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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The effects of match or mismatch between employees' career anchors and job settings on their career outcomes

Zulqarnain, Muhammad 13 July 2011 (has links)
Un design de recherche des études quantitatives et transversales a été utilisé pour collecter les données à partir d’un échantillon déterminé de 957 employés et managers travaillant dans les organisations publiques (gouvernement), privées et semi-gouvernementales situées dans la province de Punjab au Pakistan. Les échelles de Likert allant de 1 jusqu'à 7 ont été utilisées pour mesurer les différentes variables de l’étude. Les données ont été collectées par l’administration de questionnaires par le chercheur lui-même ou à travers les contacts dans les organisations sélectionnées avec un taux de réponse de 81%. Les deux analyses séparées AFE et AFC (utilisées pour mesurer les variables du modèle) ont été appliquées sur des échantillons différents. Les résultats démontrent que les variables indépendantes modératrices ou dépendantes disposent de propriétés psychométriques très satisfaisantes. Nous avons testé nos hypothèses de recherche à l’aide de MANOVA et de l’analyse discriminante. Les analyses ont révélé que les variables indépendantes suivantes: la congruence de l’ancre de carrière, la congruence du profil professionnel dominant, la nature du travail (permanent /contractuel), le soutien organisationnel perçue, les opportunités de carrières perçues dans l’organisation, la multiplicité des ancres de carrière dominantes et la complémentarité des ancres de carrière dominantes multiples ont un effet direct sur les variables dépendantes: l’intention de quitter, succès de carrière, l’engagement organisationnel, la performance et la satisfaction au travail. Egalement, les effets directs des contraintes dans la vie privée (CVP) sur l’intention de quitter et l’engagement organisationnel, et ceux des opportunités alternatives de l’emploi sur l’intention de quitter se sont avérés significatifs. Cependant la variable Type de l’ancre de carrière (par exemple, basée sur le talent, sur les besoins et sur les valeurs) n’a pas eu d’effet significatif sur aucunes des variables dépendantes.Les effets de l’interaction entre la congruence des ancres de carrière et la congruence du profil professionnel dominant ont été significatifs démontrant que la congruence du profil professionnel dominant modère les effets de la congruence de l’ancre de carrière sur les variables dépendantes comme le succès de carrière subjectif, l’engagement organisationnel, la performance perçue et la satisfaction au travail mais n’a pas eu d’effet sur l’intention de quitter. De la même façon, les effets de l’interaction entre les opportunités de carrières perçues dans l’organisation et la congruence de l’ancre de carrière se sont avérés aussi significatifs. Les résultats démontrent que le profil professionnel dominant (PPD) modère les effets de la congruence de l’ancre de carrière sur l’intention de quitter et la performance au travail mais pas sur le succès de carrière, l’engagement organisationnel et la satisfaction au travail.A cet effet, les preuves ont été fournies en faveur de l’objectif clé de cette recherche qui visait à démontrer les effets significatifs directs de la congruence de l’ancre de carrière et de la congruence du profil professionnel dominant sur l’intention de quitter, le succès de carrière, l’engagement organisationnel, la performance et la satisfaction au travail. L’analyse confirme aussi le rôle modérateur de la congruence du profil professionnel dominant sur la relation entre la congruence de l’ancre de carrière et toutes les variables dépendantes sauf l’intention de quitter. Cette thèse prend en considération toutes les contributions académiques et les implications managériales des recherches présentées ainsi que leurs limites. Un certain nombre des suggestions pour les futures recherches a été proposé à la fin de cette étude. / A quantitative and cross-sectional survey research design was used to collect data from a purposive sample of 957 employees and managers working in the public (governmental), private and semi-governmental organizations located in the Punjab province of Pakistan. The research instruments used to measure different variables involved in the study were all seven point Likert type rating scales with response categories ranging from 1 to 7. The data were collected by administering survey questionnaires either by the researcher himself or through the contacts in the organizations selected at a response rate of 81%. The separate EFAs and CFAs of the scales (used to measure the variables included in the research model) were performed on different samples. The results demonstrated that our scales of independent, moderating and outcome variables possessed very good psychometric properties.We tested our research hypotheses through MANOVA and discriminant analysis. The analyses revealed