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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Aplikace CAPM na akciových trzích USA, Evropy a Japonska

Sychra, Petr January 2014 (has links)
Sychra, P. Apllication of the CAPM on the US, European and Japanese stock market. Diploma thesis. Brno, 2014 The thesis is focused on the Capital Asset Pricing model (CAPM) and it's explicatory ability in diferent stock market. Ability to determine stock returns is tested on the historical dates of 10 selected companies in each market. Testing is performed on the wide range of investments horizons, and these horizons are following 1, 5, 10 and 15 years. Testing showed that model is not capable to explain stock returns only on the basic of systematic risk, expressed by beta coefficient.

Corporate Social Responsibility och riskpåverkan : En studie av det sociala ansvarstagandets effekt på risk i Svenska börsbolag

Elman, Beatrice, Pers, Sebastian January 2016 (has links)
This study uses a quantitative method that aims to investigate the relationship between corporate social responsibility (CSR) and firm risk within Swedish public companies. Despite previous research at Anglo-Saxon companies with similar results, authors found cause for further investigation. Authors identified differences in the Swedish context that could affect the earlier found negative relation between CSR and firm risk, thereby legitimizing further examination. The research is built on secondary data collected from Nasdaq, Morningstar, Orbis and the CSRhub database. Through theory of relevance and current research, it develops a hypothesis which states that as CSR increases, firm risk is reduced in accordance with previous research. Testing was done with Pearsons bivariate correlation table and a multivariate regression analysis, controlling for various firm characteristics. The study found no connection between market risk and CSR, but could not determine whether a relationship between CSR and total risk exists within the population, only partly rejecting the hypothesis. The study raises attention as to how the relation between CSR and risk could be different in a context outside the typical Anglo-Saxon population. It could also be used as a base to further research on the cause to the lack of relation between CSR and market risk, in this study’s particular population.

Aplikácia modelu CAPM na evrópsky akciový trh

Laurová, Terézia January 2015 (has links)
Laurová, T. Application of model CAPM on European stock market. Diploma thesis. Brno: Mendel University, 2015. The fundamental of this thesis is application of CAPM model on European stock market. Diploma thesis consists of two parts. The first one is the theoretical part, which is describing the basics of CAPM model, which serves for better understanding of the model and portfolio management. In the second, practical part, there will be solved the basic characteristics of model. There will be also created portfolios in Microsoft Excel. Finally there will be evaluated the veracity of the specified hypothesis and comparison of incurred portfolios.

Accounting beta x beta CAPM: a study of companies in the regulated sectors and unregulated listed on BM & FBOVESPA. / Beta contÃbil x beta CAPM: Um estudo com as empresas dos setores regulados e nÃo regulados listadas na BM&FBOVESPA

MÃrcio Lima Moreira 12 December 2013 (has links)
nÃo hà / Considerando que a informaÃÃo contÃbil tem um papel fundamental para os investidores e pode auxiliar na aferiÃÃo do risco de uma organizaÃÃo, este estudo tem o objetivo geral de identificar se o parÃmetro de risco estimado por variÃveis contÃbeis (beta contÃbil) possui relaÃÃo com o parÃmetro de risco de mercado (beta de mercado) das empresas listadas na BM&FBovespa. AlÃm disso, levando em conta que as empresas dos setores regulados possuem normas especÃficas sobre evidenciaÃÃo, sugerindo maior nÃvel informacional e menor risco, consequentemente, afetando o beta contÃbil e o beta de mercado das empresas, analisa-se ainda se existe diferenÃa entre o beta contÃbil e o beta de mercado das empresas dos setores regulados e dos setores nÃo regulados. O estudo compreende o total de empresas listadas na Bolsa de Valores, Mercadorias e Futuros (BM&FBOVESPA) na data de 26 de outubro de 2013, totalizando 528 (quinhentas e vinte e oito) empresas dos vÃrios segmentos de listagem. Das 528 empresas, foram excluÃdas as empresas classificadas como holdings e as empresas cujos dados nÃo se encontravam disponÃveis no perÃodo da coleta. Dessa forma, a amostra final da pesquisa contempla um total de 221 empresas, sendo 53 de setores regulados e 168 de setores nÃo regulados. AlÃm da coleta de dados nos sites da BM&FBovespa e da ComissÃo de Valores MobiliÃrios (CVM), utilizou-se o banco de dados EconomÃtica. Este estudo utilizou como ferramentas estatÃsticas testes de normalidade, teste de diferenÃa de mÃdia, anÃlise de correlaÃÃo de Spearman e anÃlise de regressÃo. Os resultados indicaram que apenas as empresas dos setores nÃo regulados apresentaram relaÃÃo entre o Beta CAPM e o Beta ContÃbil. Em contraponto, nas empresas de setores regulados observou-se resultado divergente, apontando para a nÃo existÃncia de relaÃÃo entre os dois indicadores. De maneira geral, quando verificada a amostra de empresas no total, ou seja, considerando empresas reguladas e nÃo reguladas, o resultado aponta para ausÃncia de relaÃÃo entre o Beta CAPM e o Beta ContÃbil, nÃo se confirmando uma das hipÃteses da pesquisa. / Considering that the accounting information plays a key role for investors and may assist in assessing the risk of an organization, this study has the general objective of identifying the risk parameter estimated by accounting variables (accounting beta) has relation to the market risk parameter (market beta) of companies listed on BM & FBovespa. Moreover, given that companies from regulated sectors have specific rules on disclosure, suggesting greater informational level and less risk, thus affecting the accounting beta and the market beta of businesses, yet is analyzed for differences between beta accounting and the market beta of firms in regulated industries and non-regulated sectors. The study included all listed companies on the Stock Exchange, Commodities and Futures Exchange (BM & FBOVESPA) on the date of October 26, 2013, totaling 528 (five hundred twenty-eight) companies of various segments listing. Of the 528 companies, companies classified as holding companies and companies whose data were not available during data collection were excluded. Thus, the final survey sample comprises 221 companies, 53 of regulated industries and 168 of non-regulated sectors. In addition to collecting data on the websites of BM & FBovespa and the Brazilian Securities Commission (CVM), we used the EconomÃtica database. This study used as tools normality tests statistics, mean difference test, Spearman correlation analysis and regression analysis. The results indicated that only companies of unregulated sectors showed relationship between Beta and the CAPM Accounting Beta. In contrast, companies in regulated industries there was divergent results, pointing to the lack of relationship between the two indicators. In general, when checked the sample of firms in total, that is, considering both regulated and unregulated businesses, the result points to the absence of relationship between Beta and the CAPM Accounting Beta, do not confirm one of the hypotheses of the study

