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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The effectiveness of social support mechanisms provided to HIV and AIDS opharns: the case of Tembisa child and family welfare society, Gauteng

Khumalo, Princess Sengeziwe January 2013 (has links)
The study was aimed at investigating the effectiveness of social support mechanisms provided to HIV and AIDS orphans in Tembisa, Gauteng Province. An interview guide was designed and it guided the in-depth interviews with HIV and AIDS affected and infected orphans. In addition, a focus group was run with the social workers and the children‟s caregivers. Empirical findings gathered were based on the qualitative information from the participants. The findings indicated that social support systems were effective although there were various challenges facing their smooth running. Firstly social support provided to orphans is mainly provided by caregivers, social workers, schools and the government. Secondly for some, the support is not entirely enough to help them cope with life. The minority of the orphans indicated that they were not even aware that they were orphaned. The study therefore recommends that social workers and caregivers be trained on how to be effective social support systems for HIV and AIDS orphans. Furthermore psycho-social support groups need to be more informational and inclusive of HIV and AIDS orphans.

Die promovering van kinderregte : 'n prakties-teologiese ondersoek

Yates, Hannelie 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DTh)--Stellenbosch University, 2012. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: All children should be regarded and treated with dignity. Children’s rights have been established in the international community as well as in South African society to address any violations of children’s rights and any detrimental influence this can have on them. The responsibility of ensuring that the rights of children are implemented, respected and protected in civil society lies primarily with the national government. Nevertheless, the struggle to realise children’s rights extends across all sectors and levels of society. As part of the theological task of developing a publicly orientated ministry that will address the social circumstances of children in South Africa in a just way, this study took as its point of departure the contribution that Practical Theology can make towards a systematic and critical interpretation of the cause of children and their welfare and rights. At the time that the study was launched there was limited comprehensive analysis of the subject of children in Practical Theology that devoted attention to a theological response to the promotion of children’s welfare and rights in South African society. Two lacunae in the theorising on children were identified in South African academic studies in Practical Theology: (i) a lack of focus on children and their rights, and (ii) a general absence of strategic perspectives on how the theological community can deal with the contextual realities of children in South African society. The primary aim of this study was to develop a theoretical framework in terms of which the contribution of Practical Theology could be conceptualised as a discourse and practice that could promote the cause of children and their welfare and rights. David Tracy’s three publics of theological involvement (the academy, the church and civil society) and Richard Osmer’s conceptualisation of the four modes of practical theological interpretation (empiricaldescriptive, interpretive, normative and pragmatic) were harnessed in an interdisciplinary way to develop a deeper understanding of the welfare of children and the importance of a practical theological approach to advancement of children’s welfare and rights. On the basis of Tracy’s and Osmer’s conceptual frameworks, a number of conditions were identified to promote the cause of children, child welfare and children’s rights in the discipline of Practical Theology in Schools of Theology and Religion. These conditions include a third public mode of practical theological interpretation being adopted, a culture of adultism being confronted and transformed, and children’s acts of faith becoming an integral part of the field