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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Cause-Related Marketing : How Swedish fashion retailers increase purchase intentions by doing good

Bador, Aida, Low Pei San, Sarah, Manouchi, Meriem January 2010 (has links)
<p>The aim of this study is to investigate what factors are important when implementing cause-related marketing within the Swedish fashion retail market, in order to change the purchase intention of customers. Cause-related marketing (CRM) is a widely used marketing tool within the Swedish fashion industry. There has been an increasing trend of using cause-related marketing as part of corporate social responsibility strategy. Companies increasingly believe that associating their corporate identity with good causes can be an effective marketing tool. There is limited research about CRM with a bearing on the Swedish market and the fashion industry. This has given the authors an interesting field for research and analysis.</p><p>A quantitative method was used to collect primary data. A survey was conducted among customers of H&M, Lindex, Mango and Indiska. These companies were chosen after the observation of a large amount of Swedish based fashion retailers and their involvement within CRM. The results indicate that there is a link between cause-related marketing and customer purchase intentions. CRM campaigns have positive effects on customers by increasing their purchase intentions. Marketing communication, price, customer attitude and fit are important factors that affect the purchase of CRM products. A further investigation can be useful for companies and researchers in the field of marketing strategies.</p>

善因行銷之行銷聯盟在台可行否? 發展一種模式以辨識必要之行銷和環境因素 / Can Cause-Related Marketing Alliances Work in Taiwan? Developing a model to identify necessary factors

艾凱瑞, Aston,Karri Unknown Date (has links)
善因行銷之行銷聯盟在台可行否? 發展一種模式以辨識必要之行銷和環境因素 / Cause-related marketing (CRM) alliances offer businesses and not-for-profit organizations (NPOs) a unique partnership opportunity to reach corporate and philanthropic goals. Since its inception in 1981 in the United States, CRM alliances have grown in popularity as a way for companies to increase sales and market share, open new market segments, build employee morale, differentiate their products and create brand image. For NPOs, the alliances have provided new ways to raise funds, reach out to new potential donors, increase awareness of the cause, and mobilize the public. While CRM alliances have been for the most part successful in the West, there is little in the way of research into the underlying factors that allow this success. For example, are there certain consumer markets that are more likely to respond positively to CRM? Are there environmental factors that encourage businesses and NPOs to partner, and that may not be present in every industry or country or do the characteristics of organizations themselves set the stage for partnership? These are the types of questions this paper address. By examining the factors that are shared across successful CRM alliances in the West, a new model is created that outlines the factors that are necessary to foster CRM within a national market. After introducing this model, we apply it to the case of Taiwan to determine if CRM is likely to succeed in the long-term on the island. We discover that business plays a strong role in driving the CRM movement in Taiwan, while NPOs and external forces play only a moderate role. Consumers, the government and outside facilitators, the other components of the CRM model, play a relatively weak role in bringing CRM alliances to the island, and therefore are the greatest challenges to CRM’s sustainability in the area. We also discover that the model needs to be modified to fit Taiwan’s unique environment. In the conclusion, future areas of research are discussed as well as recommendations and implications for the future of CRM alliances in Taiwan.

Screening the leaders ethical and unethical behavior against the corporate citizen theory

Otang Arrey, Dorothy, Dharamsee, Rukhsana January 2009 (has links)
Corporate citizenship is a debatable topic, according to many authors corporate citizenship is equivalent to corporate governance, corporate social responsibility and business ethics. Therefore, we have explained all the four theories in order to equip our reader with the subject in concern. This topic is of growing concern taking the evolutions of the subject, the previous and ongoing scandals into consideration.   The paper will present an overview of the concept of Corporate Citizenship and its alliances and provides the readers with different definitions of the above mentioned concept. We explained the relation between Corporate Citizenship (CC) and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). We shall use both the terms CC and CRS interchangeably. After going through the literature we felt that there was not enough written about the leader’s role with regards to the ideology of Corporate Citizenship. Therefore, we took the opportunity and used these concepts to screen Steve Job the CEO of apple against the norms of corporate citizenship. Our choice of topic was also motivated by Fortune Magazine 2008-2009 edition.   We used Explorative study to fill our research gap by framing very general and broad research questions. A qualitative study was conducted with fifty (50) people from Umeå – Sweden.  Our interviewees were mostly students from university and one interview was conducted from the IT head of a public organization from Umeå Sweden.   Defying the theoretical concepts we used, we concluded that the consumers we interviewed embrace highly about the concepts of Corporate Citizenship but in practice, they did not bother to take these concepts into consideration before buying the product

