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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analýza provozních ukazatelů ve vybraném zemědělském podniku / Analysis of operation charakteristics in choice agriculture enterprise

ŽIŽKA, Antonín January 2012 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis is to evaluate economic results of dairy cattle breeding. The thesis reckons with operating indicators of the herd, operating costs and revenues in the period 2010 - 2011. The result of the thesis is a quantification of operating profit in both years and formulating the rate of operating profitability. The agricultural enterprise subject to research farms in the potato- growing Pilsen region. Its main business is Holstein cattle breeding. The average number of cows in the farm was 221 in these years. The breeding takes place in the framework of a closed turnover of the cattle. The cattle is divided into age categories matched with direct costs. Producing and reproducing indicators are evaluated in particular categories. This makes it possible to express the price of a three-month old calf, the price of a full-grown heifer, costs of production of one litre of milk, and the share of particular costs by quantifying total costs. The overall profit consists of takings for sale of milk, springer heifers, and beef cattle. Besides revenues, another income of the enterprise is the subsidy. Profitability of takings is also calculated according to farming results.

Analýza užitkovosti a ekonomických ukazatelů u dojnic holštýnského skotu / Analyze of the milk yield and economics indicators in dairy cows of Holstein cattle

ZNAMENANÁ, Lucie January 2013 (has links)
The aim of the trial was to analyze selected indicators of milk yield and economics of milk production in dairy herd of Holstein cattle. Economics of dairy cows is critical to keeping cattle on the farm. Among the main priorities that can improve the economic results of cattle, are mainly production conditions corresponding milk yields, good fertility, high quality market products, quality dairy nutrition, good health, appropriate management of breeding and compliance of welfare in the cattle breeding, because good health belongs among main conditions of economically successful milk production. In dairy cattle breeding herd of Holstein cattle in the farm Meclovská zemědělská, a. s. there were monitored 1081 dairy cows on the first to eleventh lactation for the two years (2010-2011). From the results, there was clear that 2010 was achieved higher milk yields (9 080,87 kg/lactation) than in 2011 (7 857,83 kg/lactation), a higher content of milk fat and protein, it was achieved lower costs (181,44 CZK/FD and 6,98 CZK/kg of milk) than in 2011 (199,40 CZK/FD and 7,92 CZK/kg of milk) and higher profit.

