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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Application of Dynamic Grouting to Improve the Grout Spread Using Varying Aperture Long Slot (VALS) : AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY

Hosseini, Robabeh, Steven, Yalta January 2018 (has links)
In the past centuries, grouting has been one of the most common techniques in geotechnical engineering to strengthen and seal underground structures. Concerning increasing demands for tightness and cost efficiency, cement-based grout has been one the most frequent used materials. One of the first grouting operations is the work done by Charles Bérigny in France back in 1802 in order to repair a sluice by stabilizing the ground with liquid grout. Several studies have been then conducted in grouting, which have contributed into successful improvement of the grouting operations. The investigations have also extended the understanding of the factors such as choice of materials, choice of equipment, and the applied pressure type and magnitude, etc. that influencing the grout spread in rock fracture systems.   Among the factors, the applied pressure is one of the most significant ones influencing the spread of grout during grouting operations. Grouting at static pressure conditions is the most common method used in field, where in practice the injected grout can only penetrate into the rock fractures wider than 100 µm.   Recent investigations conducted on application of static and dynamic pressure conditions, using Short Slot and Varying Aperture Long Slot (VALS) in the lab have yielded an overall improvement of the grout spread under dynamic pressure conditions rather than the conventional static pressure conditions. However, the efforts conducted are just a beginning, especially in very fine micro factures smaller than 70 µm    The main objective of this investigation was therefore to improve the spread of grout by dynamic grouting into fractures smaller than 70 µm effectively, which could not be done with grouting at static pressure conditions.  Furthermore, the aim was to investigate filtration and erosion phenomena/ tendency of grout flow during static and dynamic pressure application using Varying Aperture Long Slot (VALS) in the lab. The durations of peak and rest periods used in the experiments were 2s/2s and 1s/5.5s, which were equivalent to 0.25 Hz and 0.15 Hz, respectively. The results of dynamic grouting showed up to 10 times improvement in the volume of passed grout through fracture apertures smaller than 70 µm. / Injektering är en av de vanligaste metoderna som använts för att förstärka och täta geotekniska konstruktioner. När det gäller ökande krav på täthet och kostnadseffektivitet har cementbaserade bruk varit ett populärt förbrukningsmaterial. Injektering användes förmodligen först av Charles Bérigny i en slussreparation i Frankrike under 1802 där marken stabiliserades med hjälp av flytande injekteringsmaterial. Flera studier har sedan dess utförts inom injekteringsteknik, vilket har bidragit till en framgångsrik förbättring av injekteringsoperationer. Dessa undersökningar har också utvidgat förståelsen av faktorer såsom materialegenskaper, val av utrustning, provprestanda, trycktyp och storhet som i sin tur påverkar brukets spridningsförmåga i bergets spricksystem.   Forskningen inom bergtätning fokuserar bland annat på att utveckla tillämpningen av statisk och dynamisk tryck vid injektering. Tillämpning av statiskt tryck är den vanligaste metoden för injektering ute i arbetsfält, där den injicerade bruket i praktiken endast kan tränga in i bergssprickor som är större än 100 μm.   De senaste undersökningarna med hjälp av Short Slot och Varying Aperture Long Slot (VALS) har visat en övergripande förbättring av inträngningen under dynamisk injektering jämfört med de konventionella statiska. Detta är bara en början och metoden behöver utvecklas mer, särskild för att åstadkomma bruksspridningen i mycket finare mikrosprickor, exempelvis sprickor mindre än 70 µm.   Syftet med detta arbete var att utveckla injekteringsmetoden där bruket kan tränga  i berg med sprickor mindre än 70 µm. Resultaten på de dynamiska tryckförhållanden visade att injekteringsbruket trängde bättre  i de smala sprickor  jämfört med de statiska tryckförhållanden. Upp till 10 gånger mer mängd av injekteringsbruk passerade sprickor med storlek mindre än 70 µm i VALS. Vidare har inloppsflödet och filtrerings- och erosionsfenomenen studerats med hjälp av laboratorieinstrumentet VALS. Varaktigheten av peak- och restperioder som användes i experimenten var 2s/2s och 1s 5.5s, vilka var ekvivalenta med 0.25 Hz respektive 0.15 Hz.