of Practical Theology. On the basis of an empirical investigation among registered members of the Society for Practical Theology in South Africa, the study comes to the conclusion that the academic field of Practical Theology, in its interaction with communities and civil society, can make a unique contribution to the advancement of children’s rights. The fundamental contribution of the academic field of Practical Theology to the advancement of children’s rights in South Africa recide in focussing on the inclusion of the cause of children in theological interpretation; by implication this will entail actively countering the exclusion of children in theological discourse and praxis in the field of Practical Theology. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Alle kinders verdien om ooreenkomstig hul menswaardigheid beskou en hanteer te word. Kinderregte is deur die internasionale sowel as die Suid-Afrikaanse gemeenskap as respons daargestel om sake wat kinders se menswaardigheid aantas en hulle nadelig beïnvloed teen te werk. Die verantwoordelikheid om seker te maak dat die regte van kinders in die burgerlike samelewing gerespekteer, beskerm en verwesenlik word, lê primêr by die nasionale regering. Nietemin strek die stryd om kinderregte te laat realiseer oor alle sektore en vlakke van die samelewing heen. As deel van die teologiese taak om ’n publiek georiënteerde bediening te ontwikkel wat reg sal laat geskied aan die sosiale omstandighede van kinders in Suid-Afrika, het hierdie studie die bydrae wat Praktiese Teologie tot ’n sistematiese en kritiese interpretasie van die saak van kinders en hul welsyn en regte kan maak as vertrekpunt geneem. Met die aanvang van die studie het beperkte omvattende akademiese analise oor die onderwerp van kinders in Praktiese Teologie en Teologie as sodanig bestaan waarin aandag gegee is aan ’n teologiese respons op die bevordering van kinders se welsyn en hul regte in die Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing. Twee gapings in die teoretisering oor kinders in die Suid- Afrikaanse akademie van Praktiese Teologie is geïdentifiseer: (i) ’n gebrek aan fokus op kinders en hul regte en (ii) grootlikse afwesigheid van strategiese perspektiewe oor hoe die teologiese gemeenskap die kontekstuele realiteite van kinders in die Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing kan hanteer. Die doel van hierdie studie was primêr om ’n teoretiese raamwerk te ontwikkel in terme waarvan die bydrae van Praktiese Teologie tot ’n diskoers en praktyk wat vir kinders en hul welsyn en regte bevorderlik is, gekonseptualiseer kon word. David Tracy se drie publieke van teologiese betrokkenheid (akademie, kerk en burgerlike samelewing) asook Richard Osmer se konseptualisering van die vier take waarvolgens prakties-teologiese interpretasie kan geskied (empiries-beskrywend, interpreterend, normatief en pragmaties) is ingespan om op ’n interdissiplinêre wyse verdiepte begrip vir die welsyn van kinders en die belang van ’n prakties-teologiese bydrae tot die promovering van kinders se welsyn en regte te ontwikkel. Daar is aan die hand van die konseptuele raamwerke van Tracy en Osmer bepaalde voorwaardes geïdentifiseer waaronder die saak van kinders, kinderwelsyn en kinderregte in die beoefening van Praktiese Teologie aan Skole van Teologie en Godsdiens bevorder kan word. Hierdie voorwaardes sluit in dat ’n derde publiek-modus van prakties-teologiese interpretasie aangeneem word, ’n kultuur van adultism gekonfronteer en getransformeer word en kinders se geloofshandelinge geïntegreerd deel van die studieveld van Praktiese Teologie uitmaak. Op grond van ’n empiriese ondersoek onder geregistreerde lede van die Werkgemeenskap vir Praktiese Teologie in Suid-Afrika het die studie tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat die akademie van Praktiese Teologie in interaksie met gemeentes en die burgerlike samelewing ’n unieke bydrae tot die bevordering van kinderregte kan lewer. Die akademie van Praktiese Teologie se fundamentele bydrae tot die promovering van kinderregte in Suid-Afrika bestaan daarin om te fokus op die insluiting van die saak van kinders in teologiese interpretasie; by implikasie sal dit behels dat Praktiese Teologie kinders se uitsluiting in teologiese diskoers en praxis aktief teëwerk.

