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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Riadenie úverového rizika v českom bankovníctve. / Credit risk management in the Czech banking

Valenčinová, Anna January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with the management of credit risk in the Czech banking sector. It consists of four separate chapters. The first three chapters provide a theoretical basis for important knowledge concerning the issue. The first chapter provides general background information about the bank, the importance of bank regulation and supervision, and all types of banking risks, with emphasis on credit risk. The second chapter deals with the system of credit risk management in banks, which includes the identification, quantification, monitoring and reducing of credit risk. The capital adequacy and rules for its determination under Basel II are contained in the third chapter. The last chapter provides an analysis of selected indicators of the Czech banking sector and assessment of credit risk management in the two largest Czech banks, on the basis of specific fair value of their annual reports.

Ekonometrický odhad očekávané úvěrové ztráty při selhání / Econometric Estimation of Loss Given Default

Jacina, Viktor January 2014 (has links)
One of the most mentioned credit risk parameters in banking sector is loss given default (LGD). The regulatory framework allows to use own LGD estimation procedures after approval. The classification and regression trees are appropriate and flexible in this context and they offer some advantages comparing to the traditional approaches such as linear regression model. This work includes a theoretical background on tree based methods. In the last section, loss given default from debit accounts is estimated using the random forests which show the best performance in this case.

Řízení kreditního rizika z pohledu banky a družstevní záložny / Credit risk management from the perspective of banks and credit unions

Jeřábek, Michal January 2013 (has links)
This thesis deals with the comparison of banks and credit unions with a focus on the comparison in terms of access to credit risk management. Both institutions are analyzed on the basis of aggregated data within the Czech financial market, capital adequacy, liquidity, asset quality of the loan portfolio and other key indicators of solvency and financial stability. In the final part of the thesis, there are analyzed the causes of failure of these credit unions: "Metropolitní spořitelní družstvo", "UNIBON -- spořitelní a úvěrní družstvo" and "WPB Capital, spořitelní družstvo".

Risk management in microfinance institutions / Risk management in microfinance institutions

Batin, Artyom January 2014 (has links)
In the following paper I have tried to find the correlation between type of ownership and effective risk management in the operations of microfinance institutions in India. The results found are consistent with the current findings of how the type of ownership does not impact both the financial or social performance of MFIs. Dataset of 72 MFIs was acquired from the Microfinance Information Exchange on MFIs and evaluated using an OLS regression. The results show that the type of ownership insignificantly impacts both the credit and liquidity risk ratios of MFIs. It is possible that the impact of ownership type is more evident in other aspects of operations. In the future, a study on type of ownership and exposure to strategic and market risks could be a way forward.

Blockkedjan - En riskreducerare? : En undersökning av blockkedjans effekt på risk inom revisions-, finans- och fastighetsbranschen.

Byström, Ulrika, Lundkvist, Diana January 2017 (has links)
Den ökade digitaliseringen och framfarten av innovativa lösningar har tagit allt större plats i dagens samhälle. Dagens infrastruktur bygger på ett centraliserat system som är format för en värld innan globaliseringen. Detta innebär att makten är centraliserat till ett fåtal aktörer som politiker, myndigheter och institutioner. Denna konstruktion är ineffektiv och kostsam samtidigt som det centraliserade systemet är sårbart mot cyberattacker och bedrägerier. Genom att anamma digitaliseringen öppnas nya möjligheter upp för att hantera de globala samhällsutmaningarna. Digitaliseringen har lett till framväxten av innovativa tjänster där såväl etablerade företag som nya teknikföretag utforskar sätt att effektivisera, standardisera och säkra upp processer. Blockkedjan är en teknik som har potential att rubba ett flertal industrier genom att göra processer mer effektiva, transparent, demokratiska och säkra. Blockkedjeteknologin har en mängd olika appliceringsområden, men i korthet kan den beskrivas som en teknik som registrerar och lagrar information på ett distribuerat nätverk. Teknologins huvudsakliga syfte är att undanröja tillförlitliga tredje parter genom att säkert distribuera information till nätverkets användare. På så sätt bidrar teknologin till en ökad transparens, minskad asymmetrisk information och därmed ökad säkerhet. Detta öppnar upp frågan: Vilken effekt kommer blockkedjan att ha på företags risk? Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilken effekt en implementering av blockkedjan har på ett företags risk inom revisions-, finans- och fastighetsbranschen. I denna studie har tre centrala risker valts ut baserat på teknologins användningsområden: operativ-, kredit- och marknadsrisk. Studiens frågeställning besvaras genom en kvalitativ undersökning där ett brett spektra av respondenter i intervjuer har bidragit med kunskap och erfarenhet. Resultatet från studien påvisar många intressanta aspekter om hur risken kan komma att påverkas från användandet av teknologin. Samtidigt som vi ser stor potential för blockkedjan att reducera ett flertal oönskade risker, finns det en hel del hinder som tekniken ställs inför. Med få befintliga tillämpningar av teknologin är det svårt att förutse exakta konsekvenser, det mesta blir således hypotetiskt. Sammantaget ser vi blockkedjan som en revolutionerande innovation med potential att förändra marknaden. Huruvida teknologins framfart kommer att arta sig är dock beroende av en anpassning i lagstiftningar och regelverk. Utmaningen för beslutsfattarna är således att väga den ökade samhällsnyttan mot de risker som tekniken kan medföra. I detta resonemang ser vi att denna studie kan bidra till en ökad kunskap om blockkedjans riskrelaterade styrkor och hot.

