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The double CUE domain of chromatin remodelling factor SMARCAD1West, Philip M. January 2012 (has links)
ATP-dependent chromatin remodellers represent a class of proteins that restructure chromatin through the action of a conserved helicase-like ATPase domain. Remodellers typically have several accessory binding domains alongside the ATPase. These confer target specificity and most commonly recognise histone post-translational modifications. SMARCAD1 is a ubiquitous chromatin remodeller involved with DNA replication and re- pair. It binds directly to PCNA at the site of DNA replication and recruits co-repressor KAP1 in order to silence newly produced chromatin. In contrast to most other chromatin remodellers, SMARCAD1 does not contain several different types of accessory domains. Only two CUE do- mains have been identified in addition to the SMARCAD1 core ATPase domain. CUE domains are a type of helical ubiquitin-binding domain. This thesis presents the findings of an investigation into the structure and function of the SMARCAD1 double CUE domain. The solution NMR structure is presented with results from NMR binding experiments mapped onto the structure. Each CUE domain was found to be an independent helix bundle connected by a dynamic flexible linker. The N-terminal CUE domain, CUE-1, binds ubiquitin and has an adjacent SUMO (a ubiquitin-like protein) binding motif on a protruding extended helix. The C-terminal CUE domain, CUE-2, has a very similar structure to several published CUE domains but does not bind ubiquitin due to a charged substitution at a highly conserved CUE consensus position. The SMARCAD1 double CUE domain binds KAP1 from nuclear extract and is likely to mediate the interaction between SMARCAD1 and KAP1. SMARCAD1 double CUE domain is not involved with PCNA binding.
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Structural insights into human SNF2/SWI2 chromatin remodeler SMARCAD1 and its role in DNA repairBiasutto, Antonio January 2016 (has links)
ATP-dependent chromatin remodelers have been proposed to act sequentially, and to a certain extent non-redundantly, in the priming stages of the DNA Damage Response pathways by establishing chromatin in lesion sites ready to act as a scaffold for repair factors or to be displaced in order to allow DNA repair. Among remodeling factors proposed to play a role in DNA repair is SMARCAD1, a poorly characterized, non-canonical member of the SWR1-like family of SNF2/SWI2 superfamily of ATPases, which has recently been identified as a potential target for ATM/ATR phosphorylation at canonical and non-canonical sites upon DNA damage. The actual mechanism for SMARCAD1 recruitment and involvement in DNA remodeling is still unknown, and unlike most other chromatin remodelers, SMARCAD1 does not contain DNA- or histone-binding domains frequently accompanying such proteins. Instead, in addition to the core ATPase domain, only two CUE domains (a type of helical ubiquitin-binding domain) have been identified. This thesis presents the findings of an investigation intended to structurally characterize SMARCAD1 by dissecting and identifying its domain architecture, and examining the activity and ligand selectivity of its binding domains in the functional context of DNA damage repair. The solution NMR structure of the CUE1 domain is presented, describing a triple helix bundle consistent with other members of the family. Furthermore, a novel SUMO interacting motif was identified and through a combination of NMR titrations and phospho-proteomics analysis, shown to be constitutively phosphorylated which excludes the possibility of DNA damage dependent ATM targeting as the recruitment mechanism for DNA repair. Additionally, it is demonstrated that both CUE domains are poor binders of mono-ubiquitin, however CUE1 specifically mediates the high affinity binary interaction with the transcriptionally repressive master regulator KAP1. This interaction was shown to be independent of post-translational ubiquitylation but rather sustained through direct interaction with the dimeric RBCC domain of KAP1. Finally, mass spectrometry profiling of domain-dependent interactions (based on differential abundance relative to changes due to chemically induced DNA damage) suggests SMARCAD1 may be involved in p53 transcriptional regulation through interactions maintained with CUE1 prior to DNA damage, whereas the SIM domain selectively targets protein interactions upon DNA damage that simultaneously activate p53 transcriptional control and recruit SMARCAD1 to DNA damage repair pathways.