Child poverty and the performance of the child support grant in South Africa

Streak, Judith Christine 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: One of the cruelest legacies of the apartheid era in South Africa was that it created a situation in which a very large proportion of children in the African and Coloured populations live in households affected by severe poverty. The first aim of this dissertation is to make a contribution to knowledge about the South African child poverty profile and its sensitivity to the adult equivalence scale used in measurement. This contribution is based on the Income & Expenditure Survey 2005. In April 1998, following the recommendations of the Lund Committee, the Child Support Grant (CSG) cash transfer programme was introduced. This programme initially paid a benefit of R100 a month to primary caregivers who passed a means test to help them care for children age 0-6. Currently it offers R250 to primary caregivers of children age 0-15 who pass a means test. The second aim of this dissertation is to synthesize the main findings and knowledge gaps of the performance of the CSG based on an analysis of the existing research on the programme. The questions used to structure the CSG analysis are derived from an application of the Rossi et al. (2004) systematic approach for tailoring a social programme evaluation and cover the logic of the programme‘s impact theory, implementation impact and design. Chapter one considers conceptual and methodological issues in child poverty measurement, thereby providing methodological foundations for the analysis. Chapter two reviews the existing research on child poverty in South Africa and identifies knowledge gaps that the Income and Expenditure Survey of 2005 analysis contributes towards filling. Chapter three presents the findings on the sensitivity of the child poverty profile to changes in the adult equivalence scale as well as on the dimensions of the South African child poverty profile. Chapter four describes the Rossi et al. (2004) method for tailoring a social programme evaluation and applies it, thereby laying the foundations for the CSG programme analysis, presented in chapter five. The conclusion explains how the child poverty analysis in the first half of the dissertation relates to the CSG analysis in the second and draws implications of the dissertation‘s main findings for future research. Setting the poverty line at the 40th percentile of households calculated with different AESs, the scope and composition of child poverty are found to be relatively insensitive to the scale used. This supports the argument that it may be appropriate in South Africa to use a poverty line based on a per capita welfare measure. For the construction of the poverty profile per capita income is used as the welfare indicator, with the poverty line set at the 40th percentile of household. The profile finds that poverty remains more extensive amongst children than adults even after the massive injection of cash via the CSG into poor households with children. Large variations across provinces remain. The child poverty headcount and depth and severity measures are all found to be higher amongst children age 0-4 than children age 15-17, despite the prioritization of very young children in the roll out of the CSG programme. The finding that children age 0-4 are still most in need questions the logic behind the government‘s recent decision to expand coverage of the grant to children age 15-17 instead of allocating additional funds to support this group. The CSG programme impact theory is found to be reasonable. A substantial amount of research on the programme‘s implementation is identified, which shows the massive expansion in its coverage since 2000 and that, in general, it has been well implemented. Delay in reaching very young eligible children, under-representation of children with non-biological caregivers and failure to reach some of the very poorest children who live in remote areas emerge as weaknesses in programme implementation. Barriers to access are identified. The difficulty of distilling the effects of the CSG programme on child poverty and its associated deprivations in the absence of a randomized community trial is explained, as is the need to use direct rather than indirect monetary indicators to isolate the