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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

An Assessment Study of Automotive Engine Carbon Removal Technology

Chiu, Ting-Cheng 17 July 2010 (has links)
Human large-scale use of coal, oil, natural gas and other fossil fuels, which emit large quantities of energy use is caused by the greenhouse effect of greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide increases rapidly, is the culprit of global warming. Man type and species of global warming has brought the threat of the living environment, how to effectively slow down global warming has become the man to face critical issues. According to Taiwan's greenhouse gas emissions from all sectors data show that the transport sector with a significant contribution to greenhouse gas emissions, developed with the vehicle industry, motor vehicles have become the main transport means of transport to daily life, but also resulted in major metropolitan areas and air pollution from carbon dioxide, improve air quality and reduce carbon emissions, should have to be propaganda vehicle maintenance and regular inspection of work, vehicle maintenance facilities for the engine than coke will effectively reduce unnecessary vehicle emissions and pollution, with a view to sustainable human development. This study to collect relevant information through expert interviews, sorting out the market viability of the Automotive engine carbon removal methods are "bubble-type engine than coke," the "trickle engine program than coke" and "In addition to product hydrogen aircraft engine Carbon Programme "of three. And to identify factors that impact assessment, "the cost of implementation", "when applied to pollution assessment," "clear the effect of coke", "engine damage effects" and "ease of handling," and five. Main and analytic theory, experts in the field to conduct the carbon removal of the vehicle engine is assessed for the valid questionnaires, the use of AHP Analysis Method Comparison of the order of priority or importance, to find consistency through the whole management of the common point of view. Comprehensive management and access to the whole study found that industry, government, science and other 12 experts were assessing the overall level of the importance of the five ranking for the "impact of engine damage," the most important, were "clear the effect of coke," " when applied to pollution assessment, "" implementation costs "," easy operation "of the last. The engine in the current market feasible than carbon technology, the experts unanimously agree that the "hydrogen aircraft engine program than coke," the most advantage of the actual promotion of environmental protection that, the Government Ying Ying Zao Leung good conduct political Peihehuanjing, provide economic incentives to encourage people to Automotive engine carbon removal and counseling industry to promote environmental protection measures. The research results could serve as references for the Government's future vehicles and the carbon reduction policies.

The potential of certifying carbon removals in the EU : A feedback examination regarding the proposed regulation on a Union certification framework for carbon removals / Möjligheten att certifiera koldioxidinfångning i EU

Kuusela, Hanna, Roström, Sixten January 2023 (has links)
The EU has set out a goal to become climate neutral by 2050. The IPCC has recognized carbon dioxide removal (CDR) as being an essential technology in order to achieve net zero CO2 emissions. Since CDR can account for emissions from sectors that are hard to mitigate, the European Commission has proposed a regulation that will be the first EU-wide voluntary certification framework for high-quality carbon removals. During 1 December 2023 - 23 March 2023, the proposal received feedback from different actors in order to develop methodologies that will enable stakeholders to implement this certification framework. Therefore, since relevant actors' participation in designing the framework is important, the aim of this study is to analyse the feedback and identify potential strengths, weaknesses, areas of agreement, and conflicts of interest in the proposal. Out of the 210 submitted feedback documents that the EU Commission received, 165 documents were analysed in this study. From the feedback, the results of this study show that many actors from different sectors welcome the proposal and believe that it could bring further transparency and trustworthiness to CDR activities which could increase investments in carbon removal solutions. However, a common weakness among the respondents was the lack of clarity in the framework regarding the terminology and the alignment to other regulations and policies. Some conflicts of interest were also identified, surrounding the level of permanence in the included CDR activities, co-benefits, and the representation of actors within the expert groups. / EU har satt ett mål att bli klimatneutralt 2050. IPCC har erkänt koldioxidinfångning som en nödvändig teknik för att uppnå netto noll CO2 utsläpp. Detta eftersom koldioxidinfångning kan kompensera för utsläpp från sektorer som är svåra att minska. Den Europeiska kommissionen har därav föreslagit en ny förordning som kommer att bli det förstaEU-omfattande frivilliga ramverket för certifiering av koldioxidinfångning av hög kvalitet. Den 1 december 2023 - 23 mars 2023 fick förslaget feedback från olika aktörer i syfte att utveckla metoder som gör det möjligt för aktörer att implementera certifieringsramverket. Eftersom att relevanta aktörers deltagande i utformningen av ramverket är av betydelse, är syftet med denna studie att analysera responsen som certifieringsramverket har fått för att sedan kunna identifiera potentiella styrkor, svagheter, punkter av överensstämmelse och intressekonflikter inom förslaget. Av de 210 dokumenten med respons som inkom tillEU-kommissionen, analyserades 165 dokument i denna studie. Efter att responsen analyserats framkom det att många aktörer från olika sektorer välkomnar förslaget då de, bland annat, anser att förslaget skulle kunna tillföra ytterligare transparens och trovärdighet gällande koldioxidinfångning. Detta skulle i sin tur kunna öka andelen investeringar i olika tekniker för koldioxidinfångning. En svaghet som framkom bland respondenterna var att terminologin i ramverket ansågs vara otydlig. Respondenterna ansåg även att det var otydligt hur ramverket skulle anpassas till befintliga och kommande policys och lagar. Vissa intressekonflikter kunde också identifieras. Både kring koldioxidlagringens varaktighet och ramverkets samfördelar samt representationen av aktörer inom expertgupperna.

