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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

On the shear behavior of mineral-bonded composites under impact loading

Tawfik, Ahmed, Mechtcherine, Viktor 09 November 2022 (has links)
A mechanical testing device was developed for testing the behavior of mineral-bonded composites under impact shear loading. The device is based on the well-known double shear specimen configuration and was designed to be used in a gravity split-Hopkinson tension bar (SHTB), enabling shear testing at high loading rates. In this work, results from impact shear testing performed on a normal cementitious matrix (NSM) and strain-hardening cement-based composites (SHCC) tested by means of the new device are presented and discussed. Failure behavior and fracture modes are analyzed using optical measurements and digital image correlation (DIC).

Ermüdungsverhalten von hochduktilem Kurzfaserbeton

Junger, Dominik, Mechtcherine, Viktor 09 November 2022 (has links)
Aufgrund seines hervorragenden Verhaltens gegenüber verschiedenen Beanspruchungen ist hochduktiler Beton (engl.: Strain-hardening cement-based composite, SHCC) ein vielversprechender Baustoff für eine Vielzahl an Anwendungen unter statischen, stoßartigen und zyklischen Belastungen. Für einen sicheren Materialeinsatz ist ein tieferes Verständnis des zyklischen Verhaltens erforderlich. Dazu wurden zyklische Belastungsversuche an hochfestem SHCC mit Polyethylen (PE)- Fasern unter Variation des Belastungsregimes durchgeführt. Anhand der Versuche und der morphologischen Analysen konnte gezeigt werden, dass PE-SHCC eine große Sensitivität gegenüber der Variation der mechanischen Einwirkung zeigt.

Erhöhung der Dauerhaftigkeit von Wasserbauwerken durch faserbewehrte, zementgebundene Komposite

Reichardt, Michaela, Mechtcherine, Viktor, Müller, Steffen 10 November 2022 (has links)
Sehr viele Infrastrukturbauwerke haben bereits eine hohe Nutzungsdauer hinter sich und müssen instandgesetzt oder neu errichtet werden. Im Zuge der aktuellen Bestrebungen, mit möglichst geringen Materialeinsätzen die notwendige Bauwerkssicherheit zu erzeugen, rücken dünne Instandsetzungsschichten immer häufiger in den Fokus der Planenden. Aufgrund fehlender Beispielbauten und Umsetzungsrichtlinien werden solche Lösungen jedoch oft nicht ausgeführt. Im hier vorgestellten Beispiel wird anhand einer über 100 Jahre alten Schleuse die Möglichkeit einer Sanierung mit dünnen Schichten aus hochduktilem Beton (engl.: strain-hardening cement-based composites, SHCC) und Textilbeton (engl.: textile reinforced concrete, TRC) vorgestellt sowie Ergebnisse aus dem nunmehr dreijährigen Bauwerksmonitoring dargelegt.