O BSC aplicado nas escolas-fazenda da Fundação Bradesco

Duarte, Jorge Carlos da Silva January 2010 (has links)
No mundo globalizado dos negócios vem à tona a estratégia como elemento-chave na consistência e no processo de tomada de decisões em empresas de diferentes setores da economia. As pesquisas sobre ferramentas gerenciais realizadas pela consultoria Brain & COmpany (HSB, n.6, p.56) coloca o Balanced Scorecard (BSC) entre as 25 ferramentas mais populares nas empresas contemporâneas. O BSC, na verdade, revolucionou o meio empresarial nos últimos anos, favorecendo a análise de resultados além da dimensão financeira, ou seja, sob a ótica também dos processos internos, clientes e do aprendizado e crescimento. As propriedades agropecuárias, por sua vez, também precisam ser administradas de forma efetivamente empresarial com estabelecimento de estratégias que, interligadas com os diferentes sistemas operacionais agrícola e/ou pecuário, favoreçam as mensurações mais eficazes dos resultados, organizando as ações para que ocorra um aumento da produção, da produtividade e da lucratividade. Esta Dissertação de Mestrado relata o estudo de caso sobre a aplicação do BSC em duas fazendas da Fundação Bradesco, localizadas nos municípios de Miranda/MS e Formoso do Araguaia/TO. Como resultados das metas desafiadoras preconizadas no mapa estratégico do BSC dessas fazendas, houve incremento da produtividade do setor pecuário com redução nos índices de mortalidade: 1,31% na bovinocultura de corte, 5,63% na bovinocultura de leite, 1,25% na avicultura, 0,54% na suinocultura. Também houve aumento no rendimento de carcaça dos animais abatidos nessas fazendas: 6% em bovinos de corte, 2,56% em frangos, 1,62% em suínos. Houve ainda redução de 6,33% nos casos de mastite bovina no período analisado. Pela análise dos resultados desse estudo de caso, foi possível concluir que o BSC mostrou-se uma ferramenta eficiente e passível de ser implementada em propriedades agropecuárias na medida em que propiciou alinhamento da estratégia com as operações, resultando na melhoria dos processos gerenciais e produtivos das fazendas analisadas. Pode-se afirmar também que a sua forma de implementação seguiu os princípios preconizados por Kaplan e Norton e não diferiu da forma como já foi adotado com sucesso em empresas dos setores industrial e de serviços. / In world economic business it emerges the strategy as a key element in the consistence and in the process of deciding in companies of different economic sections. Researches about managing tools realized by Brain & COmpany (HSB, n.6, p.56) points that Balanced Scorecard (BSC) is among the twenty-five most popular contemporaneous company. Actually, BSC revolutionizes the business environment in the last years, once it aids the outcomes analysis besides the financial vision, that is, it also supports internal process, clients, learning and development. The agriculture and cattle breeding proprieties also need to be administrated in an effectively business way, establishing strategies which are interlinked with different systems. These interlinked strategies aid effectively to measure the results, organizing actions in order to increase production, productivity, and profitability. So, this thesis mentions a case study about the application of BSC in two Fundação Bradesco’s farms, whose location is in Miranda/MS and Formoso do Araguaia/TO. As outcomes of the challenging goals approved in the strategic BSC map of these farms, it was noticed that there was increasing of productivity in the cattle breeding section with a decreasing of mortality: 1,31% in the cattle for slaughter; 5,63% in the cattle for milk; 1,25% in the aviculture; 0,54% in the swine culture. Furthermore, there was a carcass increasing of killed animals in these farms: 6% in the cattle for slaughter; 2,56% in the chicken; 1,62% in swine. Besides, there was a decreasing of 6,33% in the cases of cattle mastitis in the analyzed period. By the outcomes analyses of this case study, it is possible to conclude that BSC is an efficient tool and it is possible to be implemented in agriculture and cattle breeding proprieties in the way that it provides an arrangement of the strategies together the operations, which results in improvement of the managing and productive processes in the analyzed farms. It is also possible to say that its way of implementation follows the principles approved by Kaplan and Norton, and it was not different of the way as it was already successfully adopted in industrial and service companies.


