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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Un canevas pour l'adaptation et la substitution de services Web

Taher, Yehia 24 July 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Les services Web ont émergé comme un support de développement et d'intégration d'applications ou de systèmes d'information. Dans ce cadre, les interactions entre deux applications consommateur et fournisseur, encapsulées par des services Web se font par échanges de messages. Ces échanges s'appuient sur la notion d'interfaces, qui décrivent les interactions dans lesquelles un service peut s'engager et les dépendances entre ces interactions. Dans le Web actuel, il arrive très fréquemment que de nombreux services répondent à un même ensemble de besoins fonctionnels. Ces services sont souvent offerts par le biais d'interfaces différentes. Des nombreuses raisons, telles que la panne du service fournisseur, peuvent amener un consommateur à substituer son fournisseur habituel par un autre fournisseur qui offre la même fonctionnalité. Cette substitution provoque des incompatibilités entre l' interface du service consommateur et celle du service fournisseur substitut. Cela est dû au fait que le service consommateur n'a pas été fait en fonction de ce nouveau service fournisseur. Les recherches que nous menons dans cette thèse visent à résoudre le problème des incompatibilités dans des interactions entre deux services consommateur et fournisseur substitut. En particulier, notre contribution s'étend, tant sur le plan théorique que sur le plan pratique. Il s'agit d'une part d'un canevas pour la génération automatique des adaptateurs des interactions entre deux services. D'autre part, nous proposons une architecture logicielle multicouche fournissant un cadre permettant une substitution transparente et flexible d'un service fournisseur par un autre service vis-à-vis du consommateur du premier. Dans notre canevas pour la génération automatique des adaptateurs, une modélisation des interfaces de services en des automates a été adoptée. Puis, une étape de détection des incompatibilités entre ceux-ci est réalisée. Ensuite, un adaptateur des interactions entre les deux services est généré automatiquement sur la base d'incompatibilités détectées. La génération de l'adaptateur est guidée par le modèle d' automates. Cela permet de modéliser l' adaptateur indépendamment de son implémentation cible, permettant ainsi une bonne réutilisation des modèles. Une fois généré, l'automate de l'adaptateur suffisamment détaillé est projeté sur la technologie CEP (Complexe Event Processing). Cette projection est réalisée à l'aide des composants cartouches (en anglais : Templates) que nous avons mis en œuvre. Chaque cartouche étant conçue pour générer du code exécutable (en termes de requêtes continues) pour la technologie CEP. Notre architecture proposée pour la substitution de services Web s'intègre d'une part la notion de communauté de services, et d'autre part un progiciel nommé OSC (Open Service Connectivity). Une communauté de service est perçue comme un moyen d'exposer des descriptions communes d'un caractère fonctionnel désiré sans explicitement se référer à un service spécifique. L'OSC est un composant logiciel dont l'objectif est d'appliquer le principe de pilotes ODBC et JDBC dans un environnement à base de services Web. Plus précisément, il est responsable de gérer les interactions entre les consommateurs des communautés d'une part et les communautés d'autre part, en fournissant des fonctions permettant la sélection et la substitution de services.

Civilní nouzové plánování v České republice a jeho rozvoj a úloha v rámci Severoatlantické aliance / Civil emergency planning in Czech republic and its developement and role within North Atlantic Treaty Organization