Labdaros rinkodaros paskirties įtaka greito vartojimo prekių patrauklumui / The Impact of the Cause to the Attractivness of Fast Moving Consumer Goods in Cause Related Marketing

Osencovas, Tomas 29 May 2008 (has links)
Osencovas T. (2008). Labdaros rinkodaros paskirties įtaka greito vartojimo prekių patrauklumui. Baigiamasis magistratūros darbas. Vilnius: ISM Vadybos ir Ekonomikos universitetas. Verslo socialinės atsakomybės esmė glūdi tame, kad verslas turi įsipareigojimų prieš visuomenę, kuriuos jis gali vykdyti aukodamas resursus arba pasirinkdamas socialiai atsakingą verslo praktiką. Pastaruoju metu įmonių socialinė atsakomybė tampa ne tik altruistine veikla, tačiau ir viena iš kompetencijų, stiprinančių įmonių konkurencingumą. Viena iš verslo socialinių iniciatyvų yra labdaros rinkodara. Jos esmė glūdi verslo subjekto pasiūlyme vartotojui paaukoti tam tikrą sumą labdarai perkant produktą ar paslaugą. Labdaros rinkodaros veiksmingumą lemia produkto ar paslaugos, su kuriuo vykdoma labdaros rinkodaros kampanija, prekės ženklo žinomumas ir stiprumas, labdaros paskirties artumas vartotojui, prekės ženklo ir labdaros paskirties atitikimas. Darbo tikslas yra identifikuoti kaip skirtingos labdaros rinkodaros paskirtys įtakoja greito vartojimo prekių patrauklumą. Tikslui pasiekti yra iškelti šie darbo uždaviniai: 1. Išnagrinėti požiūrius į verslo socialinės atsakomybės sampratą bei jų raidą. 2. Atskleisti labdaros rinkodaros sąvoką bei identifikuoti labdaros rinkodaros veiksmingumą lemiančius veiksnius. 3. Identifikuoti, kaip Lietuvos vartotojai vertina labdaros rinkodaros paskirtis tipinėje greito vartojimo prekių kategorijoje. 4. Įvertinti empirinio tyrimo metu gautus duomenis lyginant su... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Osencovas T. (2008). The Impact of the Cause to the Attractivness of Fast Moving Consumer Goods in Cause Related Marketing. Master thesis. Vilnius: ISM University of Management and Economics. The roots of corporate social responsibility lay in position that business is responsible for society. Such responsibility could be realised through donation of recources or social responsible practice of business. Recently corporate social responsibilty is used not only as an altruistic activity – corporates use it as competence which reinforces their competiveness. One of corporate social initiatives is cause related marketing. It could be characterised as corporate‘s proposal to the customer to donate particular amount while purchasing product or service. The effectivness of cause related marketing depends on the strength of product‘s or service‘s brand, cause familiarity to the customer and brand – cause fit. The aim of this paper is to identify how different causes influence the attractivness of fast moving consumer goods in cause related marketing. To achieve this purpose the following tasks are settled: 1. To analyse standpoints to conception and evolution and corporate social responsibility. 2. To explain the conception of cause related marketing and identify factors that impact effectivness of cause related marketing. 3. Identify how Lithuanian customers value causes in typical fast moving consumer goods‘ category. 4. To compare emprical data with theoretical background. 5... [to full text]

Reducing Consumer Skepticism when Communicating CSR : A study on the efficiency of Cause Fit- and Cause Commitment communication

