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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

French Ars nova motets and their manuscripts : citational play and material context

Rose-Steel, Tamsyn January 2011 (has links)
The discussion of citation and allusion has become an important area of research in Medieval Studies. The application of postmodern intertextual theories has brought scholars to a deeper understanding of the reuse of borrowed material, shedding new light on a culture of music and literature that was once dismissed as dully repetitive. This thesis builds on this work by examining in depth the manner in which citation and allusion was deployed in the fourteenth-century motet. Motets are a particularly fertile ground for discussion of the reuse of material, drawing as they do on a range of citational techniques such as borrowed liturgical tenors, modelling of rhyme schemes on existing works, and quotation of refrains and authorities. The polyphonic and polytextual nature of the motet enabled composers to juxtapose different registers, languages and genres, and thus to create an array of competing possible interpretations. This study is situated against several strands of recent scholarship. It draws on critical theory, as well as discussions of refrain definition, memory, manuscript compilation, and notions of voice, authority and authorship. Each chapter examines a particular body of work: the interpolated Roman de Fauvel, the works of Guillaume de Machaut, the motets of the Ivrea and Chantilly manuscripts, and finally those of Manuscript Torino J.II.9. In each case, looking at the use of citation and allusion connects to other concerns. In the Roman de Fauvel, citation in the motets can be seen as functioning alongside use of the vernacular, manuscript layout and illuminations to elucidate the narrative. In the works of Guillaume de Machaut citation is linked to his ambiguous self-presentation and authorial presence, and connects individual pieces in his complete works’ manuscripts. The Ivrea and Chantilly motets, while not linked by the same strength of context, demonstrate continuing use of thirteenth-century tradition. In this case, studying compilation choices may help us to understand how scribes interpreted citational material. Finally, I argue that understanding the internal use of symmetry in MS J.II.9 and its motets, and the reuse of material between the motets and the chansons of that repertory, vindicates the view that the music and poetry was composed by a single author well versed in mainstream tradition. I have been able to propose some previously unnoted allusions in the major works, and draw out the benefits of a holistic approach to understanding these motet and manuscripts. All this points to motets both continuing the writing traditions of the thirteenth century throughout the fourteenth and early fifteenth centuries, but also shows individual writers and compilers choosing to cite in a creative and innovative manner.

La citation dans la peinture latino-américaine contemporaine : de la peinture coloniale au Pop Art péruvien / Derivative and spin off works in Latin American contemporary paintings : from colonial art to Peruvian Pop Art / La cita en la pintura contemporánea latinoamericana : de la pintura colonial al Pop Arte peruano