that the independent variables of career anchor congruence, dominant occupational profile congruence, nature of job (permanent/contractual), perceived organizational and supervisor support, perceived career opportunities in the organization, multiplicity of dominant career anchors and complementarity of multiple dominant career anchors, all had significant direct effects on the dependent variables of turnover intentions, career success,organizational commitment, work performance and job satisfaction. The direct effects of personal life constraints (PCOs) on turnover intentions and organizational commitment; and that of alternative job opportunities on turnover intentions were also found to be significant. It was, however, found that the variable Type of Career Anchor (i.e. talent-based, need-based or value-based) had no significant effect on any of the outcome variables.The interaction effects of career anchor congruence and dominant occupational profile congruence was significant showing that DOP-congruence moderated the effects of career anchor congruence on the outcome variables of subjective career success, organizational commitment, perceived work performance and job satisfaction but not on the turnover intentions. Similarly the interaction effects of ‘perceived career opportunities in the organization’ and ‘career anchor congruence’ was also significant. It demonstrated that ‘PCOs’ moderated the effects of ‘career anchor congruence’ on turnover intentions and work performance but not on the career success, organizational commitment and job satisfaction.The significance of interaction between personal life constraints (PLCs) and ‘career anchor congruence’ proved that PLCs moderated the effects of career anchor congruence on the turnover intentions, organizational commitment, perceived work performance and job satisfaction but not on the subjective career success of employees. Conversely the insignificant interaction effects of both Alternative Job Opportunities (AJOs) and perceived organizational and supervisor support (POSS) with ‘career anchor congruence’ showed that both AJOs and POSS did not moderate the effects of career anchor congruence on employees’ outcome variables.So, evidence was found in favor of the key objective of the research that both career anchor congruence and dominant occupational profile congruence have significant direct effects on employees’ turnover intentions, career success, organizational commitment, work performance and job satisfaction. The analysis also demonstrated support for the role of dominant occupational profile congruence as a moderating variable in the relationship between career anchor congruence and outcome variables except turnover intentions of the employees. This thesis makes full consideration of the academic contributions and managerial implications of the research presented whilst also considering its limitations.

Development of an integrated career anchor preferences, career interests and abilities measure for career path congruence

Roythorne-Jacobs, Hermanus Louis 08 1900 (has links)
Text in English with abstracts and keywords in English, Afrikaans and isiZulu. Translated titles in Afrikaans and isiZulu supplied. / The research focused on individual–organisational career path congruence and the development of an integrated measure (I-PIA-M) constituting individual variables (i.e. career anchor preferences, career interests and abilities) which are recognised as influencing individuals’ perceptions of fit with the organisation. The research adopted a mixed-methods approach: (1) principles and constructs of person–environment (P-E) fit were applied, both to develop the I-PIA-M and empirically test the measure for reliability and validity; and (2) a qualitative study (career intervention) was conducted in which the empirically tested measure was applied in a career counselling context, to assess and guide career path congruence in an authentic work setting. The quantitative study involved a randomly selected sample (N = 270) of predominantly working adults in the economic and management sciences fields. The qualitative study involved five respondents in a career construction interview, along with the administration of the empirically tested I-PIA-M measure. Exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis confirmed the multi-dimensionality of the I-PIA-M, and the reliability and construct validity of the scale. The results showed that race and gender significantly explain individuals’ self-perceived career anchor preferences and career interests, but not their self-perceived abilities. Age did not significantly explain individuals’ self-perceived career anchor preferences, career interests or abilities. The qualitative study corroborated the multi-directionality of individuals’ career paths and the notion of guiding person–organisation career path congruence by means of the I-PIA-M. The research contributed to career psychology and career counselling practice through