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The Citizen Continental-America Telescopic Eclipse (CATE) Experiment established a standardized set of observation procedures and 72 volunteer observation teams with identical equipment along the path of the 2017 total solar eclipse. CATE successfully imaged the solar corona from 66 of the 72 observation sites resulting in a high dynamic range animation of 90 minutes of solar corona data collected by volunteer citizen science teams. A subgroup of CATE began work in the fall of 2017 to evaluate use of the standard CATE observation setup for exoplanet transit observations. Light curves and analysis of data using AstroImageJ of two well know transiting exoplanets, HD209458b (V = 7.65, depth = 1.5%) and HD189733b (V= 7.67, depth=2.4%) are presented along with modifications to CATE telescopes required for successful exoplanet follow up observations.
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Efeito da administração in bolus de heparina sódica no remodelamento de partículas lipoproteicas associado ao transporte reverso do colesterolGóes, Julliana Stolze Conceição January 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Ana Maria Fiscina Sampaio (fiscina@bahia.fiocruz.br) on 2016-02-15T14:03:58Z
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Juliana Stolze Efeito...2015.pdf: 1337321 bytes, checksum: 6fdad9cde6d0cc06bd37fdbe677450ae (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2015 / Fundação Oswaldo Cruz, Centro de Pesquisas Gonçalo Moniz. Salvador, BA, Brasil / Introdução: as doenças cardiovasculares acometem milhares de pessoas no
mundo. Destas, a doença arterosclerótica está entre as de maior
morbimortalidade. Para a avaliação da necessidade de intervenções
hemodinâmicas e/ou revascularização miocárdica, há a necessidade da
realização do cateterismo (CATE), procedimento de imagem indicado para
evidenciar pontos de obstrução e determinar a melhor estratégia cirúrgica. Para
a realização do CATE utiliza-se heparina sódica (5000 UI) in bolus. Atualmente,
sabe-se que a heparina interfere no remodelamento de partículas lipoproteicas
por liberação da lipoproteína lipase (LPL) e da lipase hepática (LH), essa ação
pode alterar o transporte reverso do colesterol (TRC), em função de
modificações no metabolismo das lipoproteínas. Métodos: foram selecionados
por conveniência 20 pacientes, 10 do sexo masculino e 10 do sexo feminino,
ambos os sexos, entre 45 e 73 anos, admitidos no Hospital Ana Neri,
submetidos à cineangiocoronariografia (CATE). Todas as determinações
laboratoriais foram realizadas antes e depois do CATE. Resultados: houve
aumento significativo da atividade da lipase e diminuição da concentração dos
triglicérides depois do CATE na análise geral e estratificada pelo sexo (p<0,05;
Teste t pareado). A razão HDL-C/apoA aumentou significativamente depois do
CATE, já a razão LDL-C/apoB não aumentou, nem diminuiu nas análises geral
e estratificada por sexo. Enquanto a razão de risco cardiovascular TG/HDL-C
diminuiu significativamente, a ApoB/apoA aumentou significativamente na
análise geral e estratificada por sexo depois do CATE. As análises de
correlações tiveram comportamentos diferentes, sendo a significância
estatística encontrada dependente do grupo analisado (geral, masculino e
feminino). A concentração do não-HDL-C, semelhante à determinação da
haptoglobina, tiveram diminuição significativa na análise geral e no sexo
masculino depois do CATE (p<0,05; Teste t pareado), o grupo feminino não
mostrou significância. As taxas de incorporação de colesterol livre e fosfolípides
não foram significativas depois do CATE. Conclusão: A administração in bolus
de heparina sódica interfere no remodelamento de partículas lipoproteicas,
sendo este fato evidenciado pelas variações das razões de risco, tais como,
HDL-C/apoA, TG/HDL-C. O percentual de incorporação dos fosfolípides e
colesterol livre na HDL mostrou-se influenciado em relação ao sexo, o que o
torna relevante dado aos resultados encontrados. A utilização de razões de
risco e ainda suas correlações mostraram-se melhores indicadores de
desfecho sugestivo de doença cardiovascular nessa casuística do que quando
avaliados apenas os marcadores séricos do perfil lipídico isoladamente. / Introduction: cardiovascular diseases affect thousands of people worldwide.
Of these, the atherosclerotic disease is one of the most morbidity and mortality.
To evaluate the need for hemodynamic interventions and / or CABG, the
catheterization (CATE) is performed, an imaging procedure to evidence
obstruction and to determine the best surgical strategy. To perform CATE, is
necessary to use in bolus sodium heparin (5000 IU). Currently, it is known that
heparin interferes with the remodeling of the lipoprotein particles by releasing
lipoprotein lipase (LPL) and hepatic lipase (HL), this action may alter the
reverse cholesterol transport (TRC), by changes in lipoprotein metabolism.
