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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Katheterablation von Vorhofflimmern

Piorkowski, Christopher 04 October 2010 (has links)
Bedingt durch die zunehmende Prävalenz der Rhythmusstörung Vorhofflimmern mit den assoziierten Morbiditäts- und Mortalitätsrisiken ist die Entwicklung und Etablierung kurativer Therapieverfahren von klinischem und wissenschaftlichem Interesse. Entsprechend dem pathophysiologischen Verständnis der Arrhythmie-induzierenden Triggeraktivität und des Arrhythmie-erhaltenden Flimmersubstrat mit der vorrangigen anatomisch-strukturellen Lokalisation beider Entitäten im Übergangsbereich der großen Pulmonalvenentrichter in den posterioren linken Vorhof wurden katheterinterventionelle Ablationskonzepte als potentiell kurative Therapien entwickelt. Limitationen der praktischen Umsetzung theoretischer Linienkonzepte ergeben sich aus komplexen anatomischen Gegebenheiten und instabilen Zugangsbedingungen infolge Atmung und kardialer Mobilität. Aufbauend auf non-fluoroskopischen Navigationssystemen wurden Verfahren für vollständig Modell-integrierte Ansätze der Ablationslinienplatzierung entwickelt, bei denen Planung, Durchführung und Validierung der Ablation an anatomisch korrekten dreidimensionalen CT-Modellen des linken Vorhofes erfolgen. Zur Verbesserung instabiler Zugangsbedingungen wurden Verfahren der Katheternavigation mittels steuerbaren Schleusensystemen eingeführt und in entsprechenden Studien mit klinischen Endpunkten validiert. Zu objektivierbaren Erfassung von Energietransfer und myokardialer Läsionsbildung während der Ablation wurden katheterinterventionelle Kontakttechnologien, die auf der Messung lokaler komplexer Impedanzen zwischen Katheter und Gewebe beruhen, in der ersten klinischen Anwendung erprobt und validiert. Mit diesen technologischen Entwicklungen gelangen eine zunehmend akkuratere klinische Umsetzung theoretischer Ablationskonzepte und damit eine Etablierung des Therapiekonzeptes als klinisches Standardverfahren. Eine zur Abschätzung des Nutzen/Risiko-Profils nötige detaillierte Komplikationsanalyse stellte die Ösophagusverletzung als schwerste Komplikation heraus, die mit 0,3% selten auftrat, aber für nahezu alle langfristigen Folgeschäden verantwortlich war. Entwicklungen zur periprozeduralen Visualisierung des Ösophagus mit paralleler intraösophagealer Temperaturmessung sind Ansätze zur Vermeidung dieser Komplikation in der Zukunft. Bedingt durch das Auftreten und die postinterventionelle Zunahme asymptomatischer Flimmerrezidive ist die Frage eines objektiven Vorhofflimmermonitorings von entscheidender Bedeutung für die Beurteilung der Effektivität der Ablation sowie weitergehende klinische und wissenschaftliche Fragestellungen; wie die Indikation zur Antikoagulation oder den Vergleich von Rhythmus- und Frequenzkontrolle. 7-Tage-LzEKGs und transtelephonische EKGs wurden als Standard zum Monitoring innerhalb klinischer Vorhofflimmerstudien etabliert. Entwicklungen im Bereich implantierbarer kontinuierlicher Rhythmusmonitore werden in Zukunft das Netz zur Erfassung asymptomatischen Vorhofflimmerns weiter verdichten.

Left Atrial Pressure as a Predictor of Success in Catheter Ablation of Atrial Fibrillation in a Real-Life Cohort

