Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cardiology"" "subject:"kardiology""
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Auditoria de contas em um hospital de ensino especializado em cardiologia e pneumologia: um estudo de caso / Audit of Accounts in a Specialized Cardiology and Pneumology Teaching Hospital: a case studyGabriela Favaro Faria Guerrer 18 December 2012 (has links)
As instituições hospitalares que prestam serviços às operadoras de planos de saúde investem na auditoria de contas visando à adequada remuneração do atendimento prestado. No momento da pré-análise das contas a equipe de auditoria realiza correções para fundamentar a cobrança dos procedimentos, evitar glosas e perdas de faturamento. Nesta perspectiva esta pesquisa objetivou verificar os itens componentes das contas dos pacientes internados, conferidos por enfermeiras, que mais receberam ajustes no momento da pré-análise; identificar o impacto dos ajustes no faturamento das contas analisadas pela equipe de auditoria (médicos e enfermeiras) do hospital após a pré-analise; calcular o faturamento que esta equipe consegue ajustar nas contas e identificar as glosas relacionadas aos itens por ela conferidos. Tratou-se de uma pesquisa exploratória, descritiva, retrospectiva, de abordagem quantitativa na modalidade de estudo de caso, desenvolvida no Instituto do Coração (InCor) do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo. Foram estudadas 2.613 contas pré-analisadas pela equipe de auditoria do InCor no período de janeiro a dezembro de 2011. O faturamento concentrou-se em 04 (62,9%) das 34 operadoras de planos de saúde credenciadas. Houve predominância da operadora A (27,6%), porém o maior valor médio obtido por conta referiu-se a operadora D com R$ 19.187,50. Os itens mais incluídos nas contas pelas enfermeiras foram gases (90,5%); materiais de internação (85%) e serviço de enfermagem (83,2%). Materiais de Hemodinâmica com média de R$ 1.055,90 (DP± 3.953,45); gases com média de R$ 707, 91 (DP± 843,95) e equipamentos com média de R$ 689, 42 (DP± 1145,20) constituíram os itens de maior impacto financeiro nesses ajustes. Os itens mais excluídos das contas referiram-se a medicamentos de internação (41,2%); equipamentos (28%) e serviços de enfermagem (17%). Em relação aos ajustes negativos os itens que tiveram maior impacto financeiro foram os materiais de Hemodinâmica com média de R$ 3.860,15 (DP± 15.220,80); medicamentos utilizados na Hemodinâmica com média de R$ 1.983,04 (DP± 8.324,42) e gases com média de R$ 1.048,51 (DP± 3.025,53). As enfermeiras incluíram R$ 1.877.168,64 e excluíram R$ 1.155.351,36 e os médicos incluíram R$ 563.927,46 e excluíram R$ 657.190,19. Caso não fosse realizada a pré-análise, haveria a perda de R$ 628.554,55 no faturamento. Dentre as contas analisadas 91,42% receberam ajustes, sendo 57,59% positivos, com média de R$ 1.340,75 (DP±2.502,93) e 33,83% negativos, com média de R$ 1.571,58 (DP± 5.990,51). O total de glosas dos itens analisados por enfermeiras ou por médicos, bem como em itens examinados por ambos, correspondeu em média a R$ 380,51 (DP±1.533,05). As glosas referentes aos itens conferidos por médicos perfizeram um total médio de R$ 311,94 (DP±646,86) e as glosas referentes aos itens conferidos por enfermeiras de R$ 255,84 (DP± 1.636,76). O excesso de ajustes evidenciou a deficiência e a falta de uniformidade dos registros da equipe de saúde. Considera-se que esta pesquisa representa a possibilidade de avanço no conhecimento acerca da auditoria de contas hospitalares à medida que investigou o processo de pré-análise realizado por enfermeiras e médicos auditores / Hospitals that provide services to health plan companies invest in the audit of accounts aiming to provide adequate remuneration of their service. The pre-analysis of accounts is when the audit team makes corrections to determine the foundations for billing the procedures, and to avoid disallowances and revenue losses. From that perspective, the objective of the present study was to identify the patient bill items that were most corrected after being submitted to pre-analysis; identify the impact of those corrections on the revenue of accounts that were analyzed by the hospitals audit team (physicians and nurses) after the pre-analysis; calculate the revenue that the referred team is able to correct, and identify the disallowances related to the items they checked. This exploratory, descriptive, retrospective case study was performed at the Heart Institute (InCor) of the University of São Paulo School of Medicine Clinics