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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Do Céu aos Genes: transições epistêmicas, anomalias cosmológicas e suas inquietações éticas: uma interlocução foucaultiana / From Heaven to Genes: epistemic transitions, cosmological anomalies and their ethical concerns: Foucault\'s dialogue

Carvalho, Alexey Dodsworth Magnavita de 19 September 2013 (has links)
A presente pesquisa aborda o problema das descontinuidades históricas que deram lugar às mudanças epistêmicas ao longo dos séculos. As rupturas cosmológicas são apresentadas como os elementos de erosão epistêmica referidos por Foucault, e apontadas como o gatilho de desencadeamento do conceito de anomalia. Das anomalias celestiais aos indivíduos anormais, questões éticas são evocadas como inquietações que antecedem o que Foucault descreve como a morte do homem. / This research deals with the problem of historical discontinuities that have given rise to epistemic changes through the centuries. Cosmological ruptures are presented as the \"elements of epistemic erosion\" mentioned by Foucault, and identified as unleashing triggers of the anomaly concept. From heavenly anomalies to abnormal individuals, ethical issues are raised as concerns that preced what Foucault describes as the death of man.

Influência da Transferência de Momento-Energia na Interação entre Matéria e Energia escura / Influence of Energy-Momentum Transfer in the Interaction between Matter and Dark Energy.

Olivari, Lucas Collis 14 May 2014 (has links)
Neste trabalho, estudamos modelos cosmológicos em que a energia escura foi tratada como um campo de matéria que interage com a matéria escura. Três modelos distintos foram considerados. O primeiro trata tanto a matéria escura fria quanto a energia escura como fluidos perfeitos. O termo de interação entre eles é dado por uma expressão com origem fenomenológica que postulamos existir na equação de balanço entre esses dois fluidos. Dadas as equações no universo plano de Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW), pudemos escrever uma versão covariante para as equações de balanço. Com isso, as equações de balanço em um universo de FRW perturbado linearmente foram obtidas. Isso, por sua vez, permitiu que a estabilidade das equações diferenciais obtidas fosse estudada. O segundo modelo tem origem em modelos de f(R). Esses modelos propõem uma generalização da Relatividade Geral ao considerar a ação da gravidade como um funcional do escalar de Ricci, R. Através de uma transformação conforme, foi possível reinterpretar os modelos de f(R) como modelos em que um campo escalar canônico, que representa a energia escura, interage com os campos da matéria. Através do princípio da ação, obtivemos as equações de movimento e o tensor de energia-momento para nosso sistema. Com o campo escalar sendo interpretado como um fluido perfeito, pudemos, por fim, obter equações de balanço entre fluidos perfeitos tanto no nível de fundo quanto no universo perturbado linearmente. O terceiro modelo começa com a lagrangiana, em um espaço-tempo de FRW, de um campo escalar canônico, que representa a energia escura, e um campo fermiônico de spin-1/2, que representa a matéria escura. Um termo de interação de Yukawa entre esses campos foi postulado existir na lagrangiana. Novamente através do princípio da ação, obtivemos as equações de movimento e o tensor de energia-momento para esses campos. Essas equações de movimento puderam, por fim, ser reescritas como equações de balanço entre fluidos perfeitos tanto no nível de fundo quanto no universo perturbado linearmente. / In this work we studied cosmological models in which the dark energy was treated as a field of matter that interacts with dark matter. Three different models were considered. The first one treats both the cold dark matter and the dark energy as perfect fluids. The interaction term between them is given by a expression with phenomenological origin that we postulated to exist in the balance equations between these two fluids. Given the equations in the flat Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) universe, we wrote a covariant version of the balance equations. Thus, the balance equations in a linearly perturbed FRW universe were obtained. This, in turn, allowed the stability of the obtained differential equations to be studied. The second model comes from f(R) models. These models propose a generalization of General Relativity by considering the action for gravity as a functional of the Ricci scalar, R. Through a conformal transformation, it was possible to reinterpret the f(R) models as models in which a canonical scalar field, which represents the dark energy, interacts with matter fields. Through the principle of least action, we obtained the equations of motion and the energy-momentum tensor for our system. With the scalar field being interpreted as a perfect fluid, we obtained equations of balance for perfect fluids at both the background level and in the linearly perturbed universe. The third model starts with the Lagrangian, in a FRW space-time, of a canonical scalar field, which represents the dark energy, and of a fermionic field of spin-1/2, which represents the dark matter. A Yukawa interaction term between these fields was postulated to exist in the Lagrangian. Again, through the principle of least action, we obtained the equations of motion and the energy-momentum tensor for these fields. These equations of motion could then be rewritten as balance equations for perfect fluids at both the background level and in the linearly perturbed universe.

