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Efeitos de diferentes dietas hiperlipídicas na via L-arginina-óxido nítrico e no stress oxidativo em eritrócitos de camundongos C57BL/6 / High fat diets modulate nitric oxide biosynthesis and antioxidant defense in red blood cells from C57BL/6 miceMarcela Anjos Martins 16 July 2009 (has links)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / Introdução: o óxido nítrico (NO) é um gás inorgânico com uma meia-vida curta e tem um papel crítico na manutenção da homeostase vascular e fluidez sanguínea. O NO é sintetizado a partir do aminoácido L-arginina por uma família de enzimas NO sintases (NOS). Estudos têm mostrado que eritrócitos expressam NOS endotelial (eNOS) funcional, que serve como uma fonte de NO intraluminal. Além disso, eritrócitos participam da defesa antioxidante removendo os radicais livres e prevenindo o dano oxidativo às membranas biológicas e a destruição do NO. Dietas hiperlípidicas estão associadas a um risco aumentado de doença cardiovacular e síndrome metabólica, mas os exatos mecanismos não estão completamente esclarecidos. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar os efeitos de diferentes dietas hiperlípidicas na via L-arginina-NO e o estresse oxidativo em eritrócitos de camundongos. Metodologia: camundongos machos C57BL/6 de três meses de idade receberam diferentes dietas por 10 semanas: dieta normolipídica ou dieta hiperlipídica contendo banha de porco (HB), óleo de oliva (HO), óleo de girassol (HG) ou óleo de canola (HC). Foram analisados o transporte de L-arginina mediado pelos transportadores catiônicos y+ e y+L, a atividade da NOS, a expressão da eNOS e da NOS induzível (iNOS), a formação de substâncias reativas ao ácido tiobarbitúrico (TBARS) e a atividade das enzimas antioxidantes catalase (CAT) e superóxido dismutase (SOD). Resultados: o transporte total de L-arginina estava aumentado no grupo HO em comparação aos controles e aos outros grupos com dieta hiperlipídica. Quando o transporte foi fracionado, o sistema y+ estava mais ativado no grupo HO em relação aos controles e outros grupos que receberam dieta hiperlipídica. O transporte de L-arginina via sistema y+L estava maior nos grupos HO, HG e HC comparados aos grupos controle e HB. Adicionalmente, a atividade basal da NOS e a expressão de eNOS estavam aumentadas em eritrócitos independente do tipo de dieta hiperlípidica insaturada. Observou-se uma maior expressão da iNOS no grupo HO comparado ao controle. Em contraste, o grupo HB apresentou uma inibição da via L-arginina-NO. A análise da peroxidação lipídica, através da formação de TBARS, e da atividade da enzima antioxidante CAT não revelou diferenças entre os grupos, ao contrário do grupo HO, que induziu uma ativação de outra enzima antioxidante, a SOD. Conclusões: o presente estudo proporciona a primeira evidência de que os sistemas y+ e y+L regulam o transporte aumentado de L-arginina em eritrócitos de camundongos do grupo HO. Além disso, todas as dietas hiperlipídicas insaturadas induzem um aumento da atividade basal da NOS associada a uma expressão elevada da eNOS. É possível que diferentes mudanças na composição lipídica da membrana plasmática induzidas pelas dietas possam afetar transportadores e enzimas nos eritrócitos. Além disso, a inibição da via L-arginina-NO no grupo HB pode contribuir para o desenvolvimento da aterosclerose, enquanto dietas hiperlipídicas insaturadas podem ter um efeito protetor via aumento da geração de NO. / Introduction: nitric oxide (NO) is an inorganic gas with a short half life that plays a critical role in maintaining vascular homeostasis and blood fluidity in physiological conditions. NO is synthesized from the cationic amino acid L-arginine by a family of enzymes: nitric oxide synthase (NOS). Studies have shown that red blood cells (RBCs) express functional endothelial NOS (eNOS), which potentially serves as an intraluminal NO source. Moreover, circulating RBCs participate in antioxidant defence, scavenging oxygen free radicals and preventing oxidative damage to biological membranes and NO destruction. High fat diets are associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome, but the exact mechanisms are not completely clear. