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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Croissance de nanotubes de carbone sur des fibres de carbone : application aux matériaux composites / Growth of carbon nanotubes on carbon fibres : application to composite materials

Laurent, Fabrice 23 June 2016 (has links)
Le travail présenté dans ce mémoire de thèse s’est inscrit dans le cadre du développement de la technologie flamme oxyacétylénique pour la synthèse de nanotubes de carbone (NTC) au Laboratoire de Physique et Mécanique Textile. La simplicité et l’originalité de ce procédé en font un candidat très sérieux pour envisager la mise en œuvre d’un pilote industriel pour la production de fibres de renforcement multidimensionnelles, notamment composées de fibres de carbone sur lesquelles ont cru de nanotubes de carbone. Ce travail a consisté à :- Réaliser une étude bibliographique sur les procédés de croissance de NTC,- Etablir la preuve de concept de la croissance des nanotubes sur des fibres,- Concevoir et réaliser un dispositif assurant une bonne maîtrise de la croissance,- Mettre au point le procédé de croissance sur des fibres,- Identifier les principaux paramètres influençant la qualité et la quantité des nanotubes,- Caractériser les nanotubes obtenus,- Faire croître ces nanotubes sur des fibres de carbone,- Intégrer des nouveaux matériaux multidimensionnels dans des matrices afin de réaliser des matériaux composites structurels,- Caractériser ces matériaux,- Décrire les mécanismes de croissance dans la flamme.Notre effort a porté sur le traitement des fibres avant exposition à la flamme et à évaluer les conditions de croissance des NTC en faisant varier notamment, la température d’exposition des fibres et la qualité des catalyseurs de croissance. Après synthèse des NTC sur les fibres de carbone et leur caractérisation nous avons réalisé des matériaux composites. Nous avons mesuré que les NTC améliorent significativement le module d’Young des composites mais altèrent sensiblement la contrainte à la rupture. Les propriétés électriques longitudinales et transversales sont améliorées d’un facteur 8 et 5 respectivement. Nous avons proposé des mécanismes de croissance des NTC. Ces mécanismes sont directement en relation avec propriétés physiques et chimiques des particules de catalyseur. / The research presented in this work aims to develop the oxyacetylene flame method for the Carbon Nanotubes (CNT) synthesis at the Laboratory of Physics and Mechanics of Textiles. The simplicity and the degree of innovation of this process make of it a serious candidate for manufacturing a pilot in order to produce new kind of tridimensional material made of CNT having grew on carbon fibres. This work consisted of:- Make a bibliographic study,- Establish a proof of concept of the growth of CNT,- Design and manufacture a device allowing process control,- Setup the process of growth on the fibres,- Identify the main parameters influencing CNT quality and quantity,- Characterize CNT,- Assume the CNT growth on carbon fibers,- Integrate these multidimensional materials into an organic matrix to realize structural composite materials,- Characterize these materials,- Describe and explain the growth mechanism in the flame.First, we focused our work on the fibres chemical treatment before flame exposition to evaluate the NTC growth conditions by varying notably, the fibres exposition temperature and the quality of the catalysts. After, the NTC syntheses on carbon fibres (CF) was done. The multidimensional product was characterized par various examinations and analyses. Composite materials were molded with epoxy resin to evaluate mechanical properties of NTC-FC. Young’s modulus was increased and tensile strength at break decreased. Transverse and longitudinal electrical properties were increased by 500 to 800 % respectively. Finally, we proposed NTC growth mechanisms. They are directly linked to the chemical and physical catalyst particles properties.

Aplicação de laminado de polímero reforçado com fibras de carbono (PRFC) inserido em substrato de microconcreto com fibras de aço para reforço à flexão de vigas de concreto armado / Application of carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) strips inserted in a steel fiber reinforced concrete layer (NSM - Near Surface Mounted) for flexural strengthening of reinforced concrete beams

