Spelling suggestions: "subject:"chameleon"" "subject:"chameleons""
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Hearing History: Musical Borrowing in the Percussion Ensemble Works, Duo Chopinesque and Chameleon MusicFulton, Stephen L. 12 1900 (has links)
Duo Chopinesque by Michael Hennagin and Chameleon Music by Dan Welcher represent two of the most significant percussion ensemble compositions written in the last twenty years. Both works are written for the mostly mallet type of percussion ensemble wherein the keyboard instruments predominate. However, the most unique aspect of these two pieces is their use of musical quotation. Duo Chopinesque borrows Chopin's Prelude in E minor in its entirety, while Chameleon Music borrows portions from four Mozart Sonatas. This paper places each work within the history of the percussion ensemble, and in the larger history of musical quotation in the twentieth century. In addition, the compositional characteristics of both works are examined with particular emphasis on each composer's use of borrowed material from the music of Mozart and Chopin. Particular attention is paid to the relationship between quoted material and newly composed rhythmic motives.
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Measuring Uncertainty of Protein Secondary StructureHerner, Alan Eugene 13 April 2011 (has links)
No description available.
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Exclusion and nonconscious behavioral mimicry: The role of belongingness threatLakin, Jessica L. 15 October 2003 (has links)
No description available.
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Multiple Subliminal Channels and Chameleon Hash Functions and Their ApplicationsLin, Dai-Rui 10 September 2010 (has links)
A digital signature technique has evolved into varies digital signature schemes in different application environments. In general, a digital signature consists of a random number and a hash function in addition to signing function. The random number can be used to provide the randomization of digital signatures. The hash function can be used for generating a message digest that has a fix length and is convenient for signing.
The random number that hides in the digital signature is a useful factor. If we can use this factor well, then the digital signature can carry the other secret messages. On the basis of the concept of a subliminal channel proposed by Simmon, we have proposed multiple subliminal channels that can carry more than one subliminal message to different subliminal receivers. Furthermore, by using the concept of a subliminal channel, we can use the random number as another secure parameter of the digital signature. This concept leads to a forward-secure digital signature with backward-secure detection when the subliminal channel is embedded in the signature. We have proposed a forward-backward secure digital signature.
A hash function is an important tool for generating a message digest. The hash function used in a signature must be one-way and collision resistant. A signing message will map to a message digest via a hash function. In recent years, several chameleon hash functions have been proposed. A chameleon hash function is a trapdoor one-way hash function that prevents everyone except the holder of the trapdoor key from computing the collisions for a randomly given input. There are various studies that apply the chameleon hash function to online/offline digital
signatures and sterilization signatures. In this thesis, we apply this concept to a network secure gateway. We have achieved fast blind verification for an application gateway, such as a firewall. Further, we propose triple-trapdoor chameleon hash function and apply to vehicle owenship identification scheme. We have achieved the fast identification for vehicle ownership without connect to online database. We also have proposed threshold chameleon hash function and achieved that the collision will control under the threshold value. The trapdoor information will be exposed after the number of collision has accomplished.
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Σωματίδια χαμαιλέοντες και οι προοπτικές ανίχνευσης στο CASTΜελετίου, Κυριάκος 01 October 2012 (has links)
Η παρούσα μεταπτυχιακή διπλωματική εργασία πραγματεύεται την εισαγωγή ενός νέου πεδίου πεμπτουσίας, η ενέργεια του οποίου ταυτίζεται με το ενεργειακό απόθεμα της σκοτεινής ενέργειας του σύμπαντος. Η εισαγωγή ενός τέτοιου πεδίου αποτελεί εναλλακτική λύση στην προσπάθεια ερμηνείας της επιταχυνόμενης διαστολής του σύμπαντος που συνδέεται συνήθως με την κοσμολογική σταθερά Λ, των πεδιακών εξισώσεων Άινσταϊν. Παρότι έχουν προταθεί και άλλα μοντέλα πεδίων πεμπτουσίας, το συγκεκριμένο χαρακτηρίζεται από μία ιδιότητα που δεν επιτρέπει την εκτεταμένη παραβίαση της Αρχής της Ισοδυναμίας, που αποτελεί θεμελιώδη παραδοχή στην οποία στηρίζεται η Γενική Θεωρία της Σχετικότητας. Η μάζα των αντίστοιχων σωματιδίων εξαρτάται από την πυκνότητα ύλης σε κάθε περιοχή του σύμπαντος, εξ ου και το όνομα χαμαιλέοντες.