Manfrin, Massimiliano, Mugnai, Giacomo, Rauhe, Werner, Velagic, Vedran, Unterhuber, Matthias 04 May 2023 (has links)
Aims: The clinical role of the left atrial (LA) hypertension in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) and its role as predictor in those undergoing pulmonary vein (PV) isolation is still unknown. The aim of the present study was to analyze the role of LA pressure in patients with nonvalvular AF who underwent PV isolation and its implication for AF catheter ablation. Methods: Consecutive patients with drug resistant AF who underwent PV isolation at San Maurizio Regional Hospital of Bolzano (Italy) as index procedure were included in this analysis. Results: A total of 132 consecutive patients (97 males, 73%; mean age 58.0 ± 13.2 years) were included in the analysis. Eleven patients (8%) underwent radiofrequency ablation and 121 (92%) cryoballoon ablation. Higher LA pressures were found in 54 patients (40.9%). At a mean follow up of 14.3 ± 8.2 months (median 12 months), the success rate without antiarrhythmic therapy was 65.9% (87/132; considering the blanking period). Female gender and continuous mean LA pressure were significantly associated with AF recurrence and remained significant on multivariable Cox analysis (respectively, HR 1.845, 1.00–3.40, p = 0.05 and HR 1.066, 1.002–1.134, p = 0.04). We identified a LA mean pressure of >15 mmHg as ideal cutoff and constructed a model to predict AF recurrence which fitted with a concordance index (C-index) of 0.65 (95% CI 0.56–0.75), logrank score p = 0.003.

Epicardial adipose tissue thickness as an independent predictor of ventricular tachycardia recurrence following ablation

Sepehri Shamloo, Alireza 20 July 2023 (has links)
Although several investigations have shown a relationship between increased epicardial adipose tissue (EAT) and atrial fibrillation (AF), the association between EAT and ventricular tachycardia (VT) has not been evaluated. We investigated the association between EAT and post-ablation VT recurrence. In this study, sixty-one consecutive patients (mean age=62.0±13.9) undergoing VT ablation with pre-procedural cardiac magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) were recruited. EAT thickness was measured using cardiac MRI in the right and left atrioventricular grooves (AVGs), RV free wall, anterior, inferior, and superior interventricular grooves (IVGs). During a mean follow-up period of 392.9±180.2 days, post-ablation VT recurrence occurred in 15 (24.6%) patients. EAT thickness was significantly higher in the VT recurrence group than that in the non-recurrent VT at the right (18.7±5.7 vs. 14.1±4.4 mm; p=0.012) and left (13.3±3.9 vs. 10.4±4.1; p=0.020) AVGs. The best cut-off points for predicting VT recurrence were calculated as 15.5 mm for the right AVG (area under ROC curve=0.74) and 11.5 mm for the left AVG (area under ROC curve=0.72). Multivariate Cox regression analysis showed that pre procedural right AVG-EAT (HR: 1.2; 95% CI: [1.06-1.39], p=0.004) was the only independent predictor of VT recurrence after adjustment for covariates. Kaplan–Meier analysis showed a difference for post-ablation VT recurrence between the two groups with right AVG-EAT thickness cut-off value of <15.5 mm versus ≥15.5 mm (log-rank, p=0.003). Based on the finding of this study, we suggested a new possible imaging marker for risk stratification of post-ablation VT recurrence. A higher EAT may be associated with VT recurrence after catheter ablation of VTs.:Epicardial Adipose Tissue Anatomy Embryology Physiology and Pathophysiology Measurement of EAT EAT and heart disorders Future direction VT Catheter Ablation History of VT ablation Catheter ablation for VT in structural and non-structural heart Outcome of VT catheter ablation Predictors of VT recurrence after catheter ablation Objectives of the thesis Publication Summary References

Teilnahmebereitschaft von Patienten an einer sham-kontrollierten Studie zur Pulmonalvenenisolation bei Vorhofflimmern

Beimel, Hannah Samira 03 January 2025 (has links)
No description available.

Sicherheit und Effizienz der Pulmonalvenenablation nach Start eines neuen Ablationsprogramms zur Behandlung von Patienten mit symptomatischem Vorhofflimmern / Safety and efficiency of pulmonary vein ablation after starting a new ablation program for treatment in patients with atrial fibrillation

