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Against the strict application of the caveat subscriptor rule in the context of contracts of necessity.Govinden, Kaelin. 12 November 2013 (has links)
This dissertation critically examines the common law caveat subscriptor rule and argues against
the strict application of the rule in the context of ‘contracts of necessity’ (which is defined in the
research paper). I will begin by explaining what exactly the caveat subscriptor rule entails and
how it functions within the realm of mistake in contract as a species of the reliance theory which
the South African law of contract endorses. I will then proceed to outline the narrow grounds
recognized by the courts to date upon which one may escape the working of the caveat
subscriptor rule. In section II of the paper I will briefly discuss the rise of the consumer
protection movement and consider the extent to which the Consumer Protection Act now
provides added protection to the unwitting signatory against the strict application of the rule. In
section III I will critically examine the underlying presumptions of the caveat subscriptor rule
which purport to justify the existence and application of the rule itself. I will then proceed to
illustrate that while the assumptions underlying the caveat subscriptor rule may have been
accurate and relevant in the past, these assumptions are no longer in keeping with the modern era
of mass marketing characterized by the widespread use of standard-form contracts and consumer
non-readership, which is reflected in recent judgments dealing with unread contract terms. In
section IV I will examine the modern reality of consumer non-readership caused by various
innate psychological factors and behavioural biases, particularly in the context of contracts of
necessity. In section V I show that a change in judicial attitude towards unread contract terms
and increased fairness towards the signatory is warranted not only in light of modern consumer
behavior, but also in light of the courts constitutional mandate to develop the common law in
accordance with section 39 (2) of the Bill of Rights as well as its underlying values. In section VI
will propose a new basis for escaping the strict application of the rule grounded in public policy
and will conclude by suggesting some practical methods for reform under the common law. / Thesis (LL.M.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, 2012.
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"A typical labour - the role, function and effect of labour broking as an employment practice"Cowley, Kevin Alexander 13 February 2012 (has links)
M.A. / For many years national legislation has made little to no effort to control the conditions of employment for atypical labour. In fact, such labour has mostly operated withm the twilight zone of the law. Generally ill-defined, with conditions of employment remain relatively vague. This has not only been the case within South Africa, for internationally the struggle headed by the International labour Organization has indicated a similar lack of regulation of such conditions of employment. For the sake of clarity, it must be repeated that this study has no intention of elaborating in any further detail, on the subject of atypical labour, other than in as far as such labour affects labour braking activities Therefore. some description and discussion of the various forms of atypical labour will follow, however only in as much as this will encourage a better understanding of labour braking, as an employment practice.
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Совершенствование финансового механизма государственных закупок : магистерская диссертация / Improving the financial mechanism of public procurementГоголина, И. Н., Gogolina, I. N. January 2019 (has links)
Выпускная квалификационная работа (магистерская диссертация) посвящена исследованию путей совершенствования финансового механизма управления государственными закупками. Предметом исследования является совокупность экономических отношений, возникающих в процессе организации государственных закупок. Основной целью магистерской диссертации является совершенствование финансового механизма государственных закупок путем модификации его финансовых инструментов на основе теоретически и практически обоснованных экономических решений для оптимизации бюджетных расходов, в частности, и дальнейшего развития системы государственных закупок, в целом. В заключении сформулированы рекомендации по совершенствованию финансовых инструментов государственных закупок. / Final qualifying work (master's thesis) is devoted to the study of ways to improve the financial mechanism of public procurement management. The subject of the study is a set of economic relations arising in the process of public procurement. The main purpose of the master's thesis is to improve the financial mechanism of public procurement by modifying its financial instruments on the basis of theoretically and practically sound economic decisions to optimize budget expenditures, in particular, and the further development of the public procurement system as a whole. In conclusion, the recommendations on improving the financial instruments of public procurement are formulated.
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Die gebruik van gevangene arbeid in die Wes-Kaapse landbouGoussard, Yvette 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The research problem of this study is "The use of prison labour in die Western Cape
agriculture". The aim of this qualitative-historical study was to determine how this
system of labour was established, functioned and eventually came to an end.