Methods: were selected by convenience 20 patients, 10 male and 10 female,
both gender, between 45 and 73 years old, admitted to the Hospital Ana Neri,
who underwent coronary angiography (CATE). All laboratory measurements
were performed before and after CATE. Results: were significant increase in
lipase activity and decreased concentration of triglycerides after CATE, in the
overall analysis and stratified by sex (p<0.05, paired t test). The HDL-C/apoA
ratio increased significantly after CATE, since the LDL-C/apoB ratio has not
increased or decreased in the general analysis, and stratified by gender. While
TG/HDL-C cardiovascular risk ratio decreased significantly, ApoB/apoA
increased significantly in the overall analysis, and stratified by sex after CATE.
The correlation analysis had different behaviors, and the statistic significance
found, were dependent of the group analyzed (generally male and female). The
concentration of non-HDL-C, similar to the determination of haptoglobin, had a
significant decrease in the overall analysis and in males after CATE (p<0.05,
paired t-test), the female group do not show significance. The free cholesterol
and phospholipids incorporation rates were not significant after the CATE.
Conclusion: The administration of in bolus sodium heparin interferes in
lipoprotein particles remodeling, by evidences from risk ratios variations, such
as HDL-C/apoA, and TG/HDL-C. The percentage of phospholipids and free
cholesterol incorporation in HDL shows sex influences, which makes it relevant
to the obtained results. The use of hazard ratios and their correlations were
better surrogate markers at these casuistic of cardiovascular disease than when
serum markers of lipid profile were evaluated alone.
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"Splintered and a Great Silence": The Production of Return to the Upright Position by Caridad SvichBrewer, Catherine (Cate) 06 April 2009 (has links)
Like the Tribute in Light that grew phoenix-like from the ashes of the broken hearts of the artists who created it, Return to the Upright Position is a beautiful on-line collaboration amongst fourteen artists in the six months following 9/11. Conceived and edited by Caridad Svich, the play is moving and delicate and instantly brings us back to those moments when American history and sentiment were forever changed. Demoralized, terrorized, afraid, and alone, our country dragged its shocked and weary carcass from the ash, and pulled itself back up again. That is after all the American way, pulling yourself up by your bootstraps, continuing to believe in a better, brighter future, in hope and possibility; returning to the upright position.
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Big Dyke Energy? : Commodification and Queer Female Meaning-Making in the Reception of Ocean’s 8 (Gary Ross, 2018)Fransen, Esmé January 2020 (has links)
In a media landscape that continues to be characterized by heteronormativity, queer female audiences are continuously finding ways to make popular texts their own. Previous scholarship on queer female reception has largely approached queer meaning-making as a text-audience relationship, a perspective which disregards the position of films as commodities surrounded by an extensive promotional network. This thesis investigates the role of commodification in the process of queer meaning-making in popular film through a reception study of the film Ocean’s 8 (Gary Ross, 2018). Using a netnographic method that places social media reception in dialogue with the film and its promotional materials, it challenges the idea that queer meaning is always either embedded in the film text or brought in by the audience “(in)appropriating” the text. Rather, the film and its promotional context create an ambiguity that allows queer readings to flow freely, and actively interacts with a pre-existing Cate Blanchett-as-lesbian fantasy amongst audiences to steer those readings in particular directions. Queer female meaning-making, then, is far from a one-directional action, but rather a complex and constant renegotiation of queerness between commercial actors and audiences alike.
