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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Sintering of cerium oxide based materials by microwave heating / Frittage des matériaux à base de l’oxyde de cérium par chauffage micro-ondes

Hammoud, Hussein 25 March 2016 (has links)
L'objectif principal de cette thèse est l'évaluation de la technologie de chauffage par micro-ondes et son applicabilité dans l'étape de densification, dans le cadre d’un procédé de recyclage des déchets nucléaires à très longue vie et ensuite le suivi du procédé de frittage de l'oxyde de cérium, simulant de l’oxyde de plutonium. Dans ce travail, nous avons développé un système permettant de déterminer les propriétés diélectriques de l'oxyde de cérium et avons fait une étude comparative entre le frittage par chauffage micro-ondes dans une cavité monomode et le frittage conventionnel dans un dilatomètre classique pour deux poudres de cérine: l’une de taille micrométrique, la seconde de taille nanométrique. En outre, nous avons effectué des simulations numériques sur la base d’un modèle couplant électromagnétisme et transfert de chaleur. Ces travaux ont montré l’effet de la taille d’une particule sphérique modèle sur le champ électrique (E) dans la particule et autour d’elle. Dans le cadre d’empilements modèles, nous avons montré que la présence d’un cou entre ces particules, leur orientation par rapport au champ E et le nombre de particules constitutives de cet empilement jouent un rôle déterminant sur l’intensité du champ E, ce qui a des conséquences sur le chauffage des particules. / The main objective of this thesis is the evaluation of the heating by microwave technology and its applicability in the densification step, as a part of nuclear long life wastes recycling process and then the following up of the sintering of cerium oxide, a non-radioactive simulant of plutonium oxide. In this work, we developed a system for determining the dielectric properties of cerium oxide and made a comparative study between the sintering by microwave heating in a single-mode cavity and the conventional sintering in a dilatometer for two different powders of ceria: the first one has a micrometric particle size and the second has a nanometric one. In addition, we performed several numerical simulations on the basis of a model coupling electromagnetics and heat transfer. In these works, we have shown the effect of the size of a spherical model particle on the electric field (E) inside and around the particle. In the framework of a packing model of particles, the presence of a neck between these particles, their orientation relative to E field, and the number of these particles showed a decisive role in the intensity of the E field which has a direct impact on the heating of the particles.

Výpočetní analýza čtyř-koulového testu pro určování pevnosti keramických laminátů se zbytkovou napjatostí / Computational analysis of the ball-on-three-balls test for determination of strength of ceramic laminates with residual stresses

Venský, Jiří January 2021 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce se zabývá numerickou simulací B3B zkoušky. Byla provedena rešerše v souvisejících oblastech. Poté byly provedeny numerické simulace této zkoušky pro mnoho různých konfigurací (rovný, zakřivený a zakřivený vrstvený vzorek) pro disk a desku. Byla zjištěna hyperbolická závislost mezi tloušťkou a f faktorem. Závislost f faktoru na křivosti byla lineární. Byla provedena demonstrace možnosti prasknutí na rozhraní vrstev. Poslední část ukázala, jak by zanedbání vlivu zbytkového napětí mohlo vést ke špatnému vyhodnocování experimentů

Polovodičová keramika pro termoelektrické aplikace / Semiconducting ceramics for thermoelectric application

Jebavá, Alžběta January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the syhnthesis of multicomponent ceramic system based on Ca-(Mn,Co)-O. The thesis is devided in theoretical and experimental part. The theoretical part is describing ceramic materials for thermoelectric application, preparation and synthesis of these materials and their processing. The experimental part is dealing with synthesis of ceramic powder which is processed to the porous ceramics. The properties of prepared porous ceramics are observed.

Vliv obsahu kalcitu v cihlářských zeminách na vlastnosti vypáleného střepu / Effect of calcite content in brick clays on the properties of fired body

Šafaříková, Hana January 2013 (has links)
This master´s thesis is focused on the use of primary raw materials (clays) in the brick manufacturing. These soils differ mainly CaO contect and it most often in the form of calcite. Diversity of soils is manifested primarily in the mineralogical composition after firing and the existence of anorthite in the calcium clays. In the practical part I am trying to define the optimal type of soil suitable for the production of masonry units.

