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\"Uma abordagem de parâmetros da biomineralização em um sistema constituído por carbonato de cálcio\" / Biomineralization parameters in calcium carbonate systemPaula, Silvia Maria de 12 May 2006 (has links)
Conchas do molusco Physa sp., um gastrópode (caracol) comum de aquários de água doce, serviram como modelo para o estudo de alguns aspectos envolvidos na biomineralização. A concha calcária é constituída por cristais de carbonato de cálcio depositados em associação com uma matriz orgânica. Os componentes cristalinos e a matriz, foram estudados por microscopia eletrônica de transmissão e de varredura, e caracterizados por métodos espectroscópicos e analíticos. A constituição cristalina, em geral, assemelha-se àquela existente na maioria dos moluscos, enquanto a camada nacarada, interna da concha, apresenta comparativamente maiores variações. A matriz orgânica consta de um componente insolúvel, essencialmente constituído por polissacarídeos, enxofre e fósforo; e outro componente solúvel, com predominância de serina, glicina, ácido aspártico e ácido glutâmico. A análise feita por ativação de nêutrons demonstrou maior concentração de cálcio, sódio e estrôncio; estes elementos estão geralmente relacionados à presença de aragonita, em outras conchas de moluscos. O estudo qualitativo da fase cristalina foi realizado por difração eletrônica e por espectroscopia de infravermelho. Para análise quantitativa, usou-se a difração de raios-X, sendo os dados refinados pelo método de Rietveld. Os resultados obtidos demonstram a existência de dois polimorfos do carbonato de cálcio, aragonita e calcita, na concha da Physa. A caracterização qualitativa dos componentes inorgânico e orgânico do material estudado, mostrou semelhanças com relação a outros gêneros de moluscos. Experimentos de cristalização do carbonato de cálcio in vitro produziram aragonita e vaterita em presença de ácido aspártico ou glutâmico. Sob ação de glicina, serina ou quitina, houve formação de calcita. Em presença da matriz orgânica insolúvel, houve cristalização de calcita, enquanto a matriz solúvel induziu a cristalização da aragonita. Analisou-se quantitativamente todas as fases cristalinas obtidas nestes experimentos e estudou-se a morfologia dos cristais formados através da MEV e por MO luz. O resultado comparativo das investigações usando a concha natural, e dos cristais sintetizados, permitiu confirmar o papel fundamental da matriz orgânica no processo de cristalização do carbonato de cálcio. / Shells of Physa sp., a common freshwater gastropod snail, were used as a model for mineralization studies of calcium carbonate. The shell is a biomineral that consists of organized crystalline deposits associated to an organic matrix, both of which were studied by transmission and scanning electron microscopy; they were further characterized by means of pectroscopic and analytical methods. As a whole, its structural organization does not differ greatly from that found in other mollusc shells, except for the innermost, nacreous layer, that lines the shell. The organic matrix in Physa was found to consist of an insoluble fraction, essentially containing a polysaccharide, sulphur and phosphor. In addition, another (soluble) fraction is present, in which serine, glycine, aspartic acid and glutamic acid residues prevail. Neutronic activation analysis demonstrates a high concentration of calcium, sodium and strontium, elements known to be related to the presence of aragonite in other molluscan shells. A qualitative study of the crystalline phase was obtained through use of electron diffraction and FTIR spectroscopy. For quantitative analysis X-ray diffraction was used, as refined by the Rietveld method. Results obtained demonstrate the existence of two calcium carbonate polymorphs, aragonite and calcite in the shell of Physa, Qualitative evaluation of both organic and inorganic material from Physa showed similarities to those found in other mollusk shells. In vitro experiments performed at similar-to-natural conditions, on crystallization of calcium carbonate, did also crystallize aragonite and vaterite, provided aspartic acid or glutamic acid were present; whereas calcite was formed in solutions containing glycine, serine or chitin. Aragonite did crystallize when the soluble organic matrix was added to the solution. All these crystalline phases obtained were quantitatively evaluated, their morphologies being studied through light and electron microscopies. A comparative study of the natural crystals from the shell, and those obtained in laboratory experiments, stresses the fundamental role of the organic matrix on calcium carbonate crystallization
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Biodeposição de CaCO3 em materiais cimentícios : contribuição ao estudo da biomineralização induzida por Bacillus subtilisVieira, Juliana Aparecida January 2017 (has links)
A indústria da construção civil é conhecida como umas das atividades econômicas que causam os maiores impactos ambientais desde o processo de extração da matéria prima até a produção dos produtos, incluindo o transporte e manutenção do ambiente construído. A produção de um dos seus principais componentes, o cimento, é o maior contribuinte para a emissão de gases de efeito estufa, principalmente devido a queima de combustíveis fósseis. Por este motivo, pesquisas na área de biotecnologia sustentável são conduzidas para diminuir e até mitigar os efeitos danosos provocados pelos fatores que compõem a construção civil. Dentre estas pesquisas destacam-se as que se baseiam na Biomimética, que é uma ciência que busca na Natureza as soluções tecnológicas para os problemas que os desenvolvimentos humanos geralmente apresentam: a geração de resíduos poluentes, uso de produtos químicos tóxicos e processos que operam com energia e pressão elevadas. Com base nos conceitos biomiméticos, este trabalho se propôs a estudar a biomineralização, que é um processo que ocorre na Natureza a milhares de anos e é responsável pela formação de muitas estruturas biomineralizadas tanto no ambiente terrestre como aquático. A biomineralização é um fenômeno provocado pela ação de diversas espécies de microrganismos que durante o processo de obtenção de energia reciclam minerais presentes no solo e na água e os precipitam na forma de sais inorgânicos. Este material precipitado age como agente ligante de partículas como no caso de formações geológicas (estromatólitos) ou exoesqueletos de animais marinhos, por exemplo. Neste estudo foi avaliado a biomineralização por biodeposição de carbonato de cálcio precipitado na presença da espécie de bactéria ureolítica (Bacillus subtilis) em ensaios em escala laboratorial utilizando corpos de prova de areia, argamassa e concreto. Os corpos de prova em areia