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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A balanced view of system identification

McGinnie, B. Paul January 1993 (has links)
No description available.

Analysis And Design Of Spatial Manipulators : An Exact Algebraic Approach Using Dual Numbers And Symbolic Computation

Bandyopadhyay, Sandipan 04 1900 (has links)
This thesis presents a unified framework for the analysis of instantaneous kinematics and statics of spatial manipulators. The proposed formulation covers the entire range of kinematic behavior, with kinematic singularity and isotropy appearing as special cases. An analogous treatment of statics is also presented. It is established that the formulations presented are capable of generating exact solutions in closed form for several interesting problems in manipulator analysis. Several such results have been obtained via extensive usage of symbolic computation tools developed for this purpose. The proposed approach is applicable to manipulators of different architectures. However, the focus is on the parallel and hybrid manipulators, as their analysis presents more challenges than their serial counterparts. The theory of screws has been adopted as the basis of the formulation. Instantaneous kinematics and statics are studied in terms of the principal bases of the space of twists, se(3), and the space of wrenches, se* (3), respectively. A dual number parameterisation of the motion space is adopted to make the formulation compact and dimensionally consistent. The properties of the dual combination obviate the need for an explicit scaling between the linear and angular velocities or the forces and moments. Hence the results obtained from the formulation are purely geometrical. The analysis of the twists is performed via the dual velocity Jacobian matrix. The principal basis of se(3) is obtained from the eigenproblem of a symmetrical dual matrix associated with the Jacobian. The notion of a dual eigenproblem is introduced in this context. Solutions are provided for the general case, as well as a few special cases. The computations involve the solution of at most a cubic equation for any arbitrary degree-of-freedom of rigid-body motion, and closed form results are therefore ensured. The results of the eigen-analysis lead to a decoupling of the rotational and the pure translational components of a rigid-body motion. This is termed as the partitioning of degrees-of-freedom. They also motivate an interesting classification of the manipulators based on the instantaneous partition of its degrees-of-freedom. This notion is further extended to analyse the effects of a singularity on the motion characteristics of a manipulator. Due to the duality of se(3) and se*(3), the formulation of statics is completely analogous, and involves, in essence, only the substitution of the dual wrench-transformation matrix for the dual Jacobian. A similar partitioning of the wrench system is introduced based on the eigen-decomposition in the context of statics. It is shown that the principal screws associated with either a system of twists or wrenches can be obtained from a generalised eigenproblem of two symmetric real matrices arising out of the symmetric dual matrix mentioned above. The general 2-and 3-screw systems are analysed in closed form via the generalised characteristic polynomial. Several special screw systems are described in terms of algebraic equations in terms of the coefficients of this polynomial. Principal bases for 4-and 5-systems are obtained in a novel fashion without deriving their reciprocal systems explicitly. Using the same approach based on the analysis of the characteristic polynomial, compact algebraic conditions for singularity and isotropy are derived as the special cases of a single formulation. The above formulations establish the existence of exact closed-form results. However, to implement them symbolically for a real application problem, capabilities in existing computer algebra systems do not suffice in general. Therefore simplification and computational algorithms are developed for dealing with large expressions with algebraic and trigonometric terms typically appearing in kinematics and statics. Three canonical forms of such expressions and the corresponding simplification schemes are presented. The theoretical developments are illustrated with examples of serial, parallel and hybrid manipulators throughout the thesis. However, the most important applications of these are in the kinematic and static analysis of a semi-regular Stewart platform manipulator (in which the top and bottom platforms are semi-regular hexagons). Using the degeneracy of the wrench transformation matrix as the singularity criterion, the singularity manifold of the manipulator is obtained via extensive application of the symbolic simplification algorithms. The constant-orientation singularity manifold is derived in a compact closed form, and a complete geometric characterisation and explicit parameterisation of the same are presented. The constant-position singularity manifold is also obtained in closed form. On the other hand, families of configurations of the manipulator for combined kinematic or static isotropy for a given architecture are derived in closed form. Also, architectural designs are obtained for the manipulator such that it exhibits combined kinematic or static isotropy at a given configuration.