Atalhos Gravitacionais em Cosmologia de Branas / Gravitational Shortcuts in Cosmology of Branas

Melgar, Bertha María Cuadros 12 June 2003 (has links)
Consideramos quatro modelos de branas, a saber, o modelo de Binétruy, Deffayet e Langlois com uma brana estática em um bulk dinâmico, o modelo de Chamblin e Reall para paredes de domínio dinâmicas, o modelo de brana estática em um espaço-tempo AdS contendo uma singularidade, e a generalização do último caso, isto é, o modelo de brana dinâmica em um bulk AdS ou dS contendo uma singularidade nua ou protegida. Das equações de Einstein e das condições de Darmois-Israel, estudamos a dinâmica da 4-brana nos casos pertinentes. Usando o formalismo de Euler-Lagrange, derivamos uma equação para o caminho mais curto em 5 e 6 dimensões. Aplicando esta equação, investigamos a possibilidade de se ter atalhos, verificando sua existência nos três últimos modelos. Calculamos os atrasos relevantes entre os sinais de gráviton e do fóton e a razão dos horizontes subentendidos correspondentes. As consequências são discutidas. / We consider four brane world models, namely, the modelo f Binétruy, Deffayet and Langlois with a static brane in a dynamical bulk, the modelo f Chamblin and Reall for dynamic domain dilatonic domain walls, the static brane model in na AdS spacetime containing a shielded singularity, and the generalization of the latter case, i.e., the dynamic brane model in na AdS or dS bulk containing a naked or shielded singularity. From the Einstein equations and the Darmois-Israel conditions we study the 4-brane dynamics in the pertinent cases. Using the Euler-Lagrange formalism we derive na equation for the shortest path in 5 and 6 dimensions. Applying this equation we investigate the possibility of having shortcuts verifying its existence in the three last models. We calculate the relevant delay between gráviton and photon sinals and the ratio of the corresponding subtended horizons. Consequences are discussed.

Observational Constraints on Models with an Interaction between Dark Energy and Dark Matter / Vínculos Observacionais em Modelos com Interação entre Energia Escura e Matéria Escura

Costa, André Alencar da 30 October 2014 (has links)
In this thesis we go beyond the standard cosmological LCDM model and study the effect of an interaction between dark matter and dark energy. Although the LCDM model provides good agreement with observations, it faces severe challenges from a theoretical point of view. In order to solve such problems, we first consider an alternative model where both dark matter and dark energy are described by fluids with a phenomenological interaction given by a combination of their energy densities. In addition to this model, we propose a more realistic one based on a Lagrangian density with a Yukawa-type interaction. To constrain the cosmological parameters we use recent cosmological data, the CMB measurements made by the Planck satellite, as well as BAO, SNIa, H0 and Lookback time measurements. / Nesta tese vamos além do modelo cosmológico padrão, o LCDM, e estudamos o efeito de uma interação entre a matéria e a energia escuras. Embora o modelo LCDM esteja de acordo com as observações, ele sofre sérios problemas teóricos. Com o objetivo de resolver tais problemas, nós primeiro consideramos um modelo alternativo, onde ambas, a matéria e a energia escuras, são descritas por fluidos com uma interação fenomenológica dada como uma combinação das densidades de energia. Além desse modelo, propomos um modelo mais realista baseado em uma densidade Lagrangiana com uma interação tipo Yukawa. Para vincular os parâmetros cosmológicos usamos dados cosmológicos recentes como as medidas da CMB feitas pelo satélite Planck, bem como medidas de BAO, SNIa, H0 e Lookback time.

