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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investigation into the semiochemical communication involved in neonatal offspring recognition in sheep

Viviers, Marlize Zaretha 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Chemistry and Polymer Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / Video 1: Twin-bearing Döhne Merino ewe butting only one of her lambs in typical rejection behavior. Rejection of one twin is not a common phenomenon. (Video by Dr Marlize Viviers) / Video 2: Twin-bearing ewe # 22 accepting alien lamb # 179. The alien lamb wears a jacket her other lamb has been wearing for the preceding 24 hours. The excessive sniffing at the jacket, bleating and looking around show that the ewe is not totally satisfied with the situation. (Video by Dr Marlize Viviers) / Video 3: Ewe # 22 rejecting alien lamb # 179 after removal of the jacket it has worn in the previous video. (Video by Dr Marlize Viviers) / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Sheep husbandry substantially contributes to South Africa’s economy. Lamb mortality is regarded as a major constraint to sustainable sheep production, and an important factor in lamb survival is the strong ewe–lamb bonding. This is a well-known phenomenon in all sheep races and strong evidence exists that the selective ewe–lamb bond formation has a pheromonal basis, in that the ewe can distinguish her lamb by its unique, familiar smell. Sheep farmers and scientists have examined various methods of making alien lambs acceptable to foster ewes. The survival rate of offspring could be substantially increased if a reliable method could be devised to prevent ewes from rejecting their own lambs or if ewes could be induced to accept alien lambs. A better understanding of the semiochemicals involved in this communication between ewe and offspring could facilitate the development of a method by which ewes can be coaxed into adopting foster lambs. This would positively contribute to efficient sheep production in South Africa. The objective of this study was to characterise the volatile constituents present in the wool and the amniotic fluid collected from the Döhne Merino lambs to achieve a better understanding of the ewe–lamb semiochemical communication. The volatile organic constituents associated with the wool and amniotic fluid were characterised and a total of 133 volatile organic compounds were identified. Several compound classes are represented in these samples and the majority of these compounds have previously been identified in the excretions and secretions of numerous mammalian species. A number of different aspects of ewe–lamb kin recognition were investigated. First, the odour profiles of twin lambs were compared to those of other twins. The results of these analyses revealed that the wool volatiles of twin lambs are qualitatively as well as quantitatively practically identical, but different from those of other lambs in the flock. Second, the change in the odour profiles of lambs was studied over a seven-day period. It was found that the odour profiles of lambs are not fixed, and for as long as a ewe makes use of olfactory recognition as the main mode of identification of her lamb she has to continue learning the odour of her lamb. Third, the amniotic fluid was investigated as a possible source of maternal labels, i.e. as chemical codes consisting of mixtures of compounds in specific quantitative ratios that are imprinted on lambs by their mothers at birth. It was found that the amniotic fluids of first- and second-born lambs are qualitatively and quantitatively different. It is possible that the duration of the lambing birth process could contribute to this change in amniotic fluid composition. Fourth, the role of residual proteins in the dissemination of the semiochemicals involved in ewe– lamb communication was investigated and six proteins were identified as amniotic fluid and wool-associated proteins. Bioassays carried out during the lambing season of 2009 confirmed the role of the odour of the lamb in ewe-lamb recognition, but bioassays carried out with synthetic pheromone formulations gave inconclusive results. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Skaapboerdery lewer aansienlike bydrae tot die ekonomie van Suid Afrika, maar lamsterftes is een van die kwellende probleme waarmee kleinveeboere te kampe het. Die eksklusiewe band wat binne die eerste paar uur na 'n lam se geboorte tussen die ooi en haar lam ontwikkel, is die hooffaktor waarvan lammers se oorlewing afhang. Hierdie sterk binding tussen lam en ooi is 'n bekende verskynsel in alle skaap-rasse en dit is bekend dat 'n feromoon wat deur die lam vrygestel word, dit vir die ooi moontlik maak om haar lam aan sy unieke reuk uit te ken. Lamsterftes sou aansienlik verminder kon word as hierdie feromoon geïdentifiseer en gebruik kan word om ooie te verhoed om hulle eie lammers te verwerp en om die aanvaarding van vreemde lammers deur ooie moontlik te maak. Die doel van hierdie studie was die chemiese karakterisering van die vlugtige organiese verbindings aanwesig in die amniotiese vloeistof en wol van Döhne Merino lammers ten einde 'n beter begrip van die semiochemiese kommunikasie tussen ooie en lammers te verkry. In die amniotiese vloeistof is 70 vlugtige organiese verbindings geïdentifiseer. Dieselfde verbindings asook 'n verdere 63 verbindings is in lammerwol geïdentifiseer. Die meerderheid van hierdie verbindings is reeds voorheen in verskeie soogdierafskeidings gevind. Die studie het verskeie interessante aspekte van hierdie semiochemiese kommunikasie aan die lig gebring. Eerstens is daar gevind dat die samestelling van die vlugtige organiese materiaal in die wol van tweelinglammers, oftewel hul reukprofiele, feitlik identies is. Verder verskil die reukprofiele van 'n tweeling van dié van ander tweelinge en enkelinge in die trop. Tweedens is gevind dat die reukprofiel van 'n lam nie by geboorte vasgelê word en so behoue bly nie, maar dat dit geleidelik verander oor ten minste die periode van sewe dae waaroor hierdie verskynsel bestudeer is. Dit noodsaak die ooi om haar geheue met betrekking tot die lam se reuk voortdurend te verfris gedurende die tydperk wat sy hoofsaaklik van haar reuksin gebruik maak om haar lam te herken. Derdens is die amniotiese vloeistof ondersoek as moontlike bron van ‘n sogenaamde moedermerk, waardeur chemiese mengsel van verbindings wat in ‘n spesifieke kwantitatiewe samestelling by geboorte deur die ooi op haar lam agter gelaat word. Ten opsigte van kwalitatiewe en kwantitatiewe samestelling, verskil die vlugtige organiese fraksie van die amniotiese vloeistof van die tweelinglam wat eerste gebore word van die amniotiese vloeistof van die lam wat tweede gebore word. Dit is onwaarskynlik dat amniotiese vloeistowwe wat ten opsigte van hul vlugtige organiese fraksies van mekaar verskil, nagenoeg identiese moedermerke op tweeling lammers sou kon laat. Vierdens is vasgestel dat spore van ses proteïene uit die amniotiese vloeistof op die wol van lammers agtergelaat word. Daar kon ongelukkig nie vasgestel word of hierdie proteïene 'n rol in die vrystelling van semiochemiese inligting speel nie. Gedragstoetse wat tydens die lamseisoen van 2009 uitgevoer is, het bevestig dat die lam se reukprofiel deurslaggewende rol in ooi-lam herkenning speel, maar gedragstoetse wat met sintetiese feromoonmengsels uitgevoer is, het onbesliste resultate opgelewer.

