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Radiosensitizing glioblastoma in a rat model using l-buthionine-sr-sulfoximine (BSO)Ataelmannan, Khalid Ali 21 April 2008 (has links)
Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is the most aggressive and most common primary brain tumor in adults accounting for 50-60% of primary brain tumors. The prognosis for patients with GBM remains poor and treatment is mainly palliative with a mean survival time of less than one year. Radiotherapy is used extensively in the management of glioblastoma either alone or in combination with surgery and/or chemotherapy. However, this tumor is one of the most resistant tumors to radiotherapy thus limiting the benefit of this form of treatment. <p>Studies have shown that malignant tumors have a high content of glutathione an antioxidant responsible for protecting the cells against damage from free radicals (mainly superoxide, hydroxyl and hydrogen peroxide). It is well established that glutathione, by neutralizing these free radicals plays a major role in radioresistance. Glioblastoma has relatively high levels of glutathione. In this study, by reducing the glutathione content of glioblastoma in a rat model, we were able to investigate the effect of this reduction in enhancing the effect of radiotherapy as a form of treatment for glioblastoma multiforme in a rat model. <p>By injecting L-Buthionine-SR-Sulfoximine (BSO) in to the tumor tissue, the glutathione content of the tumor was reduced by about 70% of its initial value. When administered into the tumors 2 hours prior to radiotherapy the animals so treated had a significantly longer median survival time compared with animals that received radiotherapy alone.
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Πρωτεϊνική περιοχή FIMAC : Δομή, λειτουργία, εξέλιξηΠατιού, Περιστέρα 02 March 2015 (has links)
Το συμπλήρωμα είναι βασικός παράγοντας της φυσικής ανοσίας (innate immunity) και αποτελεί γέφυρα για την ενεργοποίηση της ειδικής ανοσίας (adaptive immunity). Αποτελείται από ένα σύστημα πρωτεϊνών, που συναντώνται ως ανενεργά προένζυμα και ενεργοποιούνται μέσω πρωτεόλυσης πυροδοτώντας έναν καταρράκτη αντιδράσεων. Οι οδοί ενεργοποίησης του συμπληρώματος καταλήγουν στον σχηματισμό ενός λυτικού συμπλόκου (Membrane Attack Complex – MAC) που καταστρέφει τους παθογόνους μικροοργανισμούς. Οι πρωτεΐνες, συστατικά του συμπλόκου, ανήκουν στην οικογένεια MACPF (MAC – Perforin). Σημαντικό ρόλο στη λειτουργία τους παίζει η πρωτεϊνική περιοχή (module) FIMAC (Factor I Membrane Attack Complex). Η περιοχή αυτή υπάρχει στα συστατικά C6 (Complement component 6) και C7 (Complement component 7) του συμπλόκου MAC και φαίνεται να είναι η περιοχή πρόσδεσής τους με την περιοχή C345C του C5b. Επιπλέον, η περιοχή FIMAC υπάρχει και στον παράγοντα Ι του Συμπληρώματος (Complement Factor I, CFI), ο οποίος συμμετέχει στην αποσταθεροποίηση της κομβερτάσης C3/C5, μέσω του καρβοξυτελικού άκρου της FIMAC που φαίνεται να συνδέεται αλλοστερικά με την πρωτεϊνική περιοχή SP (Serine Protease), που αποτελεί την ενεργή του περιοχή.
Το μοντέλο, για την ανάλυση της περιοχής FIMAC βασίστηκε στην περιοχή της πρωτεΐνης φολιστατίνη (follistatin, FS) FD (follistatin Domain), η οποία αναλύθηκε πρόσφατα κρυσταλλογραφικά και με την οποία εμφανίζει ομοιότητα στην αλληλουχία της. Η δομή FD αποτελεί ένα υβρίδιο μιας αμινοτελικής περιοχής EGF (Epidermal Growth Factor) και μίας καρβοξυτελικής περιοχής του ωοβλεννοειδούς (ovomucoid) που ομοιάζουν με τις πρωτεϊνικές περιοχές KAZAL και συναντώνται σε πολλούς αναστολείς σερινικών πρωτεασών. Η περιοχή FD περιέχεται, επίσης, στην πρωτεΐνη αγκρίνη (agrin, AGRN) που αποτελεί συστατικό της βασικής μεμβράνης και παίζει σημαντικό ρόλο στην νευρομυϊκή σύναψη.
Η μελέτη των πρωτεϊνικών περιοχών FIMAC και KAZAL αναφορικά με την λειτουργία, την δομή και την εξέλιξή τους αποτέλεσε το αντικείμενο της παρούσας εργασίας. Για την εκπόνηση αυτής της μελέτης χρησιμοποιήθηκαν δεδομένα από βάσεις βιολογικών δεδομένων και εργαλεία βιοπληροφορικής ανάλυσης. Πρωτογενές υλικό της μελέτης αποτέλεσαν οι νουκλεοτιδικές και αμινοξικές αλληλουχίες των γονιδίων C6, C7, CFI, AGRN και FS σε όλους τους οργανισμούς που βρέθηκαν (σπονδυλωτά και ασπόνδυλα), και πιο συγκεκριμένα οι αλληλουχίες που αντιστοιχούν στις πρωτεϊνικές περιοχές FIMAC και KAZAL.