Evaluation of Real Time Grouting Control Theory Using a Varying Aperture Long Slot- VALS

Pronina, Elizaveta January 2018 (has links)
The main goal of the grouting is to seal the fractures in the rock mass,improve the strength properties of the rock mass and decrease deformability. However,the overuse of the grouting should be avoided due mainly to economic reasons,optimizing the project time and sometimes severe environmental issues.Insufficient grout spread can cause worse sealing results and decreasedurability. To control the process of grouting and predict the penetrationlength an analytical solution called Real Time Grouting Control theory (RTGC) hasbeen developed. This thesis aimed to evaluate RTGC theory on the equipmentrepresenting a one-dimensional model of a fracture called Varying Aperture LongSlot - VALS. The evaluation was based on a comparison between the calculated(predicted) penetration length according to RTGC theory and the realpenetration obtained in the experiments. Results of the tests show that the RTGCtheory is a good tool to predict the penetration length of the grout at thejoints with apertures close to the hydraulic apertures. At the apertures,significantly less than the hydraulic aperture, the results of the test andRTGC theory differ a lot.

On the measurement and application of cement grout rheological properties

Shamu, John January 2019 (has links)
The rheological properties of cement-based grouts play a key role in determining the final spread in grouted rock formations. Rheologically, cement grouts are known to be complex thixotropic fluids, but their steady flow behavior is often described by fitting the simple Bingham constitutive law to flow curve data. The resultant Bingham parameters are then used in grouting design of e.g. tunnels, to estimate the penetration length. Since cement grouts are thixotropic suspensions, the interpretation of their flow curves as obtained from flow sweeps in concentric cylinder rotational rheometers is often complicated by: the presence of wall slip, sedimentation and unstable flow at low shear rates. A systematic approach to study these effects within the constraints of the concentric cylinder geometry (Couette) and for different cement grout concentrations was carried out as part of the Licentiate research work. Of particular interest was the influence of geometry and flow sweep measurement interval on flow curves, including the characteristic unstable flow branch that appears at applied shear rates that are below the critical shear rate. The unstable flow branch observed below the critical shear rate has been described as a characteristic feature in the flow curves of thixotropic suspensions, e.g. cement grouts, laponite. From a practical standpoint, this information can then be readily used to improve rheological measurements of cement grouts. The existence of the critical shear rate below which no stable flow occurs, plus the complex wall slip phenomenon are then discussed by considering how they affect actual spread in rough and smooth rock fractures. Another major part of the research presented in this thesis relates to the measurement of model yield stress fluid (YSF), i.e. Carbopol, velocity profiles within the radial flow geometry. Radial flow between parallel plates, is an idealized fundamental flow configuration that is often used as a basis for grout spread estimation in planar rock fractures. Compared to other flow configurations with YSFs, e.g. channels, only a limited amount of work has presented analytical solutions, numerical models and especially experimental work for radial flow. Thus, as a first step towards more systematic studies of the plug flow region of YSFs in radial flow the current work presents the design, manufacture and for the first time velocity profile measurements that were conducted by using the pulsed Ultrasound Velocity Profiling (UVP) technique. The current observations for tests carried out with different disk spacings and flow rates show a distinct plug region, coupled with wall slip effects for the Carbopol model YSF fluid that was used. The theoretically predicted velocity profiles and the measured ones agree reasonably well, and the main discrepancies are discussed. Future studies, would then be targeted at improving the current experimental setup, for detailed measurements of the plug flow region along the radial length, which remains a challenging issue for studies on YSFs and engineering applications such as rock grouting design. / Cementbaserade injekteringsmedels reologiska egenskaper har en stor påverkan på strömning och inträngningslängd i sprickigt berg. Medlens reologi är komplex, inklusive tixotropi, men strömningen beskrivs ändå oftast med den enkla linjära Bingham modellen i injekteringssammanhang. De två parametrarna från denna modell, flytgräns och viskositet, används sedan inom injekteringsdesign, för t.ex. tunnlar och dammar, för att bedöma inträngningen. Eftersom cementbaserade medel är tixoptropa suspensioner försvåras utvärderingen vid mätning med konventionella rotationsviskometrar på grund av glidning vid fasta begränsningsytor, sedimentation/separation av partiklarna och instabila flöden vid låga deformationshastigheter. En systematisk mätprocedur för att studera ovanstående problem med rotationsviskometer och koncentriska cylindrar samt olika vanliga vattencementtal, har utförts inom ramen för detta licentiatarbete. Av särskilt intresse har varit att studera effekten av olika geometrier och tidsintervallet mellan mätningarna, inklusive den instabila delen av flödeskurvan då deformationshastigheten är lägre än ett kritiskt värde. Denna del av kurvan har i litteraturen beskrivits som karakteristisk för tixotropa suspensioner, som t.ex. cementbaserade injekteringsmedel. Praktiskt kan ovanstående kunskap användas för att förbättra mätningen av de reologiska egenskaperna. Existensen av en kritisk deformationshastighet under vilken det inte finns något stabilt flöde, i kombination med glidning vid fasta begränsningsytor, diskuteras särskilt med hänsyn till dess påverkan på faktisk inträngning i släta och råa bergsprickor. Ett annat fokus i licentiatarbetet har varit att studera icke-Newtonska modellvätskors (Carbopol) radiella strömning mellan parallella plattor. Denna typ av strömningsgeometri används ofta som en idealiserad konfiguration för strömning i bergsprickor. I jämförelse med andra enklare geometrier, finns endast en begränsad forskning utförd för denna geometri både då det gäller analytiska och numeriska beräkningar men framförallt då det gäller experiment. Som ett första steg inför en mer systematisk undersökning av icke-Newtonsk radiella strömning presenteras i detta arbete framtagandet av en fysisk laboratoriemodell där hastighetsprofilerna mellan plattorna för första gången visualiserats med hjälp av ultraljud. De utförda mätningarna med tre olika öppningar mellan plattorna sam tre olika värden på det konstanta flödet, visar på en distinkt plugg som är ett resultat av vätskans flytgräns samt glidning i gränsskiktet mellan vätskan och plattornas fasta begränsningsytor. En jämförelse mellan uppmätta hastighetsprofiler och analytiskt beräknade diskuteras där resultaten överensstämmer relativt väl, med beaktande av de långtgående förenklade antaganden som krävs för beräkningarna. Fortsatta studier kommer att fokuseras på att förbättra laboratoriemodellen för en mer detaljerad studie av icke-Newtonska vätskors strömning och hur pluggen utvecklas under den radiella inträngningen, vilket fortsättningsvis är av betydelse för design av injektering i bergsprickor. / <p>QC 20190521</p>

