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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A study and analysis of MCC's peace and justice-making in the West Bank from 1949-1987

Grove, Kenneth. January 1992 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminaries, 1992. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 179-194).

A network analysis of China’s Central Committee: a dynamical theory of policy networks

Sibayan, Jerome Tan January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Security Studies / David Graff / How does the social network structure of China’s Central Committee influence the direction and timing of intra-Party events, domestic policies, and foreign policies? How do changes in network structures explain specific patterns and propensities for policy change? The purpose of this study is to describe the social network structure of the Chinese Communist Party’s Central Committee from 1922 to 2011 and to explore the relationship between changes in the network and policy trends. This study draws on policy network theory, network dynamics, Veto Player Theory and Prospect Theory which together posit that dynamic network structural characteristics influence policy outcomes. I introduce a dynamical theory of policy networks and describe some observable implications. This mixed method analysis is based on a new network dataset and follows two major lines of investigation. A structured, focused comparison of case studies associates changes in the Central Committee’s network structure in 1969, 1978, 1982, and 1997 with consequent policy outcomes and demonstrates the explanatory power of the dynamical theory. Statistical analyses of China’s foreign policies (1949-1978 and 1984-1995) and China’s domestic policies (1984-1995) suggest the dynamical theory is generalizable. Changes in paramount leader and potential competitor centralities and Central Committee centralization are important causal factors explaining the timing and type of intra-Party, domestic, and foreign policies.

政黨菁英甄補之研究-以國民黨中常委為例(1993-2008) / The research of party elites recruitment-the members of KMT central committee as an example(1993-2008)

賴名倫, Lai, Ming Luen Unknown Date (has links)
政治學理中,將政黨定義為「具相同利益,以爭取政治權力為目標的團體」。政黨壟斷政治精英的甄補,藉由對公職候選人的提名競選以獲取權力。政治菁英透過黨公職歷練,形塑並推動黨綱的政治主張,並經由選舉取得政治權力。由此觀之,政黨菁英對政黨與政府決策發展、以及「認同政治」等研究議題而言,具有重要的關鍵影響力,也一直是重要的研究議題。   是故,那些人能為菁英?菁英如何獲取權位和政治權力?臺灣政治菁英的背景與甄補途徑,從威權至民主轉型以迄兩次政黨輪替至今又有何發展?本文嘗試從菁英理論出發,以國民黨籍第十四屆中常委至第十七屆中常委(1993-2008)為研究對象,藉由釐清民主化後至今的菁英甄補發展之脈絡,以分析國民黨籍菁英特質與甄補方式。   本文研究結果顯示,國民黨政治菁英甄補來源由早期黨職、公職選舉、考試、軍隊等四種途徑,隨本土化政策於1970年代轉變為本省籍技術官僚,至1986年民主化後在黨內權力鬥爭和在野黨競爭下,漸由民選政治菁英入主決策核心。政黨輪替後,國民黨中常會更由中央民代藉選舉實力及換票聯盟的運作而掌握多數席次,並漸有第二代繼承家族事業的發展趨勢。然而在菁英甄補來源日趨多元化的同時,其準黨國威權體制架構下的甄補機制民主化程度依然有限,促使國民黨將持續推動後續的改革。 / The political Elites obtain the power by elections through promoting the political opinion of the party platform and operation of the leading factor and national development. The Importance of the Elites has been an important research issue. Therefore, who will be the Elite? How do the elites take the power? What is the development of the elites of Taiwan from the authoritarian regime to now? Rested on the theories of Elite Recruitment. The thesis try to explore and analysis the background of the member and the recruitment mechanism of the members of the Kuomintang central committee form 14th to 17th (1993-2008). After The Party Transformation, the KMT legislators gain the most committee seats by their strength of electing and strategic alliance. There also have a transition within Political Family, However, as the more pluralism the member was, the demarcations of internal-party and the mechanism of recruitment wa insufficiency, by the way , the democratically reform of KMT both the mechanism of internal election and recruitment is necessary.

The Political Nature of the Paris Commune of 1871 and Manifestations of Marxist Ideology in the Official Publications of the Central Committee

Jones, Emily M 01 January 2018 (has links)
Historians originally claimed that the 1871 Paris Commune was inspired by Karl Marx. Since the 1960s, however, this assertion has been rejected by scholars who either claim that Marx had no influence over the Paris Communards or do not address the possibility that this influence existed. Many scholars have also claimed that the Commune was not political in any way, but was a rebellion inspired by patriotism, bitterness for the Versailles government’s capitulation of Paris to Prussia, or a spontaneous reaction to hostility from the national army’s attempt to disarm the indignant, rapidly organizing Parisian workers who called for municipal authority under their own socialist government. This thesis analyzes the official publications of the governing body of the Paris Commune and argues that these sources demonstrate that this movement was political in nature, and that Marxist ideology helped to shape the political minds of the revolutionary working class in Paris.

