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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Recuperação de fibras de carbono presentes em descarte industrial de compósito polimérico. / Recovering of carbon fibers present in industrial polimeric composite waste.

Abdou, Thiago Ribeiro 21 December 2015 (has links)
O uso e produção de fibra de carbono têm crescido nas últimas três décadas em diversas aplicações como aeroespacial, automotiva, nuclear, naval e construção civil. Isto é devido ao desempenho que este material possui quando comparado com os tradicionais componentes metálicos. A geração de resíduo de fibra de carbono tem aumentado a cada ano e isto tem impulsionado estudos e aprimoramento dos métodos de recuperação de fibras de carbono. Dentre os mais usuais métodos existentes, pode-se destacar a pirólise. O objetivo do presente trabalho consiste em recuperar fibras de carbono determinando e avaliando os parâmetros do processo de pirólise visando o potencial de reutilização destas fibras em novos compósitos. O compósito utilizado foi doado a partir de um descarte industrial. Para caracterizar o compósito, foram empregadas as técnicas de análise térmica (TGA), espectrometria de massa (QMS), análise estrutural em MEV juntamente com a análise pela energia dispersiva de espectroscopia de raio-X (EDS). Durante o aquecimento em atmosfera inerte, ocorre a liberação de compostos orgânicos proveniente da matriz polimérica, e as fibras de carbono permanecem intactas. As fibras de carbono recuperadas foram analisadas em MEV e EDS a fim de verificar a ocorrência de defeitos superficiais, como, resíduos da matriz polimérica, carbonização, rompimento da fibra entre outros. Os resultados obtidos mostram que pela pirolise feita a 550°C por 1h é possível de se obter fibras de carbono livres da matriz polimérica. Após o processo de pirólise nesta condição as fibras não apresentam poros, fratura do material e carbonização. / The last three decades were marked by the expansion of production and research of carbon fiber in several applications such as automotive, nuclear, navy and construction. This is a result of the extraordinary performance that this material presents when compared with the traditional metallic materials. Each year, there has been an increase of the generation of carbon fiber composite waste which has motivated studies and improvement of the current recovering processes of carbon fiber. Among the most usual methods of recovering, there is the pyrolysis method. The present study aims to recover carbon fiber from polymeric composite while evaluating parameters of the pyrolysis process focusing on the potential of reusing the recovered carbon fiber in new composites. The composite material used in this work had been acquired by donation of an industrial disposal. In order to characterize the composite, thermogravimetric analysis was done (TGA), mass spectrometry (QMS), structural analysis by SEM and analysis by energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). During heating in an inert atmosphere, there were release of organic compounds from the polymeric matrix and the carbon fibers remain untouched. Carbon fibers recovered were analyzed by SEM and EDS to verify the occurrence of superficial defects such as, traces of residual polymer matrix, carbonization, fiber breakage among others. The results show that through pyrolysis held at 550°C for 1 hour it is possible to obtain carbon fibers free of the polymeric matrix. After the pyrolysis process in this condition fibers did not presented pores, carbonization or rupture of the material.

Mecanismos de confinamento em pilares de concreto encamisados com polímeros reforçados com fibras submetidos à flexo-compressão / Confinement mechanisms in concrete columns wrapped by carbon fiber reinforced polymers subjected to flexural compression