Entwurf und Herstellung von dünnwandigen Faltwerken aus zementbasierten Verbundwerkstoffen

van der Woerd, Jan Dirk, Hegger, Josef, Chudoba, Rostislav 21 July 2022 (has links)
Der in den Ingenieurwissenschaften zunehmend populäre Einsatz der Origami-Technik eröffnet neue Möglichkeiten zur Herstellung von effizienten Tragkonstruktionen [1]–[5]. In Verbindung mit leistungsfähigen, zementbasierten Verbundwerkstoffen bietet die Origami-Technik einen innovativen Ansatz für Entwurf und Realisierung von leichten tragenden Strukturen nach dem Prinzip form follows force – dem Grundgedanken des SPP 1542. [Aus: Motivation und Zielsetzung] / The increasingly popular use of origami technology in the engineering sciences opens up new possibilities for the manufacture of efficient load-bearing structures [1]–[5]. In combination with high-performance, cement-based composite materials, origami technology of ers an innovative approach to the design and realisation of lightweight load-bearing structures based on the principle form follows force –the basic idea of SPP 1542. [Off: Motivation and objectives]


[pt] Ainda hoje, no Brasil, o fibrocimento à base de matriz cimentícia reforçados com amianto permanecem como o principal compósito fibroso utilizado em larga escala de produção, apesar da constatação dos seus malefícios, como doenças respiratórias e câncer, causados por esta fibra durante o processo de extração, fabricação e instalação. Nos EUA, União Européia e Canadá a produção de materiais reforçados com amianto foi proibida ou sofreu sérias restrições ao seu uso. No Brasil há uma promessa do governo federal de se iniciar a diminuição da extração do amianto a partir de 2005 até sua completa extinção. Frente a inadequação do uso do amianto para produção de materiais de construção sem riscos à saúde da sociedade, surge a necessidade de se encontrar um substituto com propriedades físicas e mecânicas adequadas que seja ecológico e de custo adequado. Neste trabalho é analisado o uso de polpas celulósicas de bambu, com dois estágios de tratamento diferentes, quais sejam polpas antes do processo de refino e após este processo, para reforço de matrizes cimentícias, utilizando o processo de produção Hatschek em escala laboratorial. As polpas celulósicas foram utilizadas nas porcentagens de 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 e 16% em relação a massa do cimento, sendo utilizada a matriz plena como referência. Foi estudado ainda a substituição parcial do cimento por um resíduo de fábrica de tijolos na proporção de 20, 30 e 40% em relação a massa do cimento e o uso de dois tipos de equipamentos de produção diferentes. O objetivo deste trabalho é determinar a porcentagem ideal de reforço para os dois tipos de polpas utilizadas, discutindo as propriedades físicas, mecânicas e microestruturais de cada um destes compósitos. / [en] Still today, in Brazil, the fibre cement to the base amianthus is the main fibrouscomposite to the base of main cement with wide production scale, despite verification ofits damages, as breathing diseases and cancer, caused by this fiber during the extractionprocess, production and installation. In the USA, European Union and Canada theproduction of materials to the base of amianthus are prohibited or they suffered seriousrestrictions. In Brazil, the federal government wile begin to extinguish the amianthusextraction in 2005 due to the problems used for amianthus writer allow, it is necessaryto get a new material with appropriate physical and mechanical properties, that is ecofriendlyand of appropriate cost.In this work the use of pulps bamboo cellulose s is analyzed, with two types oftreatment, which are pulps before the process of I refine and after this process, forreinforcement of main cimentícias, using the production process Hatschek in scalelaboratories. The pulps cellulose s was used in the percentages of 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 and 16 per cent in relation to mass of the cement, being used the full head office as reference. Inaddition, it was substitution of the cement by a residue of the it manufactures of bricksin the proportion of 20, 30 and 40 per cent in relation to mass of the cement and two types ofequipment of different production. The aim of this work is to determine the idealpercentage of reinforcement for the two used types of pulps used, discussing thephysical properties, mechanics and microstructure of each one of these composites.

Mastering the rheology of fresh concrete: New knowledge from a DFG priority program SPP 2005

Mechtcherine, Viktor 05 February 2025 (has links)
The processing of cement-based building materials represents the technological core in the construction and maintenance of structures. However, a scientific framework for mastering rheology-based processes is still in an early stage of its development. The reason for this is the extremely high complexity of cementitious systems. This complexity includes the high chemical reactivity of mineral binders, the complex multi-phase nature of fresh concrete or mortar, and a wide range of deformation rates during various technological processes, which result in extremely high demands for characterization and simulation methods. The goal of the DFG Priority Program SPP 2005 “Opus Fluidum Futurum – Rheology of reactive, multiscale, multiphase construction materials” is to ascertain and describe the scientific fundamentals for understanding and, subsequently, designing rheology-based construction processes as well as for developing innovative, sustainable building materials and associated pioneering processing technologies. The article at hand presents the purpose and the structure of the collaborative research as well as the achievements of the priority program. Furthermore, it offers some insights into ongoing and planned research.

Modélisation multi-échelle et simulation du comportement thermo-hydro-mécanique du béton avec représentation explicite de la fissuration / Multi-scale modelling and simulation of the thermo-hydro-mechanical behavior of concrete with explicit representation of cracking