Electrospinning of polyacrylonitrile nanofibres with additives : study of orientation and crystallinity

Greyling, Corinne Jean 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Chemistry and Polymer Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Polyacrylonitrile, (PAN), polymers are of interest due to their many unique characteristics in comparison to most other fibre forming polymers. The focus of this study was the effect of electrospinning variables and additives on their unusual thermal properties and internal molecular morphology with the objective of improving the performance of this fibre in industrial application, or at least contributing to the understanding of how the fibre processing variables affect the thermal performance. The process of electrospinning was used to process samples of PAN fibres with additives in order to determine their effect on the molecular orientation and crystallinity of the resultant nano- and micronsized fibres. The effect of additives in the forms of low molecular weight oligomers, blends of conductive polymers and nanoparticles and conductive salts (mainly copper and lithium based) on the molecular structure and thermal properties is reported. In addition the effect of certain electrospinning processing variables such as the PAN polymer grade, the type of solvent, the temperature, the spinning voltage and the spinning distance were evaluated in terms of their effect on the resultant fibre molecular structure. The crystallinity and molecular orientation are quantified using various analytical techniques including: Fourier-Transform Infra-Red Spectroscopy (FTIR); Differential Scanning Colorimetry; (DSC) Thermal Gravimetric Analysis, TGA, Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopy; Wide-Angle X-ray Diffractometry, XRD, Small-angle Neutron Scattering; SANS, Solid-state 13C Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy; NMR, and Electron-spin Resonance Spectroscopy, ESR. The researcher has ascertained in this study that the orientation of electrospun PAN is comparable to that in commercial wet-spun fibres when the electrospinning field strength is greater than 0,75 kV per cm. The process of electrospinning leads to chemical degradation of the PAN polymer only previously noted by other fibre scientists after heating PAN fibres to more than 280 C. This is due to the high mechanical stress on the high surface area electospun fibres spun into an oxygen rich air atmosphere. The addition of certain salts, particularly lithium chloride and copper nitrate, to the PAN electrospinning dope by the researchers produced fibres with improved thermal stability in comparison to the control PAN samples with no additives. In addition these salts lower the endotherm for the production of carbonized fibres from PAN fibres and will therefore make more structured, stronger, high tenacity carbon fibres. The XRD revealed that through the addition of certain salts to disrupt the dipole interations in PAN, that fibres with a 2D hexagonal crystal structure can be electrospun and have a structure similar to wet spun PAN. It is shown that fibres in a non-aligned electrospun mat have a 3D crystal structure and lower molecular orientation that wet spun fibres. Some industrial applications of electrospinning using PAN fibres are developed and reported. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Polyakrilonitrielpolimere (PAN) is van belang weens die baie unieke eienskappe wat hulle het in vergelyking met die meeste ander vesel-vormende polimere. Die fokus van hierdie studie op die effek van verskeie veranderlikes en byvoegmiddels op hul buitengewone termiese eienskappe en interne molekulêre morfologie, met die doel om die werksverrigting van hierdie vesel in industriële toepassings te verbeter, of ten minste by te dra tot die begrip van hoe die vesel-prosesveranderlikes die termiese werksverrigting beïnvloed. Die elektrospinproses is gebruik om monsters van PAN met bymiddels te prosesseer om vas te stel wat die effek sou wees op die molekulêre oriëntering en kristalliniteit van die gelewerde nano- en mikrongrootte vesels. Verslag word gelewer oor die effek van bymiddels in die vorm van oligomere met „n lae molekulêre gewig, mengsels van geleidende polimere en verskillende nano-partikels en geleidende soute (meestal koper- en litium-gebaseerd). Die effek van sekere veranderlikes in die elektrospinproses, soos die PAN polimeer-graad, die temperatuur, die tipe oplosmiddel, die spin-spanning en spin-afstand, is geëvalueer in terme van hulle effek op die vesels wat gelewer word. Die kristalliniteit en molekulêre oriëntering word gekwantifiseer deur verskeie analitiese tegnieke te gebruik, onder meer: Fourier-Transform Infrarooispektroskopie; Differensiële Skandeerkolorimetrie; Termiese Gravimetriese Ontleding; Skandeeringelektronmikroskopie; Transmissie Elektron Mikroskopie; Wye-hoek X-straal Diffraktometrie; Klein-hoek Neutronstrooiing; Vaste-toestand 13C Kern Magnetiese Resonansiespektroskopie; en Elektronspin Resonansiespektroskopie. Dit is in hierdie studie vasgestel dat die oriëntering van elektro-gespinde PAN vergelykbaar is met kommersiële nat-gespinde vesels as die elektro-spin veldsterkte groter is as 0,75 kV per cm. Die elektro-spin proses lei tot chemiese degradasie van die PAN polimeer, wat voorheen slegs deur ander vesel-wetenskaplikes waargeneem is nadat PAN tot meer as 280 C verhit is. Dit word veroorsaak deur die hoë meganiese spanning op die hoë-oppervlakarea vesels wat in „n suurstofryke lug-atmosfeer gespin word. Die byvoeging van sekere soute, veral litiumchloried en kopernitraat, by die PAN elektro-spin spinlak (dope) deur die navorser het vesels gelewer met verbeterde termiese stabiliteit in vergelyking met die kontrole PAN-monsters sonder bymiddels. Verder verlaag hierdie soute die endoterm vir die produksie van gekarboniseerde vesels uit PAN-vesels, en dit sal daarom meer gestruktureerde, sterker koolstofvesels met hoë taaiheid lewer. X-straaldiffraksieanalise het gewys dat gewone elekrospin vesels ‟n driedimensionele struktuur het maar as gevolg van die byvoeging van sekere soute, wat die dipoolinteraksies in PAN opbreek, dat vesels wat 'n soortgelyke tweedimensionele struktuur het as dié van groot skaalse kommersiële nat-spin vesels, maklik d.m.v. die elektrospinproses berei kan word. Enkele nywerheidstoepassings van elektrospin is ontwikkel, en beskryf.