The Effect of Plasma on Silicon Nitride, Oxynitride and Other Metals for Enhanced Epoxy Adhesion for Packaging Applications

Gaddam, Sneha Sen 08 1900 (has links)
The effects of direct plasma chemistries on carbon removal from silicon nitride (SiNx) and oxynitride (SiOxNy ) surfaces and Cu have been studied by x-photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and ex-situ contact angle measurements. The data indicate that O2,NH3 and He capacitively coupled plasmas are effective at removing adventitious carbon from silicon nitride (SiNx) and Silicon oxynitride (SiOxNy ) surfaces. O2plasma and He plasma treatment results in the formation of silica overlayer. In contrast, the exposure to NH3 plasma results in negligible additional oxidation of the SiNx and SiOxNy surface. Ex-situ contact angle measurements show that SiNx and SiOxNy surfaces when exposed to oxygen plasma are initially more hydrophilic than surfaces exposed to NH3 plasma and He plasma, indicating that the O2 plasma-induced SiO2 overlayer is highly reactive towards ambient corresponding to increased roughness measured by AFM. At longer ambient exposures (>~10 hours), however surfaces treated by either O2, He or NH3 plasma exhibit similar steady state contact angles, correlated with rapid uptake of adventitious carbon, as determined by XPS. Surface passivation by exposure to molecular hydrogen prior to ambient exposure significantly retards the increase in the contact angle upon the exposure to ambient. The results suggest a practical route to enhancing the time available for effective bonding to surfaces in microelectronics packaging applications.

Remoção de matéria orgânica e nitrogênio de esgoto sanitário em reator de leito estruturado submetido à aeração intermitente e recirculação do efluente / Simultaneous carbon and nitrogen removal from sewage in a structured bed biofilm reactor subjected to intermittent aeration and effluent recirculation