Santa Cruz Bustamante, César-Octavio 09 July 2013 (has links)
Depuis toujours, les œuvres d’art ont joué un rôle fondamental dans la formation des artistes, servant de modèles iconiques pour l’apprentissage et la création de nouvelles œuvres. Au cours du XXème siècle, la diffusion considérable d’œuvres d’art en rapport au progrès dans l’imprimerie et à l’essor des médias a fortement contribué au développement des pratiques liées à la citation en peinture. Chez Picasso, la citation consiste dans l’appropriation et la réinterprétation de chefs-d’œuvre qu’il retranscrit dans son style. Ainsi, en 1957, il peint quarante-quatre variations à partir des Ménines (1656) de Velazquez. Au début des années soixante, les artistes pop ont recours à la sérigraphie pour imprimer sur toile les reproductions photographiques de chefs d’œuvres. Leurs productions relèvent d’une esthétique particulière comme résultat de l’utilisation de ce procédé qu’ils chercheront à développer par la suite. Ainsi, dans les versions de la Cathédrale de Rouen (1892-1894) de Monet peintes par Lichtenstein en 1969, l’image est reconstituée par une trame de points, équivalent graphique des points d’encrage de la photographie de presse. Dans les années soixante-dix, le collectif espagnol Equipo Crónica s’empare des grands classiques de la peinture espagnole et européenne et les retranscrit par une juxtaposition d’aplats de couleurs. Influencés par ces démarches, certains artistes latino-américains ont forgé leur propre style. L’œuvre du péruvien Herman Braun-Vega, par exemple, jette des ponts entre la peinture des grands maîtres tels que Velazquez, Goya ou Picasso, et l’imaginaire visuel péruvien. A l’instar de Picasso, Fernando Botero s’approprie des œuvres des maîtres en les soumettant à son style. Dès la fin des années soixante, les arts plastiques péruviens reprennent les caractéristiques plastiques du Pop’Art international pour mettre en scène divers aspect de la culture péruvienne. Ainsi Marcel Velaochaga met en relation l’esthétique Pop avec une réflexion critique sur l’histoire du Pérou et ses propres icônes visuelles. / Existing works of art have always played an important role in the education of artists, as they serve as visual learning models as well as inspiration for new works. During the 20th century, the increased distribution of works of art directly related to the progress of the printing press and to the development of medias have contributed heavily to the development of practices related to the use of existing artistic elements in painting. With Picasso, this use of existing elements consisted in the appropriation and reinterpretation of masterpieces, which he then transcribed in his own style. As such, in 1957, he paints forty four variants based on Velazquez’s “Las Meninas” (1656). In the early sixties, pop artists used serigraphy to print photographic reproductions of art masterpieces. These reproductions used a certain esthetic quality, a direct result of such method, which would continue to be developed afterwards. Thus, when Lichtenstein made his versions of “The Rouen Cathedral” (1892 – 1894) originally by Monet in 1969, the image was composed by a series of dots, the graphical equivalent of the printing process of a photograph when printed in the press. During the seventies, the artistic collective Equipo Cronica used the great Spanish and European art classics in the creation of works that used plain colors and shapes in their recreation.Inspired by these works, several latin american artists have created their own styles. The works of Peruvian Herman Braun-Vega, for example, mixes the works of great masters such as Velazquez, Goya or Picasso and Peruvian visual imagery. Like Picasso, Fernando Botero uses the works of masters and remakes them using his own personal style. At the end of the sixties, the Peruvian fine arts take on elements present in International Pop’Art in order to portray different aspects of Peruvian culture. Thus, Marcel Velaochaga combines the pop aesthetics with a critical thinking of Peruvian history and its own visual icons. / Desde tiempos inmemorables, las obras de arte han ocupado un rol fundamental en laformación artística ya que han servido de modelos iconográficos para el aprendizaje y para lacreación de nuevas obras.En el transcurso del siglo XX, la gran difusión de obras de arte como producto de los avancesen la imprenta y de la evolución de los medios de comunicación han contribuido fuertementeal desarrollo de las prácticas pictóricas a la cita. En el caso de Picasso, la cita consiste enreinterpretar y apropiarse de obras maestras las cuales reproduce en su propio estilo. De estaforma, en 1957, pinta cuarenta-y-cuatro variaciones sobre Las Meninas (1657) de Velázquez.Al comienzo de los sesenta, los artistas pop recurrieron a la serigrafía para imprimirreproducciones fotográficas de obras maestras sobre lienzo. Sus trabajos reflejan una estéticaparticular que es el resultado del uso de esta técnica y que buscaran desarrollarposteriormente. De esta manera, en las versiones de las Catedrales de Rouen (1892-1894) deMonet pintadas por Lichtenstein en 1969, la imagen está reconstituida por una trama depuntos, equivalente grafico de los puntos de la fotografía editorial. En los años setenta, elcolectivo español Equipo Crónica retomó los grandes clásicos de la pintura española yeuropea y los reinterpretó por medio de una yuxtaposición de tintas planas.Influenciados por estos procedimientos, algunos artistas latino-americanos forjaron supropio estilo. Por ejemplo, la obra del peruano Herman Braun-Vega establece conexionesentre la pintura de los grandes maestros tales como Velázquez, Goya o Picasso, y elimaginario visual peruano. Al igual que Picasso, Botero se apropió de las obras maestrasaplicándoles su estilo. Desde fines de los sesenta, las artes plásticas peruanas retomaron lascaracterísticas del Pop arte internacional para ilustrar diversos aspectos de la cultura peruana.De esta forma, el pintor Marcel Velaochaga pone en relación la estética pop con una reflexióncrítica sobre la historia del Perú y sus propios íconos visuales.