Könemann, Michel 27 April 2016 (has links)
Einleitung: Die zirkumferentielle Pulmonalvenenablation (CPVA) hat sich in den letzten Jahren als effektive Therapie bei Vorhofflimmern etabliert. Die Initiierung eines CPVA-Programms bleibt jedoch aufgrund der Komplexität der Prozedur und des Risikos lebensgefährlicher Komplikationen eine Herausforderung. Das Ziel dieser prospektiven Studie war es, die Effizienz und Sicherheit eines neuetablierten CPVA-Programms an einem medizinischen Zentrum mit zuvor wenig erfahrenen Untersuchern zu evaluieren.  Methoden und Ergebnisse: Zwischen 2006 und 2011 wurden 331 Patienten mit paroxysmalem und persistierendem Vorhofflimmern konsekutiv der zirkumferentiellen Pulmonalvenenablation zugeführt und unterzogen sich insgesamt 500 Prozeduren. Das mittlere Follow-Up betrug 648 ± 315 Tage. Die zunehmende Ablationspraxis führte neben der Prozessoptimierung zu einer deutlichen Reduzierung schwerwiegender Komplikationen. Prozedurdauer und Komplikationsrate erreichten nach 100 Ablationen ein stabiles und im Lichte der internationalen Literatur adäquates Niveau. Die Inzidenz schwerwiegender Komplikationen verringerte sich auf 1,3 - 1,9%. Insgesamt betrug der Anteil schwerwiegender Komplikationen 4%. Der Tod trat nicht auf. Keine der aufgetretenen Komplikationen führte zu einer permanenten Gesundheitsbeeinträchtigung der Patienten. Die Erfolgsraten waren seit Beginn des Programms auf einem konstanten Niveau und vergleichbar mit in der Literatur beschriebenen Werten.  Schlussfolgerung: Die vorliegende Studie zeigt, dass es gelingt, ein CPVA-Programm mit zuvor wenig erfahrenen Untersuchern effizient zu etablieren. Die Daten zeigen jedoch auch, dass mit einer erhöhten Komplikationsrate in der frühen Etablierungsphase zu rechnen ist. Nach 1,6 ± 0,7 Ablationen und einer Nachbeobachtung von einem Jahr waren 81,3% (266 / 327) der Patienten frei von symptomatischem Vorhofflimmern. Die Reablation ist eine wichtige Maßnahme, um die Erfolgsrate nachhaltig zu verbessern. Die Studie identifizierte Frührezidive innerhalb der Blanking-Periode und einen vergrößerten linken Vorhof als unabhängige Prädiktoren für die Rekurrenz von symptomatischem Vorhofflimmern.  Vor dem Hintergrund des steigenden Bedarfs an effektiven Therapien zur Behandlung von Vorhofflimmern sind die Ergebnisse dieser Studie hilfreich, um weitere CPVA-Programme zu planen und zu etablieren.

Ablação do istmo cavo-tricuspídeo para controle do flutter atrial: estudo prospectivo e randomizado comparando eficácia e segurança de cateter irrigado com cateter de 8 mm. / Cavotricuspid isthmus ablation for the treatment of atrial flutter: prospective randomized study comparing efficacy and safety of cooled-tip versus 8-mm-tip catheters.

Melo, Sissy Lara 21 February 2005 (has links)
O cateter irrigado foi comparado com o de 8 mm para ablação com radiofrequência do istmo cavo-tricuspídeo(Ist-CT). Foram randomizados 52 pacientes portadores de flutter atrial típico para ablação com cateter irrigado(grupoI) ou com cateter de 8 mm(grupo II). O bloqueio do Ist-CT foi obtido em 51 pacientes. Não houve diferença estatística em relação aos parâmetros de aplicação de RF entre os dois grupos. A ablação do Ist-CT com cateter irrigado versus cateter de 8mm foi igualmente eficaz e segura no controle do flutter atrial típico. / A 4-mm cooled tip catheter was compared to an 8-mm tip catheter to cavotricuspid isthmus(CTI) ablation. This prospective study enrolled 52 patients with typical atrial flutter to ablation with a closed cooled-tip catheter(group1) or an 8-mm tip catheter. Radiofrequency(RF) applications were performed to achieve complete CTI block wich was achieved in 51 patients. No significant differences were found in the procedure parameters. CTI ablation with an irrigated tip catheter versus an 8-mm tip catheter was equally effective and satisfactorily safe for ablation of typical atrial flutter.