Estruturas em larga escala e o Dark Energy Survey / Large scale structures and dark energy survey

Chavez, Hugo Orlando Camacho 29 April 2014 (has links)
Experimentos modernos com observações das posições e redshifts de galáxias em grandes áreas do céu representam uma poderosa ferramenta para a investigação de modelos cosmológicos. Entretanto, estas observações trazem consigo novos desafios práticos e teóricos para a extração da informação contida nos dados. Esta dissertação faz uma revisão da interpretação teórica da aglomeração de galáxias e dos efeitos de lenteamento gravitacional fraco por estruturas em largas escalas no Universo, no contexto de modelos cosmológicos FLRW. Esta interpretação e geral, na medida em que os efeitos da curvatura espacial são apropriadamente considerados, sendo portanto verdadeiros para Universos FLRW com conteúdos arbitrários de matéria e energia escura. Neste contexto, consideramos a estatística de dois pontos no espaço de configurações e no espaço harmônico, obtendo formulas gerais para a função de correlação de dois pontos no espaço real e no espaço de redshifts. Incluímos ainda efeitos de grandes ângulos e consideramos a aproximação de observador distante de forma apropriada. Uma característica importante de levantamentos fotométricos de galáxias e a de que eles vão ganhar em área e profundidade, em troca de uma pior determinação das posições radiais. Neste contexto, uma técnica padrão para extração de informação cosmológica dos dados consiste em dividir as galáxias em bins de redshift, de forma a assim usar a função de correlação angular (ACF) w() e o espectro de potencias angular (APS) C. Nesta dissertação também tratamos o problema de vincular parâmetros cosmológicos usando técnicas de inferência estatística Bayesiana a partir das medidas da ACF e do APS em grandes escalas. Diferentes técnicas computacionais são discutidas e um modelo detalhado para a ACF em grandes escalas ´e apresentado, incluindo todos os efeitos relevantes, como não-linearidades gravitacionais, o bias, distorções no espaço de redshift, e incertezas nas estimativas de redshifts (photo-zs). Apresentamos uma analise da ACF em grandes escalas para galáxias do CMASS, um catalogo de redshifts fotométricos baseado no Data Release 8 do Sloan Digital Sky Survey- III, mostrando que a ACF pode ser eficientemente aplicada para vincular cosmologia em levantamentos fotométricos do futuro. Também apresentamos uma analise similar em dados simulados do Dark Energy Survey, mostrando que no futuro próximo tal analise nos permitira vincular modelos cosmológicos com precisão ainda maior. Finalmente, apresentamos um trabalho preliminar sobre correlações angulares de posição e shear no espaço harmônico para as simulações Onion. / Modern wide-area multi-color deep galaxy redshift surveys provide a powerful tool to probe cosmological models. Yet they bring new practical and theoretical challenges in order to exploit the information contained in their data. This dissertation reviews the theoretical interpretation of clustering of galaxies and shear/convergence weak lensing effects by the large scale structure of the Universe in the context of FLRW cosmological models. This interpretation is general in the sense that the effects of the spatial curvature are properly taken into account, thus holding for FLRW Universes with arbitrary content of matter and dark energy. In this context, we consider two-point statistics both in configuration and harmonic spaces, providing general formulae for the two-point correlation function in real and redshift space. We further include wide angle effects and consider the proper distant observer approximation. One main characteristic of photometric galaxy surveys is that they will gain in area and depth, in exchange for a poorer determination of radial positions. In this context splitting the data into redshift bins and using the angular correlation function (ACF) w() and the angular power spectrum (APS) C constitutes a standard approach to extract cosmological information. This dissertation also addresses the problem of constraining cosmological parameters using Bayesian inference techniques from measurements of the ACF and the APS on large scales. Different computational approaches are discussed to accomplish this goal and a detailed model for the ACF at large scales is presented including all relevant effects, namely nonlinear gravitational clustering, bias, redshift-space distortions and photo-z uncertainties. We present an analysis of the large scale ACF of the CMASS luminous galaxies, a photometric-redshift catalogue based on the Data Release 8 (DR8) of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey-III, showing that the ACF can be efficiently applied to constrain cosmology in future photometric galaxy surveys. We also present a similar analysis on simulated data from the Dark Energy Survey (DES), showing that in the near future such analysis will allow us to constrain cosmological models with even high precision. Finally, we also present preliminary work on the position and shear angular correlations in harmonic space for the Onion simulations.