RENATA LORENZONI 29 December 2021 (has links)
[pt] entendimento do macro comportamento dos materiais, este trabalho apresenta soluções inovadoras para a análise de imagens 3D obtidas por microtomografia computadorizada de raios-X (microCT). O material estudado conhecido pelo termo em inglês “strain-hardening cement-based composites” ou pela abreviação SHCC é um compósito cimentício reforçado com fibras que atinge deformações significativas através da formação de múltiplas fissuras, estabelecendo um material cimentício com característica pseudo-dúctil. O primeiro desafio deste trabalho foi reconhecer e quantificar as fases constituintes nas imagens 3D de SHCC obtidas por microCT. Materiais com estruturas complexas podem apresentar imagens em que as fases internas não podem ser distinguidas pela técnica de limiarização clássica, exigindo o uso de outra técnica como a segmentação por Deep Learning (DL). Portanto, este trabalho utilizou DL como solução para esta tarefa. Desta forma, as características de cada fases puderam ser correlacionadas ao comportamento mecânico macro do material em ensaios de microCT in-situ. Outro método moderno de análise de imagens 3D utilizado foi a correlação digital de volume (em inglês, digital volume correlation - DVC). O DVC é uma técnica que estima o campo de deformação sobre todo o volume da amostra, correlacionando as imagens 3D nos estados descarregado e carregado. Assim, as imagens obtidas nos ensaios de tração e compressão in-situ puderam ter seus deslocamentos internos medidos e deformações calculadas. Em síntese, este trabalho trouxe avanços ao campo do processamento digital e análise de imagens 3D, aplicadas a materiais cimentícios, mas que também podem se adaptar à análise de diversos materiais. / [en] Considering the importance of micro and mesoscale analyses to understand the macro behavior of materials, this work brings innovative solutions for analyzing 3D images obtained by X-ray micro-computed tomography (microCT). The studied material was the strain-hardening cement-based composites (SHCC), a fiber reinforced cementitious composite that achieves significant deformations through multiple cracks formation, resulting in a cementitious material with pseudo ductile features. The first challenge of this work was to recognize and quantify the constituent phases in the 3D images of SHCC obtained by microCT. Materials with complex structures may present images in which the internal phases cannot be distinguished by the classical thresholding technique, requiring the use of another technique such as segmentation by Deep Learning (DL). Therefore, this work used DL as a solution for this task. Then, the features of each phase could be correlated to the macro mechanical behavior of the material in in-situ microCT tests. Another modern method for analyzing 3D images used was the digital volume correlation (DVC). DVC is a technique that estimates full-field strain in 3D over the entire volume of the specimen by correlating imaging volumes of the specimen in unloaded and loaded states. Thus, the images obtained from tensile and compression in-situ tests could have their internal displacements measured and strain calculated. In summary, this work brought advances to the 3D image processing and analysis field, applied to cementitious materials, but which could also adapt for the analysis of various materials.

Greener, cheaper, or more sustainable: reviewing sustainability assessments of maintenance strategies of concrete structures

Scope, Christoph, Vogel, Maria, Guenther, Edeltraud 22 December 2021 (has links)
Concrete is the most widely used material in construction and infrastructure, and is often reinforced by steel to improve tensile strength. Despite its enduring popularity, the material’s inherent weaknesses – namely corrosion damage and material fatigue – combined with ageing infrastructure, poses a challenge to both decision-makers and civil engineers to optimise sustainable infrastructure services. This article explores and synthesises the sustainable potential of maintenance and repair methods using concrete and cement-based composite materials. We draw on published case studies where sustainability assessments have been applied within this field. We also included cases that describe themselves as a type of sustainability assessment, but lack the assessment of all dimensions. Our research aims, firstly, to identify what maintenance interventions were assessed by means of sustainability criteria. Second, it explores the basic conceptual understanding which underlies each sustainability assessment. Third, it analyses the many methodological choices made for system boundaries, selection of indicators, or forms of aggregation. We have applied a systematic literature review to develop evidence-based management knowledge; this shows that current sustainability assessments are diverse regarding system boundaries, their scope, levels of detail, and overall quality. Although there is a trend towards more holistic types of assessment, environmental and economic sustainability dominated our sample, with global warming and energy consumed being most often reported. External costs, if included in the assessment, drive the overall economic score, while life cycle sustainability assessment is applied to only three cases. The most critical and challenging issues were shown to be the long-term orientation of maintenance measures and the complexity of undertaking a truly holistic sustainability assessment. To that end, we have stimulated scholarly discussion on further methodological progress to align with the good practices identified in our review, and call for greater application of these methods in the construction industry.