Das teorias linguísticas às atividades didáticas: aulas online de língua portuguesa em instituição de ensino superior / From the theories of language to learning activities: online classes in Brazilian Portuguese Language in higher education institution

Corrêa, Silvia Fernanda 05 December 2011 (has links)
Nesta dissertação, o objetivo é analisar a circulação de uma aula online de Língua Portuguesa em Instituição de Ensino Superior (IES), confrontando as teorias linguísticas abordadas com as atividades didáticas. O objeto de estudo selecionado consiste na primeira das seis unidades da disciplina Língua Portuguesa online para Graduação, oferecida no sistema de semipresencialidade em IES da rede particular de ensino de São Paulo. Orientam o trabalho as seguintes questões de pesquisa: Que teorias linguísticas são abordadas? Como as teorias linguísticas são trabalhadas? Que diálogos se estabelecem entre o discurso das teorias linguísticas e o discurso das propostas didáticas? A partir da Análise dialógica do discurso sob a perspectiva de Bakhtin e do Círculo, os conceitos de linguagem, enunciado concreto, gêneros do discurso, discurso citado, citação, paráfrase e plágio embasam teoricamente o estudo. Nosso pressuposto inicial era que a circulação das aulas de Língua Portuguesa pela Internet promovesse, em relação às aulas presenciais, maior acesso a informações disponíveis em formatos como hipertexto, áudio, vídeo, animações etc. e maior interação dos alunos com o professor tutor e com os materiais didáticos oferecidos. Para compreendermos a esfera acadêmica online, recuperamos de maneira sintética a história da EaD, passando por Alemanha, Austrália, Estados Unidos, França, Grã-Bretanha e Inglaterra até chegar ao Brasil. Levantamos números que retratam o cenário brasileiro no uso de EaD no Ensino Superior, e os documentos promulgados pelo Ministério da Educação e Cultura (MEC) para a EaD no campo acadêmico. Por fim, fizemos um levantamento bibliográfico em torno da produção de material didático para essa modalidade. A análise do material, em especial do texto-base da primeira unidade Níveis de Linguagem revelou que a aula online de Língua Portuguesa não fez uso das potencialidades da mídia online (diferentes formatos, maior interação, maior autonomia do usuário), nem explorou o caráter colaborativo da Internet. A infantilização de alguns materiais, baseados em estereótipos, o texto engessado nas citações e paráfrases plageadas e as propostas de atividade que não incentivaram a interação, fizeram com que não sobressaíssem as vozes do professor e do aluno. / In this dissertation, the goal is to analyze the circulation of an online class of Brazilian Portuguese Language in a Higher Education Institution (HEI), comparing the linguistic theories dealt with the teaching activities. The object of the selected study is the first of six units of the Brazilian Portuguese language online course for undergraduate course, offered in a semi-attending system in private higher education university of São Paulo. The work is guided by the following research questions: What linguistic theories are addressed? How the linguistic theories are worked? What dialogue is established between the linguistic theories discourse and the education proposals discourse? From the dialogical analysis of the speech under Bakhtin and The Circles perspective, the language concepts, concrete utterance, speech genres, quoted speech, quote, paraphrase and plagiarism are the theoretical base to the study. Our initial assumption was that the Brazilian Portuguese Language online classes circulation elevate, compared to the attending classes, greater access to available information in formats such as hypertext, audio, video, animations etc. and greater interaction of the students with the tutor and with the instructional materials offered. To understand the online academic sphere, we recover, in a summary way, the history of distant education, through Germany, Australia, United States, France, Great Britain and England until to Brazil. Researched numbers depict the Brazilian scene in the use of distance learning in higher education and released documents from Ministry of Education and Culture (MEC) for distance education in academic field. Finally, we review the literature on the production of teaching material for this modality. The material analysis, in particular the first unitys base-text Levels of Language revealed that this Brazilian Portuguese online class does not use the potential of online media (different formats, greater interaction, greater user autonomy), nor explores the Internet collaborative nature. The infantilization of some materials, based on stereotypes, the plastered text on quotes and the plagiarized paraphrase and the proposed activities that does not encourage interaction, does not stand out the voices of professor and student.