POPELÁŘ, Ondřej January 2014 (has links)
The presented Thesis deals with Civil Emergency Planning (CEP) in the Czech Republic and its evolution and role within the Alliance. The theoretical section of the main body focuses on CEP at NATO and Czech national levels. In relation to NATO, this Thesis explains the concept of CEP, its origin and evolution within the Alliance. It describes the course of CEP development as NATO strategy concepts, priorities and CEP aims changed over the time due to changes in political situation. The important point to understand the whole issue is the depiction of tasks to be met by CEP within the Alliance, and the Ministerial Guidance being the primary CEP related document. Five basic tasks applicable from the very first edition of the Ministerial Guidance till now have been described in detail. An integral part of the NATO CEP is the visualisation of the organisational structure which is necessary for understanding the practical portion. The other section of the main body focuses on CEP as designed for the Czech Republic. At this level, the CEP is a methodological tool for management of incident and crisis planning guaranteeing their interaction and preventing duplicities with defence planning. It defines CEP´s areas of interest and it depicts legislative and institutional support. The practical portion is mainly focusing on meeting basic tasks by individual responsible entities working within four basic planning groups. To get the best possible view of tasks fulfilled based on the Ministerial Guidance, the following method has been chosen: main tasks defined by the Ministerial Guidance have been divided into three main parts in compliance with the task categories of the Ministerial Guidance. The tasks are coped with within the four planning groups. The planning groups are then assigned to ministries that are the responsible entities in terms of the Czech Republic. The result is a clear picture showing main tasks of public administration central bodies, and how these tasks are met within the Alliance plus their translation into the terms and conditions of the Czech Republic. The system also shows the history of each task depicting its conclusion or processing in which case it is transferred into the period of the next Ministerial, now Political, Guidance. The discussion analyses the issue of task fulfilment and importance of financial support to the CEP. The discussion concludes highlighting the necessity of interconnection between the national and NATO levels. This is ensured via permanent representatives in CEPC and representatives in individual planning groups. An example of some member nations shows, how the communication between CEP representatives works (or does not work) at various levels. The end of this Thesis evaluates legislative and institutional CEP interlinking of the Czech Republic and NATO. Unlike the institutional interlink, the legislative interlink is insufficient. The system of interlinking underlines the important role of the permanent representative in CEPC and representatives in planning groups. The main part of conclusion is dedicated to the facts resulting from outcomes and discussion giving clue whether the aims of this Thesis have been reached. The system, how the Czech CEP is working, has been found very efficient even in comparison with long-term members like Great Britain or France. Despite its clear quality and efficiency, it would be desirable to integrate the CEP into the legal system of the Czech Republic and thus to achieve its self-contained legal form. This change would not impact the work itself, but it could add to CEP´s political importance. At the end, a positive response is given to the research question evaluating whether the current status of CEP functioning in the Czech Republic is covering the needs of NATO.

Délignification assistée par traitements physiques et chimiques à partir de résidus de colza / Delignification assisted by physical and chemical treatments from rape by-products

Brahim, Marwa 02 December 2016 (has links)
Dans le contexte de la bioraffinerie végétale, notamment pour la production du bioéthanol, le prétraitement est une étape incontournable pour réduire la récalcitrance et accroitre la réactivité de la biomasse lignocellulosique vis-à-vis des procédés de conversion enzymatique/biologique. La récalcitrance est principalement due à la présence de la lignine et à la forme cristalline de la cellulose. Le but de tout prétraitement de la biomasse est d’altérer la structure du matériau lignocellulosique pour accroitre l’accessibilité de la cellulose et les hémicelluloses aux enzymes. Les prétraitements conventionnels, comportent généralement des étapes agressives, utilisant des réactifs nocifs, en exposant la matière à des températures et pressions élevées et ce pour de longues durées. Dans ce travail, nous avons développé un procédé original de délignification des résidus de colza, en combinant des prétraitements physiques (ultrasons (US), microondes (MO) et électrotechnologies (CEP, DEHT)) aux prétraitements chimiques conventionnels (organosolv, alcalin). Ce couplage a permis d’améliorer les performances du procédé en terme de rendement d’extraction des phytomélanines (jusqu’à 40 % de gain) dans le cas des pellicules de colza et de rendement de délignification (plus que 2 fois la performance d’un procédé chimique seul) dans le cas des menues pailles de colza tout en réduisant pour la plupart des technologies étudiées la sévérité du procédé global. En termes qualitatifs, la caractérisation des pâtes cellulosiques par microscopie électronique a révélé des modifications au niveau du tissu végétal représentées par l’apparition de pores au niveau des pellicules de colza et une déstructuration des fibres des menues pailles de colza traitées induisant de meilleurs rendements d’hydrolyse enzymatique.Cependant, une perte des sucres de la cellulose et des hémicelluloses a été observée avec les prétraitements physiques. L’analyse structurale des lignines récupérées a confirmé la contamination par ces sucres et a permis d’identifier certains mécanismes d’action tels que la recondensation de la lignine sous l’effet des ultrasons et le clivage des ponts férulates sous l’action des décharges électriques à haute tension. Une étude préliminaire concernant la conception d’adhésifs «verts » éco-sourcés a été menée à partir des fractions de phytomélanines isolées par les procédés étudiés. Enfin, une étude de l'incidence des technologies innovantes en terme de performances technico-économiques a été réalisée pour permettre d'envisager une éventuelle suite à plus grande échelle et il a été conclu que l’étape physique permettait de réduire l’écart entre les coûts et les revenus de l’implantation d’une telle bioraffinerie. / In the context of plant biorefinery, especially for bioethanol production, pretreatment step is important to reduce the recalcitrance of lignocellulosic biomass and to increase the reactivity towards enzymatic / biological conversion processes. Recalcitrance is mainly due to the presence of lignin and crystalline cellulose. The goal of any pretreatment of biomass is to alter the structure of the lignocellulosic material in order to increase the accessibility of cellulose and hemicellulose to the enzymes. Conventional pretreatments include aggressive steps, using harmful reagents and exposing the material to high temperatures and pressures for long periods. In this work, we developed a new process for delignification of rapeseed residues, combining physical pretreatments (ultrasounds (US), microwaves (MW)) and electrotechnologies (PEF, HVED)) to conventional chemical pretreatments (Organosolv, alkaline). This coupling has improved the process in terms of phytomelanin extraction yield (up to 40 % gain) in the case of rapeseed hulls and delignification efficiency (more than 2 times more efficient than the chemical process performed alone) in the case of rapeseed straw while reducing for most studied technologies the severity of the overall process. Characterization through electron microscopy revealed changes in plant tissue represented by the appearance of pores in the treated rapeseed hulls and fiber breakdown of treated rapeseed straw inducing better enzymatic hydrolysis performance. However, loss of sugars from cellulose and hemicellulose was observed with physical pretreatments. Analysis of the recovered lignins allowed us to observe lignin modifications during physical treatments such as recondension reactions in presence of ultrasounds and cleavage of ferulates bridges with high-voltage electrical discharges. Then the formulation of « eco-sourced » adhesives from phytomélanins extracted by the previous studied processes was attempted. Finally, a study of the impact of innovative technologies in terms of technical and economic performances was carried out to consider a scale-up of these technologies. It was concluded that physical step enhanced the profitability of this biorefinery.