Tognevi, Amen 23 November 2012 (has links)
Les structures en béton des centrales nucléaires peuvent être soumises à des contraintes thermo- hydriques modérées, caractérisées par des températures de l’ordre de la centaine de degrés aussi bien en conditions de service qu’accidentelles. Ces contraintes peuvent être à l’origine de désordres importants notamment la fissuration qui a pour effet d’accélérer les transferts hydriques dans la structure. Dans le cadre de l’étude de la durabilité de ces structures, le modèle THMs a été développé au Laboratoire d’Etude du Comportement des Bétons et des Argiles (LECBA) du CEA Saclay pour simuler le comportement du béton face à des sollicitations couplées thermo-hydro-mécaniques. Dans cette thèse on s’est intéressé à l’amélioration dans le modèle THMs d’une part de l’estimation des paramètres mécaniques et hydromécaniques du matériau en conditions partiellement saturées et en présence de fissuration et d’autre part de la description de la fissuration. La première partie a été consacrée à la mise au point d’un modèle basé sur une description multi-échelle de la microstructure des matériaux cimentaires, en partant de l’échelle des principaux hydrates (portlandite, ettringite, C-S-H, etc.) jusqu’à l’échelle macroscopique du matériau fissuré. Les paramètres investigués sont obtenus à chaque échelle de la description par des techniques d’homogénéisation analytiques. Dans la seconde partie on s’est attaché à décrire numériquement de façon précise la fissuration notamment en termes d’ouverture, de localisation et de propagation. Pour cela une méthode de réanalyse éléments finis/éléments discrets a été proposée et validée sur différents cas-test de chargement mécanique. Enfin la procédure a été mise en œuvre dans le cas d’un mur chauffé et une méthode de recalcul de la perméabilité a été proposée permettant de montrer l’intérêt de la prise en compte de l’anisotropie du tenseur de perméabilité lorsqu’on s’intéresse à l’étude des transferts de masse dans une structure en béton fissurée. Mots clés : matériaux cimentaires, homogénéisation, modélisation multi-échelle, microfissures, éléments discrets, éléments finis, chargements thermo-hydro-mécaniques. / The concrete structures of nuclear power plants can be subjected to moderate thermo-hydric loadings characterized by temperatures of the order of hundred of degrees in service conditions as well as in accidental ones. These loadings can be at the origin of important disorders, in particular cracking which accelerate hydric transfers in the structure. In the framework of the study of durability of these structures, a coupled thermo-hydro-mechanical model denoted THMs has been developed at Laboratoire d’Etude du Comportement des Bétons et des Argiles (LECBA) of CEA Saclay in order to perform simulations of the concrete behavior submitted to such loadings. In this work, we focus on the improvement in the model THMs in one hand of the assessment of the mechanical and hydromechanical parameters of the unsaturated microcracked material and in the other hand of the description of cracking in terms of opening and propagation. The first part is devoted to the development of a model based on a multi-scale description of cement-based materials starting from the scale of the main hydrated products (portlandite, ettringite, C-S-H etc.) to the macroscopic scale of the cracked material. The investigated parameters are obtained at each scale of the description by applying analytical homogenization techniques. The second part concerns a fine numerical description of cracking. To this end, we choose to use combined finite element and discrete element methods. This procedure is presented and illustrated through a series of mechanical tests in order to show the feasibility of the method and to proceed to its validation. Finally, we apply the procedure to a heated wall and the proposed method for estimating the permeability shows the interest to take into account an anisotropic permeability tensor when dealing with mass transfers in cracked concrete structures. Keywords : cement-based materials, homogenization, multi-scale modelling, microcracks, discrete elements, finite elements, thermo-hydro-mechanical loadings.

Lomové testy vybraných těles se speciálním plnivem: experimenty a numerická simulace / Fracture tests of selected specimens with special aggregates: experiments and numerical simulation

Majda, Tomáš January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with selected fracture tests and evaluation of fracture parameters of cement-based composite. One part of the thesis deals with cement-based composite with glass spherical aggregate of a single fraction of 2 mm. After production, the beams with dimensions of 20×40×200mm exposed to temperatures in the range from 100 to 1000 °C for one hour. Using the non-destructive ultrasonic pulse method, the degree of damage caused by termal load was determined. Selected specimen with central edge notch were then tested in three-point bending and fragments after these tests were tested in compression. In the second part, attention was paid to the evaluation of fracture tests conducted on specimen from drill-cores taken from selected objects located at the former Transgas Gas Control Center in Prague. The specimen were provided with a chevron notch before being tested in three-point bending. The measured data was modified by the GTDiPS program and in the case of the glass composite the StiCrack program was used to evaluate fracture parameters.

Tensile behavior of high-performance cement-based composites with hybrid reinforcement subjected to quasi-static and impact loading