Angjelova, Adrijana, Sundström, Petter January 2015 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to be able to conclude which of the two, cause fit communication or cause commitment communication, is the best strategy for companies to adapt when looking to reduce consumer skepticism when communicating their CSR. CSR is nowadays a core component in every business yet so many managers find it hard to justify because they do not reap the benefits from engaging in CSR (Porter &amp; Kramer, 2006). CSR has to be communicated in order for companies to reap the benefits from their endeavors (McElhaney, 2009). However, when companies do this consumers tend to get skeptical about the CSR motives of the company, which results in companies not gaining any benefits from their CSR at all (Bhattacharya, 2010). To solve this problem, researchers have suggested many different communication strategies to reduce consumer skepticism when companies communicate their CSR. In this thesis we test the consumer skepticism reducinge ffects of Cause Fit Communication and Cause Commitment Communication to conclude which of the two is the most efficient at reducing consumer skepticism. To fulfill our purpose we have used a quantitative method and constructed a survey where we have asked people about their perception of different companies’ CSR communication when the companies used Cause Fit Communication or Cause Commitment Communication. The answers from the respondents were analyzed through which we could conclude which of the two strategies is better. From our findings it was very hard to conclude which of the two communication strategies was the best at reducing consumer skepticism. However, we could see that Cause Commitment Communication had the highest consumer skepticism reducing effects. After having conducted this research we truly believe that the two communication strategies can be just as efficient at reducing consumer skepticism as long as one follows the guidelines we have provided in this thesis.

Cause-related marketing - Välgörande för varumärket? : En studie i hur konsumenter uppfattar CRM i en kritiserad bransch

Tynander, Sandra, Ekström, Vanessa January 2014 (has links)
Background: Increasing globalization has changed the business environment and also resulted in increased awareness of the consumers and demand for higher standards of social responsibility. The companies brand strategies has gain in importance in order to strengthen their brands. A part of a company's CSR, CRM, cause-related marketing, which is a relatively new marketing strategy and created when companies choose to partner with charities and market it. Garment/clothing industry has as many others come to be shaped by the effects of globalization, but has also endured heavy criticism over the years. This criticism is largely because of the outside world's reaction to the exploitation of developing countries. Two companies in this industry; Lindex and H&amp;M, have both embraced the formerly strong criticism and decided to take advantage of consumers' demand and requirements in a more responsible enterprise, using two different shapes of CRM collaborations. Purpose: The purpose of this study is to consider first whether CRM is an appropriate way to pursue social responsibility and to strengthen brands, in an earlier criticized industry. Furthermore, the study aims to investigate the design of CRM, which thus is most positive for brands in terms of how consumers' awareness, perceived quality, brand associations and loyalty, are affected by CRM. Method: To answer the purpose of the study, the authors have assumed a triangulation consisting of questionnaires and semi-structured interviews. Conclusion: The study confirmed that a partnership with a well-known and established partner is most favorable in order to successfully build and enhance their brand equity in a criticized industry. This created an increased awareness and positive associations with the brand. Lindex had succeeded better than H&amp;M when they collaborate with the Pink Ribbon as previously known and H&amp;M collaborates with a self-created foundation. Consumers believe that social responsibility involves more than just engage in charity, therefore CRM was not alone an appropriate way for brands to create quality or loyalty.

The milk industry: No longer acash cow? : ”How a cause related marketing approach could help raiseawareness regarding the domestic agricultural situation in Sweden”

Lagerstedt, Jonas P., Hermansson, Karl-Johan O., Carls, Martin G. January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis was to examine the potential effects of a cause related marketing approach inthe Swedish agricultural industry. This was done by analyzing the market potential and how an industry,through a marketing perspective, can help rejuvenate a troublesome sector, more specifically thedomestic milk sector. A mixed-method was utilized in order to answer the research question. Qualitativeinterviews with stakeholders throughout the supply chain were conducted to create greater knowledgeand serve as a structural guide for a quantitative questionnaire, which was answered by 182respondents. This thesis is centered on the theories of cause related marketing, fair trade and consumerbehavior. The results of the study show a gap in the market, which a cause related marketed productcould fulfill. In order to succeed the problem must be raised from the field of agriculture to a social level,which incorporates and affects all of us in our everyday living. The marketing communication shouldtherefore focus on the cultural importance of preserving the domestic agricultural industry in order tosucceed.