Novel Upwind and Central Schemes for Various Hyperbolic Systems

Garg, Naveen Kumar January 2017 (has links) (PDF)
The class of hyperbolic conservation laws model the phenomena of non-linear wave propagation, including the presence and propagation of discontinuities and expansion waves. Such nonlinear systems can generate discontinuities in the so-lution even for smooth initial conditions. Presence of discontinuities results in break down of a solution in the classical sense and to show existence, weak for-mulation of a problem is required. Moreover, closed form solutions are di cult to obtain and in some cases such solutions are even unavailable. Thus, numerical algorithms play an important role in solving such systems. There are several dis-cretization techniques to solve hyperbolic systems numerically and Finite Volume Method (FVM) is one of such important frameworks. Numerical algorithms based on FVM are broadly classi ed into two categories, central discretization methods and upwind discretization methods. Various upwind and central discretization methods developed so far di er widely in terms of robustness, accuracy and ef-ciency and an ideal scheme with all these characteristics is yet to emerge. In this thesis, novel upwind and central schemes are formulated for various hyper-bolic systems, with the aim of maintaining right balance between accuracy and robustness. This thesis is divided into two parts. First part consists of the formulation of upwind methods to simulate genuine weakly hyperbolic (GWH) systems. Such systems do not possess full set of linearly independent (LI) eigenvectors and some of the examples include pressureless gas dynamics system, modi ed Burgers' sys-tem and further modi ed Burgers' system. The main challenge while formulating an upwind solver for GWH systems, using the concept of Flux Di erence Splitting (FDS), is to recover full set of LI eigenvectors, which is done through addition of generalized eigenvectors using the theory of Jordan Canonical Forms. Once the defective set of LI eigenvectors are completed, a novel (FDS-J) solver is for-mulated in such a manner that it is independent of generalized eigenvectors, as they are not unique. FDS-J solver is capable of capturing various shocks such as -shocks, 0-shocks and 00-shocks accurately. In this thesis, the FDS-J schemes are proposed for those GWH systems each of which have one particular repeated eigenvalue with arithmetic multiplicity (AM) greater than one. Moreover, each ux Jacobian matrix corresponding to such systems is similar to a unique Jordan matrix. After the successful treatment of genuine weakly hyperbolic systems, this strategy is further applied to those weakly hyperbolic subsystems which result on employ-ing various convection-pressure splittings to the Euler ux function. For example, Toro-Vazquez (TV) splitting and Zha-Bilgen (ZB) type splitting approaches to split the Euler ux function yield genuine weakly hyperbolic convective parts and strict hyperbolic pressure parts. Moreover, the ux Jacobian of each convective part is similar to a Jordan matrix with at least two lower order Jordan blocks. Based on the lines of FDS-J scheme, we develop two numerical schemes for Eu-ler equations using TV splitting and ZB type splitting. Both the new ZBS-FDS and TVS-FDS schemes are tested on various 1-D shock tube problems and out of two, contact capturing ZBS-FDS scheme is extended to 2-dimensional Euler system where it is tested successfully on various test cases including many shock instability problems. Second part of the thesis is associated with the development of simple, robust and accurate central solvers for systems of hyperbolic conservation laws. The idea of splitting schemes together with the notion of FDS is not easily extendable to systems such as shallow water equations. Thus, a novel central solver Convection Isolated Discontinuity Recognizing Algorithm (CIDRA) is formulated for shallow water equations. As the name suggests, the convective ux is isolated from the total ux in such a way that other ux, in present case other ux represents celerity part, must possess non-zero eigenvalue contribution. FVM framework is applied to each part separately and ux equivalence principle is used to x the coe cient of numerical di usion. CIDRA for SWE is computed on various 1-D and 2-D benchmark problems and extended to Euler systems e ortlessly. As a further improvement, a scalar di usion based algorithm CIDRA-1 is designed for v Euler systems. The scalar di usion coe cient depends on that particular part of the Rankine-Hugoniot (R-H) condition which involves total energy of the system as a direct contribution. This algorithm is applied to a variety of shock tube test cases including a class of low density ow problems and also to various 2-D test problems successfully. vi

Tools for Control System Design : Stratification of Matrix Pairs and Periodic Riccati Differential Equation Solvers