Intensification de la congélation des aliments sous l’effet des champs électriques pulsés / Intensification of food freezing under the effect of pulsed electric fields

Parniakov, Oleksii 29 June 2017 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse porte sur l’étude de l’effet du traitement par champs électriques pulsés (CEP) sur l’amélioration de la congélation des tissus végétaux. Pour l’ensemble de notre étude, nous avons démontré que l’effet des champs électriques pulsés est complexe. Le prétraitement entraîne une électroperméabilisation des membranes. Les analyses calorimétriques ont mis en évidence que l’électroperméabilisation conduit à une augmentation de la teneur en eau liée. Les transferts de matière entre les milieux intra et extracellulaires sont intensifiés. Cela conduit à une modification dynamique de la composition des deux compartiments au cours de la congélation. En effet, les essais réalisés sur le cryo-pressage assisté par CEP démontrent que les températures de fusion sont plus basses et que le jus récupéré est beaucoup plus concentré. Il a été constaté que le temps de congélation d’un échantillon soumis préalablement à un prétraitement par champs électriques pulsés est sensiblement plus court que celui d’un échantillon sans prétraitement. D’autre part, l’électroperméabilisation facilite les transferts de matière avec le milieu extérieur. Le prétraitement par CEP accélère notamment l’imprégnation des tissus végétaux par des cryoprotectants, l’évaporation de l’eau libre et la sublimation de l’eau congelée. Finalement, le prétraitement par champs électriques pulsés induit des modifications de la structure des échantillons, de leur composition et influence favorablement les transferts couplés de masse et d’énergie. / This work is focused on the study of the effects of pulsed electric fields (PEF) on the improvement of plant tissues freezing. These studies have demonstrated that the effects of the PEF are rather complex. The PEF treatment results in membrane electro-permeabilization. Calorimetric analyses showed that the electro-permeabilization leads to an increase in bound water content. It also results in acceleration of mass transfer processes between intra- and extracellular parts of a tissue. The dynamic modification of the composition of these two parts during the freezing was observed. Experimental tests using the PEF-assisted cryo-pressing demonstrated that the melting temperatures were lower and that the extracted juice was much more concentrated as compared to untreated tissues. Moreover, the PEF-treatment allowed significant decreasing of freezing time. Furthermore, the electro-permeabilization facilitates the mass transfer with the external medium. The PEF treatment accelerates the impregnation of plant tissues by cryoprotectants, evaporation of free water and sublimation of frozen water. Finally, the treatment by PEF induces changes in the structure of the samples, their composition and positively influences both the mass and energy transfers.