To research this topic was not easy. Most of the documentary sources have been
destroyed. Therefore, the main source of information were interviews with the
relevant prison wardens and guards, as well as farmers who used prison labour in the
Prison labour played only a small part in the penal system of the Cape Colony before
the nineteenth century. The focus of punishment was on the body of the criminal -
inflicting physical pain. Since the early 1800's prisoners were used for the
maintenance of roads and on work in Governmental gardens. Prisoners were rented ' .
out to farmers, on an informal basis, since 1806.
A formal system of prison labour, based on the principle of rehabilitating punishment,
was introduced by the Governor John Montagu in 1843. For example, prisoners were
classified according to their behavior, rather than their crimes. In 1888 free prison
labour was abolished and a standard wage was introduced.
The use of prison labour by private persons increased systematically after the Second
World War. The reason for this was a growing labour shortage in especially
agriculture. The system of farm prisons or so-called "outposts" was established to
address this problem. In 194 7 the Landsdown Commission accepted the principle of
farm prisons.
The first farm prison was opened in 1953. The establishment of these outposts had a
twofold aim: firstly, it supplied farmers with a constant source of labour. Secondly, it
served as a deliverance for the state, as this would relieve the overcrowding in prisons
and reduce costs.
Between 1953 and 1988 a_total of thirteen outposts were established in the Western
Cape. Farmers' unions carried the costs of building the prisons and were also
responsible for their maintenance. The Department of Prisons was responsible for the
appointment of prisonguards and their remuneration. A Central Outpost Committee
was established that served as a link between the various farmers' unions and the
South Africa's policy on prison labour was in line with the United Nations' "Standard
Minimum Rules" for the treatment of prisoners, having rehabilitation as main
objective. However, this system of farm prisons clashed with the international trade
ethos of the time. It was seen as "slave labour" that gave South African farmers an
unfair competitive advantage. In 1988 prison labour was terminated and outposts
were closed, due to the threat of sanctions and boycotts of South African agricultural
The empirical evidence of this study largely supports the Marxist interpretation of
punishment in society. According to Ma.rXism, punishment systems and prison
labour serve the economic interests of the dominant classes. At the same time it also
gives credence to the Weberian interpretation, in which the systematic monitoring and
treatment of prisoners are a manifestation of the tendency towards increasing
rationalisation in Western society. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die navorsingsprobleem van hierdie studie is "Die gebruik van gevangene arbeid in
die Wes-Kaapse landbou". Die doel van hierdie kwalitatief-historiese ondersoek was
om vas te stel hoe hierdie sisteem van arbeid ontstaan, gefunksioneer en tot 'n einde
gekom het.
Navorsing van hierdie onderwerp was nie maklik nie. Die meeste dokumentere
bronne was reeds vemietig. Gevolglik moes hoofsaaklik staatgemaak word op
onderhoude met hoofde en bewaarders van gevangenisse, asook boere wat destyds
van gevangene arbeid gebruik gemaak het.
Gevangene arbeid het 'n relatief klein rol gespeel in die strafstelsel van die
Kaapkolonie voor die negentiende eeu. Die klem van straf was op die liggaam van
die beskuldigde - die toepassing van fisiese pyn. Vanaf die vroee 1800's 1s
gevangenes egter gebruik vir die instandhouding van strate en vir werk m
Regeringstuine. V anaf 1806 is gevangenes ook op informele basis aan boere
'n Formele stelsel van gevangene arbeid, gebasseer op die beginsel van
rehabiliterende straf, is in 1843 deur die destydse Goeweneur John Montagu ingestel.
Gevangenes is byvoorbeeld geklassifiseer volgens hul optrede, eerder as hul misdaad.
In 1888 is gratis gevangene arbeid afgeskaf en voorsiening is gemaak vir 'n standaard
Na die Tweede Wereldoorlog het die gebruik van gevangene arbeid deur privaat
persone sistematies toegeneem. Die rede hiervoor was 'n groeiende arbeidstekort in
veral die landbou. Laasgenoemde is hoofsaaklik aangespreek deur die stelsel van
plaastronke of sogenaamde "buiteposte". In 194 7 het die Landsdown Kommissie
plaastronke in beginsel goedgekeur.