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of different high fat (HF) diets in the RBC L-arginine-NO pathway and in oxidative stress in C57BL/6 mice. Methods: three-month-old male C57BL/6 mice were fed different diets for a 10-week period: a standard diet or high-fat (HF) diet containing lard oil (HF-L), olive oil (HF-O), sunflower oil (HF-S) or canola oil (HF-C). Studies of L-arginine transport, mediated by cationic transport systems y+ and y+L, basal activity of NOS, expression of eNOS and inducible NOS (iNOS), thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) formation, and antioxidant enzymes catalase (CAT) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities in RBCs were analysed in these groups. Results: total L-arginine influx into RBCs was upregulated in the HF-O group compared to controls and other HF diet groups. When transport systems were fractionated, there was a higher activation of system y+ in the HF-O group in relation to controls and other HF diet groups. L-arginine transport via system y+L in RBCs was increased in the HF-O, HF-S and HF-C groups compared to controls and the HF-L group. In addition, NOS activity and eNOS expression were enhanced in RBCs, independent of unsaturated HF diets. An overexpression of iNOS was observed in the HF-O group compared with controls. In contrast, the HF-L group showed an inhibition of the RBC L-arginine-NO pathway. The analysis of lipid peroxidation and antioxidant enzyme catalase activity revealed no differences among the groups studied. On the other hand, HF-O induced activation of another antioxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase (SOD). Conclusions: this study provides the first evidence that systems y+ and y+L mediate increased L-arginine transport into mice RBCs from the HF-O group. Moreover, all unsaturated high-fat diets can induce an increase in basal NOS activity associated with an overexpression of eNOS. It is possible that changes in the lipid composition of the plasmatic membrane induced differently by HF diets could affect transporters and enzymes in RBCs. An inhibition of the L-arginine-NO pathway in HF-L group could contribute to the development of atherosclerosis, while HF unsaturated diets may have a protector effect via enhanced generation of NO.
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Dieta hiperlipídica materna e pós-natal promove remodelamento adverso do fígado, pâncreas e tecido adiposo na prole / Maternal and postnatal high fat diet provoke adverse liver, pancreas and adipose tissue remodelling in offspringBianca Martins Gregório 21 July 2010 (has links)
A dieta hiperlipídica (high-fat, HF) materna durante a gestação e/ou lactação aumenta a susceptibilidade da prole para o desenvolvimento de doenças crônicas na fase adulta. Verificar a hipótese que a ingestão materna de dieta HF nos períodos críticos de desenvolvimento (gestação e/ou lactação) predispõe à doença não alcoólica do fígado gorduroso e alterações pancreáticas e no tecido adiposo de camundongos machos adultos. Camundongos C57BL/6 fêmeas receberam durante a gestação e/ou lactação dieta padrão (standard chow, SC) ou HF. Filhotes machos foram divididos em cinco grupos: SC provenientes de mães SC; G provenientes de mães HF durante a gestação; L provenientes de mães HF durante a lactação; GL/HF provenientes de mães HF durante a gestação/lactação, mantendo a mesma dieta HF no período pós-natal (do desmame aos 3 meses deidade); GL provenientes de mães HF durante a gestação/lactação trocando a dieta para SC no período pós-natal (do desmame aos 3 meses deidade). Foi analisada ao longo do experimento a massa corporal da prole. No sacrifício (3 meses), o fígado, o pâncreas e a gordura epididimária foram removidos, pesados e processados e o sangue foi coletado para análise bioquímica. Ao nascimento e ao desmame, filhotes GL/HF foram mais pesados (+6% e +44%, p<0,05, respectivamente) que os filhotes SC. Os filhotes G apresentaram resistência à insulina e menor expressão do transportador de glicose no fígado (GLUT-2). A esteatose hepática foi observada nos grupos G, L, GL e principalmente nos filhotes do grupo GL/HF. A expressão hepática da proteína ligante de elementos regulatórios de esteróis (SREBP-1c) estava aumentada nos filhotes G, GL e GL/HF. Os filhotes G, GL e GL/HF apresentaram hipertrofia da ilhota