Estudo prospectivo e randomizado para avaliar a eficácia e segurança da ablação epicárdica de taquicardia ventricular utilizando cateter irrigado com sensor de contato / Efficacy and safety of epicardial vt ablation using contact force irrigated tip catheter in Chagas disease

Pisani, Cristiano Faria 20 February 2019 (has links)
Introdução: O mapeamento e ablação epicárdico é frequentemente necessário em pacientes com cardiopatia não-isquêmica, especialmente pacientes com doença de Chagas. Entretanto, não existem estudos randomizados provando a sua superioridade em comparação a ablação endocárdica exclusiva. Métodos: Foram selecionados 30 pacientes com doença de Chagas encaminhados para ablação de TV sendo randomizados para (1) ablação endocárdica exclusiva e (2) ablação endo e epicárdica combinada. No grupo combinado a ablação era realizada na superfície que se observava os melhores sinais durante TV ou mapeamento de substrato. No grupo endocárdico exclusivo, a ablação era realizada inicialmente na superfície endocárdica apenas e se não existisse cicatriz ou a TV clínica se mantivesse indutível ocorria a continuação da ablação. O objetivo eficácia foi a não reindutibilidade da TV e segurança foi a taxa de complicações do procedimento. Resultados: A maioria dos pacientes eram do sexo masculino, com idade mediana de 67 (58;70) e 58 (43; 66) anos e FEVE de 31,1 ± 11,5% and 41,0 ± 17%, respectivamente. Ocorreu significativamente menos falhas da ablação no grupo combinado (2/15) em comparação ao grupo endocárcico exclusivo (9/126; P=0,21). A ablação epicárdica foi também realizada em nove pacientes do grupo endocárdico exclusivo devido a ausência de cicatriz endocárdica e manutenção da indutibilidade da TV. Não se observou complicações relacionadas ao procedimento. Conclusão: Neste estudo randomizado de ablação epicárdica e endocárdica de TV em pacientes com Doença de Chagas, ocorreu menos insucesso na ablação quando a estratégia combinada endo e epicárdico foi utilizada. Ambas estratégias foram seguras / Background: Epicardial mapping and ablation are frequently necessary for nonischemic cardiomyopathy, especially in Chagas disease patients. We developed this randomized trial to evaluate the efficacy and safety of combined epicardial ablation in Chagas disease patients. Methods: We randomized 30 patients with Chagas disease into an endocardial-only group or a combined epi and endocardial mapping and ablation group. In the combined group, ablation was performed on the surface with optimal signals during mapping. In the endo-only group, ablation was initially performed only on the endo surface despite of nonoptimal signals. The endpoint was efficacy, measured by ventricular tachycardia reinducibility and safety measured by the rate of complications. For endo-only patients, epicardial ablation continuation was allowed after inducibility was assessed following ablation. Results: Most of the patients were male, the median age was 67 (58; 70) and 58 (43; 66) years-old and LVEF was 31.1 ± 11.5% and 41.0 ± 17%, respectively. There was a significant fewer failure for the combined group (2 in 15 patients) comparing to endo only-group ablation (9/15 patients;P=0,021). Epicardial ablation was also performed in nine patients in the endo group after ablation failure due to an absence of endocardial scar and maintenance of VT inducibity. There were no complications related to the epicardial access or ablation. Conclusions: In this randomized trial of epicardial and endocardial VT ablation in Chagas disease, there was less failure of ablation when a combined endo/epi approach was used. Both approaches were safe

Tachikardijų elektrofiziologinė diagnostika ir nemedikamentinis gydymas / Electrophysiological diagnostics and non-pharmacological treatment of tachycardias