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Примена ГИС-а у картографској генерализацији категоријских карата / Primena GIS-a u kartografskoj generalizaciji kategorijskih karata / Cartographic generalization of categorical maps using GISĐorđević Milan 11 July 2016 (has links)
<p>Аутоматизована картографска генерализација је од великог значаја у картографији, а правих решења још увек нема. Картографска ге­ нерализација полигона и категоријских карата представља веома комплексан проблем, а предложена решења налазе се углавном на концептуалном нивоу. Метода представљена у овој докторској ди­сертацији представља општи приступ аутоматизованој картограф­ској генерализацији категоријских карата применом ГИС софтвера. Као резултат смањења размера, неки од полигона postaju исувише мали да би били приказани у циљаном размеру тако да се морају уклонити, а њихово место ће заузети нека друга појава. Највећи изазов представља смањење семантичких грешака и минимизирање промене удела класа полигона тако да карта више одговара реалности на терену. То је остварено груписањем полигона исте класе, тако што се врши њихово измештање и стапање. На овај начин,одређени број малих полигона који би били елиминисани постају полигони са довољном површином. Други начин мањења грешака је стапање полигона, који имају недовољну површину, са већим полигонима који су им тематски слични. Такође је представљена и метода за откривање и елиминисање уских делова полигона. Све ове методе моrу бити искоришћене за израду било које категориј­ске карте (нпр. климатске, педолошке, карте употребе земљишта, земљишног покривача, геолошке карте итд.) на основу дигиталног модела предела. Посебан софтвер је развијен за измештање градив­них ћелија полигона ипи прецизније њихових центара. Додатни програм је аправљен за решавање проблема уских коридора код полигона. Модел удруживања је направљен у QGIS-y, а модел ста­пања у PostGIS-y, слободном софтверу, отвореног кода. Резултати показују да је изабрани приступ успешан.</p> / <p>Automatizovana kartografska generalizacija je od velikog značaja u kartografiji, a pravih rešenja još uvek nema. Kartografska ge­ neralizacija poligona i kategorijskih karata predstavlja veoma kompleksan problem, a predložena rešenja nalaze se uglavnom na konceptualnom nivou. Metoda predstavljena u ovoj doktorskoj di­sertaciji predstavlja opšti pristup automatizovanoj kartograf­skoj generalizaciji kategorijskih karata primenom GIS softvera. Kao rezultat smanjenja razmera, neki od poligona postaju isuviše mali da bi bili prikazani u ciljanom razmeru tako da se moraju ukloniti, a njihovo mesto će zauzeti neka druga pojava. Najveći izazov predstavlja smanjenje semantičkih grešaka i minimiziranje promene udela klasa poligona tako da karta više odgovara realnosti na terenu. To je ostvareno grupisanjem poligona iste klase, tako što se vrši njihovo izmeštanje i stapanje. Na ovaj način,određeni broj malih poligona koji bi bili eliminisani postaju poligoni sa dovoljnom površinom. Drugi način manjenja grešaka je stapanje poligona, koji imaju nedovoljnu površinu, sa većim poligonima koji su im tematski slični. Takođe je predstavljena i metoda za otkrivanje i eliminisanje uskih delova poligona. Sve ove metode moru biti iskorišćene za izradu bilo koje kategorij­ske karte (npr. klimatske, pedološke, karte upotrebe zemljišta, zemljišnog pokrivača, geološke karte itd.) na osnovu digitalnog modela predela. Poseban softver je razvijen za izmeštanje gradiv­nih ćelija poligona ipi preciznije njihovih centara. Dodatni program je apravljen za rešavanje problema uskih koridora kod poligona. Model udruživanja je napravljen u QGIS-y, a model sta­panja u PostGIS-y, slobodnom softveru, otvorenog koda. Rezultati pokazuju da je izabrani pristup uspešan.</p> / <p>Automated cartographic geпeralizatioп is of great importaпce iп cartography апd real solutioпs are still lackiпg. Cartographic geп­eralizatioп of polygoпs апd categorical maps is а high complexity problem апd solutioпs for it аге maiпly proposed оп а coпceptual level. The method iпtroduced iп this PhD thesis preseпts а geпeral approach to automated cartographic geпeralizatioп of categorical maps usiпg GIS software. As а coпsequeпce of scale reductioп some of the polygoпs аге becomiпg too small for the target scale апd must bе removed, so the other feature takes its place оп the map. The biggest challeпge was to Lesseп semaпtic errors апd miп­ imize the chaпge of share of feature classes so the map better correspoпds to the reality оп the grouпd. This is achieved bу group-iпg polygoпs of the same class bу displaciпg апd mergiпg them. lп this way the пumber of small polygoпs which should bе elimiпated become опеs with sufficieпt агеа. The other way of lesseпiпg errors are mergiпg polygoпs with iпsufficieпt area with а larger adjaceпt objects that is thematically similar. The method for detectiпg апd elimiпatiпg пarrow sectioпs of polygoпs are also proposed.All those methods could bе used for deriviпg апу categorical map (e.g. climate, soil, laпd use, laпd cover, geological map etc.) from digital laпdscape model. Specific software is developed for displaciпg polygoпs structural cells or more precisely their ceпters. The other software is made for dealiпg with polygoп пarrow sectioпs. The aggregatioп model is desigпed iп QGIS апd the mergiпg model is desigпed iп PostGIS, both free апd ореп source software. The results show that the choseп approach is successful.</p>
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