Electrolytes for redox flow battery systems

Modiba, Portia 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Chemistry and Polymer Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / Electrochemical behaviour of Ce, Fe, Cr,V and Mn in the presence of DTPA, EDTA, EDDS, NTA ligands were investigated by using cyclic voltammetry, a rotating disc electrode and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy for use in redox flow battery (RFB) systems. RFB is currently used for energy storage, the vanadium, which is used in most of the RFB’s, however suffers from species crossover and sluggish reactions, which limit the lifetime of the battery. These various ligands and metal complexes mentioned above where all examined to identify the suitable and favoured electrolyte that can be used for a RFB system. Kinetic parameters such as potential, limiting current, transfer coefficient, diffusion coefficients, and rate constants were studied. RDE experiments confirmed that the parameters measured by CV are similar under hydrodynamic conditions and can be used to determine the kinetic parameters of the redox couples. The use of DTPA as a ligand for complexation of Ce(IV) gave more favourable results compared to other ligand with various metal complexes used in this study [1-3]. The results of kinetic studies of Ce(IV)–DTPA complex shows promise as an electrolyte for a redox flow battery. The separation of V(IV)/(V), Fe (III)/(IV),Cr(III)/(IV),Mn (III)/(IV) and Ce(III)/(IV) with various ligands (EDTA, EDDS, NTA and DTPA) were also investigated using capillary electrophoresis. To understand the speciation of these metal complexes as used in this study and particularly the vanadium, for the reason that it has a complicated (V) oxidation state. The charge/discharge performance of all electrolytes used in this work was determined and a high voltage achieved when Ce-DTPA was used, and it is compared to that of the vanadium electrolyte currently in use. This was evaluated with systems studied previously. Therefore, Ce-DTPA will be a suitable electrolyte for redox flow battery systems.

Synthesis and characterization of two novel urethane macromonomers and their methacrylic/urethane graft copolymers