Die eerste plaastronk, of "buitepos" soos daarna verwys is, is in 1953 geopen. Die
oprigting van buiteposte het 'n tweeledige doel gehad: eerstens, het dit vir boere'n
konstante voorraad van arbeid te verskaf. Tweedens was dit vir die staat 'n uitkoms, aangesien dit die oorbevolking in stedelike tronke sou verlig en kostes sou besnoei.
Daarbenewens sou hierdie nuwe stelsel hydra tot die rehabilitasie van korter-termyn
Tussen 1953 en 1988 het daar altesame dertien buiteposte in die Wes-Kaap bestaan.
Boereverenigings het die oprigtingskoste van die onderskeie tronke gedra.
Hierbenewens moes hulle ook ondemeem om die tronke te onderhou, terwyl die
Departement van Gevangenisse verantwoordelik was vir die beskikbaarstelling van
bewaarders en hul vergoeding. 'n Sentrale Buiteposkomitee is gestig wat as skakel
gedien het tussen die betrokke boereverenigings en die Departement.
Suid-Afrika se beleid rakende gevangene arbeid was in pas met die Verenigde Nasies
se "Standaard Minimum Reels" vir die behandeling van gevangenes, met rehabilitasie
as sentrale motief. Die stelsel van plaastronke het egter ingedruis teen die
intemasionale handels-etos van die tyd en is as "slawe arbeid" gesien wat vir SuidAfrikaanse
boere 'n onregverdige mededingende voordeel gegee het. Uit vrese vir
sanksies en boikotte van Suid-Afrikaanse landbou produkte, is gevangene arbeid
gestaak en buiteposte teen die einde van 1988 gesluit.
Die empiriese getuienis van hierdie ondersoek staaf in 'n groot mate die Marxistiese
interpretasie van straf in die samelewing. Hiervolgens dien strafstelsels en gevangene
arbeid die ekonomiese belange van die dominante klasse. Terselfdertyd steun dit die
Weberiaanse interpretasie waarvolgens die sistematiese monitering en behandeling
van gevangenes in tronke 'n manifestasie 1s van die tendens tot toenemende
rasionalisasie in die Westerse samelewing.
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Durban based COFESA affiliated CMT clothing manufacturing firms : their upgrading opportunities.Gannon, Shaun. January 2002 (has links)
No abstract available. / Thesis (M.Dev.Studies)-University of Natal, Durban,2002.
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Contrat de travail et droit commun : essai de mesure / Employment contract and general law : a measurement essayMazaud, Anne-Laure 09 December 2016 (has links)
La question des rapports entretenus entre le contrat de travail et le droit commun évoque immédiatement la revendication autonomiste. Il ne s’agit pourtant pas de revendiquer mais de mesurer la propension à l’autonomie du droit du travail à l’égard du droit commun des contrats maintes fois questionnée et toujours renouvelée. Précisément, cet essai de mesure révèle un résultat profondément nuancé. Ainsi, l’autonomie ne saurait être absolument reconnue en raison des nombreuses manifestations de la soumission du contrat de travail au droit commun. Elle ne peut cependant pas être totalement contredite en raison de l’indéniable émancipation de celui-ci envers celui-là. Pour comprendre cette apparente contradiction, il convient de diviser la matière. L’approche ne peut être globale et l’étude doit porter sur des objets distincts. Le régime du contrat de travail oscille en effet entre deux pôles : autonomie et dépendance. Relativement à certaines questions, l’émancipation à l’égard du droit commun est quasi-totale. Relativement à d’autres, la soumission est de mise. Plus encore, le résultat de ces recherches conduit à affirmer que l’autonomie et la dépendance ne constituent pas deux domaines étanches délimités par une frontière nette. Ainsi, la dépendance doit être reconnue lorsque le droit commun est préservé ; l’autonomie apparaît déjà, cependant, dès lors que le droit commun est adapté. Elle est plus intense encore lorsque le droit commun est déformé, et atteint son ultime degré lorsque le droit commun est évincé. Se constate ainsi une sorte de continuum qui s’étend entre ces deux pôles – dépendance et autonomie – et sur lequel s’ordonnent les questions relatives au contrat de travail. Ainsi, lorsqu’on mesure les rapports entre le contrat de travail et le droit commun des contrats, tout est affaire de degrés, de proximité et d’éloignement corrélatif à l’égard de ces deux extrémités du spectre. / When wondering about the relationship between employment contract and general law, autonomist claim is usually immediately brought up. Yet, the point is not to claim, but to define the propensity to autonomy of labor law in regard of general contract law, many times asked, and always renewed. Precisely, this