Marinskis, Germanas 08 April 2009 (has links)
Šiame darbe apžvelgiama Vilniaus Universiteto Širdies ligų ir kraujagyslių klinikoje 1991−2008 metais sukaupta patirtis taikant nemedikamentinį gydymą pacientams su supraventrikulinėmis tachikardijomis ir skilveliniais ritmo sutrikimais. Apibendrinome nemedikamentinio gydymo rezultatus 1693 pacientams: 753 pacientams su atrioventrikulinio mazgo paroksizmine tachikardija, 657 pacientams su papildomais laidumo takais, 169 pacientams su skilvelinėmis tachikardijomis. Be to, apibendrinome kardioverterių defibriliatorių implantavimo rezultatus 118 pacientų. Nustatėme, kad atrioventrikulinio mazgo tachikardijos kateterinės abliacijos efektyvumas 99,2%, komplikacijų dažnis 0,53%. Įrodėme, kad saugu atlikti „lėtos“ zonos abliaciją pacientams su ilgu PQ intervalu. Papildomų laidumo takų kateterinė abliacija buvo efektyvi 98,1% atvejų, komplikacijų dažnis 1,7%. Papildomų laidumo takų grupėje sudėtingiausios lokalizacijos yra užpakalinė pertvarinė dalis ir vidurinė pertvarinė dalis (pastaroji – dėl rizikos sukelti III laipsnio AV blokadą). Skilvelinių tachikardijų kateterinės abliacijos rezultatas priklauso nuo etiologijos. „Idiopatinių“ skilvelinių tachikardijų atvejais kateterinės abliacijos efektyvumas viršija 90%. Koronarinės širdies ligos ir kardiomiopatijų atvejais kateterinė abliacija mažiau efektyvi (~60%). Kardioverterių defibriliatorių grupėje iki 11 m. stebint pacientus, defibriliatorius suveikė 68,6% atvejų. / This paper reviews the 1991−2008 experience with non-pharmacological treatment of supraventricular and ventricular tachycardias in the Clinic of Heart and vessel diseases of Vilnius University. We summarized the results of managing 1693 patients: 753 patients with atrioventricular nodal tachycardia, 657 patients with accessory pathways, 169 patients with ventricular tachycardias, and 118 patients with implanted cardioverter defibrillators. We have shown that the success rate of catheter ablation for atrioventricular nodal tachycardia is 99.2% with complication rate 0.53%. The safety of ablating the “slow” pathway in patients with prolonged PQ interval has been shown. The success rate of catheter ablation of accessory pathways is 98.1% with 1.7% complication rate. The most complex accessory pathway localization for ablation was posteroseptal area and midseptal area (the latter because of the risk to induce a complete atrioventricular block). The result of catheter ablation for ventricular tachycardia depends on etiology. For “idiopathic” ventricular tachycardias success rate exceeds 90%. In patients with coronary heart disease and cardiomyopathies, catheter ablation is less effective (60%). During the follow-up with duration up to 11 years, 68.6% of patients with implanted cardioverter defibrillators have experienced therapy delivered by the device.

Evaluation der Ablationsergebnisse von supraventrikulären Tachykardien durch angeborene Substrate bei Kindern mit angeborenen Herzfehlern im Vergleich zu Kindern ohne Herzfehler / Evaluation of the success of catheter ablation for supraventricular tachycardia in children with congenital heart disease compared to those children with structurally normal hearts

Matthies, Sebastian 24 June 2015 (has links)
No description available.

Léčba srdečních arytmií ve vztahu k ošetřovatelské péči / Treatment of cardiac arrhythmias related to nursing care

NOVÁKOVÁ, Jaroslava January 2011 (has links)
Nursing care continuing the treatment of cardiac arrhythmias is an inseparable part of the patient?s care. As there are various types of arrhythmias and different types of treatment, similarly, the subsequent nursing care has its specifics as well. It relates not only to the post-treatment care but also to pre-surgery preparation and subsequent education. The theoretical part of the thesis contains the information on arrhythmias, their development and treatment. Organizations associating nurses working in arrhythmologic centres are mentioned as well. The practical part consists of the survey research. The quantitative enquiry is conducted in arrhythmologic centres by means of questionnaires addressing the nurses. The qualitative part contains interviews with patients who underwent some of the types of cardiac arrhythmia treatment. The objective of the thesis was to find out whether the nurses are aware of the specifics of the nursing care that follows the treatment of cardiac arrhythmia, in which stage the treatment is the most demanding for nurses and whether they can apply standardized nursing procedures in their work. Another objective is focused on mapping of the educative activity within the nursing care. Interviews with the patients are aimed at the areas of admission, prior to surgery, after surgery and during education. They should outline the view from ?the other side?. All the defined hypotheses were confirmed. The cardinal hypothesis of the thesis was the assumption that nurses, when providing nursing care to patients undergoing treatment of cardiac arrhythmias, do not work according to standardized nursing procedures. Subsequently, a draft of standardized nursing procedure focused on nursing care of patients undergoing implantation of a permanent cardiostimulator was prepared ? it could be applied in the University Hospital in Plzeň where most of the enquiry was conducted.

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