Gong, Ting 17 February 2021 (has links)
Hochduktile Betone (Engl.: Strain-Hardening Cement-based Composites – SHCC) und Textilbetone (engl.: Textile Reinforced Concrete – TRC) sind zwei neuartige Faserbetone, die ein duktiles und dehnungsverfestigendes Zugverhalten aufweisen. SHCC bestehen aus feinkörnigen Zementmatrizen und kurzen Hochleistungspolymerfasern, während TRC eine Kombination aus feinkörnigen Zementmatrizen und kontinuierlichen zwei- oder dreidimensionalen Textilschichten darstellt. Letztere bestehen aus Multifilamentgarnen aus Kohlenstoff, alkalibeständigem Glas oder Polymerfasern. Die hohe elastische Verformbarkeit beider Verbundwerkstoffe bis zum Erreichen der Zugfestigkeit entsteht aus der sukzessiven Bildung multipler feiner Risse. Neben der hervorragenden Risskontrolle und Duktilität weisen diese Verbundwerkstoffe ein hohes Energieabsorptionsvermögen auf, was in Bezug auf kurzzeitdynamische Belastungen eine durchaus erstrebenswerte Eigenschaft darstellt. Obwohl SHCC eine höhere Dehnungskapazität als herkömmliche TRC zeigen, weisen die Textilbetone eine erheblich höhere Zugfestigkeit auf. Darüber hinaus besitzen die textilbewehrten Betone deutlich niedrigere Einflüsse von Anwendungstechnologie und Maßstab auf das Zugverhalten, d. h. eine bessere Robustheit. Daher stellt die Kombination dieser beiden Bewehrungskonzepte einen vielversprechenden Ansatz dar. Während die Kurzfasern für eine bessere Risskontrolle und Erstrissfestigkeit sorgen, sichern die Textilgelege eine hohe Zugfestigkeit sowie Steifigkeit im gerissenen Zustand und eine gleichmäßige Verteilung der Kräfte in der Verstärkungsschicht bzw. im Bauteil. Dieser synergetische Effekt kann jedoch nur durch eine zielgerichtete Materialentwicklung erreicht werden, die eine grundlegende Materialcharakterisierung unter verschiedenen Belastungsszenarien erfordert. Im Rahmen des DFG-finanzierten Graduiertenkollegs GRK 2250 „Impaktsicherheit von Baukonstruktionen durch mineralisch gebundene Komposite“ werden duktile und Impakt resistente Komposite entwickelt, charakterisiert und erprobt, die als dünne Verstärkungsschichten auf bestehende Konstruktionen bzw. Bauelemente aufgetragen werden und dadurch deren Widerstandsfähigkeit und Resilienz gegen extreme kurzzeitdynamische Beanspruchungen signifikant erhöhen. Die in der vorliegenden Arbeit vorgestellten Ergebnisse wurden im Rahmen des A3-Projektes innerhalb des GRK 2250/1 erzielt. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, die grundlegenden mechanischen Eigenschaften und die Dehnratenabhängigkeit von mineralisch gebundenen Kompositen mit hybrider Faserbewehrung zu erfassen und zu beschreiben. Das Forschungskonzept besteht aus systematischen und parametrischen Untersuchungen der einzelnen Komponenten (Faser, Textil, zementgebundene Matrix), ihres Verbundes und der entsprechenden Verbundwerkstoffe. Hierfür wurden zweckbestimmte Prüfkonfigurationen und dreidimensionale Messverfahren angewandt, die in anderen Projekten des GRK 2250/1 entwickelt wurden. Außer uniaxialen, quasistatischen und dynamischen Zugversuchen wurden quasistatische und dynamische Einzelgarnauszugsversuche durchgeführt. Die wichtigsten untersuchten Materialparameter waren die Art der Kurzfaserbewehrung und der Textilien (Material, geometrische und Oberflächeneigenschaften, Art der Tränkung usw.). Auf Basis der mechanischen Experimente wurde ein analytisches Modell eingesetzt und angepasst, dass das Zugverhalten solcher Komposite in Abhängigkeit von verschiedenen Materialparametern abbilden soll. Zusätzlich zu der detaillierten Beschreibung