Spelling suggestions: "subject:"central authority"" "subject:"dentral authority""
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L'administration locale au Moyen Orient : étude comparative : Jordanie, Liban et Syrie / The local administration in the Middle East : a comparative study : Jordan, Lebanon and SyriaAnnaser, Nada 17 December 2015 (has links)
L'idée de la décentralisation administrative n'est pas nouvelle dans les Etats du Moyen Orient mais sa consécration, tout au long des années, est restée modeste.L'étude comparative de l'organisation administrative en Jordanie, au Liban et en Syrie se place à un double niveau, structurel (déconcentralisation et décentralisation) et fonctionnel. Elle se fondera donc sur un plan d'observations organisées à trois dimensions qui offre la possibilité d'une évaluation des trois expériences en recourant aux mêmes critères.Dans la structuration actuelle de l'organisation administrative territoriale, force a été de constater que le pouvoir exécutif occupe une place très prééminente dans le système politico-administratif. L'extension des circonscriptions administratives déconcentrées sur lesquelles le pouvoir central exerce le contrôle hiérarchique au détriment des collectivités locales est, à ce titre, significative. Les recherches menées sur l'organisation des structures administratives déconcentrées au Moyen Orient, ont confirmé que l'unité du modèle ottoman hérité de l'histoire a, pour l'essentiel, éclaté.S'agissant des échelons des unités décentralisées dans les trois Etats étudiés, la municipalité est le seul dénominateur commun entre les collectivités locales depuis l'époque ottomane. Mais, facteur de différenciation, elle est la seule strate décentralisée au Liban et en Jordanie. En Syrie, outre la municipalité, trois autres niveaux de collectivités locales décentralisées se superposent ou se juxtaposent : la Mohafaza à la fois une circonscription administrative de l'Etat et collectivité locale, la ville et la Balda. Pour autant, il n'est pas certain que le nombre d'échelons décentralisés (soit unité soit pluralité) soit facteur de réussite ou vecteur d'efficacité dans la réalisation attendue des missions dévolues.Le poids de l'autorité centrale dans la création et le fonctionnement des collectivités locales influe sur la relation entre la structure locale et ses habitants. Tout changement brusque des structures administratives locales, sans prendre en compte la volonté des citoyens locaux, aboutit à une rupture ou à un déséquilibre entre la structure locale établie et les besoins réels des habitants.L'analyse du degré d'efficacité dans le fonctionnement des collectivités locales révèle que la présence des éléments nécessaires à l'identification d'un régime décentralisateur est insuffisante. Ce régime dans les Etats du Moyen Orient peut donc être qualifié de « semi-décentralisation » ou d'une décentralisation inaboutie entre autonomie et contrôle. / The idea of administrative decentralization is not new in the states of the Middle East but his consecration, throughout the years, remained modest.The comparative study of the administrative organization in Jordan, Lebanon and Syria stands at two levels, structural (déconcentralisation and decentralization) and functional. It's based on a plan of observations held in three dimensions that offers the possibility of an evaluation of three experiments using the same criteria.In the current structure of the territorial administrative organization, it was clear that the executive Authority a very prominent place in the political-administrative system. The extension of decentralized administrative units on which the central government apply hierarchical control at the expense of local authorities is, as such, significant. Research on the organization of decentralized administrative structures in the Middle East, confirmed that the unity of the Ottoman model inherited from the history, essentially erupted..Regarding levels of decentralized units in the three states studied, the municipality is the only common denominator between local units since Ottoman times. But the differentiating ingredient, it is the only decentralized stratum in Lebanon and Jordan. In Syria, in addition to the municipality, three other levels of decentralized local units are juxtaposed or superimposed: the Mohafaza in the same time is administrative district of the state and local unit, the city and Balda. However, it is not certain that the number of decentralized levels (either unit or plurality) either to success or effectiveness in achieving expected Target of assigned missions.The Status of the central authority in the establishment and operation of local units influences the relationship between the local structure and its inhabitants. Any sudden change in local administrative structures, without taking into account the willingness of local citizens, leads to a breakdown or an imbalance between the local structure established and the real needs of the inhabitants.The analysis of the degree of efficiency in the functioning of local units shows that the presence of the elements necessary for the identification of a decentralizing system is insufficient. This regime in the Middle East states can be described as "semi-decentralized" or uncompleted decentralization between autonomy and control.