e argamassa foram observados em MEV e EDS permitindo a identificação de células de microrganismos, formação de biofilme e provável formação de cristais de carbonato de cálcio na região de biofilme. Os corpos de prova de concreto foram utilizados para avaliar as consequências da biodeposição na absorção de água por capilaridade do material. Resultados indicam redução de 20% na absorção de água por capilaridade. Com os resultados obtidos é possível concluir que a técnica de biodeposição pode ser uma alternativa ao tratamento superficial de estruturas de concreto, contudo requer estudos posteriores de aplicação técnica e viabilidade econômica. / The construction industry has been known as one of the economic activities that cause the major environment impacts since the process of raw material extraction until the products manufacturing including transport and maintenance of the built environment. The production of one of the main compounds, the cement, is the largest contributor to the greenhouse gas emissions, mainly due to burn fossil fuels. For this reason, researches in sustainable biotechnological area are conducted to minimize and even mitigate the damaging effects either promoted by construction industry factors. Among these ones, it stands out researches based on Biomimetic, which is a science that seeks in Nature the technological solutions for problems that human’s development usually presents: the generation of pollutant residues, the use of toxic chemicals and process that operates in high pressure and energy. Based on biomimetic concepts this research proposes to study the biomineralization, which is a process that has occurred in the Nature for thousands of years and it is responsible for the formation of many structures either in soil and water environments. The biomineralization is a phenomenon caused by several specimens of microorganisms that during the process of obtaining energy, they recycle minerals presents at soil and water inducing precipitation as inorganic salts. This precipitated material works as a binder of particles similar to geologic formations (stromatolites) or exoskeleton of sea animal for example. In this study the biomineralization was evaluated through biodeposition of precipitated calcium carbonate by specimen of ureolytic bacteria (Bacillus subtilis). Essays were held using samples made by sand, mortar and concrete. The samples made by sand and mortar were observed at MEV and EDS, allowing the identification of microorganism cells, biofilm formation and probable formation of calcium carbonate crystals at biofilm region. The concrete samples were used to evaluate the consequences of biodeposition on water absorption by capillarity of the material. The results show reduction of 20% on water absorption by capillarity. According the results achieved it possible to conclude that the biodeposition technique can be an alternative to superficial treatment for concrete structures. However, it will be required more studies to evaluate technical application and economical availability.
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A phenomenological mathematical modelling framework for the degradation of bioresorbable compositesMoreno-Gomez, Ismael January 2018 (has links)
Understanding, and ultimately, predicting the degradation of bioresorbable composites made of biodegradable polyesters and calcium-based ceramics is paramount in order to fully unlock the potential of these materials, which are heavily used in orthopaedic applications and also being considered for stents. A modelling framework which characterises the degradation of bioresorbable composites was generated by generalising a computational model previously reported in literature. The framework uses mathematical expressions to represent the interwoven phenomena present during degradation. Three ceramic-specific models were then created by particularising the framework for three common calcium-based fillers, namely tricalcium phosphate (TCP), hydroxyapatite (HA) and calcium carbonate (CC). In these models, the degradation of a bioresorbable composite is described with four parameters: the non-catalytic and auto-catalytic polymer degradation rates, $k_1$ and $k_2'$ respectively and the ceramic dissolution rate and exponent, $A_\text{d}$ and $\theta$ respectively. A comprehensive data mining exercise was carried out by surveying the existing literature in order to obtain quantitative degradation data for bioresorbable composites containing TCP, HA and CC. This resulted in a database with a variety of case studies. Subsequently, each case study was analysed using the corresponding ceramic-specific model returning a set of values for the four degradation constants. Both cases with agreement and disagreement between model prediction and experimental data were studied. 76% of the 107 analysed case studies displayed the expected behaviour. In general terms, the analysis of the harvested data with the models showed that a wide range of degradation behaviours can be attained using different polymeric matrix - ceramic filler combinations. Furthermore, the existence of discrepancies in degradation behaviour between a priori similar bioresorbable composites became apparent, highlighting the high number of hidden factors affecting composite degradation such as polymer tacticity or ceramic impurities. The analysis of the case studies also highlighted that the ceramic dissolution rate needed to depict the portrayed degradation behaviours is significantly higher than that reported for ceramics alone in dissolution studies under physiological conditions, indicating that studies of the filler elements alone do not provide a complete picture. Lastly, the computational analysis provided insight into the complex influence of factors such as sample porosity and degradation protocol in the degradation behaviour. In addition to the computational analysis of literature data, an experimental degradation study was carried out with nanocomposites made of calcium carbonate and poly(D,L-lactide-co-glycolide). This study showed the existence of a clear buering effect with the addition of the ceramic filler and confirmed the assumptions employed in the modelling framework in this particular bioresorbable composite. The detailed nature and modest size of these data enabled a more precise and thorough analysis using the CC composites degradation model. In summary, the modelling framework is able to capture the main degradation behaviour of bioresorbable composites and also point to factors responsible for dissimilar behaviours. The degradation maps generated with the values of $k_1$, $k_2'$, $A_\text{d}$ and $\theta$ output by the models appear to be a good tool to summarise, classify and facilitate the analysis and search of specific bioresorbable composites.