La représentation de Lucilius chez Cicéron et Varron : influence des contextes et des pratiques de la citation sur la construction d'une figure littéraire / Lucilius through Varro’s and Cicero’s perspective : the role of quotation context and practices in the establishment of a literary figure

Gaucher, Sarah 03 December 2018 (has links)
Face à l’œuvre fragmentaire de Lucilius, la recherche s’appuie souvent sur le témoignage d’Horace pour caractériser le primus inuentor. En étudiant les citations de Lucilius chez Varron et Cicéron, nous avons un double objectif : déterminer dans quelle mesure la représentation qu’Horace donne de Lucilius est tributaire de la première réception de son œuvre ; plus largement, étudier l’impact du processus de citation sur la construction d’une figure littéraire, la sélection de certains passages, la réorientation de leur sens et l’insistance sur un aspect de l’œuvre. L’étude du contexte des citations de Lucilius chez Cicéron permet de conclure que le satiriste est avant tout pour l’Arpinate le chantre de la libertas uerborum. Une telle caractérisation se retrouvera chez Horace et plusieurs chercheurs l’associent au contexte de la fin de République. Notre thèse montre cependant qu’Horace, lorsqu’il évoque le franc-parler de son prédécesseur, est en grande partie tributaire d’une construction déjà engagée à l’époque républicaine. Les citations de Cicéron font aussi de Lucilius un poeta doctus et urbanus. Reprenant les conclusions des différents travaux sur l’urbanitas, notre travail éclaire la manière dont cette représentation parvient à s’accorder chez Cicéron avec celle d’un Lucilius liber. Il s’interroge également sur les raisons pour lesquelles la doctrina de Lucilius, mise en lumière par les citations de Cicéron, n’a pas été retenue par l’immédiate postérité. Partant enfin de l’association faite par Horace entre le genre satirique et le sermo, notre étude s’intéresse aux liens établis à l’époque républicaine entre la figure de Lucilius et différents types de sermo (cotidianus, comicus, Platonis et Bioneus). Horace n’est pas directement tributaire de Cicéron et Varron, mais leurs citations, en créant un réseau d’associations, ont favorisé une telle représentation du genre. / Given the fragmentary nature of Lucilius’ works, scholars often rely on Horace’s testimony to describe the primus inuentor. In studying Lucilius’ quotes in Varro’s and Cicero’s writings, we hope to achieve a twofold objective. First, we aim to determine to what extent Lucilius’ depiction by Horace owes to the reception of the former’s œuvre. Then, more broadly, we will analyse the influence of the quotation process on the establishment of a literary figure, the selection of some passages, the change in meaning and the emphasis on a specific features of Lucilius’ work. Quotes of Lucilius by Cicero show that the satirist was in the Arpinate’s opinion above all a figurehead of libertas uerborum. Horace gives a similar portrayal of Lucilius, which academics associate with the context of the end of the Republic. Nevertheless, our thesis argues that, when stressing Lucilius’ outspokenness, Horace adopts a process dating back to the Republican era. Moreover, Cicero makes of Lucilius a poeta doctus et perurbanus. Drawing upon works on the urbanitas, our thesis gives an insight into the way that picture attunes with that of Lucilius liber in Cicero’s works. We also address the issue of omission: why is Lucilius’ doctrina, put into limelight by Cicero, overlooked by immediate posterity? Building on the bond between satirical genre and sermo according to Horace, our thesis dwells eventually on the relationship between Lucilius’ figure during the Republican age and several variations of sermo (cotidianus, comicus, Platonis and Bioneus). Horace is not dependent on Cicero and Varro per say but their quotations act as a system of cross-references, enabling in the end such a view on the genre.

