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<p>Controls on Calcium Isotopes in a Cold Seep Crust from the Northern Gulf of Mexico Continental Slope</p>Berger, Mariana Abigail 09 August 2023 (has links)
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Application of calcium isotopes to understand the role of diagenesis in carbon isotope trends in ancient shallow water carbonates from the Early MississippianHaber, Peter Charles 09 August 2023 (has links)
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Impact of the Miocene Carbonate Crash (13-8 Ma) on Bulk Carbonate δ44/40Ca in the Eastern Equatorial PacificRegnier, Alexa Marie 09 August 2023 (has links)
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Carbon Nanofiber-Polymer Composites for Electronic ApplicationsHiggins, Bernadette Ann 17 May 2006 (has links)
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Paleoclimate Investigation and Interpretation of Lacustrine Sediment from Lake Telmen and Lake Ugiy, MongoliaMcDonald, Paul Joseph January 2008 (has links)
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Use of Dynamic Mechanical Testing, WAXD and SEM Image Analysis to Study the Properties of Polypropylene/Calcium Carbonate NanocompositesMarquina, Edgar Alberto 21 May 2010 (has links)
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Technical Feasibility of an Intensified Absorption Process for Bioenergy Carbon Capture and Storage (BECCS) / Teknisk genomförbarhet av en intensifierad absorptionsprocess för bioenergi med koldioxidavskiljning och -lagring (BECCS)Sarby, Alva, Ljungquist, Edvin, Loman, Ville January 2022 (has links)
This project aims to evaluate the technical feasibility of an absorption process for carbon capture and storage (CCS). Currently, the CCS process commonly used in the industry is energy and cost-intensive, making its large-scale development a difficult task. The process under evaluation in this project is labeled as an intensified CCS process as it is more energy-efficient, theoretically, compared to the current standard process. The intensified process is based on absorption with aqueous K2CO3/KHCO3 followed by cristallization of KHCO3. The project aims to show the technical feasibility of two parts of the intensified process, the cooling crystallization in the reactor and the regeneration of carbon dioxide through calcination. The cooling crystallization was conducted at different cooling rates for two different solution compositions, while the calcination was conducted the same for all tests. Microscopic images were utilized to examine the relationship between cooling rates, solution composition, crystal size, and clustering. Thermogravimetric analysis was used to simulate the calcination and to analyze the crystals' decomposition and purity. The report concludes that none clustered selective crystallization of potassium bicarbonate and the total regeneration of carbon dioxide through calcination were achieved. A conclusive correlation between cooling rates and crystal yields could not be proven. And the relationship between crystal size and cooling rates substantially deviated from what was expected. Based on the results the intensified process is deemed technically feasible. / Syftet med detta projekt är att utvärdera den tekniska genomförbarheten av en “carbon capture and storage” (CCS) absorptionsprocess. CCS-processen som nuvarande förekommer i industrin är både energi- och kostnadskrävande, detta förhindrar möjligheten till vidare uppskalning. Processen som utvärderas i detta projekt kallas för en intensifierad CCS-process vilket innebär att den är teoretiskt mer energieffektiv jämfört med nuvarande standardprocess. Den intensifierade processen är baserad på absorption med en K2CO3/KHCO3 vattenlösning följt av en kristallisation av KHCO3. Projektet ämnar att visa den tekniska genomförbarheten av specifikt två delar av den intensifierade processen, kylningskristalliseringen i reaktorn samt regenereringen av koldioxid genom kalcinering. Kylningskristalliseringen genomfördes med olika kylningshastigheter för två olika lösningskompositioner medan kalcineringen utfördes likadant för samtliga tester. Mikroskopiska bilder nyttjades för att undersöka förhållandet mellan kylningshastigheten, lösningens sammansättning, kristallstorlek och kristallkluster. Termogravimetrisk analys användes för att efterlikna kalcineringen samt analysera kristallernas sönderdelning och renhet. Rapporten fastställer att selektiv kristallisering av kaliumbikarbonat uppnåddes utan signifikant kluster. En definitiv korrelation mellan kylningshastighet och kristallutbyte kunde ej påvisas. Förhållandet mellan kristallstorlek och kylningshastighet avvek betydande från vad som förväntades. Baserat på resultaten bedömdes den intensifierade processen vara tekniskt genomförbar.