Studies on nonlinear mechanical wave behavior to characterize cement based materials and its durability

Eiras Fernández, Jesús Nuño 10 October 2016 (has links)
[EN] The test for determining the resonance frequencies has traditionally been used to investigate the mechanical integrity of concrete cores, to assess the conformity of concrete constituents in different accelerated durability tests, and to ascertain constitutive properties such as the elastic modulus and the damping factor. This nondestructive technique has been quite appealed for evaluation of mechanical properties in all kinds of durability tests. The damage evolution is commonly assessed from the reduction of dynamic modulus which is produced as a result of any cracking process. However, the mechanical behavior of concrete is intrinsically nonlinear and hysteretic. As a result of a hysteretic stress-strain behavior, the elastic modulus is a function of the strain. In dynamic tests, the nonlinearity of the material is manifested by a decrease of the resonance frequencies, which is inversely proportional to the excitation amplitude. This phenomenon is commonly referred as fast dynamic effect. Once the dynamic excitation ceases, the material undergoes a relaxation process whereby the elastic modulus is restored to that at rest. This phenomenon is termed as slow dynamics. These phenomena (fast and slow dynamics) find their origin in the internal friction of the material. Therefore, in cement-based materials, the presence of microcracks and interfaces between its constituents plays an important role in the material nonlinearity. In the context of the assessment of concrete durability, the damage evolution is based on the increase of hysteresis, as a result of any cracking process. In this thesis three different nondestructive techniques are investigated, which use impacts for exciting the resonant frequencies. The first technique consists in determining the resonance frequencies over a range of impact forces. The technique is termed Nonlinear Impact Resonant Acoustic Spectroscopy (NIRAS). It consists in ascertaining the downward resonant frequency shift that the material undergoes upon increasing excitation amplitude. The second technique consists in investigating the nonlinear behavior by analyzing the signal corresponding to a single impact. This is, to determine the instantaneous frequency, amplitude and attenuation variations corresponding to a single impact event. This technique is termed as Nonlinear Resonant Acoustic Single Impact Spectroscopy (NSIRAS). Two techniques are proposed to extract the nonlinear behavior by analyzing the instantaneous frequency variations and attenuation over the signal ring down. The first technique consists in discretizing the frequency variation with time through a Short-Time Fourier Transform (STFT) based analysis. The second technique consists of a least-squares fit of the vibration signals to a model that considers the frequency and attenuation variations over time. The third technique used in this thesis can be used for on-site evaluation of structures. The technique is based on the Dynamic Acousto- Elastic Test (DAET). The variations of elastic modulus as derived through NIRAS and NSIRAS techniques provide an average behavior and do not allow derivation of the elastic modulus variations over one vibration cycle. Currently, DAET technique is the only one capable to investigate the entire range of nonlinear phenomena in the material. Moreover, unlike other DAET approaches, this study uses a continuous wave source as probe. The use of a continuous wave allows investigation of the relative variations of the elastic modulus, as produced by an impact. Moreover, the experimental configuration allows one-sided inspection. / [ES] El ensayo de determinación de las frecuencias de resonancia ha sido tradicionalmente empleado para determinar la integridad mecánica de testigos de hormigón, en la evaluación de la conformidad de mezclas de hormigón en diversos ensayos de durabilidad, y en la terminación de propiedades constitutivas como son el módulo elástico y el factor de amortiguamiento. Esta técnica no destructiva ha sido ampliamente apelada para la evaluación de las propiedades mecánicas en todo tipo de ensayos de durabilidad. La evolución del daño es comúnmente evaluada a partir de la reducción del módulo dinámico, producido como resultado de cualquier proceso de fisuración. Sin embargo, el comportamiento mecánico del hormigón es intrínsecamente no lineal y presenta histéresis. Como resultado de un comportamiento tensión-deformación con histéresis, el módulo elástico depende de la deformación. En ensayos dinámicos, la no linealidad del material se manifiesta por una disminución de las frecuencias de resonancia, la cual es inversamente proporcional a la amplitud de excitación. Este fenómeno es normalmente denominado como dinámica rápida. Una vez la excitación cesa, el material experimenta un proceso de relajación por el cual, el módulo elástico es restaurado a aquel en situación de reposo. Este fenómeno es denominado como dinámica lenta. Estos fenómenos ¿dinámicas rápida y lenta¿ encuentran su origen en la fricción interna del material. Por tanto, en materiales basados en cemento, la presencia de microfisuras y las interfaces entre sus constituyentes juegan un rol importante en la no linealidad mecánica del material. En el contexto de evaluación de la durabilidad del hormigón, la evolución del daño está basada en el incremento de histéresis, como resultado de cualquier proceso de fisuración. En esta tesis se investigan tres técnicas diferentes las cuales utilizan el impacto como medio de excitación de las frecuencias de resonancia. La primera técnica consiste en determinar las frecuencias de resonancia a diferentes energías de impacto. La técnica es denominada en inglés: Nonlinear Impact