Arquez, Ana Paula 07 May 2010 (has links)
O reforço de elementos estruturais de concreto armado com uso de polímeros reforçados com fibras de carbono (PRFC) está cada vez mais conhecido, seguro e acessível. Em todo o mundo, a aplicação do PRFC vem sendo estudada sob diversas técnicas. Características como elevada resistência à tração e à corrosão, baixo peso, facilidade e rapidez de aplicação são os principais fatores para essa disseminação. Em particular, a técnica aqui estudada é conhecida como Near Surface Mounted (NSM), que consiste na inserção de laminados de PRFC em entalhes realizados no concreto de cobrimento de elementos de concreto armado. Com dupla área de aderência, ela vem a suprir uma deficiência comum no reforço colado externamente, que é o seu destacamento prematuro. Como nas demais técnicas de reforço à flexão, o material é colado na região do concreto tracionado. Sabe-se que, na prática da intervenção, essa região frequentemente encontra-se danificada por razões diversas, como fissuração causada por ações externas, corrosão da armadura e deterioração do concreto, o que exige a sua prévia reparação. Considerando que a boa qualidade desse reparo é imprescindível à eficiência do reforço, propõe-se uma inovação técnica pela reconstituição da face tracionada da viga com um compósito cimentício de alto desempenho, que sirva como substrato para aplicação do PRFC e elemento de transferência de esforços à estrutura a ser reforçada. Produzido à base de cimento Portland, fibras e microfibras de aço, o compósito tem também potencial para retardar a abertura de fissuras e aumentar a rigidez da viga, melhorando o aproveitamento do reforço. Com apoio da mecânica do fraturamento, foi possível encontrar as taxas de fibras e microfibras de aço a serem adicionadas a uma matriz cimentícia especialmente desenvolvida. Foram realizados ensaios de aderência para estudar o processo de transferência de tensões cisalhantes do laminado para o compósito na zona de ancoragem da viga. Uma vez conhecido o comportamento do sistema, foram ensaiadas vigas de concreto armado de tamanho representativo de estruturas reais, em três diferentes versões de ancoragem do laminado, sendo duas delas com uso do compósito cimentício. Comprovou-se a eficiência da inovação proposta, constatando-se o aumento da rigidez e da capacidade de carga da viga reforçada, com excelente aproveitamento do laminado. Além disso, as fibras e microfibras diminuíram a abertura das fissuras em estágios mais avançados de carregamento, sem que se observasse fissuras horizontais próxima ao reforço, que poderiam indicar destacamento iminente do laminado de PRFC. / Strengthening of reinforced concrete elements with carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) is increasingly well known, safe and accessible. The application of CFRP has been studied worldwide using various techniques. Features like high tensile strength, corrosion resistance, lightweightness and easy and speedy application are the main factors for dissemination. In particular, the technique here analyzed is known as Near Surface Mounted (NSM), which involves inserting CFRP strips into grooves made on the concrete cover of reinforced concrete elements. With double bonding area, this technique avoids the premature peeling-off that usually takes place in externally bonded CFRP reinforcement. As in others flexural strengthening techniques, the material is bonded in the concrete tension region. It is known in strengthening practice that this region usually requires prior repair. Often it shows up damaged by several reasons such as cracking caused by external actions, reinforcement corrosion and deterioration of the concrete. Whereas the good quality of this repair is essential to strengthening efficiency, an innovative technique is proposed. A high-performance cementitious composite is used as a transition layer for insertion of CFRP strips. The composite is made of Portland cement, steel fibers and microfibers of steel. It also has the potential to delay crack opening and to increase the beam stiffness. Based on fracture mechanics, it was possible to find suitable volume fractions of steel fibers and microfibers to be added to the cementitious matrix. Bonding tests were performed to analyze the shear stress transferring from the CFRP laminate to the beam anchorage zone. Once known the system behavior, real size reinforced concrete beams were tested in three different versions of the anchorage conditions, two of them with use of cementitious composites. The efficiency of the proposed innovation was proved by confirming increased stiffness and load capacity of the strengthened beam. In addition, fibers and microfibers allowed the decrease of the crack opening in later loading steps. No horizontal cracks near to the reinforcement were noticed, which means that CFRP laminate peeling-off was not likely to occur.

Physico-chimie de l’interface fibres/matrice : applications aux composites Carbone/Carbone / Physico-chemical interface of fibers/matrix : carbone/Carbone Composites applications