Αφορμή για την εισαγωγή ενός τέτοιου πεδίου είναι η επιβεβαίωση της Αρχής της Ισοδυναμίας μέχρι κάποιο συγκεκριμένο όριο, πέραν του οποίου επιτρέπεται η εισαγωγή νέων μοντέλων αλληλεπιδράσεων που δεν έγιναν ακόμα αντιληπτές σε πληθώρα πειραμάτων. Όλα τα προηγούμενα αναφέρονται εν συντομία στο εισαγωγικό πρώτο κεφάλαιο. Στο δεύτερο κεφάλαιο γίνεται μια παρουσίαση της Αρχής της Ισοδυναμίας και του βαθμού παραβίασης της ο οποίος καθορίζει την ένταση της νέας θεμελιώδους δύναμης (fifth-force).
Στο τρίτο κεφάλαιο, γίνεται μια ανασκόπηση του καθιερωμένου κοσμολογικού μοντέλου για το σύμπαν, που από παρατηρήσεις χαρακτηρίζεται από ομοιογένεια, ισοτροπία και σχεδόν επίπεδη γεωμετρία (WMAP-7). Με αυτά τα δεδομένα, καθώς και με τα πρόσφατα αποτελέσματα για ένα επιταχυνόμενα διαστελλόμενο σύμπαν προκύπτει η ανάγκη ύπαρξης ενός πεδίου με τα χαρακτηριστικά ενός σκοτεινού υγρού αρνητικής πίεσης και μάζας σε κοσμολογικές κλίμακες, της τάξης της σταθεράς Hubble στο παρόν (m_\phi\sim H_0\sim 10^{-33}eV).
Η ανάγκη ύπαρξης ενός τέτοιου πεδίου (πάντα ως εναλλακτική της κοσμολογικής σταθεράς) παντού στο σύμπαν σε συνδυασμό με την μη ανίχνευση του μέχρι στιγμής σε κανένα πείραμα ή παρατήρηση, συνυπάρχουν στο μοντέλο των Khoury-Weltman για τα σωματίδια χαμαιλέοντες που εξετάζεται στο κεφάλαιο τέσσερα. Επειδή η μάζα του πεδίου εξαρτάται από την τοπική πυκνότητα ύλης, στη Γη η χαμαιλεοντική αλληλεπίδραση έχει πολύ μικρή εμβέλεια σε αντίθεση με την εμβέλεια σε κοσμολογικές κλίμακες και δεν γίνεται αντιληπτή. Επιπλέον η συνεισφορά στην αλληλεπίδραση σε ένα σώμα εκτός Γης από όλο τον όγκο της Γης είναι ελάχιστη και περιλαμβάνει μόνο αυτήν που προκαλείται από ένα λεπτό φλοιό στην επιφάνεια, όπου η τοπική πυκνότητα ύλης ελαττώνεται (thin-shell effect). Η νέα δύναμη το δυναμικό της οποίας είναι της μορφής Yukawa, θα είναι ασθενέστερη τουλάχιστον κατά τρεις τάξεις μεγέθους σε σύγκριση με τη βαρύτητας πειράματα στη Γη.
