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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La sangre con letra vuela: capitán Reyes Campos, corresponsal

Villalobos Ovando, Rocío Karina January 2010 (has links)
Memoria para optar al Título de Periodista / Según el diccionario de la Real Academia Española de la Lengua, un álbum es “un libro en blanco, comúnmente apaisado, y encuadernado con más o menos lujo, cuyas hojas se llenan con breves composiciones literarias, sentencias, máximas, piezas de música, firmas, retratos, etc.”1 El cuaderno del capitán del regimiento 2º de Línea José de la Cruz Reyes Campos, que hace seis años llegó a mis manos de forma casual, cabe perfectamente en esta definición. Y los documentos en él contenidos constituyen la piedra angular de la presente investigación periodística, que ha sido escrita por la fuerza del deber moral, una especie de compromiso solidario con la figura de un hombre de armas del siglo XIX, pero también de letras, que turnó sus corresponsalías para diferentes periódicos chilenos durante los episodios militares en los cuales participó, con la poesía romántica que dedicó a su enamorada. . El objetivo de reconstruir la vida de José de la Cruz Reyes Campos, sus hitos principales y sus relaciones humanas relevantes, se vuelve aún más pertinente por tratarse de un personaje arquetípico, reconocible en esa clase media decimonónica que emergía y circulaba por los espacios de la vida pública ilustrada, y en escenarios bélicos de las jóvenes naciones latinoamericanas que intentaban consolidarse. A propósito del conflicto que el Estado chileno mantiene actualmente con el pueblo mapuche y la vigencia de las discrepancias sobre temas limítrofes de Chile con Perú y Bolivia, bien vale la pena traer al presente las anécdotas de este pionero del periodismo nacional, que combatió en las gestas denominadas Pacificación de la Araucanía y Guerra del Pacífico. Haciendo uso de los elementos característicos del llamado Nuevo Periodismo, como la narración en tercera persona, la construcción de escenas, la utilización de diálogos realistas y descripciones significativas, y en el convencimiento que sólo tomando contacto con un completo desconocido, metiéndome en su vida hasta donde fuera posible para pretender comprenderlo2 Para ello, fue preciso la investigación detenida del álbum para darle un orden lógico e identificar autores, personajes y escenarios; la revisión bibliográfica de casi la totalidad de los textos históricos relativos a las guerras en las que participó Chile durante la segunda mitad del siglo XIX para hallar algún rastro de Reyes Campos; la lectura de ensayos sobre el período y crónicas testimoniales de la época para dar perspectiva a mis disquisiciones; la revisión de documentos de los Archivos Nacional, del Ejército Militar y Eclesiástico en busca de nuevas pistas; las entrevistas a fuentes vivas y expertos que me orientaran y animaran a seguir y las visitas a algunos escenarios históricos que pudieran, cuando menos, inspirarme. , es que fue escrita esta crónica, presentada como Memoria de Título en la Escuela de Periodismo de la Universidad de Chile. Los capítulos de este relato están ordenados de manera tal que la vida de Reyes Campos pueda ser entendida cronológicamente, con algunas intervenciones desde el presente cuyo sentido es incorporar al lector en esta búsqueda, despertando su solidaridad y empatía por medio del relato de lo que fue mi propio trabajo. En relación a algunos aspectos formales, vale aclarar que hubo decisiones adoptadas en función de la fluidez de la lectura y la claridad del texto. En este sentido, las citas correspondientes a la obra de Reyes Campos fueron transcritas manteniendo los usos y modismos del lenguaje propios de la época. Sin embargo, los errores ortográficos y de acentuación –casi nunca garrafales y menos abundantes- fueron corregidos para que no adquirieran relevancia por sobre las ideas y el sentido del humor. Cualquier editor habría hecho lo mismo antes de publicar la obra de este pionero del periodismo chileno y, por mi parte, constituye éste un último gesto de gratitud a quien buscó por todos los medios llegar hasta hoy. Al finalizar el texto, a modo de anexo, se presentan algunas fotografías relativas al protagonista de esta historia y su álbum.