Fradet, Guillaume 11 December 2013 (has links)
Ces travaux de thèse portent sur la physico-chimie de l'interface fibre/matrice appliquée aux composites Carbone/Carbone. La surface des fibres de carbone est modifiée par divers traitements de surface (voie gazeuse et voie humide). L'impact de ces différents procédés sur l'état de surface des fibres a été évalué par chromatographie gazeuse en phase inverse à dilution infinie, MEB, AFM, MET, RAMAN… Suite à ces caractérisations, des traitements de surface ont été retenus pour la réalisation de composite C/C. Les propriétés notamment mécaniques des matériaux composites à interfaces modulées (force de la liaison fibre/matrice) ont pu être évaluées. Finalement, il a pu être établi une relation entre modifications de surface des fibres de carbone et comportement macroscopique des composites C/C. / This work focuses on the physical chemistry of the fiber/matrix interface applied to composites carbon/carbon. The surface of carbon fibers was modified by various surface treatments. The carbon fibers surface variation was evaluated by inverse gas chromatography at infinite dilution, SEM, AFM, TEM, Raman... After these characterizations, surface treatments were selected for the realization of C/C composites. The mechanical properties of composites at modulated interfaces (fibers/matrix bonding) were evaluated. Finally, a correlation between surface modification of carbon fibers and macroscopic behavior of composite C/C was established.

Stahlbetonplatten verstärkt mit Textilbeton unter Brandbelastung

Ehlig, Daniel, Jesse, Frank, Curbach, Manfred 03 June 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Im Rahmen experimenteller Untersuchungen wurden Stahlbetonplatten hergestellt, mit verschiedenen textilen Bewehrungen verstärkt, mit 125 % Gebrauchslast vorgeschädigt und anschließend unter Gebrauchslast mit einer Brandbelastung nach der Einheitstemperaturkurve (ISO-834, Cellulosic curve) beaufschlagt. Alle Platten hielten der Brandbelastung bei gleichzeitiger Biegebeanspruchung mehr als 60 Minuten stand und zeigten weder Betonabplatzungen noch andere optische Schädigungen auf. Die für dieses überraschend positive Ergebnis verantwortlichen Mechanismen werden diskutiert, sind aber noch nicht vollständig verstanden. Eine Schlüsselrolle spielt dabei vermutlich das gute Rissverhalten von Textilbeton und interne Umlagerungen zwischen Textil und Stahlbewehrung.

Evaluation of the Carbonization of Thermo-Stabilized Lignin Fibers into Carbon Fibers

Kleinhans, Henrik January 2015 (has links)
Thermo-stabilized lignin fibers from pH-fractionated softwood kraft lignin were carbonized to various temperatures during thermomechanical analysis (TMA) under static and increasing load and different rates of heating. The aim was to optimize the carbonization process to obtain suitable carbon fiber material with good mechanical strength potential (high tensile strength and high E-modulus). The carbon fibers were therefore mainly evaluated of mechanical strength in Dia-Stron uniaxial tensile testing. In addition, chemical composition, in terms of functional groups, and elemental (atomic) composition was studied in Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and in energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), respectively. The structure of carbon fibers was imaged in scanning electron microscope (SEM) and light microscopy. Thermogravimetrical analysis was performed on thermo-stabilized lignin fibers to evaluate the loss of mass and to calculate the stress-changes and diameter-changes that occur during carbonization. The TMA-analysis of the deformation showed, for thermo-stabilized lignin fibers, a characteristic behavior of contraction during carbonization. Carbonization temperatures above 1000°C seemed most efficient in terms of E-modulus and tensile strength whereas rate of heating did not matter considerably. The E-modulus for the fibers was improved significantly by slowly increasing the load during the carbonization. The tensile strength remained however unchanged. The FTIR-analysis indicated that many functional groups, mainly oxygen containing, dissociate from the lignin polymers during carbonization. The EDS supported this by showing that the oxygen content decreased. Accordingly, the relative carbon content increased passively to around 90% at 1000°C. Aromatic structures in the carbon fibers are thought to contribute to the mechanical strength and are likely formed during the carbonization. However, the FTIR result showed no evident signs that aromatic structures had been formed, possible due to some difficulties with the KBr-method. In the SEM and light microscopy imaging one could observe that porous formations on the surface of the fibers increased as the temperature increased in the carbonization. These formations may have affected the mechanical strength of the carbon fibers, mainly tensile strength. The carbonization process was optimized in the sense that any heating rate can be used. No restriction in production speed exists. The carbonization should be run to at least 1000°C to achieve maximum mechanical strength, both in E-modulus and tensile strength. To improve the E-modulus further, a slowly increasing load can be applied to the lignin fibers during carbonization. The earlier the force is applied, to counteract the lignin fiber contraction that occurs (namely around 300°C), the better. However, in terms of mechanical performance, the lignin carbon fibers are still far from practical use in the industry.