Στο τελευταίο κεφάλαιο γίνεται μια παρουσίαση του CAST (Cern Solar Axion Telescope), στο οποίο θα μπορούσαν να ανιχνευτούν τα σωματίδια χαμαιλέοντες, λαμβάνοντας υπόψη την επέκταση του μοντέλου ώστε να περιλαμβάνει και ζεύξη με το ηλεκτρομαγνητικό πεδίο πέραν των πεδίων της ύλης. Οι χαμαιλέοντες που παράγονται από φωτόνια παρουσία ισχυρού μαγνητικού πεδίου στο θερμό πλάσμα του Ήλιου, φτάνουν στη Γη έχοντας ενέργεια της τάξης του 1keV και μπορούν να εισχωρήσουν στο εσωτερικό του μαγνήτη του CAST. Ο ισχυρός μαγνήτης του πειράματος που είναι ιδίου τύπου με αυτούς που απαρτίζουν τον Μεγάλο Αδρονικό Επιταχυντή (LHC), δημιουργεί μαγνητικό πεδίο της τάξης των 9Τ. Στο εσωτερικό του, οι χαμαιλέοντες θα μπορούσαν να επαναμετατραπούν σε φωτόνια και να ταυτοποιηθούν. Επιπλέον, ένα μικρό ποσοστό των χαμαιλεόντων που αφήνουν την επιφάνεια του Ήλιου μπορούν να μετατραπούν πίσω σε φωτόνια εξαιτίας των μαγνητικών πεδίων πάνω από τη φωτόσφαιρα. Αυτά τα φωτόνια θα έχουν φάσμα ενέργειας που κορυφώνεται στην περιοχή των μαλακών ακτίνων-Χ, οπότε θα δίνουν λύση στο πρόβλημα θέρμανσης του ηλιακού στέμματος (solar corona problem). / In the present Thesis, we review the chameleon field model and its discovery potential at CAST (Cern Axion Solar Telescope). The introduction of this new scalar field, of the so called quintessence type, is an alternative way of modeling the ubiquitous dark energy in the Universe, which drives its accelerated expansion. Moreover, the coupling of chameleons to photons enriches their discovery potential by experiments already operating such as CAST. Due to the fact that the mass of the field depends on the local matter density, in a dense environment such as the earth's surface the chameleon particle becomes heavy and undetectable. On the contrary, in cosmological scales the mass of the field is reduced to values related to the present Hubble's constant value (m_\phi\sim H_0\sim 10^{-33}eV) in order to coincide with the dark energy budget.
This Thesis is organized in five chapters. The first chapter serves as a quick introduction to the subject of the current Thesis and the reasons for introducing a new field are stated.
The second chapter refers to the Principle of Equivalence (E.P), a foundational principle of Einstein's General Relativity. It states that the gravitational mass of a freely falling body is proportional to its inertial mass. The level of verification of the former principle is of crucial importance for the characteristics of a quintessence field. If the E.P is not valid below a certain length scale, then the introduction of a quintessence field also implies the excistence of a new fundamental force in nature (fifth-force).
In the third chapter, a small review of the standard cosmological model is made, which in combination with the results for an accelerated universe, leads to the necessity of introducing a new form of energy, dark energy. This form of energy behaves like a dark fluid of negative pressure (repulsive force) that tends to expand spacetime. It is modeled by adding the cosmological constant Λ, in Einstein's field equations or by introducing quintessence fields as the case of this Thesis.
As already mentioned, the excistence of a quintessence field yields to violation of the Equivalence Principle. To overcome an extensive violation of the E.P the chameleon model is ``equipped'' by the peculiar property of its mass dependance on the environmental density. A second phenomenon related to the former property and the suppression of the E.P violation, is the ``Thin Shell Effect''. It simply states that the chameleonic profile of a large object is suppresed inside its bulk, and only a thin shell near its surface produces the chameleon force which is exerted on other massive bodies. This effect interprets the weakness and to date not discovered possible fifth-force. The fourth chapter ends up with a discussion on the fifth-force mediated by the chameleon particle. It is estimated that if such force exists, is about 3 orders-of-magnitude weaker than gravity.
In the final chapter of this Thesis, the CAST experiment is presented. CAST has been operating for over ten years, searching for axions emitted by the Sun. It is believed that photons can oscillate to chameleons in the presence of a strong magnetic field in the Sun, travel through space and reach the Earth's surface where they can reconvert to photons inside the helioscope's pipe. The spectrum of the chameleons reaching the Earth is peaked at sub-keV region. Furthermore a small part of the chameleons leaving the Sun are converted back to photons over the photosphere due to the magnetic fields present there. These photons have energy lying in the soft X-ray region, hence addressing the solar corona problem.
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Určování parametrů temné energie a modifikované gravitace v rámci projektu LSST / Určování parametrů temné energie a modifikované gravitace v rámci projektu LSSTVraštil, Michal January 2015 (has links)
Temnáenergietvořícípřibližně70%hmotyvesmíruz·stávájednouznejvětšch záhad moderní fyziky. K pochopení její podstaty jsou potřeba přesná kosmolog- ická měření. Jedním z projekt· zkoumající tuto exotickou formu hmoty bude i Large Synoptic Survey Telescope, který pom·že potvrdit či vyvrátit standardní kosmologický model (ΛCDM). Pro úspěch projektu je potřeba prozkoumat r·zné teorie temné energie. Jednou z alternativních teoríí vysvětlujících urychlenou expanzi vesmíru je tzv. chameleoní gravitace. Chameleon je nové skalární pole s hmotou závisející na okolní hustotě. V hustých prostředích jako je například Sluneční soustava získává pole velkou hmotu a propaguje se pouze na malých vzdálenostech díky čemuž m·že uniknout standardním test·m gravitace. V prá- ci mimo jiné studujeme chování chameleoního pole v okolí hvězd a v galaxiích. Ukazujeme také za jakých okolností je toto pole možné detekovat pomocí spek- troskopických měření a slabého čočkování.