Messagingová infrastruktura a produktová analýza trhu / Message infrastructure and market analysis

Klimeš, Ivo January 2008 (has links)
There are considered modern messaging architectonical concepts SOA and EDA in this diploma thesis. There are presented the elementary principals of functioning of these paradigms and principals are given into the wider context with the business processes and IT Governance. The aim of this thesis is to compare two preselected software solutions of the operational monitoring. There is always one solution per architectonical style and predefined comparative criteria. This thesis is divided into five consequential parts. The first part is focused on the putting the modern architectures into the historical context. The historical context is the way out for the modern architectonical styles. The part afterwards is closely focused on the concepts of SOA and EDA, and also on the comparison of the mentioned architectonical styles. There are put the concepts into the connection with business processes and maturity models In the next chapters. That all together has a influence on the successful implementation and governance. The chapters continuously flow into the last theoretical part of the thesis, IT Governance. There are described all the elements connected with the successful IT systems operating based on the paradigm SOA or EDA. The context in the practical part is link to the all these previous chapters. There are selected and described two software solutions in the practical part of this thesis. These solutions are then compared by the predefined criteria. The conclusion summarizes all the knowledge acquired during the paradigm comparison and there are also summarized knowledge acquired during the comparison of selected monitoring products.

Modèles Nambu--Jona-Lasinio pour l’étude des phases de la chromodynamique quantique : qualités des prédictions et phases hautes densités / Nambu--Jona-Lasinio models for the study of the phases of QuantumChromodynamics : predictions quality and high density phases

Biguet, Alexandre 07 October 2016 (has links)
Les modèles effectifs de type Nambu—Jona-Lasinio (NJL) peuvent être utilisés pour étudier les phases à densité et température finies de la chromodynamique quantique (QCD). Alors que les prédictions de ces modèles effectifs peuvent être comparées avec les résultats sur réseaux aux faibles densités, un tel garde-fou n'existe pas à plus haute densité où la discrétisation fait face à un problème de signe sévère. Dans cette thèse nous proposons une méthode systématique permettant de calculer la stabilité d'une prédiction par rapport aux données d'entrée du modèle. De cette manière un critère quantitatif est fabriqué permettant d'évaluer le pouvoir prédictif d'un modèle. La discussion est principalement orientée sur le point critique chiral.Enfin les phases très hautes densités, telles que pouvant exister à l'intérieur des étoiles compactes, sont abordées et la superconductivité de couleur est discutée dans le cadre des modèles NJL / Nambu--Jona-Lasinio models can be used to study finite density and finite temperature quantum chromodynamics phases. Finite temperature and low density predictions of these models can be compared to lattice results. Such a comparison is not possible at larger density because of the so called sign problem. In this thesis the proposed systematic method allows to compute the stability of a prediction with respect to the inputs of the model. In this way a quantitative criterium is constructed which can be used to evaluate the predictive power of the studied model. Finally the high density phases which can exist in the interior of compact stellar objects are discussed along with color superconductivity in NJL type models

Survivability enhancement in a combat environment

Seow, Yoke Wei. 12 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / The objective of this thesis is to provide an aircraft with an optimal route to its destination that avoids encroaching into surface-to-air weapons killing envelopes in real time. The optimal route computed will be updated dynamically, depending on the location of the vehicle and the location of the Surface to Air Missile (SAM) sites. The problem was solved using heuristic algorithms instead of the conventional Dijkstra's & Bellman Ford algorithms, which are computationally expensive. Data fusion techniques such as spatial correlation and triangulation algorithms are presented in detail. Such techniques are important for situational awareness in a real time combat environment. Important information provided by onboard sensors are merged with the preplanned data to provide the operator with a better integrated picture of the combat environment. / Civilian, Singapore Ministry of Defense

Rekultivace území zasažených těžbou a jejich možné začlenění do projektu KPÚ / Reclamation of land affected by mining and their possible integration into project of comprehensive land adjustment

MATOUŠKOVÁ, Jana January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is detailed description of solved reclamation in the selected location Cep II after gravel extraction. The part of thesis solves property settlements on the parcels concerned. The literary review outlines generally issue of mining and its impact on the landscape and ways of deal with these negative impacts. Besides the classical methods of reclamation (agricultural, forestry and hydrological reclamation) is described a method of using spontaneous restoration. There is also particularised the possibility of incorporating suitably reclaimed parcels into territorial system of ecological stability in terms of land adjustment.