Johansson, Stefan January 2009 (has links)
Modern control theory is today an interdisciplinary area of research. Just as much as this can be problematic, it also provides a rich research environment where practice and theory meet. This Thesis is conducted in the borderline between computing science (numerical analysis) and applied control theory. The design and analysis of a modern control system is a complex problem that requires high qualitative software to accomplish. Ideally, such software should be based on robust methods and numerical stable algorithms that provide quantitative as well as qualitative information. The introduction of the Thesis is dedicated to the underlying control theory and to introduce the reader to the main subjects. Throughout the Thesis, the theory is illustrated with several examples, and similarities and differences between the terminology from mathematics, systems and control theory, and numerical linear algebra are highlighted. The main contributions of the Thesis are structured in two parts, dealing with two mainly unrelated subjects. Part I is devoted to the qualitative information which is provided by the stratification of orbits and bundles of matrices, matrix pencils and system pencils. Before the theory of stratification is established the reader is introduced to different canonical forms which reveal the system characteristics of the model under investigation. A stratification reveals which canonical structures of matrix (system) pencils are near each other in the sense of small perturbations of the data. Fundamental concepts in systems and control, like controllability and observability of linear continuous-time systems, are considered and it is shown how these system characteristics can be investigated using the stratification theory. New results are presented in the form of the cover relations (nearest neighbours) for controllability and observability pairs. Moreover, the permutation matrices which take a matrix pencil in the Kronecker canonical form to the corresponding system pencil in (generalized) Brunovsky canonical form are derived. Two novel algorithms for determining the permutation matrices are provided. Part II deals with numerical methods for solving periodic Riccati differential equations (PRDE:s). The PRDE:s under investigation arise when solving the linear quadratic regulator (LQR) problem for periodic linear time-varying (LTV) systems. These types of (periodic) LQR problems turn up for example in motion planning of underactuated mechanical systems, like a humanoid robot, the Furuta pendulum, and pendulums on carts. The constructions of the nonlinear controllers are based on linear versions found by stabilizing transverse dynamics of the systems along cycles. Three different methods explicitly designed for solving the PRDE are evaluated on both artificial systems and stabilizing problems originating from experimental control systems. The methods are the one-shot generator method and two recently proposed methods: the multi-shot method (two variants) and the SDP method. As these methods use different approaches to solve the PRDE, their numerical behavior and performance are dependent on the nature of the underlying control problem. Such method characteristics are investigated and summarized with respect to different user requirements (the need for accuracy and possible restrictions on the solution time). / Modern reglerteknik är idag i högsta grad ett interdisciplinärt forskningsområde. Lika mycket som detta kan vara problematiskt, resulterar det i en stimulerande forskningsmiljö där både praktik och teori knyts samman. Denna avhandling är utförd i gränsområdet mellan datavetenskap (numerisk analys) och tillämpad reglerteknik. Att designa och analysera ett modernt styrsystem är ett komplext problem som erfordrar högkvalitativ mjukvara. Det ideala är att mjukvaran består av robusta metoder och numeriskt stabila algoritmer som kan leverera både kvantitativ och kvalitativ information.Introduktionen till avhandlingen beskriver grundläggande styr- och reglerteori samt ger en introduktion till de huvudsakliga problemställningarna. Genom hela avhandlingen illustreras teori med exempel. Vidare belyses likheter och skillnader i terminologin som används inom matematik, styr- och reglerteori samt numerisk linjär algebra. Avhandlingen är uppdelade i två delar som behandlar två i huvudsak orelaterade problemklasser. Del I ägnas åt den kvalitativa informationen som ges av stratifiering av mångfalder (orbits och bundles) av matriser, matrisknippen och systemknippen. Innan teorin för stratifiering introduceras beskrivs olika kanoniska former, vilka var och en avslöjar olika systemegenskaper hos den undersökta modellen. En stratifiering ger information om bl.a. vilka kanoniska strukturer av matrisknippen (systemknippen) som är nära varandra med avseende på små störningar i datat. Fundamentala koncept i styr- och reglerteori behandlas, så som styrbarhet och observerbarhet av linjära tidskontinuerliga system, och hur dessa systemegenskaper kan undersökas med hjälp av stratifiering. Nya resultat presenteras i form av relationerna för täckande (närmsta grannar) styrbarhets- och observerbarhets-par. Dessutom härleds permutationsmatriserna som tar ett matrisknippe i Kroneckers kanoniska form till motsvarande systemknippe i (generaliserade) Brunovskys kanoniska form. Två algoritmer för att bestämma dessa permutationsmatriser presenteras. Del II avhandlar numeriska metoder för att lösa periodiska Riccati differentialekvationer (PRDE:er). De undersökta PRDE:erna uppkommer när ett linjärt kvadratiskt regulatorproblem för periodiska linjära tidsvariabla (LTV) system löses. Dessa typer av (periodiska) regulatorproblem dyker upp till exempel när man planerar rörelser för understyrda (underactuated) mekaniska system, så som en humanoid (mänsklig) robot, Furuta-pendeln och en vagn med en inverterad (stående) pendel. Konstruktionen av det icke-linjära styrsystemet är baserat på en linjär variant som bestäms via stabilisering av systemets transversella dynamik längs med cirkulära banor. Tre metoder explicit konstruerade för att lösa PRDE:er evalueras på både artificiella system och stabiliseringsproblem av experimentella styrsystem. Metoderna är sk. en- och flerskotts metoder (one-shot, multi-shot) och SDP-metoden. Då dessa metoder använder olika tillvägagångssätt för att lösa en PRDE, beror dess numeriska egenskaper och effektivitet på det underliggande styrproblemet. Sådana metodegenskaper undersöks och sammanfattas med avseende på olika användares behov, t.ex. önskad noggrannhet och tänkbar begränsning i hur lång tid det får ta att hitta en lösning.