Alshuiref, Abubaker 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Chemistry and Polymer Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Polymethacrylates are well known adhesives and can carry specific functionality, but have the disadvantage that their flexible backbones impart limited thermal stability and mechanical strength. Polyurethanes (PUs) are finding increasing application and use in many industries due to their advantageous properties, such as a wide range of flexibility combined with toughness, high chemical resistance and excellent weatherability. PUs do however have some disadvantages, for instance, PU is considered an expensive polymer, especially when considered for solvent based adhesives. the focus of this study was to consider a largely unstudied area of PU chemistry, namely combining PUs with polymethacrylates. Two types of linear urethane macromers (UMs) UM1 and UM2 were synthesized by the polyaddition polymerization of 4,4'-methylenediphenyl diisocyanate (MDI) with ethylene glycol (EG), and MDI with neopentylglycol (NPG), via a pre-polymer method, followed by termination with 2-hydroxy ethylacrylate (2-HEA) and methanol (MeOH) to yield UMs having specific urethane chain lengths, and which have to be predominantly monofunctional. Structural identification of the UMs was verified by MALDI-TOF-MS, FTIR, 13C-NMR and 1HNMR spectroscopy.Various percentages of the respective UMs (0_55 wt % of methacrylate monomers) were then incorporated into polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) and poly n-butyl methacrylate (PnBMA) backbones via solution free-radical copolymerization. The resulting methyl methacrylate-g-urethane and n-butyl methacrylate-g-urethane copolymers were characterized by 1H-NMR,13C-NMR, FTIR, SEC with double detectors (UV and RI), light scattering, UV-Vis, HPLC, TGA, DSC, DMA and TEM. Weight percentages of UM incorporated into the methyl methacrylate-g-urethane copolymers were calculated using FTIR, UV-Vis and 1H-NMR techniques. Phase separation which occurred between the urethane segment and methacrylate segment in the graft copolymerization products was investigated by DMA, DSC and TEM analysis. Microphase separation occurred in all PMMA-g-UM1 and PnBMA-g-UM1 copolymers: two glass transitions temperatures corresponding to the PMMA or PnBMA and UM1 fractions, respectively, were observed. On the other hand, DMA and DSC results showed that in most graft copolymer products the two respective component parts PMMA-g-UM2 or PnBMA-g- UM2 were compatible, because only one Tg was observed. Two glass transitions occurred for PMMA or PnBMA and UM2 when the amount of UM was increased to 55 wt % during copolymerization and microphase separation was evident in DSC, DMA and TEM measurements. Thermal stability and storage modulus (stiffness) of all the synthesized PMMA-g-urethane and PnBMA-g-urethane copolymers increased as the concentration of urethane macromonomer in the copolymerization feed increased, as confirmed in TGA and DMA results. The surface and adhesive properties of the synthesized graft copolymer were studied by measuring the static contact angle and peel strength. Adhesion increased as the content of UMs increased in the graft copolymer. The graft copolymers prepared using a high UM2 feed for both PMMA and PnBMA showed improved in adhesion compared to the pure methacrylate polymers. The adhesion was better for both leather and for vinyl. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Polimetakrilate is bekende kleefstowwe. Hulle het egter die tekortkoming dat hulle buigbare ruggraat beperkte termiese en meganiese stabliteit besit. Poliuretane (PUs) word deesdae al hoe meer gebruik in baie nywerhede as gevolg van hulle baie voordele, insluitend hul wye buigsaamheid tesame met sterkte, hoë chemiese weerstand en uitstekende weerbaarheid. PUs het egter ’n paar nadele: hulle is baie duur, veral wanneer hulle gebruik word in oplosmiddel-gebaseerde kleefstowwe. Die doel van hierdie studie is om die kombinering van PUs met polimetakrilate te bestudeer, 'n onderwerp wat tot dusver baie min aandag-getrek het. Twee tipes liniêre uretaanmakromere (UMs), UM1 en UM2, is gesintetiseer deur gebruik te maak van poliaddisiepolimerisasie van 4,4'-metileendifeniel diisosianaat (MDI) met etileenglikol (EG), en MDI met neopentielglikol (NPG), via ‘n prepolimeermetode, gevolg deur terminering met 2-hidroksiëtielakrilaat (2-HEA) en metanol (MeOH). Die produk hiervan is UMs met spesifieke kettinglengtes (hoofsaaklik monofunksioneel). Die samestelling van die UMs is met behulp van die volgende gevorderde analitiese tegnieke bepaal: MALDI-TOFMS, FTIR, 13C-NMR en 1H-NMR. Verskillende hoeveelhede van die UMs (0_55 gewIing% metakrilaatmonomere) is dan in die polimetielmetakrilaat (PMMA) en poli-n-butielmetakrilaat (PnBMA) ruggrate geïnkorporeer deur middel van oplossing-vryradikaalpolimerisasie. Die samestelling van die kopolimeerprodukte, metiel-metakrilaat-g-uretaan en n-butiel-metakrilaat-g-uretaan, is met behulp van die volgende gevorderde analitiese tegnieke bepaal: 1H-NMR, 13C-NMR, FTIR, SEC met dubbele detektors (UV en RI), ligverstrooiing UV-Vis, HPLC, TGA, DSC, DMA en TEM. Die hoeveelheid UM geïnkorporeer in die metielmetakrilaat-g-uretaan kopolimere is bereken deur gebruik te maak van FTIR, UV-Vis en 1H-NMR data. Die faseskeiding wat plaasgevind het tussen die uretaansegment en die metakrilaatsegment in die produkte van die entpolimerisasie is met behulp van DMA, DSC en TEM ondersoek. In alle PMMA-g-UM1 en PnBMA-g-UM1 kopolimere het mikrofaseskeiding plaasgevind: twee verskillende glasoorgangstemperature vir die PMMA of PnBMA en UM1 fraksies is waargeneem. Hierteenoor het DMA en DSC resultate getoon dat in die meeste entkopolimeerprodukte (PMMA-g-UM2 of PnBMA-g-UM2) was die twee komponente verenigbaar, aangesien net een Tg waargeneem is. In die geval van die kopolimere waar die hoeveelheid UM in die kopolimerisasiereaksies tot 55 gew% verhoog is, is twee glasoorgangstemperature vir PMMA of PnBMA, en UM2 waargeneem. Mikrofaseskeiding is met behulp van DSC, DMA en TEM bewys. Termiese stabiliteit en stoormodulus (styfheid) van alle gesintetiseerde PMMA-g uretaan en PnBMA-g-uretaan kopolimere het toegeneem namate die uretaankonsentrasie in die kopolimerisasiereaksie toegeneem het soos deur middel van TGA en DMA resultate bewys is. Die oppervlakte- en kleefeienskappe van die bereide entkopolimere is bestudeer deur die statiese-kontakhoek en skilkrag te meet. Adhesie het toegeneem namate die UMinhoud toegeneem het. Die entkopolimere berei met hoë PMMA en PnBMA inhoud het uiteindelik beter adhesie getoon as die suiwer metakrilaatpolimere. Die adhesie was beter vir beide leer en viniel.