Kreditní rizika v mezinárodním obchodě a možnosti jejich řízení / Credit Risk in International Business and Credit Management

Tobrmanová, Jana January 2010 (has links)
The main objective is to analyze various possibilities in credit risk management from a perspective of a domestic company dealing mainly with foreign customers. The thesis contains both theoretical and practical part and includes general characteristics of risk and different types of risk in international business. It puts emphasis on credit risk, its origin and types of credit defaults. Furthermore there are included various methods used for counterparty risk estimation, credit risk valuation anf its elimination in form of setting up credit limits based of rating agencies recommendations or financial analysis, choise of relevant payment terms etc. The thesis contains several classic and multifactor models used in credit analysis. Main topic is credit risk management and methods for the risk elimination such as factoring,forfaiting, guarantees, collaterals or insurance. The last part demonstrates a practical case using the knowledge from the theoretical parts.

Řízení kreditních rizik při poskytování úvěrů / Credit risk management in bank financing

Hort, David January 2013 (has links)
The main objective of this diploma thesis is to simulate the regular decision-making process that a credit analyst goes through when assigning a credit limit for an operating and investment (acquisition) loan for a selected company. The introductory chapter is focused on credit risk category definition and description of main credit risk quantification and mitigation approaches both on individual as well as portfolio basis. The second, practically oriented part includes both financial and strategic analysis of selected business entity, as well as free cash flow prediction followed up by business plan development, all of these carried out in the form of basic analytical tools necessary for credit limit assignments to both short term operating and long term investment (acquisition) loans. In the final part, the selected company is being evaluated using DCF Entity business valuation framework as well as being subject to comparable companies and transactions general valuation approach. Finally, the credit limits for an operating and investment (acquisition) loans are being determined based on the analytical tools drafted within the previous chapters of this thesis.

Bayesian estimation of Shannon entropy for bivariate beta priors

Bodvin, Joanna Sylvia Liesbeth 10 July 2010 (has links)
Having just survived what is arguably the worst financial crisis in time, it is expected that the focus on regulatory capital held by financial institutions such as banks will increase significantly over the next few years. The probability of default is an important determinant of the amount of regulatory capital to be held, and the accurate calibration of this measure is vital. The purpose of this study is to propose the use of the Shannon entropy when determining the parameters of the prior bivariate beta distribution as part of a Bayesian calibration methodology. Various bivariate beta distributions will be considered as priors to the multinomial distribution associated with rating categories, and the appropriateness of these bivariate beta distributions will be tested on default data. The formulae derived for the Bayesian estimation of Shannon entropy will be used to measure the certainty obtained when selecting the prior parameters. / Dissertation (MSc)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Statistics / unrestricted

Analysis of establishment of credit rating a Case study / Análise do estabelecimento de limite de crédito - um estudo de caso

José Antonio da Silva 06 April 2002 (has links)
This assignment shows the importance in deference to credit ceiling for legal entities in bank establishment. Several stages from the process were analyzed. Starting from the files of the requesting company, analysis of its financial economical capacity through of patrimony structure rates, net rates, economic rates, average term indicators, necessity of working capital, vertical, horizontal analysis and a standardrate, an assessment of the client visited and finally, the establishment of credit ceiling respective, according to the credit policy of a determined financial institution. / Este trabalho apresenta a importância do deferimento de limite de crédito a pessoas jurídicas, em estabelecimentos bancários. Foram analisadas as diversas etapas do processo, iniciando pela confecção do cadastro da empresa solicitante, análise da sua capacidade econômico-financeira, feita através dos índices de estrutura patrimonial, índices de liquidez, índices de rentabilidade, indicadores de prazos médios, necessidade de capital de giro, análise vertical, horizontal e índice-padrão; avaliação da visita efetuada ao cliente e, por fim, o estabelecimento do respectivo limite de crédito, de acordo com os critérios de determinada instituição financeira.

Backtesting of simulated method for Counterparty Credit Risk

Lundström, Love, Öhman, Oscar January 2020 (has links)
After the financial crisis of 2008 regulators found that the derivative market, where financial institutions traded OTC derivatives with each other, played a significantrole in triggering the crisis. This led to the emergence of Counterparty Credit Risk(CCR) which is used to measure the exposure banks have to their counterparties. In simple terms CCR is a mix of Market and Credit risk which defines the risk that your counter party will go into bankruptcy. CCR involves the risk factors used in market risk since all of the derivatives are based on underlying assets such as interest rate and currencies. The thesis will focus on how one can backtest individual risk factors driving the value of OTC derivatives. We will present different Monte Carlo simulation techniques that are being used to simulate and represent all possible future outcomes for the risk factors. In order to better understand the performance of a chosen model and how to adjust the calibration window for the ingoing parameters, two different approaches are presented,Quantitative Backtesting and Statistical Backtesting. As an extension to this, a portfolio of interest rate Swaps are backtested whose value are driven by the evolution of the underlying risk factors. The backtesting ofthe portfolio is done with netting. The time horizon for the backtesting procedureis 2010-2020 giving the user up to 261 independent observations with a forecast length of 14 days. Both of the backtesting methods provide the practitioner with a graphical results guiding the user to choose an appropriate model and calibration method for simulating the risk factors. We found that a combination of the two approaches provides the best result. Hence, no backtesting method is superior the other. Instead they complement each other and should be used simultaneously. Using the two backtesting methods one can find a model that perfectly fit the underlying distribution of risk factors, theoretically. However, one should be careful since there will always be uncertainty about the future and there is no guarantee that tomorrow will follow historical evolution exactly.

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