der Materialeigenschaften, der maßgebenden Mechanismen und synergetischen Effekte bilden die erzielten Ergebnisse eine umfangreiche experimentelle Basis für eine empirische und Modell gestützte Weiterentwicklung und Optimierung dieser Verbundwerkstoffe mit Hinblick auf wirtschaftliche und ökonomische Aspekte. / Strain-hardening cement-based composites (SHCC) and textile-reinforced concrete (TRC) are two novel types of fiber-reinforced cementitious composites that exhibit ductile, strain-hardening tensile behavior. SHCC comprises fine-grained cementitious matrices and short, high-performance polymer fiber, while TRC is a combination of a fine-grained, cementitious matrix and continuous two- or three- dimensional textile layers of multi-filament yarns, usually made of carbon or alkali-resistant glass. Both composites yield high inelastic deformations in a strain-hardening phase due to the successive formation of multiple fine cracks. Such cracking behavior stands for high energy absorption of the composites when exposed to extreme loading, without abrupt loss of load-bearing capacity. In comparative terms, SHCC shows superior strain capacity, while TRC yields considerably higher tensile strength. The addition of short fibers strengthens the matrix by efficiently restraining the micro-cracks’ growth and reducing spallation, while the textile reinforcement ensures a secure confinement of the reinforced concrete element (substrate to be strengthened), as well as a favorable stress distribution. The combination of SHCC and textile reinforcement is expected to deliver high tensile strength and stiffness in the strain-hardening stage along with pronounced multiple cracking. In order to achieve a favorable synergetic effect, a purposeful material design is required based on a clear understanding of the mechanical interactions in the composites. In the framework of the DFG Research Training Group GRK 2250, which aims at enhancing structural impact safety through thin strengthening layers made of high-performance mineral-based composites, this work focuses on developing hybrid fiber-reinforced cementitious materials to be applied on the impact rear side. The development concept builds upon a systematic investigation of various aspects of the mechanical behaviors of SHCC and textile at quasi-static and impact strain rates, including the bond properties of fiber to matrix and textile to matrix. Accordingly, uniaxial quasi-static tension tests were first performed on SHCC, bare textile, and hybrid-reinforced composite specimens. The parameters under investigation were types of short fiber and textile reinforcements, reinforcing the ratio for textile as well as bond properties between textile and the surrounding SHCC. Furthermore, impact tension tests were performed to study the strain rate effect on the synergetic composite response. Finally, single-yarn pull-out tests were carried out under both quasi-static and impact loading rates to supplement the comparative assessment of the hybrid fiber-reinforced composites. These tests yielded shear strength-related parameters for quantifying the bond properties of different materials, which were then used as input of the analytical model developed to describe the mechanics of crack propagation and tension stiffening effect of textile-reinforced composites without short fibers. This model is the first step towards a comprehensive analytical description of the tensile behavior of hybrid fiber-reinforced composites based on the experimental data and input parameters attained through the work at hand.