Οι πρωτοταγείς δομές των FIMAC ( ̴ 78αα) και KAZAL ( ̴ 55αα) διαφέρουν ως προς το μήκος τους, με μερικές εξαιρέσεις που αφορούν περιοχές KAZAL των πρωτεϊνών AGRN και FS (>80αα). Οι δευτεροταγείς δομές των FIMAC και KAZAL παρουσιάζουν μεγάλη ομοιότητα, φέροντας δομές α – έλικας και β – πτυχωτής επιφάνειας στην αλληλουχία τους. Τέλος, τα μοντέλα προσομοίωσης τριτοταγούς δομής και των δύο περιοχών FIMAC και KAZAL οπτικοποιούν τη διαμόρφωση των δομών της α – έλικας και των β – πτυχωτών επιφανειών στον χώρο. Αξιοσημείωτη είναι η παρουσία σημαντικού αριθμού κυστεϊνικών καταλοίπων στις αλληλουχίες των περιοχών FIMAC (8 – 10 Cys), με μεγαλύτερη συγκέντρωση στο αμινοτελικό άκρο, και KAZAL (4 – 6 Cys) με ομοιόμορφη κατανομή.
Εξελικτικά, η εμφάνιση γονιδίων που συμμετέχουν και στις τρεις οδούς ενεργοποίησης του συμπληρώματος και καταλήγουν στη διαμόρφωση του συμπλόκου MAC συνοδεύεται με την εμφάνιση των χονδριχθύων. Πιο συγκεκριμένα, όσον αφορά τα γονίδια του συμπληρώματος που περιλαμβάνουν τις περιοχές FIMAC και KAZAL, ο CFI πρωτοεμφανίζεται στα άγναθα, το C6 στους χονδριχθείς και το C7 στους οστεϊχθείς. Η παρουσία των γονιδίων AGRN και FS έχει πιστοποιηθεί νωρίτερα εξελικτικά στο στάδιο των κεφαλοχορδωτών καθώς και στους πλατυέλμινθες των πρωτοστομίων. Έτσι, φαίνεται ότι η περιοχή KAZAL στις πρωτεΐνες AGRN και FS στα ασπόνδυλα αποτελεί προγονική περιοχή όλων των FIMAC και KAZAL που υπάρχουν σήμερα. Ωστόσο, νέες πρωτεϊνικές περιοχές KAZAL εμφανίστηκαν και αργότερα κατά την εξέλιξη των ειδών. Η συντηρητικότητα και των δύο περιοχών FIMAC και KAZAL στο επίπεδο της γονιδιακής τους κληρονόμησης είναι μεγάλη. Όλα τα intron phases των εξονίων που κωδικοποιούν τις περιοχές KAZAL και FIMAC σε όλα τα γονίδια όπου συναντώνται είναι 1, εκτός από τα αντίστοιχα εξόνια για την περιοχή FIMAC της γραμμικής θέσης 1 στις πρωτεΐνες C6 και C7 (intron phase 2), που φαίνεται να είναι εξελικτικά μεταγενέστερες περιοχές, και δημιουργήθηκαν με διπλασιασμό εξονίου, σε μεταγενέστερα εξελικτικά στάδια. / The complement system is a key component of the innate immune system and links the innate and adaptive immunity. It consists of more than 35 soluble and membrane proteins that initially are found as inactivated proenzymes and they can be activated by a proteolytic cascade. All three pathways that activate the complement leads to the formation of a Membrane Attack Complex (MAC) that lyses the pathogenic microorganisms. Proteins that participate in the formation of MAC, belongs to the MACPF (MAC – Perforin) family. The FIMAC (Factor I Membrane Attack Complex) module plays significant role in the function of MACPF proteins. The Complement proteins 6 (C6) and 7 (C7) that are components of the MAC, include the FIMAC module in their sequences and it seems that this module is their binding region with C345C of C5b. Moreover, the FIMAC module exists in Complement Factor I (CFI), which is a serine protease (SP) and degrades C4b and C3b molecules. The carboxyl - terminal of FIMAC module binds allosteric with the SP region in CFI and seems to be important for the function of CFI as a serine protease.
The model for the analysis of FIMAC module was based in Follistatin Domain (FD) of follistatin (FS) protein, which has been analyzed by crystallography. FIMAC and FD modules seem to have homologous sequences. The FD structure is a hybrid of an amino – terminal EGF (Epidermal Growth Factor) subdomain and of a carboxyl – terminal similar to ovomucoid subdomain, which is called KAZAL and is present in many serine protease inhibitors. The FD module is also present in the Agrin (AGRN) protein. AGRN is an extracellular matrix molecule released by the nerve and is critical for the formation of the neuromuscular junction.
The subject of this work was the study of FIMAC and KAZAL modules concerning their function, structure and evolution. There were used data from biological databases and bioinformatic tools for analysis. The nucleotide and amino acid sequences of C6, C7, CFI, AGRN and FS genes from the organisms that were found (vertebrates and invertebrates), and more specific, FIMAC and KAZAL sequences, were the primary material of this study.
There are differences in the length of the primary structures of FIMAC ( ̴ 78aa) and KAZAL ( ̴ 55aa) modules, except for some KAZAL modules of AGRN and FS proteins (>80aa). The secondary structures of FIMAC and KAZAL modules seem to be similar as both of them contain α-helix and β-sheet conformations. Simulation models of tertiary structure of both FIMAC and KAZAL modules revealed a common conformation of α-helix and β-sheet in space. The presence of cysteine residues are very conserved and seem to be important in FIMAC (8 – 10 Cys) and KAZAL (4 – 6 Cys) modules, although the concentration of cysteine residues in FIMAC modules are denser in amino – terminal region compared with their corresponding concentration in KAZALs, where they follow an equable distribution.