Hospital (HCFMUSP) using a quantitative approach. The study included a total of 2,613 accounts that had been pre-analyzed by the InCor audit team in the period spanning January to December of 2011. The revenue was concentrated in four (62.9%) of the 34 credited health plan companies. There was predominance by company A (27.6%), but the highest mean value per account was obtained by company D, with R$ 19,187.50. The items most often included in the accounts by the nurses were gauzes (90.5%); hospitalization materials (85%) and nursing care (83.2%). Hemodynamics materials, with a mean R$ 1,055.90 (SD± 3,953.45); gauzes, with a mean R$ 707.91 (SD± 843.95), and equipment, with a mean R$ 689.42 (SD± 1145.20) were the items with the strongest financial impact on the corrections. The items most often excluded from the accounts referred to hospitalization medications (41.2%); equipment (28%) and nursing care (17%). Regarding the negative changes, the items with the strongest financial impact were Hemodynamics materials, with a mean R$ 3,860.15 (SD± 15,220.80); medications used in Hemodynamics, with a mean R$ 1,983.04 (SD± 8,324.42), and gauzes, with a mean R$ 1,048.51 (SD± 3,025.53). Nurses included a total of R$ 1,877,168.64, and excluded R$ 1,155,351.36, while physicians included R$ 563,927.46 and excluded R$ 657,190.19. If the pre-analysis had not been performed, there would have been a revenue loss of R$ 628,554.55. Of all the accounts submitted to analysis, 91.42% were corrected, of which 57.59% were positive, with a mean R$ 1,340.75 (SD±2,502.93) and 33.83% were negative, with a mean R$ 1,571.58 (SD± 5,990.51). Regarding disallowances, the final sum considering the items analyzed by nurses, physicians or both corresponded to a mean R$ 380.51 (SD±1,533.05). The disallowances referring to the items analyzed by physicians added up to a mean total of R$ 311.94 (SD±646.86), and those referring to the items analyzed by nurses to R$ 255.84 (SD± 1,636.76). The excessive number of corrections showed the lack of uniformity in the records made by the health team. This study represents a possibility of knowledge advancement regarding the audit of hospital accounts as it investigated the pre-analysis process performed by nurses and physicians
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The effects of coronary α₁-adrenergic stimulation on coronary blood flow and left ventricular functionDodd-o, Jeffrey M. (Jeffrey Michael) 05 1900 (has links)
This study examines the α-adrenergic constrictor tone varies with intensity of exercise, the effects of coronary α1-adrenergic blockade on left ventricular contractile function and regional myocardial perfusion, and compares the effects of increasing coronary blood flow by removing α1-constrictor tone.
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Limites des adaptations cardiovasculaires des sportifs endurants / Limits of cardiovascular adaptations in endurance athletesMatelot, David 14 December 2015 (has links)
Cette thèse visait à explorer trois limites des adaptations cardiovasculaires des sportifs endurants. Les athlètes endurants bradycardes ont-ils un risque augmenté de présenter des syncopes réflexes et des particularités électrocardiographiques par rapport à leurs homologues non bradycardes ? Commencer un entraînement après 40 ans est-il trop tard pour espérer améliorer sa santé cardiovasculaire ? La fatigue cardiaque retrouvée à l’issue d’efforts longs et intenses chez les coureurs à pied est-elle également induite par des efforts pratiqués essentiellement avec les bras comme le canoë-kayak ou par les efforts pratiqués par les militaires durant leurs stages intensifs ? Tout d’abord, l’étude BRADY suggère que chez des athlètes endurants de même niveau qui diffèrent uniquement par leur FC de repos (44 vs 61 batt.min-1) les bradycardes ne sont pas plus à risque de syncopes réflexes ni de particularités électrocardiographiques que les non bradycardes. L’hypertrophie cardiaque, plus importante chez les bradycardes, pourrait jouer un rôle central dans le développement de la bradycardie du sportif. Deuxièmement, l’étude COSS suggère que commencer un entraînement en endurance après 40 ans n’est pas trop tard pour être en meilleure santé cardiovasculaire à 60 ans. En effet le VO2max, la FC de repos ainsi que la balance sympathovagal ne diffèrent pas chez des seniors de 60 ans ayant commencé à s’entraîner avant 30 ans de chez ceux ayant commencé après 40 ans. Ces indices de la santé cardiovasculaire étaient meilleurs dans ces deux groupes par rapport aux personnes n’ayant