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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The People of Bear Hunter Speak: Oral Histories of the Cache Valley Shoshones Regarding the Bear River Massacre

Crawford, Aaron L. 01 May 2007 (has links)
The Cache Valley Shoshone are the survivors of the Bear River Massacre, where a battle between a group of US. volunteer troops from California and a Shoshone village degenerated into the worst Indian massacre in US. history, resulting in the deaths of over 200 Shoshones. The massacre occurred due to increasing tensions over land use between the Shoshones and the Mormon settlers. Following the massacre, the Shoshones attempted settling in several different locations in Box Elder County, eventually finding a home in Washakie, Utah. However, the LDS Church sold the land where the city of Washakie sat, forcing the Shoshones to adapt quickly. Much of our knowledge of the massacre stems from either white American sources or the oral histories that circulate among one Shoshone family group. This leaves the information incomplete. Adding the voices of more individuals expands our knowledge of the massacre itself and the adaptations the Shoshones continue to make in order to survive.

A Critical Survey of Elementary School Playgrounds in Cache and Box Elder Counties

Cracas, Thomas 01 May 1958 (has links)
One of the fundamental needs of elementary school children is to develop their motor systems by means of physical activities adequately suited to their representative age groups. In so doing, opportunities are provided for sociological and psychological requirements essential in developing a healthy, confident individual capable and willing to accept social and family obligations and responsibilities. This infers that an essential function of the school is to provide appropriate areas, facilities, and equipment for such activities. It also suggests that the playground be an integral element of a modern school.

Nature's Second Course: Water Culture in the Mormon Communities of Cache Valley, Utah, 1860-1916

Morse, Kathryn T. 01 May 1992 (has links)
.Nineteenth-century Mormon settlers in Utah combined a unique set of religious beliefs with a fervent agrarianism and a strong sense of community. They encountered a specific arid environment along the Wasatch Front. A distinctive cultural set of irrigation institutions and practices developed out of the complex interchanges between nature and culture in Cache Valley, Utah, between 1860 and 1916. The structure of water flow, and conflicts over water rights and responsibilities, reflected the fundamental tensions within Mormon communities between individual gain and collective progress; it also reflected the patriarchal essence of Mormon culture. The season-to-season workings of irrigation institutions that distributed water from the Logan River, whether large irrigation districts or neighborhood canal cooperatives, showed how Mormon communities developed systems of exchange for water that allowed each individual irrigator to take water in direct proportion to the amount of labor, cash, or crops he contributed to the group's collective construction and upkeep of canals. The democratic nature of these exchanges, however, were tempered by natural hierarchies inherent in the geography of water canals, and by community hierarchies of power. A small group of elite town fathers held most of the responsibility for irrigation administration, and used their influence -in disputes over water. Those town fathers also tended to own more land than other irrigators. They often owned valuable land in proximity to the canals themselves. Between settlement in 1860 and the Call Decree in 1916, Logan River irrigators worked together to formulate a water distribution system that allowed for both the growth of local communities and for continued adherence to the basic religious principles on which the communities were founded. They also struggled to follow seasonal cycles of water use that fit within the natural cycles of the rise and fall of the water level in the river. Whether at the level of the high-line canal, the city block, or the family garden, Mormon water systems constituted an interesting example of the ways in which culture and the environment come together to shape natural resource use, especially in the arid regions of the American west.

A Comparison of Speech Defects Found Among Pupils of the Third to Sixth Grades Inclusive of an Urban with a Rural Area in Cache County Utah

Swenson, George F. 01 May 1948 (has links)
The objective of this study is to compare the number and types of speech defectives in a rural area with those of an urban area in Utah. Cache County was chosen as the rural area and Logan City as the urban. The study includes all students in the third to sixth grades in these two areas.