Large Scale Structures in photometric and spectroscopic surveys / Estruturas em larga escala em levantamentos fotométricos e espetroscópicos

Chavez, Hugo Orlando Camacho 21 March 2019 (has links)
The dynamics of formation of the observed large-scale structures, along with dark matter, dark energy, the accelerated expansion of the universe and their inter-connections remain as some of the biggest puzzles of modern cosmology and have been extensively investigated over the last years. In particular, understanding the nature of cosmic acceleration foresees important implications for Cosmology, Gravitation and Particle Physics, among others. Complementary cosmological probes from large photometric and spectroscopic galaxy surveys, such as DES and eBOSS, represent a powerful approach to these problems, while simultaneously offering new practical and theoretical challenges for exploiting the information contained in observed data. In this work, we present three analyses of the large scale structure of the universe in the context of two galaxy surveys, the DES and the eBOSS, by measuring clustering signal of tracers for the matter distribution using different approaches to their two-point correlation function and power spectrum. In the context of BOSS-eBOSS, we present contributions to some of the first analyses of the clustering signal in configuration space of ELGs and LRGs with early eBOSS data and their interpretation and comparison with previous data and theoretical models. In the context of DES, we present measurements of the galaxy angular power spectrum of galaxies using data from the first year of observations and use these measurements to search for the BAO feature in harmonic space. This work is part of the DES effort for the analysis of the BAO feature in Y1 data. / A dinâmica da formação de estruturas em larga escala no universo, assim como a matéria escura, a energia escura, a expansão acelerada do universo e suas inter-relações permanecem atualmente como grandes desafios da cosmologia moderna e tem motivado numerosos estudos na última década. Em particular, a compreensão da aceleração cósmica prenuncia implicações importantes que podem revolucionar as teorias da cosmologia, gravitação e física de partículas elementares, entre outras. Testes cosmológicos complementares em grandes levantamentos de galáxias óticos e espectroscópicos, como o DES e o eBOSS representam uma abordagem poderosa para estes problemas e, ao mesmo tempo, oferecem novos desafios práticos e teóricos para extrair a informação contida nos dados. Neste trabalho, apresentamos análises da estrutura de larga escala do universo no contexto de dois levantamentos de galáxias, o DES e o eBOSS, medindo o sinal de aglomeração de traçadores para a distribuição de matéria usando diferentes abordagens para sua função de correlação de dois pontos e espectro de potências. No contexto do BOSS-eBOSS, apresentamos contribuições para algumas das primeiras análises do sinal de clustering no espaço de configuração de ELGs e LRGs com dados tempranos do eBOSS e sua interpretação e comparação com dados anteriores e modelos teóricos. No contexto do DES, apresentamos medições do espectro de potência angular de galáxias usando dados do primeiro ano (Y1) de observações e utilizamos estas medidas para estudar o sinal de BAO no espaço harmônico. Este trabalho faz parte do esforço do DES para a análise do sinal de BAO em dados Y1.