Synthesis and characterization of glycopolymer brushes

Fleet, Reda Ali 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Chemistry and Polymer Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Please refer to full text for abstract

Photoelectrochemical detection of inorganic mercury in aqueous solutions

Chamier, Jessica 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Chemistry and Polymer Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Due to the adverse human health effects associated with mercury (Hg) toxicity, an innovative method for inorganic mercury (Hg2+) determination in aqueous solutions was investigated. The method of Hg2+ determination involved the use of a Hg2+ selective chemosensor immobilised onto an indium tin oxide (ITO) coated electrode in a photoelectrochemical cell. Upon light activation and in the presence of Hg2+ the fluorescent chemosensor absorbed a photon, and charge separation would occur according to the nature of the semiconductive material coated onto the ITO substrate. The charge separators and semiconductors investigated were an n-type carrier TiO2, polyaniline (PANI) and copolymers of polyaniline and 2-bromoaniline (P[A-co-2- BrA]s) with different monomer ratios. The polymer and copolymer coated ITO working electrodes used in the Hg2+ sensitive photoelectrochemical cell were electrochemically evaluated. The results demonstrated that the ITO coated with PANI had superior conductive and semiconductive properties compared to ITO coated with P[A-co-2-BrA]s. The ITO glass substrates were coated with TiO2, PANI or P[A-co-2-BrA]s, followed by the fluorescent chemosensor, a rhodamine 6G derivative (RS). The electrodes were subsequently photoelectrochemically evaluated in a photoelectrochemical cell in the presence of Hg2+. The PANI-RS coated electrode behaved as a photocathode in the presence of Hg2+ under illumination. The PANI-RS photoresponse increased with increasing Hg2+ concentration in the range 10 to 150 μg L-1, with a limit of detection of 6 μg L-1. ITO coated with TiO2 (ITO/TiO2) followed by a composite of PANI and RS had a linear photoanodic response in the Hg2+ concentration range of 10 to 200 μg L-1 and a limit of detection of 5 μg L-1. ITO and ITO/TiO2 coated with the P[A-co-2-BrA]s and RS had considerably lower photoresponses towards Hg2+ in aqueous solutions compared to PANI-RS. The photoresponses decreased with increasing 2-bromoaniline content. The PANI and P[A-co-2-BrA]s coated ITO and ITO/TiO2 electrodes were then also coated with another rhodamine 6G derivative with a thiolactone moiety (RT). The PANI coated electrode yielded a photocathodic response in the Hg2+ concentration range 0.2 to 5 μg L-1. ITO coated with TiO2 had no photoresponse towards Hg2+ due to repulsive forces between TiO2 and the RT molecules. The photoresponses of the working photoelectrodes towards Hg2+ were further evaluated in a custom photoelectrochemical Hg2+ detector. The photoresponses of PANI-RS and PANI-RT gave qualitative results for the presence of Hg2+ in aqueous solutions in concentrations as low as 2 μg L-1. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Weens die negatiewe gesondheids aspekte toegeskryf aan Hg2+ vergiftiging is ‘n nuwe innoveerende metode van Hg2+ deteksie in wateroplossings ondersoek. Die voorgestelde metode van Hg2+ deteksie behels die gebruik van ‘n Hg2+ selektiewe chemosensor geimmobiliseer op ITO elektrodes in ‘n fotoelektrochemiese sel. Met lig aktivering en in die teenwoordigheid van Hg2+, absorbeer die fluoreseerende chemosensor ‘n foton, gevolg deur lading skeiding, soos bepaal deur die aard van die halfgeleidende material wat op die ITO platjies bedek is. Die halfgeleiers wat ondersoek was, was TiO2, PANI en ko-polimere van PANI met 2-bromoanilien. Die polimeer en kopolimeer bedekte ITO werkende elektrodes wat in die Hg2+ sensitiewe fotoelektrochemiese sel gebruik is, is elektrochemies geevalueer. Daaruit is gevind dat ITO bedek met PANI superieure geleier en halfgeleier eienskappe het in vergelyking met die ITO wat bedek is met P[A-co-2-BrA] kopolimere. Die ITO glas plaatjies is bedek met TiO2, PANI en die P[A-co-2-BrA] kopolimere gevolg deur die fluoresseerende chemosensor, RS. Die elektrodes is onderskeidelik fotoelektrochemies getoets in ‘n fotoelektrochemiese sel in die teenwoordigheid van Hg2+. Die PANI-RS elektrode het soos ‘n fotokatode opgetree in die teewoordigheid van Hg2+ onder beligting. Die foto-reaksie van die PANI-RS elektrode teeonoor Hg2+ het liniêr toegeneem van 10 μg L-1 tot 150 μg.L-1 met ‘n limiet van deteksie op 6 μg L-1. ITO/TiO2 wat bedek is met ‘n samestelling van PANI en RS het ‘n fotoanodiese reaksie gehad teenoor Hg2+ in die liniêre reeks van 10 tot 200 μg L-1 met ‘n deteksie limiet van 5 μg L-1. ITO en ITO/TiO2 bedek met die P[A-co-2-BrA] kopolimere het heelwat laer fotoreaksies getoon teenoor Hg2+ in waterige oplossings Die fotoreaksie het afgeneem met toeneemende 2-bromoanilien inhoud van die kopolimeer. Die PANI en P[A-co-2-BrA] kopolimere bedekte ITO en ITO/TiO2 elektrodes is verder bedek met ‘n tweede rhodamine 6G afgeleide, RT. Die ITO/PANI bedek met RT het weer ‘n fotokatodiese reaksie gehad teenoor Hg2+ in die konsentrasie interval 0.2 tot 5 μg L-1. Die ITO/TiO2 elektrode bedek met die PANI-RT samestelling het geen fotoreaksie gehad teenoor Hg2+ weens afstotende kragte tussen die TiO2 and RT molekules. Die fotoreaksies van die verskeie werkende elektrodes teenoor Hg2+ is verder getoets in ‘n tuisgemaakte fotoelektrochemiese Hg2+ detektor. Die fotoreaksies van die PANIRS en PANI-RT samestellings op ITO het kwalitatiewe resultate gelewer vir die teenwoordigheid van Hg2+ in waterige oplossings in konsentrasies tot so laag soos 2 μg L-1.

