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Kalkulační techniky a metody a jejich užití ve stavebnictví / Costing techniques and methods and their using in the construction industryDolečková, Drahoslava January 2015 (has links)
Aim of this thesis is to introdukce the issues related to price calculations building. The theoretical part focuses on the different type sof calculations formula and related procedures. The practical part is focused on creating practical calculations using software. Problems is illustrated in Example.Everything is comleted by evaluating, comparing the individual type sof calculation methods and a description os possibleproblems witch the recommended tutorials on thein solution.
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Rám kabiny výtahu / Frame of the lifting CabinCaha, Ondřej January 2008 (has links)
This master thesis deal with design of elevator cabin frame. Working load of frame is 630 kg (8 people). Speed of elevator is 1m/s. This work also contains final element analysis of frame. Frame structure is analyzed by software I-DEAS.
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Optimální uchycení převáděcích kladek klece výtahu / Optimal location of transform rollers of lift cabinŽák, Martin January 2008 (has links)
The work is a project of a component that allows lift transform rollers skewing. Three possible ways of construction are introduced. Their advantages and disadvanatages are mentioned. The best option was selected and checked by FEM. Prestressed bolted connection was also worked out. In the conclusion of the paper there is a source code of the computer programme for maximum rollers skew calculation.
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Porovnání výpočtu tepelných ztrát dle ČSN 06 0210 a ČSN EN 12831 / Comparison of heat losses calculation by CSN 06 0210 and CSN EN 12831Elcner, Jakub January 2008 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with comparison of heat loss calculation by CSN 06 0210 and CSN EN 12831. This work contains short introduction to the heat loss calculation, definition of basic terms, detailed analysis of heat loss calculation by both standards, description of exemplar buildings, heat loss calculation and heat requirement for heating of buildings according to particular standards. At the end of the work the comparison and discussion of calculation results is presented.
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Kotel na spalování výpalků lihovarů / Steam boiler for fytomassLípa, Viktor January 2008 (has links)
Viktor Lípa Stillage boiler Graduation theses, power department, 2008 This graduation theses deals with designer solution of the boiler, include the dimensioning heat exchangers and engineering designer of the economizer chamber. Boiler is used for stillage combustion and fitted by natural circulation in vaporizer and stoker fired furnace.
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Klec výtahu / Elevator cageBoďa, Lukáš January 2009 (has links)
Calculating frame of elevator cage 1000kg, suggestion changes of frame according to calculation from MKP.
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Návrh řešení potrubní sítě procesní jednotky / Design of process unit pipelineButek, Petr January 2010 (has links)
The master’s project deals with the pipeline systems of process unit. The design of the industrial pipeline is usually extensive and complex task interwoven with a lot of technical disciplines. Diploma thesis is focused on the strength calculation of the pipeline specified by the ČSN EN standard. The main goal of the calculation is appraisal of the most stressed parts under operating and testing conditions. The diploma thesis is handled with the key aspects that influence the overall concept of the pipeline design as well as the strength calculation.
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Analýza torzní tuhosti upravené varianty rámu vozidla Formule Student / Torsional Stifness Analysis of Formula Student Frame ModificationChalupa, Pavel January 2010 (has links)
Pavel Chalupa Torsional Stifness Analysis of Formula Student Frame Modification DW, IAE, 2010, 66 str., 66 obr. This thesis is concerned with a calculation analysis of a frame construction for Formula Student. The Base design of this construction is modeled in computer program ProEngineer. In next step the model is transfered to calculation software Ansys. The analysis is made by finite element method in torion and bend there. The calculation of torsional stiffness is made of resultant values. Finally, the results are compared with previous frame versions.
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Konstrukce osového řešení vřeteníku, převodovky a hlavního pohonu / Design of headstock with build-in gearbox and main spindle motorStarý, Radek January 2011 (has links)
The subject of this diploma thesis is the design solution of the axial headstock, its gear box and main drive. This headstock is used for heavy duty gantry type machines from the production of TOS Kurim company. The thesis contains technical solution of the headstock, an analysis of the construction of the headstock drive, overview of the possible propulsion units, choice of the best drive variant, control calculations, technical proposal of drive design and economical evaluation of the whole reconstruction.
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Parní turbina / Steam turbineSedlák, Pavel January 2011 (has links)
The diploma thesis concentrates on a project of condensing steam turbine with uncontrolled extraction. These topics are analyzed in more detail: design of thermal diagram, thermodynamic calculation and turbine design concepts. First two topics are solved in the calculation section of the thesis. In the construction part are processed a third topic.
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