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Zur Bedeutung von Endoparasiten bei Chamäleons (Sauria: Chamaeleonidae) aus Wildfängen und Nachzuchten: Zur Bedeutung von Endoparasiten bei Chamäleons(Sauria: Chamaeleonidae) aus Wildfängen und NachzuchtenBiallas, Sandra 08 October 2013 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden 212 Kotproben von Chamäleons auf Parasitenstadien und 75 Tierkörper pathologisch sowie bei einem nachgewiesenen Parasitenbefall histopathologisch untersucht. Ziel war es, anhand dieser Untersuchungen das Vorkommen und die Schadwirkungen von Endoparasiten unter Berücksichtigung der Herkunft, des Alters, des Geschlechts und der Chamäleonart zu beschreiben.
Von 212 Kotproben wiesen 55,2% Endoparasitenstadien auf. Bei 54,7% der 64 sezierten und auswertbaren Tiere wurden Endoparasiten nachgewiesen.
Der Anteil positiver Proben zeigt zwischen Nachzuchten (55,5%) und Wildfängen (54,1%) keinen wesentlichen Unterschied. In Wildfängen konnten häufiger Endoparasiten mit einem indirekten Lebenszyklus ermittelt werden, Nachzuchten beherbergten dagegen öfter Parasiten mit einem direkten Entwicklungszyklus.
In den untersuchten Chamäleons konnten regelmäßig Kokzidien der Gattung Isospora und Oxyuriden nachgewiesen werden. Zestoden konnten in der koproskopischen Untersuchung gar nicht aufgefunden werden, wohingegen sie in der pathologischen Untersuchung sporadisch im Darm diagnostiziert werden konnten. Die Häufigkeit des koproskopischen Nachweises von Parasitenstadien bezogen auf die Gesamtzahl der untersuchten Chamäleons stellte sich wie folgt dar: in 30,4% wurden Protozoon gefunden, 21,7% der Tiere waren mit Kokzidien infiziert (davon 78,3% Isospora spp.,
13,0% Choleoeimeria spp., 6,5% Eimeria spp., 2,2% Mischinfektion Isospora
spp./Choleoeimeria spp.) und 8,5% mit Flagellaten oder Ziliaten. Bei 83,3% der Tiere mit gastrointestinalen Symptomen konnte ein Befall mit Kokzidien der Gattung Isospora nachgewiesen werden. In 38,7% der koproskopischen Untersuchungen konnten Nematoden (65,9% Oxyuriden, 19,5% Askariden/ Heterakiden, 1,4% Rhabdias sp., 2,8% Strongyloides sp., je 0,5 % Spirurida, Heterakiden/Filarien, Oxyuriden/Strongyloiden) und in 2,8% Trematoden (Digenea) aufgefunden werden.
Anamnestisch konnten in 35,8% aller Tiere klinische Symptome beobachtet werden, wovon bei 88,2% der erkrankten Tiere ein Endoparasitenbefall nachzuweisen war. Insgesamt 64,1% der sezierten Chamäleons waren mit Endoparasiten befallen, wovon 68,3% Mono- und 31,7% Mischinfektionen beherbergten. In 31,3% der sezierten Chamäleons wurden Nematoden gefunden und der Befall wurde in 55,0% dieser Fälle als hochgradig eingestuft. Es wurden Befallsraten von 25,0% für Strongyloides sp.,
23,4% für Askariden/ Heterakiden,15,0% für Filarien, 5,0% für Rhabdias sp., 9,4% für Zestoden, 10,9% für Digenea registriert. In 11,3% der Fälle lagen Mischinfektionen vor.