jamais suivi un entraînement en endurance. Seul un entraînement initié avant 30 ans semble cependant apporter certains bénéfices vasculaires à l’effort, non retrouvés chez les seniors ayant commencé après 40 ans. Enfin, l’étude FACEFI visait à évaluer les conséquences cardiaques de 3 types d’efforts : 3 semaines d’entraînements intenses en canoë-kayak au pôle France de Cesson-Sévigné, 24h d’un stage d’aguerrissement chez des élèves des Écoles de Saint-Cyr Coëtquidan, et 4 jours d’un stage chez les Commandos de Marine. Seule une partie des résultats obtenus chez les Commandos de Marine a été analysée. Ils indiquent que 3 jours et 3 nuits d’un stage commando, finalisés par une marche forcée de 20 km en portant une charge de 20 kg, ne semblent pas altérer ni les dimensions ni les fonctions cardiaques. La durée relativement faible de l’effort (< 2h45), le très bon niveau d’entraînement des sujets, ainsi que la composante en résistance importante des efforts réalisés, peuvent expliquer ce résultat. / This PhD Thesis aimed to answer three limits related to cardiovascular adaptations in endurance athletes. Are bradycardic endurance athletes more at risk of reflex syncope and of ECG abnormalities than their non-bradycardic counterparts? Is 40 years old too late to start endurance training in order to improve cardiovascular health in later life? Cardiac fatigue has been shown after long-term intense running events, but do canoeing or military training induce the same alteration? First, BRADY study showed that endurance-trained bradycardic athletes are not more prone to reflex syncope or ECG abnormalities than their non-bradycardic peers. Our results suggest that cardiac hypertrophy may be, at least in part, responsible for the developement of training-induced bradycardia. Second, COSS study showed that commencing structured endurance training after 40 years of age is powerful enough to induce beneficial alterations in VO2max, resting HR, and autonomic status that match those observed in individuals who commenced training prior to 30 years of age. However, only endurance training commenced before 30 years old provides enhancement of certain vascular adaptations during exercise. Last, preliminary results of FACEFI study showed that a 4-day military selection camp does not lead to cardiac fatigue. The relative short duration of the last exercise (< 2h45), the high level of training of the subjects, and the important strenght- related part of the exercices may explain the lack of cardiac fatigue. Data from 4 weeks of canoeing training and 24h of military training in other groups of athletes are in process.
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Feasibility of Smartwatch-Based Atrial Fibrillation Detection among Older Adults after StrokeDing, Eric Y. 06 August 2021 (has links)
Atrial fibrillation (AF) confers high risk of stroke, but often goes undiagnosed due to difficulties in its diagnosis. AF detection is important in post-stroke populations for secondary prevention and smartwatches have emerged as a promising modality for detecting AF, but little is known about their use in older adults who have experienced a stroke.
This dissertation uses data from the Pulsewatch study, a two-phased trial assessing accuracy, usability, and adherence of smartwatch-based AF detection among older patients after stroke. Analyses performed include: descriptive statistics, linear and logistic regressions, qualitative and mixed-methods analyses, mixed effects modeling, and group-based trajectory modeling.
The Pulsewatch system was 91% accurate in detecting AF compared to a clinical gold-standard. Participants found the system easy to use, but indicated that streamlining the smartwatch’s functionalities to focus on passive cardiac monitoring is crucial. Improving battery life to allow for longer wear time would alleviate anxiety in some participants. Participants with previous experience using cardiac rhythm monitors rated the system lower on usability, but overwhelmingly preferred it to previous monitors due to the watch’s comfort, appearance, and convenience. Watch wear decreased over time, and we observed three distinct patterns of decline. No individual-level characteristics were associated with usability or adherence to watch wear.
Smartwatches are promising for AF detection in older adults after stroke, though while they offer high accuracy and usability, adherence to wear is low. Strategies to encourage extended watch wear are necessary to realize the potential of smartwatches as a viable cardiac monitoring modality.