Electrode degradation in proton exchange membrane fuel cells

Oyarce, Alejandro January 2013 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is the degradation of fuel cell electrodes in proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs). In particular, the degradation associated with localized fuel starvation, which is often encountered during start-ups and shut-downs (SUs/SDs) of PEMFCs. At SU/SD, O2 and H2 usually coexist in the anode compartment. This situation forces the opposite electrode, i.e. the cathode, to very high potentials, resulting in the corrosion of the carbon supporting the catalyst, referred to as carbon corrosion. The aim of this thesis has been to develop methods, materials and strategies to address the issues associated to carbon corrosion in PEMFC.The extent of catalyst degradation is commonly evaluated determining the electrochemically active surface area (ECSA) of fuel cell electrode. Therefore, it was considered important to study the effect of RH, temperature and type of accelerated degradation test (ADT) on the ECSA. Low RH decreases the ECSA of the electrode, attributed to re-structuring the ionomer and loss of contact with the catalyst.In the search for more durable supports, we evaluated different accelerated degradation tests (ADTs) for carbon corrosion. Potentiostatic holds at 1.2 V vs. RHE were found to be too mild. Potentiostatic holds at 1.4 V vs. RHE were found to induce a large degree of reversibility, also attributed to ionomer re-structuring. Triangle-wave potential cycling was found to irreversibly degrade the electrode within a reasonable amount of time, closely simulating SU/SD conditions.Corrosion of carbon-based supports not only degrades the catalyst by lowering the ECSA, but also has a profound effect on the electrode morphology. Decreased electrode porosity, increased agglomerate size and ionomer enrichment all contribute to the degradation of the mass-transport properties of the cathode. Graphitized carbon fibers were found to be 5 times more corrosion resistant than conventional carbons, primarily attributed to their lower surface area. Furthermore, fibers were found to better maintain the integrity of the electrode morphology, generally showing less degradation of the mass-transport losses. Different system strategies for shut-down were evaluated. Not doing anything to the fuel cell during shut-downs is detrimental for the fuel cell. O2 consumption with a load and H2 purge of the cathode were found to give around 100 times lower degradation rates compared to not doing anything and almost 10 times lower degradation rate than a simple air purge of the anode. Finally, in-situ measurements of contact resistance showed that the contact resistance between GDL and BPP is highly dynamic and changes with operating conditions. / Denna doktorsavhandling behandlar degraderingen av polymerelektrolytbränslecellselektroder. polymerelektrolytbränslecellselektroder. Den handlar särskilt om nedbrytningen av elektroden kopplad till en degraderingsmekanism som heter ”localized fuel starvation” oftast närvarande vid uppstart och nedstängning av bränslecellen. Vid start och stopp kan syrgas och vätgas förekomma samtidigt i anoden. Detta leder till väldigt höga elektrodpotentialer i katoden. Resultatet av detta är att kolbaserade katalysatorbärare korroderar och att bränslecellens livslängd förkortas. Målet med avhandlingen har varit att utveckla metoder, material och strategier för att både öka förståelsen av denna degraderingsmekanism och för att maximera katalysatorbärarens livslängd.Ett vanligt tillvägagångsätt för att bestämma graden av katalysatorns degradering är genom mätning av den elektrokemiskt aktiva ytan hos bränslecellselektroderna. I denna avhandling har dessutom effekten av temperatur och relativ fukthalt studerats. Låga fukthalter minskar den aktiva ytan hos elektroden, vilket sannolikt orsakas av en omstrukturering av jonomeren och av kontaktförlust mellan jonomer och katalysator.Olika accelererade degraderingstester för kolkorrosion har använts. Potentiostatiska tester vid 1.2 V mot RHE visade sig vara för milda. Potentiostatiska tester vid 1.4 V mot RHE visade sig däremot medföra en hög grad av reversibilitet, som också den tros vara orsakad av en omstrukturering av jonomeren. Cykling av elektrodpotentialen degraderade istället elektroden irreversibelt, inom rimlig tid och kunde väldigt nära simulera förhållandena vid uppstart och nedstängning.Korrosionen av katalysatorbäraren medför degradering av katalysatorn och har också en stor inverkan på elektrodens morfologi. En minskad elektrodporositet, en ökad agglomeratstorlek och en anrikning av jonomeren gör att elektrodens masstransportegenskaper försämras. Grafitiska kolfibrer visade sig vara mer resistenta mot kolkorrosion än konventionella kol, främst p.g.a. deras låga ytarea. Grafitiska kolfibrer visade också en förmåga att bättre bibehålla elektrodens morfologi efter accelererade tester, vilket resulterade i lägre masstransportförluster.Olika systemstrategier för nedstängning jämfördes. Att inte göra något under nedstängning är mycket skadligt för bränslecellen. Förbrukning av syre med en last och spolning av katoden med vätgas visade 100 gånger lägre degraderingshastighet av bränslecellsprestanda jämfört med att inte göra något alls och 10 gånger lägre degraderingshastighet jämfört med spolning av anoden med luft. In-situ kontaktresistansmätningar visade att kontaktresistansen mellan bipolära plattor och GDL är dynamisk och kan ändras beroende på driftförhållandena. / <p>QC 20131104</p>

