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Analýza polygonálních modelů pomocí neuronových sítí / Analysis of Polygonal Models Using Neural NetworksDronzeková, Michaela January 2020 (has links)
This thesis deals with rotation estimation of 3D model of human jaw. It describes and compares methods for direct analysis od 3D models as well as method to analyze model using rasterization. To evaluate perfomance of proposed method, a metric that computes number of cases when prediction was less than 30° from ground truth is used. Proposed method that uses rasterization, takes three x-ray views of model as an input and processes it with convolutional network. It achieves best preformance, 99% with described metric. Method to directly analyze polygonal model as a sequence uses attention mechanism to do so and was inspired by transformer architecture. A special pooling function was proposed for this network that decreases memory requirements of the network. This method achieves 88%, but does not use rasterization and can process polygonal model directly. It is not as good as rasterization method with x-ray display, byt it is better than rasterization method with model not rendered as x-ray. The last method uses graph representation of mesh. Graph network had problems with overfitting, that is why it did not get good results and I think this method is not very suitable for analyzing plygonal model.
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Sémantická segmentace obrazu pomocí konvolučních neuronových sítí / Semantic segmentation of images using convolutional neural networksŠpila, Filip January 2020 (has links)
Tato práce se zabývá rešerší a implementací vybraných architektur konvolučních neuronových sítí pro segmentaci obrazu. V první části jsou shrnuty základní pojmy z teorie neuronových sítí. Tato část také představuje silné stránky konvolučních sítí v oblasti rozpoznávání obrazových dat. Teoretická část je uzavřena rešerší zaměřenou na konkrétní architekturu používanou na segmentaci scén. Implementace této architektury a jejích variant v Caffe je převzata a upravena pro konkrétní použití v praktické části práce. Nedílnou součástí tohoto procesu jsou kroky potřebné ke správnému nastavení softwarového a hardwarového prostředí. Příslušná kapitola proto poskytuje přesný návod, který ocení zejména noví uživatelé Linuxu. Pro trénování všech variant vybrané sítě je vytvořen vlastní dataset obsahující 2600 obrázků. Je také provedeno několik nastavení původní implementace, zvláště pro účely použití předtrénovaných parametrů. Trénování zahrnuje výběr hyperparametrů, jakými jsou například typ optimalizačního algoritmu a rychlost učení. Na závěr je provedeno vyhodnocení výkonu a výpočtové náročnosti všech natrénovaných sítí na testovacím datasetu.
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Detekce cesty ve venkovním prostředí zpracováním obrazu / Road detection in outdoor environment using image processingVrbičanová, Antónia January 2020 (has links)
The Master’s thesis deals with the issue of the road detection in the outdoor environment using image processing. It is highly required that the methods selected are robust to sudden light changes within the image and effective in detection of wide variety of road surfaces possibly comprising certain kinds of pollution. Two methods have been used in order to reach the desired goal. The initial method uses standard algorithms of the image processing. Main outcome of this method are highlighted road boundaries. The following methodisbasedonconvolutionalneuralnetworks.Inthiscasewehaveclassificationtask. The result of this method is the estimation of the road direction. In the whole process, severalneuralnetworkstructureshavebeendesigned.Afterthenetworktrainingthemost suitable one was selected. Eventually, the results have been retested using newly created test set. Both of these methods are implemented in programming language Python.
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Rozpoznávání ručně psaného textu pomocí hlubokých neuronových sítí / Deep Networks for Handwriting RecognitionRichtarik, Lukáš January 2020 (has links)
The work deals with the issue of handrwritten text recognition problem with deep neural networks. It focuses on the use of sequence to sequence method using encoder-decoder model. It also includes design of encoder-decoder model for handwritten text recognition using a transformer instead of recurrent neurons and a set of experiments that were performed on it.
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Evoluční návrh konvolučních neuronových sítí / Evolutionary Design of Convolutional Neural NetworksPristaš, Ján January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this Master's thesis is to describe basic technics of evolutionary computing, convolutional neural networks (CNN), and automated design of neural networks using neuroevolution ( NAS - Neural Architecture Search ). NAS techniques are currently being researched more and more, as they speed up and simplify the lengthy and complicated process of designing artificial neural networks. These techniques are also able to search for unconventional architectures that would not be found by classic methods. The work also contains the design and implementation of software capable of automated development of convolutional neural networks using the open-source library TensorFlow. The program uses a multiobjective NSGA-II algorithm for designing accurate and compact CNNs.
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Detekce a klasifikace poškození otisku prstu s využitím neuronových sítí / Detection and Classification of Damage in Fingerprint Images Using Neural NetsVican, Peter January 2021 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to study and design experimental improvement of the convolutional neural network for disease detection. Another goal is to extend the classifier with a new type of detection. he new type of detection is damage fingerprint by pressure. The experimentally improved convolutional network is implemented by PyTorch. The network detects which part of the fingerprint is damaged and draws this part into the fingerprint. Synthetic fingerprints are used when training the net. Real fingerprints are added to the synthetic fingerprints.
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High Performance Static Random Access Memory Design for Emerging ApplicationsChen, Xiaowei January 2018 (has links)
Memory wall is becoming a more and more serious bottleneck of the processing speed of microprocessors. The mismatch between CPUs and memories has been increasing since three decades ago. SRAM was introduced as the bridge between the main memory and the CPU. SRAM is designed to be on the same die with CPU and stores temporary data and instructions that are to be processed by the CPU. Thus, the performance of SRAMs has a direct impact on the performance of CPUs.
With the application of mass amount data to be processed nowadays, there is a great need for high-performance CPUs. Three dimensional CPUs and CPUs that are specifically designed for machine learning are gaining popularity. The objective of this work is to design high-performance SRAM for these two emerging applications. Firstly, a novel delay cell based on dummy TSV is proposed to replace traditional delay cells for better timing control. Secondly, a unique SRAM with novel architecture is custom designed for a high-performance machine learning processor. Post-layout simulation shows that the SRAM works well with the processing core and its design is optimized to work well with machine learning processors based on convolutional neural networks. A prototype of the SRAM is also tapped out to further verify our design.
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Convolutional Neural Networks for Enhanced Compression TechniquesGnacek, Matthew 18 May 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Convolutional Neural Network FPGA-accelerator on Intel DE10-Standard FPGATianxu, Yue January 2021 (has links)
Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have been extensively used in many aspects, such as face and speech recognition, image searching and classification, and automatic drive. Hence, CNN accelerators have become a trending research. Generally, Graphics processing units (GPUs) are widely applied in CNNaccelerators. However, Field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) have higher energy and resource efficiency compared with GPUs, moreover, high-level synthesis tools based on Open Computing Language (OpenCL) can reduce the verification and implementation period for FPGAs. In this project, PipeCNN[1] is implemented on Intel DE10-Standard FPGA. This OpenCL design acceleratesAlexnet through the interaction between Advanced RISC Machine (ARM) and FPGA. Then, PipeCNN optimization based on memory read and convolution is analyzed and discussed.
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Object Identification Using Mobile Device for Visually Impaired PersonAkarapu, Deepika 09 August 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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