Localisation and quantification of chemical functional groups on pulp fibres

Klash, Abdalah 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Chemistry and Polymer Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The distribution of different free chemical functional groups on wood and pulp fibres was determined by means of atomic force microscopy (AFM) with chemically modified tips. Because these functional groups show a higher affinity to similar groups on the substrate surface during scanning, AFM images were recorded using an additional digital pulsed-force mode (DPFM) controller. This allowed the distribution of the chemical components to be imaged and to a degree, also to be quantified. The investigated tip coatings showed different sensitivities towards the major chemical components present in wood fibres. These components were determined on spin-coated films as well as wood fibres. It was possible to make a clear distinction between cellulose and lignin in both cases. This technique could therefore be used to differentiate between cellulose and lignin present on pulp fibre surfaces and to confirm the successful removal of lignin by pulping. The chemical composition of wood fibres and fibre surfaces of several acacia and eucalyptus species, and hybrids originating from various growth sites in South Africa, are compared. The objective was to determine the differences in chemical surface composition due to genetics or site. The motivation for this was to eventually facilitate a tailor-made supply of wood for pulping which results in an optimal blend of fibres that can be pulped together with similar yields. This, however, first requires a sound knowledge of the fibre properties. The surface functionality on the single fibre level is a key property because it determines how good inter-fibre bonding will be when paper is formed, which in turn depends to a large degree on the amount of free hydroxyl groups that are available and therefore on the cellulose content on the fibre surface. The cellulose and lignin contents on the fibre surface were determined with chemical force microscopy (CFM), a variation of AFM. CFM involves the use of chemically modified tip using selected functional groups. Since, the general bulk composition of the fibre and the surface composition differ, both parameters were determined. Significant differences in the cellulose and lignin content on fibre surfaces were found, with regard to genotype and site, respectively. In some, but not all, cases the surface composition of wood fibres followed the bulk composition and differences were generally more pronounced. Differences due to genotype were significant, especially with regards to the surface lignin content - but variation due to site was also distinctly recognisable. This variation in surface functionality could be the reason why some pulpwood blends result in a lower pulp yield and different quality. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die verspreiding van verskillende vrye chemiese funksionele groepe op hout en pulpvesels is bepaal deur middel van atoomkragmikroskopie (AFM), met chemies-gemodifiseerde punte (tips). Omdat hierdie funksionele groepe 'n hoër verwantskap tot soortgelyke groepe op die substraat se oppervlak gedurende skandering toon, kan AFM-beelde wat met 'n addisionele digitalepulskragmodusbeheerstel bepaal word dit moontlik maak om die verspreiding van die chemiese komponente uit te beeld en tot op ‘n sekere vlak te kwantifiseer. Die ondersoekte punt-oppervlakmiddels het verskillende sensitiwiteite teenoor die hoof chemiese komponente in die houtvesels en spin-bestrykte films getoon. 'n Duidelike onderskeid kon in beide gevalle tussen sellulose en lignien gemaak word. Hierdie tegniek kon dus gebruik word om te onderskei tussen sellulose en lignien wat op die pulpveseloppervlak teenwoordig was en om die suksesvolle verwydering van lignien gedurende die pulpproses (pulping) te bevestig. In hierdie studie is die chemiese samestelling van houtvesels en die veseloppervlaktes van verskeie akasia en eucalyptus spesies, asook dié van gekruisde spesies wat van verskeie werfliggings in Suid-Afrika afkomstig is, vergelyk. Die doel was om te toets vir verskille in chemiese oppervlaksamestellings, wat veroorsaak kan word deur genetika of werf verskille, met die uiteindelike mikpunt om ‘n spesiaal-gemaakte voorraad van hout vir pulping te fasiliteer, wat kan lei tot 'n optimale mengsel van vesels wat saam gepulp kan word met soortgelyke opbrengs. Dit vereis natuurlik 'n goeie kennis van die veseleienskappe. Die oppervlakfunksionering van enkel vesels is ‘n kritiese eienskap omdat dit bepaal hoe goed interveselverbindings sal wees wanneer papier gevorm word. Dit hang tot ‘n groot mate af van die hoeveelheid vry hydroksielgroepe wat beskikbaar is en dus ook van die sellulose inhoud op die veseloppervlak. Die sellulose- en lignieninhoud op die veseloppervlak is bepaal met chemiese kragmikroskopie – 'n variasie van atoomkragmikroskopie. Omdat die algemene grootmaat samestelling van die vesel en die oppervlaksamestelling mag verskil, is altwee parameters bepaal. Beduidende verskille in die sellulose- en lignieninhoud, met betrekking tot genotipe en werfligging, op veseloppervlaktes is gevind. In sommige, maar nie alle, gevalle het die oppervlaksamestelling van houtvesels ooreengestem met die grootmaatsamestelling, en verskille was oor die algemeen meer beduidend. Verskille as gevolg van genotipe was beduidend, veral met betrekking tot die oppervlak lignieninhoud, maar variasie as gevolg van werfligging was ook duidelik herkenbaar. Hierdie variasie in oppervlakfunksionering kan die rede wees hoekom sommige pulp–hout mengsels lei tot 'n laer pulpopbrengs en verskille in kwaliteit.

