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Vliv lokality na výši obvyklé ceny bytu v Břeclavi / The Influence of Location on the Usual Price of an Apartment in BřeclavFormanová, Barbora January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the influence of the locality on the usual price of a flat in the town of Břeclav. First of all, the basic relevant terms related to the valuation of immovable property are defined and individual valuation methods are described. In the next part of this work there are formulated problems related to the stated goal of this work, including the proposal of its fulfillment and hypothesis. Then the analysis of the territory of the town of Břeclav is carried out, focusing on civic amenities and urban development. This section also describes the process of selected methods for valuing housing units. The following section is devoted to descriptions of selected housing units and also to their actual evaluation by comparative method according to the price regulation and the direct comparison method, including the expert estimate of their price. The last part is devoted to the recapitulation and discussion of all resulting prices set in this work. There is also an evaluation of the impact of selected localities on the estimated usual price of valued apartments.
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Zdroje cen pro porovnávací způsob ocenění rodinných domů v jižní části okresu Brno-venkov / Price Sources for the Comparative Valuation Method for Houses in the Southern Part of the Brno-venkov DistrictKopr, Radim January 2019 (has links)
In the diploma thesis "Bid and realized prices as a source for comparative valuation method", identical detached houses will be valued first on the basis of tendering procedure and then on the basis of realized prices. Based on our own real estate database in the Brno-venkov district, ten databases of comparative properties will be created in the southern part of the Brno-venkov district. These ten databases will be assigned to the valued detached houses and then compared with the direct comparative valuation method. In the first place, according to the offer prices, the source of which is the aforementioned real estate database and then according to realized prices, the source of which is the price data from purchase contracts registered in the Land Register for the South Moravian Region. Database results - usual prices, will be subsequently analyzed and evaluated. Then the results will be interpreted and the differences between the usual prices and the input data from the database will be discussed.
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Zdroje cen pro porovnávací způsob ocenění rodinných domů v jižní části okresu Brno-venkov / Price Sources for the Comparative Valuation Method for Houses in the Southern Part of the Brno-venkov DistrictKopr, Radim January 2019 (has links)
In the thesis "Price sources for the comparative valutation method for houses in the southern part of the Brno-venkov district," ten identical family homes will be valued first on the basis of bidding, without taking into account prices realised, and then on the basis of realized prices. Based on the entry database of properties in the Brno-venkov district, ten databases of comparison properties in the southern part of the Brno-venkov district will be created. These ten databases will be assigned to identical ten detached houses first with bidding prices and then with prices realized. The ten identical detached houses will then be awarded a direct comparative valuation method in twenty databases generated. First, on the basis of the offer prices, the source of which is the aforementioned entry property database, and then on the basis of the prices realized, the source of which is the price data from the purchase agreements registered in the Land Registry for the South Moravian Region. Database results - prices usual, will then be analysed and evaluated. The results will then be interpreted and the differences between the usual prices and input data from the input database will be discussed.
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Zdroje cen pro porovnávací způsob ocenění u rodinných domů v severní části okresu Brno-venkov / Price Sources for the Comparative Valuation Method for Houses in the Northern Part of the Brno-venkov DistrictDurišová, Nina January 2020 (has links)
The objective of this work, price sources for the comparative valuation method for houses in the northern part of Brno-venkov district, is to create eight databases of houses based on advertised and carried prices. Using the input database the another database for pricing is created, then databases with advertised and carried prices are compared and to obtain results. The valuation of houses is done using sales comparison approach. Based on the results, we can conclude that price is not the only information that may affect the valuation, by mainly the lack of information about specific real estate might affect the results. We propose recommendations for valuation and verification of the information about compared and valuated real estates.
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Stanovení rozdílu cen garáží u RD v Havířově / Determination of the difference in prices garages by the house in HavířovOkrouhlý, Petr January 2013 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the comparison of selected methods for the valuation of property type garage in Havirov, namely the garage of brick blocks. In this work will be the comparison of prices according to the current administrative price regulation and market prices according to the comparative method and itemized budget. In addition to administrative price comparison market price, I will further explore the resulting price difference between the cost valuation method and comparison method of valuation real problem situation.
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Vliv stavebních úprav na cenu polyfunkčního domu / The Effect of Structural Modifications on the Price of a Multifunctional BuildingFibich, Marek January 2014 (has links)
Valuation of immovable property is made for different purposes. This paper will analyze the differences between these methods of valuation for the case of the valuation of multifunctional building before and after the proposed construction works.
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Rozdíl mezi cenou zjištěnou rekreační chaty a rekreačního domku o stejné velikosti v Moravskoslezském kraji / The Price Difference Between a Cottage and a Holiday House of the Same Size in the Moravian-Silesian RegionKvašňovský, Tomáš January 2014 (has links)
The master´s thesis deals with definition of basic terms and selected methods of pricing. Is also defines buildings for family vacation purposes. The main part of the thesis concentrates on description of selected buildings for individual vacation and their setting in built-up and unbuilt areas in three locations of Moravian-Silesian Region. The individual locations are described and their values are set. Then follow comparison and evaluation of the pricing results.
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Porovnání cen obvyklých a cen zjištěných porovnávacím způsobem u bytů v Ostravě / Comparison of normal prices and the prices identified by the comparison method for apartments in OstravaByrtusová, Ivana January 2016 (has links)
Locations of interest Poruba nad Ostrava-Jih are described in this master thesis. The analyse of real estate market is made in these Ostrava districts. The main result of this analyse is to define the range where the price of flat is with the high probability and to estimate the market value. Both locations are compared. After that the identified price and market value are calculate for two apartments of 3+1 disposition in these districts. The identified price and market value are compared. In evaluation is included the comparison of prices between both districts with clarification of specific reasons of differences.
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Cena stavby a možnosti zhotovitele / Price of Construction and Possibilities of SupplierVeselá, Michaela January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to describe the possibilities contractor in determining the price at possible changes during the process of construction supplies. You need to have a set price of construction work, which is a necessary part of the work contract. It is good to know the rights and obligations of the parties in the construction. In the practical part, the work deals with the possibility of fixing prices as well by the contractor under the contract for work.
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Srovnání cen rodinného domu ve vybraných lokalitách v okrese Olomouc v letech 2016 a 2017 / The Comparison of Prices of a Single-Family House in Selected Areas within the District of Olomouc in the Years of 2016 and 2017Babinská, Petra January 2017 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the comparison of prices of a family house in years 2016 and 2017 in the Olomouc district and in three different locations – north from the statutory city of Olomouc, the surrounding area from the statutory city of Olomouc and the outskirts of Olomouc. The family house is located in the village of Bělkovice-Lašťany. This village is located in the northern area of the statutory city of Olomouc. Next, I will place a family house fictitiously in the town of Náměšť na Hané and in the town district Nemilany, which is the peripheral part of the statutory city of Olomouc. For specified locations, the price is determined and the usual price is compared and determines factors influencing the house price. In the theoretical part, I will explain the terminology, familiarize myself with the law, the comparative method on the basis of which I will determine the usual price and the comparative method according to the valuation order, which will determine the price determined.
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