Evolutionary, the genes that participate in all three pathways of complement activation and result in MAC formation, first appeared on chondrichthyes. Moreover, FIMAC and KAZAL modules included in CFI sequence found firstly on agnatha, on chondrichthyes in C6 sequences and on osteichthyes in C7 sequences. The presence of AGRN and FS genes were certified earlier in evolution on cephalochordates and platyelminthes of protostomes. As a result, it seems that the KAZAL modules of AGRN and FS proteins in invertebrates are the ancestors of all FIMAC and KAZAL modules. Nevertheless, new KAZAL modules appeared later during evolution of species. At the genomic level, exons corresponding to the FIMAC and KAZAL modules are highly conserved in different taxa. Intron phases of all exons corresponding to the FIMAC and KAZAL modules in all genes are 1, except for exons of FIMAC modules in first position of C6 and C7 genes (phase 2) that seem to be evolutionary posterior and were emerged by exon duplication, later in evolution.
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Characterization of the humoral immune response in dogs after vaccination against the causative agent of the Lyme Borreliosis, Borrelia burgdorferi, with different vaccines using two different vaccination schedules / Charakterisierung der humoralen Immunantwort im Hund nach Impfung mit verschiedenen Impfstoffen gegen den Erreger der Lyme-Borreliose, Borrelia burgdorferi, unter Berücksichtigung zweier verschiedener ImpfstrategienTöpfer, Katharina 10 October 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Lyme-Borreliose, die mittlerweile in der nördlichen Hemisphäre wichtigste durch Vektoren übertragene Erkrankung, wird durch Spirochäten aus der Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato Gruppe hervorgerufen. Viele der in letzter Zeit veröffentlichten Studien haben darauf hingewiesen, dass durch Antibiotikagaben eine vollständige Erregerelimination nach Infektion nicht erreicht werden kann. Eine prophylaktische Versorgung rückt somit immer weiter in den Vordergrund des Interesses. Eine Impfung ist jedoch auch nicht unproblematisch: Untersuchungen beim Menschen haben gezeigt, dass nach zweimaliger Immunisierung im ersten Jahr lediglich 68% der Probanden geschützt waren und mit einer weiteren, sich anschließenden Immunisierung der Schutz gesteigert werden konnte. Deshalb sollte die hier an Hunden durchgeführte Studie aufzeigen, ob durch eine dreimalige Impfstoffapplikation im Verlauf der Grundimmunisierung mit kommerziell erhältlichen Impfstoffen die im Hund gebildeten Antikörperspiegel zu steigern. Ein höheres Antikörperniveau führt zu einem verzögerten Antikörperabfall und somit zu einem verlängerten Schutz. Weiterhin sollte zusätzlich das induzierte Antikörperprofil näher charakterisiert und somit auch eine Aussage über die Wirksamkeit gegenüber verschiedenen Borrelienspezies ermöglicht werden. Die im Verlauf dieser Studie durchgeführten Untersuchungen zeigen, dass zunächst eine höher als erwartete Infektionsrate für die Lyme-Borreliose in Sachsen innerhalb der Hundepopulation auftritt. Der prozentuale Anteil seropositiver Tiere beträgt 20,3%. Eine serologisch nachgewiesene Infektion steht allerdings nicht in direktem Zusammenhang mit einem Ausbruch der Erkrankung und darf demnach nicht mit der Erkrankungsrate innerhalb der Hundepopulation gleichgesetzt werden. Die bisher auf dem Markt erhältlichen und hier untersuchten Impfstoffe Merilym (B. burgdorferi s. s. Lysatimpfstoff, Merial, Deutschland), LymeVax (B. burgdorferi s. s. Lysatimpfstoff, Fort Doge, USA), Biocan (B. garinii, B. afzelii Lysatimpfstoff, Bioveta, Tschechien), ProLyme (rekombinanter Outer surface protein A (OspA) Impfstoff, Intervet, USA) und RecombitekLyme (rekombinanter OspA Impfstoff, Merial, USA) wurden in seronegativen Tieren bezüglich der induzierten Gesamtantikörper, der spezifisch gegen OspA gerichteten Antikörper und ihrer Kreuzreaktivität gegenüber heterologen Spezies untersucht, wobei der Einfluss von zwei verschiedenen Impfstrategien von besonderem Interesse war. Durch eine dreifache Antigengabe im Rahmen der Grundimmunisierung konnte nur bei zwei der untersuchten Impfstoffe (Merilym und Biocan) eine deutliche Erhöhung der Antikörperspiegel erreicht werden, die sich aber statistisch nicht signifikant von den anderen unterscheidet. Somit ist eine Umsetzung dieses Impfregimes in die Praxis nicht zu empfehlen. Es zeigt im Verlauf des Jahres bei allen Impfstoffen ein Titerabfall, sowohl bei den Gesamtantikörpern, als auch bei den OspA-Antikörpern. Mit Ausnahme von Biocan, hier sind kaum OspA-Antikörper nachweisbar, induzieren alle Impfstoffe nach der Impfung vor allem OspA-Antikörper, die jedoch sehr schnell wieder abfallen und nach einem halben Jahr nur mehr in geringem Maße nachweisbar sind. Diese OspA-Antikörper sind speziesspezifisch und nur in sehr geringem Umfang kreuzreaktiv. Diese Ergebnisse weisen auf eine Suszeptibilität der geimpften Tiere bezüglich einer Borrelieninfektion innerhalb mehrerer Monate nach Impfung hin. Es empfiehlt sich eine dritte Immunisierung nach sechs Monaten, um auch in der zweiten Jahreshälfte schützende Antikörperspiegel zu ermöglichen. Untersuchungen der Kreuzreaktivität in-vitro sprechen für eine mangelhafte Bindungsfähigkeit induzierter Impfantikörper gegenüber anderen Borrelienspezies, die in Zusammenhang mit einem geringen Schutz in-vivo gesehen werden könnten. Somit ist ein rein speziesspezifischer Impfschutz wahrscheinlich. Da