Moura, Rafael Brito de 10 October 2014 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi o de avaliar o desempenho de um reator de leito estruturado submetido à aeração intermitente (LEAI) na remoção de matéria orgânica e nitrogênio de esgoto sanitário. O reator apresentava um volume total de 11,6 L, com uma porosidade do leito de 52%. O leito estruturado era composto de 13 estruturas cilíndricas (diâmetro igual a 3 cm) de espuma de poliuretano, dispostas verticalmente no interior do reator. A alimentação do reator era feita continuamente com esgoto sanitário, sendo este proveniente de um interceptor de esgoto que passava próximo ao laboratório onde o sistema foi montado. O reator era provido de sistema de recirculação interna, com razão de recirculação igual a 3, valor este adotado após a realização de ensaios hidrodinâmicos. Foram testadas 4 condições operacionais diferentes, variando-se o tempo de detenção hidráulica (TDH) e os períodos de aeração e não aeração. Para cada condição operacional, foram feitos os seguintes estudos: avaliação da eficiência de remoção de matéria orgânica e nitrogênio, determinação da atividade nitrificante e desnitrificante, determinação do número mais provável (NMP) da comunidade nitrificante e desnitrificante, perfis temporais e análise da comunidade microbiana. O sistema apresentou elevada remoção de N-total, com valores médios de 80% para valores de TDH de 12 e 10 horas, sob 2 horas de aeração e 1 hora sem aeração. Com a diminuição do TDH para 8 horas, houve queda na eficiência do sistema para 70% (mantendo-se os períodos de aeração de 2 horas e não aeração de 1 hora). Alterando-se o período de aeração para 3 horas, mantendo-se em 1 hora o período sem aeração, o reator apresentou eficiência média de remoção de N-total de 79% com o TDH de 8 horas. A remoção de DQO foi elevada em todas as fases, com valores médios em torno de 90%. Os resultados da atividade nitrificante e desnitrificante foram condizentes com valores encontrados na literatura para sistemas que operam com remoção simultânea de matéria orgânica e nitrogênio. Os perfis temporais mostraram que não houve variação nas formas de nitrogênio (N-NH4+, N-NO2- e N-NO3-) no efluente, apesar da operação sob a aeração intermitente devido ao grau de mistura imposto pela recirculação interna. A concentração de sólidos no efluente foi relativamente baixa quando comparada à concentração de efluentes de reatores de biomassa suspensa, com valor máximo de SSV igual a 108mgSSV.L-1. A presença do Metazoário Aelosomas sp no efluente do reator indica um possível consumo do lodo excedente no reator por esses microrganismos. As análises microbiológicas mostraram uma elevada abundância relativa de gêneros aeróbios facultativos, capazes de utilizar N-NO3- e N-NO2- como receptor de elétrons na ausência de oxigênio. Também se verificou a presença do gênero Comamonas sp em elevada abundância relativa. Esse gênero apresenta microrganismos capazes de realizar a nitrificação heterotrófica e a desnitrificação aeróbia. No entanto, os ensaios realizados não permitem inferir sobre a ocorrência desses processos. Desse modo, os processos convencionais de nitrificação e desnitrificação, tanto pela estratificação do biofilme devido à formação de gradiente de concentração de oxigênio dissolvido, quanto devido à aeração intermitente, certamente tiveram papel preponderante na remoção de nitrogênio. Os resultados obtidos permitem considerar o reator LEAI como uma alternativa tecnicamente viável para a remoção simultânea de matéria orgânica e nitrogênio de esgotos sanitários. / This study aimed at evaluating the organic matter and nitrogen removal from sewage in a structured bed reactor subjected to intermittent aeration. The reactor had a total volume of 11.6 L and bed porosity of 52%. Thirteen polyurethane foam cylinders of 3 cm diameter and 60 cm height were fixed vertically inside the reactor using PVC rods. The reactor was continuously fed with sewage collected from a sanitary sewer passing near the laboratory where the system was assembled. The reactor was provided with internal recirculation system with a recirculation ratio at 3, a value adopted after conducting hydrodynamic tests. Four different operating conditions were tested, varying the hydraulic retention time (HRT) and aeration and non-aeration periods. Nitrogen and organic matter removal efficiencies, nitrifying and denitrifying activities, and the most probable number (MPN) of nitrifying and denitrifying communities were evaluated for each operational condition. The reactor presented a Total-N removal efficiency of 80%, at HRT of 12 hours and 10 hours and aerated and non-aerated periods of 2 hours and 1 hour, respectively. With decreasing the HRT to 8 hours, the Total-N removal efficiency decreased to 70% for the same aeration and non-aeration periods. After increasing the aerated period to 3 hours and keeping the non-aerated periods of 1 hour and HRT of 8 hours, the system attained the Total-N removal efficiency of 79%. COD removal efficiencies were about 90% in all operational condition. Nitrifying and denitrifying activities were similar to those found in the literature for systems presenting simultaneous nitrification and denitrification, and carbon removal. No variation in nitrogen forms (NO3--N, NO2--N and NH4+-N) was observed during a cycle of intermittent aeration. The solids concentration in effluent was relatively low compared to the concentration of suspended-growth biomass reactors, with a maximum value of VSS of 108 mgVSS.L-1. The presence of the metazoan Aelosomas sp in the effluent in all operational conditions indicated a possible use of the excess sludge in the reactor by these microorganisms. Microbiological analysis showed a high relative abundance of aerobic/facultative microorganisms, capable to use NO3--N and NO2--N as electron acceptor in the absence of oxygen. It was also verified the presence of the genus Comamonas sp with high relative abundance. This genus presents microorganisms able to perform heterotrophic nitrification and aerobic denitrification. However, the assays do not allow us to infer the occurrence of these processes. Thus, the conventional processes of nitrification and denitrification certainly played a preponderant role in nitrogen removal both by the stratification of the biofilm due to the formation of a concentration gradient of dissolved oxygen, as due to the intermittent aeration. The results allow considering the reactor as a viable technological alternative for the simultaneous removal of organic matter and nitrogen of sewage.