the empirical testing and application of the I-PIA-M in the contemporary work context. Various limitations and recommendations for further research were also highlighted in this thesis. / Die navorsing het gefokus op individuele-organisatoriese-loopbaankongruensie en die ontwikkeling van 'n geïntegreerde maatstaf (I-PIA-M) bestaande uit individuele veranderlikes (bv loopbaanankervoorkeure, loopbaanbelangstellings en vermoëns) wat erken word as faktore wat individue se persepsies van passing met die organisasie beïnvloed. Die navorsing het 'n gemengdemetode-benadering gevolg: (1) beginsels en konstrukte van persoon-omgewing is toegepas om sowel die I-PIA-M te ontwikkel en die maatstaf empiries vir betroubaarheid en geldigheid te toets; en (2) 'n kwalitatiewe studie (loopbaanintervensie) is onderneem waarin die empiries getoetsde maatstaf in 'n loopbaanberadingskonteks gebruik is om die loopbaanpadkongruensie in 'n outentieke werksituasie te evalueer en te lei. Die kwantitatiewe studie het 'n ewekansig geselekteerde steekproef (N = 270) van oorwegend werkende volwassenes op die terrein van ekonomiese en bestuurswetenskappe betrek. Die kwalitatiewe studie het vyf respondent in 'n loopbaankonstruksie-onderhoud betrek, saam met die aanwending van die empiries getoetste I-PIA-M maatstaf. Verkennende faktoranalise en bevestigende faktoranalise het die multidimensionele aard van die I-PIA-M bevestig, en die betroubaarheid en konstrukgeldigheid van die skaal. Die resultate het getoon dat ras en geslag beduidend individue se self-vermeende loopbaanankervoorkeure en loopbaanbelangstellings verklaar, maar nie hul self-vermeende vermoëns nie. Ouderdom het nie beduidend individue se self-vermeende loopbaanankervoorkeure, loopbaanbelangstellings of vermoëns verklaar nie. Die kwalitatiewe studie het die multidireksionele aard van individue se loopbaanpaaie en die idee dat persoon–organisasie-loopbaanpadkongruensie deur middel van die I-PIA-M gerig word, gestaaf. Die navorsing het tot loopbaansielkunde en loopbaanberadingspraktyk bygedra deur die empiriese toetsing en toepassing van die I-PIA-M in die kontemporêre werkkonteks. Verskeie beperkings en aanbevelings vir verdere navorsing is ook in hierdie tesis uitgelig. / Ucwaningo lugxile kuhlelo olufanayo lobizo lomsebenzi olulandelwa umuntu ngamunye–yinhlangano kanye nokuthuthukiswa kwendlela ehlangene yokwakha izimpawu zomuntu ezahlukahlukene (I-PIA-M) (zona yilezi ukwenyulwa kobizo lomsebenzi oluyinsika, ubizo oluthandayo lomsebenzi kanye namakhono okwenza umsebenzi) ezithathwa njengalezo ezinomthelela phezu kwemiqondo yomuntu ohambelana ncimishi nenhlangano. Ucwaningo lwamukela ingxubevange yezindlela zokwenza ucwaningo: (1) imigomo kanye nezakhiwo zesizinda somuntu (P-E) zisetshenziswe, kabili, ukwakha i I-PIA-M kanye nokuhlolwa ngendlela ephathekayo izinga lokwethembeka kanye nokulunga; kanye; kanye (2) nocwaningo olusebenzisa amagama lwenziwa, lapho isinyathelo sokuhlola esiphathekayo sasetshenziswa kuhlelo ngaphansi kwesizinda sokululekwa ngokobizo lomsebenzi, ukuhlola ikhono kanye nokukhombisa umfundi indlela yobizo lomsebenzi ehambisana naye angayilandela ngaphansi kwesimo sangempela somsebenzi. . Lesi sifundo socwaningo besixuba isampuli yokukhethwa ngokungahleliwe kwabantu abadala (N = 270) abasebenzayo emikhakheni yezesayensi yezomnotho kanye nezokuphata. Uhlelo locwaningo olusebenzisa amagama luye lwaxuba abaphenduli abahlanu kunhlololwazi lokuzakhela ubizo lomsebenzi, kanye nokuqhutshwa kwesinyathelo sokuhlolwa okuphathekayo kohlelo lwe-I-PIA-M. -. Uhlelo lokuhluza oluvumbululayo kanye nohlelo lokuhluza oluqinisekisayo aye aqinisekisa ukwehlukahluka kwe-I-PIA-M ngokwezigaba, nokwethembeka kanye nohlelo lwesakhiwo esifanele sobukhulu. Imiphumela iye yakhombisa ukuthi ubuhlanga kanye nobulili zichaza kahle kakhulu ubizo lomsebenzi olukhethwa, ubizo lomsebenzi othandwayo noma amakhono omsebenzi athandwayo, kodwa hayi ngokuzikhethela komuntu ngokwamakhono anawo. Unyaka awuzange ucacise kahle ukwenyula ubizo lomsebenzi, ukuthanda ubizo lomsebenzi kanye namakhono omsebenzi ngokuzazi komuntu ngokwakhe. Unyaka, ubuhlanga kanye namaqembu obulili akhombise umehluko omkhulu mayelana nobizo lwemisebenzi abalwenyulayo, ubizo lwemisebenzi abayithandayo kanye namakhono omsebenzi abawaqondayo ngokuzazi kwabo. Ucwaningo olususelwa kumagama lusekela uhlelo lwezindlela eziningi lwezindlela zobizo lomsebenzi ezilandelwa ngabantunkanye nombono wokuholela umuntu-inhlangano endleleni efanayo yobizo lomsebenzi ngokusebenzisa uhlelo lwe-I-PIA-M. Ucwaningo luye lwaba negalelo kusayikholoji kanye nasemisebenzini wokweluleka ngokobizo lomsebenzi ngokusebenzisa uhlelo oluphathekayo lokuhlola kanye nokusetshenziswa kohlelo lwe-I-PIA-M kwisimo sanamuhla sasemsebenzini. Kuye kwavezwa imingcele eyahlukahlukene kanye nezinqumo ezimayelana nokwenza olunye ucwaningo oluqhubekayo kuye kwavezwa kule thesisi. / Industrial and Organisational Psychology / Ph. D. (Psychology)

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