ω G is also unital simple and Z-stable with rational tracial rank at most one. We also specialise the question to UHF algebras. We show that for any countable discrete maximally almost periodic group G and any UHF algebra A, there exists a strongly outer product type action α of G on A. We also show the existence of countable discrete almost abelian group actions with the "pointwise" Rokhlin property on the universal UHF algebra. Consequently we get many examples of unital separable simple nuclear C*-algebras with tracial rank zero and a unique tracial state appearing as crossed products.

C*-algèbres associées à certains systèmes dynamiques et leurs états KMS / C*-algebras associated with certain dynamical systems and their KMS states / C*-álgebras associadas a certas dinâmicas e seus estados KMS

De Castro, Gilles 18 December 2009 (has links)
D'abord, on étudie trois façons d'associer une C*-algèbre à une transformation continue. Ensuite, nousdonnons une nouvelle définition de l'entropie. Nous trouvons des relations entre les états KMS des algèbrespréalablement définies et les états d'équilibre, donné par un principe variationnel. Dans la seconde partie,nous étudions les algèbres de Kajiwara-Watatani associées à un système des fonctions itérées. Nouscomparons ces algèbres avec l'algèbre de Cuntz et le produit croisé. Enfin, nous étudions les états KMS desalgèbres de Kajiwara-Watatani pour les actions provenant d'un potentiel et nous trouvouns des relationsentre ces états et les mesures trouvée dans une version de le théorème de Ruelle-Perron-Frobenius pour lessystèmes de fonctions itérées. / First, we study three ways of associating a C*-algebra to a continuous map. Then, we give a new definitionof entropy. We relate the KMS states of the previously defined algebras with the equilibrium states, givenby a variational principle. In the second part, we study the Kajiwara-Watatani algebras associated toiterated function system. We compare these algebras with the Cuntz algebra and the crossed product.Finally, we study the KMS states of the Kajiwara-Watatani algebras for actions coming from a potentialand we relate such states with measures found in a version of the Ruelle-Perron-Frobenius theorem foriterated function systems.

Operator algebras, matrix bundles, and Riemann surfaces

McCormick, Kathryn 01 August 2018 (has links)
Let $\overline{R}$ be a finitely bordered Riemann surface, and let $\mathfrak{E}_\rho(\overline{R})$ be a flat matrix $PU_n(\mathbb{C})$-bundle over $\overline{R}$. Let $\Gamma_c(\overline{R}, \mathfrak{E}(\overline{R}))$ denote the $C^*$-algebra of continuous cross-sections of $\mathfrak{E}(\overline{R})$, and let $\Gamma_h(\overline{R},\mathfrak{E}(\overline{R}))$ denote the subalgebra consisting of the continuous holomorphic sections, i.e.~the continuous cross-sections that are holomorphic on the interior of $\overline{R}$. The algebra $\Gamma_c(\overline{R}, \mathfrak{E}(\overline{R}))$ is an example of an $n$-homogeneous $C^*$-algebra, and the subalgebra $\Gamma_h(\overline{R},\mathfrak{E}(\overline{R}))$ is the principal object of study of this thesis. The algebras $\Gamma_h(\overline{R},\mathfrak{E}(\overline{R}))$ appeared in the earlier works \cite{Abrahamse1976} and \cite{Blecher2000}. Operators that can be viewed as elements in $\Gamma_h(\overline{R},\mathfrak{E}(\overline{R}))$ are the subject of \cite{Abrahamse1976}. The Morita theory of $\Gamma_h(\overline{R},\mathfrak{E}(\overline{R}))$, under the guise of a fixed-point algebra and in the special case of an annulus $R$, is studied in \cite[Ex.~8.3]{Blecher2000}. This thesis studies these algebras and their topological data $\mathfrak{E}_\rho(\overline{R})$ motivated by several problems in the theory of nonselfadjoint operator algebras. Boundary representations are an invariant of operator algebras that were introduced by Arveson in 1969. However, it took nearly 50 years to show that boundary representations existed in sufficient abundance in all cases. I show that every boundary representation of $\Gamma_c(\overline{R}, \mathfrak{E}(\overline{R}))$ for $\Gamma_h(\overline{R}, \mathfrak{E}(\overline{R}))$ is given by evaluation at some point $r \in \partial R$. As a corollary, the $C^*$-envelope of $\Gamma_h(\overline{R},\mathfrak{E}(\overline{R}))$ is $\Gamma_c(\partial R, \mathfrak{E}(\partial R))$. Using the $C^*$-envelope, I show that for certain choices of fibre and base space, $\Gamma_h(\overline{R}, \mathfrak{E}_\rho(\overline{R}))$ is not completely isometrically isomorphic to $A(\overline{R})\otimes M_n(\mathbb{C})$ unless the representation $\rho$ is the trivial representation. I also show that $\Gamma_h(\overline{R},\mathfrak{E}(\overline{R}))$ is an Azumaya over its center. Azumaya algebras are the ``pure-algebra'' analogues to $n$-homogeneous $C^*$-algebras \cite{Artin1969}. Thus the structure of the nonselfadjoint subalgebra $\Gamma_h(\overline{R},\mathfrak{E}(\overline{R}))$ reflects some of the structure of its $C^*$-envelope (which is $n$-homogeneous). Finally, I answer a question raised in \cite[Ex.~8.3]{Blecher2000} on the $cb$ and strong Morita theory of $\Gamma_h(\overline{R},\mathfrak{E}_\rho(\overline{R}))$, showing in particular that $\Gamma_h(\overline{R},\mathfrak{E}_\rho(\overline{R}))$ is $cb$ Morita equivalent to its center $A(\overline{R})$. As suggested in \cite[Ex.~8.3]{Blecher2000}, I provide additional evidence that $\Gamma_h(\overline{R},\mathfrak{E}_\rho(\overline{R}))$ may not be strongly Morita equivalent to its center. This evidence, in turn, suggests that there may be a Brauer group -like analysis for these algebras.