Costa, Lissandro Basso da 16 February 2006 (has links)
Due to the changes in the business atmosphere, it is necessary to apply business concepts to the agricultural activities with the purpose of becoming the primary production economically viable. Before that, to analyze different production systems in the complete cycle of bovine culture slaughter is necessary so the producers can take decisions in their economical activity. Based on the scenery that is the complete cycle bovine cattle breeding, it was realized a multicase study in three properties, located in Rio Grande do Sul Central Depression, with different production systems (traditional, intensive and integrated with farming). In this context, the aim of this study was to verify the current profitability, to verify the items that more participate in the costs of each property, to compare the results among the different production systems, to simulate new situations with different productive indexes, to identify the points that limit the profitability and to suggest alternatives to increase the profitability. The simulations were made based on a stable flock, using the indexes and prices observed in the multicase study. It follows that no system was economically viable to the extent of generating a minimum remuneration of the capital invested in the soil. The integrated system was the one that presented better result, followed by the intensive one, and the only that presented positive result in 2004. In the traditional, the work force item was the one that more influenced the costs; while in the other two systems were the feeding. However, the farming and cattle breeding integration was essential to the cost reduction with feeding and administrative expenses dilution. The reduction of one year in the slaughter age, among the simulated parameters, would be what more affects the profitability positively, if additional costs were not considered to be reached. In the three production systems, the simulated results with the one year reduction in the couple age or the capacity increase in 30 kilograms of live weight for hectare, without considering additional costs, would present increase at the same profitability magnitude. / Devido às mudanças no ambiente de negócios, faz-se necessário aplicar conceitos empresariais às atividades agropecuárias com a finalidade de tornar a produção primária economicamente viável. Diante disso, analisar diferentes sistemas de produção, na bovinocultura de corte ciclo completo, é necessário para que os produtores possam tomar decisões frente à sua atividade econômica. Baseado no cenário que se encontra a pecuária bovina de ciclo completo, realizou-se um estudo de multicaso em três propriedades, situadas na Depressão Central do Rio Grande do Sul, com diferentes sistemas de produção (tradicional, intensivo e integrado com lavoura). Neste contexto, o objetivo deste estudo foi constatar a lucratividade atual, verificar os itens que mais participam nos custos de cada propriedade, comparar os resultados entre os diferentes sistemas de produção, simular novas situações com diferentes índices produtivos, identificar os pontos que limitam a lucratividade e sugerir alternativas para aumentar a rentabilidade. As simulações foram feitas com base num rebanho estável e utilizando os índices e preços observados no estudo de multicaso. Concluiu-se que nenhum sistema foi economicamente viável a ponto de gerar uma remuneração mínima do capital investido na terra. O sistema integrado foi o que apresentou melhor resultado, seguido do intensivo, e o único que apresentou resultado positivo no ano de 2004. No tradicional, o item mão de obra foi o que mais influiu nos custos, enquanto que nos outros dois sistemas foi a alimentação. Entretanto, a integração lavoura-pecuária foi essencial para a redução dos custos com alimentação e diluição das despesas administrativas. A redução de um ano na idade de abate, dentre os parâmetros simulados, seria o que mais afetaria positivamente a rentabilidade, se não forem considerados custos adicionais para ser alcançado. Nos três sistemas de produção, os resultados simulados com a redução de um ano na idade de entoure ou aumento da carga animal em 30 quilogramas de peso vivo por hectare, sem considerar custos adicionais, apresentariam aumento na mesma magnitude da rentabilidade.

Identificação de riscos em sistema de cria em pecuária de corte / Risk identification in cow-calf system

Silva, Ana Helena Soares da January 2018 (has links)
O trabalho identificou e priorizou por impacto os principais riscos do sistema de cria em pecuária de corte, a partir da percepção de produtores rurais da microrregião da Campanha Meridional, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Para a priorização foram utilizados os métodos de análise qualitativa, matriz ranking, árvore de problema e processo de análise hierárquica (AHP). Com a identificação foram priorizados 45 riscos e classificados quanto a sua origem e natureza, organizados dentro de nove grupos de acordo com a orientação de consultores públicos e privados, acadêmicos e pela literatura. Os baixos índices reprodutivos e a lotação em excesso foram identificados como os riscos mais impactantes no retorno econômico da atividade de cria. Com relação à probabilidade de ocorrência as péssimas condições das estradas, a lotação em excesso e o desbalanço do fluxo de caixa da empresa rural foram identificados como riscos mais ocorrentes. A taxa de desmame (TD) obteve maior peso de importância na análise hierárquica, o que significa que os produtores avaliam a TD, em relações a outros riscos, como a mais influente no retorno econômico da atividade. A identificação e a priorização dos riscos auxiliam na tomada de decisão do produtor rural por apresentar a dimensão do impacto, probabilidade e dependência do risco no sistema, dessa forma contribui para ações futuras de mitigação ou exclusão dos riscos com finalidade de evitar ou minimizar as perdas produtivas e econômicas da produção. / The study identified and prioritized according to its impact the main risks for the cow-calf system in beef cattle production based on the observation of farmers in the region of the Southern Campanha, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. In order to prioritize, the methods of qualitative analysis were used, ranking matrix, problem tree and Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP). Together with the identification, 45 risks were prioritized and classified according to their origin and nature, divided into nine groups by both the public and private experts, academic consultants’ opinion and literature. Low reproductive rates and high stocking rate were identified as the ones with higher impact over the economic results in the cow-calf system activity. The badly maintained roads, high stocking rate and the unbalance of the rural company cash flow were appointed as most probable risk factors. Weaning rate (WR) was the strongest factor in the hierarchical analysis, which means that producers evaluate the WR in relation to other risk factors as the most influential in the economical return of that activity. Identification and prioritization of risk factors help farmers to decide to present the impact range, probability and dependence of risk in the system, thus contributing to future mitigation actions or risk exclusion, in order to avoid or to minimize production and/or economical losses.