Wosiack, Priscila Arcoverde 06 June 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2017-07-21T18:53:21Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Priscila Arcoverde Wosiack.pdf: 2005192 bytes, checksum: 49fa05e9e5f72b1ae4d6f70637a69779 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-06-06 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The treatment of wastewater generated in the pet food industries, characterized by the high organic carbon and nitrogen content, becomes necessary to meet the standards required by the legislation and minimize environmental impacts on water bodies. Biological treatment is an effective way to treat potentially polluting wastes from agroindustries processes. However, conventional systems for treating industrial wastewater do not allow the simultaneous removal of organic carbon and nutrients. Thus, the present study aimed to evaluate the performance of a structured bed reactor with continuous flow, for the simultaneous removal of carbon organic, expressed as Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD), and nitrogen from wastewater of a pet food industry, under conditions of intermittent aeration. The system was composed by a structured bed reactor under 30oC of temperature, and recirculation ratio of 5 times the flow. The reactor was initially operated in differents Hydraulic Retention Times (HRT) of seven, five, three and one day under continuous aeration. In such conditions were verified removal of COD above 80% and Total Nitrogen (TN) above 60%. The best results were obtained with HRT of three days (91.8% of COD removal and 93.3 % of TN). The response surface methodology was used to evaluate the effect of aeration and load of TKN (Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen) in the removal of COD and TN, with HRT fixed in 1 day. It was observed that the parameter aeration was the most important for the results. The removal of COD reached levels of 85% when the reactor was aerated on 100% of the time. Aeration also was positive for nitrification and negative for denitrification. The best responses obtained for the removal of COD and TN, nitrification and denitrification were 80.03%, 88.16%, 99.13% and 88.92%, respectively, and were obtained with 158.2 minutes of aeration in a cycle of 180 minutes, and 255.1 mg.L-1 of the TKN affluent. In view these results, it was concluded that this new system was effective in simultaneous removal of nitrogen and carbon organic matter. / O tratamento das águas residuárias geradas nas indústrias de ração animal, caracterizadas por elevada carga orgânica e conteúdo nitrogenado, torna-se absolutamente necessário para atender aos padrões exigidos pela legislação e minimizar impactos ambientais em corpos de água. O tratamento biológico é uma maneira eficaz de se tratar resíduos potencialmente poluidores originados de processos agroalimentares. Porém, sistemas convencionais de tratamento de águas residuárias industriais, não possibilitam a remoção simultânea de matéria orgânica e nutrientes. Assim, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o desempenho de um reator de leito estruturado e fluxo contínuo, na remoção simultânea da matéria orgânica carbonácea, expressa em Demanda Química de Oxigênio (DQO), e nitrogenada, das águas residuárias de uma indústria de ração animal, sob condições de aeração intermitente. O sistema foi composto por um reator de leito estruturado mantido à temperatura de 30oC e taxa de recirculação de 5 vezes a vazão. O reator foi inicialmente operado em diferentes Tempos de Detenção Hidráulica (TDH), de sete, cinco, três e um dia, sob aeração contínua. Nestas condições foram verificadas remoções de DQO acima de 80% e de Nitrogênio Total (NT) acima de 60%. Os melhores resultados foram obtidos com TDH de três dias (91,8% de remoção de DQO e 93,3% de NT). A metodologia de superfície de resposta foi utilizada para avaliar o efeito da aeração e da carga de NTK (Nitrogênio Total Kjeldahl) na remoção de DQO e NT, com TDH fixo em um dia. Foi verificado que o parâmetro aeração foi o que mais influenciou os resultados. A remoção de DQO chegou a 85% quando o reator foi aerado em 100% do tempo. A aeração também apresentou efeito positivo para a nitrificação, mas negativo para a desnitrificação. As melhores respostas para remoção de DQO, NT, nitrificação e desnitrificação, de 80,03%, 88,16% 99,13% e 88,92%, respectivamente, foram obtidas com o reator operando com 158,2 minutos de aeração a cada ciclo de 180 minutos e 255,1 mg.L-1 de NTK afluente. Diante destes resultados, conclui-se que este novo sistema foi eficiente na remoção simultânea de matéria orgânica e nitrogenada.

Remoção de matéria orgânica e nitrogênio de esgoto sanitário em reator de leito estruturado submetido à aeração intermitente e recirculação do efluente / Simultaneous carbon and nitrogen removal from sewage in a structured bed biofilm reactor subjected to intermittent aeration and effluent recirculation