Damit ist ein Endoparasitenbefall bei Chamäleons häufig und kann zu Erkrankungen führen. Die Exposition unterscheidet sich bei Wildfängen und Nachzuchten aufgrund der unterschiedlichen Umgebungsbedingungen. Auch klinisch unauffällige Tiere waren zu 27,8% mit Parasiten befallen, so dass eine klinische Symptomatik nicht zwingend aus einem Parasitenbefall resultiert. Insgesamt betrachtet verdient der Endoparasitenbefall von Chamäleons das Augenmerk von Tierärzten und Tierhaltern und sollte bei augenscheinlich hohem Infektionsdruck zu Gegenmaßnahmen, insbesondere auch
einer verbesserten Hygiene, Anlaß geben. / In the present study 212 chameleon fecal samples were examined for parasite stages and 75 carcasses were examined histopathologically and pathologically in a proven case of a parasite infestation. The basis of this study was to describe the occurrence and harmful effects of internal parasites considering the origin, age and sex of the chameleons.
Of the 212 fecal samples 55.2% showed stages of endoparasites. Parasites were detected at 54.7% of 64 evaluated and dissected animals.
The proportion of positive samples shows no significant difference between offspring (55.5%) and wild specimens (54.1%). In wild specimens common internal parasites could be determined with an indirect life cycle, however offspring harbored more parasites with a direct life cycle.
In the studied chameleons coccidia as the genus Isospora and Oxyurids were
regularly detected. In the coprological study Cestodes could not be found, while in the pathological examination they could be diagnosed sporadically in the intestine. Based on the total number of investigated chameleons the frequency of detection of parasite stages are presented as follows: Protozoa were found in 30.4%, 21.7% of the animals were infected with coccidia (of which 78,3% Isospora spp, 13,0% Choleoeimeria spp., 6.5% Eimeria spp., 2.2% polyinfections between Isospora spp./ Choleoeimeria spp.)
and 8.5% with flagellates or ciliates. At 83.3% of the animals with gastrointestinal symptoms coccidia of the genus Isospora were detected. In 38.7% of the fecal examination nematodes were determined (65.9% Oxyurids, 19.5% Ascarids/ Heterakis, 1.4% Rhabdias sp., 2.8% Strongyloides sp., 0.5% Spirurida, Heterakids/ Filariae, Oxyurids/ Strongyloides sp.) and Trematodes in 2.8% (Digenea) were found. The anamnesis showed that clinical symptoms could be observed in 35.8% of all of the animals, whereas endoparasite infestation could be detected inn 88.2% of the affected
Overall, 64.1% of the dissected chameleons were infested with parasites, of which 68.3% harbored mono- and 31.7% polyinfections. In 31.3% of the dissected chameleons nematode infestations were found and 55.0% of these cases were classified as severe. Prevalences were registered: 25.0% for Strongyloides spp., 23.4% for Ascarids/ Heterakids, 15.0% for Filaria, 5.0% for Rhabdias sp., 9.4% for Cestodes, 10.9% for Digenea. In 11.3% of the cases mixed infections were reported.
Thus, endoparasite infestation is common among chameleons and can lead to
diseases. Exposure differs from wild-specimens and captive-bred due to the different environmental conditions. Also, 27.8% of clinically healthy animals were also infested with parasites, which means that clinical symptoms are not necessarily the result of a parasitic infestation. Overall, chameleon endoparasites deserve the attention of veterinarians and pet owners and should be treated promptly when there is a high likelihood of infection or hygiene is of concern.