The Development of Equalization and Assessment in Utah with Special Reference to the Assessment of Rural Lands in Cache County

Maughan, Theodore R. 01 May 1940 (has links)
Uniformity of assessments and equity in the taxation of all tangible property within the state has long been the ideal of the people of Utah, yet the history of equalization and assessment is replete with the effective blocking-by pressure groups-of attainment of this ideal. Taxing officials, in genearl, and students of taxation, in particular, have repeatedly pointed out gross inequalities and rank injustices in our assessing system which sould be corrected. but, selfish interest plus ignorance on the part of the taxpayer has permitted these abuses to remain in our taxing system. An accidental, hit-and-miss, guess mehtod of assessing has developed. The taxpayer, not knowing of any system or of the employment of a uniform method, strikes out blindly at the assessor, the tax commission, and the county boards of eequalization, seeking avoidance of his tax burden through underassessments, abatements, or remittances. Thus, to achieve equity in taxation, systematic methods should be substituted for the present methods of guess work. The purpose of this study is, first, to determine whether or not there are major tendencies in the present system of assessing realy property in the state that have resulted in important departures from the intent of the law and no to point out minor variations from the standard of uniformity in assessment. Second, to determine the extent of these variations from this standard, to point out their probable consequences, and to ascertain what progress has been made in equalization and assessment during the past decade. And third, to develop a plan for assessing land which will fit into the present governmental institutions and which embodies certain fundamental principles for the appraisals of land for taxation purposes.

A History and Economic Analysis of the Hyrum Reclamation Project

Brinley, Douglas Eldon 01 May 1966 (has links)
The Hyrum Project is located in northern Utah near the Cache County seat of Logan, and includes lands bordering the towns of Hyrum, Wellsville, and Mendon, Utah. The primary features of the project include a dam and reservoir on the Little Bear River, and three canals that total slightly more than 20 miles in length. Its principal purpose is to provide supplemental irrigation water to 6,800 acres of fertile land. This project is the result of several investigations relative to the improvement of water utilization in Cache County. A report prepared in 1922 entitled, "Report on the Utilization of the Land and Water Resources of Cache Valley, Utah," stimulated interest and concern over the insufficient water supply. Beginning with this report, and until the final approval of the project in 1933, various county, state, and federal agencies worked together to devise a feasible method of increasing the supply of irrigation water in Cache Valley.

A content-centric approach for wireless sensor networks / Une approche centrée sur les contenus pour les réseaux de capteurs