Carrazedo, Ricardo 19 December 2005 (has links)
Neste trabalho avaliou-se a influência da forma da seção transversal e da excentricidade do carregamento sobre o efeito de confinamento em pilares de concreto encamisados com polímeros reforçados com fibras (PRF). Para estas avaliações foi utilizada a análise experimental, por meio de ensaios de pilares sob flexo-compressão, e a análise numérica com o método dos elementos finitos. Observou-se que ocorreram reduções significativas dos efeitos de confinamento em pilares de seção quadrada e retangular quando a relação entre o raio de arredondamento dos cantos e o maior lado da seção transversal diminuiu. A influência da relação entre o lado maior e menor, no caso de pilares de seção retangular, não foi tão significativa se comparada ao efeito redutor do raio de arredondamento mencionado anteriormente. Ocorreram ganhos de resistência em todos os pilares ensaiados, indicando que o encamisamento com PRF pode ser utilizado mesmo em situações em que a força de compressão seja aplicada com pequenas excentricidades. O efeito da excentricidade sobre o confinamento dependeu da forma da seção transversal considerada. Em pilares de seção circular a excentricidade reduziu levemente os efeitos de confinamento. Nos pilares de seção quadrada a excentricidade não reduziu significativamente os efeitos de confinamento, sendo que para os menores raios de arredondamento o efeito de confinamento foi até maior na presença da excentricidade. Nos pilares de seção retangular observou-se que aplicando a excentricidade na direção da menor inércia o comportamento foi semelhante ao dos pilares de seção quadrada. Porém, aplicando a excentricidade na direção da maior inércia observou-se um grande efeito de confinamento, maior inclusive que no pilar centrado. / In this work the influence of the cross section shape and eccentricity of the compressive load on the confinement of concrete columns wrapped by fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) was evaluated. Experimental analysis, through flexural compression tests of columns, and numerical analysis developed through the finite element method were used to study these effects. Significant reductions of confinement effects were noticed in square and rectangular cross sections when the ratio of the round off radius to the major side of the column was reduced.The ratio between the major and minor side in rectangular columns was not so important to define the effectiveness of confinement as was the fore mentioned factor. Increases of strength were noticed in all columns tested, showing that FRP wrapping can be successfully used even with small eccentricities of loading. The effect of the eccentricity on the confinement showed to be dependent on the cross section shape. In circular columns the eccentricity of loading reduced the confinement effects. For the square cross section columns tested the confinement was not significantly affected by the eccentricity. In fact, for square columns with low round off radius, the eccentricity increased the confinement effects. Rectangular columns subjected to eccentric loading in the direction of the minor inertia showed a behavior similar to square columns. On the other hand, with the eccentricity applied in the direction of the major inertia, an important confinement effect was observed, more important than in the case of concentric loading.

Análise estrutural de mangotes de transferência utilizando materiais compósitos e poliméricos avançados