The structure of graphs and new logics for the characterization of Polynomial Time

Laubner, Bastian 14 June 2011 (has links)
Diese Arbeit leistet Beiträge zu drei Gebieten der deskriptiven Komplexitätstheorie. Zunächst adaptieren wir einen repräsentationsinvarianten Graphkanonisierungsalgorithmus mit einfach exponentieller Laufzeit von Corneil und Goldberg (1984) und folgern, dass die Logik "Choiceless Polynomial Time with Counting" auf Strukturen, deren Relationen höchstens Stelligkeit 2 haben, gerade die Polynomialzeit-Eigenschaften (PTIME) von Fragmenten logarithmischer Größe charakterisiert. Der zweite Beitrag untersucht die deskriptive Komplexität von PTIME-Berechnungen auf eingeschränkten Graphklassen. Wir stellen eine neuartige Normalform von Intervallgraphen vor, die sich in Fixpunktlogik mit Zählen (FP+C) definieren lässt, was bedeutet, dass FP+C auf dieser Graphklasse PTIME charakterisiert. Wir adaptieren außerdem unsere Methoden, um einen kanonischen Beschriftungsalgorithmus für Intervallgraphen zu erhalten, der sich mit logarithmischer Platzbeschränkung (LOGSPACE) berechnen lässt. Im dritten Teil der Arbeit beschäftigt uns die ungelöste Frage, ob es eine Logik gibt, die alle Polynomialzeit-Berechnungen charakterisiert. Wir führen eine Reihe von Ranglogiken ein, die die Fähigkeit besitzen, den Rang von Matrizen über Primkörpern zu berechnen. Wir zeigen, dass diese Ergänzung um lineare Algebra robuste Logiken hervor bringt, deren Ausdrucksstärke die von FP+C übertrifft. Außerdem beweisen wir, dass Ranglogiken strikt an Ausdrucksstärke gewinnen, wenn wir die Zahl an Variablen erhöhen, die die betrachteten Matrizen indizieren. Dann bauen wir eine Brücke zur klassischen Komplexitätstheorie, indem wir über geordneten Strukturen eine Reihe von Komplexitätsklassen zwischen LOGSPACE und PTIME durch Ranglogiken charakterisieren. Die Arbeit etabliert die stärkste der Ranglogiken als Kandidat für die Charakterisierung von PTIME und legt nahe, dass Ranglogiken genauer erforscht werden müssen, um weitere Fortschritte im Hinblick auf eine Logik für Polynomialzeit zu erzielen. / This thesis is making contributions to three strands of descriptive complexity theory. First, we adapt a representation-invariant, singly exponential-time graph canonization algorithm of Corneil and Goldberg (1984) and conclude that on structures whose relations are of arity at most 2, the logic "Choiceless Polynomial Time with Counting" precisely characterizes the polynomial-time (PTIME) properties of logarithmic-size fragments. The second contribution investigates the descriptive complexity of PTIME computations on restricted classes of graphs. We present a novel canonical form for the class of interval graphs which is definable in fixed-point logic with counting (FP+C), which shows that FP+C captures PTIME on this graph class. We also adapt our methods to obtain a canonical labeling algorithm for interval graphs which is computable in logarithmic space (LOGSPACE). The final part of this thesis takes aim at the open question whether there exists a logic which generally captures polynomial-time computations. We introduce a variety of rank logics with the ability to compute the ranks of matrices over (finite) prime fields. We argue that this introduction of linear algebra results in robust logics whose expressiveness surpasses that of FP+C. Additionally, we establish that rank logics strictly gain in expressiveness when increasing the number of variables that index the matrices we consider. Then we establish a direct connection to standard complexity theory by showing that in the presence of orders, a variety of complexity classes between LOGSPACE and PTIME can be characterized by suitable rank logics. Our exposition provides evidence that rank logics are a natural object to study and establishes the most expressive of our rank logics as a viable candidate for capturing PTIME, suggesting that rank logics need to be better understood if progress is to be made towards a logic for polynomial time.

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