vor allem in Europa eine große Borrelien-Artenvielfalt vorherrscht, deuten die hier vorgestellten Ergebnisse eine nur gegen eine Spezies gerichtete Immunität bei geimpften Hunden an. Die Notwendigkeit der Entwicklung eines neuen Impfstoffes, basierend auf einer Mischung speziesspezifischer OspA-Antigene gewonnen aus B. burgdorferi s. s., B. garinii und B. afzelii in Kombination mit weiteren Antigenen, da der Schutzmechanismus beruhend auf OspA bereits durch eine OspA-Variation seitens der Borrelien durchbrochen werden kann, wird durch die hier vorgelegten Resultate gestützt. Da ein solcher Impfstoff bisher nicht erhältlich ist und die Schutzwirkung der erhältlichen Impfung als partiell angesehen werden kann, rücken einfache, aber in der Regel zuverlässigere Methoden in den Vordergrund. Die tägliche Entfernung von Zecken ist eine wirksame Vorgehensweise, um das Infektionsrisiko zu minimieren. Auch der Einsatz akarizider Substanzen und Repellentien bietet sich an, um die Übertragung der Borreliose und weiterer, von Zecken übertragene Erreger zu unterbinden. / Lyme-Borreliose, currently the most important vector-borne disease in the northern hemisphere, is caused by spirochetes from the Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato complex. Recently published studies have indicated that a complete eradication of the bacterium from the host’s tissue by antibiotic treatment is not possible. Therefore prophylactic measures become more important. However, vaccines are not unproblematic: studies in humans have shown that only 68% of the participants were protected after two immunizations applied during the first year, while the level of protection rose when an additional immunization was given. Therefore, the study presented here was designed to reveal whether three initial immunizations with commercial vaccines are able to raise the antibody levels in dogs. Higher antibody levels are the basis for a delayed disappearance of antibodies due to natural decay and therefore provide an extended protection from infection. Furthermore, the induced antibody profile was subject of a more precise characterization in order to draw possible conclusions about their efficacy against other Borrelia species. The results presented in this study show a higher than expected prevalence of Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato seropositivity in dogs from Saxony. The percentage of seropositive dogs was 20.3%. Since seropositivity is not necessarily linked with the onset of the disease, this result does not describe the disease incident in the dog population. In the course of the study, commercially available vaccines, Merilym (B. burgdorferi s. s. lysate, Merial, Germany), LymeVax (B. burgdorferi s. s. lysate, Fort Dodge, USA), Biocan (B. afzelii, B. garinii lysate, Bioveta, Czech Republic), ProLyme (recombinant Outer surface protein A (OspA) with adjuvant, Intervet, USA) and RecombitekLyme (recombinant OspA without adjuvant, Merial, USA) were evaluated for induced antibody levels and the amount of OspA antibodies in seronegative dogs, in which two different vaccination schedules were of special interest. In addition the cross reaction of antibodies on heterologous antigens was analyzed. Three immunizations during the first year with two (Merilym and Biocan) of the five vaccines tested increase the vaccinal antibody levels, but this increase of antibody levels is not statistically significant. Therefore a recommendation for a third antigen application within the first six weeks after basic immunisation can not be given. All vaccine-induced antibody levels show a decrease within the first year concerning total antibody titers as well as OspA antibody titers. Except for Biocan the specificity of the initially induced antibodies by vaccination are directed mainly against OspA. These antibody titers decrease quickly resulting in minimum amounts of detectable antibodies within the period of six months. These OspA antibodies are species-specific and show only a minor cross reactivity. The results presented here suggest that vaccinated animals are susceptible for a borrelia infection within months after immunization. Therefore a third vaccination six months after the basic immunization is advisable in order to induce a long lasting protective antibody level during the period of one year. These data generated with in-vitro systems suggest that only a species-specific protection can be expected in-vivo. The species heterogeneity within Europe suggests that the vaccine available in Europe only protects from infection with the species used for vaccine preparation. These results underline the necessity to develop a new vaccine consistent of a mixture of OspA derived from at least B. burgdorferi s. s., B. garinii and B. afzelii in combination with other antigens, since protection from infection via OspA can be circumvented by minor OspA variations on the part of the borrelia. Since such a vaccine is not yet available, and therefore other methods that provide protection are necessary. Daily control of the dog and the removal of adherent ticks can help to prevent a possible infection since borrelia take at least 24 hours to migrate from the midgut of the tick to the salivary gland where they can infect the host. In addition, the use of repellent or acarizides might be helpful to avoid attachment or achieve the death of adherent ticks and therefore minimize the risk of infection with borrelia as well as other tick-borne diseases.
