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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Rltpr, a lymphoid-specific protein essential for CD28 costimulation / Rltpr, une protéine lymphocytaire jouant un rôle essentiel dans la costimulation par CD28

Cucchetti, Margot 10 October 2014 (has links)
La reconnaissance d'antigènes par le TCR active des protéines tyrosine kinases qui phosphorylent d'autres substrats intracellulaires dont LAT. Ceci engendre l'activation de molécules telles que PKCθ et CARMA-1. La mutation LatY136F associe des TCR "estropiés" dans le développement de cellules T effectrices générant des désordres lymphoprolifératifs. Nous avons essayé de comprendre les gènes aggravant ou empêchant cette lymphoprolifération en utilisant la mutagénèse ENU. Nous avons identifié une mutation appelée Basilic empêchant le déroulement de la pathologie LatY136F. Basilic est une mutation du gène Rltpr qui constitue une phénocopie de Cd28-/- sur fond sauvage et sur fond LatY136F. Rltpr est un une nouvelle protéine ayant de multiples domaines, qui appartient à la famille CARMIL et qui est exprimée dans les cellules T et B. L'objectif de ce travail était d'élucider les mécanismes au cours desquels CD28 et Rltpr coopèrent avec le TCR pour différencier des cellules T naïves en cellules T effectrices. Ce travail visait aussi à caractériser Rltpr, dont la structure/fonction et l'interactome sont encore inconnus. En utilisant des techniques de microscopie confocale, nous avons montré que la localisation et le recrutement de Rltpr et de RltprBas à la synapse immunologique sont tous deux CD28-dépendants. Les deux molécules colocalisent avec CD28 tout au long du processus d'activation. En outre, Rltpr est essentiel pour la translocation à la synapse de PKCθ et CARMA-1, qui sont induits lors de la co-stimulation par CD28. Ces résultats permettent une meilleure compréhension du fin réglage du système immunitaire adaptatif qui est mis en place lors de l'activation. / TCR recognition of antigens triggers the activation of protein tyrosine kinases that phosphorylate other intracellular substrates including LAT. LAT phosphorylation leads to the activation of PKCθ and CARMA-1. The point mutation LatY136F associates TCRs with crippled signaling abilities to the development of effector T cells generating lymphoproliferative disorders (LPDs). We tried to shed light on genes exacerbating or preventing the LatY136F LPD by using an ENU mutagenesis screening. We identified one point mutation called Basilic that prevents the unfolding of the LatY136F pathology. Basilic is a point mutation of the Rltpr gene and is a phenocopy of a Cd28-/- mutation both on a wild-type and on a LatY136F background. Rltpr is a newly-discovered, multidomain protein belonging to the CARMIL family that is expressed in T and B cells. The objective of the present work was to elucidate the mechanisms during which CD28 and Rltpr cooperate withthe TCR to differentiate naïve into effector T cells. I also aimed at characterizing the Rltpr molecule, whosestructure/function and interactome are still largely unknown. Using confocal microscopy in collaborationwith Takashi Saito's group and Christoph Wülfing we showed that the localization and the recruitment ofboth Rltpr and RltprBas at the immune synapse are CD28-dependent. The two molecules colocalize with CD28all along the activation process. Moreover, Rltpr is essential for the synapse translocation of PKCθ andCARMA-1, which are induced upon CD28 costimulation. Those results allow a better understanding of theadaptive immune system fine tuning upon activation.

The non-steroidal SEGRA, BAY1155975, in contrast to classical glucocorticoids, inhibits anti-CD28-costimulated T cell activation