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Adoção internacional e nacionalidade: um estudo comparado Brasil e Japão / International adoption and nationality a compared study Brazil and JapanOliveira, Luiz Philipe Ferreira de 28 April 2014 (has links)
A presente pesquisa visa uma análise aprofundada da cooperação jurídica internacional no campo da adoção internacional, bem como um estudo sobre os efeitos deste tipo de adoção na nacionalidade da pessoa adotada. Pesquisar os procedimentos e regras que compõe o arcabouço jurídico da cooperação internacional em matéria de adoção, e verificar como Brasil e Japão realizam a integração desta pessoa legalmente em seus sistemas jurídicos. É cada vez mais crescente o número de refugiados em países em constantes crises humanitárias e onde crianças morrem diariamente por motivos como a inanição, doenças sem tratamento e como vítimas de guerras civis intermináveis. A adoção internacional é, portanto, um dos instrumentos internacionais e humanitários que permite a aproximação de casais que buscam constituir ou ampliar uma família, e crianças espalhadas pelo mundo desejosas para terem um lar e uma família, é a aplicação da cooperação jurídica internacional em prol da solidariedade. Diretamente relacionado com o instituto da adoção internacional, a preocupação de qual será a nacionalidade que o adotado terá após a decisão que concederá a adoção em definitivo. Esta análise se torna relevante, pois a pessoa adotada após todos os procedimentos legais da adoção passará a responder e a viver em um novo universo jurídico, com deveres e direitos novos para ela. Fica a preocupação de se os direitos e deveres dessa pessoa serão os mesmos que os demais nacionais do país que a acolheu. / This research aims at a deep analysis of international legal cooperation in the field of international adoption, as well as a study on the effects of this type of adoption at the nationality of the adopted person Research the procedures and rules that make up the legal framework for international cooperation in the field of adoption, and see how Brazil and Japan do the lawfully integration of the person in their legal systems. It is increasingly growing number of refugees in countries listed in humanitarian crises and where children die daily for reasons like starvation, disease and without treatment as victims of endless civil wars International adoption is therefore an international, humanitarian approach which allows couples seeking establish or expand a family, and children scattered around the world willing to have a home and a family, is the application of international legal cooperation for solidarity. Directly related to the institution of international adoption, which will be the concern of the nationality that have adopted after the decision to grant final adoption This analysis is relevant because the adopted person after all legal procedures of adoption will respond and live in a new legal universe, with new rights and duties for her Is the concern about the rights and duties of that person, and if, this rights and duties will be the same as other nationals of the country that welcomed that person
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Adoção internacional e nacionalidade: um estudo comparado Brasil e Japão / International adoption and nationality a compared study Brazil and JapanLuiz Philipe Ferreira de Oliveira 28 April 2014 (has links)
A presente pesquisa visa uma análise aprofundada da cooperação jurídica internacional no campo da adoção internacional, bem como um estudo sobre os efeitos deste tipo de adoção na nacionalidade da pessoa adotada. Pesquisar os procedimentos e regras que compõe o arcabouço jurídico da cooperação internacional em matéria de adoção, e verificar como Brasil e Japão realizam a integração desta pessoa legalmente em seus sistemas jurídicos. É cada vez mais crescente o número de refugiados em países em constantes crises humanitárias e onde crianças morrem diariamente por motivos como a inanição, doenças sem tratamento e como vítimas de guerras civis intermináveis. A adoção internacional é, portanto, um dos instrumentos internacionais e humanitários que permite a aproximação de casais que buscam constituir ou ampliar uma família, e crianças espalhadas pelo mundo desejosas para terem um lar e uma família, é a aplicação da cooperação jurídica internacional em prol da solidariedade. Diretamente relacionado com o instituto da adoção internacional, a preocupação de qual será a nacionalidade que o adotado terá após a decisão que concederá a adoção em definitivo. Esta análise se torna relevante, pois a pessoa adotada após todos os procedimentos legais da adoção passará a responder e a viver em um novo universo jurídico, com deveres e direitos novos para ela. Fica a preocupação de se os direitos e deveres dessa pessoa serão os mesmos que os demais nacionais do país que a acolheu. / This research aims at a deep analysis of international legal cooperation in the field of international adoption, as well as a study on the effects of this type of adoption at the nationality of the adopted person Research the procedures and rules that make up the legal framework for international cooperation in the field of adoption, and see how Brazil and Japan do the lawfully integration of the person in their legal systems. It is increasingly growing number of refugees in countries listed in humanitarian crises and where children die daily for reasons like starvation, disease and without treatment as victims of endless civil wars International adoption is therefore an international, humanitarian approach which allows couples seeking establish or expand a family, and children scattered around the world willing to have a home and a family, is the application of international legal cooperation for solidarity. Directly related to the institution of international adoption, which will be the concern of the nationality that have adopted after the decision to grant final adoption This analysis is relevant because the adopted person after all legal procedures of adoption will respond and live in a new legal universe, with new rights and duties for her Is the concern about the rights and duties of that person, and if, this rights and duties will be the same as other nationals of the country that welcomed that person
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Mezinárodní únosy dětí a mezinárodní právo soukromé / International abduction of children and private international lawHakobjan, Suzana January 2011 (has links)
International Child Abduction and International Private Law The aim of this thesis is to provide an overall insight into the issue of the International Child Abduction and to analyse the relevant instruments of law which desire to protect the child and other victims of abduction and to avoid harmful effects the abductions may have. In that context the thesis mentions the most important conventions which apply in this field. Among those legislations belongs first of all the Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction 1980 (hereafter as Hague Convention), also the Convention on the Rights of the Child (hereafter as CRC) and the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (hereafter as ECHR). This thesis constitutes a complete and methodical overview of the return procedure under the Hague Convention. In the meantime it tries to point out some underlying issues which the Hague Convention failed to codify. This gaps in legislation and an absence of a single court to give an authoritative rulings on the interpretation of the Hague Convention cause that it lacks uniform application in practice. The thesis supports its conclusions by referring to the Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights and offers to the reader various solutions of basic...
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