Tonatto, Maikson Luiz Passaia January 2017 (has links)
Mangotes de transferência têm sido utilizados em grande quantidade em operações de descarga de óleo, principalmente em águas profundas, onde existem cargas estáticas e cíclicas variáveis devido ao ambiente de trabalho. Apesar da grande demanda dessas estruturas, seu comportamento é pouco conhecido e discutido na literatura devido a sua complexidade. Além disso, os materiais utilizados nesse equipamento podem ocasionar um elevado número de falhas, sendo muitas vezes superestimados, deixando o mangote com peso excessivo. Este trabalho objetiva o desenvolvimento de uma metodologia de análise de materiais poliméricos avançados, especificamente fibras de poliaramida e materiais compósitos à base de fibra de carbono, em substituição a materiais tradicionais, utilizando modelos numéricos capazes de prever o comportamento da pressão de ruptura das carcaças e resistência a compressão radial do mangote, além da avaliação em fadiga dos cordonéis à base de poliaramida dessas novas estruturas. Modelos em meso-escala foram desenvolvidos utilizando conceitos de hiperelasticidade e de critérios de falha de materiais compósitos para previsão das tensões e deformações locais em regiões críticas do mangote. Análises numéricas foram realizadas via elementos finitos com o software comercial para auxiliar a elaboração dos modelos e a realização dos cálculos numéricos. Foram realizados ensaios experimentais para validação desses modelos numéricos, bem como para a previsão do comportamento estático e em fadiga dos materiais envolvidos. Foram desenvolvidos dois modelos. Em um modelo foi aplicado pressão interna no mangote para previsão de ruptura das carcaças no qual tem o objetivo de avaliar o desempenho dos novos reforços de poliaramida. No outro modelo foi aplicada uma carga radial na seção central do mangote para prever a resistência ao esmagamento, no qual tem o objetivo de avaliar o desempenho do componente de sustentação em material compósito de fibra de carbono. Os resultados dos modelos numéricos apresentaram boa concordância com os resultados experimentais em grande parte das análises. Também se observou que os novos materiais apresentam um grande potencial de substituição dos materiais tradicionais, bem como um excelente comportamento frente a carregamentos estáticos e dinâmicos envolvidos na aplicação, sendo verificada diminuição significativa de peso e aumento do desempenho. / Offloading hoses have been extensively used at offloading oil operations, especially in deep water, where there are variable static and cyclic loads due to the working environment. Despite the great demand for these structures, their behavior is little known and discussed in the literature due to the complexity. In addition, the materials used in this equipment may lead to a high number of failures, being often overestimated, leading to excessive weight. This work aims to develop a methodology for analysis of advanced polymeric materials, specifically polyaramide fibers and carbon fiber composite materials, in the substitution of traditional materials, using numerical models able to predict the static behavior of the burst pressure of the carcasses and radial compression strength of the hose. In addition, fatigue tests were performed to evaluate the polyaramide cords of these new structures. Meso-scale models were developed using advanced hyperplastic and composite failure criteria concepts to predict local stresses and strains in critical regions of the hose. Numerical analyses were performed using finite elements with commercial software to aid the development of models and to carry out numerical calculations. Several experimental tests were performed to validate numerical models, as well as to forecast the static and fatigue behavior of the materials used. Two models were developed. A model is used to predict the burst pressure of the hose in order to evaluate the performance of the new polyaramide reinforcements cords. In the other model, a radial load was applied in the central section of the hose to predict the crushing strength, in which it has the aim of evaluating the performance of the load-bearing component made with carbon fiber composite material. The results of the computer models showed good agreement with the experimental results in most analyses. It was also found that the studied materials offered considerable potential for the substitution of traditional materials, as well as an excellent behavior under static and dynamic loads related to this application, with a significant weight reduction and increased performance of the new configurations over traditional hoses.

Health Management and Prognostics of Complex Structures and Systems

January 2019 (has links)
abstract: This dissertation presents the development of structural health monitoring and prognostic health management methodologies for complex structures and systems in the field of mechanical engineering. To overcome various challenges historically associated with complex structures and systems such as complicated sensing mechanisms, noisy information, and large-size datasets, a hybrid monitoring framework comprising of solid mechanics concepts and data mining technologies is developed. In such a framework, the solid mechanics simulations provide additional intuitions to data mining techniques reducing the dependence of accuracy on the training set, while the data mining approaches fuse and interpret information from the targeted system enabling the capability for real-time monitoring with efficient computation. In the case of structural health monitoring, ultrasonic guided waves are utilized for damage identification and localization in complex composite structures. Signal processing and data mining techniques are integrated into the damage localization framework, and the converted wave modes, which are induced by the thickness variation due to the presence of delamination, are used as damage indicators. This framework has been validated through experiments and has shown sufficient accuracy in locating delamination in X-COR sandwich composites without the need of baseline information. Besides the localization of internal damage, the Gaussian process machine learning technique is integrated with finite element method as an online-offline prediction model to predict crack propagation with overloads under biaxial loading conditions; such a probabilistic prognosis model, with limited number of training examples, has shown increased accuracy over state-of-the-art techniques in predicting crack retardation behaviors induced by overloads. In the case of system level management, a monitoring framework built using a multivariate Gaussian model as basis is developed to evaluate the anomalous condition of commercial aircrafts. This method has been validated using commercial airline data and has shown high sensitivity to variations in aircraft dynamics and pilot operations. Moreover, this framework was also tested on simulated aircraft faults and its feasibility for real-time monitoring was demonstrated with sufficient computation efficiency. This research is expected to serve as a practical addition to the existing literature while possessing the potential to be adopted in realistic engineering applications. / Dissertation/Thesis / Doctoral Dissertation Mechanical Engineering 2019

Behavior of Non-Ductile Slender Reinforced Concrete Columns Retrofit by CFRP Under Cyclic Loading