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Role of macromolecules in coccolithophore biomineralizationWalker, Jessica Mary January 2018 (has links)
Biomineralization refers to the production of mineralized tissues by organisms. The fine control which organisms can exert over this process produces crystals with morphologies and properties contrasting to that of non-biogenic crystals and specifically altered to suit the required functional need. A key model system of biomineralization are a unicellular marine algae, coccolithophores, which produce calcium carbonate scales known as coccoliths. These coccoliths are comprised of arrangements of single crystals of calcite interlocked to form a plate-shaped structure. Coccoliths are developed intracellularly in a specialised compartment called the coccolith vesicle, before being extruded to the cell surface. In this work, two vital components of the coccolith biomineralization process are investigated - a soluble polysaccharide thought to act as a habit modifier and an insoluble organic scaffold known as a baseplate that provides the surface for nucleation and growth of the crystals. Whilst both these elements are thought to play a key part in the biomineralization process, the role of each is not fully understood. To investigate the effect of coccolith-associated polysaccharides (CAPs) on nucleation and polymorph selection, two systems that promote different polymorphs of calcium carbonate were utilised. In both systems, the intracrystalline polysaccharide fraction extracted from one species, Gephyrocapsa oceanica, was able to promote calcite nucleation in vitro, even under conditions favouring the kinetically-privileged polymorphs of calcium carbonate: vaterite and aragonite. As this property is not observed with CAPs extracted from its 'sister species', Emiliania huxleyi, the in vivo function of CAPs may differ between the two species. Both cryo-transmission electron microscopy (cryoTEM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) were used to determine the mechanism of calcite growth in the presence of G. oceanica CAPs, showing its impact on the forming amorphous calcium carbonate (ACC), decreasing the size of the particles and producing irregular, angular particles. Using cryo-electron tomography (cryoET), it was possible to create a 3D representation of the structure of the baseplate from the coccolithophore Pleurochrysis carterae, revealing its two-sided organisation. Examination of several stages of the coccolith growth process demonstrated the interlocking nature of the calcite crystals that make up the coccolith and the progression of the crystal morphologies over time, and the interaction of these crystals with the baseplate rim. Additionally, the effect of inhibiting carbonic anhydrase (CA), an enzyme involved in the regulation of carbonate species, revealed that inhibition of CA can affect coccolithogenesis as well as cell proliferation.