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Infektionen mit Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato und deren serologischer Nachweis mittels spezifischer C6-Peptide bei Hunden sowie im murinen InfektionsmodellKrupka, Inke 12 April 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Die sichere Diagnose der Lyme-Borreliose und der Nachweis des verursachenden Spirochäten Borrelia burgdorferi bei Mensch und Tier sind problematisch. In Nordamerika ist B. burgdorferi sensu stricto (B. burgdorferi s.s.) die einzige pathogene Spezies, während in Europa und Asien mit B. garinii und B. afzelii mindestens zwei weitere pathogene Arten vorkommen. B. valaisiana, B. spielmanii und B. lusitaniae werden ebenfalls als Verursacher der Lyme-Borreliose diskutiert. Der indirekte Erregernachweis durch Detektion von Antikörpern mittels Antigen aus Borrelienlysat im Zweistufentest (ELISA und Western-Blot) gilt seit langem trotz der anspruchsvollen Interpretationskriterien als Methode der Wahl. Ein hochspezifischer ELISA mit dem synthetischen C6 Peptid als Antigenkomponente ergänzt erst seit wenigen Jahren die Diagnostik. Das C6-Peptid basiert auf der invariablen Region 6, welche eine konstante Region des ansonsten hochvariablen Borrelien-Oberflächenproteins VlsE darstellt. Nur metabolisch aktive Borrelien exprimieren VlsE/C6 Epitope im Säugetierwirt. Studien zeigten, dass C6-Antikörper mehrere Monate nach einer potenziell erfolgreichen antibiotischen Therapie deutlich messbar und langfristig absinken. In Deutschland sind ein C6-Schnelltest (4Dx®SNAP®, IDEXX Inc., USA) und ELISA (Quant C6®, IDEXX Inc., USA) für die Serodiagnostik bei Hunden erhältlich. Über die Anwendbarkeit des C6-Peptids für die kanine Borreliosediagnostik in Deutschland liegen wenige Daten vor, aber zunehmend wird der Ersatz des Zweistufentests durch das C6-Peptid diskutiert. In dieser Arbeit sollte zunächst festgestellt werden, ob potenzielle kanine Infektionen in der Routinediagnostik mit dem C6-Peptid ebenso sensitiv detektiert werden können wie mit dem Zweistufentest und ob C6-positive Hunde nach einer Antibiose mit dem deutlichen Sinken der C6 Antikörperspiegel als Zeichen eines potenziellen Therapieerfolges reagieren. Dafür wurden 510 Sera von Hunden aus verschiedenen deutschen Tierarztpraxen untersucht, wobei neben der serologischen Untersuchung eine Analyse der Vorberichte erfolgte. Eine dort angegebene, bestehende Infektion konnte in 93,3 % der Fälle serologisch nicht bestätigt werden und nur bei 3,3 % der Hunde wurden infektionsspezifische Antikörper ermittelt. Der Zweistufentest und der C6 Schnelltest wiesen hier eine vollständige Übereinstimmung auf. Unabhängig vom Vorliegen klinischer Anzeichen wurden für diese Studie C6-positive Hunde mit Antibiotika behandelt. Vier bis 18 Monaten nach der Therapie wurde von insgesamt 27 Hunden eine zweite Blutprobe untersucht. Die C6 Antikörperspiegel waren bei acht Hunden im ELISA um mindestens 50 % gesunken. Für deutliche Effekte musste aber ein ausreichend hoher initialer C6-Antikörperspiegel vorliegen. Da in Europa mindestens drei pathogene Borrelienarten vorkommen, wurde in einem murinen Infektionsmodell analysiert, ob speziesspezifische C6-Peptide von B. burgdorferi s.s., B. garinii und zwei Varianten von B. afzelii sicher Antikörper detektieren, die durch definierte experimentelle Monoinfektionen mit B. burgdorferi s.s. N40, B. garinii PBi, B. afzelii Slovakia, B. afzelii PKo, B. valaisiana, B. spielmanii oder B. lusitaniae induziert wurden. Um die erfolgreiche Infektion zu belegen, wurden murine Gewebe zur Borrelienisolation in Kulturmedien inkubiert und zusätzlich eine qPCR zum Nachweis von ospA durchgeführt. Eine PCR zur Detektion von essenziellen Plasmiden ergab, dass die B.-lusitaniae- und B.-valaisiana-Isolate nicht infektiös waren. Eine Infektion konnte durch Gewebekultur und qPCR dagegen bei mit B.-burgdorferi-s.s.-, B- garinii-, B.-afzelii- und B. spielmanii-inokulierten Mäusen belegt werden. Die Ergebnisse des C6-Peptid-ELISAs wurden mit dem des Zweistufentests als Goldstandard verglichen und die Sensitivitäten der C6-Peptide ermittelt. Diese betrug bei C6-Peptiden von B. burgdorferi s.s. und B. garinii je 100 % für B.¬burgdorferi¬s.s.¬N40, B. garinii-PBi- oder B.-afzelii-PKo-spezifische C6-Antikörper. Dagegen konnten C6-Peptide basierend auf B. afzelii nur B.-afzelii-PKo-spezifische Antikörper zu 100 % erfassen. Antikörper gegen B. afzelii Slovakia wurden von jedem C6-Peptid schlechter erfasst als Antikörper gegen B. afzelii PKo, was das Vorkommen stamm- oder isolatspezifischer C6-Antikörperfraktionen nahelegt. Die Untersuchung der 27 C6-positiven Hundesera aus der serologischen Studie ergab zudem, dass der Großteil der Sera ausschließlich gegenüber B.-burgdorferi-C6 und B.-garinii-C6 deutlich messbar reagierte. Die Eignung des C6-Peptids in praxi als ein schneller, hochspezifischer Infektionsmarker für den serologischen Nachweis bei Hunden aus Deutschland kann bestätigt werden. Allerdings kann der alleinige Nachweis von C6-Antikörpern weder einen detaillierten Vorbericht, noch den Zweistufentest auf Lysatantigen-Basis ersetzen. Seine Eignung als Marker für einen potenziellen Therapieerfolg ist nur unter definierten Bedingungen gegeben. Die divergenten Sensitivitäten verschiedener C6 Peptidsequenzen gegenüber Antikörpern von in Europa vorkommenden Borrelien-Arten und Isolaten machen deutlich, dass zukünftig weiterer, intensiver Forschungsbedarf bezüglich der Etablierung von ausreichend sensitiven C6-Testsystemen für europäische Bedürfnisse notwendig ist.