In-vitro-Untersuchungen zum Polierverhalten neu entwickelter hochfester Keramikwerkstoffe für die Anfertigung monolithischer Restaurationen / In vitro investigations of the polishing behavior of newly developed high-strength ceramic materials for the fabrication of monolithic restorations

Theus, Josephine 14 January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Model-Based Design of an Optimal Lqg Regulator for a Piezoelectric Actuated Smart Structure Using a High-Precision Laser Interferometry Measurement System

Gallagher, Grant P 01 June 2022 (has links) (PDF)
Smart structure control systems commonly use piezoceramic sensors or accelerometers as vibration measurement devices. These measurement devices often produce noisy and/or low-precision signals, which makes it difficult to measure small-amplitude vibrations. Laser interferometry devices pose as an alternative high-precision position measurement method, capable of nanometer-scale resolution. The aim of this research is to utilize a model-based design approach to develop and implement a real-time Linear Quadratic Gaussian (LQG) regulator for a piezoelectric actuated smart structure using a high-precision laser interferometry measurement system to suppress the excitation of vibratory modes. The analytical model of the smart structure is derived using the extended Hamilton Principle and Euler-Bernoulli beam theory, and the equations of motion for the system are constructed using the assumed-modes method. The analytical model is organized in state-space form, in which the effects of a low-pass filter and sampling of the digital control system are also accounted for. The analytical model is subsequently validated against a finite-element model in Abaqus, a lumped parameter model in Simscape Multibody, and experimental modal analysis using the physical system. A discrete-time proportional-derivative (PD) controller is designed in a heuristic fashion to serve as a baseline performance criterion for the LQG regulator. The Kalman Filter observer and Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) components of the LQG regulator are also derived from the state-space model. It is found that the behavior of the analytical model closely matches that of the physical system, and the performance of the LQG regulator exceeds that of the PD controller. The LQG regulator demonstrated quality estimation of the state variables of the system and further constitutes an exceptional closed-loop control system for active vibration control and disturbance rejection of the smart structure.

Surfactant Driven Assembly of Freeze-casted, Polymer-derived Ceramic Nanoparticles on Grapehene Oxide Sheets for Lithium-ion Battery Anodes

Khater, Ali Zein 01 January 2018 (has links)
Traditional Lithium-Ion Batteries (LIBs) are a reliable and cost-efficient choice for energy storage. LIBs offer high energy density and low self-discharge. Recent developments in electric-based technologies push for replacing historically used Lead-Acid batteries with LIBs. However, LIBs do not yet meet the demands of modern technology. Silicon and graphene oxide (GO) have been identified as promising replacements to improve anode materials. Graphene oxide has a unique sheet-like structure that provides a mechanically stable, light weight material for LIB anodes. Due to its structure, reduced graphene oxide (rGO) is efficiently conductive and resistive to environmental changes. On the other hand, silicon-based anode materials offer the highest theoretical energy density and a high Li-ion loading capacity of various elements [20]. Silicon-based anodes that have previously been studied demonstrated extreme volumetric expansion over long cycles due to lithiation. Polysiloxane may be an interesting alternative as it is a Si-based material that can retain the high Li-ion loading capacity of Si while lacking the unattractive volumetric expansions of Si. Polymer derived ceramic-decorated graphene oxide anodes have been suggested to increase loading capacity, thermal resistance, power density, and mechanical stability of LIBs. Coupled with mechanically stable graphene oxide, polymer derived ceramic nanoparticle decorated graphene oxide anodes are studied to establish their efficiencies under operating conditions.

Optimal Sintering Temperature of Ceria-doped Scandia Stabilized Zirconia for Use in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells

Assuncao, Amanda K 01 January 2018 (has links)
Carbon emissions are known to cause decay of the Ozone layer in addition to creating pollutant, poisonous air. This has become a growing concern among scientists and engineers across the globe; if this issue is not addressed, it is likely that the Earth will suffer catastrophic consequences. One of the main culprits of these harmful carbon emissions is fuel combustion. Between vehicles, power plants, airplanes, and ships, the world consumes an extraordinary amount of oil and fuel which all contributes to the emissions problem. Therefore, it is crucial to develop alternative energy sources that minimize the impact on the environment. One such technology that is currently being researched, is the Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC). This is a relatively simple device that converts chemical energy into electrical energy with no harmful emissions. For these devices to work properly, they require an electrolyte material that has high ionic conductivity with good phase stability at a variety of temperatures. The research presented in this study will concentrate intensively on just one of the many candidates for SOFC electrolytes. 1 mol% CeO2 – 10 mol% Sc2O3 – 89 mol% ZrO2 manufactured by Treibacher Industries was analyzed to better understand its sintering properties, phase stability, and molecular structure. Sintering was performed at temperatures ranging from 900oC to 1600oC and the shrinkage, density and porosity were examined for each temperature. Raman Spectroscopy and X-Ray Powder Diffraction were also conducted for comparison with other known compositions to see if the powder undergoes any phase transitions or instability.