Calculation of electrical conductivity and electrothermal analysis of multilayered carbon reinforced composites: application to damage detection / Προσδιορισμός της ηλεκτρικής αγωγιμότητας και ηλεκτροθερμική ανάλυση ανισότροπων πολύστρωτων υλικών ενισχυμένων με ίνες άνθρακα: εφαρμογή στην ανίχνευση βλάβης σε κατασκευές από σύνθετα υλικά

Αθανασόπουλος, Νικόλαος 09 July 2013 (has links)
During this thesis, it has been proved that the electrical conductivity of multilayered and electrically anisotropic carbon fiber materials can be expressed by an equivalent second order tensor, which is equal to sum of each layer’s electrical conductivity tensor. The aforementioned equivalent electrical conductivity tensor is valid assuming that the material’s thickness is negligible compared to the other dimensions of the body. The mathematical expression for the prediction of the electrical conductivity of a multilayered material for any stacking sequence, is based on the electric current conservation, and was validated using different methods. Each layer’s electrical conductivity was experimentally studied at the two principal directions. Transverse to the fibers’ direction, an empirical model was developed for the prediction of the electrical conductivity as a function of the layer’s thickness, of the fibre volume fraction and of temperature. All cases involved the study of multidirectional and unidirectional carbon fiber materials without the presence of matrix (porous form – CF preform) as well as in the presence of polymeric matrix (CFRP). The validation of the equivalent tensor was achieved through three different ways: a) through the measurement of the electric resistance, for various stacking sequences, b) through the Joule heating effect, by recording and comparing the developing temperature field to the respective numerically calculated, c) through 3D numerical models which approximate the analytical solution of the 2D domain problem. Moreover using the finite difference method, certain electrothermal models were developed in order to study the temperature field for different stacking sequences. The electrical problem can be expressed by an elliptic PDE, for the case where the material is electrically anisotropic and homogeneous, or non-homogeneous. On the other hand, the transient heat transfer problem involves the case where the material is thermally anisotropic and homogeneous. Using the equivalent tensor, the 3D domain problem is simplified to a 2D domain problem resulting in less computational requirements for the solution of the problem. The present research study could be used in a plethora of application, such as the development of carbon fibre reinforced heating elements (direct heating CFRP molds) as well as damage detection in multidirectional composite materials with electrical conductive reinforcement. / Κατά τη διάρκεια της παρούσας διδακτορική διατριβής, αποδείχθηκε ότι η ηλεκτρική αγωγιμότητα των πολύστρωτων και ηλεκτρικά ανισότροπων υλικών με ίνες άνθρακα, μπορεί να εκφραστεί από έναν ισοδύναμο τανυστή δεύτερης τάξης, ο οποίος είναι το άθροισμα των τανυστών κάθε στρώσης. Ο ισοδύναμος τανυστής ισχύει υποθέτοντας ότι το πάχος συγκριτικά με τις υπόλοιπες διαστάσεις του υλικού είναι πολύ μικρό. Η μαθηματική έκφραση με την οποία μπορεί να προβλεφθεί η ηλεκτρική αγωγιμότητα ενός πολύστρωτου υλικού για οποιαδήποτε αλληλουχία στρώσεων αποδείχτηκε με συστηματικό τρόπο και βασίζεται στην αρχή διατήρησης του ηλεκτρικού φορτίου. Η ηλεκτρική αγωγιμότητα κάθε στρώσης μελετήθηκε πειραματικά στις δύο κύριες διευθύνσεις. Κάθετα στη διεύθυνση των ινών αναπτύχθηκε ένα εμπειρικό μοντέλο πρόβλεψης της ηλεκτρικής αγωγιμότητας συναρτήσει του πάχους της στρώσης, της περιεκτικότητας σε ίνες άνθρακα και της θερμοκρασίας. Σε όλες τις περιπτώσεις μελετήθηκαν πολύστρωτα υλικά ινών άνθρακα χωρίς μήτρα (πορώδης μορφή-CF preforms) και με πολυμερική μήτρα (CFRPs). Η επιβεβαίωση της εγκυρότητας του ισοδύναμου τανυστή έγινε με τρεις διαφορετικούς τρόπους: α) μέσω μετρήσεων της ηλεκτρικής αντίστασης, για διαφορετικές αλληλουχίες στρώσεων, β) μέσω του φαινομένου Joule, καταγράφοντας και συγκρίνοντας το αναπτυσσόμενο θερμοκρασιακό πεδίο με το θερμοκρασιακό πεδίο που υπολογίζεται αριθμητικά, γ) μέσω τρισδιάστατων αριθμητικών μοντέλων όπου τείνουν στην αναλυτική λύση του δισδιάστατου προβλήματος. Στη συνέχεια αναπτύχτηκαν ηλεκτροθερμικά μοντέλα με τη μέθοδο των πεπερασμένων διαφορών με σκοπό τη μελέτη του θερμοκρασιακού πεδίου για διαφορετικές αλληλουχίες στρώσεων. Το ηλεκτρικό πρόβλημα εκφράζεται από μία ελλειπτική διαφορική εξίσωση όπου το υλικό είναι ηλεκτρικά ανισότροπο και ομογενές ή μη ομογενές ενώ το θερμικό πρόβλημα είναι θερμικά ανισότροπο και ομογενές. Χρησιμοποιώντας τον ισοδύναμο τανυστή το τρισδιάστατο πρόβλημα μετατρέπεται σε ένα δισδιάστατο πρόβλημα με αποτέλεσμα να απαιτούνται λιγότεροι πόροι για την επίλυση του προβλήματος. Η συγκεκριμένη εργασία μπορεί να χρησιμοποιηθεί σε μία πληθώρα εφαρμογών όπως στην ανάπτυξη και στη λειτουργία θερμαινόμενων στοιχείων ενισχυμένων με ίνες άνθρακα (καλούπια όπου το θερμαντικό στοιχείο το αποτελούν οι ίνες άνθρακα) αλλά και στην ανίχνευση βλάβης συνθέτων υλικών με αγώγιμη ενίσχυση.