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Investigação de novos alvos moleculares e metabolismo da monocrotalina extraída da crotalária retusa em células glias.Nascimento, Ravena Pereira do 14 June 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Emanoel Martins Filho (emanoelfilho@ufba.br) on 2016-09-12T17:23:39Z
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Dissertação Ravena Nascimento.pdf: 6552693 bytes, checksum: 2ae939c27305452b9886c764511a027c (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Patricia Barroso (pbarroso@ufba.br) on 2016-09-13T20:33:18Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1
Dissertação Ravena Nascimento.pdf: 6552693 bytes, checksum: 2ae939c27305452b9886c764511a027c (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-13T20:33:18Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
Dissertação Ravena Nascimento.pdf: 6552693 bytes, checksum: 2ae939c27305452b9886c764511a027c (MD5) / As interações metabólicas e de sinalização entre neurônios e células gliais são necessárias para o desenvolvimento e manutenção das funções e estruturas cerebrais e para neuroproteção, o que inclui a proteção contra ataques químicos. Os astrócitos são essenciais para a desintoxicação cerebral e apresentam um eficiente e específico sistema enzimático citocromo P450. Embora plantas do gênero Crotalária (Fabaceae, Leguminosae) sejam utilizadas na medicina popular, estas plantas são também consideradas tóxicas e podem causar danos a animais domésticos bem como problemas à saúde humana. Estudos em animais mostraram casos de intoxicação por plantas desse gênero, que induziram danos ao sistema nervoso central. Esta descoberta tem sido atribuída aos efeitos tóxicos do alcaloide pirrolizidinico (AP), monocrotalina (MCT). O envolvimento dos sistemas enzimáticos hepáticos P450 no metabolismo e toxicidade pulmonar da MCT foi elucidado, mas pouco se sabe sobre os mecanismos envolvidos na bioativação destes sistemas e a sua relação direta sobre a toxicidade no cérebro. Esta revisão apresenta os principais aspectos toxicológicos do gênero Crotalária que são estabelecidos na literatura e os resultados recentes que descrevem os mecanismos envolvidos nos efeitos neurotóxicos da MCT, extraída de Crotalária retusa, e sua interação com os neurônios em astrócitos isolados. / The metabolic interactions and signaling between neurons and glial cells are necessary for the development and maintenance of brain functions and structures and for neuroprotection, which includes protection from chemical attack. Astrocytes are essential for cerebral detoxification and present an efficient and specific cytochrome P450 enzymatic
system. Whilst Crotalaria (Fabaceae, Leguminosae) plants are used in popular medicine, they are considered toxic and can cause damage to livestock and human health problems. Studies in animals have shown cases of poisoning by plants from the genus Crotalaria, which induced damage to the central nervous system. This finding has been attributed to the toxic
effects of the pyrrolizidine alkaloid (PA) monocrotaline (MCT). The involvement of P450 enzymatic systems in MCT hepatic and pulmonary metabolism and toxicity has been
elucidated, but little is known about the pathways implicated in the bioactivation of these systems and the direct contribution of these systems to brain toxicity. This review will present
the main toxicological aspects of the Crotalaria genus that are established in the literature and recent findings describing the mechanisms involved in the neurotoxic effects of MCT, which
was extracted from Crotalaria retusa, and its interaction with neurons in isolated astrocytes.
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Shops, retailing and consumption in eighteenth-century provincial England : Norwich 1660-1800Barnett, Amy Clare January 2010 (has links)
The history of retail and consumption during the eighteenth-century has enjoyed interest from historians for a number of decades, yet few studies have concentrated on large cities or utilised a case study method to develop an in-depth and longitudinal understanding of change across the whole century. This study seeks to rectify this by concentrating on the city of Norwich, which was the second largest city in England in 1700, in order to build up a detailed social history of retail, shopping and consumption. The research seeks to clarify the exact nature of change in urban retail and consumption, exploring the existence of consumer and retail 'revolutions' and the relationship between them. Using a variety of archival sources the study uncovers the extent of the consumption of novel goods, the changing nature of the economic character of each of Norwich's thirty-four parishes and uncovers the dual personality of the city, with evidence for a leisured town set within the larger industrial city. Detailed mapping of directory data points to a concentration of luxury retail in key streets, making up a cultural thoroughfare which linked the traditional cultural centre of the city in the east to the new purpose-built leisure arena on the western boundary. The character of retail change and the role of the shopkeeper is assessed through newspaper advertisements, trade cards, probate inventories, diaries and contemporary visual representations of the city centre. While a clear transformation was detected across the century, the evidence suggests that change was cumulative rather than a big shift at a fixed point in time. However, although the changes noted in this research did not constitute 'revolution' in an immediate sense, the modifications in urban spaces, retail and consumption, which were evident from the beginning of the century, were undoubtedly significant in their long-term effects by laying the foundations for current practice.