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Rapsodia Camaleónica: A Concerto for Piano, Trumpet and OrchestraJanuary 2012 (has links)
abstract: This DMA project (in piano performance) consists of a concerto composed for trumpet and piano duo with orchestra and an analytical document that accompanies it. The text portion of this paper discusses the different compositional aspects of Rapsodia Camaleónica, including instrumentation, form, influences and the performers' perspective. The work is scored for a medium-sized orchestra: 2 flutes (flute 2 double piccolo), 2 oboes, 2 clarinets, 2 bassoons, horn, trombone, bass trombone, 4 percussionists (timpani, snare drum, crash cymbals, suspended cymbal, castanets, güiro or carrasca, shekere, whip, xylophone, triangle, pandeiro, tam-tam, wood blocks, 2 congas, glockenspiel, 3 tom-toms, bass drum) and strings. It is written in one multi-sectional movement with a duration of approximately twenty-three minutes. The full score is attached as an appendix. The influences in Rapsodia Camaleónica range from the western classical tradition to world music to urban dance music, all of which fuse together in a work that blends this eclectic mix into a unified whole. This composition is intended as an addition to the piano concerto repertoire from Latin America, which includes compositions by Carlos Chávez, Manuel María Ponce (both Mexican), Alberto Ginastera (Argentinian), Camargo Guarnieri and Heitor Villa-Lobos (both Brazilian). It is the composer's desire to add a Colombian piece of universal appeal to this list. / Dissertation/Thesis / D.M.A. Music 2012
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Efficient service discovery in wide area networksBrown, Alan January 2008 (has links)
Living in an increasingly networked world, with an abundant number of services available to consumers, the consumer electronics market is enjoying a boom. The average consumer in the developed world may own several networked devices such as games consoles, mobile phones, PDAs, laptops and desktops, wireless picture frames and printers to name but a few. With this growing number of networked devices comes a growing demand for services, defined here as functions requested by a client and provided by a networked node. For example, a client may wish to download and share music or pictures, find and use printer services, or lookup information (e.g. train times, cinema bookings). It is notable that a significant proportion of networked devices are now mobile. Mobile devices introduce a new dynamic to the service discovery problem, such as lower battery and processing power and more expensive bandwidth. Device owners expect to access services not only in their immediate proximity, but further afield (e.g. in their homes and offices). Solving these problems is the focus of this research. This Thesis offers two alternative approaches to service discovery in Wide Area Networks (WANs). Firstly, a unique combination of the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) and the OSGi middleware technology is presented to provide both mobility and service discovery capability in WANs. Through experimentation, this technique is shown to be successful where the number of operating domains is small, but it does not scale well. To address the issue of scalability, this Thesis proposes the use of Peer-to-Peer (P2P) service overlays as a medium for service discovery in WANs. To confirm that P2P overlays can in fact support service discovery, a technique to utilise the Distributed Hash Table (DHT) functionality of distributed systems is used to store and retrieve service advertisements. Through simulation, this is shown to be both a scalable and a flexible service discovery technique. However, the problems associated with P2P networks with respect to efficiency are well documented. In a novel approach to reduce messaging costs in P2P networks, multi-destination multicast is used. Two well known P2P overlays are extended using the Explicit Multi-Unicast (XCAST) protocol. The resulting analysis of this extension provides a strong argument for multiple P2P maintenance algorithms co-existing in a single P2P overlay to provide adaptable performance. A novel multi-tier P2P overlay system is presented, which is tailored for service rich mobile devices and which provides an efficient platform for service discovery.
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Mechanically Driven Reconstruction of Materials at Sliding Interfaces to Control WearShirani, Asghar 05 1900 (has links)
To minimize global carbon emissions, having efficient jet engines and internal combustion engines necessitates utilizing lightweight alloys such as Al, Ti, and Mg-based alloys. Because of their remarkable strength/weight ratio, these alloys have received a lot of attention. Nonetheless, they have very poor tribological behavior, particularly at elevated temperatures beyond 200 °C, when most liquid lubricants begin to fail in lubrication. Over the last two decades, there has been a lot of interest in protecting Al, and Ti-based alloys by developing multiphase solid lubricants with a hard sublayer that provide mechanical strength and maintain the part's integrity while providing lubricity. The development of novel coatings with superior lubricity, high toughness, and high-temperature tolerance remains a challenging and hot topic to research and provide new engineered solutions for. To address and provide solutions to protect light-weight, i.e., Al, and Ti alloys at high-temperature and bestow superior tribological properties to such alloys, three types of adaptive lubricious coatings have been studied in this thesis: Nb-Ag-O self-healing lubricious ternary oxide, PEO-chameleon a self-adaptive multi-phase coating, and Sb2O3-MSH-C lubricious adaptive coatings to address this challenge. The development of the Nb-Ag-O ternary resulted in a coefficient of friction as low as 0.2 at 600 °C and crack healing at 900 °C. PEO-chameleon coatings demonstrated a remarkably low COF, as low as 0.07 at 300 °C and 1.4 GPa applied pressure. Finally, the Sb2O3-MSH-C multi-phase lubricious solid lubricant revealed superlubricity, with a CoF of 0.008 at 300 °C, providing a potentially promising contender for high-temperature, high-load applications.
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