Mapping asymmetries of the H-alpha line profile in solar flares

Borgström, Veronika January 2019 (has links)
In this paper we analyze the small C1.5 class solar flare observed on June 30th 2013 by the Swedish Solar Telescope. The evolution of asym- metries in the Hα line profile of the solar flare was studied where it could be seen how the number of red asymmetric regions had a maximum value near the beginning of the flare and then decreases rapidly in the first 4 minutes of the observations. This could be interpreted as a correlation with the HXR and microwave emissions of the impulsive phase of the flare as these emissions also typically have a similar rapid increase and decrease of emission intensity.

Exploring the parameter space of warm inflation

Kronberg, Nico January 2016 (has links)
Warm inflation is an implementation of exponential early-universe expansion that incorporates interactions between the inflaton field and its environment. These interactions allow the inflaton to dissipate some of its energy into other fields, which may then thermalise and form a radiation bath. A radiation bath present throughout inflation changes the inflaton dynamics and introduces thermal fluctuations that enhance the spectrum of primordial density perturbations. In the models we consider, the inflaton decays into the light particles of the radiation bath via heavy mediator particles. Warm inflation is subject to a complicated set of constraints which typically requires a large number of such mediator fields to be included in the model. The motivation for this work was to use the parametric dependence of the full low-temperature dissipation coefficient to uncover regimes where this number can be reduced. Previous studies have examined primarily the low-momentum regime of the dissipation coefficient, where inflaton dissipation occurs via off-shell mediator particles. In the low-temperature regime, the production of on-shell mediators in the so-called pole regime suffers from Boltzmann suppression and was therefore thought to be negligible. It has been found, however, that the exponential suppression can be compensated by a sufficiently small effective coupling between the mediator fields and the light fields. In this thesis, we present a numerical code that scans the parameter space of warm-inflation models including both the low-momentum and the pole contribution to the dissipation coefficient. We generate random values for the parameters of the model and the initial conditions of the field and the radiation density; we then solve the full equations of motion for the radiation density and the inflaton field using the general low-temperature dissipation coefficient. Our search includes chaotic, hybrid, and hilltop models, each of which inhabits different regions of warm-inflation parameter space. Our main finding is that the pole contribution to inflaton dissipation significantly extends the parameter ranges accessible to warm inflation. Specifically, we can achieve 50 e-folds of inflation and a spectral index compatible with Planck data with fewer mediator fields and smaller coupling constants. For instance, while low-momentum-dominated dissipation typically requires O(10⁶) mediator fields, we find pole-dominated solutions with as few as O(10⁴) for the quadratic hilltop potential. It is clear that the inclusion of the pole contribution opens up interesting model-building possibilities and that the parametric dependence of the full dissipation coefficient holds promise for achieving even greater reductions of the field content.

Geometric and growth rate tests of General Relativity with recovered linear cosmological perturbations