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Analysis of Impact of R382W Mutation on Substrate Specificity of Grapefruit Flavonol Specific 3-GlucosyltransferaseKing, Kathleen, Shivakumar, Devaiah P., McIntosh, Cecelia A. 09 April 2015 (has links)
Flavonoids are a class of plant metabolites with a C6-C3-C6 structure. They are responsible for a large range of biological functions including UV protection, pigmentation, and anti-microbial properties. Citrus paradisi, the grapefruit, contains a wide variety of flavonoids, including the target flavonols which are characterized by a hydroxyl group at the C3 position. A glucose molecule is added to flavonols by 3-Oglucosyltransferases (3-O-GTs). C. paradisi F3-O-GT only glucosylates flavonols; however, Vitis vinifera (grape) 3-O-GT can accept both flavonols and anthocyanidins. The two enzymes have some identity with one another but sequence alignment pinpointed several areas of non-homology. Homology modeling using the crystallized structure of the V. vinifera 3-GT revealed sites within the non-homologous areas that could influence the binding site most directly. The 382 site was of particular interest with arginine in C. paradisi changed to tryptophan in V. vinifera, a much bulkier and non-charged amino acid. Site-directed mutagenis was performed to form the R382W mutant line and transformed into yeast for expression after induction with methanol. Western blot was used to determine the optimal protein induction time, after which the cells were harvested and broken to extract the proteins. Isolation and purification of the protein in question allows for enzyme analysis. This is performed by measuring incorporation of radioactive glucose onto various substrates from each flavonoid class. High counts indicate that the enzyme is active upon the substrate while low counts indicate little to no activity. Characterization will also be performed by varying reaction conditions. Thus, the optimal pH, temperature, substrate quantity, enzyme quantity, and reaction duration can be determined for this specific mutant. These experiments will determine if the R382W mutation has a significant impact on the substrate specificity or reaction conditions for the enzyme. A change in activity to include other classes of flavonoids besides flavonols indicates that the mutation site has a direct impact on the conformation of the binding site. Failure of the mutation to change substrate specificity still provides valuable information for the structure and function of the enzyme. This has implications for engineering enzymes to perform specific functions.
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Selective C-O Bond Hydrogenolysis Of Polyols Over Supported Bi(Metallic) Catalysts In Aqueous Phase / Valorisation d'hémicelluloses en polyols pour la préparation de polyesters ou résines alkydesSaid, Achraf 09 October 2017 (has links)
L'étude a porté sur la conversion en presence de catalyseurs bimétaliques supportes de trois molécules modèles de polyols (érythritol, xylitol et sorbitol) en phase aqueuse à 150-240 ° C sous 30-120 bar de H2 pour obtenir sélectivement des produits linéaires C4, C5 et C6 désoxygénés qui sont des précurseurs de polymèrs. L'activité catalytique dépend fortement de la nature du support utilisé (TiO2 vs ZrO2) et la plus grande sélectivité pour les produits désoxygénés linéaires voulus C4, C5 et C6 à une conversion de 80% est de 71, 66 et 54%, respectivement, en présence de catalyseur mixte à base de rhodium et du rhenium à 200 ° C sous 80-120 bar. Les caractérisations des catalyseurs par chimisorption de CO, MET-EDX, TGA-MS et XPS suggèrent une distribution et une réductibilité différentes des espèces de Re sur les nanoparticules Rh supportées en fonction du support permettant d'expliquer ces différences / The aim of our research project reports a study of heterogeneously catalyzed conversion of three polyol model molecules (erythritol, xylitol, and sorbitol) in aqueous phase at 150-240 °C under 30-120 bar of H2 to obtain selectively linear deoxygenated C4, C5, and C6 products used as precursors for polymer applications. The activity was strongly dependent on the nature of the support (TiO2 vs ZrO2) and the highest selectivity to the desired linear deoxygenated C4, C5, and C6 products at 80% conversion reached 71, 66, and 54%, respectively, in the presence of Rh–ReOx bimetallic catalysts at 200°C under 80-120 bar. The characterizations of the catalysts by CO chemisorption, TEM-EDX, TGA-MS, and XPS suggest a different distribution and reducibility of Re species over the supported Rh nanoparticles depending on the support that can explain these differences
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Análise da expressão de proteínas envolvidas no controle do ciclo celular, apoptose, angiogênese, invasão e migração de células C6 in vitro e in vivo, após o tratamento com o ácido <font face=\"symbol\">g-linolênico (GLA) e com um novo complexo dirutênico contendo Ibuprofeno (Ru-Ibp). / Analysis of the expression of proteins involved in cell cycle control, apoptosis, angiogenesis, migration and invasion of C6 rat glioma cells in vitro and in vivo, after treatment with <font face=\"symbol\">g-linolenic acid (GLA) and a novel diruthenium containing ibuprofen complex (Ru-Ibp).Marcel Benadiba 12 November 2008 (has links)