Biomatériaux hybrides : tissu de fibres de carbone / phosphates de calcium : synthèse, caractérisation et biocompatibilité / Hybrid biomaterials : carbon fibers cloth / calcium phosphates : synthesis, characterization and biocompatibility

Picard, Quentin 14 December 2015 (has links)
Ce travail a consisté à élaborer un biomatériau hybride constitué d’un tissu de fibres de carbone (TFC) revêtu de phosphates de calcium (CaP) déposés par un procédé de sono-électrodéposition et à étudier l’influence des paramètres expérimentaux sur la composition chimique, la microtexture et la structure des revêtements phosphocalciques, ainsi que la biocompatibilité in vitro du biomatériau hybride. La densité de courant s’est avérée être un paramètre important. Pour de fortes densités de courant (≥ 100 mA/g), un régime d’électrolyse rapide de l’eau entraîne la formation d’un dépôt aciculaire d’hydroxyapatite déficitaire en calcium (CaD-HAP) carbonatée avec la présence éventuelle d’une phase de calcite. Pour de faibles densités de courant (≤ 50 mA/g), un régime d’électrolyse lent de l’eau entraîne la formation d’un dépôt plaquettaire de CaD-HAP carbonatée issu de l’hydrolyse in situ du phosphate octocalcique plaquettaire préalablement précipité. Pour l’ensemble des dépôts, les particules sont constituées d’un coeur de CaD-HAP carbonatée de structure ordonnée et d’une surface hydratée de CaD-HAP carbonatée de structure désordonnée qui résulte de l’existence d’une zone de sursaturation lors de la précipitation des CaP. La sono-électrodéposition se révèle être un procédé versatile capable d’orienter la synthèse des phases de CaP, avec pour une faible densité de courant appliquée l’obtention d’un dépôt biomimétique comparable à la partie minérale du tissu osseux obtenue par le processus d’ostéogénèse naturelle. Des tests de viabilité in vitro réalisés avec des ostéoblastes humains primaires ont montré que la nanoporosité et le caractère hydrophile des TFC n’impactent pas la biocompatibilité et que les paramètres tels que le précurseur des fibres, l’ensimage et/ou la forme lobée des fibres semblent favoriser l’adhésion et la prolifération des cellules. / This work is focused on the synthesis of a novel hybrid biomaterial made of carbon fibers cloth (CFC)/ calcium phosphates (CaP) using the sono-electrochemical technique and the study of the influence of experimental parameters on the chemical composition, microtexture and structure of CaP deposits and on in vitro biocompatibility. Current density is shown to be a crucial parameter. Specifically, at high current densities ((≥ 100 mA/g), the fast water electrolysis rate leads to a needle-like deposit consisting in a major phase of carbonated calcium deficient hydroxyapatite (CaD-HAP) mixed with a calcium carbonate phase. At low current densities (≤ 50 mA/g), the slow water electrolysis rate generates a plate-like carbonated CaD-HAP phase, coming from the in situ hydrolysis of a former octacalcium phosphate phase. Whatever the experimental conditions, particles of the deposits consists in a carbonated CaD-HAP core showing an ordered structure, surrounded by a hydrated and disordered carbonated CaD-HAP surface layer which results of the formation of oversaturated domains during CaP precipitation. Sono-electrodeposition is shown to be a versatile process able to control the nature of CaP phases. Especially, at low current density a biomimetic CaP deposit is obtained, similar to the mineral part of bones produced during natural osteogenesis. In vitro biologic tests using primary human osteoblasts showed that the nano-porosity and hydrophilicity of the carbon fibers do not affect the biocompatibility and that fiber precursor, sizing and lobe shaped fibers seems to favor adhesion and proliferation of human cells.

Otimização global eficiente aplicada a projetos de laminados de rigidez variável. / Efficient global optimization applied to variable stiffness composites design