Crack-bridging behaviour of polymer fibres in Strain-Hardening Cement-based Composites (SHCC) subject to alternating tension-compression cyclic loading

Ranjbarian, Majid 09 December 2021 (has links)
Concrete is undoubtedly the most important construction material, with widespread applications worldwide. Despite its many advantages, however, concrete exhibits low tensile strength and tends toward brittle failure. The most promising approach for improvement of its tensile properties is the addition of fibres. By addition of only one or two percent of high-performance polymer fibres to a cementitious matrix, strain-hardening can be developed under uniaxial tensile loading. Such materials yield multiple cracking and permit large inelastic deformation in a hardening regime, for which they are usually called Strain-Hardening Cement-based Composites (SHCC). However, the behaviour of SHCC depends on loading conditions, where the most critical case is cyclic loading in tension-compression regimes, in which the ductile properties of the composite can be lost after only several hundred cycles due to degradation of the fibre bridging capacity. The thesis at hand presents the results of experimental investigations into the crack-bridging behaviour of polymer fibres in SHCC subject to alternating tension-compression loading regimes. The investigations covered monotonic loading as well. The experimental programme included fibre tension tests; single-sided, single fibre pull-out tests; double-sided, single and multiple fibre pull-out tests; and microscopic analysis of the specimens after testing. The bridging and pull-out behaviour of single PVA fibres embedded in cement-based matrices were comprehensively characterised and described by a new model. The Locking Front Model explains different interaction phenomena between fibre and matrix after full de-bonding. Furthermore, the interaction and damage mechanisms under cyclic loading were understood. The damage types depend on various parameters such as fibre inclination angle to the crack plane. Above all, however, the deterioration of bridging capacity results from the damage of the fibres between the crack faces in alternating tension-compression regime. The severity of damage is mostly determined by the number of cycles, compressive stress level, and crack width. The results of the experimental investigations at the micro- and meso-levels were analysed further to establish a multi-scale approach for describing the behaviour of a single crack in the composite. The Non-Simultaneity Hypothesis is proposed, which suggests that the crucial events of fibre bridging action may occur non-simultaneously with increasing crack opening displacement, and the bridging parameters may be reliably determined based on the overall behaviour of a group of specimens. Additionally, the Three-Stage Micromechanics-based Model is developed to describe the bridging behaviour of the fibres with different embedded lengths. The parameters of the model were obtained according to the overall bridging behaviour and the Non-Simultaneity Hypothesis. The parameters were validated by comparing prediction with experiment and observation of bridging behaviour in the tests with varied embedded lengths and multiple fibres. In the framework of the novel concept Criterion-Dependent Reference Volume (CDRV), the effective volume fractions of the fibres assuming non-uniform distribution of the fibres were determined over the length of a hypothetical specimen. The behaviour of a single crack was then predicted at the composite level and compared to the equivalent experimental results. The whole multi-scale approach manifests a considerable capability for analysing the behaviour of Fibre-Reinforced, Cement-based Composite (FRCC). Finally, the concept of Representative Continuum with Predetermined Cracking Sequence (RCPCS) is briefly explained for describing the stress-strain