A pecuária na produção do espaço agrário de Simão Dias (SE) / The Cattle one in the Production of the Agrarian Space of Simão Dias(SE)

Santos, Angleide Silva de Mendonça 25 October 2005 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / This study aimed to analyze the importance of cattle-breeding in the production of agrarian region of Simão Dias in Sergipe state, evaluating its role in formation and transformation of State, the changes succeed because modernization of agriculture and the State s and financial investments role as agents which transform the space. The methodology was composed by bibliographical, cartographical and statistical surveys, as researches in the empirical field, through directed interviews with farmer and also the recognition of the particular reality to this space. The results had reaffirmed cattle-breeding as an important agricultural activity in the town, being present since the big producers, as main activity, until family agriculture, which is a complementary activity to farming and establishes a reservation of values. The agrarian structure is concentrated and there is predominance of pastures in the use of lands, as a consequence of cattle-breeding. The agricultural activity is fulfilled with modernization signs, with predominance of pastures, racial progress, sanitary treatments, and introduction of ostrich breeding enterprise molds and grains production with use of improved seeds and the accomplishment of the agricultural area. State government has participated in the process of modernization not only bringing financial investments to the sector but also in the dissemination of modern techniques. Several agents involved in the productive chain make of this activity a great generator of jobs and incomes for the municipal economy. / O presente estudo teve como objetivo analisar o papel da pecuária na produção do espaço agrário de Simão Dias-SE, avaliando seu papel na formação e transformação do espaço, as mudanças decorrentes em face da modernização da agricultura e o papel do Estado e do capital como agentes modificadores do espaço. O instrumental metodológico utilizado foi composto de levantamentos bibliográfico, cartográfico, documental e estatístico, além da pesquisa de campo, através de entrevistas direcionadas aos pecuaristas e do reconhecimento da realidade particular a esse espaço. Os resultados obtidos reafirmaram a pecuária como importante atividade agrícola no município, estando presente desde os grandes produtores, como atividade principal, até na agricultura familiar, onde geralmente se constitui em atividade complementar à lavoura e reserva de valor. A estrutura agrária encontra-se concentrada e com o predomínio de pastagens na utilização das terras, como conseqüência da pecuarização. A atividade agrícola apresenta indícios de modernização, com predomínio das pastagens plantadas, melhoramento racial, tratos sanitários, a introdução da estrutiocultura em moldes empresariais e crescimento da produção de grãos, com o uso de sementes melhoradas e a realização do zoneamento agrícola. O Estado tem participado do processo de modernização da agricultura através de financiamento e na disseminação de técnicas agrícolas. Os vários agentes envolvidos na cadeia produtiva da pecuária tornam essa atividade geradora de emprego e renda para a economia municipal.