N-parameter Fibonacci AF C*-Algebras

Flournoy, Cecil Buford, Jr. 01 July 2011 (has links)
An n-parameter Fibonacci AF-algebra is determined by a constant incidence matrix K of a special form. The form of the matrix K is defined by a given n-parameter Fibonacci sequence. We compute the K-theory of certain Fibonacci AF-algebra, and relate their K-theory to the K-theory of an AF-algebra defined by incidence matrices that are the transpose of K.

Hyperreflexivity of the bounded n-cocycle spaces of Banach algebras

2014 August 1900 (has links)
The concept of hyperreflexivity has previously been defined for subspaces of $B(X,Y)$, where $X$ and $Y$ are Banach spaces. We extend this concept to the subspaces of $B^n(X,Y)$, the space of bounded $n$-linear maps from $X\times\cdots\times X=X^{(n)}$ into $Y$, for any $n\in \mathbb{N}$. If $A$ is a Banach algebra and $X$ a Banach $A$-bimodule, we obtain sufficient conditions under which $\Zc^n(A,X)$, the space of all bounded $n$-cocycles from $A$ into $X$, is hyperreflexive. To do so, we define two notions related to a Banach algebra: The strong property $(\B)$ and bounded local units (b.l.u). We show that there are sufficiently many Banach algebras which have both properties. We will prove that all C$^*$-algebras and group algebras have the strong property $(\B).$ We also prove that finite CSL algebras and finite nest algebras have this property. We further show that for an arbitrary Banach algebra $A$ and each $n\geq 2$, $M_n(A)$ has the strong property $(\B)$ whenever it is equipped with a Banach algebra norm. In particular, this implies that all Banach algebras are embedded into a Banach algebra with the strong property $(\B)$. With regard to bounded local units, we show that all $C^*$-algebras and many group algebras have b.l.u. We investigate the hereditary properties of both notions to construct more example of Banach algebras with these properties. We apply our approach and show that the bounded $n$-cocycle spaces related to Banach algebras with the strong property $(\B)$ and b.l.u. are hyperreflexive provided that the space of the corresponding $n+1$-coboundaries are closed. This includes nuclear C$^*$-algebras, many group algebras, matrix spaces of certain Banach algebras and finite CSL and nest algebras. We finish the thesis with introducing {\it the hyperreflexivity constant}. We make our results more precise with finding an upper bound for the hyperreflexivity constant of the bounded $n$-cocycle spaces.

Poincaré duality and spectral triples for hyperbolic dynamical systems

Whittaker, Michael Fredrick 15 July 2010 (has links)
We study aspects of noncommutative geometry on hyperbolic dynamical systems known as Smale spaces. In particular, there are two C*-algebras, defined on the stable and unstable groupoids arising from the hyperbolic dynamics. These give rise to two additional crossed product C*-algebras known as the stable and unstable Ruelle algebras. We show that the Ruelle algebras exhibit noncommutative Poincaré duality. As a consequence we obtain isomorphisms between the K-theory and K-homology groups of the stable and unstable Ruelle algebras. A second result defines spectral triples on these C*-algebras and we show that the spectral dimension recovers the topological entropy of the Smale space itself. Finally we define a natural Fredholm module on the Ruelle algebras in the special case that the Smale space is a shift of finite type. Using unitary operators arising from the Pimsner-Voiculescu sequence we compute the index pairing with our Fredholm module for specific examples.

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