From health research to clinical practice : understanding pathways that use journal articles and informing impact assessment

Jones, Teresa Helen January 2017 (has links)
For biomedical research to improve clinical practice, and for funding levels to be sustained, it is increasingly important to understand the pathways from research to clinical practice and to assess the societal impact of research. Approaches to research evaluation through traditional study of journals, journal articles and standard citation analysis, have played comparatively small roles in these developments. In this thesis I critically review how I applied existing methods, and developed a new approach, to study two pathways from research to clinical practice. For Pathway 1, questionnaire surveys of clinicians' views on journals read to inform their clinical practice, and comparisons with impact factors, revealed that a few journals were read widely and considered important by clinicians. Relationships between journal importance and impact factor were complex. For Pathway 2, I applied a novel methodology to identify important citations to four key research papers in an attempt to trace important citations through numerous citing generations. My findings included: few cited papers were important to the citing papers; the number of citation occasions within the citing paper correlated strongly with a cited paper's importance; self-citations were also important; and it was feasible to trace through a series of generations of citations. Evidence of societal impact of the four key research papers examined in my studies included important papers in subsequent generations cited in clinical guidelines, many of which were international. In assessing the impact of my own studies, I found Pathway 1 papers had societal impact on research evaluation methodology; journal editorial policy; and medical library provision policy and practice. Societal impacts of the new methodology, Pathway 2, included informing further methodological development and research evaluation. My portfolio, together with my critical review, adds understanding and provides additional data to current assessment methods of wider impacts of research, and bases for further studies.

Das teorias linguísticas às atividades didáticas: aulas online de língua portuguesa em instituição de ensino superior / From the theories of language to learning activities: online classes in Brazilian Portuguese Language in higher education institution

