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Developmental Pathways To Conduct ProblemsDandreaux, Danielle 08 August 2007 (has links)
This study tests the predictions made by several causal theories proposing different etiologies for childhood-onset and adolescent-onset conduct problems. It investigates a variety of causal factors proven to be important for the development of antisocial behaviors, specifically neuropsychological/cognitive deficits, temperamental vulnerabilities, dysfunctional parenting, deviant peers, and rebelliousness. Current theories generally agree that the early onset pathway is distinguished by interactions between a child with a difficult temperament and dysfunctional parent-child interactions. However, theories differ as to whether they emphasize the temperament and neurocognitive deficits of the child, or the parenting behaviors. In the adolescent onset pathway, theories typically focus on the importance of affiliation with deviant peers but differ as to whether this is attributed to a personality characterized by the rejection of traditional values and rebelliousness as leading to this association or failures in parenting practices. Seventy-eight pre-adjudicated adolescent (ranging in age from 11 to 18) boys housed in two short-term detention facilities and one outpatient program for boys at risk for involvement in the juvenile justice system in southeastern Louisiana participated in the current study. The sample was ethnically diverse (56% African-American) and largely came from facilities serving either a large urban or a largely suburban and rural region of the state. The sample was divided into two groups based on the youngest age of a self-reported delinquent act or parent-reported severe conduct problem. The childhoodonset group (n =47) displayed at least one serious antisocial behavior prior to age 12, whereas the adolescent-onset group (n =31) did not. As predicted, the childhood-onset group showed greater levels of dysfunctional parenting and CU traits. Contrary to predictions, however, this group also showed the strongest affiliation with deviant peers. The only variable strongly associated with the adolescent onset group was lower scores on a measure of traditionalism which indicates less endorsement of traditional values and status hierarchies. The implications of these results for understanding different causal trajectories to antisocial behavior and for designing better prevention and treatment programs for antisocial youth are discussed.
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Introduction. Callous-unemotional (CU) traits predict socially debilitating outcomes including Antisocial Personality Disorder and violent crime in adulthood. Despite significant research, the etiology of CU traits is not well understood. This dissertation incorporates genetic, physiological, neuroanatomical, and self-report measures to investigate the etiology of CU traits. Specifically, this project focuses on measures previously found to associate with impaired fear-processing observed in individuals high on CU. Brain morphometry for paralimbic regions of interest (ROIs) and electromyographic facial eyeblink reflex to startle and fear-potentiated startle probes were investigated as potential endophenotypes for CU traits. Methods. Two genetically informative (ages 9-20) twin samples (N=1696 individuals; 848 twin pairs) were used to estimate the changing heritable and environmental influences on CU over the age range of 9-20 using age-moderated biometric structural equation modeling (SEM). To determine potential endophenotypes, shared genetic variance with CU was examined for baseline and fear-potentiated startle reflex and morphometric measures of brain ROIs. Results. The heritability of CU increases over the ages of 9-20, from approximately 34% at age 9 to 47% at age 20. Therefore, environmental mechanisms for CU are most influential at younger ages. Although there were no significant associations after correction for multiple testing, there was some evidence to suggest potential positive associations between CU traits and baseline and fear-potentiated startle in younger (9-14) females. There was also evidence suggesting potential negative associations between CU traits and right anterior cingulate cortex thickness as well as right posterior cingulate cortex thickness in females only. There was no genetic covariance between CU and any of the examined physiological or neuroanatomical phenotypes. Discussion. These results suggest that middle childhood may be the most salient time for environmental interventions associated with preventing or ameliorating CU traits. Furthermore, these results suggest that the cingulate cortex may play a role in the development of CU traits, possibly in females specifically. The cingulate cortex may influence CU traits through its roles in emotional processing, learning, and memory. Larger samples will likely be needed to determine the genetic relationship between CU traits and the structural development of the cingulate cortex.