Rafael Brito de Moura 10 October 2014 (has links)
O objetivo deste trabalho foi o de avaliar o desempenho de um reator de leito estruturado submetido à aeração intermitente (LEAI) na remoção de matéria orgânica e nitrogênio de esgoto sanitário. O reator apresentava um volume total de 11,6 L, com uma porosidade do leito de 52%. O leito estruturado era composto de 13 estruturas cilíndricas (diâmetro igual a 3 cm) de espuma de poliuretano, dispostas verticalmente no interior do reator. A alimentação do reator era feita continuamente com esgoto sanitário, sendo este proveniente de um interceptor de esgoto que passava próximo ao laboratório onde o sistema foi montado. O reator era provido de sistema de recirculação interna, com razão de recirculação igual a 3, valor este adotado após a realização de ensaios hidrodinâmicos. Foram testadas 4 condições operacionais diferentes, variando-se o tempo de detenção hidráulica (TDH) e os períodos de aeração e não aeração. Para cada condição operacional, foram feitos os seguintes estudos: avaliação da eficiência de remoção de matéria orgânica e nitrogênio, determinação da atividade nitrificante e desnitrificante, determinação do número mais provável (NMP) da comunidade nitrificante e desnitrificante, perfis temporais e análise da comunidade microbiana. O sistema apresentou elevada remoção de N-total, com valores médios de 80% para valores de TDH de 12 e 10 horas, sob 2 horas de aeração e 1 hora sem aeração. Com a diminuição do TDH para 8 horas, houve queda na eficiência do sistema para 70% (mantendo-se os períodos de aeração de 2 horas e não aeração de 1 hora). Alterando-se o período de aeração para 3 horas, mantendo-se em 1 hora o período sem aeração, o reator apresentou eficiência média de remoção de N-total de 79% com o TDH de 8 horas. A remoção de DQO foi elevada em todas as fases, com valores médios em torno de 90%. Os resultados da atividade nitrificante e desnitrificante foram condizentes com valores encontrados na literatura para sistemas que operam com remoção simultânea de matéria orgânica e nitrogênio. Os perfis temporais mostraram que não houve variação nas formas de nitrogênio (N-NH4+, N-NO2- e N-NO3-) no efluente, apesar da operação sob a aeração intermitente devido ao grau de mistura imposto pela recirculação interna. A concentração de sólidos no efluente foi relativamente baixa quando comparada à concentração de efluentes de reatores de biomassa suspensa, com valor máximo de SSV igual a 108mgSSV.L-1. A presença do Metazoário Aelosomas sp no efluente do reator indica um possível consumo do lodo excedente no reator por esses microrganismos. As análises microbiológicas mostraram uma elevada abundância relativa de gêneros aeróbios facultativos, capazes de utilizar N-NO3- e N-NO2- como receptor de elétrons na ausência de oxigênio. Também se verificou a presença do gênero Comamonas sp em elevada abundância relativa. Esse gênero apresenta microrganismos capazes de realizar a nitrificação heterotrófica e a desnitrificação aeróbia. No entanto, os ensaios realizados não permitem inferir sobre a ocorrência desses processos. Desse modo, os processos convencionais de nitrificação e desnitrificação, tanto pela estratificação do biofilme devido à formação de gradiente de concentração de oxigênio dissolvido, quanto devido à aeração intermitente, certamente tiveram papel preponderante na remoção de nitrogênio. Os resultados obtidos permitem considerar o reator LEAI como uma alternativa tecnicamente viável para a remoção simultânea de matéria orgânica e nitrogênio de esgotos sanitários. / This study aimed at evaluating the organic matter and nitrogen removal from sewage in a structured bed reactor subjected to intermittent aeration. The reactor had a total volume of 11.6 L and bed porosity of 52%. Thirteen polyurethane foam cylinders of 3 cm diameter and 60 cm height were fixed vertically inside the reactor using PVC rods. The reactor was continuously fed with sewage collected from a sanitary sewer passing near the laboratory where the system was assembled. The reactor was provided with internal recirculation system with a recirculation ratio at 3, a value adopted after conducting hydrodynamic tests. Four different operating conditions were tested, varying the hydraulic retention time (HRT) and aeration and non-aeration periods. Nitrogen and organic matter removal efficiencies, nitrifying and denitrifying activities, and the most probable number (MPN) of nitrifying and denitrifying communities were evaluated for each operational condition. The reactor presented a Total-N removal efficiency of 80%, at HRT of 12 hours and 10 hours and aerated and non-aerated periods of 2 hours and 1 hour, respectively. With decreasing the HRT to 8 hours, the Total-N removal efficiency decreased to 70% for the same aeration and non-aeration periods. After increasing the aerated period to 3 hours and keeping the non-aerated periods of 1 hour and HRT of 8 hours, the system attained the Total-N removal efficiency of 79%. COD removal efficiencies were about 90% in all operational condition. Nitrifying and denitrifying activities were similar to those found in the literature for systems presenting simultaneous nitrification and denitrification, and carbon removal. No variation in nitrogen forms (NO3--N, NO2--N and NH4+-N) was observed during a cycle of intermittent aeration. The solids concentration in effluent was relatively low compared to the concentration of suspended-growth biomass reactors, with a maximum value of VSS of 108 mgVSS.L-1. The presence of the metazoan Aelosomas sp in the effluent in all operational conditions indicated a possible use of the excess sludge in the reactor by these microorganisms. Microbiological analysis showed a high relative abundance of aerobic/facultative microorganisms, capable to use NO3--N and NO2--N as electron acceptor in the absence of oxygen. It was also verified the presence of the genus Comamonas sp with high relative abundance. This genus presents microorganisms able to perform heterotrophic nitrification and aerobic denitrification. However, the assays do not allow us to infer the occurrence of these processes. Thus, the conventional processes of nitrification and denitrification certainly played a preponderant role in nitrogen removal both by the stratification of the biofilm due to the formation of a concentration gradient of dissolved oxygen, as due to the intermittent aeration. The results allow considering the reactor as a viable technological alternative for the simultaneous removal of organic matter and nitrogen of sewage.