Aules, Wisam Amer 14 March 2019 (has links)
In the Middle East region and many countries in the world, older reinforced concrete (RC) columns are deemed to be weak in seismic resistance because of their low amount of reinforcement, low grades of concrete, and large spacing between the transverse reinforcement. The capacity of older RC columns that are also slender is further reduced due to the secondary moments. Appropriate retrofit techniques can improve the capacity and behavior of concrete members. In this study, externally bonded Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) retrofit technique was implemented to improve the behavior of RC columns tested under constant axial load and cyclic lateral load. The study included physical testing of five half-scale slender RC columns, with shear span to depth ratio of 7. Three specimens represented columns in a 2-story, and two specimens represented columns in a 4-story building. All specimens had identical cross sections, reinforcement detail, and concrete strength. Two specimens were control, two specimens were retrofit with CFRP in the lateral direction, and one specimen retrofit in the longitudinal and lateral directions. A computer model was created to predict the lateral load-displacement relations. The experimental results show improvement in the retrofit specimens in strength, ductility, and energy dissipation. The effect of retrofitting technique applied to two full-scale prototype RC buildings, a 2-story and a 4-story building located in two cities in Iraq, Baghdad, and Erbil, was determined using SAP2000.

Material Properties and Volumetric Porosity of Biomaterials for Use in Hard Tissue Replacement

Papangelou, Christopher G 19 July 2005 (has links)
Metal implants are a type of hard tissue replacement currently used. Metals used for implants include: stainless steel, titanium, chrome, and cobalt alloys. Such implants often fail at the interface with bone. Metal implants fail when the surface of the implant is coated with an osteoconductive material. An osteoconductive material provides scaffolding for cellular migration, cellular attachment, and cellular distribution. A reason for metal implant failure could be the vastly different material properties than bone. Motivation for the research was to find a suitable bone substitute other than metal. Materials considered were: zirconia toughened alumina, carbon fiber reinforced epoxy, and glass fiber reinforced epoxy. Those materials have been used in previous biological applications and can be cast into complex configurations. Objectives of the study were to compare material properties of the composites to bone. A method to create porosity was then tested in the material that was similar to bone in critical material property. Some of the materials were statistically similar to bone in yield strength. Method to create interconnected porosity in those materials resulted in 49% void space.

Improving Ductility And Shear Capacity Of Reinforced Concrete Columns With Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer

Ozcan, Okan 01 December 2009 (has links) (PDF)
The performance of reinforced concrete (RC) columns during recent earthquakes has clearly demonstrated the possible failures associated with inadequate confining reinforcement. The confinement reinforcement requirements of older codes were less stringent than present standards. Many studies were conducted by applying different retrofitting techniques for RC columns that have inadequate confinement reinforcement. A new retrofitting technique by means of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) was developed and tested in many countries in the last decade. This technique is performed by CFRP wrapping the critical region of columns. The effectiveness of CFRP retrofitting technique was shown in many studies conducted worldwide. In Turkey, the frame members are considerably deficient from the seismic detailing point of view. Therefore, in order to use the CFRP retrofitting technique effectively in Turkey, experimental evidence is needed. This study investigates the performance of CFRP retrofitted RC columns with deficient confining steel and low concrete strength. It was concluded by experimental and analytical results that the CFRP retrofitting method can be implemented to seismically deficient columns. Moreover, two design approaches were proposed for CFRP retrofit design of columns considering safe design regulations.

Improvement Of Punching Strength Of Flat Plates By Using Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (cfrp) Dowels