pancreática e dos adipócitos quando comparados com o grupo SC. O consumo de dieta HF durante a gestação mostra-se ser o período mais prejudicial para os filhotes adultos de camundongos. A programação metabólica por dieta HF leva ao remodelamento adverso do fígado, do pâncreas e do tecido adiposo / Maternal high-fat diet (HF) during gestation and/or lactation period increases the susceptibility to development of chronic disease in offspring adult life. This work aimed to verify the hypothesis that maternal intake of high-fat diet in critical periods of pregnancy and/or suckling period predisposes to non alcoholic fatty liver disease, pancreatic and adipose tissue alterations in adulthood mice offspring. C57BL/6 female mice were fed, during gestation and/or lactation phases, with standard chow (SC) or HF diet. Male pups were divided into 5 groups: SC- from SC fed dam; G- from HF fed dam during gestation period; L- from HF fed dam during lactation period; GL- from HF fed dam during gestation and lactation periods and GL/HF- from HF fed dam during gestation and lactation, maintaining HF diet from post-weaning to adulthood. We analyzed body mass in all experiment, and at the euthanasia (3 mo-old), liver, pancreas and adipose tissue were removed, weighted and embedded. Blood was collected to biochemical analyses. At birth and at weaning, GL/HF pups were heavier than SC pups (+6% and +44%, p<0.05, respectively). G offspring showed insulin resistance and lower glucose transporter-2 expression (GLUT-2). Hepatic steatosis was present in G, L, GL and mainly in GL/HF offspring. Sterol regulatory element-binding protein-1c (SREBP-1c) expression was higher in G, GL and GL/HF offspring. It is important to mention that pancreatic islet hypertrophy and adipocyte hypertrophy were affected in G, GL and GL/HF offspring in comparison to SC. HF diet administration during gestation period is worse than lactation period. Furthermore, this type of programming by HF predisposes to adverse remodeling in liver, pancreas and adipose tissue in adult mice offspring
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Efeitos de diferentes dietas hiperlipídicas na via L-arginina-óxido nítrico e no stress oxidativo em eritrócitos de camundongos C57BL/6 / High fat diets modulate nitric oxide biosynthesis and antioxidant defense in red blood cells from C57BL/6 miceMarcela Anjos Martins 16 July 2009 (has links)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / Introdução: o óxido nítrico (NO) é um gás inorgânico com uma meia-vida curta e tem um papel crítico na manutenção da homeostase vascular e fluidez sanguínea. O NO é sintetizado a partir do aminoácido L-arginina por uma família de enzimas NO sintases (NOS). Estudos têm mostrado que eritrócitos expressam NOS endotelial (eNOS) funcional, que serve como uma fonte de NO intraluminal. Além disso, eritrócitos participam da defesa antioxidante removendo os radicais livres e prevenindo o dano oxidativo às membranas biológicas e a destruição do NO. Dietas hiperlípidicas estão associadas a um risco aumentado de doença cardiovacular e síndrome metabólica, mas os exatos mecanismos não estão completamente esclarecidos. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar os efeitos de diferentes dietas hiperlípidicas na via L-arginina-NO e o estresse oxidativo em eritrócitos de camundongos. Metodologia: camundongos machos C57BL/6 de três meses de idade receberam diferentes dietas por 10 semanas: dieta normolipídica ou dieta hiperlipídica contendo banha de porco (HB), óleo de oliva (HO), óleo de girassol (HG) ou óleo de canola (HC). Foram analisados o transporte de L-arginina mediado pelos transportadores catiônicos y+ e y+L, a atividade da NOS, a expressão da eNOS e da NOS induzível (iNOS), a formação de substâncias reativas ao ácido tiobarbitúrico (TBARS) e a atividade das enzimas antioxidantes catalase (CAT) e superóxido dismutase (SOD). Resultados: o transporte total de L-arginina estava aumentado no grupo HO em comparação aos controles e aos outros grupos com dieta hiperlipídica. Quando o transporte foi fracionado, o sistema y+ estava mais ativado no grupo HO em relação aos controles e outros grupos que receberam dieta hiperlipídica. O transporte de L-arginina via sistema y+L estava maior nos grupos HO, HG e HC comparados