Comparison of direct air capture technology to point source CO2 capture in Iceland / En jämförande studie av infångning av koldioxid direkt från luft med infångning från punktkällor på Island

Ingvarsdóttir, Anna January 2020 (has links)
Det är välkänt att klimatförändringar på grund av global uppvärmning är en av de största kriserna som hotar jorden. Det är en enorm utmaning för mänskligheten att minska koldioxidutsläppen, den främsta orsaken till global uppvärmning. Enkelt genomförbara åtgärder är inte tillräckliga och teknik för att ta bort koldioxid från atmosfären anses nödvändig för att temperaturökningen inte ska överstiga de 1,5 °C som anges i Parisavtalet. Direkt infångning av koldioxid från luft (vanligen kallad direkt luftinfångning, (Eng. Direct air capture - DAC)) är en ny teknik som kan ta bort koldioxid direkt från atmosfären. För närvarande är denna metod dyr; upp till 1000 USD per ton avlägsnad koldioxid. Denna höga kostnad beror främst på den relativt låga koldioxidkoncentrationen i luften, vilket leder till att en stor anläggning behövs för att fånga upp gasen och därmed stora investeringar. Tekniken är mycket energiintensiv, antingen elektrisk eller termisk, och för att göra en direkt infångning effektivare, måste anläggningen drivas med energi som inte har några eller mycket låga koldioxidutsläpp. Energin på Island är billig och dess produktion innebär ett mycket lågt koldioxidavtryck. Syftet med arbetet i denna avhandling är att utforska om metoden för direkt infångning av koldioxid från luft kommer att vara en mer genomförbar metod än koldioxidinfångning från punktkällor (eng. point source - PS) på Island på grund av god tillgång till billig och ren energi. Lärandekurvan för direkt luftfångning studerades tillsammans med scenarier för metodens tekniska utveckling. Tre olika fall med punktkällor på Island studerades för jämförelse. Två olika direkta luftinfångningstekniker analyserades också, en som drivs av en stor mängd elektricitet och en som drivs mestadels av termisk energi. Det resulterade i att i bästa fall, där inlärningshastigheten är hög och tekniska förbättringar är signifikanta, så skulle produktionskostnaden för direkt luftinfångning (levelized cost of energy, LCOC) vara lägre än motsvarande för infångning från en punktkälla. Energikostnaden påverkar LCOC för DAC idag men med teknisk utveckling förväntas energibehovet minska och därför kommer energikostnadens påverkan att bli lägre. Det är dock fortfarande viktigt, med tanke på bidraget till att minska globala uppvärmningen, att energin som driver DAC-anläggningen har ett lågt koldioxidavtryck, vilket kan garanteras på Island. Tvärtom, om inlärningshastigheten för DAC-tekniken är låg och inga tekniska förbättringar sker i lösningsmedel eller sorbenter, är och kommer DAC-tekniken att bli dyrare än infångning från punktkällor om båda anläggningarna finns på Island. En hög inlärningshastighet och teknikutveckling är beroende av trycket att nå målen i Parisavtalet. Det är därför mycket viktigt för DAC att efterfrågan på koldioxidinfångning ökar. Dessutom har DAC mer potential att påverka klimatförändringarna eftersom DAC kan vara en kolnegativ teknik om den kombineras med permanent lagring av koldioxid. PS-avskiljningen kan endast vara en kolneutral teknik och detta om den kombineras med permanent lagring av koldioxid. / It is well known that climate change due to global warming is one of the greatest crises facing the Earth. It is a huge challenge for mankind to reduce CO2 emissions, the major cause of global warming. Mitigation measures are not enough. Technologies to remove the CO2 from the atmosphere are considered necessary, so the temperature rise does not exceed 1.5°C as stated in the Paris Agreement. Direct air capture (DAC) is a new technology that can remove carbon dioxide directly from the atmosphere. Currently, this method is expensive, up to 1000 USD per ton CO2 removed. This high cost is mostly due to the relatively low concentration of CO2 in the ambient air, leading to a large unit to capture the gas and therefore high capital investment. The technology is very energy-intensive, either electrical or thermal, and to make direct air capture more efficient the plant needs to be powered with energy that has no or very low CO2 emissions. The energy in Iceland is low cost and its production has a very low carbon footprint. This thesis aims to find out if the direct air capture method will be more feasible than a point source CO2 capture in Iceland due to good access to low-cost and clean energy. The learning curve for direct air capture was studied along with scenarios for its technological development. Two different direct air capture technologies were analyzed, one that is powered by a large amount of electricity and one powered mostly by thermal energy. Three different point source cases in Iceland were studied for comparison. For the best-case scenario, where the learning rate is high and technological improvements are significant, the levelized cost of direct air capture is lower than levelized cost of point source capture. The cost of energy affects the levelized cost of direct air capture today but with technical development, the energy needed is expected to go down, and therefore the effect of energy cost will be lower.  However, it is still important, concerning contribution to reducing global warming, that the energy powering the direct air capture plant has a low carbon footprint, which can be assured in Iceland. On the contrary, if the learning rate of the direct air capture technology is low and no technical improvements occur in solvents or sorbents the direct air capture technology is and will be more expensive than point source capture considering both located in Iceland. The high learning rate and development in technology are dependent on the pressure to reach the goals of the Paris Agreement. It is therefore vital for direct air capture that the demand for carbon removal measures is enhanced due to pressure to reach the Paris Agreement goals. Furthermore, direct air capture has more potential to affect climate change than point source capture as direct air capture can be a carbon-negative technology if coupled with the permanent storage of CO2. The point source capture can only be a carbon-neutral technology if coupled with the permanent storage of CO2.