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PARENTING INFLUENCING CHILD AND ADOLESCENT CU TRAITS : The Role of Parental Harshness and Parental Warmth in the Development of CallousUnemotional Traits in Children and Adolescents <18: A Systematic Review.Sandberg, Åsa Therese January 2014 (has links)
The present review sought to clarify and synthesise the existing research of the role parental harshness and parental warmth have on children and adolescents with callous unemotional traits by comparing research across different study designs and study samples in a systematic review. The systematic review search rendered in 16 publications which revealed that callous unemotional traits moderate the relationship between parental harshness as well as parental warmth and behaviour problems in children and adolescents. The moderation effect was directed by the level of callous unemotional trait in the child or adolescent where those with low levels exhibited the most negative effects when exposed to parental harshness. Conversely, children or adolescents with elevated levels exhibited the most positive effects when being exposed to parental warmth. Furthermore, the review revealed that both forms of parenting predict changes in callous unemotional traits over time, where parental harshness increased traits and parental warmth decreased traits. These results are further discussed in relation to the contextual theories of Lykken’s parental competence and socialisation model as well as Kochanska’s conceptual model of conscience development.
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How Do Parental, Familial, And Child Characteristics Differentiate Conduct-disordered Children With And Without Psychopathic Tendencies?Eremsoy, C. Ekin 01 July 2007 (has links) (PDF)
The present study aimed to investigate the predictors of conduct problems and callous-unemotional (CU) traits in a non-clinic sample of children from different socioeconomic levels. It was hypothesized that conduct problems and CU traits will be associated with different risk factors. Regression analyses were conducted in order to find out the predictors of conduct problems/hyperactivity and CU traits. Results showed some significant differences between risk factors of conduct
problems/hyperactivity and CU traits. Predictors according to mothers&rsquo / and teachers&rsquo / ratings were not the same, except for some overlapping variables. The findings indicated that teachers could not differentiate conduct problems/hyperactivity symptoms and CU traits appropriately from each other. However, they could make more reliable comparisons between two groups of children with conduct problems who differ on severity of CU levels as compared to
mothers. The results were discussed in terms of using of multiple informants forassessing different problem areas in children. In addition, the study aimed to investigate the differences between three groups of children, namely, children with conduct problems and high CU traits, children with conduct problems and low CU traits, and children without conduct problems and low CU traits were compared on
child-related, parenting-related, and other family measures by using multiple factorial analyses of variances. Although significant differences were found between the control group and the two conduct group, the significant differences
between the two conduct groups were limited. The results were discussed in terms of treatment needs and possible differences in cultural expression of CU traits.
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Comportements sexuels problématiques : évaluation d'un modèle conceptuel axé sur les traits d'insensibilité émotionnelleTremblay, Marie-Jeanne 08 1900 (has links)
Les comportements sexuels problématiques (CSP) chez les enfants représentent une problématique complexe tant sur le plan de la recherche que de l’intervention clinique. L’hétérogénéité des enfants qui présentent des CSP est un défi sur les plans conceptuel et méthodologique. Alors que la recherche sur les facteurs associés aux CSP présentés par les enfants apparaît quelque peu limitée, plusieurs indices laissent supposer une association entre les CSP et les traits d’insensibilité émotionnelle. Ces traits sont caractérisés par un affect superficiel ainsi qu’un manque d’empathie et de remords. Seulement quelques études à ce jour ont exploré cette association et aucune n’a porté spécifiquement sur les enfants âgés de 6 à 12 ans. Les traits d’insensibilité émotionnelle sont importants à considérer puisqu’ils sont associés à la gravité des gestes d’agression chez les jeunes et à une résistance accrue à l’intervention. Objectifs. L’objectif général de ce mémoire est de mieux comprendre les facteurs associés à la variété des CSP. Plus précisément, nous voulons comprendre si et dans quelle mesure les traits d’insensibilité émotionnelle sont associés aux CSP. Nous avons donc proposé un modèle conceptuel adapté qui tient compte des traits d’insensibilité émotionnelle. Méthode. Notre échantillon est constitué de 90 dyades parent-enfant (M âge enfant = 9,1 ans ; É-T = 2,2 ; 36,7% filles) ayant reçu des services de psychothérapie pour leurs CSP au Centre d’expertise Marie-Vincent entre 2006 et 2010. Les participants ont complété une batterie d’évaluation incluant plusieurs instruments de mesure qui permettent de refléter l’ensemble des dimensions du modèle conceptuel. Un score de traits