Zrádci nebo oběti? Příspěvek k mentalitě českých odbojářů v období protektorátu Čechy a Morava / Traitors or victims? Contribution to the mentality of the Czech resistance fighters in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia

Novotná, Marie January 2014 (has links)
Title Traitors or Victims? Contribution to the mentality of the Czech resistance fighters in the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia. Abstract The thesis presents four resistance fighters from COM D's group in extreme situations. In these situations the thesis monitors their mentality. The term mentality refers to a way of thinking, which shows the behavior of the person concerned. Paratroopers of this group have not yet been given enough attention, work contributes to the detection of pre-war and post- war fates of paratroopers. Thesis offers, based on acquired information on the socio- demographic backgrounds, political orientation, and also on how a parachutist were handled by the Gestapo, comparing their behavior in crucial situations. Keywords III. illegal Central Committee of the Communist Party, the Gestapo, KOM D, an informer, mentality, resistance, paratrooper, Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia.

Ústavy Církve českolovenské husitské / The Constitutions of The Czechoslovak Hussite Church

Sedlák, Jiří January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis is divided into two basic topics, in which it deals in a brief outline with the origin and development of confessional and ecclesiastical law in general and with development and mutual relation between confessional and ecclesiastical law in the territory of Czech lands since the arrival of the Cyril and Methodius until the establishment of the Czechoslovak Church. Further on it presents the timeline of sources of the "First" Constitution of the Czechoslovak Church (Ústava Církve československé). These sources are divided into the periods before and after the establishment of the Czechoslovak Church. The first period started with the Reform Program of František Náhlovský (Reformní program Františka Náhlovského) of 1848 followed by The Přerov Reform Program (Přerovský reformní program) of 1906, The Proposition of the Union of the Czech Catholic Clergy on the Renewal of the Catholic Church in the Czechoslovak Republic (Návrh Jednoty čsl. katolického duchovenstva na obnovu církve katolické v Republice československé) of 1919, Memorandum of the Delegation to Rome (Memorandum delegace do Říma) of 1919, Program of Platform Focus (Program Ohniska) of 1919 and Program of Reforms (Program reforem) in the Right of the Nation of 1920. The second period after the establishment of the...

Akce VK a její průběh v želivském klášteře z pohledu Náboženské matice / Operation "VK" and its process in Želiv Monastery from the perspective of Náboženská matice

Mašková, Tereza January 2017 (has links)
Diplomová práce Abstract: Operation "VK" and its process in Želiv Monastery from the perspective of Náboženská matice. Master's thesis presents the fate of Želiv Monastery in 1950s caused by operation code named "VK" (monasteries deportation). Operation's purpose was to terminally prevent formation of economical and above all, cultural influence of Roman Catholic Church in recently founded Socialist country. According to unmapped documents from Náboženská matice's archive which is currently placed in National Archive in Prague, I would like to present means in which the communist regime handled monastery property, belongings and people which were interned as prisoners in the monastery. The goal of this thesis is to present profound consequences of monastery abolition using Church archive with roots of legal personality going back to reign of Joseph II. Keywords: Operation "VK", Želiv Monastery, Náboženská matice, Communism, Roman Catholic Church, Internment, Property seizure, "Church Six" Communist Party Central Committee

Československo za komunistické totality ve filmu a seriálu a využití těchto ve výuce / Czechoslovakia under communist totalitarianism in film and series and their use for education

Nedbal, Václav January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the appropriate and effective use of film and serial adaptations of topics falling into the period of communist totalitarianism in Czechoslovakia (that is between 1948 and 1989, with emphasis on the period 1948-1969). The thesis is divided into four chapters, whereas the main part, which is didactic, is described in the third and fourth chapter. The first chapter describes the basic historical context of the communist government in Czechoslovakia between 1948 and 1989. It also shows and explains the origin of the idea of communism, the further development of the Communist Party of Czechoslovakia during the First Republic, and the postwar Third Republic. This chapter was put together using found edited sources and secondary literature. The second chapter deals with individual film and serial processing of topics related to the period. It presents specific films and series which were produced in the most recent years (or the post-revolutionary period), but also materials produced during the totalitarianism before 1989. In this chapter some works are discussed in greater detail, others are presented as selected alternative options for interaction for educational purposes. The third chapter summarizes the didactic and historical potential of the discussed topic, it also...

“Our Children Are Our Future”: Child Care, Education, and Rebuilding Jewish Life in Poland After the Holocaust, 1944 – 1950

Freeman, Nicole Ashley January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

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