Temporal and spatial evolution of the Cave Graben Fault System, Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico

Mathisen, Maren Gabriella 09 March 2015 (has links)
Numerous recent studies have demonstrated the importance of syndepositional faulting as an inherent element of steep-rimmed carbonate margins. However, these studies have not emphasized the relationship to older shelf margins, multiphase deformation history, and complexity of fault zone internal structure. In the Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico, extensive syndepositional deformation parallels the Permian Capitan shelf margin reef and has developed in the absence of regional tectonic forces due to a combination of early carbonate cementation, gravitational instability, differential compaction, and variable progradation to aggradation at pre-existing shelf margins. This study focuses on the geometry, growth history, and internal fill type distribution within the Cave Graben Fault System (CGFS) in Slaughter and Rattlesnake Canyons of the Guadalupian (Capitan) shelf margin with the intent to understand the temporal and spatial evolution of deformation in front of the G24 shelf margin. Stratigraphy, faults and fractures exposed within the CGFS were mapped using high-resolution gigapan photos and GPS, along with RCRL Guadalupe airborne lidar, provides a geospatial database for 3D visualization, quantification, and interpretation. Detailed mapping reveals a high degree of variability in fault geometry, including the presence of vertical and lateral fault relays, antithetic and synthetic splays, and highly variable fault and fracture apertures, suggesting a complex deformational history. Hundreds of early-formed fractures have been mapped within the G24-G25 shelf margin system, but the development of significant faults with appreciable displacement only occurs in front of the G24 margin. Vertical fault displacement varies from 9 to 34 m in the CGFS. Breccias several meters in width fill the main faults and contain entrained sediment and clasts of variable age and composition. Stratal geometries reveal that movement and episodic growth occurred along the faults soon after deposition. Further investigation of the sediment and breccia fills suggests that a significant dissolution event along the fault allowed for the entrainment of much younger, post-Permian sediment. Based on these findings it appears that in Rattlesnake Canyon at least 30-60% of the CGFS vertical displacement occurs in the Permian, whereas up to 40-70% may develop post-Permian, providing a significant advancement in the understanding of timing of fault systems within the Capitan shelf margin. / text

John Philip Sousa's operetta El capitan : a historical, analytical and performance guide

Jorgensen, Michael R. January 1994 (has links)
This dissertation provides a guide to John Philip Sousa's operetta El Capitan through investigating its historical significance, compositional distinctives, and performance practice. Chapter one introduces the nature and scope of the work by presenting a statement of the problem, the need and significance for the study, and its delimitations.The historical section of this document traces the genesis and process of the actual composition of the work, including identifying pieces borrowed from other Sousa works as well as consideration of Sousa's sketchbooks and other sources for compositional techniques. This section also presents a synopsis and performance history of the operetta, as well as biographies of the composer, lyricist, librettist, and major stage performers.The second part of the dissertation explores Sousa's compositional techniques and how harmonic, melodic and rhythmic considerations advance the plot of the operetta and illuminate character motivation. A comparison is made between the original and published scores for discrepancies.The performance guide includes interviews with key personnel involved in the 1973 Minnesota Opera production of El Capitan. This section closes with an appraisal of the strengths, weaknesses, and potential for successful revival of the work.The appendices provide information on El Capitan in print and recording, the original libretto, copies of programs from significant productions of the operetta, a partial listing of performances of the work between 1970 and 1994, and a description of the roles by voice type. The appendix also includes a transcription of the stage directions found in a stage manager's guide to El Capitan located in the Tams-Witmark collection at the University of Wisconsin. / School of Music

Integrated lidar and outcrop study of syndepositional faults and fractures in the Capitan Formation, Gaudalupe Mountains, New Mexico, U.S.A.