Cause-related marketing - a worthwhile cause? : A quantitative study among Swedish Generation Y

Bergstén, Amanda, Olsson, Cecilia January 2014 (has links)
Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to contribute with knowledge of the preferences and attitudes among Swedish Generation Y in terms of cause-related marketing. The study aims to find out what this generation prefers in cause-related marketing efforts, focusing on causes and type of support. Furthermore, as a result of Generation Y’s presence on social media it will also examine their attitudes and preferences regarding cause-related marketing on these media platforms. With this thesis the main purpose is to contribute with insights and guidance for Swedish companies wanting to perform cause-related marketing initiatives towards Swedish Generation Y. Frame of references: The frame of references begins with a presentation of consumer behaviour and the power that consumers possess in today’s society. The second section presents corporate social responsibility before moving on to cause-related marketing, profoundly exploring the different aspects of this kind of marketing and presenting existing theories regarding Generation Y’s view on cause-related marketing. The chapter is concluded with a presentation of social media. Methodology: A deductive and quantitative approach has been used for the thesis as this was found appropriate for the purpose. An online questionnaire has been conducted in order to reach a large number of respondents. Empirical framework: The empirical framework presents the results of the online questionnaire. Conclusion: The survey concludes that Swedish Generation Y responds to causes related to humans, e.g., health and well-being, education and social matters, and that they want to see long-term commitment from companies. Moreover, when performing CRM-initiatives information is a key for companies in order to attract and appeal to Swedish Generation Y.

O marketing de causa e o processo de legitimação organizacional : um estudo em empresas de seguros no Rio Grande do Sul

Montanari, Amadeu Fernando January 2017 (has links)
Dentro do contexto da Responsabilidade Social Corporativa, o Marketing de Causa vem sendo cada vez mais utilizada pelas empresas. Para as organizações sem fins lucrativos significa mais recursos para as causas sociais que apoiam, enquanto que para as empresas, para além do aspecto da responsabilidade social, maior reconhecimento e reputação da marca, lealdade dos consumidores, ampliação de mercado, incremento de vendas, atração de investimentos, atração e retenção de talentos são alguns dos objetivos que o Marketing de Causa pode ajudar a conquistar. Entretanto, a avaliação de tais resultados é controversa. Não obstante, acredita-se que as motivações em relação ao Marketing de Causa possam ser descritas sob a ótica do processo de legitimação organizacional. Este trabalho, através de um estudo exploratório realizado em empresa do mercado de seguros do Rio Grande do Sul, investigou os principais motivadores que orientam os gestores na implementação das ações sociais corporativas através do Marketing de Causa e sua relação com o processo de Legitimação Organizacional. Os resultados evidenciaram as motivações dos gestores com relação às contribuições do Marketing de Causa para os negócios, tais como a possibilidade de ganhar mercado, ampliar vendas, melhorara imagem e reputação da empresa. No aspecto social também restaram evidentes as motivações relacionadas aos benefícios do Marketing de Causa demonstradas através da preocupação das empresas de fazer o bem, e devolver à sociedade parte das riquezas geradas por suas empresas. Essas motivações alinham-se com a visão estratégica da Teoria da Legitimação Organizacional que entende a legitimidade como um recurso operacional que pode ser extraído pelas organizações do ambiente cultural em que operam, e utilizado pelos gestores na busca de seus objetivos. / Within the context of Corporate Social Responsibility, Cause-Related Marketing has been increasingly used by companies. For nonprofits it means more resources for the social causes they support, while for companies, beyond the social responsibility aspect, greater brand recognition and reputation, consumer loyalty, market expansion, sales increase, investment attraction, talent attraction and retention are some of the goals Cause-Related Marketing can help them achieve. However, the evaluation of such results is controversial. Nevertheless, it is believed that the motivations regarding Cause-Related Marketing can be described from the point of view of the Organizational Legitimacy process. This work, through an exploratory study carried out in Insurance Companies in Rio Grande do Sul, investigated the main motivators that guide managers in the implementation of corporate social actions through Cause-Related Marketing and its relationship with the Organizational Legitimacy process. The results show the motivations of managers regarding the contributions of Cause-Related Marketing to the business, such as the possibility of market expansion, increase sales, improve image and reputation of the company. In the social aspect, the motivations related to the benefits of Cause-Related Marketing for the society demonstrated by the concern of "doing good" and "giving back" part of the wealth generated by their companies also remained evident. These motivations are aligned with the Strategic view of Organizational Legitimacy Theory that understands legitimacy as an operational resource that can be extracted by organizations from the cultural environment in which they operate and used by managers in pursuit of their goals.