Wilson, Michael James January 2017 (has links)
The expansion of the universe is currently accelerating, as first inferred by Efstathiou et al. (1990), Ostriker & Steinhardt (1995) and directly determined by Riess et al. (1998) and Perlmutter et al. (1999). Current constraints are consistent with a time independent equation-of-state of w = -1, which is to be expected when a constant vacuum energy density dominates. But the Quantum Field Theory prediction for the magnitude of this vacuum energy is very much larger than that inferred (Weinberg, 1989; Koksma & Prokopec, 2011). It is entirely possible that the cause of the expansion has an alternative explanation, with both the inclusion of a quantum scalar field and modified gravity theories able to reproduce an expansion history close to, but potentially deviating from, that of a cosmological constant and cold dark matter. In this work I investigate the consistency of the VIMOS Public Extragalactic Redshift Survey (VIPERS) v7 census of the galaxy distribution at z = 0:8 with the expansion history and linear growth rate predicted by General Relativity (GR) when a Planck Collaboration et al. (2016) fiducial cosmology is assumed. To do so, I measure the optimally weighted redshift-space power spectrum (Feldman et al., 1994), which is anisotropic due to the coherent infall of galaxies towards overdensities and outflow from voids (Kaiser, 1987). The magnitude of this anisotropy can distinguish between modified theories of gravity as the convergence (divergence) rate of the velocity field depends on the effective strength of gravity on cosmological scales (Guzzo et al., 2008). This motivates measuring the linear growth rate rather than the background expansion, which is indistinguishable for a number of modified gravity theories. In Chapter 6 I place constraints of fσ8(0:76) = 0:44 ± 0:04; fσ8(1:05) = 0:28 ± 0:08; with the completed VIPERS v7 survey; the combination remains consistent with General Relativity at 95% confidence. The dependence of the errors on the assumed priors will be investigated in future work. Further anisotropy is introduced by the Alcock-Paczynski effect - a distortion of the observed power spectrum due to the assumption of a fiducial cosmology differing from the true one. These two sources of anisotropy may be separated based on their distinct scale and angular dependence with sufficiently precise measurements. Doing so degrades the constraints: fσ8(0:76) = 0:31 ± 0:10; fσ8(1:05) = -0:04 ± 0:26; but allows for the background expansion (FAP ≡ (1 + z)DAH=c) to be simultaneously constrained. Galaxy redshift surveys may then directly compare both the background expansion and linear growth rate to the GR predictions I find the VIPERS v7 joint-posterior on (fσ8; FAP ) shows no compelling deviation from the GR expectation although the sizeable errors reduce the significance of this conclusion. In Chapter 4 I describe and outline corrections for the VIPERS spectroscopic selection, which enable these constraints to be made. The VIPERS selection strategy is (projected) density dependent and may potentially bias measures of galaxy clustering. Throughout this work I present numerous tests of possible systematic biases, which are performed with the aid of realistic VIPERS mock catalogues. These also allow for accurate statistical error estimates to be made { by incorporating the sample variance due to both the finite volume and finite number density. Chapter 5 details the development and testing of a new, rapid approach for the forward modelling of the power spectrum multipole moments obtained from a survey with an involved angular mask. An investigation of the necessary corrections for the VIPERS PDR-1 angular mask is recorded. This includes an original derivation for the integral constraint correction for a smoothed, joint-field estimate of ¯n(z) and a description of how the mask should be accounted for in light of the Alcock- Paczynski effect. Chapter 7 investigates the inclusion of a simple local overdensity transform: 'clipping' prior to the redshift-space distortions (RSD) analysis. This tackles the root cause of non-linearity and potentially extends the validity of perturbation theory. Moreover, this marked clustering statistic potentially amplifies signatures of modified gravity and, as a density-weighted two-point statistic, includes information not available to the power spectrum. I show that a linear real-space power spectrum with a Kaiser factor and a Lorentzian damping yields a significant bias without clipping, but that this may be removed with a sufficiently strict transform; similar behaviour is observed for the VIPERS v7 dataset. Estimates of fσ8 for different thresholds are highly correlated due to the overlapping volume, but the bias for insufficient clipping can be calibrated and the correlation obtained using mock catalogues. A maximum likelihood value for the combined constraint of a number of thresholds is shown to achieve a ' 16% decrease in statistical error relative to the most precise single-threshold estimate. The results are encouraging to date but represent a work in progress; the final analysis will be submitted to Astronomy & Astrophysics as Wilson et al. (2016). In addition to this, an original extension of the prediction for a clipped Gaussian field to a clipped lognormal field is presented. The results of tests of this model with a real-space cube populated according to the halo occupation distribution model are also provided.