d’insensibilité émotionnelle a été dérivé à partir de divers instruments mesurant le comportement des enfants. Un modèle de régression linéaire hiérarchique a été élaboré afin d’estimer l’influence des traits d’insensibilité émotionnelle, en prenant en compte l’influence des autres variables individuelles et familiales. Résultats. Les résultats ont révélé que les traits d’insensibilité émotionnelle ne sont pas associés aux CSP des enfants lorsque leurs comportements extériorisés sont également pris en compte. Par ailleurs, la présence de comportements extériorisés et l’exposition à un cumul d’expériences de victimisation, excluant la victimisation sexuelle, étaient des facteurs associés à la variété des CSP. Il n’y avait également pas d’association significative entre la victimisation sexuelle et la variété des CSP. Conclusion. Les résultats appuient en partie le modèle conceptuel proposé. Des recherches reposant sur de plus grands échantillons devraient être effectuées pour mieux comprendre l’association entre les traits d’insensibilité émotionnelle et les CSP. Les résultats suggèrent néanmoins que les comportements extériorisés et les expériences de victimisation non sexuelles contribuent davantage à expliquer la variété des CSP chez les enfants référés pour une intervention que la victimisation sexuelle. / Sexual behavior problems (SBP) in children represent a complex issue both in terms of research and clinical intervention. The heterogeneity of children with SBP is a conceptual and methodological challenge. While research on the factors associated with SBP presented by children appears somewhat limited, there is some ground of belief in an association between SBP and callous-unemotional traits (e.g., superficial affect and lack of empathy and remorse). Few studies to date have explored this association, and none has focused specifically on children aged between 6 and 12 years old. These traits are important to consider because they are associated with the severity of aggression behaviors in youth and an increased resistance to intervention. Objectives. The main objective of this Masters’ thesis is to foster our understanding of the factors associated with the variety of SBP. Specifically, we want to understand if and to what extent callous-unemotional traits are associated with SBP. We have therefore proposed an adapted conceptual model that takes into account callous-unemotional traits. Method. Our sample consists of 90 parent-child dyads (M child’s age = 9.1 years ; SD = 2.2 ; 36.7% girls), who received psychotherapy services for SBP at the Marie-Vincent Center between 2006 and 2010. Participants completed an assessment battery including several instruments that reflect all the dimensions of the conceptual model. A score of callous-unemotional traits was derived from various instruments measuring children's behavior. A hierarchical linear regression model was developed to estimate the influence of callous-unemotional traits, taking into account the influence of the individual and family variables. Results. Results revealed that callous-unemotional traits were not associated with children's SBP when their externalized behaviors were taken into account. In addition, the presence of externalized behaviors and exposure to a combination of victimization experiences, excluding sexual victimization, were associated with the variety of SBP. There was also no significant association between sexual victimization and the variety of SBP. Conclusion. The results partially support the proposed conceptual model. Research with larger samples should be done to better understand the influence of callous-unemotional traits on SBP. The results suggest, however, that externalized behaviors and non-sexual victimization experiences are more important in explaining the variety of SBP of children referred for an intervention than sexual victimization.
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Unmasking the unwanted: Which dimension of psychopathy predicts antisocial behavior?Unge, Victoria January 2023 (has links)
This study examined the predictive value of the three dimensions of youth psychopathic personality towards delinquency, on delinquency through the application of hierarchical regression analysis, while controlling for gender. Dimensions being: Callous/Unemotional-, Impulsive/Irresponsible-, and Grandiose/Manipulative traits. The study included 891 (48% female) Swedish adolescents from a community sample with a mean age of 14.28 (SD=.94) years. A self-report instrument was used to assess psychopathic traits in youth, the Youth Psychopathic Traits Inventory (YPI), consisting of 50 items and is specifically designed to lower the risk of response bias. Results: It was discovered that Impulsivity/Irresponsible behavior predicted statistically significant 14% of the variance in delinquency, and gender significantly predicted 4%. Callous/Unemotional predicted non-significant 0,3% and Grandiose/Manipulative predicted none of the variance in delinquency and was not significant. The findings regarding dimensions contradict the majority of research on the subject which has focused on CU-traits as main predictor of antisocial behavior, but in line with recent studies using a similar analytical approach showing Impulsivity/Irresponsible behavior as main predictor. The findings regarding gender are in line with previous research.
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