behaviour of SHCC in further development of the multi-scale approach. / Beton ist weltweit mit seinen vielfältigen Anwendungsmöglichkeiten zweifelsohne der wichtigste Baustoff. Trotz der vielen Vorteile weist der Beton eine niedrige Zugfestigkeit und ein sprödes Versagen auf. Eine vielversprechende Methode zur Verbesserung dieser stellt seine Bewehrung mit Kurzfasern dar. Mit lediglich ein oder zwei Volumengehalt Prozent von Hochleistungspolymerfasern könnte das Dehnungs-Verfestigungsverhalten (engl.: Strain-hardening behaviour) unter einachsiger Zugbelastung erreicht werden. Allerdings ist das Verhalten des SHCC (engl.: Strain-Hardening Cementitious Composite) abhängig von dem Belastungsregime. Am kritischsten ist das zyklische Zug-Druck-Wechselbelastungsregime, denn dadurch wird kein duktiles Verhalten nach nur mehreren hundert Zyklen möglich sein, weil eine starke Degradation des Faserüberbrückungsvermögens stattfindet. Diese Dissertation beschreibt die Ergebnisse von experimentellen Untersuchungen des Überbrückungsverhaltens der Polymerfasern in SHCC mit dem Schwerpunkt Zug-Druck-Wechselbelastung. Außerdem umfassen die Untersuchungen monotone Belastung. Das experimentelle Programm enthält Faserzugversuche, einseitige- und zweiseitige Einzelfaserauszugsversuche sowie mikroskopische Analysen an den Probekörpern nach den Experimenten. Das Überbrückungs- und Auszugsverhalten der einzelnen PVA-Faser eingebettet in einer zementbasierten Matrix wurden ausführlich charakterisiert und mit einem neuen Modell beschrieben. Das „Locking Front Model“ erläutert spezifische Phänomene des Zusammenspiels der PVA-Faser und Matrix nach der vollen Ablösung. Zusätzlich wurden die Mechanismen der Zusammenwirkung und Schädigungen unter zyklischer Belastung dargestellt. Die Schädigungsarten sind abhängig von den verschiedenen Parametern wie z. B. Faserwinkel zur Rissebene. Vor allem resultierte die Verschlechterung der Überbrückungseigenschaften aus den Schädigungen der Faser zwischen den Rissebenen im Zug-Druck-Wechselbelastungsregime. Die Intensität der Schädigungen ist meistens mit Zyklenanzahl, zyklischer Druckbelastung und Rissbreiten korreliert. Die Ergebnisse der experimentellen Untersuchungen auf der Mikro- sowie Mesoebene wurden weiter ausgewertet, um einen Multiskalenansatz zur Bestimmung des Verhaltens eines einzelnen Risses im Werkstoff zu schaffen. Die „Non-Simultaneity Hypothese“ wurde vorgeschlagen, welche aussagt, den entscheidenden Vorgänge des Überbrückungsverhaltens der Fasern möglicherweise nicht gleichzeitig bei Vergrößerung der Rissöffnung auftreten. Deswegen sollten die Überbrückungsparameter am besten basierend auf dem allgemeinen Verhalten von vielen Proben in einer Gruppe bestimmt werden. Außerdem wurde das „Three-Stage Model“ zur Bestimmung des Überbrückungsverhaltens der Fasern mit verschiedenen Einbettungslängen entwickelt. Die Parameter des Modells wurden basierend auf dem allgemeinen Überbrückungsverhalten und der „Non-Simultaneity Hypothese“ bestimmt. Dann werden diese Parameter mit dem Überbrückungsverhalten anderer Einbettungslängen oder multipellen Fasern validiert. Im Rahmen des neuen Konzeptes, „Criterion-Dependent Reference Volume (CDRV)“, werden der effektive Volumenanteil der Faser in der Länge einer hypothetischen Probe aus Faserbeton mit ungleichmäßiger Faserverteilung bestimmt. Das Verhalten eines einzelnen Risses wird dann auf der Werkstoffebene bestimmt und mit den experimentellen Ergebnissen verglichen. Der gesamte Multiskalenansatz manifestiert wesentliche Fähigkeit zur Analyse des Verhaltens von Faserbeton. Schließlich wird ein neues Konzept, „Representative Continuum with Predetermined Cracking Sequence (RCPCS)“, zur Bestimmung der Spannungs-Dehnungsbeziehung des hochduktilen Betons (SHCC) als zukünftige Entwicklungsmöglichkeit des vorliegenden Multiskalenansatzes kurz vorgestellt.

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