O marketing de causa e o processo de legitimação organizacional : um estudo em empresas de seguros no Rio Grande do Sul

Montanari, Amadeu Fernando January 2017 (has links)
Dentro do contexto da Responsabilidade Social Corporativa, o Marketing de Causa vem sendo cada vez mais utilizada pelas empresas. Para as organizações sem fins lucrativos significa mais recursos para as causas sociais que apoiam, enquanto que para as empresas, para além do aspecto da responsabilidade social, maior reconhecimento e reputação da marca, lealdade dos consumidores, ampliação de mercado, incremento de vendas, atração de investimentos, atração e retenção de talentos são alguns dos objetivos que o Marketing de Causa pode ajudar a conquistar. Entretanto, a avaliação de tais resultados é controversa. Não obstante, acredita-se que as motivações em relação ao Marketing de Causa possam ser descritas sob a ótica do processo de legitimação organizacional. Este trabalho, através de um estudo exploratório realizado em empresa do mercado de seguros do Rio Grande do Sul, investigou os principais motivadores que orientam os gestores na implementação das ações sociais corporativas através do Marketing de Causa e sua relação com o processo de Legitimação Organizacional. Os resultados evidenciaram as motivações dos gestores com relação às contribuições do Marketing de Causa para os negócios, tais como a possibilidade de ganhar mercado, ampliar vendas, melhorara imagem e reputação da empresa. No aspecto social também restaram evidentes as motivações relacionadas aos benefícios do Marketing de Causa demonstradas através da preocupação das empresas de fazer o bem, e devolver à sociedade parte das riquezas geradas por suas empresas. Essas motivações alinham-se com a visão estratégica da Teoria da Legitimação Organizacional que entende a legitimidade como um recurso operacional que pode ser extraído pelas organizações do ambiente cultural em que operam, e utilizado pelos gestores na busca de seus objetivos. / Within the context of Corporate Social Responsibility, Cause-Related Marketing has been increasingly used by companies. For nonprofits it means more resources for the social causes they support, while for companies, beyond the social responsibility aspect, greater brand recognition and reputation, consumer loyalty, market expansion, sales increase, investment attraction, talent attraction and retention are some of the goals Cause-Related Marketing can help them achieve. However, the evaluation of such results is controversial. Nevertheless, it is believed that the motivations regarding Cause-Related Marketing can be described from the point of view of the Organizational Legitimacy process. This work, through an exploratory study carried out in Insurance Companies in Rio Grande do Sul, investigated the main motivators that guide managers in the implementation of corporate social actions through Cause-Related Marketing and its relationship with the Organizational Legitimacy process. The results show the motivations of managers regarding the contributions of Cause-Related Marketing to the business, such as the possibility of market expansion, increase sales, improve image and reputation of the company. In the social aspect, the motivations related to the benefits of Cause-Related Marketing for the society demonstrated by the concern of "doing good" and "giving back" part of the wealth generated by their companies also remained evident. These motivations are aligned with the Strategic view of Organizational Legitimacy Theory that understands legitimacy as an operational resource that can be extracted by organizations from the cultural environment in which they operate and used by managers in pursuit of their goals.

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