Jaber, Ghada 23 November 2018 (has links)
Les réseaux de capteurs sans fil constituent une partie essentielle de la couche " perception " de l'Internet des objets (IoT ou Internet of Things), et reconnectent le monde numérique créée par les réseaux informatiques classiques au monde physique. Ils font émerger sans cesse de nouvelles applications grâce à un nombre important d'éléments, qui collectent des données de l'environnement, les traitent et les disséminent. Aujourd'hui, circulent dans l'IoT des volumes de données importants, très variés et souvent générés de façon continue mettant plus l'accent sur l'information et non sur sa source. Cette indifférence sur la source est renforcée par les déploiements interchangeables et redondants des réseaux de capteurs. Dans cette thèse, nous nous attachons à l'intégration des principes et mécanismes des réseaux orientés contenus dans les réseaux de capteurs sans fil afin d'améliorer le fonctionnement et les performances de ces derniers. Nous nous sommes intéressés, dans un premier temps, à la pertinence temporelle des données dans les réseaux de capteurs centrés sur les contenus. En effet, nous avons opté pour la prise en considération de la durée de vie (ou fraîcheur) des contenus et proposé deux approches (une réactive et l'autre proactive) pour leur mise à jour. Dans la seconde partie de la thèse, nous avons proposé un mécanisme fondé sur le contrôle du duty-cycle afin d'atténuer l'impact de l'inondation principalement utilisée pour disséminer les intérêts envoyés par les utilisateurs et les contenus correspondant. Pour cela, nous avons cherché à maintenir un sous-ensemble suffisant de nœuds nécessaires à la satisfaction des intérêts reçus par le réseau. Le défi principal était de réduire la consommation d'énergie grâce à un mécanisme d'endormissement/réveil des nœuds capteurs tout en gardant un bon taux de satisfaction des requêtes. Enfin, pour améliorer la mise en cache des contenus dans un réseau de capteurs, nous avons étudié les stratégies existantes et recensé les paramètres impactant leur performance. Nous avons ensuite proposé une stratégie plaçant les contenus sur des nœuds en fonction de leur degré et leur distance de la source. Une compagne de simulations et des comparaisons avec d'autres solutions, montrent que les mécanismes proposés garantissent de bonnes performances en termes de latence, de consommation d'énergie et de taux de satisfaction des intérêts. / Wireless sensor networks are an essential part of the Internet of Things (IoT) "perception" layer. IoT connects the digital world created by conventional computer networks to the physical world. They continually bring new applications to life through a large number of elements that collect, process and disseminate environmental data. Today, moves accross the IoT a large and varied volume of data. Data is generated in a continuous way with a greater emphasis on information and not on its source. This indifference to the source is reinforced by the interchangeable and redundant deployments of the sensor networks. In this thesis, we focus on integrating the principles and mechanisms of content-oriented networks in wireless sensor networks to improve the operation and performance of these networks. Hence, we first focused on the temporal relevance of data in content-centric sensor networks. Indeed, we considered the content lifetime (or freshness) and we proposed two approaches (one reactive and the other proactive) for their update. In the second part of the thesis, we proposed a mechanism based on the control of the duty-cycle to overcome the impact of the flooding mainly used to disseminate the interests sent by the users and the corresponding contents. For this purpose, we tried to maintain a sufficient subset of nodes necessary to satisfy the interests received by the network. The main challenge was to reduce energy consumption thanks to a mechanism controlling the node activity while keeping a good interest satisfaction rate. Finally, to improve the content caching in a sensor network, we have studied the existing strategies and identified the parameters impacting their performance. We then proposed a strategy placing the contents according to the degree of the nodes and their distance from the source. An exhaustive comparative study with other solutions show that the proposed mechanisms guarantee good performance in terms of latency, energy consumption and interest satisfaction rate.

Performance and Power Optimization of GPU Architectures for General-purpose Computing

Wang, Yue 18 June 2014 (has links)
Power-performance efficiency has become a central focus that is challenging in heterogeneous processing platforms as the power constraints have to be established without hindering the high performance. In this dissertation, a framework for optimizing the power and performance of GPUs in the context of general-purpose computing in GPUs (GPGPU) is proposed. To optimize the leakage power of caches in GPUs, we dynamically switch the L1 and L2 caches into low power modes during periods of inactivity to reduce leakage power. The L1 cache can be put into a low-leakage (sleep) state when a processing unit is stalled due to no ready threads to be scheduled and the L2 can be put into sleep state during its idle period when there is no memory request. The sleep mode is state-retentive, which obviates the necessity to flush the caches after they are woken up, thereby, avoiding any performance degradation. Experimental results indicate that this technique can reduce the leakage power by 52% on average. Further, to improve performance, we redistribute the GPGPU workload across the computing units of the GPU during application execution. The fundamental idea is to monitor the workload on each multi-processing unit and redistribute it by having a portion of its unfinished threads executed in a neighboring multi-processing unit. Experimental results show this technique improves the performance of the GPGPU workload by 15.7%. Finally, to improve both performance and dynamic power of GPUs, we propose two dynamic frequency scaling (DFS) techniques implemented on CPU host threads, one of which is motivated by the significance of the pipeline stalls during GPGPU execution. It applies a feedback controlling algorithm, Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID), to regulate the frequency of parallel processors and memory channels based on the occupancy of the memory buffering queues. The other technique targets on maximizing the average throughput of all parallel processors under the dynamic power constraints. We formalize this target as a linear programming problem and solve it on the runtime. According to the simulation results, the first technique achieves more than 22% power savings with a 4% improvement in performance and the second technique saves 11% power consumption with 9% performance improvement. The contributions of this dissertation represent a significant advancement in the quest for improving performance and reducing energy consumption of GPGPU.