measurement essay reveals deeply nuanced results. Thus autonomy could not be definitely accepted due to many manifestations of the subservience of employment contract to general law. However it cannot be totally contradicted because of the incontestable emancipation of the employment contract from the general law. To understand this apparent contradiction, the subject must be divided. The approach cannot be global and the study must deal with distinct subjects. The employment contract system is indeed oscillating between two poles: autonomy and dependence. Emancipation towards general law is almost complete when considering some questions. Concerning some other questions, subservience can only be noted. Moreover, the results of this research are leading to affirm that autonomy and dependence are not two distinct areas, separated by a hermetic border. Hence, dependence must be admitted when general law is preserved, though autonomy already appears when general law is appropriate. It is more intense when general law is distorted, and reaches its ultimate degree when general law is ousted. A kind of continuum is observed between these two poles – subservience and autonomy – on which questions about employment contract are organized. Consequently, when measuring the relationship between employment contract and general contract law, everything is a matter of degrees, proximity and distance correlative to these two extremities of the spectrum.
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Совершенствование механизмов осуществления закупок товаров, работ, услуг для государственных нужд в субъекте Российской Федерации : магистерская диссертация / Improving the mechanisms for the procurement of goods, works, services for state needs in the subject of the Russian FederationПлотников, В. Д., Plotnikov, V. D. January 2021 (has links)
Фокусом научного исследования, проведенного в рамках настоящей магистерской диссертации, является механизм осуществления закупок товаров, работ, услуг для государственных нужд в условиях его реформирования. Цель исследования: анализ механизмов осуществления закупок товаров, работ, услуг для государственных нужд в субъекте Российской Федерации и формирование рекомендаций для совершенствования их работы. Основными методами проведения исследования стали качественный и количественный анализ, а именно экспертное интервью, контент-анализ. В процессе исследования были изучены теоретические основы контрактной системе в сфере закупок товаров, работ, услуг в Российской Федерации; рассмотрена нормативно-правовая база закупочной деятельности на международном, федеральном и региональном уровнях; предложено новое определение механизма закупочной деятельности; сформированы модели организации закупочной деятельности в регионах Российской Федерации; подготовлены практические материалы, которые могут быть использованы специалистами по закупкам в их профессиональной деятельности. Предложенные автором рекомендации по совершенствованию механизма государственных закупок региона Российской Федерации внесут уточнения в действующее законодательство, а также упростят и ускорят работу специалистов по закупкам. / The focus of the research conducted within the framework of this master's thesis is the mechanism of procurement of goods, works, and services for state needs in the context of its reform. The purpose of the study: to analyze the mechanisms of procurement of goods, works, and services for state needs in the subject of the Russian Federation and to form recommendations for improving their work. The main methods of conducting the research were qualitative and quantitative analysis, namely expert interviews, content analysis. In the course of the research, the theoretical foundations of the contract system in the field of procurement of goods, works, and services in the Russian Federation were studied; the regulatory and legal framework of procurement activities at the international, federal, and regional levels was considered; a new definition of the procurement mechanism was proposed; models of the organization of procurement activities in the regions of the Russian Federation were formed; practical materials were prepared that can be used by procurement specialists in their professional activities. The recommendations proposed by the author on improving the mechanism of public procurement in the region of the Russian Federation will clarify the current legislation, as well as simplify and speed up the work of procurement specialists.
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