Technická analýza / Technical Analysis

Ondrušová, Denisa January 2012 (has links)
This master‘s thesis is focused on creating an application, which would suggest an optimal portfolio of shares from SPAD Stock Market Praha. The application is based on the CAPM model, which is also described in this paper. There is a calculation of securities characteristics and specific portfolio diversification is suggested. The application also allows a user to simulate investments based on his requirements.

Theoretische Fragestellungen zur Bewertung von Unternehmen

Lahmann, Alexander D. F. 16 November 2012 (has links)
Die vorliegende kumulative Dissertationsschrift beschäftigt sich mit theoretischen Fragestellungen der Finanzwissenschaft im Bereich des Asset Pricing und im Detail der Unternehmensbewertung. Dabei wird sowohl auf Problemstellungen der akademischen und praxisnahen Forschung eingegangen. Der erste Artikel beschäftigt sich mit der Fragestellung welche Implikationen die Annahme einer arithmetischen Brownschen Bewegung auf bestimmte Aspekte der Unternehmensbewertung hat. Es folgen drei Artikel die sich auf unterschiedliche Weise mit der Zinsschrankenregelung auseinandersetzen. Die darauf folgenden zwei Artikel behandeln hauptsächlich die Modellierung von Insolvenz im Rahmen der Unternehmensbewertung bei Annahme verschiedener Finanzierungspolitiken. Der achte Artikel geht näher auf die Thematik der empirischen Bestätigung bestimmter Kapitalstrukturtheorien ein. Die Dissertation schließt mit einem Artikel zu wichtigen Parametern für die Unternehmensbewertung.:1. Thematische Einordnung und Forschungsbeitrag … 1 2. The Arithmetic Brownian Motion in Corporate Valuation … 12 3. Die Bewertung der Zinsschranke … 52 4. Zinsschranke, Unternehmensbewertung und APV-Ansatz- eine Anmerkung zum Beitrag von Förster/Stöckl/Brenken (ZfB 2009, S. 985 ff.) … 97 5. Der Einfluss der Zinsschranke auf den Unternehmenswert … 122 6. Tax Shield, Insolvenz und Zinsschranke … 147 7. Tax Shield, Insolvenzwahrscheinlichkeit und Zinsschranke - eine empirische Analyse … 207 8. Zur Überprüfung von Kapitalstrukturtheorien in einer von Krisen geplagten Zeit … 249 9. Die Kapitalmarktdaten von www.finexpert.info und der Fachverlag Gruppe … 291

Aktuelle Themen in der Unternehmensbewertung

Arnold, Sven 16 November 2012 (has links)
Die vorliegende kumulative Dissertationsschrift beschäftigt sich mit finanzwissenschaftlichen Fragestellungen im Bereich der Unternehmensbewertung. Dabei wurden aktuelle Themen diskutiert, die in Theorie oder Praxis ungelöste Probleme darstellen. Hervorzuheben ist an dieser Stelle, dass sich die ersten drei Artikel mit dem Werteinfluss der Zinsschanke auf den Wert von fremdfinanzierungsbedingten Steuerersparnissen (Tax Shield) beschäftigen. Die drei darauf folgenden Artikel beschäftigen sich schwerpunktmäßig mit der konsistenten Modellierung von Finanzierungspolitiken und dem Werteinfluss der Insolvenzmöglichkeit von Unternehmen. Der siebte und achte Artikel haben die Kapitalstruktur und weitere wichtige Parameter für die Unternehmensbewertung zum Thema.:1. Thematische Einordnung und Forschungsbeitrag … 1 2. Die Bewertung der Zinsschranke … 14 3. Zinsschranke, Unternehmensbewertung und APV-Ansatz - eine Anmerkung zum Beitrag von Förster/Stöckl/Brenken (ZfB 2009, S. 985 ff.) … 59 4. Der Einfluss der Zinsschranke auf den Unternehmenswert … 84 5. Tax Shield, Insolvenz und Zinsschranke … 109 6. Tax Shield, Insolvenzwahrscheinlichkeit und Zinsschranke - eine empirische Analyse … 169 7. The Impact of Credit Rating and Frequent Refinancing on Firm Value … 211 8. Zur Überprüfung von Kapitalstrukturtheorien in einer von Krisen geprägten Zeit … 258 9. Die Kapitalmarktdaten von www.finexpert.info und der Fachverlag Gruppe … 300

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