aos grupos controle e HB. Adicionalmente, a atividade basal da NOS e a expressão de eNOS estavam aumentadas em eritrócitos independente do tipo de dieta hiperlípidica insaturada. Observou-se uma maior expressão da iNOS no grupo HO comparado ao controle. Em contraste, o grupo HB apresentou uma inibição da via L-arginina-NO. A análise da peroxidação lipídica, através da formação de TBARS, e da atividade da enzima antioxidante CAT não revelou diferenças entre os grupos, ao contrário do grupo HO, que induziu uma ativação de outra enzima antioxidante, a SOD. Conclusões: o presente estudo proporciona a primeira evidência de que os sistemas y+ e y+L regulam o transporte aumentado de L-arginina em eritrócitos de camundongos do grupo HO. Além disso, todas as dietas hiperlipídicas insaturadas induzem um aumento da atividade basal da NOS associada a uma expressão elevada da eNOS. É possível que diferentes mudanças na composição lipídica da membrana plasmática induzidas pelas dietas possam afetar transportadores e enzimas nos eritrócitos. Além disso, a inibição da via L-arginina-NO no grupo HB pode contribuir para o desenvolvimento da aterosclerose, enquanto dietas hiperlipídicas insaturadas podem ter um efeito protetor via aumento da geração de NO. / Introduction: nitric oxide (NO) is an inorganic gas with a short half life that plays a critical role in maintaining vascular homeostasis and blood fluidity in physiological conditions. NO is synthesized from the cationic amino acid L-arginine by a family of enzymes: nitric oxide synthase (NOS). Studies have shown that red blood cells (RBCs) express functional endothelial NOS (eNOS), which potentially serves as an intraluminal NO source. Moreover, circulating RBCs participate in antioxidant defence, scavenging oxygen free radicals and preventing oxidative damage to biological membranes and NO destruction. High fat diets are associated with an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and metabolic syndrome, but the exact mechanisms are not completely clear. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of different high fat (HF) diets in the RBC L-arginine-NO pathway and in oxidative stress in C57BL/6 mice. Methods: three-month-old male C57BL/6 mice were fed different diets for a 10-week period: a standard diet or high-fat (HF) diet containing lard oil (HF-L), olive oil (HF-O), sunflower oil (HF-S) or canola oil (HF-C). Studies of L-arginine transport, mediated by cationic transport systems y+ and y+L, basal activity of NOS, expression of eNOS and inducible NOS (iNOS), thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) formation, and antioxidant enzymes catalase (CAT) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities in RBCs were analysed in these groups. Results: total L-arginine influx into RBCs was upregulated in the HF-O group compared to controls and other HF diet groups. When transport systems were fractionated, there was a higher activation of system y+ in the HF-O group in relation to controls and other HF diet groups. L-arginine transport via system y+L in RBCs was increased in the HF-O, HF-S and HF-C groups compared to controls and the HF-L group. In addition, NOS activity and eNOS expression were enhanced in RBCs, independent of unsaturated HF diets. An overexpression of iNOS was observed in the HF-O group compared with controls. In contrast, the HF-L group showed an inhibition of the RBC L-arginine-NO pathway. The analysis of lipid peroxidation and antioxidant enzyme catalase activity revealed no differences among the groups studied. On the other hand, HF-O induced activation of another antioxidant enzyme, superoxide dismutase (SOD). Conclusions: this study provides the first evidence that systems y+ and y+L mediate increased L-arginine transport into mice RBCs from the HF-O group. Moreover, all unsaturated high-fat diets can induce an increase in basal NOS activity associated with an overexpression of eNOS. It is possible that changes in the lipid composition of the plasmatic membrane induced differently by HF diets could affect transporters and enzymes in RBCs. An inhibition of the L-arginine-NO pathway in HF-L group could contribute to the development of atherosclerosis, while HF unsaturated diets may have a protector effect via enhanced generation of NO.