impacts of the CSG on child poverty. A small yet convincing evidence base on the impacts of the programme is identified; this shows that it has been achieving its ultimate objectives of reducing child deprivation and promoting human capital development. It is argued that the existing research and current budgetary context suggests that: the income means test should not be eliminated; the CSG benefit value should not be raised substantially; school related conditions should not have been linked to receipt of the CSG benefit; and, even in the case of children age 16 and above, the grant should be paid to children via the primary caregiver. The research priorities implied by this dissertation are organized into three separate yet interrelated areas of research. The first is further research on the dimensions of multi-dimensional child poverty in South Africa. Here the spotlight needs to be on: understanding more about which children are deprived and in what sense; similarities and differences between the composition of poverty based on indirect monetary measures and other more direct measures of deprivation; the circumstances which ensure that children age 0-4 are still most in need (at least in the resource deprivation sense). The second area is research on the implementation of the CSG programme, in which case the findings from the existing research on the weaknesses in programme implementation and concerns about targeting outcomes need to guide the research. The third area of research identified as requiring further attention is that of the CSG‘s impacts on child deprivation (wellbeing). Here the focus needs to be on establishing which children are benefiting most and least from the grant and why. Towards this end quantitative researchers need to follow the lead of other researchers and use direct indicators of child outcomes. Qualitative research on who controls the resources that flow into the household, as well as how resources are allocated inside the household, can make an important contribution to answering these questions. The CSG‘s potential to generate behavioral effects which could alter household structure and/or income earned from wages is something that is also identified as important for researchers to explore. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Een van die wreedste erfenisse van Suid-Afrika se apartheid-era was dat dit ‘n toestand geskep het waarin die grootse gros van swart en kleurling kinders in huishoudings geleef het wat deur armoede geraak is. Die eerste doel van hierdie proefskrif is om ‘n bydrae te lewer tot kennis omtrent die Suid-Afrikaanse kinderarmoedeprofiel en hoe sensitief dit is vir die volwassene-ekwivalentskaal waarmee dit gemeet word. Die empiriese bydrae oor die kinderarmoedeprofiel en sy sensitiwiteit vir die VES is gebaseer op die Inkomste- en Bestedingstudie van 2005. Na die aanbevelings van die Lund-komitee is die Kinderbystandstoelae (KBT), ʼn program van kontantoordragte, in April 1998 bekendgestel. Die program het aanvanklik ʼn voordeel van R100 per maand aan primêre versorgers betaal wat aan 'n middeletoets voldoen het om hulle te help om kinders van 0 tot 6 jaar oud te versorg. Tans word R250 aangebied aan primêre versorgers van kinders van 0 tot 16 jaar wat aan die middeletoets voldoen. Die tweede doel van hierdie proefskrif is om vas te stel wat die belangrikste vrae is wat tans gevra behoort te word omtrent die KBT se vertoning, gegrond op ʼn analise van die bestaande navorsing oor hierdie program, om die bevindings en kennisleemtes hieroor saam te vat. Hoofstuk 1 beskou konsepsuele en metodologiese kwessies rakende die metings van kinderarmoede, wat die metodologiese grondslag vir hierdie analise bied. Hoofstuk 2 gee 'n oorsig van die bestaande navorsing oor kinderarmoede in Suid-Afrika en identifiseer sodoende die kennisleemtes, wat die analise van die IBS help vul. Hoofstuk 3 bied bevindinge oor die ontleding van die sensitiwiteit van die kinderarmoedeprofiel vir die volwasse-ekwivalentskaal wat gebruik word en dateer hierdie profiel op met gebruik van die Inkomste- en Bestedingstudie van 2006. Hoofstuk 4 beskryf Rossi et el. (2004) se metode oor hoe om ʼn maatskaplike program te beoordeel en pas dit toe om belangrike vrae te identifiseer wat oor die KBT gevra behoort te word. Hoofstuk 5 bied antwoorde op hierdie vrae rakende die