Intergiciels et services pour la gestion de données distribuées

Roncancio, Claudia Lucia 23 June 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Ce manuscrit présente certains de mes travaux de recherche en matière de gestion de données, réalisés au sein de l'équipe bases de données STORM du laboratoire Logiciels, Systèmes, Réseaux de l'IMAG. Ils ont été effectués depuis 1995 (et jusqu'à 2003), année de ma prise de fonctions en tant que Maître de Conférences à l'Institut National Polytechnique (INP) de Grenoble, en poste à l'Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Informatique et de Mathématiques Appliquées de Grenoble(ENSIMAG). Mes travaux concernent des aspects système --- gestion de cache et duplication de données, support transactionnels, parmi d'autres. Ils contribuent d'une part à l'extension des fonctions des SGBD et d'autre part à la conception de services séparés utilisables indépendamment d'un SGBD. Mon point de vue porte sur la diversification du panorama des architectures des systèmes de gestion de données. J'ai d'abord travaillé dans l'introduction de fonctions déductives et actives dans les SGBD pour ensuite m'orienter vers des solutions plus ouvertes, des intergiciels de gestion de données distribuées sur des unités fixes et mobiles.

Allocation efficace et non contraignante des ressources de grilles de calcul à l'aide d'environnements virtuels

Xavier, Grehant 02 September 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Dans la dernière décennie, les grilles de calcul ont permis de réunir des ressources de stockage et de calcul de multiples institutions pour pourvoir à des applications scientifiques de grande ampleur. Par analogie aux grilles électriques, l'idée d'origine est de fournir de manière transparente de la capacité de calcul selon les besoins. Cependant, alors que les applications se multiplient, l'efficacité des mécanismes sous-jacents d'allocation de ressources mérite l'attention. Cette thèse présente les contributions suivantes. - Identification des patterns d'allocation de ressource, et comment ils ont évolué depuis les clusters isolés jusqu'aux grilles qui s'étendent sur plusieurs institutions autonomes. - Identification d'un pattern commun (Late Binding) dans la façon dont plusieurs applications contournent depuis peu le méccanisme habituel (Meta-scheduling) dans le but d'obtenir une mainmise accrue sur l'allocation de ressources et de palier à certains manques d'efficacité. - Proposition d'un nouveau pattern (Symmetric Mapping) qui permet d'obtenir la séparation du contrôle entre les fournisseurs et utilisateurs de ressources. - Proposition d'un nouveau modèle pour spécifier des stratégies d'allocation de ressource. Ce modèle permet de représenter l'allocation dynamique, ainsi que de multiples contraintes et objectifs. - Transposition du problème des Domaines Administratifs Multiples (MADs) du domaine de la tolérance aux fautes à celui du calcul distribué. Identification du problème MAD comme problème distinctif des grilles parmi les systèmes de calcul distribué. Identification de Symmetric Mapping comme une solution. - Proposition d'une implémentation de Symmetric Mapping basée sur les machines virtuelles, et dont l'un des éléments déploie et contrôle des multiples machines virtuelles à partir de descriptions déclaratives. - Proposition d'un système qui détecte la terminaison d'un service et relance tout service interrompu sur un serveur nouvellement sélectionné, afin de maintenir une implémentation de Symmetric Mapping, ou tout système qui nécessite des services permanents sur des serveurs transitoires. - Proposition d'une nouvelle méthode pour l'analyse des tâches et la prédiction de performance afin d'associer de manière dynamique des tâches aux serveurs adéquats. La méthode s'appuie sur l'estimation de patterns d'accès mémoire par des distributions de probabilité connues. La signature des tâches est réduite à une taille constante et la prédiction est effectuée en temps constant. - Proposition de la première évaluation du cache thrashing, afin de permettre des prédictions de performance réalistes pour les CPUs partagés par plusieurs processus. L'analyse est basée sur un nouveau modèle de Markov des caches LRU. Elle donne une borne supérieure et une borne inférieure de la proportion de fautes de caches en présence de processus concurrents.

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