The use of indigenous knowledge in beef cattle husbandry in Tshebela Village, Limpopo Province

Mogale, Moneri Sanah January 2017 (has links)
Thesis (M. Dev.) -- University of Limpopo, 2017 / There is a gap in the literature about the role and relevance of Indigenous Knowledge and beef cattle welfare in many parts of the Limpopo province. This gap is relevant because many marginalised cattle owners use indigenous knowledge in their day to day management of beef cattle. The aim of the study is to investigate the use of IK methods on beef cattle husbandry in Tshebela village in the Capricorn district of the Limpopo province as a contribution to filling the void identified above. The objectives of the study were as follows:  -To investigate the IK methods used in beef cattle husbandry in the area of the study;  -To assess if beef farmers use IK to identify medicinal plants to cure beef cattle;  -To investigate farmers‘ perceptions and attitudes on the use of IKS on beef cattle husbandry in the area of study. A qualitative methodology that was used was primarily phenomenological in design. A purposive sampling technique was used and twenty seven (27) traditional beef farmers, two (2) local herbalists were recruited as participants. Data was collected through focus group discussions, key informant interviews, and observations. An interpretative phenomenological-based analysis was used to surface the role and relevance of indigenous knowledge in beef cattle husbandry. The findings suggest that indigenous knowledge is used by cattle owners alongside modern knowledge and that communal farming posed some challenges to the farmers.

The Effects of Injectable Trace Mineral Supplements in Donor Cows at the Initiation of a Superovulation Protocol on Embryo Outcomes and Pregnancy Rates in Recipient Females

Silva, Felipe January 2018 (has links)
Concentrations of trace minerals within the body are known to impact reproductive processes. Thus, the current study analyzed the effects of using an injectable trace mineral supplement containing selenium, zinc, copper, and manganese during a superovulation protocol on embryo outcomes in donor beef cows and further effects on pregnancy rate in recipient females. We hypothesized that an injectable trace mineral (TM) supplement provided to cows fed to meet known nutrient requirements would increase TM status and influence superovulation, embryo characteristics, and enhance pregnancy rates. Our findings indicate that the injectable TM increased concentration of Se within the liver. However, superovulatory response, embryo production, quality grade, and developmental stage were not influenced by TM status. In addition, embryo treatment did not influence pregnancy rate, gestation length, or calf body weight.

Kreuzungszucht der Fleischrasse Wagyu

Strehle, Steffen 14 June 2011 (has links)
Zur Verbesserung der Fleischqualität wurde die japanische Fleischrinderrasse Wagyu (wa = Japan, gyu = Rind) in die in Sachsen etablierten Rassen eingekreuzt. Aus den Kreuzungen mit Fleisch-Fleckvieh, Angus und Hybridtieren entstanden 90 Kälber mit unterschiedlich hohem Wagyugenanteil. Über sechs Jahre wurden in drei Betrieben das Wachstum, die Mast- und Schlachtleistung und die Fleischqualität der Aufzucht untersucht. Der für Wagyu typisch hohe Gehalt an Rohfett führt bei Einkreuzungen zu einer Verbesserung der Fleischqualität. Insbesondere bei Färsen ist das Fleisch zarter und von besserem Aroma.

Kreuzungszucht beim Milchrind - ökonomische Bewertung

Mertens, Jorrit, Klemm, Roland, Fischer, Ralf 26 May 2011 (has links)
Das Projekt gibt einen Literaturüberblick zu Rassenkreuzungen beim Milchrind, wertet eine Befragung sächsischer Betriebe, die Kreuzungsverfahren anwenden, aus und beschreibt die Methodik eines im Rahmen des Projektes angepassten ökonomischen Kalkulationsschemas. Anhand beispielhafter Berechnungen nach dem Prinzip der Leistungs- und Kostenrechnung lassen sich für die Rassenkreuzungen Holstein-Friesian mit Fleckvieh, Braunvieh und skandinavischem Rotvieh vergleichende ökonomische Kalkulationen, auch im Vergleich zu den Ausgangsrassen, durchführen. Das Kalkulationsmodell ermöglicht eine Vielzahl von Variantenrechnungen. Es steht als Excel-Anwendung auf Anfrage allen interessierten Praktikern zu Verfügung.

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