KBT sowel as bevindinge en kennisleemtes uit die literatuur rakende die KBT-program. Deur die armoedelyn op die 40e persentiel van huishoudings soos met verskillende VES‘e bereken te stel, word gevind dat die omvang en samestelling van kinderarmoede redelik onsensitief is vir die skaal wat gebruik word. Dit ondersteun die argument dat dit toepaslik mag wees om 'n per capita armoedelyn vir berekening van Suid-Afrikaanse armoedeprofiele te gebruik. Dus word die armoedelyn op die 40e persentiel van per capita inkomste gestel vir die konstruksie van die armoedeprofiel. Hierdie profiel toon dat armoede onder kinders meer algemeen is as onder volwassenes, selfs ná die massiewe inspuiting van kontant in arm huishoudings met kinderlede deur die KBT. Daar bly groot onderskeide tussen provinsies. Vir kinders 0 tot 4 is die koppetelling, diepte en intensiteit van kinderarmoede alles hoër as vir ouer kinders tot in die groep 15–17. Dit ondersteun die regering se huidige beleid om voorkeur te verleen aan jonger kinders in die stryd teen armoede. Die teorie agter die KBT program se impak word as redelik beoordeel. ʼn Beduidende hoeveelheid navorsing bestaan oor die KBT se implementering. Dit toon die massiewe uitbreiding van die program sedert 2000 en dat die program in die algemeen goed geïmplementeer is. Swakpunte in implementering wat uitgewys word is die sloering om baie jong kwalifiserende kinders te bereik en onderverteenwoordiging van kinders waarvan die versorgers nie biologies verwant is aan die kinders nie. Daar word aangevoer dat die beperkte navorsing oor die KBT-program se impak daarop dui dat dit sy uiteindelike doelstelling bereik om kinderontbering te verminder en menslike kapitaal te bevorder. Die analise van die KBT-program lei tot die slotsom dat die inkomste-middeletoets nie uitgeskakel moet word nie, dat skoolplig-voorwaardes nie vir die program moes ingestel geword het nie, dat die voordeelvlakke van die program nie tans beduidend verhoog moet word nie en dat die toelae ook in die geval van ouer kinders (16 jaar en meer) wel steeds aan die primêre versorger uitbetaal behoort te word. Een duidelike kennisleemte oor die KBT-program is hoe dit gedrag beïnvloed, in die vorm van arbeidsmigrasie, arbeidsaanbod en fertiliteit, sowel as gesinstruktuur en reëlings rondom die versorging van kinders. ʼn Verdere kennisleemte is hoe die program op die vlak van beleid en implementering met ander ondersteuningsmaatsreëls vir kinders geïntegreer is. Die analise wys op die behoefte daaraan om beleidsopsies te verken wat sal help dat kinders wie se versorgers nie biologiese verwante is nie netsoveel sal baat van die inkomste wat weens die KBT in arm huishoudings invloei as ander kinders. Navorsingsprioriteite wat uit hierdie proefskrif se bevindinge spruit kan in drie onafhanklike maar gekoppelde navorsingsgebiede gegroepeer word. Die eerste is verdere navorsing oor die dimensies van multi-dimensionele kinderarmoede in Suid-Afrika. Hier behoort die soeklig te val op: ʼn beter begrip van watter kinders ontbeer en in watter sin; ooreenkomste en verskille tussen die samestelling van armoede gebaseer op indirekte monetêre maatstawwe en ander meer direkte maatstawwe van ontbering; en wat veroorsaak dat kinders in die ouderdomsgroep 0-4 se behoefte steeds die grootste is (ten minste in die hulpbron-ontbering sin van die woord). Die tweede gebied is navorsing oor die implementering van die KBT-program, waar bevindinge oor swakhede in program-implementering uit bestaande navorsing en besorgdheid oor die uitkomste van teikening navorsing behoort te rig. Die derde navorsingsgebied wat verdere aandag verg is die KBT se impak op kinderontbering en -welsyn. Hier behoort die klem daarop te val om vas te stel watter kinders die meeste voordeel trek uit die toelae en hoekom dit die geval is. In hierdie verband word geargumenteer dat kwantitatiewe navorsers ander navorsers se voorbeeld behoort te volg en direkte maatstawwe van kinderuitkomste behoort te gebruik. Kwalitatiewe navorsing oor wie bronne beheer wat die huishouding binnevloei en hoe dit binne die huishouding toegedeel word, kan veel tot die beantwoording van hierdie vrae bydra. Nog iets wat uitgewys word as ʼn belangrike gebied wat navorsers verder moet ontgin is die KBT se potensiële effek op gedrag wat huishoudingstruktuur en/of looninkomste beïnvloed.