Análise da aplicação do controle estatístico de processo segundo as percepções dos usuários do setor de autopeças

Soriano, Fabiano Rodrigues 11 December 2015 (has links)
Submitted by Izabel Franco (izabel-franco@ufscar.br) on 2016-09-27T12:12:33Z No. of bitstreams: 1 TeseFRS.pdf: 2872518 bytes, checksum: 745bb6d4d22ecbb4788958d4ee45dd45 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marina Freitas (marinapf@ufscar.br) on 2016-09-27T19:43:43Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 TeseFRS.pdf: 2872518 bytes, checksum: 745bb6d4d22ecbb4788958d4ee45dd45 (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Marina Freitas (marinapf@ufscar.br) on 2016-09-27T19:44:06Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 TeseFRS.pdf: 2872518 bytes, checksum: 745bb6d4d22ecbb4788958d4ee45dd45 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2016-09-27T19:50:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 TeseFRS.pdf: 2872518 bytes, checksum: 745bb6d4d22ecbb4788958d4ee45dd45 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-12-11 / Não recebi financiamento / The Statistical Process Control (SPC) is recognized in the literature as one of the main tools for controlling and improving the quality and productivity. The control chart is a central element of the SPC; and these, statistical tools whose efficiency depends on certain skills and organizational behavior. With regard to the results to the organization, it is observed that the use of control charts can be divided into two groups: those that can be directly attributed to reduced variability called hard; and those associated with the motivational aspects, or organic, called Soft. Despite the arguments in favor of SPC survey, a study conducted in the automotive sector shows that about 70% of companies have some difficulty in conducting their activities related to the SPC. On this, the literature indicates that factors related to methodological, statistical and managerial aspects of control charts of the implementation process are conditions for the success of a structured plan of implementation of the SPC. Given this situation, it is objective of this thesis contribute to an effective use of control charts by national companies, and to advances in research. To this end, we opted for a field survey to capture and describe the perceptions of experts who use control charts and working in the automotive industry. The field research was structured in three basic dimensions - statistics, methodology and management, and the results achieved by the use of the SPC, divided into Soft and Hard. The method used was based on a survey, which has a population of interest was the managers of SPC programs that use the control charts for more than 01 years in the auto parts industry. This survey was sent to 98 individuals in the population of interest, identified in the Official Guide Auto parts Industry (2014), which resulted in 37 questionnaires and valid for analysis. The results of this field research validated the hypotheses in part the theoretical framework, but showed, besides the complexity and importance of methodological and managerial aspects in the implementation of the SPC, there is a significant gap between theory and practice. This may partly be explained by the dissonance between the main scientific advances in the field, especially in the statistical aspects, and the controversies about the real benefits of SPC program. As a result of this thesis is recommended that field research has been done for that to report real success stories of the SPC; whose cases are examined in depth so that good practice is disseminated in the academic environment. / O Controle Estatístico de Processo (CEP) é reconhecido na literatura como uma das principais ferramentas para o controle e melhoria da qualidade e da produtividade. Constata-se que as cartas ou gráficos de controle é um elemento central do CEP; sendo essas, ferramentas estatísticas cujo uso eficiente depende de determinadas habilidades e comportamentos organizacional. No que se refere aos resultados para a organização, observa-se que o uso das cartas de controle pode ser dividido em dois grupos: aqueles que podem ser diretamente atribuídos à redução da variabilidade, denominado de hard; e aqueles associados aos aspectos motivacionais, ou orgânicos, denominados de Soft. Apesar dos argumentos favoráveis ao CEP, pesquisa realizada no setor automotivo aponta que cerca de 70% das empresas apresentam alguma dificuldade na condução das suas atividades relacionadas ao CEP. Sobre isso, a literatura indica que fatores relacionados aos aspectos metodológicos, estatísticos e gerenciais do processo de implantação das cartas de controle são condicionantes para o sucesso de um plano estruturado de implantação do CEP. Diante deste quadro, é objetivo desta tese contribuir para um efetivo uso das cartas de controlo pelas empresas nacionais, e também para avanços no campo da pesquisa. Para tal, optou-se por uma pesquisa de campo para captar e descrever as percepções de especialistas que usam gráficos de controle estatístico e que atuam na indústria automotiva. A pesquisa de campo foi estruturada em três dimensões básicas - a estatística, a metodológica e a gerencial, e nos resultados alcançados pelo uso do CEP, subdivididos em Soft e Hard. O método utilizado baseou-se em uma pesquisa de campo por amostragem, cuja população de interesse foi os gestores dos programas CEP que utilizam as cartas de controle estatístico por mais de 01 ano na indústria de autopeças. Foi enviado um total de 98 questionários para indivíduos da população de interesse, identificados no Guia Oficial do Setor de Autopeças (2014), que resultaram em 37 questionários respondidos e válidos para análise. Os resultados desta pesquisa de campo validaram em parte as hipóteses do referencial teórico, porém mostrou, além da complexidade e a importância dos aspectos metodológicos e gerenciais na implantação do CEP, que há uma lacuna significativa entre a teoria e a prática. Isso em parte pode ser explicado pela dissonância entre os principais avanços científicos na área, sobre tudo nos aspectos estatísticos, e as controvérsias sobre os reais benefícios de um programa CEP. Recomenda-se, como resultado desta tese, que pesquisas de campo sejam realizadas para que se relatem casos reais de sucesso do CEP; cujos casos sejam analisados em profundidade, para que boas práticas sejam disseminadas no ambiente acadêmico.