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Modulation de l’homéostasie lipidique intestinale suite à une intervention en médecine traditionnelle Cri chez un modèle animal d’obésité et de pré-diabèteOuellet, Caroline 05 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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Identification of genetic loci associated with different responses to high-fat diet-induced obesity in C57BL/6N and C57BL/6J substrainsHeiker, John T., Kunath, Anne, Kosacka, Joanna, Flehmig, Gesine, Knigge, Anja, Kern, Matthias, Stumvoll, Michael, Kovacs, Peter, Blüher, Matthias, Klöting, Nora 06 March 2019 (has links)
We have recently demonstrated that C57BL/6NTac and C57BL/6JRj substrains are significantly different in their response to high-fat diet-induced obesity (DIO). The C57BL/6JRj substrain seems to be protected from DIO and genetic differences between C57BL/6J and C57BL/6N substrains at 11 single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) loci have been identified. To define genetic variants as well as differences in parameters of glucose homeostasis and insulin sensitivity between C57BL/6NTac and C57BL/6JRj substrains that may explain the different response to DIO, we analyzed 208 first backcross (BC1) hybrids of C57BL/6NTac and C57BL/6JRj [(C57BL/6NTac × C57BL/6JRj)F1 × C57BL/6NTac] mice. Body weight, epigonadal and subcutaneous fat mass, circulating leptin, as well as parameters of glucose metabolism were measured after 10 wk of high-fat diet (HFD). Genetic profiling of BC1 hybrids were performed using TaqMan SNP genotyping assays. Furthermore, to assess whether SNP polymorphisms could affect mRNA level, we carried out gene expression analysis in murine liver samples. Human subcutaneous adipose tissue was used to verify murine data of SNAP29. We identified four sex-specific variants that are associated with the extent of HFD-induced weight gain and fat depot mass. BC1 hybrids carrying the combination of risk or beneficial alleles exhibit the phenotypical extremes of the parental strains. Murine and human SC expression analysis revealed Snap29 as strongest candidate. Our data indicate an important role of these loci in responsiveness to HFD-induced obesity and suggest genes of the synaptic vesicle release system such as Snap29 being involved in the regulation of high-fat DIO.
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Orgánové změny po perkutánní expozici sirnému yperitu / Changes of internal organs after percutaneous exposure to sulfur mustardŠulová, Veronika January 2020 (has links)
Charles University Faculty of Pharmacy in Hradec Králové Department of Pharmacology & Toxicology Student: Veronika Šulová Supervisor: doc. PharmDr. Lukáš Červený, Ph.D. External supervisor: pplk. doc. MUDr. Jaroslav Pejchal, Ph.D. et Ph.D. Title of diploma thesis: Changes of internal organs after percutaneous exposure to sulfur mustard Sulfur mustard is a chemical warfare agent belonging to the group of blistering agents. The theoretical section of the thesis is mainly focused on the description of acute toxic effects, the mechanism of action, and deals with the current possibilities of poisoning therapy. The experimental section is focused on monitoring the effect of sulfur mustard poisoning in the liver, lung, and kidney of female C57BL/6J mice after the percutaneous administration. This work aimed to evaluate markers of oxidative stress and histopathological changes of the selected organs at 3, 5, and 7 days after the poisoning. Ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) methods were used to determine markers of oxidative stress. Histopathological changes were evaluated microscopically using the hematoxylin-eosin staining method. The airness of the lung parenchyma was also assessed by computer image analysis. First, the LD50 of sulfur mustard was...
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Localization of Cholinergic Innervation and Neurturin Receptors in Adult Mouse Heart and Expression of the Neurturin GeneMabe, Abigail, Hoard, Jennifer L., Duffourc, Michelle M., Hoover, Donald B. 01 October 2006 (has links)
Neurturin (NRTN) is a neurotrophic factor required during development for normal cholinergic innervation of the heart, but whether NRTN continues to function in the adult heart is unknown. We have therefore evaluated NRTN expression in adult mouse heart and the association of NRTN receptors with intracardiac cholinergic neurons and nerve fibers. Mapping the regional distribution and density of cholinergic nerves in mouse heart was an integral part of this goal. Analysis of RNA from adult C57BL/6 mouse hearts demonstrated NRTN expression in atrial and ventricular tissue. Virtually all neurons in the cardiac parasympathetic ganglia exhibited the cholinergic phenotype, and over 90% of these cells contained both components of the NRTN receptor, Ret tyrosine kinase and GDNF family receptor α2 (GFRα2). Cholinergic nerve fibers, identified by labeling for the high affinity choline transporter, were abundant in the sinus and atrioventricular nodes, ventricular conducting system, interatrial septum, and much of the right atrium, but less abundant in the left atrium. The right ventricular myocardium contained a low density of cholinergic nerves, which were sparse in other regions of the working ventricular myocardium. Some cholinergic nerves were also associated with coronary vessels. GFRα2 was present in most cholinergic nerve fibers and in Schwann cells and their processes throughout the heart. Some cholinergic nerve fibers, such as those in the sinus node, also exhibited Ret immunoreactivity. These findings provide the first detailed mapping of cholinergic nerves in mouse heart and suggest that the neurotrophic influence of NRTN on cardiac cholinergic innervation continues in mature animals.