Community-based growth monitoring in a rural area lacking health facilities

Faber, M. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: A community-based growth monitoring (GM) project was established in a rural village in KwaZulu-Natal. The project is an example of community-based activities that were based on a participatory approach of problem assessment and analysis. The first phase of the study comprised of a situation assessment. The aim was to evaluate the nutritional status and related factors of children aged 5 years and younger. It included a cross-sectional survey (questionnaire and anthropometric measurements), focus group discussions and interviews with key informants. From a nutritional point of view, the situation assessment identified a need for regular GM of infants and small children, increased availability of foods rich in micronutrients, and nutrition education. Relevant findings of the situation assessment were used during a project planning workshop that was attended by community representatives. The community's concern about the health of the preschool children and the lack of health facilities, and the need for regular weighing of their children prompted the establishment of a community-based GM project. The GM project was run by nutrition monitors, through home-based centres (named Isizinda). Monthly activities at the Isizinda included GM, nutrition education, and recording of morbidity and mortality data. Children who were either in need of medical attention or showed growth faltering were referred to the nearest clinic. During the latter half of the study, the GM project was integrated with a household food production project and the Isizinda served as promotion and training centres for agricultural activities. Project activities were continuously monitored by reviewing the attendance register, scrutinising the Isizinda files, observation and staff meetings. Community meetings (at least twice a year) allowed for two-way feedback and addressing questions and concerns. Acceptability of the GM activities was measured in terms of attendance and maternal perceptions. The coverage of the Isizinda project was estimated at approximately 90% and at least 60% of these children were adequately covered. The Isizinda data showed an equal distribution of child contacts over the various age categories and was representative of the community. The attendance data suggest that community-based GM is a viable option to be used for screening and nutrition surveillance, and as platform for nutrition education. Most mothers comprehended the growth curve. Positive behavioural changes have been observed in the community and the Isizinda data showed a steady decline in the prevalence of diarrhoea. The Ndunakazi mothers were appreciative towards the Isizinda project because of a better understanding of the benefits of regular GM. They expressed a sense of empowerment regarding the knowledge that they have gained. The community had a strong desire for the project to continue. The Isizinda project showed that community-based GM can provide the infrastructure for developing capacity for agricultural activities within the community. Data from the household food production project showed that maternal knowledge regarding nutritional issues can be improved through nutrition education given at the GM sessions and that, when GM is integrated with agricultural activities, a significant improvement in child malnutrition can be obtained. The Isizinda project falls within the framework of the Integrated Nutrition Programme, and can bridge the gap in areas which lack health facilities. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: ’n Gemeenskaps-gebaseerde groeimoniteringsprojek is tot stand gebring in ’n landelike gebied in KwaZulu-Natal. Die projek is 'n voorbeeld van gemeenskapsgebaseerde aktiwiteite wat gebaseer was op 'n deelnemende benadering van probleem bepaling en analise. Die eerste fase van die studie was a situasie analise. Die doel was om die voedingstatus en verwante faktore van kinders 5 jaar en jonger te bepaal. Dit het 'n dwarssnit opname (vraelys en antropometriese metinge), fokus groep besprekings en onderhoude met kern persone ingesluit. Uit 'n voedingsoogpunt het die situasie analise 'n behoefte vir gereelde groeimonitoring van babas en klein kinders, verhoogde beskikbaarheid van voedsels ryk in mikronutriente and voedingsvoorligting aangedui. Toepaslike bevindinge van die situasie analise was gebruik tydens ’n beplannings werkswinkel wat deur verteenwoordigers van die gemeenskap bygewoon is. Die gemeenskap se besorgdheid oor die gesondheid van voorskoolse kinders en die gebrek aan gesondheidsfasilitieite, asook hul behoefte om hul kinders gereeld te laat weeg, het aanleiding gegee tot die totstandkoming van ’n gemeenskaps-gebaseerde groeimoniteringsprojek. Die program is gedryf deur monitors deur tuisgebaseerde sentrums (genoem Isizinda). Maandelikse aktiwiteite by die Isizinda het groeimonitering, voedingvoorligting en die insameling van morbiditeit en mortaliteit inligting ingesluit. Kinders wie mediese sorg benodig het of wie groeivertraging getoon het, is na die naaste kliniek verwys. Die groeimoniteringsprojek is tydens die laaste helfte van die studie met ’n huishoudelike voedselproduksieprojek geintegreer en die Isizinda het as promosie- en opleidingsentrum vir die landbou aktiwitiete gedien. Projek aktiwiteite is deurgaans gemonitor deur die bywoningsregister en Isizinda leêrs deur te gaan, waarnemings en personeel vergaderings. Vergaderings met die gemeenskap (ten minste twee per jaar) het voorsiening gemaak vir wedersydse terugvoering en die aanspreek van vrae en besorgdhede. Die aanvaarbaarheid van die groeimoniterings aktiwiteite is gemeet in terme van bywoning en persepsies. Die Isizinda projek het ongeveer 90% van die kinders gedek, van wie ten minste 60% voldoende gemoniteer is. Die Isizinda data het ’n eweredige verspreiding van besoeke oor die verskillende oudersdomgroepe aangetoon. Die Isizinda data was ook verteenwoordigend van die gemeenskap. Die bywoningssyfers dui aan dat gemeenskapsgebaseerde groeimonitoring 'n lewensvatbare opsie is vir sifting en voeding opnames, en as 'n platform vir voedingvoorligting. Meeste moeders kon die groeikaart interpreteer. Positiewe gedragsveranderinge is in die gemeenskap waargeneem en die Isizinda data het ’n geleidelike afname in die voorkoms van diarree getoon. Die Ndunakazi moeders was waarderend teenoor die Isizinda projek as gevolg van 'n beter begrip ten opsigte van die voordele van gereelde groeimonitering. Hulle het 'n gevoel van bemagteging uitgespreek ten opsigte van hul verbeterde kennis. Hulle was mening dat die projek moes voortgaan. Die Isizinda projek het aangetoon dat gemeenskapsgebaseerde groeimonitoring die infrstruktuur kan skep vir die ontwikkeling vir kapasiteit vir landbou aktiwiteite binne die gemeenskap. Inligting van die huishoudelike voedselproduksieprojek het aangetoon dat die moeders se kennis ten opsigte van voedings verwante aspekte verbeter kan word deur voedingvoorligting wat gegee word tydens die groeimonitering sessie en dat, as groeimonitoring geintegreer is met landbou aktwiteite, 'n verbetering in die voedingstatus van die kind verkry kan word. Die Isizinda projek val binne die raamwerk van die Geintegreerde Voedingsprogram en kan die gaping dek in areas waar geen gesondheidsfasilteite is nie.