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Adição de fontes de enxofre e cálcio na dieta de gatos adultos e seus efeitos no ph urinário e equilíbrio ácido-básico / Addition of sources of sulphur and calcium in the diet of adult cats and their effects on urinary ph and acid-base balanceHalfen, Doris Pereira January 2011 (has links)
A urolitíase é um problema recorrente na clínica veterinária considerada como causa de morbidade. As urolitíases são estreitamente associadas ao pH urinário e a nutrição exerce um papel fundamental no controle desta afecção, pois através da manipulação da dieta, pode-se modificar o pH urinário. A dieta possui cátions e ânions na sua composição mineral e a diferença entre íons é medida em miliequivalentes (mEq/kg) e denominado excesso de bases (EB) da dieta, calculado através da equação: (49,9 x Ca) + (82,3 x Mg) + (43,5 x Na) + (25,6 x K) – (64,6 x P) – (62,4 x S) – (28,2 x Cl), sendo a concentração dos elementos em g/kg de MS. A finalidade deste estudo, dividido em dois experimentos, foi avaliar o efeito da adição de fontes de enxofre (S) e cálcio nas dietas de felinos sobre o pH urinário e equilíbrio ácido-básico. A adição de fontes de enxofre objetivou demonstrar a eficácia na acidificação urinária. No primeiro experimento avaliaram-se três diferentes fontes de enxofre: sulfato de cálcio (CaSO4), DL-metionina (DLM) e Metionina hidróxi análoga (MHA) adicionados a uma dieta controle em dois níveis cada um. No tratamento controle não houve adição de acidificantes. No primeiro nível adicionou-se 1,28 g de S/kg e no segundo 2,56 g de S/kg, resultando em sete tratamentos. No segundo experimento duas fontes de cálcio foram avaliadas com o objetivo de pesquisar a eficácia destes sais na alcalinização da urina. No tratamento controle não houve adição de fontes de cálcio. Nos tratamentos 2 e 3 foram adicionados à dieta controle carbonato de cálcio e gluconato de cálcio, respectivamente, nas doses de +160 mEq/kg, resultando em três tratamentos. A urina produzida em cada período de 24 horas teve aferida seu volume, densidade e pH. No segundo experimento foi também medida a excreção urinária de cálcio no período de 72h. O equilíbrio ácido-básico foi avaliado pela hemogasometria de sangue venoso. A DLM no maior nível e o MHA diferiram da dieta controle em relação ao pH urinário (p<0,001) e seu poder acidificante foi maior que o do sulfato de cálcio (p<0,05). As duas fontes de cálcio alcalinizaram a urina, mas o carbonato de cálcio atingiu um pH urinário mais alto que o gluconato de cálcio. Concluiu-se que o efeito diferenciado das fontes de S e cálcio sobre o pH urinário é um indicador de que a participação do cálcio é dependente dos ânions a que está associado, o que leva ao questionamento sobre qual a melhor forma de avaliar sua participação no cálculo do EB. / Urolithiasis is a commom problem in the veterinary clinic considered as a cause of morbidity. The urolithiasis are closely associated with urinary pH and nutrition plays a key role in the control of this disease, because through dietary manipulation, it´s possible modify the urinary pH. The diet has cations and anions in their mineral composition and the difference between ions is measured in milliequivalents (mEq/kg) and called base excess (BE) of the diet, calculated by the equation: (49.9 x Ca) + (82, Mg x 3) + (43.5 x Na) + (25.6 x K) - (64.6 x P) - (62.4 x S) - (28.2 x Cl), being the concentration of elements in g/kg DM. The purpose of this study, divided in two experiments, was to evaluate the effect of addition of sources of sulfur (S) and calcium in the diets of cats on the urinary pH and acid-base balance. The addition of sulfur sources aimed to demonstrate the efficacy in urinary acidification. In the first experiment were evaluated three different sources of sulfur, calcium sulfate (CaSO4), DLMethionine (DLM) and Methionine hydroxy analogue (MHA) added to a control diet at two levels each. In the control treatment there was no addition of acidifying. At the first level was added 1.28 g S/kg and in the second 2.56 g S/kg, resulting in seven treatments. In the second experiment two calcium sources were evaluated in order to research the effectiveness of these salts in alkalinize urine. In the control treatment there was no addition of calcium sources. In treatments 2 and 3 were added to the control diet calcium carbonate and calcium gluconate, respectively, at doses of +160 mEq/kg, resulting in three treatments. The urine produced in each period of 24 hours had measured its volume, density and pH. The second experiment also measured the urinary excretion of calcium in the period of 72 hours. The acid-base balance was evaluated by blood gas analysis of venous blood. The DLM at the highest level and MHA differed of the control diet in relation to urinary pH (p<0.001) and their acidifying power was greater than the calcium sulfate (p<0.05). The two sources of calcium alkalinized the urine, but the calcium carbonate reached a urine pH higher than calcium gluconate. It was concluded that the effect of different sources of S and calcium on urinary pH is an indicator that the participation of calcium is dependent of the anions that is associated, which leads to questions about how is the best way to evaluate its participation in calculation of BE.
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Influência da exposição ao carbonato de cálcio no metabolismo de compostos orgânicos e inorgânicos em biomphalaria glabrata, hospedeiro de schistosoma mansoni / Influence of exposure to calcium carbonate in the metabolism of organic and inorganic compounds in biomphalaria glabrata, host schistosoma mansoniSilva, Luciana Damacena 26 March 2014 (has links)
Submitted by Marlene Santos (marlene.bc.ufg@gmail.com) on 2014-09-19T20:22:37Z
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Previous issue date: 2014-03-26 / Biomphalaria snails act as intermediate hosts that harbor the Schistosoma mansoni parasite, the causative agent of schistosomiasis. As population increases, snails have their geographical distribution conditioned to the presence of calcium in the environment, which is essential for their energetic metabolism. The objective of this study was the assessment on the influence of exposure to different concentrations of CaCO3 (20, 40, 60, 80 and 100 mg/L) at different intervals (1, 14, 21 and 30 days) forthe concentrations of glucose, calcium, total proteins, urea, uric acid and creatinine in hemolymph B. glabrata. All substances were dosed using specific kits with a spectrophotometer reading at 545 nm. High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) was the technique applied to quantify the presence of organic acids: pyruvate, oxaloacetate, citrate, succinate, fumarate, propionate, acetoacetate and βhydroxybutyrate in the hemolymph of mollusks exposed to CaCO3. Results revealed
that the calcium concentration in the hemolymph did not present significant difference
(p>0.05) with regard to control as well as to the concentrations assessed. The glucose
concentration decreased (p<0.05) in exposures to 20mg and 40mg and increased in
exposures to 80mg and 100mg of CaCO3 with regard to control. The organic acids
pyruvate, oxaloacetate, citrate, succinate fumarate and lactate had their concentrations
increased; propionate in turn had its concentration decreased set against control in
exposure to CaCO3. In the exposures to the concentrations assessed, acetoacetate
decreased and β-hidroxibutirato increased. Total proteins and urea presented decrease.