Resonant Acoustic Spectroscopy (NIRAS). Ésta consiste en relacionar el detrimento que el material experimenta en sus frecuencias de resonancia, con el aumento de la amplitud de la excitación. La segunda técnica consiste en investigar el comportamiento no lineal mediante el análisis de la señal correspondiente a un solo impacto. Ésta consiste en determinar las propiedades instantáneas de frecuencia, atenuación y amplitud. Esta técnica se denomina, en inglés, Nonlinear Single Impact Resonant Acoustic Spectroscopy (NSIRAS). Se proponen dos técnicas de extracción del comportamiento no lineal mediante el análisis de las variaciones instantáneas de frecuencia y atenuación. La primera técnica consiste en la discretización de la variación de la frecuencia con el tiempo, mediante un análisis basado en Short-Time Fourier Transform (STFT). La segunda técnica consiste en un ajuste por mínimos cuadrados de las señales de vibración a un modelo que considera las variaciones de frecuencia y atenuación con el tiempo. La tercera técnica empleada en esta tesis puede ser empleada para la evaluación de estructuras in situ. La técnica se trata de un ensayo acusto-elástico en régimen dinámico. En inglés Dynamic Acousto-Elastic Test (DAET). Las variaciones del módulo elástico obtenidas mediante los métodos NIRAS y NSIRAS proporcionan un comportamiento promedio y no permiten derivar las variaciones del módulo elástico en un solo ciclo de vibración. Actualmente, la técnica DAET es la única que permite investigar todo el rango de fenómenos no lineales en el material. Por otra parte, a diferencia de otras técnicas DAET, en este estudio se emplea como contraste una onda continua. El uso de una onda continua permite investigar las variaciones relativas del módulo elástico, para una señal transito / [CA] L'assaig de determinació de les freqüències de ressonància ha sigut tradicionalment empleat per a determinar la integritat mecànica de testimonis de formigó, en l'avaluació de la conformitat de mescles de formigó en diversos assajos de durabilitat, i en la terminació de propietats constitutives com són el mòdul elàstic i el factor d'amortiment. Esta tècnica no destructiva ha sigut àmpliament apel·lada per a l'avaluació de les propietats mecàniques en tot tipus d'assajos de durabilitat. L'evolució del dany és comunament avaluada a partir de la reducció del mòdul dinàmic, produït com resultat de qualsevol procés de fisuración. No obstant això, el comportament mecànic del formigó és intrínsecament no lineal i presenta histèresi. Com resultat d'un comportament tensió-deformació amb histèresi, el mòdul elàstic depén de la deformació. En assajos dinàmics, la no linealitat del material es manifesta per una disminució de les freqüències de ressonància, la qual és inversament proporcional a l'amplitud d'excitació. Este fenomen és normalment denominat com a dinàmica ràpida. Una vegada l'excitació cessa, el material experimenta un procés de relaxació pel qual, el mòdul elàstic és restaurat a aquell en situació de repòs. Este fenomen és denominat com a dinàmica lenta. Estos fenòmens --dinámicas ràpida i lenta troben el seu origen en la fricció interna del material. Per tant, en materials basats en ciment, la presència de microfissures i les interfícies entre els seus constituents juguen un rol important en la no linealitat mecànica del material. En el context d'avaluació de la durabilitat del formigó, l'evolució del dany està basada en l'increment d'histèresi, com resultat de qualsevol procés de fisuración. En esta tesi s'investiguen tres tècniques diferents les quals utilitzen l'impacte com a mitjà d'excitació de les freqüències de ressonància. La primera tècnica consistix a determinar les freqüències de ressonància a diferents energies d'impacte. La tècnica és denominada en anglés: Nonlinear Impact Resonant Acoustic Spectroscopy (NIRAS). Esta consistix a relacionar el detriment que el material experimenta en les seues freqüències de ressonància, amb l'augment de l'amplitud de l'excitació. La segona tècnica consistix a investigar el comportament no lineal per mitjà de l'anàlisi del senyal corresponent a un sol impacte. Esta consistix a determinar les propietats instantànies de freqüència, atenuació i amplitud. Esta tècnica es denomina, en anglés, Nonlinear Single Impact Resonant Acoustic Spectroscopy (NSIRAS). Es proposen dos tècniques d'extracció del comportament no lineal per mitjà de l'anàlisi de les variacions instantànies de freqüència i atenuació. La primera tècnica consistix en la discretización de la variació de la freqüència amb el temps, per mitjà d'una anàlisi basat en Short-Time Fourier Transform (STFT). La segona tècnica consistix en un ajust per mínims quadrats dels senyals de vibració a un model que considera les variacions de freqüència i atenuació amb el temps. La tercera tècnica empleada en esta tesi pot ser empleada per a l'avaluació d'estructures in situ. La tècnica es tracta d'un assaig acusto-elástico en règim dinàmic. En anglés Dynamic Acousto-Elastic Test (DAET). Les variacions del mòdul elàstic obtingudes per mitjà dels mètodes NIRAS i NSIRAS proporcionen un comportament mitjà i no permeten derivar les variacions del mòdul elàstic en un sol cicle de vibració. Actualment, la tècnica DAET és l'única que permet investigar tot el rang de fenòmens no lineals en el material. D'altra banda, a diferència d'altres tècniques DAET, en este estudi s'empra com contrast una ona contínua. L'ús d'una ona contínua permet investigar les variacions relatives del mòdul elàstic, per a un senyal transitori. A més, permet la inspecció d'elements per mitjà de l'accés per una sola cara. / Eiras Fernández, JN. (2016). Studies on nonlinear mechanical wave behavior to characterize cement based materials and its durability [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/71439 / Premios Extraordinarios de tesis doctorales