Efecto en el módulo dinámico de la mezcla asfáltica modificada con añadido de residuos triturados de la industria cerámica

Solarte Vanegas, Norma Cristina 02 September 2022 (has links)
[ES] El uso y reúso de residuos es una de las mayores preocupaciones de la sociedad actual. De hecho, en el mundo se producen más de 6,5 mil millones de toneladas de residuos de construcción y demolición (RCD) cada año, de las cuales entre 2,6 y 3 mil millones de toneladas corresponden a residuos inertes de la construcción y de la demolición, dentro de los cuáles está el residuo cerámico. Entre los diferentes factores que están presentes en la falta de manejo de los residuos cabe destacar el desbordamiento de la producción de los mismos, la no aplicación de la política de las 3R, reciclar, reparar y reusar, y la falta de proyectos investigativos que incluyan experimentación con residuos inertes que puedan validar el uso de dichos materiales en diferentes producciones industriales. En ese sentido, construir concretos asfálticos con inclusión de residuos industriales como la cerámica triturada sin respaldo científico podría llevar a los gobiernos a realizar un detrimento patrimonial. Sin embargo, una investigación experimental que incluya el uso de residuos cerámicos en la elaboración de una mezcla de concreto asfáltico que permita conocer su desempeño por medio de ensayos de laboratorio de última tecnología, puede lograr disminuir la brecha de incertidumbre para que los gobiernos puedan tomar decisiones con soluciones económicas y competitivas en zonas con bajos y medianos niveles de tránsito. En esta tesis se desarrollan ensayos de módulos dinámicos en probetas de concreto asfáltico convencional y con inclusión de 30% y 35% de residuo triturado cerámico, tanto en España como en Colombia, lo cual permite analizar, comparar y evaluar internacionalmente el comportamiento de estas mezclas considerando diferentes temperaturas y confirmando su uso en vías de bajos y medianos volúmenes de tránsito. Finalmente, se propone el uso de mezclas asfálticas con inclusión de residuo triturado de cerámica al 30% para ofrecer una opción de reúso, que proporcione un respaldo científico que permita la implementación en carreteras y la integración de instrumentos regulatorios, económicos, educativos e informativos. De esta manera se ayuda a mitigar el problema de los residuos y se amplía la cobertura de la red pavimentada ofreciendo accesibilidad y movilidad a comunidades que de otra forma no podrían conectarse. / [CA] L'ús i reus de residus és una de les majors preocupacions de la societat actual. De fet, en el món es produïxen més de 6,5 mil milions de tones de residus de construcció i demolició (RCD) cada any, de les quals entre 2,6 i 3 mil milions de tones corresponen a residus inerts de la construcció i de la demolició, dins dels quins està el residu ceràmic. Entre els diferents factors que estan presents en la falta de maneig dels residus cal destacar el desbordament de la producció dels mateixos, la no aplicació de la política de les 3R, reciclar, reparar i reusar, i la falta de projectes investigativos que incloguen experimentació amb residus inerts que puguen validar l'ús dels dits materials en diferents produccions industrials. En eixe sentit, construir concrets asfàltics incloent-hi residus industrials com la ceràmica triturada sense respatler científic podria portar als governs a realitzar un detriment patrimonial. No obstant això, una investigació experimental que incloga l'ús de residus ceràmics en l'elaboració d'una mescla de concret asfàltic que permeta conéixer el seu exercici per mitjà d'assajos de laboratori d'última tecnologia, pot aconseguir disminuir la bretxa d'incertesa perquè els governs puguen prendre decisions amb solucions econòmiques i competitives en zones amb baixos i mitjans nivells de trànsit. En esta tesi es desenrotllen assajos de mòduls dinàmics en provetes de concret asfàltic convencional i incloent-hi 30% i 35% de residu triturat ceràmic, tant a Espanya com a Colòmbia, la qual cosa permet analitzar, comparar i avaluar internacionalment el comportament d'estes mescles considerant diferents temperatures i confirmant el seu ús en via de baixos i mitjans volums de trànsit. Finalment, es proposa l'ús de mescles asfàltiques incloent-hi residu triturat de ceràmica al 30% per a oferir una opció de reus, que proporcione un respatler científic que permeta la implementació en carreteres i la integració d'instruments reguladors, econòmics, educatius i informatius. D'esta manera s'ajuda a mitigar el problema dels residus i s'amplia la cobertura de la xarxa pavimentada oferint accessibilitat i mobilitat a comunitats que d'una altra forma no podrien connectar-se. / [EN] The use and reuse of waste is one of the greatest concerns of today's society. In fact, more than 6.5 billion tons of construction and demolition waste (CDW) are produced in the world each year, of which between 2.6 and 3 billion tons correspond to inert construction and demolition waste. demolition, among which is the ceramic waste. Among the different factors that are present in the lack of waste management, it is worth highlighting the overflow of their production, the non-application of the 3R policy, recycling, repairing and reusing, and the lack of research projects that include experimentation with inert waste that can validate the use of these materials in different industrial productions. In this sense, building asphalt concrete with the inclusion of industrial waste such as crushed ceramics without scientific support could lead governments to carry out a patrimonial detriment. However, an experimental investigation that includes the use of ceramic residues in the elaboration of an asphalt concrete mixture that allows knowing its performance through state-of-the-art laboratory tests, can reduce the uncertainty gap so that governments can take decisions with economic and competitive solutions in areas with low and medium levels of traffic. In this thesis, tests of dynamic modules are developed in conventional asphalt concrete specimens and with the inclusion of 30% and 35% of crushed ceramic residue, both in Spain and in Colombia, which allows the behavior of these mixtures to be analyzed, compared and evaluated internationally. Considering different temperatures and confirming its use in roads with low and medium volumes of traffic. Finally, the use of asphalt mixtures including 30% crushed ceramic waste is proposed to offer a reuse option that provides scientific support that allows implementation on roads and the integration of regulatory, economic, educational and informational instruments. In this way, it helps to mitigate the waste problem and expands the coverage of the paved network, offering accessibility and mobility to communities that otherwise would not be able to connect. / Solarte Vanegas, NC. (2022). Efecto en el módulo dinámico de la mezcla asfáltica modificada con añadido de residuos triturados de la industria cerámica [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/185790