Ontwikkelingsaanrakingsterapie met kleuters in 'n kinderhuis

Van Graan, Antoinette 17 February 2014 (has links)
M.A. (Social Work) / The lack of relevant therapeutic programmes suitable for pre-school children staying in children's homes became apparent whilst the researcher was working in children's homes, as well as during discussions with colleagues. The inability of the pre-school child to converse fluently leads to a continuous search for quality interventions. In an attempt to resolve this need, two therapeutic programmes namely Viola Brody (1975) Developmental Touch Therapy Programme as well as a developmental group work programme developed by the researcher are implemented in a children's home. An exploratory, evaluating study, with two groups of four pre-school children each, are conducted in a children's home. An adapted experimental design is used to compare the results of the two groups. The children's behaviour are monitored and reported on in case studies. A singlesystem design is used to arrange the data, compare the two groups with each other and to monitor individual behaviour changes. The study is an exploratory probe into the viability / workableness and effectiveness of the two interventions with pre-school children in a children's home. The objective is to establish whether the programmes can be implemented in a children's homes and whether it will lead to a change in the general functioning of the children involved. The study concluded that both programmes is viable / workable. In addition, the Developmental Touch Therapy programme prove effective in the development of self concept as well as improving their general functionality, especially in developing positive behaviour. The developmental group work programme is marginal successful in respect of developing positive behaviour but unsuccessful in developing self concept.

Experiences of children heading families at Makhado Municipality in Vhembe District of Limpopo Province, South Africa

Makhado, Princess Anne Sheilah 09 1900 (has links)
MCur / Department of Advanced Nursing Science / The path of children heading families following the death of both parents takes many twists and turns, and a lot of support to face the challenging environment is needed. The path is not easy as compared to children with parents in terms of support and guidance. The purpose of the study was to determine the experiences of children heading families at Makhado municipality of Limpopo Province, South Africa. The objective of this study is to explore and describe the experiences of children heading families. Qualitative research approach with explorative, descriptive, contextual, interpretative phenomenological designs were used. Population of the study comprised of children heading families following the death of both parents, residing at Makhado municipality in Vhembe district of Limpopo Province, South Africa. Non-probability purposive sampling was used to select the participants. The sample size of 20 participants was determined by data saturation. Data was transcribed verbatim and translated from Tshivenda to English language. Tesch’s eight steps criteria was used to analyse data. The results of the study revealed that children heading families following the death of both parent’s experience various challenges and ineffective support from different community structures. The researcher ensured trustworthiness and ethical consideration were considered throughout the study. Recommendations were developed based on the findings of the study. Keywords: Child, Child headed families, Experience, Family, Parent / NRF

Hofvoorbereidingsprogram vir die laerskoolkind wat onsedelik aangerand is : `n gestaltbenadering