Stock, Christine 27 November 2013 (has links)
Glukokortikoide (GK) zählen zu den effizientesten Medikamenten bei der Behandlung akuter und chronischer Entzündungskrankheiten. Ihr Einsatz ist häufig durch das Auftreten zahlreicher und teilweise irreversibler Nebenwirkungen beeinträchtigt. Aus diesem Grund wurden neue Glukokortikoid-Rezeptor-Liganden, wie die nicht-steroidalen selektiven Glukokortikoid-Rezeptor-Agonisten (SEGRAs), die eine potente anti-entzündliche Wirkung bei gleichzeitig vermindertem Nebenwirkungspotential aufweisen sollen, entwickelt. Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die SEGRA-Substanz BAY1155975 hinsichtlich ihrer hemmenden Wirkung auf die CD28-kostimulierte Aktivierung primärer humaner T-Zellpopulationen mit der von klassischen GK, wie z.B. Prednisolon, verglichen. In humanen Gedächtnis/Effektor- CD4+ T-Zellen wies die höchste Konzentration von BAY1155975 im Vergleich zu Prednisolon eine statistisch signifikant größere Hemmung der CD28-kostimulierten Sekretion von Effektorzytokinen (IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha, IL17 und IL22) auf. Proliferation, Apoptose und die Expression verschiedener Aktivierungsmarker wurden dagegen durch BAY1155975 und Prednisolon gleichermaßen reguliert. Es wird eine stärkere Hemmung des Kalzium-Kalzineurin-NFAT Signalweges durch BAY1155975 in diesen Zellen vermutet. In vivo zeigten BAY1155975 und Prednisolon eine ähnlich starke Hemmung der T-Zell-vermittelten Hautentzündung im DNFB-induzierten Kontaktallergiemodell in Mäusen, wenn die Behandlung der Mäuse mit den Substanzen vor dem Challenge erfolgte. Bei einer Substanzbehandlung der Mäuse während der Sensibilisierung wurde die Hautentzündung dagegen deutlich stärker durch BAY1155975 als durch Prednisolon gehemmt. Zusammenfassend geben die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit einen Hinweis auf eine stärkere Hemmung der T-Zellsensibilisierung und der Effektorzytokinsekretion durch die SEGRA Substanz BAY1155975 im Vergleich zum klassischen GK Prednisolon. / Glucocorticoids (GCs) are the most effective therapeutic agents for the treatment of acute and chronic inflammatory diseases. Their use is often accompanied with numerous and sometimes irreversible side-effects. Therefore, new glucocorticoid receptor (GR) ligands with should have potent anti inflammatory efficacy but a reduced side-effect profile have been developed. Non steroidal selective glucocorticoid receptor agonists (SEGRAs) represent a new class of GR ligands with an improved therapeutic index. In this study, we compared the SEGRA, BAY1155975, and the classical GC, prednisolone, regarding their suppressive effect on CD28-costimulated activation of human primary T cell subpopulations. In human memory/effector CD4+ T cells, BAY1155975 at the highest concentration exhibited a significantly stronger inhibition of CD28-costimulated effector cytokine secretion (IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha, IL17 and IL22) in comparison to prednisolone. Interestingly, proliferation, apoptosis and expression of activation markers were similarly regulated by BAY1155975 and prednisolone. Further studies on different signal transduction pathways suggested that BAY1155975 stronger inhibited the calcium-calcineurin-NFAT pathway than prednisolone in these cells. In vivo BAY1155975 and prednisolone showed comparable efficacy in inhibition of T cell dependent skin inflammation in DNFB-induced contact hypersensitivity models in mice, when mice were treated before hapten challenge. In contrast, when mice were treated around hapten sensitization markedly stronger inhibition of skin inflammation was observed for BAY1155975 than prednisolone. In summary, the data of this study give evidence for a stronger inhibition of T cell sensitization and effector cytokine secretion by the SEGRA, BAY1155975, in comparison to the classical GC, prednisolone.

Generation and Application of Antigen-Specific Induced Regulatory T cells in Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplantation

Semple, Kenrick 01 January 2011 (has links)
CD28 co-stimulation is required for the generation of naturally occurring regulatory T cells (nTregs) in the thymus through Lck-signaling. However, high level of CD28 suppresses the generation of induced Tregs (iTregs) from naïve CD4 T cells, although underlying mechanism(s) has not been defined. Here we investigated the role of CD28-mediated signaling pathways in the suppression of Treg generation. We used a series of transgenic (Tg) mice on CD28-deficient background that bears WT CD28 or mutated CD28 in its cytosolic tail incapable of binding to Lck, PI3K or Itk. Regardless of exogenous IL-2, strong CD28 costimulation suppressed iTreg generation through Lck signaling. Using a GVHD model to test the role of CD28-mediated iTreg suppression in T cell pathogenicity in vivo, we found that CD28-Lck T cells induced significantly less GVHD than T cells from CD28-WT mice. Furthermore, we found that the recipients of T cells from CD28-Lck mice generated significantly more iTregs than those with T cells from CD28-WT, which contribute to reduced graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) development in recipients of CD28-Lck T cells. These results indicate that CD28 costimulation can negatively regulate Treg generation and may provide an avenue for control of T-cell immunity or tolerance by regulating Tregs using the CD28 signal as a target. We went a step forward and investigated the therapeutic potential of antigen-specific iTregs in the prevention of GVHD. Donor hematopoietic stem cells and mature T cells are transplanted into a lymphopenic host to potentially cure many cancers and hematopoietic diseases like leukemia in bone marrow transplantation (BMT) or hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HCT), but the frequent development of GVHD is the main drawback of this treatment. nTregs suppress the development of GVHD and may spare graft-versus-tumor effect. However, nTregs are a minor (~5%) subpopulation of CD4 helper T cells in healthy individuals, and using in vitro expanded nTregs is a common strategy to test their therapeutic potential in BMT. The concern of in vitro expanded nTregs may include their stability of Foxp3 (master regulatory gene for the development and function of regulatory T cell) expression and suppressive function, survival in vivo, and the non-selective suppression of the pre-activated nTregs. Antigen-specific activation of the regulatory T cells is important for optimal function. In this study, we used an alternative strategy to generate antigen-specific, iTregs and assessed their suppressive potential by comparing their effectiveness in preventing GVHD with polyclonal iTregs. We found that antigen-specific iTregs prevented GVHD lethality in recipients that expressed the target antigen, but were not protective of recipients who did not express the target antigen. Furthermore, antigen-specific iTregs were significantly more efficient than those polyclonal Tregs in the prevention of GVHD. These results reveal the therapeutic potential of antigen-specific iTregs to prevent GVHD efficiently and selectively, and provide the rationale to use antigen-specific iTregs in clinical HCT.

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