The uric acid concentration increased in the exposure to 20mg of CaCO3; the creatinine
concentration increased in the exposures to 40mg and 100mg of CaCO3. It was possible
to conclude that snails exposed to different concentrations of CaCO3 had their major
metabolic alterations occurring from the 14th day of exposure. / Moluscos do gênero Biomphalaria são conhecidos pelo seu papel como hospedeiro intermediário do parasito Schistosoma mansoni, causador da doença esquistossomose mansônica. O aumento da população desses moluscos, consequentemente sua distribuição geográfica está condicionada a presença de cálcio no mbiente, também considerado um elemento essencial no metabolismo energético do molusco. Este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar a influência da exposição às diferentes concentrações de CaCO3 (20, 40, 60, 80 e 100 mg/L), em diferentes intervalos de tempo (1, 14, 21 e 30 dias) sobre às concentrações de glicose, cálcio, proteínas totais, ureia, ácido úrico e creatinina na hemolinfa de B. glabrata, ambas as substâncias foram dosadas através de kits específicos e lidas em espectrofotômetro em 545 nm. Através da técnica de cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (CLAE), foi quantificado a presença de ácidos orgânicos: piruvato, oxaloacetato, citrato, succinato, fumarato, propionato, acetoacetato e β-hidroxibutirato na hemolinfa dos moluscos expostos ao CaCO3. Os resultados demonstraram que a concentração de cálcio na hemolinfa não apresentou diferença
significativa (p>0,05) em relação ao controle, bem como, entre as concentrações testadas. A concentração de glicose diminuiu (p<0,05) nas exposições a 20mg e 40mg e aumentou nas exposições a 80mg e 100mg de CaCO3 em relação ao controle. Os ácidos orgânicos piruvato, oxaloacetato, citrato, succinato, fumarato e lactato tiveram suas concentrações aumentadas e propionato diminuída comparada ao controle na exposição
ao CaCO3. A concentração de acetoacetato diminuiu e a de β-hidroxibutirato aumentou na exposição às concentrações testadas. Houve diminuição na concentração de proteínas totais e de ureia. A concentração de ácido úrico aumentou na exposição a 20mg de CaCO3 e, a concentração de creatinina aumentou nas exposições à 40mg e 100mg de CaCO3. Concluiu-se que moluscos expostos às diferentes concentrações de CaCO3, principalmente a partir de 14 dias, alteram o metabolismo como acontece em situações de estresse fisiológico, com a finalidade de regular o sistema redox do molusco.
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Magnesium Ion Inhibiton of Calcium Carbonate Precipitation and its Relation to Water QualityHassett, John J. 01 May 1970 (has links)
The effect of Mg++ ion on the solubility of calcium carbonate was determined using P. K. Weyls "carbonate saturometer."
The amount of calcium carbonate precipitated or dissolved was measured for five series of waters when equilibrated with solid carbonate.
It was found that the effect of Mg++ ion on solubility depend upon the nature of the solid phase: surface area, coprecipitated Mg++, minerology, etc.
Pure low area calcite showed an increase in solubility which could be explained by ion-pair formation, while its other carbonates departed from this behavior.