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Avaliação eletrocardiográfica e da variabilidade da frequência cardíaca materna, fetal e neonatal em bovinos da raça NelorePetillo, Helena Maria Kiel Francisco January 2020 (has links)
Orientador: Simone Biagio Chiacchio / Resumo: A pecuária no Brasil evolui a cada ano buscando avanços genéticos como, animais mais rústicos e precoces. A raça Nelore é à base do rebanho comercial de corte brasileiro, correspondendo a cerca de 80% do rebanho nacional, e ainda com poucos estudos sobre o período pré o pós-natal de bezerros desta raça que é extremamente adaptada às condições climáticas, resistência a ecto e endo parasitas, além de boa fertilidade mesmo em condições de escassez de alimento de alta qualidade. Buscando técnicas que proporcionam menor estresse no monitoramento gestacional, o acompanhamento via avaliação da frequência cardíaca materna fetal e a variabilidade da frequência cardíaca estão em desenvolvimento. A importância de procedimentos adequados durante as fases que antecedem o parto, período pré-natal e o período neonatal diminuem a mortalidade dos neonatos, melhorando a assistência veterinária neste momento crítico. Assim este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar parâmetros clínicos, índices eletrocardiográficos (ECG) e de variabilidade cardíaca (VFC) em vacas (n=10) (período pré e pós parto) e nos fetos (n=10), 35 dias pré parto, e na fase neonatal até 35 dias de idade. Os momentos de análise foram 35°, 28°, 21°, 14°, 7 ° 1° dia antes do parto e ao 1°, 7°, 14°, 21°, 28° e 35° dias pós-parto. Os neonatos apresentaram boa adaptação com o avançar da idade, foram verificadas poucas alterações no ECG desta categoria, com isso verificou-se que bezerros saudáveis se adaptam bem as alterações da fase fe... (Resumo completo, clicar acesso eletrônico abaixo) / Abstract: Livestock in Brazil evolves every year looking for genetic advances such as more rustic and precocious animals. The Nellore breed is based on the commercial Brazilian beef bank, corresponding to about 80% of the national bank, and still with few studies on the pre or post-natal period of calves of this breed which is extremely adapted as climatic conditions, ecto resistance. and endo parasites in addition to good fertility even in conditions of scarcity of high quality food. Seeking techniques that provide less stress on pregnancy monitoring, or monitoring via maternal heart rate and heart rate variability are under development. The importance of the procedures used during the phases that precede birth, the prenatal period and the neonatal period decrease the mortality of neonates, improving veterinary assistance at this critical moment. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate clinical criteria, electrocardiographic indexes (ECG) and cardiac variability (HRV) in cows (n = 10) (pre and postpartum period) and in cases (n = 10), 35 days before delivery. pregnancy, and in the neonatal phase until they reach 35 days of life The moments of analysis were 35 °, 28 °, 21 °, 14 °, 7 ° 1 ° day before participating and on the 1 °, 7 °, 14 °, 21, 28 and 35 days postpartum. The newborns showed good adaptation with advancing age, less changes in the ECG were verified in this category, with this it was verified whether calves adapt as well as changes in the fetal to neonatal phase, resulting in a... (Complete abstract click electronic access below) / Mestre
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Inflammation, Oxidative Stress, and Glial Cell Activation Characterize Stellate Ganglia From Humans With Electrical StormAjijola, Olujimi A., Hoover, Donald B., Simerly, Thomas M., Brown, T. Christopher, Yanagawa, Jane, Biniwale, Reshma M., Lee, Jay M., Sadeghi, Ali, Khanlou, Negar, Ardell, Jeffrey L., Shivkumar, Kalyanam 21 September 2017 (has links)
BACKGROUND: Neuronal remodeling in human heart disease is not well understood. METHODS: Stellate ganglia from patients with cardiomyopathy (CMY) and refractory ventricular arrhythmias undergoing cardiac sympathetic denervation (n = 8), and from organ donors with normal hearts (n = 8) collected at the time of organ procurement were compared. Clinical data on all subjects were reviewed. Electron microscopy (EM), histologic, and immunohistochemical assessments of neurotransmitter profiles, glial activation and distribution, and lipofuscin deposition, a marker of oxidative stress, were quantified. RESULTS: In CMY specimens, lipofuscin deposits were larger, and present in more neurons (26.3% ± 6.3% vs. 16.7% ± 7.6%, P < 0.043), than