Passos, Adriano Gonçalves dos 01 April 2016 (has links)
CAPES / A otimização global eficiente (ego, do inglês efficient global optimization), apresentada por Donald R. Jones no final da década de 90, tem como proposta solucionar problemas de otimização nos quais, devido a um elevado custo computacional da função objetivo, o número de avaliações desta é severamente limitado. ego baseia-se na otimização pelo uso de superfícies de resposta ou metamodelos, que são funções de baixo custo computacional que se ajustam aos dados “experimentais” (de experimentos físicos, cálculos analíticos ou simulações numéricas) obtidos em pontos escolhidos no domínio de projeto. Como no trabalho original de Jones, o metamodelo de Kriging é aqui utilizado. A eficiência e robustez do método reside no balanceamento entre a necessidade de minimização (ou maximização) da superfície de resposta média com a necessidade de melhoria da aproximação que esta fornece. Nesta dissertação, usa-se o ego para encontrar as orientações curvas de laminados de rigidez variável com geometrias relativamente complexas. Os problemas mostrados possuem número moderado de variáveis (em geral 12) e geometrias que variam de uma simples placa quadrada com furo central a painéis reforçados semelhantes a seções de fuselagem de uma aeronave comercial. Através desses problemas, são abordadas a otimização global com e sem restrições e a otimização multiobjetivo sem restrições. Para contemplar restrições e multiobjetivos, foi necessária a implementação de modificações no algoritmo original de Jones. Para a maior parte dos problemas, o orçamento computacional é restringido em apenas 60 avaliações dos modelos de alta fidelidade (modelos de elementos finitos desenvolvidos no software ansys). Os resultados obtidos mostram que o framework proposto é capaz de encontrar bons projetos para um orçamento computacional limitado. Em relação aos compósitos de rigidez variável, o uso de fibras curvas mostrou ganhos estruturais substanciais. Por exemplo, para a estrutura semelhante à de uma fuselagem de aeronave, chegou-se a observar um aumento de até 47% na carga de flambagem sob carregamento de compressão uniaxial, quando comparada à mesma estrutura com apenas fibras retas comerciais. / The efficient global optimization (ego), presented by Donald R. Jones at the end of the 90s, propose to solve optimization problems where, due to the high computational burden of the cost function, the number of evaluations is severely limited. ego is based on the concept of surrogate models, that are fast-to-compute functions that adjust the “experimental” data (physical, analytic or simulations). In the current work, as well as in the Jones’s one, the Kriging metamodel is used. The efficiency and robustness of the method lays at the balance between exploration and exploitation of the surrogate response. Here, ego is used to find the optimized parameters for curved fiber structures with relatively complex geometry. The number of variables are moderately (in general 12) for the various problems presented and the geometries vary from simple square plates with a central hole to an airplane fuselage-like section. Trough these problems, single objective optimizations with and without constraints and an unconstrained multiobjective optimization are performed. For the constraints and multiobjectives, adaptations to the original framework were made. For most of the problems, the computational budget is set to just 60 evaluations of the high fidelity model (finite element model built using ANSYS software). The results showed that the framework is capable of finding good designs with a limited computational budget. Considering the variable stiffness composites, the use of curved fibers presented substantial structural improvements. For example, for the fuselage-like structure, it was observed an improvement of 47% in the buckling load when compared to straight fibers optimal solution.