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Membrane performance and build-up of solute during small scale reverse osmosis operationNasir, Subriyer January 2007 (has links)
Reverse Osmosis (RO) is widely accepted as an alternative method to produce freshwater from different feed water sources. This technology competitively substitutes the thermal processes in the near future because of several advantages particularly in energy saving. The success of RO operation will, however, depends largely on the overall membrane performance. Deposit or build-up of solute is one of the main reasons for membrane operation failure. Build-up of solute or deposit which is known as fouling and scaling will decrease the permeate flux and increase the energy consumption in particular after prolonged operation of RO. The thesis presents the experimental results obtained in a small-scale RO system. The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of sodium chloride and calcium carbonate on the membrane performance and subsequent build-up of solute on the membrane surface. The experiments were carried out in a small-scale of RO (2 m3/day capacity) with spiral wound membrane using simulated feed water, secondary effluent, and groundwater samples. The parameters chosen for the experiments are applied pressure (1250-4750 kPa), and concentration of sodium chloride (l00-5000 mg/L) and calcium carbonate (50-100 mg/L). / The results from feedwater runs indicated that initial sodium chloride and calcium carbonate in feed water and applied pressure affects the overall membrane performance. However, there is no significant effect on membrane performance for sodium chloride with concentration below 1200 mg/L and applied pressure lower than 2250 kPa. Applied pressure appears to have an impact on build-up of sodium and calcium on the membrane surface for pressures greater than 2750 kPa. For typical small-scale RO system used in this experiment, build-up of calcium will slightly decrease with given pressure caused by the characteristic of membrane that easily removes the divalent ions. The osmotic pressure of solution also strongly affects the permeate flow rate in particular for relatively higher sodium concentration (> 2500 mg/L). As a consequence of higher osmotic pressure, zero permeate flux is achieved when sodium chloride concentration was greater than 5000 mg/L and applied pressure lower than 1750 kPa. Results also indicated that fouling might pose a potential problem in small-scale RO operation. In order to investigate the membrane performance, experiments with secondary effluent samples were also performed. Results indicated that water recovery percentages and permeate flux also linearly increase with applied pressure. However, effectiveness of membrane decreases less than 98% otherwise build-up of solute tends to increase. It is suggested that lower values of the water recovery percentage (WRP) and permeate flux (Jw) are caused by the characteristic of secondary effluent that have high-suspended solids, organic carbon, and minerals. Further, the membrane performance also examined with ground water as feed water sample. / Results showed that both water recovery percentage and permeate flux linearly increased with operating pressure. However, intensive pretreatment are required as a result of higher concentration of humic acid and iron in raw feed. Percentages of ion rejection for sodium and calcium are greater than 98 and 99% respectively. The high ion rejections are mainly due to the characteristics of groundwater with low TDS and EC. Sodium and calcium build-up in a small-scale RO system considered appears to be affected by the applied pressure. Build-up of solute in small-scale of RO system has been predicted using the empirical model proposed in this work. Two ions namely sodium and calcium in feed water considered as predominant ions responsible for fouling and scaling on the membrane surface. Four main parameters namely, applied pressure (P), permeate flux (Jw), membrane resistance (Rm), and feed concentration (Cf) are considered which strongly affect the overall membrane performance. The empirical correlations derived from experimental observation among these parameters can be expressed as follows: In Md NaCI = O. 77 In P + 0.67 In Jw + 0.19 In Rm + 0.171n Cf In Md CaCO3= 0.96 In P + 0.75 In Jw + 0.2 In Rm - 0.07 In Cf / The empirical models proposed in this thesis may be useful for predicting the buildup of solute on the membrane surfaces. In the present work, an attempt has been made to estimate the energy consumption and unit cost for desalting of different feed water samples in a small-scale RO system. In RO plants, unit cost of water production from feed water is primarily governed by the energy required for pumping raw water. Estimates of specific energy consumption (SEC) for desalting of sodium chloride, combined sodium and calcium carbonate solutions were found to be in the range of 0.79 - 3.21 and 0.81 - 3.22 kwh/m3 respectively. For groundwater and secondary effluent, they are estimated to 0.63 - 1.71 and 0.79 - 2.02 kWh/m3 respectively. Moreover, energy consumption for different feed water samples was used to estimate the unit cost for water production. Estimation of unit costs for combined sodium chloride and calcium carbonate solution, groundwater, and secondary effluent runs are $2.06 - 3.22, $1.98 - 2.57 and $1.56- 2.66 respectively. In this work, unit cost is still higher due to greater energy consumption .by the pumping system which is required in a small-scale RO operation. Based on the experimental results, it appears that the characteristics of feed water samples affect the membrane performance and their effects must be taken into account in the design of RO units so as to reduce the unit cost for water production. / The findings from the present experimental and modelling work are of practical significance in not only providing the knowledge base in the area of desalination but also paves the way for developing tools for the prediction of build-up of solutes on membrane surface in full scale reverse osmosis operations.
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A novel view on the early stage of crystallizationGebauer, Denis January 2008 (has links)
This thesis provides a novel view on the early stage of crystallization utilizing calcium carbonate as a model system. Calcium carbonate is of great economical, scientific and ecological importance, because it is a major part of water hardness, the most abundant Biomineral and forms huge amounts of geological sediments thus binding large amounts of carbon dioxide.
The primary experiments base on the evolution of supersaturation via slow addition of dilute calcium chloride solution into dilute carbonate buffer. The time-dependent measurement of the Ca2+ potential and concurrent pH = constant titration facilitate the calculation of the amount of calcium and carbonate ions bound in pre-nucleation stage clusters, which have never been detected experimentally so far, and in the new phase after nucleation, respectively. Analytical Ultracentrifugation independently proves the existence of pre-nucleation stage clusters, and shows that the clusters forming at pH = 9.00 have a proximately time-averaged size of altogether 70 calcium and carbonate ions. Both experiments show that pre-nucleation stage cluster formation can be described by means of equilibrium thermodynamics. Effectively, the cluster formation equilibrium is physico-chemically characterized by means of a multiple-binding equilibrium of calcium ions to a ‘lattice’ of carbonate ions. The evaluation gives GIBBS standard energy for the formation of calcium/carbonate ion pairs in clusters, which exhibits a maximal value of approximately 17.2 kJ mol^-1 at pH = 9.75 and relates to a minimal binding strength in clusters at this pH-value.