Polypropylene/filler nanocomposites by melt compounding and in situ polymerization

Soltan, Omar 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD (Chemistry and Polymer Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The properties of polymer nanocomposites depend greatly on the chemistry of the polymer matrices, the nature of the nanofillers, and the way in which they are prepared. Understanding the synthesis–structure–property relationship of nanocomposites is vital for the development of advanced polymer nanocomposites with enhanced mechanical strength, stiffness and toughness for structural engineering applications. To this end, the primary aim of this study was to determine the impact that the preparation methods have on the properties of PP/filler nanocomposites, with specific focus on the in situ polymerization of propylene via the methylaluminoxane (MAO) activated metallocene catalyst technique. Two different fillers (Silica and Calcium carbonate) were used as support for the metallocene catalysts. Different supporting methodologies for the synthesis of the supported catalyst were examined. A C2 symmetric metallocene catalyst ansa dimethylsilylbis(2-methyl benzoindenyl) zirconium dichloride (MBI) was used in this study. The catalyst systems were then evaluated for propylene polymerization. The early observation shows that a direct adsorption of the metallocene onto the filler has a diminishing effect on the catalyst productivity and the fillers had to be treated with MAO in order to avoid catalyst deactivation by the filler surface. Due to the low productivity of the supported active species, the presence of soluble catalyst active species, besides the supported active species is required in the synthesis of PP nanocomposites via in situ polymerizations. The syntheses of PP nanocomposites were carried out via in situ polymerization in which different quantities of MAO treated fillers were reacted with pre-activated catalyst solution. The effect of the addition of MAO-filler on the polymerization kinetics and consequently on PP matrix microstructure was investigated. Changes in the in situ polymerization kinetics, compared to kinetics of homogeneous polymerization, were observed. Therefore, the microstructure of the polymer matrix was also influenced by the presence of nanofillers in the polymerization media. The influence of the different synthesis methods on the performance of the nanocomposites was investigated using melt-mixed PP/filler nanocomposites obtained using PP homopolymer. The dispersed phase morphologies of the different nanocomposites were investigated by transmission electron microscopy (TEM). Results show that PP nanocomposites with improved filler dispersion were achieved by in situ polymerization compared to melt-mixed nanocomposites. The influence of the synthesis method on the crystallization behaviour of PP nanocomposites was also investigated. It was found that, for the in situ prepared nanocomposites the tacticity of the PP matrix plays the major role in determining the degree of crystallinity. Results also show that when nanocomposites with comparable PP matrices are compared, the overall crystallization rate of the in situ polymerized nanocomposites is higher than that of the melt mixed nanocomposites. The mechanical properties of in situ polymerized PP and melt mixed PP nanocomposite were also investigated and compared. Due to improved nanoparticle dispersion in the PP matrix, in situ polymerized nanocomposites show enhanced mechanical properties, especially tensile and impact properties, compared to pure PP and melt mixed prepared nanocomposites when a PP matrix of equivalent microstructure was used. Finally, the melt compounding method was further investigated using different fillers and commercial PP as a matrix. The effect of filler type, size and applied surface coating on the flow and mechanical properties of PP nanocomposites was studied. The aim of this part of this study is to obtain a good trade-off between the processability and the mechanical properties and to gain insight into the cause of the emergence of different properties for nanocomposites prepared by melt compounding. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die eienskappe van polimeer nanokomposiete hang grotendeels af van die chemie van die polimeer matriks, die wese van die nano-vullers, en die manier waarop hierdie materiale berei word. Om die sintese-struktuureienskap verwantskap te verstaan is noodsaaklik vir die ontwikkeling van gevorderde nanokomposiete met beter meganiese eienskappe, styfheid en taaiheid vir strukturele ingenieurstoepassings Die primêre doelstelling van hierdie studie was dus om die impak van voorbereidingsmetodes op die eienskappe van PP/vuller nanokomposiete te bestudeer, met spesifieke fokus op die in-situ polimerisasie van propileen met metiel alumoksaan-geativeerde metalloseen kataliste. Twee verskillende vullers (silika en kalsium karbonaat) is gebruik as ondersteuning vir die metalloseen kataliste. Verskillende metodiek is gebruik om die ondersteunde kataliste te berei. ‘n C2 simmetriese metalloseen katalis ansa-dimetielsiliel(2-metiel bensoindeniel) sirkonium dichloride (MBI) is in die studie gebruik. Die katalissisteme is daarna evalueer vir propileen polimerisasie. Daar is oorspronklik vasgestel dat direkte adsorpsie van die metalloseen op die vuller ‘n negatiewe effek op die katalis aktiwiteit gehad het, en dat die vuller oppervlak eers met MAO behandel moes word om deaktivering van die katalis deur die vuller-oppervlak te vermy. As gevolg van die lae aktiwiteit van die ondersteunde aktiwe katalisspesies, is die teenwoordigheid van opgeloste aktiewe katalis nodig vir die voorbereiding van PP nanokomposiete via in situ polimerisasie-reaksies. Die sintese van PP nanokomposiete is uitgevoer deur in –situ polimersiasie waartydens verskillende hoeveelhede MAO-behandelde vullers gereageer is met vooraf-geaktiveerde katalis oplossings. Die effek van die byvoeging van MAO-vuller op die polimerisasie-kinetika en gevolglik op die PP matriks mikrostruktuur is ondersoek. Dit is gevind dat die mikrostruktuur van die polimeer-matriks beinvloed word deur die teenwoordigheid van nanovullers in die polimerisasie-medium. Die invloed van verskillende bereidingsmetodes op die eienskappe van die nanokomposiete is ondersoek deur smelt-vermengde PP/vuller nanokomposiete te maak. Die dispersie-fase morfologie van verskillende nanokomposiete is ondersoek deur transmissie elektron mikroskopie (TEM). Resultate wys dat PP nanokomposiete met verbeterde vuller-dispersie berkry is deur in situ polimerisasie in vergelyking met die smelt-vermengde materiale. Die effek van die sintese-metode op die kristallisasie van die PP nanokomposiete is ook ondersoek. Daar is gevind dat, vir die in situ bereide nanokomposiete, die taktisiteit van die PP matriks die grootste rol speel in die bepaling van die persentasie kristalliniteit. Resultate het ook gewys dat, wanneer nanokomposiete met soortgelyke PP matrikse vergelyk word met die in situ nanokomposiete, die laasgenoemde se tempo van kristallisasie hoer is as vir die smelt-vermengde nanokomposiete. Die meganiese eienskappe van die in situ bereide en smelt-vermengde PP nanokomposiete is ook ondersoek en vergelyk. As gevolg van verbeterde nano-partikel dispersie in die PP matriks, het die in situ bereide nanokomposiete beter meganiese eienskappe openbaar, in vergelyking met die smelt-vermenge nanokomposiete, veral trek- en slagsterkte. . Laastens is die smelt-vermengings metode verder ondersoek deur gebruik te maak van verskillende vullers en kommersiële PP as matriks. Die effek van die tipe vuller, die grootte en die oppervlakbedekking van die vullerpartikels op die vloei en meganiese eienskappe van die PP nanokomposiete is ondersoek. Die doel van hierdie studie was om ‘n balans te kry tussen prosesseerbaarheid en meganiese eienskappe en om insig te verkry oor die verskille in eienskappe wat openbaar word wanneer smeltvermengde nanokomposiete bereie word.