age-matched controls. EM analysis revealed extensive mitochondrial degeneration in CMY specimens. T cell (CD3+) infiltration was identified in 60% of the CMY samples, with one case having large inflammatory nodules, while none were identified in controls. Myeloperoxidase-immunoreactive neutrophils were also identified at parenchymal sites distinct from inflammatory foci in CMY ganglia, but not in controls. The adrenergic phenotype of pathologic samples revealed a decrease in tyrosine hydroxylase staining intensity compared with controls. Evaluation of cholinergic phenotype by staining for the vesicular acetylcholine transporter revealed a low but comparable number of cholinergic neurons in ganglia from both groups and demonstrated that preganglionic cholinergic innervation was maintained in CMY ganglia. S100 staining (a glial cell marker) demonstrated no differences in glial distribution and relationship to neurons; however, glial activation demonstrated by glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) staining was substantially increased in pathologic specimens compared with controls. CONCLUSIONS: Stellate ganglia from patients with CMY and arrhythmias demonstrate inflammation, neurochemical remodeling, oxidative stress, and satellite glial cell activation. These changes likely contribute to excessive and dysfunctional efferent sympathetic tone, and provide a rationale for sympathectomy as a treatment for arrhythmias in this population. FUNDING: This work was made possible by support from NIH grants HL125730 to OAA, GM107949 to DBH, and HL084261 and OT2OD023848 to KS.
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Novel pathways of heart failure with preserved ejection fractionLi, Shanpeng 08 April 2016 (has links)
INTRODUCTION: Diastolic heart failure (HF) i.e., HF with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) accounts for ~50% of all clinical HF presentations; but unlike systolic HF i.e., HF with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF), there are no evidenced based therapies. Obesity is commonly associated with HFpEF. However, there exist a sub-group of obese patients that exhibit a higher survival rate to HFpEF as compared to average patients. Hypertension is the most important risk factor for HFpEF, with a prevalence of 60-89% reported by large controlled trials, epidemiological studies and HF registries. HFpEF morbidity and mortality rates are staggering: 50-60% 5 year mortality rate, 50% 6 month rehospitalization rate and severe clinical disability. However, there remains an incomplete mechanistic understanding about HFpEF.
OBJECTIVES: We wanted to explore new pathways related to HFpEF in order to better understand the mechamisms behind its pathophysiology. To do so, we first wanted to explore the potential crosstalk between the heart and adipose tissue during HFpEF by analyzing the adipose tissue in our HFpEF model. Secondly, we sought to test the hypothesis that chronic ETA/ETB inhibition with macitentan (mac) modulates pathologic cardiac remodeling in hypertension-induced HFpEF.
METHODS: Mice (20-25 g) were anesthetized, underwent uninephrectomy and received either a continuous infusion of saline (sham) or d-aldosterone (0.3 ug/hour for 4-weeks via osmotic minipumps). All mice were maintained on standard rodent chow and 1.0% sodium chloride drinking water for 4 weeks and then harvested.
Second group of mice underwent the same surgical procedure and infusion. They were maintained on standard chow for 2 weeks and then each group was randomized to chow containing macitentan (30 mg/kg/day, HFpEFmac) or standard rodent chow. After 2 additional weeks, the 4 groups of mice (n=4-8/group) were harvested.
Blood pressure (BP) was obtained weekly. Prior to sacrifice, body weight and echocardiography parameters (total wall thickness (TWT) and relative wall thickness (RWT)) were determined. We also obtained diastolic dysfunction parameters including deceleration time (DT), isovolumetric relaxation time (IVRT), and E/A ratio. Furthermore, we measured organ weight after harvesting the mice and obtained histological images for the adipose tissues collected. Glucose tolerance test and acute cold tolerance test were performed on HFpEF mice to determine their metabolic state.
RESULTS: HFpEF mice developed hypertension, LV hypertrophy, and diastolic dysfunction. Epididymal and inguinal adipose tissue showed significantly reduced weight and adipocyte size. HFpEF mice displayed regular glucose metabolism but were not able to endure a cold tolerance test as their body temperature dropped too low.