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Platelet surface receptors and melanoma metastasis / Plättchen-Oberflächenrezeptoren und Melanom-MetastasierungErpenbeck, Luise 18 May 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Antiobesity and antidiabetic activity of P. balsamifera, its active Salicortin, and L. laricina, medicinal plants from the traditional pharmacopoeia of the James Bay CreeHarbilas, Despina 01 1900 (has links)
La prévalence de l’obésité, du diabète de type 2, et du syndrome métabolique, sont à la hausse chez les Cris d’Eeyou Istchee (CEI-Nord du Québec). Ces problèmes sont aggravés par leur diète non traditionnelle, leur sédentarité, ainsi que par une résistance culturelle aux produits pharmaceutiques. Afin de développer des traitements antidiabétiques culturellement adaptés, notre équipe a effectué une enquête ethnobotanique qui a identifié 17 plantes provenant de la pharmacopée traditionnelle des CEI. À partir des études de criblage effectuées in vitro, deux plantes parmi les 17 ont attiré notre attention. Populus balsamifera L. (Salicaceae) pour ses propriétés anti-obésité et Larix laricina K. Koch (Pinaceae) pour ses propriétés antidiabétiques. P. balsamifera et son composé actif salicortin ont inhibé l’accumulation de triglycérides durant l’adipogénèse dans les adipocytes 3T3-L1. L. laricina a augmenté le transport de glucose et l’activation de l’AMPK dans les cellules musculaires C2C12, l’adipogénèse dans les 3T3-L1 et a démontré un fort potentiel découpleur (propriété anti-obésité).
Les objectifs de cette thèse sont d'évaluer les potentiels anti-obésité et antidiabétique et d’élucider les mécanismes d'action de P. balsamifera, salicortin, et L. laricina chez la souris C57BL/6 rendue obèse par une diète riche en gras (HFD). Les souris ont été soumises pendant huit (étude préventive) ou seize semaines (étude traitement) à une HFD, ou à une HFD dans laquelle P. balsamifera, salicortin, ou L. laricina a été incorporé soit dès le départ (prévention), ou dans les 8 dernières des 16 semaines d'administration de HFD (traitement).
Les résultats démontrent que P. balsamifera (dans les deux études) et salicortin (évalué dans l’étude traitement) diminuent: le poids corporel, le gras rétropéritonéal, la sévérité de la stéatose et l’accumulation de triglycérides hépatique (ERK impliqué), les niveaux de glycémie et d'insuline, et le ratio leptine/adiponectine. Dans les deux études, P. balsamifera a significativement réduit la consommation de nourriture mais cet effet coupe-faim nécessite d’être approfondi. Dans l'étude préventive, P. balsamifera a augmenté la dépense énergétique (hausse de la température à la surface de la peau et de l’activation de la protéine découplante-1; UCP-1). Les voies de signalisation activées par P. balsamifera et par salicortin (de façon plus modeste) sont impliquées dans: la production de glucose hépatique (Akt), l’expression de Glut4 dans le muscle squelettique, la captation du glucose et du métabolisme des lipides (Akt dans le tissu adipeux), la différenciation des adipocytes (ERK et PPARg), l’inflammation dans le foie (IKKαβ), et l'oxydation des acides gras dans le muscle, le foie, ou le tissu adipeux (PPARa et CPT-1). D’autre part, L. laricina a également diminué les niveaux de glycémie et d’insuline, le ratio leptine/adiponectine, le gras rétropéritonéal et le poids corporel. Ces effets ont été observés en conjonction avec une augmentation de la dépense énergétique: hausse de température à la surface de la peau (prévention) et amélioration de la fonction mitochondriale et de la synthèse d'ATP (traitement).