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Die Funktion der ubiquitinbindenden CUE-Domäne von Cue1 bei der Synthese von UbiquitinkettenDelbrück, Maximilian von 13 May 2016 (has links)
Ubiquitinierungen sind dynamische, posttranslationale Proteinmarkierungen, die eine Vielzahl zellulärer Reaktionen hervorrufen. Die strukturell unterschiedlichen Signale werden von einer Ubiquitinierungsmaschinerie, bestehend aus E1-, E2- und E3-Enzymen, aufgebaut. Die Synthese von Polyubiquitin wird durch ubiquitinbindende Domänen (UBD) innerhalb der enzymatischen Kaskade stimuliert. Das E2-Enzym Ubc7 katalysiert zusammen mit dessen Kofaktor Cue1 die Polymerisierung von Ubiquitineinheiten und kennzeichnet Substratproteine mit Lysin 48 (K48)-ver¬knüpf¬ten Ubiquitinketten für den Endoplasmatische Retikulum-assoziierten Proteinabbau (ER-associated protein degradation, ERAD). In dieser Arbeit konnte mittels in vitro rekonstitu¬ierter Ubiquitinierungsreaktionen die Funktionsweise der ubiquitinbindenden CUE-Domäne von Cue1 während der Synthese von Polyubiquitin aufgeklärt werden. Verlängerungs¬reaktionen von Ubiquitinketten konnten durch Fluoreszenzmessungen verfolgt und die CUE-Domäne als Substratrezeptor von Ubc7 beschrieben werden. Anscheinend erhöht die Ubiquitin¬bindung durch Cue1 die lokale Konzentration von Ubc7 an den Ketten und positio¬niert das E2-Enzym effizient für die Übertragung der gebundenen Ubiquiti-neinheit. Die Reaktionen werden durch eine Bindungspräferenz der Cue1-CUE-Domäne für K48-ver¬knüpfte Ubiquitinmoleküle zusätzlich beschleunigt. Es ist bekannt, dass UBDs Ubiquitin¬signale entschlüsseln. Die Charakterisierung der CUE-Domäne beschreibt eine Notwendigkeit der Bindung von Ubiquitin bereits während der Entstehung von Polyubiquitin. Neben den E3-Ubiquitinligasen existieren Deubiquitinasen (DUB), die an der Reifung und dem Abbau von Ubiquitinsignalen beteiligt sind. Die proteasomalen DUBs Ubp6 und Rpn11 zeigen basale Aktivitäten in Isolation, die eingebunden in den 26S-Komplex moduliert werden. Fluoreszenz-basierte Untersuchungen von Kettenabbaureaktionen lassen erste Schlüsse über die Spezifitäten und die Abbaumechanismen der Enzyme zu. / Polyubiquitination is an essential process modulating protein function in eukaryotic cells. Only recently ubiquitin binding activity has emerged as an important factor in ubiquitin chain assembly. Cue1 is a crucial component of yeast endoplasmic reticulum associated protein degradation complexes which recruits and activates the E2 ubiquitin conjugating enzyme Ubc7. Our NMR solution structure reveals an unconventional CUE domain of Cue1 that substantially stimulates ubiquitin chain elongation by Ubc7.Results from NMR analysis combined with interaction studies and in vitro ubiquitination reactions imply that binding of CUE to a ubiquitin moiety adjacent to the acceptor ubiquitin is a prerequisite for rapid chain elongation. By this mode of action, the CUE domain counteracts the inability of associated Ubc7, to progressively elongate ubiquitin chains. Elongation of K48-linked ubiquitin chains is additionally accelerated since the CUE domain preferentially binds chains of K48-linkage. Our data support a model, where dynamic binding of ubiquitin chains assist to position Ubc7 for rapid elongation of K48-linked chains. Thus, the CUE domain acts as acceleration factor of elongation. Our study provides detailed mechanistic insight into how a ubiquitin binding domain governs polyubiquitin chain formation.
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