Erdogan, Hakan 01 December 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Due to their practical application, flat-plates have been commonly used slab type in constructions in recent years. According to the investigations that were performed since the beginning of the 20th century, the vicinity of the slab-column connection is found to be susceptible to punching failure that causes serious unrepairable damage leading to the collapse of the structures. The objective of this study is to enhance the punching shear strength of slab-column connections in existing deficient flat plate structures. For this purpose, an economical and easy to install strengthening method was applied to &frac34 / scale flat-slab test specimens. The proposed strengthening scheme employs the use of in house-fabricated Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) dowels placed around the column stubs in different numbers and arrangements as vertical shear reinforcement. In addition, the effect of column aspect ratio on strengthening method was also investigated in the scope of this study. Strength increase of at least 30% was obtained for the CFRP retrofitted specimens compared to the companion reference specimen. Three-dimensional finite element analyses of test specimens were conducted by using the general purpose finite element analyses program. 3-D finite element models are successful in providing reasonable estimates of load-deformation behavior and strains. The experimental punching shear capacities and observed failure modes of the specimens were compared with the estimations of strength and failure modes given by punching shear strength provisions of ACI 318-08, Eurocode-2, BS8110-97 and TS500. Necessary modifications were proposed for the existing provisions of punching shear capacity in order to design CFRP upgrading.

Carbon material based microelectromechanical system (MEMS): fabrication and devices

Xu, Wenjun 30 March 2011 (has links)
This PhD dissertation presents the exploration and development of two carbon materials, carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and carbon fiber (CF), as either key functional components or unconventional substrates for a variety of MEMS applications. Their performances in three different types of MEMS devices, namely, strain/stress sensors, vibration-powered generators and fiber solar cells, were evaluated and the working mechanisms of these two non-traditional materials in these systems were discussed. The work may potentially enable the development of new types of carbon-MEMS devices. Firstly, a MEMS-assisted electrophoretic deposition (EPD) technique was developed, aiming to achieve controlled integration of CNT into both conventional and flexible MEMS systems. Selective deposition of electrically charged CNTs onto desired locations was realized in the EPD process through patterning of electric field lines created by the microelectrodes fabricated using MEMS techniques. A variety of 2-D and 3-D micropatterns of CNTs with controllable thickness and morphology have been successfully achieved in both rigid and elastic systems at room temperature with relatively high throughput. Studies also showed that high surface hydrophobicity of the non-conductive regions in microstructures was critical to accomplish well-defined selective micropatterning of CNTs through this strategy. A patterned PDMS/CNT nanocomposite was then fabricated through the aforementioned approach, and was incorporated, investigated and validated in elastic force/strain microsensors. The gauge factor of the sensor exhibited a strong dependence on both the initial resistance of the device and the applied strain. Detailed analysis of the data suggests that the piezoresistive effect of this specially constructed bi-layer composite could be three folds, and the sensing mechanism may vary when physical properties of the CNT network embedded in the polymer matrix alter. The feasibility of the PDSM/CNT nanocomposite serving as an elastic electret was further explored. The nanocomposite composed of these two non-traditional electret materials exhibited electret characteristics with reasonable charge storage stability. The power generation capacity of the corona-charged nanocomposite has been characterized and successfully demonstrated in both a ball drop experiment and the cyclic mechanical load experiments. Lastly, in an effort to develop carbon-material-based substrates for MEMS applications, a carbon fiber-based poly-Si solar cell was designed, fabricated and investigated. This fiber-type photovoltaics (PV) takes advantage of the excellent thermal stability, electrical conductivity and spatial format of the CF, which allows CF to serve as both the building block and the electrode in the PV configuration. The photovoltaic effects of the fiber PV were demonstrated with an open-circuit voltage of 0.14 V, a short-circuit current density of 1.7 mA/cm2, and output power density of 0.059mW/cm2. The issues of this system were discussed as well.

Monitoring of an outdoor exposure site : evaluating different treatment methods for mitigation of alkali-silica reactivity in hardened concrete

Resendez, Yadhira Aracely 07 July 2011 (has links)
This research project, funded by the Federal Highway Administration, entails the construction of an outdoor exposure site in order to evaluate various methods for mitigating alkali-silica reaction (ASR) in hardened concrete. The exposure site, built at the Concrete Durability Center at the University of Texas at Austin J.J. Pickle Research campus, included a series of bridge deck, column and slab elements. The specimens were cast in 2008, allowed to expand to predetermined expansion levels and then treated with various mitigation measures, after which the specimens were monitored for expansion, humidity, and deterioration. / text

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