Jones, Nathaniel Baird 01 November 2013 (has links)
An appreciation of the extent of syndepositional fracturing, faulting, and cementation of carbonate platform margins is essential to understanding the role of early diagenesis and compaction in margin deformation. This study uses integrated lidar and outcrop data along the Capitan Reef from an area encompassing the mouths of both Rattlesnake and Walnut Canyons. Mapping geomorphic expressions of syndepositional faults and fractures at multiple scales of observation was the main approach to delineating zones of syndepositional fractures. Ridge- groove couplets visible in exposures of the Capitan Reef throughout the Guadalupe Mountains were targeted because the ability to identify these as signs of syndepositional fracture development would have implications for the entire reef complex. Results show that these ridgegroove couplets are the product of differential weathering of syndepositional as well as burial-related fractures. Recessive grooves have an average syndepositional fracture spacing of ~13 m whereas ridges have a spacing of ~33 m. vi Smaller (~5-20 m-wide) scale erosional lineaments common in the study area and mappable on airborne lidar are formed by differential erosion of planes of syndepositional faults. Maps of these fault lineaments on the lidar show that syndepositional faults extend laterally for 300 m - 2000 m and relay near the terminations of the faults at each end. Faults can be further grouped into fault systems consisting of sets of faults connected by fault relays that extend for at least the entire length (~12 km) of the study area. Although vertical displacement along faults is typically less than 11 m, syndepositional faults result in changes in structural dip domain of 1-6 degrees across an individual fault. Even smaller erosional lineaments (10 cm-1 m) are visible on the airborne lidar that form as a result of differential erosion of individual fractures. Larger fractures (> 20 cm) can be reliably mapped on the lidar, but smaller features (< 20 cm) cannot be reliably mapped with currently available data and can only be captured using field studies. Fracture fill types are heterogeneous along strike as shown by comparisons of field study locations. Siliciclastic-dominated fills are likely sourced from overlying siliciclastic units of the shelf, which, in this area, were from the Ocotillo Siltstone. These silt-filled fractures are broadly distributed, indicating preferential development and infill of syndepositional fractures during the deposition of the Ocotillo Siltstone in the G27/28 high-frequency sequences. Development of early fractures is also shown to have been influenced by mechanical stratigraphy with changes in fracture spacing between massive to thick-bedded shelf-margin (~17 m fracture spacing) and outer-shelf facies tracts versus thin-bedded outer-shelf and shelf-crest (~28 m fracture spacing). Ultimately, this study demonstrated that the Capitan shelf margin was ubiquitously overprinted by syndepositional fracturing and faulting and that this nearsurface structural modification influenced early diagenetic patterns and internal vii sedimentation throughout the reef margin. Before this study, the extent and nature of syndepositional fracture/fault development within the margin were largely unquantified. Here, by integrating field observations and surface weathering reflections of these fractures as observed in the lidar, we can demonstrate a widespread impact of early fracturing more akin to analogous early-lithified margins such as the Devonian of the Canning Basin of Australia. / text

Quantified facies distribution and sequence geometry of the Yates Formation, Slaughter Canyon, New Mexico

Harman, Charles Averill 14 November 2011 (has links)
This study uses a new integrated outcrop data and airborne lidar from Slaughter Canyon, New Mexico, to quantitatively characterize the cycle-scale facies architecture within the G23-G26 high frequency sequences of the Yates Formation. High frequency cycle-scale mapping of these sequences shows sedimentological evidence for accommodation reduction associated with the Permain composite sequence (CS) 13 highstand (G23-G25). Development of the G26 HFS additionally demonstrates the isochronous balance of mixed carbonate-siliciclastic deposition across the Yates-Capitan reef-rimmed shelf during the initial CS-scale transgression following significant exposure and bypass of sand across the shelf. This sequence framework is quantitatively analyzed using progradation to aggradation (P/A) ratios, facies proportions, facies tract dip width, and facies tract bedding angles to evaluate the interplay of eustacy and syndepositional deformation as drivers of stratigraphic architecture. The sequences defined here developed in response to both eustacy and syndepositional deformation, but individual facies distributions and cycle stacking patterns were largely controlled by eustacy; while facies, cycle, and sequence thicknesses as well as facies bedding angles were locally influenced by syndepositional faulting. A reconstruction of each high frequency sequence and stepwise documentation of post-depositional fault displacement and HFS basinward rotation was generated using the lidar data. This analysis shows that the G23-G26 HFS developed basinward-dipping depositional topography from the shelf crest to the shelf margin reef. This geometry was largely unaltered by syndepositional faults during individual HFS deposition, but was rotated basinward shortly thereafter by younger fault movement. The accommodation trends recorded in this largely shelf crest to shelf margin window can be additionally projected into the middle shelf producing zones of the prolific Yates-aged reservoirs on the Northwest Shelf and Central Basin Platform. / text

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