Silvia Fernanda Corrêa 05 December 2011 (has links)
Nesta dissertação, o objetivo é analisar a circulação de uma aula online de Língua Portuguesa em Instituição de Ensino Superior (IES), confrontando as teorias linguísticas abordadas com as atividades didáticas. O objeto de estudo selecionado consiste na primeira das seis unidades da disciplina Língua Portuguesa online para Graduação, oferecida no sistema de semipresencialidade em IES da rede particular de ensino de São Paulo. Orientam o trabalho as seguintes questões de pesquisa: Que teorias linguísticas são abordadas? Como as teorias linguísticas são trabalhadas? Que diálogos se estabelecem entre o discurso das teorias linguísticas e o discurso das propostas didáticas? A partir da Análise dialógica do discurso sob a perspectiva de Bakhtin e do Círculo, os conceitos de linguagem, enunciado concreto, gêneros do discurso, discurso citado, citação, paráfrase e plágio embasam teoricamente o estudo. Nosso pressuposto inicial era que a circulação das aulas de Língua Portuguesa pela Internet promovesse, em relação às aulas presenciais, maior acesso a informações disponíveis em formatos como hipertexto, áudio, vídeo, animações etc. e maior interação dos alunos com o professor tutor e com os materiais didáticos oferecidos. Para compreendermos a esfera acadêmica online, recuperamos de maneira sintética a história da EaD, passando por Alemanha, Austrália, Estados Unidos, França, Grã-Bretanha e Inglaterra até chegar ao Brasil. Levantamos números que retratam o cenário brasileiro no uso de EaD no Ensino Superior, e os documentos promulgados pelo Ministério da Educação e Cultura (MEC) para a EaD no campo acadêmico. Por fim, fizemos um levantamento bibliográfico em torno da produção de material didático para essa modalidade. A análise do material, em especial do texto-base da primeira unidade Níveis de Linguagem revelou que a aula online de Língua Portuguesa não fez uso das potencialidades da mídia online (diferentes formatos, maior interação, maior autonomia do usuário), nem explorou o caráter colaborativo da Internet. A infantilização de alguns materiais, baseados em estereótipos, o texto engessado nas citações e paráfrases plageadas e as propostas de atividade que não incentivaram a interação, fizeram com que não sobressaíssem as vozes do professor e do aluno. / In this dissertation, the goal is to analyze the circulation of an online class of Brazilian Portuguese Language in a Higher Education Institution (HEI), comparing the linguistic theories dealt with the teaching activities. The object of the selected study is the first of six units of the Brazilian Portuguese language online course for undergraduate course, offered in a semi-attending system in private higher education university of São Paulo. The work is guided by the following research questions: What linguistic theories are addressed? How the linguistic theories are worked? What dialogue is established between the linguistic theories discourse and the education proposals discourse? From the dialogical analysis of the speech under Bakhtin and The Circles perspective, the language concepts, concrete utterance, speech genres, quoted speech, quote, paraphrase and plagiarism are the theoretical base to the study. Our initial assumption was that the Brazilian Portuguese Language online classes circulation elevate, compared to the attending classes, greater access to available information in formats such as hypertext, audio, video, animations etc. and greater interaction of the students with the tutor and with the instructional materials offered. To understand the online academic sphere, we recover, in a summary way, the history of distant education, through Germany, Australia, United States, France, Great Britain and England until to Brazil. Researched numbers depict the Brazilian scene in the use of distance learning in higher education and released documents from Ministry of Education and Culture (MEC) for distance education in academic field. Finally, we review the literature on the production of teaching material for this modality. The material analysis, in particular the first unitys base-text Levels of Language revealed that this Brazilian Portuguese online class does not use the potential of online media (different formats, greater interaction, greater user autonomy), nor explores the Internet collaborative nature. The infantilization of some materials, based on stereotypes, the plastered text on quotes and the plagiarized paraphrase and the proposed activities that does not encourage interaction, does not stand out the voices of professor and student.

Análise de citações de teses como apoio a tomada de decisão no desenvolvimento de coleções de bibliotecas universitárias

Mattos, Ana Maria January 2008 (has links)
O objetivo desta pesquisa é analisar as citações utilizadas na elaboração das teses defendidas de 1999 até 2007 no Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração da Escola de Administração da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, e, a partir das análises, obter indicadores de apoio à tomada de decisão no desenvolvimento de coleções da biblioteca. Para tal, analisam-se a tipologia dos materiais bibliográficos utilizados, a idade da literatura, os títulos de periódicos citados e a preferência do idioma dos materiais consultados. As informações obtidas permitirão otimizar a alocação de recursos para investimento em material informacional, traçar diretrizes para o armazenamento retrospectivo da coleção, determinar a composição da coleção-núcleo de periódicos, avaliar em quais idiomas devem ser selecionados os materiais bibliográficos em futuras aquisições, bem como preparar possíveis cortes na coleção devido a eventuais reduções no orçamento da biblioteca. / The aim of this research is analyze dissertations citations patterns uphold between 1999 and 2007 in the Programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração of Escola de Administração at Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, and built up indicators to support library`s collection development decision-making. In doing so, we analyzed the kind of bibliographic materials used, his age, the main journals, and the references language. The result allows optimize resources` allocation and investment in informational material, establish retrospective collection storage guidelines, determining the core collection journals composition, indicate what language bibliographical materials should be selected in future acquisitions, and prepare for collection cuts due to possible library budget reductions.