Hybrid Polymer Electrolyte for Lithium-Oxygen Battery Application

Chamaani, Amir 02 October 2017 (has links)
The transition from fossil fuels to renewable resources has created more demand for energy storage devices. Lithium-oxygen (Li-O2) batteries have attracted much attention due to their high theoretical energy densities. They, however, are still in their infancy and several fundamental challenges remain to be addressed. Advanced analytical techniques have revealed that all components of a Li-O2 battery undergo undesirable degradation during discharge/charge cycling, contributing to reduced cyclability. Despite many attempts to minimize the anode and cathode degradation, the electrolyte remains as the leading cause for rapid capacity fading and poor cyclability in Li-O2 batteries. In this dissertation, composite gel polymer electrolytes (cGPEs) consisting of a UV-curable polymer, tetragylme based electrolyte, and glass microfibers with a diameter of ~1 µm and an aspect ratio of >100 have been developed for their use in Li-O2 battery application. The Li-O2 batteries containing cGPEs showed superior charge/discharge cycling for 500 mAh.g-1 cycle capacity with as high as 400% increase in cycles for cGPE over gel polymer electrolytes (GPEs). Results using in-situ electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), Raman spectroscopy, and scanning electron microscopy revealed that the source of the improvement was the reduction of the rate of lithium carbonates formation on the surface of the cathode. This decrease in formation rate afforded by cGPE-containing batteries was possible due to the decrease of the rate of electrolyte decomposition. The increase in solvated to the paired Li+ ratio at the cathode, afforded by increased lithium transference number, helped lessen the probability of superoxide radicals reacting with the tetraglyme solvent. This stabilization during cycling helped prolong the cycling life of the batteries. The effect of ion complexes on the stability of liquid glyme based electrolytes with various lithium salt concentrations has also been investigated for Li-O2 batteries. Charge/discharge cycling with a cycle capacity of 500 mAh·g-1 showed an improvement as high as 300% for electrolytes containing higher lithium salt concentrations. Analysis of the Raman spectroscopy data of the electrolytes suggested that the increase in lithium salt concentration afforded the formation of cation-solvent complexes, which in turn, mitigated the tetragylme degradation.

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