After 4 weeks, there was no difference in body weight between sham, HFpEF, shammac and HFpEFmac. As expected HFpEF increased systolic BP (117±14 vs 133±16mmHg; P=NS); macitentan did not lower systolic BP after 2 weeks in either shammac or HFpEFmac. Similarly there was no difference in systolic BP between HFpEF and HFpEFmac. Both kidney and spleen weights were increased in HFpEF but not altered by macitentan therapy. There was no change in lung congestion as measured by wet-dry lung ratio.
HFpEF increased TWT (0.998±0.04 vs. 0.79±0.11 mm; P<0.01 vs. sham) and RWT (0.686± 0.10 vs. 0.476±0.05 mm; P<0.001 vs. sham) but were modulated by macitentan (HFpEF vs. HFpEFmac; P<0.05 and P<0.001, respectively). There was no difference in chamber size between HFpEF and HFpEFmac. Similarly, IVRT, DT, left ventricular ejection fraction were no different between HFpEF and and HFpEFmac. Furthermore E/A ratio was increased in HFpEF but was not affected by macitentan
CONCLUSIONS: Adipose tissue collected from our HFpEF mice displayed a very different phenotype. This demonstrates that inter-tissue communication is definitely occurring between the adipose tissue and the heart. Further research is required to explore what that communication encompasses and how they can be used to improve HFpEF.
Macitentan did not lower systolic BP in sham or mice with HFpEF after the development of hypertension. Diastolic dysfunction, as measured by an increased E/A ratio, was not affected by macitentan. Macitentan significantly modulated TWT and RWT after 2 weeks of therapy. It is thus plausible that macitentan may improve HFpEF by improving adverse cardiac remodeling.
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Catecholamine Interactions with the Cardiac Ryanodine ReceptorKlipp, Robert Carl 01 October 2013 (has links)
The cardiac ryanodine receptor (RyR2) is a Ca2+ ion channel found in the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR), an intracellular membranous Ca2+ storage system. It is well known that a destabilization of RyR2 can lead to a Ca2+ flux out of the SR, which results in an overload of intracellular Ca2+; this can also lead to arrhythmias and heart failure. The catecholamines play a large role in the regulation of RyR2; stimulation of the Beta-adrenergic receptor on the cell membrane can lead to a hyperphosphorylation of RyR2, making it more leaky to Ca2+. We have previously shown that strong electron donors will inhibit RyR2. It is hypothesized that the catecholamines, sharing a similar structure with other proven inhibitors of RyR2, will also inhibit RyR2. Here we confirm this hypothesis and show for the first time that the catecholamines, isoproterenol and epinephrine, act as strong electron donors and inhibit RyR2 activity at the single channel level. This data suggests that the catecholamines can influence RyR2 activity at two levels. This offers promising insight into the potential development of a new class of drugs to treat heart failure and arrhythmia; ones that can both prevent the hyperphosphorylation of RyR2 by blocking the Beta;-adrenergic receptor, but can also directly inhibit the release of Ca2+ from RyR2.
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A novel approach for the endothelialization of xenogeneic decellularized vascular tissues by human cells utilizing surface modification and dynamic culture / 灌流システムと表面加工による異種動物由来脱細胞血管組織内皮化法の確立Ho, Wen-Jin 23 March 2023 (has links)
京都大学 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(医学) / 甲第24526号 / 医博第4968号 / 新制||医||1065(附属図書館) / 京都大学大学院医学研究科医学専攻 / (主査)教授 齋藤 潤, 教授 柳田 素子, 教授 江藤 浩之 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Medical Science / Kyoto University / DFAM
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Electrocardiogram and vectorcardiogram in left ventricular hypertrophy of valvular heart diseaseNuhoglu, Remzi 01 January 1964 (has links) (PDF)
Several systems of criteria have been offered for the electrocardiographic diagnosis of left ventricular hypertrophy (1,6,7,8,11,13,14,16). None is completely satisfactory since one system errs in including too many normals and at the other end of the spectrum the other system excludes too many cases of anatomically proven left ventricular hypertrophy. However, a number of patients with proven left ventricular hypertrophy have normal electrocardiograms, or show nonspecific electrocardiographic abnormalities.
It has been suggested that spatial vectrocardiogram, recorded utilizing a corrected lead system, may be more sensitive in detecting left ventricular hypertrophy than routine scalar electrocardiogram (1,3,12,15,21,28,29,30).
The purpose of this study is to evaluate this contention and to establish reliable vectorcardiographic criteria of left ventricular hypertrophy.
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