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REGULACE CEN NA TRHU LÉČIV / Regulation of pharmaceutical pricesKlingerová, Eliška January 2012 (has links)
This study is aimed at analyzing the effectiveness of state intervention in the form of pharmaceutical external price referencing (EPR) in selected EU countries, as well as the description of drug policy and EPR in the analyzed countries. Among the analyzed countries, the United Kingdom and Sweden have been selected as representatives who don't use EPR regulation. On the other hand, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Austria, Spain and the Netherlands are countries that regulate using EPR. The prices of selected pharmaceutical products in all of those states are converted into producer prices, on which most countries concentrate EPR. Prices are analyzed after the conversion of nominal and real exchange rates. The lowest prices are found in the Netherlands and the UK. This proves that EPR doesn't bring lower prices for medicine in the countries which use it. Further rankings vary based on the exchange rates used. The paper also analyzes the achievement of price ceilings in the Czech Republic, where the maximum prices set by regulators of EPR (including VAT) are compared with the average prices in pharmacies. All analyzed medicinal product prices are below the ceilings, which also proves the ineffectiveness of this intervention.
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Vliv stavebních úprav na cenu víceúčelového objektu / The Influence of Structural Modifications on the Price of a Multipurpose BuildingMikl, Jan January 2017 (has links)
The aim of the dissertation is to evaluate the effect of the building modifications on the usual and determined price of the multipurpose building. The pricing will be made before building modifications to 2016 and after construction adjustments to 2017. The thesis is divided into the theoretical and practical part. The content of the theoretical part is a description of the concepts and valuation methods used in the diploma thesis. In the practical part is made description of the site and immovables before and after the building modifications. Subsequently the calculation is performed using valuation methods. At the end of the thesis, a comparison is made between the usual and determined prices of real estate and the evaluation of the factors influencing the prices.
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Analýza možností prodeje rodinného domu v Brně Řečkovicích / Analysis of the Possibility of Selling a House in Brno ReckoviceSkutilová, Kateřina January 2017 (has links)
Thesis The analysis of the possibilities of selling a family house in Brno, Řečkovice, aims to compare the possibilities of selling RD, as a whole house or by flats.
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Analýza ceny vodného ve vazbě na financování obnovy infrastruktury / Analysis of water prices in relation to the financing of rehabilitation of infrastructurePavel, Marek January 2018 (has links)
This thesis deals with the water price in relation to the costs of rebuilding of water infrastructure in use. Although the price of water has been very much discussed in the last few years, but mainly in terms of profits. This paper describes the method by which, when using data from property and operating records, it is calculated how much of the gained money should be deferred each year. This amount is for both the whole company and each municipality. As part of this work, I evaluated six water companies and compared the results to each other.
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Srovnání cen rodinného domu ve vybraných lokalitách v okrese Ostrava-město v letech 2017 a 2018 / Comparison of Prices of a Single-Family House in Selected Areas within the District of Ostrava-město in 2017 and 2018Kliment, Daniel January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with comparison of family prices in selected localities in the Ostrava-city district in the years 2017 and 2018. These are the localities of Hošťálkovice and Slezská Ostrava, which make up town districts and the village of Šenov. For these locations, I will determine the price and the usual price for 2017 and 2018. Based on the project documentation provided for the new family house, I will also prepare an itemized budget and evaluate it all. The theoretical part of the diploma thesis deals with the introduction and explanation of terminology, with the introduction of legal regulations, a comparative method, on the basis of which I will determine the price of the usual and comparative method according to the valuation rules, which will determine the price determined. There is also generally mentioned the method of determining the price of the building work.
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Vlivy působící na cenu stavebních pozemků v Uherském Hradišti a Starém Městě / Factors Influencing the Price of Building Land in selected locationsMartináková, Veronika January 2019 (has links)
This thesis studies the influences which affect the price of building land in Uherské Hradiště and Staré Město. The introduction presents theoretical basics, such as terminology, a brief survey of evaluative methods building land and the factors which influence the price set by the decree of valuation. The second part of this thesis focuses on reporting the results of the analysis. Finally, the thesis contains a comparison of real prices of building land to prices stated in the decree of valuation. The thesis analyses 38 building land. Results are compared with the decree of valuation.
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Posouzení vlivů ÚP na cenu pozemků v městské části Brně – Soběšicích / Assessing the Impact of Planning on Land Prices in the district of Brno - SoběšicePokorná, Denisa January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the valuation of selected land in the city district of Brno – Soběšice. In the introductory part of the thesis there are mentioned important terms and methods related to real estate valuation, which are necessary to know for land valuation purposes. Furthermore, the thesis provides information on the valued land, which is currently applied for a territorial change in its use, this process and the whole process of territorial change in the city of Brno is briefly described in a separate chapter. Then the determined and market price is determined for the assessed land in three stages of land use in the land use plan. Individual stages, price effects and possible reasons for price differences are commented. The conclusion is devoted to the evaluation of results.
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Vliv změny účelu užití na hodnotu bývalé hasičské zbrojnice na jižní Moravě / The Influence of a New Purpose of Use on the Value of a Former Fire Station in South MoraviaKoudelková, Tereza January 2019 (has links)
The thesis deals with value of an immovable cultural monument with different purposes of use. With help of analysis of the highest and the best use of property (HABU) are individual suggestions of use of the object examined. The theoretical part defines basic concepts, indivual methods of appraisement and explains analysis HABU. The first half of the practical part is about acquaintance with territory solution and property and the second part is about HABU method application. The aim of the work is based on analysis’ results that defines what use is the most appropriate. Value comparison of property with current purpose of use and property that appears as the best shows what effect has the change of purpose of use on property’s value.
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Analýza vlivů ovlivňující rozdíl mezi předpokládanými a skutečnými náklady stavebního díla / Analysis of the effects influencing the difference between projected and actual costs of construction worksBártů, Dominik January 2012 (has links)
This Master’s thesis deals with the analysis of the effects influencing the difference between projected and actual costs of the works. To obtain prices of supply and demand itemized budgets were compiled on the basis of the project documents of this object and firm pricing. The actual price is based on the outputs of in-house accounting. The result is an effort to define and describe all possible factors that might have a negative effect on the project's economic outcome.
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Posouzení vlivu územního plánování na cenu pozemků v Brně / Evaluation of the Impact of Town and Country Planning on the Land Prices in BrnoLorencová, Marie January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with evaluation of the impact of town and country planning on the administrative land price and the market land price in cadastral area Medlánky in the corporate town of Brno. By a case study it is simulated that the selected plot is an agricultural land, a land designated for building-up according to ground plan and finally a building land. The land prices are determined by the applicable valuation rules and by market price at each step. The influence of land networking on the final land price is solved as a part of this thesis. Based on the obtained results it is evaluated, how the various stages of planning affect the price of land and what is the difference due.
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