JOSE CARLOS RODRIGUES DE MOURA JR 03 February 2021 (has links)
[pt] Este trabalho investiga a eficiência do Processo Oxidativo Avançado eletro-Fenton (EF) no tratamento de efluentes da indústria de celulose e papel previamente tratados por processo biológico. Utilizou-se planejamento fatorial em três variáveis e dois níveis, variando-se pH inicial (4 e 6), dosagem de H2O2:COD (1:1 e 2:1mol/mol) e densidade de corrente (j) (4 e 10mA/cm2). Experimentos foram realizados em reator de 1L com eletrodos de aço SAE1010, em regime de batelada, com tempo de reação de 60min. Avaliou-se também o processo Fenton convencional e realizou-se ensaios de controle com oxidação por H2O2, Eletrocoagulação e Fenton Zero, em 20min. Quanto ao EF, observou-se que um tempo de 40min foi suficiente para estabilização da remoção de cor e compostos lignínicos e 20min para remoção de carbono orgânico dissolvido (COD) nos processos com maior j e 40min, naqueles com menor j. A melhor configuração do EF foi com pH inicial 4, relação H2O2:COD 1:1mol/mol e menor j (4mA/cm2), alcançando-se remoção de 82 porcento de COD, 99 porcento de compostos lignínicos e 99 porcento de cor verdadeira, com consumo energético de 1.0 kWh/m3. Comparando-se os processos avaliados, todos no ponto central do plano fatorial, observou-se maior eficiência do EF na remoção de cor e compostos lignínicos e menor eficiência na remoção de COD, em relação ao processo Fenton convencional, contudo, com maior eficiência em sua melhor condição operacional. Conclui-se que o EF se mostra eficiente no polimento deste efluente para remoção da matéria orgânica e cor verdadeira remanescentes do processo biológico e que o parâmetro de maior influência neste processo é a densidade de corrente. / [en] This study investigates the efficiency of the Advanced Oxidation Process electro-Fenton (EF) in the wastewater treatment from pulp and paper industry, previously treated biologically. A factorial design of three factors and two levels was used, varying initial pH (4 and 6), H2O2:COD ratio (1:1 and 2:1mole/mole) and current density (j) (4 and 10mA/cm2). Experiments were made in a 1L reactor in batch mode with SAE 1010 steel electrodes, in 60min reaction time. The conventional Fenton process was also evaluated and control tests were carried out with direct oxidation by H2O2, Electrocoagulation and Zero-valent Fenton, with 20min. As for the EF process, it was observed that a 40min reaction time was enough to stabilize the colour and removal of the lignin compounds, and 20 minutes to remove dissolved organic carbon (COD) in the processes with higher j and 40min, in those with lower j. The best configuration for the EF process was initial pH 4, H2O2:COD ratio 1:1mole/mole and lower j (4mA/cm2), leading to 82 percent COD, 99 percent lignin compounds and 99 percent colour removal, with energy consumption of 1.0kWh/m3. Comparing the evaluated processes, all at the central point of the factorial design matrix, it was observed greater efficiency of the EF in the colour and lignin compounds removal and lower efficiency in COD removal in relation to the conventional Fenton, nevertheless, with greater efficiency in its best overall condition. It was concluded that the EF-process is efficient as a polishing step of this wastewater treatment to remove the remaining organic compounds and true color from the biological process and that the parameter of greatest influence in the EF-process is the current density.