Nucleated calcium carbonate particles are amorphous at first and subsequently become crystalline. At high binding strength in clusters, only calcite (the thermodynamically stable polymorph) is finally obtained, while with decreasing binding strength in clusters, vaterite (the thermodynamically least stable polymorph) and presumably aragonite (the thermodynamically intermediate stable polymorph) are obtained additionally. Concurrently, two different solubility products of nucleated amorphous calcium carbonate (ACC) are detected at low binding strength and high binding strength in clusters (ACC I 3.1EE-8 M^2, ACC II 3.8EE-8 M^2), respectively, indicating the precipitation of at least two different ACC species, while the clusters provide the precursor species of ACC. It is proximate that ACC I may relate to calcitic ACC –i.e. ACC exhibiting short range order similar to the long range order of calcite and that ACC II may relate to vateritic ACC, which will subsequently transform into the particular crystalline polymorph as discussed in the literature, respectively. Detailed analysis of nucleated particles forming at minimal binding strength in clusters (pH = 9.75) by means of SEM, TEM, WAXS and light microscopy shows that predominantly vaterite with traces of calcite forms. The crystalline particles of early stages are composed of nano-crystallites of approximately 5 to 10 nm size, respectively, which are aligned in high mutual order as in mesocrystals.
The analyses of precipitation at pH = 9.75 in presence of additives –polyacrylic acid (pAA) as a model compound for scale inhibitors and peptides exhibiting calcium carbonate binding affinity as model compounds for crystal modifiers- shows that ACC I and ACC II are precipitated in parallel: pAA stabilizes ACC II particles against crystallization leading to their dissolution for the benefit of crystals that form from ACC I and exclusively calcite is finally obtained. Concurrently, the peptide additives analogously inhibit the formation of calcite and exclusively vaterite is finally obtained in case of one of the peptide additives.
These findings show that classical nucleation theory is hardly applicable for the nucleation of calcium carbonate. The metastable system is stabilized remarkably due to cluster formation, while clusters forming by means of equilibrium thermodynamics are the nucleation relevant species and not ions. Most likely, the concept of cluster formation is a common phenomenon occurring during the precipitation of hardly soluble compounds as qualitatively shown for calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate. This finding is important for the fundamental understanding of crystallization and nucleation-inhibition and modification by additives with impact on materials of huge scientific and industrial importance as well as for better understanding of the mass transport in crystallization. It can provide a novel basis for simulation and modelling approaches. New mechanisms of scale formation in Bio- and Geomineralization and also in scale inhibition on the basis of the newly reported reaction channel need to be considered. / Die vorliegende Arbeit zeichnet ein neuartiges Bild der frühen Kristallisationsphase von Calciumcarbonat. Calciumcarbonat hat als Hauptbestandteil der Wasserhärte und als weit verbreitetes Biomineral und Geomineral, das als Sediment in den Ozeanen große Mengen Kohlendioxid bindet, große Bedeutung.
Die grundlegenden Experimente basieren auf der sehr langsamen Einstellung von Übersättigung, die durch langsame Zugabe verdünnter Calciumlösung in verdünnten Carbonatpuffer erreicht wird. Zeitabhängige Messung des Ca2+ Potentials bei gleichzeitiger pH = konstant Titration zeigt, dass zeitgemittelt vor der Nukleation gleiche Stoffmengen von Calcium- und Carbonat Ionen in Clustern gebunden sind, die bis jetzt noch nicht experimentell nachgewiesen werden konnten. Analytische Ultrazentrifugation belegt unabhängig die Existenz der Cluster, und es zeigt sich, dass sich die bei pH = 9,00 bildenden Cluster zeitgemittelt aus insgesamt etwa 70 Calcium und Carbonat Ionen bestehen. Die Experimente weisen darauf hin, dass sich die Clusterbildung auf der Grundlage von Gleichgewichtsthermodynamik beschreiben lässt. Ein multiples Bindungsgleichgewichtsmodell ermöglicht die Bestimmung der freien Standard Reaktionsenthalpie für die Bildung von Calcium/Carbonat Ionenpaaren in den Clustern, die ein Maß für die Bindungsstärke in Clustern darstellt. Die Bindungsstärke weist ein Minimum bei pH = 9,75 auf, und es zeigt sich, dass außerhalb dieses Minimums amorphes Calciumcarbonat ausfällt, das sich letztendlich in Calcit (das thermodynamisch stabile Calciumcarbonat Polymorph) umwandelt, während im Minimum und in der Nähe des Minimums amorphes Calciumcarbonat ausfällt, das sich letztendlich hauptsächlich in Vaterit (das thermodynamisch am wenigsten stabile Polymorph), Calcit und möglicherweise Spuren von Aragonit (das Polymorph mittlerer Stabilität) umwandelt. Gleichzeitig treten zwei unterschiedliche Löslichkeitsprodukte für das bei hoher und niedriger Bindungsstärke in Clustern ausgefällte, amorphe Calciumcarbonat auf (ACC I 3,1EE-8 M^2, ACC II 3,8EE-8 M^2). Das zeigt, dass die sich vor der Nukleation bildenden Cluster Vorläuferspezies (Precursor) des ausgefällten, amorphen Calciumcarbonats darstellen, wobei ACC I in der Literatur diskutiertem, calcitischem ACC entsprechen und ACC II vateritischem Calcit entsprechen kann. Eine detaillierte SEM, TEM, WAXS und Lichtmikroskopie Untersuchung der bei minimaler Bindungsstärke in Clustern (pH = 9,75) ausgefällten Partikel zeigt, dass sich hauptsächlich Vaterit mit Spuren von Calcit und möglicherweise Aragonit bildet. Die sich früh bildenden, kristallinen Partikel sind jeweils aus nano-Kristalliten von etwa 5 bis 10 nm Größe aufgebaut, die wie in Mesokristallen eine hohe wechselseitige Ordnung aufweisen.