En conclusion, l’utilisation de P. balsamifera, salicortin et L. laricina comme des traitements alternatifs et culturellement adaptés aux CEI représente une contribution importante dans la prévention et le traitement de l’obésité et du diabète. / The prevalence of obesity, insulin resistance, and the metabolic syndrome is increasing among the Cree of Eeyou Istchee (CEI - Northern Quebec). Non-traditional diet and sedentary lifestyle along with cultural disconnect of modern type 2 diabetes (T2D) therapies are involved. In order to establish culturally adapted antidiabetic treatments, our research team conducted an ethnobotanical survey, where 17 plants were identified from the CEI traditional pharmacopoeia. Based on data obtained from in vitro screening studies, two plant species out of 17 were of particular interest for their properties as antiobesity, namely Populus balsamifera L. (Salicaceae), and antidiabetic agents, namely Larix laricina K. Koch (Pinaceae). P. balsamifera and its active salicortin inhibited triglyceride accumulation during adipogenesis in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. L. laricina increased glucose uptake and AMPK activation in C2C12 myotubes, adipogenesis in the 3T3-L1 adipocyte cell line, and was observed as one of the strongest uncouplers, severely disrupting mitochondrial function (increasing fuel consumption/metabolic rate; antiobesity property).
The purpose of this PhD thesis is to evaluate the antiobesity and antidiabetic potential of P. balsamifera, salicortin, and L. laricina, in an in vivo model of diet-induced obese (DIO) C57BL/6 mice, as well as to investigate their possible mechanisms of action. Mice were subjected for eight (prevention study) or sixteen weeks (treatment study) to a high fat diet (HFD), or HFD to which P. balsamifera, salicortin, or L. laricina were incorporated either at onset (prevention), or in the last 8 of the 16 weeks of administration of the HFD (treatment). The results showed that P. balsamifera (in either study) and salicortin (incorporated in HFD only in treatment study) decreased the weight of whole
body, retroperitoneal fat pad, reduced the severity of hepatic macrovesicular steatosis and triglyceride accumulation (ERK pathway implicated). They also decreased glycemia and improved insulin sensitivity by diminishing insulin levels, and altering adipokine secretion whereby reducing the leptin/adiponectin ratio. In both studies, P. balsamifera significantly reduced food intake. This appetite-reducing effect needs to be investigated further. In the prevention study this was accompanied by an increase in energy expenditure (increase in skin temperature and tends to increase expression of uncoupling protein-1; UCP-1). The signaling pathways activated by P. balsamifera and slightly by salicortin are implicated in either controlling hepatic glucose output (Akt), skeletal muscle Glut4 expression, glucose uptake and lipid metabolism in adipose tissue (Akt), adipocyte differentiation (ERK pathway and PPARg), decreasing the hepatic inflammatory state (IKKab), and increasing muscular, hepatic, or adipose tissue fatty acid oxidation (PPARa, CPT-1). As for L. laricina, it effectively decreased glycemia levels, insulin levels and the leptin/adiponectin ratio, improved insulin sensitivity and slightly decreased abdominal fat pad and body weights. This occurred in conjunction with increased energy expenditure as demonstrated by elevated skin temperature in the prevention study, and tendency to improve mitochondrial function and ATP synthesis in the treatment protocol.
In conclusion, these results represent a major contribution, identifying P. balsamifera, salicortin, and L. laricina, as promising alternative, and culturally adapted therapies for the prevention and treatment care of obesity and diabetes among the CEI.