A Framework for Evaluating Recommender Systems

Bean, Michael Gabriel 01 December 2016 (has links)
Prior research on text collections of religious documents has demonstrated that viable recommender systems in the area are lacking, if not non-existent, for some datasets. For example, both www.LDS.org and scriptures.byu.edu are websites designed for religious use. Although they provide users with the ability to search for documents based on keywords, they do not provide the ability to discover documents based on similarity. Consequently, these systems would greatly benefit from a recommender system. This work provides a framework for evaluating recommender systems and is flexible enough for use with either website. Such a framework would identify the best recommender system that provides users another way to explore and discover documents related to their current interests, given a starting document. The framework created for this thesis, RelRec, is attractive because it compares two different recommender systems. Documents are considered relevant if they are among the nearest neighbors, where "nearest" is defined by a particular system's similarity formula. We use RelRec to compare output of two particular recommender systems on our selected data collection. RelRec shows that LDA recommeder outperforms the TF-IDF recommender in terms of coverage, making it preferable for LDS-based document collections.

Normalização e indicadores de impacto: implicações entre os periódicos brasileiros indexados na SciELO e WoS / Normalization and impact indicators: implications among Brazilian journals indexed in SciELO and WoS

Paula, Angelica de Souza Alves de 13 December 2018 (has links)
Além de ser um filtro para selecionar e legitimar o caráter científico do que é publicado, a citação é um meio de distribuir créditos e reconhecimento. Com o surgimento dos índices de citação, novas possibilidades se abriram para avaliação de produção científica por meio de indicadores. Dentre eles, o Fator de Impacto é o mais utilizado para aferir o impacto de um periódico, sendo calculado em termos do número de citações que tal periódico alcança, tomando como fonte de informação as referências de todos os periódicos catalogados numa base de dados. Neste contexto, a normalização também é primordial, por garantir a transferência da informação científica em padrão específico, sendo assim responsável direta da qualidade dos estudos bibliométricos, e consequentemente, na avaliação da produção científica. O objetivo geral do trabalho foi contribuir com a discussão sobre a importância da normalização no uso de indicadores para avaliação de periódicos científicos. Os objetivos específicos foram: a) analisar a distribuição das referências bibliográficas de periódicos ao longo do tempo, no que diz respeito ao nível de normalização das referências e seu impacto na análise de citações, considerando ainda a obsolescência e tipologia documental; b) realizar análise comparativa entre áreas. Através da análise das citações feitas, no período de 2011 a 2015, pelos periódicos brasileiros indexados na SciELO e WoS, foi possível verificar a o aumento de citações a periódicos ante outros tipos documentais, constatar o cumprimento das recomendações quanto ao uso de referências atualizadas e utilização cada vez menor de autocitação. No entanto, ainda que indexados em bases criteriosas e rigorosas e possuírem bibliotecários em suas equipes, a taxa de erros de normalização ainda é pronunciada. / In addition to being a filter to select and legitimize the scientific character of what is published, citation is a means of distributing credits and recognition. With the appearance of citation indexes, new possibilities were opened for the evaluation of scientific production through indicators. Among them, the Impact Factor is the most used to gauge the impact of a periodical, being calculated in terms of the number of citations that periodic reaches, taking as reference information the references of all the periodicals cataloged in a database. In this context, standardization is also paramount, since it guarantees the transfer of scientific information in a specific pattern, being therefore directly responsible for the quality of bibliometric studies, and consequently, for the evaluation of scientific production. The general objective of the study was to contribute to the discussion about the importance of standardization in the use of indicators for the evaluation of scientific journals. The specific objectives were: a) to analyze the distribution of bibliographical references of periodicals over time, regarding the level of normalization of references and their impact in the analysis of citations, considering also the obsolescence and typology of documents; b) perform a comparative analysis between areas. Through the analysis of the citations made in the period from 2011 to 2015 by the Brazilian journals indexed in SciELO and WoS, it was possible to verify the increase of citations to periodicals compared to other documentary types, to verify compliance with the recommendations regarding the use of updated references and use less and less self-citing. However, although indexed on a strict and rigorous basis and have librarians in their teams, the error rate of normalization is still pronounced.