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UV/Sodium Percarbonate for Treatment of Bisphenol A in WaterGao, Jiong 05 October 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Sequence Stratigraphy of the Lower Pennsylvanian (Bashkirian, Morrowan) Round Valley Limestone, Split Mountain Anticline (Dinosaur National Monument) and in the Eastern Uinta Mountains, UtahDavis, Nathan Robert 16 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The Early Pennsylvanian (Bashkirian/Morrowan) Round Valley Limestone of northeastern Utah was deposited on the Wyoming shelf, a slowly subsiding depositional surface located between the Eagle and Oquirrh basins. The 311-foot-thick Round Valley Limestone displays a distinct cyclicity formed by stacked, meter-scale parasequences, comprised of a limited suite of open- to restricted-marine limestones with minor interbeds of siltstone and shale. Open-marine deposits are characterized by mudstone and heterozoan wackestone-packstone microfacies (MF1-4) and comprise the lower portions of parasequences. Rocks of these microfacies were deposited during maximum high-order transgression of the shelf. As sediment filled the limited accommodation, the shelf became restricted, leading to deposition of mollusk-peloid dominated wackestone microfacies (MF6). Grainstones (MF5) microfacies are volumetrically limited in the Round Valley and represent deposition on isolated sand shoals that populated the shallow shelf. The complete Round Valley section at Split Mountain in Dinosaur National Monument is comprised of 5 intermediate-order sequences and 48 higher-order parasquences. Twenty-one of the shallowing-upward cycles are bounded by exposure surfaces as indicated by the occurrence of rhizoliths, glaebules, autobreccia and alveolar structures. Four of these that also indicate a significant drop in sea level (abnormal subaerial exposure surfaces and surfaces with erosional relief) constitute candidate sequence boundaries. The high percentage of cycles capped by exposure surfaces indicates that deposition of the Round Valley took place intermittently and that the Wyoming shelf was exposed during a significant portion of the Bashkirian epoch. Intermittency of deposition is confirmed by comparing the thickness and sequence architecture of the Round Valley Limestone with coeval strata in the eastern Oquirrh basin (Bridal Veil Limestone). The Bridal Veil Limestone is four times thicker and contains 24 cycles not represented on the Wyoming shelf.
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Digital Outcrop Model and Paleoecology of the Eight-Foot Rapid Algal Field (Middle Pennsylvanian Lower Ismay Sequence), Paradox Basin, UtahGoodrich, Colton Lynn 09 December 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Although phylloid algal mounds have been studied for 50 year, much remains to be determined concerning the ecology and sedimentology of these Late Paleozoic carbonate buildups. Herein we perform a digital outcrop study of the well-known Middle Pennsylvanian Lower Ismay mound interval in the Paradox Basin because outcropping mounds along the San Juan River are cited as outcrop analogs of reservoir carbonates in the Paradox Basin oil province of Utah and adjacent states. The principal field area is the Eight Foot algal field located at river mile 19.2 on the San Juan River, approximately 14 miles SSW of Bluff, Utah. The Lower Ismay section is exposed on both sides of the river for 1.4 miles. Mechanisms for mound formation are still a heavily debated topic and even now aren't fully understood. While this study does not seek to solely answer this question, it does shed some light on the argument. A combined total station-LIDAR survey of the exposed Eight Foot mounds indicates that the mound field is comprised of 83 individual and composite mounds that have an average height of 10.9 meters and peak spacing of 48.8 meters. Further, statistical examination of survey data reveals a correlation between mound height and east-west alignment, showing that shelfward mounds were slightly taller than their more basinward counterparts.. However, other shape parameters do not appear to vary systematically across the algal field. Curve-fitting indicates that the overall mound morphology does not differ significantly from a Gaussian surface indicating that mounds are conical in shape. This suggests that mounds did not form under the influence of directional currents such as waves or tides. Yet, Ivanovia-fragment packstone and grainstone facies typical of the mound interval suggest a high-energy depositional setting.
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