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Alteração do tecido adiposo e fígado em modelo experimental de síndrome metabólica: ação de agonista PPAR-gama e bloqueador de receptor AT1 da angiotensina 2 / Change of adipose tissue and liver in an experimental of metabolic syndrome: the action of PPAR-gamma and AT1 receptor blocker angiotensin 2Leonardo de Souza Mendonça 28 February 2013 (has links)
Fundação Carlos Chagas Filho de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado do Rio de Janeiro / Este trabalho teve como objetivo investigar os efeitos da telmisartana (agonista PPAR-gama parcial), losartana (puro bloqueador do receptor AT1 da angiotensina II) e rosiglitazona (agonista PPAR-gama) em modelo experimental de síndrome metabólica. Os alvos do estudo foram a pressão arterial, metabolismo de carboidratos, resistência insulínica, inflamação, tecido adiposo e fígado. Camundongos C57BL/6 (a partir de 3 meses de idade) foram alimentados com dieta padrão (SC, n = 10) ou dieta hiperlipídica rica em sal (HFHS, n = 40) por 12 semanas. Após esse tempo, os animais do grupo HFHS foram subdivididos em 4 grupos (n = 10): HFHS (sem tratamento), ROSI (HFHS tratado com rosiglitazona), TELM (HFHS tratado com telmisartana) e LOS (HFHS tratado com losartana) por 5 semanas. O grupo HFHS apresentou um significante ganho de peso e aumento da pressão arterial sistólica, hiperinsulinemia com resistência insulínica, hiperleptinemia, hipertrofia de adipócitos bem como um quadro de esteatose hepática e níveis aumentados da citocina inflamatória interleucina-6 (IL-6). Os animais tratados com telmisartana chegou ao final do experimento com massa corporal similar ao grupo SC, com reversão do quadro de resistência insulínica, com pressão arterial normal, adipócitos de tamanho normal e sem apresentar esteatose hepática. Além disso, o tratamento com telmisartana aumentou a expressão de PPARγ e adiponectina no tecido adiposo epididimal. A expressão da proteína desacopladora-1 (UCP-1) no tecido adiposo branco (TAB) também foi aumentada. O tratamento com losartana diminuiu a pressão arterial para valores normais, porém com menores efeitos nos parâmetros metabólicos dos animais. O presente modelo experimental de ganho de peso e hipertensão induzidos por dieta mimetiza a síndrome metabólica humana. Neste modelo, a telmisartana aumentou a expressão de UCP-1 no TAB, preveniu o ganho de peso e melhorou a sensibilidade à insulina e a esteatose hepática dos camundongos C57BL/6, provavelmente devido à ativação PPAR-gama. / The study aimed to investigate the effects of telmisartan (a partial PPAR gamma agonist), losartan (a pure angiotensin II receptor blocker) and rosiglitazone (PPAR gamma agonist) in a mice model of metabolic syndrome (MetS). The targets of this study were blood pressure (BP), carbohydrate metabolism, insulin resistance, inflammation, white adipose tissue (WAT) and liver. Male C57BL/6 mice were studied over 17 weeks after being separated into two major groups according to diet: standard chow (SC, 10% fat, n = 10) or high-fat high-salt chow (HFHS, 60% fat, 7% salt, n = 40). In the last 5 weeks of the experiment, the HFHS group was divided into four groups (n = 10): untreated HFHS, ROSI (HFHS plus rosiglitazone), TELM (HFHS plus telmisartan), and LOS (HFHS plus losartan). The HFHS group had significantly greater body mass and BP, in addition to hyperinsulinemia with insulin resistance, hyperleptinemia, adipocyte hypertrophy and hepatic steatosis as well as increased inflammatory cytokine levels. Animals treated with telmisartan had body weights similar to the SC group, in addition to reversed insulin resistance, reduced hypertension, reduced adipocyte hypertrophy, ameliorates hepatic steatosis and decreased IL-6. Telmisartan increased PPARγ and adiponectin expression in white adipose tissue. Interestingly, the expression of UCP-1 in white adipose tissue was also increased by treatment with telmisartan. Losartan decreased BP but had smaller effects on metabolic parameters. The present model of diet-induced weight gain and hypertension in mice mimics human features of MetS. In this model, telmisartan enhances UCP-1 expression in WAT, prevented weight gain and ameliorates insulin sensitivity and hepatic steatosis in C57Bl/6 mice, probably due to PPAR gamma activation.
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