Numerická podpora pro popis chování cementového kompozitu při únavové zkoušce / Numerical support for description of behavior of cement based composite during fatigue test

Holušová, Táňa Unknown Date (has links)
The presented dissertation thesis is focused on analysis of alternative test method for determination of mechanical parameters of cement based composites. A disk shaped specimen with diameter 150 mm, thickness 60 mm was analysed and its modification for use on compact tension test (CT). Such a test is hereinafter referred to as modified compact tension (shortly MCT or MDCT)). This test configuration was chosen for testing the static and fatigue properties of cement based composites precisely because of its traditional use for fatigue testing of metallic materials. Specimens with a different cross-sections can also be used for MCT, but the work is exclusively focused on circular specimen, for example because it could be easily cut from drill core taken directly from the existing structure, on which the properties are more relevant to the age of the used concrete of the controlled structure. The modified compact tension test was firstly calibrated by numerical simulations involved the tuning of the shape of the numerical model and used material models of concrete and steel. Then the laboratory testing of modified compact tension on several levels were performed. The adequacy of the numerical model was verified against the pilot laboratory testing of the MCT test. Furthermore, the comparison of the modified compact tension test and its suitability for determining of fracture mechanical parameters of cement based composites with the three point bending test, which is the standardized test configuration for these purposes was performed. Another laboratory testing was focused of determining of fracture mechanical parameters of concrete mixture classified in strength class C30/37 and the pilot study of fatigue parameters of the same strength class of the concrete mix. The work was also presented numerical simulations of the push-out test, focused on the connection of concrete and steel with epoxy adhesive.

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