Otimização global eficiente aplicada a projetos de laminados de rigidez variável. / Efficient global optimization applied to variable stiffness composites design

Passos, Adriano Gonçalves dos 01 April 2016 (has links)
CAPES / A otimização global eficiente (ego, do inglês efficient global optimization), apresentada por Donald R. Jones no final da década de 90, tem como proposta solucionar problemas de otimização nos quais, devido a um elevado custo computacional da função objetivo, o número de avaliações desta é severamente limitado. ego baseia-se na otimização pelo uso de superfícies de resposta ou metamodelos, que são funções de baixo custo computacional que se ajustam aos dados “experimentais” (de experimentos físicos, cálculos analíticos ou simulações numéricas) obtidos em pontos escolhidos no domínio de projeto. Como no trabalho original de Jones, o metamodelo de Kriging é aqui utilizado. A eficiência e robustez do método reside no balanceamento entre a necessidade de minimização (ou maximização) da superfície de resposta média com a necessidade de melhoria da aproximação que esta fornece. Nesta dissertação, usa-se o ego para encontrar as orientações curvas de laminados de rigidez variável com geometrias relativamente complexas. Os problemas mostrados possuem número moderado de variáveis (em geral 12) e geometrias que variam de uma simples placa quadrada com furo central a painéis reforçados semelhantes a seções de fuselagem de uma aeronave comercial. Através desses problemas, são abordadas a otimização global com e sem restrições e a otimização multiobjetivo sem restrições. Para contemplar restrições e multiobjetivos, foi necessária a implementação de modificações no algoritmo original de Jones. Para a maior parte dos problemas, o orçamento computacional é restringido em apenas 60 avaliações dos modelos de alta fidelidade (modelos de elementos finitos desenvolvidos no software ansys). Os resultados obtidos mostram que o framework proposto é capaz de encontrar bons projetos para um orçamento computacional limitado. Em relação aos compósitos de rigidez variável, o uso de fibras curvas mostrou ganhos estruturais substanciais. Por exemplo, para a estrutura semelhante à de uma fuselagem de aeronave, chegou-se a observar um aumento de até 47% na carga de flambagem sob carregamento de compressão uniaxial, quando comparada à mesma estrutura com apenas fibras retas comerciais. / The efficient global optimization (ego), presented by Donald R. Jones at the end of the 90s, propose to solve optimization problems where, due to the high computational burden of the cost function, the number of evaluations is severely limited. ego is based on the concept of surrogate models, that are fast-to-compute functions that adjust the “experimental” data (physical, analytic or simulations). In the current work, as well as in the Jones’s one, the Kriging metamodel is used. The efficiency and robustness of the method lays at the balance between exploration and exploitation of the surrogate response. Here, ego is used to find the optimized parameters for curved fiber structures with relatively complex geometry. The number of variables are moderately (in general 12) for the various problems presented and the geometries vary from simple square plates with a central hole to an airplane fuselage-like section. Trough these problems, single objective optimizations with and without constraints and an unconstrained multiobjective optimization are performed. For the constraints and multiobjectives, adaptations to the original framework were made. For most of the problems, the computational budget is set to just 60 evaluations of the high fidelity model (finite element model built using ANSYS software). The results showed that the framework is capable of finding good designs with a limited computational budget. Considering the variable stiffness composites, the use of curved fibers presented substantial structural improvements. For example, for the fuselage-like structure, it was observed an improvement of 47% in the buckling load when compared to straight fibers optimal solution.

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