Booysen, Judith Rosemary 30 June 2005 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / This study is about the provision of a prototype court preparation programme for the primary school child that had been sexually assaulted. The programme is developed from a Gestalt approach. Literature regarding several existing court preparation programmes was studied and compared in order to identify certain themes for the child's preparation. Knowledge regarding the court, procedures and the functions of the various role players was conveyed to the child with emphasis on the child's role as witness. The research strategy utilised in the study was that of the intervention research and specifically the D&D-model that comprises six phases. The study incorporates the first three phases plus the first step of the fourth phase. Semi-structured interviews and focus groups were utilised to establish which themes could be addressed to support the child towards being a credible witness. These themes are summarised in the court preparation programme and are addressed from the Gestalt approach. / Social Work / M.Diac. (Spelterapie)

Criminal capacity of children

Badenhorst, Charmain 30 November 2006 (has links)
In this project the various International Instruments, namely the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child; 1989, the Beijing Rules and the African Charter, relating to the guidelines of the establishment of a minimum age for criminal capacity are furnished. The developments regarding the issue of criminal capacity since 1998 in Australia, the United Kingdom and Hong Kong are highlighted. The historical position and the current position in South African law with regard to the issue of criminal capacity are discussed as well as the implementation thereof by our courts. The statistics on children under 14 years in prison over the past five years are furnished. The introduction of the Child Justice Bill, 2002 by Parliament and the deliberations following the introduction, focusing on the issue of criminal capacity is highlighted. The proposed provisions of the Child Justice Bill, 49 of 2002 codifying the present common law presumptions and the raising of the minimum age for criminal capacity are furnished. The evaluation of criminal capacity and the important factors to be assessed are discussed as provided for in the Child Justice Bill, 49 of 2002. A practical illustration of a case where the criminal capacity of a child offender was considered by the court is, discussed and other important developmental factors that should also be taken into consideration by the court are identified and discussed. Important issues relating to criminal capacity, namely, time and number of assessments, testimonial competency of the child offender, evolving capacities and age determination are discussed and possible problems identified and some solutions offered. The research included an 11-question questionnaire to various professionals working in field of child justice regarding the issue of criminal capacity and the evaluation thereof. / Criminal and Procedural law / D.Litt. et Phil. (Criminology)

A forensic criminological perspective on the adjudication of children in South Africa

Badenhorst, Charmain 30 June 2003 (has links)
In this project the various International Instruments, namely the United Nations Convention of the Rights of the Child, 1989, the Beijing Rules and the African Charter, relating to the protection of the rights of children were discussed focusing on the rights of children in conflict with the law. The important guidelines regarding the establishment of a minimum age for criminal capacity, detention, legal representation, diversion, sentencing, pre-sentence reports, child justice Courts and the confidentiality of children’s Court hearings were highlighted. The current positions in South African law with regard to these issues were discussed and the proposed provisions in the Child Justice Bill, 49 of 2002 were furnished. The research included all the magistrates in Gauteng that were in service during February 2003 and March 2003. Throughout the project the important role that forensic criminologists can and should play in a juvenile justice system was highlighted. / Criminology / M.A.

The experiences and perceptions of social workers on the provision of family preservation services in the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan, Gauteng Province

Nhedzi, Felistas 11 1900 (has links)
Many South African families are beset by social, psychological and economic challenges placing children at risk. Family preservation services, capitalising on families’ strengths to resolve their problems, are crucial to avoid the removal of children from their homes. Using a qualitative approach, this study reveals the experiences and perceptions of twelve social workers providing family preservation services in the Ekurhuleni Metropolitan of Gauteng Province. These social workers articulate their understanding of and experiences with the Children’s Act (Act No. 38) of 2005. They are generally optimistic that family preservation services can offer a helping process with the potential to improve family functioning. Nevertheless, there are stumbling blocks to effective service delivery, such as the kinds of social problems experienced by families, lack of funding, high caseloads, lack of resources and little co-operation from other disciplines and agencies. Based on these findings, recommendations are made for practice, policy and further research. / Social Work / MA (Social Work)

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