Effect of various rate promoters on the absorption rate of carbon dioxide in potassium carbonate solvents / Effekten av olika hastighetspromotorer på absorptionshastigheten av koldioxid i kaliumkarbonatlösning

Babu, Aishwarya January 2022 (has links)
Det ständigt växande behovet av att minska CO2-utsläpp har lett till en ökad tonvikt på teknik för avskiljning av koldioxid från rökgas. MEA (monoetanolamin) anses vara riktmärket för lösningsmedel för att fånga in koldioxid på grund av dess höga absorptionshastighet. MEA är dock benäget att brytas ner, bilda giftiga biprodukter och dess regenerering har ett högt energibehov. Ett annat lösningsmedel med liknande teknisk mognad är vattenlösning med kaliumkarbonat (K2CO3) som används i den så kallade hot-potash carbonate (HPC)-processen. Emellertid är absorptionshastigheten i K2CO3-lösningen låg i jämförelse med MEA, vilket kräver tillsats av hastighetspromotorer för att öka absorptionshastigheten. Denna avhandling undersöker effekten av olika hastighetspromotorer på absorptionshastigheten av kaliumkarbonat. För detta utfördes absorptionsexperiment i laboratorieskala i en autoklavreaktor av rostfritt stål under kontrollerade förhållanden. Olika promotorer har undersökts, nämligen de organiska promotorerna glycin, piperazin och MEA, och de oorganiska promotorerna borsyra och vanadinpentoxid. Promotorkoncentrationen varierades mellan 3 vikt% till 7 vikt% samtidigt som koncentrationen av K2CO3 hölls konstant vid 25 vikt%. Driftförhållandena såsom det initiala partialtrycket av CO2 och temperaturen var respektiva 5 bar och 50 °C. De oorganiska promotorerna studerades enskilt såväl som i blandningar med K2CO3 för att studera effekten av varje promotor. De organiska promotorerna visade en signifikant förbättring av absorptionshastigheten jämfört med icke promoterad K2CO3. När det gäller de oorganiska promotorerna visade vanadinpentoxid jämförbara resultat med organiska promotorer med endast 3 vikt%. Ökad tillsatts av borsyra minskade absorptionshastigheten av lösningen promoterad av vanadin. Den experimentellt uppmätta absorptionshastigheten är anpassad till en enkel absorptionsmodell från vilken en skenbar absorptionshastighet för de främjade lösningsmedlen härleddes / The ever-growing need to reduce CO2 emissions has led to an increased emphasis on carbon capture technologies. MEA (monoethanolamine) is considered the benchmark solvent for CO2 capture due to its high rate of absorption. However, MEA is prone to degradation, forms toxic side products and its regeneration has a high energy demand. Another solvent with similar technological maturity is aqueous potassium carbonate (K2CO3) that is used in the so-called hot-potash carbonate (HPC) process. However, the rate of absorption in aqueous K2CO3 is low in comparison to MEA calling for the addition of rate promoters to enhance the absorption rate.  This thesis investigates the effect of different rate promoters on the absorption rate of potassium carbonate. For this, absorption experiments on the laboratory scale were conducted in a stainless-steel autoclave reactor under controlled conditions. Various promoters have been explored, namely the organic promoters glycine, piperazine, and MEA, and the inorganic promoters boric acid and vanadium pentoxide. The promoter concentration was varied between 3 wt% to 7 wt% while keeping the concentration of K2CO3 constant at 25 wt%. The operating conditions, such as the initial partial pressure of CO2 and the temperature were 5 bar and 50°C, respectively. The inorganic promoters were studied alone as well as in blends with K2CO3 to understand the effect of each promoter. The organic promoters demonstrated a significant enhancement of the absorption rate compared to unpromoted K2CO3. Regarding the inorganic promoters, vanadium pentoxide showed comparable results to organic promoters with only 3 wt%. When looking at the results of vanadium and boric acid, increasing concentration of boric acid resulted in a decrease in the absorption rate. The experimentally measured absorption rate are fitted to a simple absorption model from which an apparent absorption rate for the promoted solvents was derived.

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