Os gliomas são tumores cerebrais intracraniais caracterizados pelo seu rápido crescimento e pela sua resistência à quimioterapia e radioterapia atuais. Assim, a procura por novos agentes terapêuticos com múltiplos mecanismos de ação têm identificado o ácido <font face=\"symbol\">g-linolênico (GLA), antiinflamatórios não esteroidais (AINEs) e compostos contendo rutênio como possíveis candidatos. Dessa forma, a principal proposta deste projeto foi entender melhor o mecanismo de ação dessas drogas sobre as células C6 de glioma de rato. Foram analisadas proteínas envolvidas no controle do ciclo celular, apoptose, angiogênese, invasão e migração através de RT-PCR e Western Blotting após tratamento in vitro e in vivo. Alterações da expressão de ciclina D1, E2F-1, pRb, p27, p21, p16, p65, c-myc, ERK1/2, nm23 e <font face=\"symbol\">b, MMP-2, Brevican GPI e Secretado, Tenascina-R, Tenascina-C, VEGF-A, Flt1, Flk1, Bax, PPAR<font face=\"symbol\">g, p53, COX-2, EP1, 2, 3 e 4, Ku70 e 80 foram encontradas. Em conclusão, o GLA e o complexo Rutênio-Ibuprofeno possuem múltiplos alvos que levam à inibição da proliferação celular. / Gliomas are intracranial tumors of cerebral origin characterized for its rapid growth and resistance to both conventional chemotherapy and radiotherapy. The search for new therapeutics agents with multiple mechanisms of action has identified <font face=\"symbol\">g-linolenic acid (GLA), nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and ruthenium containing compounds as possible candidates. The aim of this study was to better know the mechanism of action of these drugs on C6 rat glioma cells. Expression of proteins involved in control of the cell cycle, apoptosis, angiogenesis, invasion and migration was analyzed using RT-PCR and Western Blotting methods after treatment in vitro and in vivo. Alterations in cyclin D1, E2F-1, pRb, p27, p21, p16, p65, c-myc, ERK1/2, nm23 e <font face=\"symbol\">b, MMP-2, GPI and Secreted Brevican, Tenascin-R, Tenascin-C, VEGF-A, Flt1, Flk1, Bax, PPAR<font face=\"symbol\">g, p53, COX-2, EP1, 2, 3 and 4, Ku70 and 80 expression were observed. In conclusion, GLA and Ruthenium-Ibuprofen complex has multiple target wich translate into the inhibition of proliferation.
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Análise da expressão de proteínas envolvidas no controle do ciclo celular, apoptose, angiogênese, invasão e migração de células C6 in vitro e in vivo, após o tratamento com o ácido <font face=\"symbol\">g-linolênico (GLA) e com um novo complexo dirutênico contendo Ibuprofeno (Ru-Ibp). / Analysis of the expression of proteins involved in cell cycle control, apoptosis, angiogenesis, migration and invasion of C6 rat glioma cells in vitro and in vivo, after treatment with <font face=\"symbol\">g-linolenic acid (GLA) and a novel diruthenium containing ibuprofen complex (Ru-Ibp).Benadiba, Marcel 12 November 2008 (has links)
Os gliomas são tumores cerebrais intracraniais caracterizados pelo seu rápido crescimento e pela sua resistência à quimioterapia e radioterapia atuais. Assim, a procura por novos agentes terapêuticos com múltiplos mecanismos de ação têm identificado o ácido <font face=\"symbol\">g-linolênico (GLA), antiinflamatórios não esteroidais (AINEs) e compostos contendo rutênio como possíveis candidatos. Dessa forma, a principal proposta deste projeto foi entender melhor o mecanismo de ação dessas drogas sobre as células C6 de glioma de rato. Foram analisadas proteínas envolvidas no controle do ciclo celular, apoptose, angiogênese, invasão e migração através de RT-PCR e Western Blotting após tratamento in vitro e in vivo. Alterações da expressão de ciclina D1, E2F-1, pRb, p27, p21, p16, p65, c-myc, ERK1/2, nm23 e <font face=\"symbol\">b, MMP-2, Brevican GPI e Secretado, Tenascina-R, Tenascina-C, VEGF-A, Flt1, Flk1, Bax, PPAR<font face=\"symbol\">g, p53, COX-2, EP1, 2, 3 e 4, Ku70 e 80 foram encontradas. Em conclusão, o GLA e o complexo Rutênio-Ibuprofeno possuem múltiplos alvos que levam à inibição da proliferação celular. / Gliomas are intracranial tumors of cerebral origin characterized for its rapid growth and resistance to both conventional chemotherapy and radiotherapy. The search for new therapeutics agents with multiple mechanisms of action has identified <font face=\"symbol\">g-linolenic acid (GLA), nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) and ruthenium containing compounds as possible candidates. The aim of this study was to better know the mechanism of action of these drugs on C6 rat glioma cells. Expression of proteins involved in control of the cell cycle, apoptosis, angiogenesis, invasion and migration was analyzed using RT-PCR and Western Blotting methods after treatment in vitro and in vivo. Alterations in cyclin D1, E2F-1, pRb, p27, p21, p16, p65, c-myc, ERK1/2, nm23 e <font face=\"symbol\">b, MMP-2, GPI and Secreted Brevican, Tenascin-R, Tenascin-C, VEGF-A, Flt1, Flk1, Bax, PPAR<font face=\"symbol\">g, p53, COX-2, EP1, 2, 3 and 4, Ku70 and 80 expression were observed. In conclusion, GLA and Ruthenium-Ibuprofen complex has multiple target wich translate into the inhibition of proliferation.
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