Kinetic and mechanistic features of nitroxide mediated (co)polymerization

Hlalele, Lebohang 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / Please refer to full text to view abstract.

The preparation and characterization of multinuclear catalysts based on novel dendrimers : application in the oligomerization and polymerization of unsaturated hydrocarbons

Malgas-Enus, Rehana 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / In this thesis we describe the application of novel salicylaldimine and iminopyridyl nickel metallodendrimer complexes as catalysts in the transformation of á-olefins as well as in the polymerization of norbornene. New cyclic dendrimers based on cyclam as a core (L1-L8) were synthesized and characterized via FTIR and NMR spectroscopy, mass spectrometry and microanalysis. Subsequently the generation 1 cyclam-based dendrimers as well as the commercial generation 1 to generation 3 DAB-PPI dendrimers were functionalized with salicylaldimine and iminopyridyl moieties on the periphery to produce new ligands, DL1-DL10. These modified dendritic ligands were subsequently complexed to Ni salts to obtain the metallodendrimer complexes, C1-C8. The metallodendrimers were characterized by FTIR spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, microanalysis, magnetic susceptibility measurements, UV-Vis spectroscopy and thermal gravimetrical analysis (TGA). The DAB G1-G3 salicylaldimine ligands (DL1-DL3) were subjected to computational studies and the optimized structures were obtained by density functional theory (DFT) calculations. The effect of the increase in dendrimer generation on the structural arrangement of the dendrimer was also investigated. The following aspects were probed using molecular modeling: a) the possible coordination site for the Ni to the first generation dendrimer ligand, DL1, and b) the optimized structure of the first generation salicylaldimine nickel complex, C1. We subsequently evaluated catalysts, C1-C7, in the vinyl polymerization of norbornene, using methylaluminoxane (MAO) as a co-catalyst. All the catalysts were found to be active for norbornene polymerization with the weight of the polymers obtained ranging from 5.12 x 105 - 11.17 x 106 g/mol. The DAB-based iminopyridyl catalysts (C4-C6) exhibited higher activities than its analogous salicylaldimine catalysts (C1-C3) under the same reaction conditions. Also, the cyclam-based salicylaldimine nickel catalyst (C7) exhibited higher activities than the DAB-based salicylaldimine nickel catalyst, C1. A negative dendritic effect was observed for the G1-G3 DAB salicylaldimine catalysts since the optimum activity for the G3 catalyst, C3, was lower than that for the G2 catalyst, C2. These nickel complexes were also evaluated as ethylene oligomerization catalysts and were found to produce a range of ethylene oligomers (C4-C18) as well as some longer chained oligomers, when employing EtAlCl2 as a co-catalyst. We observed however that the free EtAlCl2 mediates the Friedel-Crafts alkylation of the solvent, toluene, in the presence of the obtained ethylene oligomers to give uneven carbon number products, which are mixtures of alkylated benzenes. Our metallodendrimer catalysts also isomerized and in some cases dimerized 1-pentene. In both ethylene oligomerization and 1-pentene isomerization processes, the salicylaldimine catalysts exhibited higher activity towards olefin transformation than the iminopyridyl catalysts. The cyclam-cored dendrimer catalyst again showed the highest activity. From the results obtained thus far it can be concluded that these nickel metallodendrimers exhibit great potential as catalysts in the transformation of unsaturated hydrocarbons.

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