Die Untersuchung der frühen Kristallisation in Gegenwart von Additiven wurde ebenfalls bei minimaler Bindungsstärke in Clustern durchgeführt. Als Additive wurden Polyacrylsäure (PAA) als Beispiel für einen Hemmstoff gegen die Bildung von Verkalkungen und drei Peptide, die Bindungsaffinität zu Calciumcarbonat zeigen, als Beispiel für Kristallisations-Modifikatoren untersucht. Die Analyse zeigt, dass ACC I und ACC II parallel ausfallen; pAA stabilisiert ACC II gegenüber Kristallisation und führt dazu, dass es sich zugunsten von Kristallen, die sich aus ACC I bilden, auflöst, wobei letztendlich reines Calcit erhalten wird. Die Peptide hingegen hemmen die Bildung von Calcit in analoger Weise, wobei in einem Fall letztendlich reines Vaterit entsteht.
Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die klassische Nukleationstheorie auf die Nukleation von Calciumcarbonat kaum anwendbar ist. Das metastabile System wird durch die Clusterbildung deutlich stabilisiert, und nicht Ionen, sondern Cluster sind die relevanten Spezies in der Nukleation. Wahrscheinlich ist das gefundene Konzept der Clusterbildung ein allgemeines Phänomen, das während der Kristallisation aller schwer löslichen Substanzen auftritt, da es auch für Calciumoxalat und Calciumphosphat qualitativ gezeigt werden konnte. Das Ergebnis ist wichtig für das fundamentale Verständnis der Nukleation, von Nukleationshemmung und der Modifikation von Kristallen mit Auswirkungen auf Materialen von großer industrieller und auch wissenschaftlicher Bedeutung. Ferner gibt es einen Hinweis, wie Masse während der Kristallisation –auch in Lebewesen transportiert werden kann und es kann einen neuen Ansatz für Kristallisationssimulationen liefern. Auf der Basis dieses neuartigen Reaktionskanals müssen neue Kristallisations-Mechanismen in Bio- und Geomineralization in Betracht gezogen werden.
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Synthesis and modification of potential CO2 adsorbents : Amine modified silica and calcium carbonatesAziz, Baroz January 2012 (has links)
The prospect of rapid changes to the climate due to global warming is subject of public concern. The need to reduce the emissions of atmospheric green house gases and in particular carbon dioxide is greater than ever. Extensive research is performed to find new solutions and new materials, which tackles this problem in economically benign way. This thesis dealt with two potential adsorbents for post combustion carbon capture, namely, amine modified silica and calcium carbonates. We modified porous silica with large surface area by propyl-amine groups to enhance the carbon dioxide adsorption capacity and selectivity. Experimental parameters, such as reaction time, temperature, water content, acid and heat treatment of silica substrate were optimized using a fractional factorial design. Adsorption properties and the nature of formed species upon reaction of CO2 and amine-modified silica were studied by sorption and infrared spectroscopy. Physisorbed and chemisorbed amount of adsorbed CO2 were, for the first time, estimated directly in an accurate way. The effects of temperature and moisture on the CO2 adsorption properties were also studied. Crystallization of calcium carbonate as a precursor to calcium oxide, which can be used as carbon dioxide absorbent, was studied in the second part of this thesis. Structure of different amorphous phases of calcium carbonate was studied in detail. Crystallization of calcium carbonate with and without additives was studied. Parameters like stirring rate, temperature, pH and polymer concentration showed to be important in selection of phase and morphology. An aggregation mediated crystallization was postulated to explain the observed morphologies. / At the time of the doctoral defense, the following paper was unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 3: Accepted.
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