民國史博士學位論文之引用文獻分析(2001-2010) / The citation analysis of doctoral dissertations on the history of Republic of China (2001-2010)

施佩宜, Shih, Pei I Unknown Date (has links)
本研究針對臺灣各大專院校中歷史學相關研究所於 2001年至2010 年所產出、研究主題以民國史為範疇之博士學位論文進行引用文獻分析,以觀察其書目資料特性以及引用文獻特性。具體研究項目包括:樣本論文數量、研究主題,被引用文獻之數量、形式類型、內容類型、核心期刊、老化情形、語文、出版地、典藏單位等。 重要研究結果簡述如下: 一、書目資料特性部分:所產出之民國史博士論文數量最多者為國立政治大學;兩位以上教授共同指導的論文占樣本數的17%;民國史博士論文的主題以社會、政治以及文化為多數,其中社會史子題以社會運動與婦女為數最多。 二、引用文獻特性部分:平均單篇論文的引用文獻為317筆;被引用文獻的形式類型以圖書(62.56%)所占比率最多,其次為連續性刊物(18.62%)和未出版資料(9.50%);被引用之圖書文獻內容類型以一般專論(54.67%)最多,其次為史料與檔案彙編(9.54%)、傳記資料(6.79%);民國史研究因研究主題差異造成某一研究大量引用特定刊物,而難以觀察核心期刊;民國史研究圖書的被引用半衰期為20.4年、連續性刊物為25.02年、報紙為64.3年;被引用文獻之語文以中文(88.76%)為主,其次為英文(7.41%)、日文(3.71%);被引用圖書文獻的出版地以臺灣與中國大陸為主,共占圖書類文獻的85.01%;被引用之未出版資料的典藏單位以國史館最多,其次為中央研究院近代史研究所檔案館、中國國民黨文化傳播委員會黨史館、國史館臺灣文獻館。 根據上述研究成果,本研究之研究建議以及後續研究建議如下:研擬史學領域學術論著引用文獻著錄標準;鼓勵檔案典藏單位以多元管道開放史料;加強圖書館與檔案館之館際合作與資源整合。擴展史學領域之引用文獻分析範圍;以質性研究方法研究史學研究者之引用文獻行為。 / This study aims to analyze the citing phenomenon of the doctoral dissertations written in 2001-2010 on the topic of history of Republic of China. Specific research questions include: the number and research subjects of dissertations; the number, form types, content types, core journals, half-life, languages, publication locations, repositories of cited literature. The findings are as follows. The most productive institute for the research of the R.O.C. history was National Chengchi University. Dissertations guided by two or more advisors account for 17%. The majority of research subjects of dissertations were social, political and cultural. Furthermore, the majority of sub-subjects of social research dissertations were social movements and women. The average citations of single dissertation were 317. The most cited form type of citations was Books (62.56%), followed by continuous publications (18.62%), and unpublished papers or manuscripts (9.50%). The most cited content type of cited books was monograph (54.67%), followed by compilation of historical materials and records (9.54%), and biographical materials (6.79%). The core journals about the R.O.C. history research were difficult to observe, because of the diversity of research topics and that single journal may largely cited by single dissertation. The half-life of cited books was 20.4 years, cited continuous publications was 25.02 year, and cited newspapers was 64.3 years. The main language of cited literature was Chinese (88.76%), followed by English (7.41%), and Japanese (3.71%). The main publication locations of cited Books were Taiwan and Mainland China, together accounting for 85.01%. The main repository of cited unpublished manuscripts and records were Academia Historica, followed by Archives, Institute of Modern History, Academia Sinica, Kuomintang Party Records Archives, and Taiwan Historica. The suggestions of this study are as follows. Developing standard academic citation format in the field of history. Encouraging archives repositories to open manuscripts and records in multi-ways. Enhancing cooperation and resources integration of libraries and archives. Expanding the scope of citation analysis in the field of history. Investigating the behavior of historical researchers by qualitative research methods.

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