Análogos cosmológicos dos efeitos Schwinger estático e oscilatório / Cosmological Analogues of the Static and Oscillatory Schwinger Effect

Ferreira, Elisa Gouvêa Mauricio 23 October 2009 (has links)
Neste trabalho estudamos os efeitos quânticos de criação de partículas nos contextos cosmológico e da eletrodinâmica clássica. Com o estudo da criação de partículas em campos elétricos externos constantes e oscilatórios, os conhecidos efeitos Schwinger estático e oscilatório, respectivamente, foi possível estudar a polarização do vácuo quântico e a conseqüente criação de partículas do vácuo. Esse é um efeito não-perturbativo no contexto da eletrodinâmica e sua observação seria de grande importância para validar essa teoria nesse regime. Esse efeito, no entanto, ainda não foi detectado experimentalmente, uma vez que são necessários campos elétricos muito fortes no caso estático. Contudo, no caso oscilatório existe um experimento em andamento para a detecção de um efeito quântico análogo, o chamado efeito Casimir dinâmico. A verificação do efeito Casimir dinâmico é importante para a validação do efeito Schwinger oscilatório, dado que o movimento das condições de contorno é equivalente à aplicação de um campo externo. Finalmente, foi estudada a criação de partículas em um contexto cosmológico, sendo o caso estático a criação de partículas na era inflacionária do universo. O caso dinâmico corresponde ao período de reaquecimento ou, mais precisamente, em seu período inicial conhecido como pré-aquecimento, em que a criação de partículas é mais eficiente. A criação de partículas na era inflacionária ocorre devido à expansão acelerada do universo. Por meio de uma transformação canônica simples foi possível observar que o mecanismo de criação de partículas nesse período é o mesmo da criação de partículas do efeito Schwinger estático. Da mesma forma, para o pré-aquecimento, em que a criação de partículas é dada pela oscilação do inflaton em torno de seu mínimo do potencial, o mecanismo de criação resume-se a um mecanismo de ressonância paramétrica descrito por uma equação de Mathieu. Esse é exatamente o mesmo mecanismo que descreve a criação de partículas no caso do efeito Schwinger oscilatório. Dessa forma, os mecanismos de criação de partículas nos casos do efeitos Schwinger estático e oscilatório são análogos aos mecanismo de criação inflacionário e do pré- aquecimento. A detecção experimental desse efeito em um experimento terrestre seria uma grande confirmação para esses mecanismos cosmológicos. / In this work we study the quantum effects of particle creation in the cosmological context and of the classical electrodynamics. With the studies of the particle creation in constant and oscillatory external electrical fields, the known static and oscillatory Schwinger effects, respectively, it was possible to study the polarization of the quantum vacuum and the consequently creation of particles from the vacuum. This is a non perturbative effect in the context of the electrodynamics and its observation would be of great importance to validate this theory in this regime. This effect, however, was not yet experimentally detected, since very strong electric fields are necessary in the static case. However, in the oscillatory case there is an experiment currently in development for the detection of an analog quantum effect called dynamical Casimir effect. The verification of the dynamical Casimir effect is important for the validation of the oscillatory Schwinger effect, since the movement of the boundary conditions is equivalent to the application of a external field. Finally, it was studied the creation of particles in a cosmological context, being the static case the creation of particles in the inflationary epoch of the universe. The dynamical case corresponds to the reheating period or, more precisely, its initial stage known as preheating, in which the creation of particles is more efficient. The creation of particles in the inflationary epoch occurs due to the accelerated expansion of the universe. By means of a simple canonical transformation it was possible to observe that the mechanism of particle creation in this period is the same of the one in Schwinger effect. In the same way, for the preheating, in which the particle creation is given by the oscillation of the inflaton field around the minimum of its potential, the mechanism of creation happens due to the parametric resonance described by a Mathieu equation. This is exactly the same mechanism that describes the oscillatory Schwinger effect. In this way, the mechanisms of particle creation in the cases of the static and oscillatory Schwinger effects are analogs to the creation mechanisms from inflation and from preheating. The experimental detection of this effect in a terrestrial experiment would be a confirmation for this cosmological mechanisms.

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