Pesquisa-ação sobre os fatores de sucesso para implantação e continuidade do uso de cartas de controle estatístico de processo em uma planta química no Brasil

Santana Júnior, Manoel Bispo de 14 February 2014 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:52:07Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 6178.pdf: 16161838 bytes, checksum: 8dbaf6d8dec135d4f9551d351b49ca5a (MD5) Previous issue date: 2014-02-14 / Statistical process control charts (SPC charts) were created in the 20th century in the United States and since then, they have been used for various purposes in different industries and services. SPC chart utilization was widespread in Japan in the postwar period and its effective use in Brazil occurred from the 90´s. Although several examples of use, there are still some industries where deployment of SPC and its sustained use in shopfloor were not successful. In the chemical industry, its use in the shopfloor is controversial and there is no many studies focused on this industry to explain the factors that can impact the successful implementation of statistical control charts by operational teams. This dissertation aims to investigate, through an action research, which are the critical factors for a successful implementation and sustained use of SPC charts in a chemical. It was performed a literature review to gather studies about success factors to implement SPC chart in industries. Using action research, those critical success factors were tested in practice with operators in the chemical plant of a multinational enterprise located in Brazil. This chemical plant has experimented to implement SPC chart in the past with no success. As a result of the action research, we succeed to implement SPC chart in the industrial unit and reduce variability with savings of US$ 150,000.00 per year energy. SPC chart use was well received by operators and leadership, showing that some success factors are really critical for a correct SPC implementation in a brazilian chemical plant. The results were used to develop a roadmap for SPC, with details about how and when to work each success factor. Afterwards, Roadmap was used in another eight different industrial units of the chemical company, all with success. / As cartas de controle estatístico de processo (cartas CEP) foram criadas no século 20 nos Estados Unidos e desde então vêm sendo usadas para diversas finalidades em diferentes setores da indústria e serviços. Seu uso foi difundido no Japão no pós guerra e no Brasil seu uso efetivo ocorreu a partir da década de 90. Apesar de vários exemplos de uso, ainda há para alguns ramos da indústria o desafio de implantar as cartas CEP no chão de fábrica e manter o seu uso pelas equipes. Nas indústrias químicas, seu uso no chamado chão de fábrica é controverso e são poucos os estudos voltados para esse tipo de indústria que expliquem os fatores que impactam no sucesso da implantação das cartas de controle estatístico. Essa dissertação tem como objetivo, investigar, através de uma pesquisa ação, quais fatores são preponderantes no sucesso da implantação e uso continuado das cartas CEP em uma planta química no Brasil. Foi realizada pesquisa bibliográfica sobre os estudos já realizados em diferentes tipos de indústria e coletados os fatores de sucesso identificados. Em seguida, esses fatores que impactam no sucesso da implantação da carta CEP foram testados na prática em uma planta química de uma empresa multinacional instalada no Brasil há muitos anos e que no passado não teve êxito na adoção das cartas CEP. Como resultado, conseguiu-se implantar as cartas de controle estatístico e se garantir a continuidade da sua utilização pelas equipes operacionais. Na planta química pesquisada, reduziu-se a variabilidade da umidade de um produto na seção de filtração resultando em um ganho de 150 mil dólares por ano em consumo de energia para a empresa. O uso da carta CEP foi bem recebido pelos operadores e lideranças. Os resultados obtidos serviram para elaborar um roteiro de implantação das cartas CEP, que detalha para cada fator de sucesso quais ações práticas devem ser feitas e em qual sequência. O roteiro foi posteriormente utilizado em mais oito pilotos de diferentes unidades industriais da própria empresa pesquisada, todos com sucesso.

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